Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies FULL Walkthrough - Guide for Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies
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Game- Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies Genre- Arcade Flying System- Playstation 2 Publisher- Namco Developer- Namco Author- JMC22388 Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies Full Walkthrough Welcome again to my 3rd Walkthrough, this time for Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies. Ace Combat 4 is often mistaken for a flight-sim game. Let me tell you that Ace Combat 4 is NOT A FLIGHT SIM game. If you are looking for real-time pilot simulation game play, look somewhere else. However if you are looking for a fun, arcade-type video game, this is it. Usually I do my own little thing with my walkthrough, like my trademark arrows to separate sections (>>>>>). This time I decided to join up with the rest of the walkthrough world and make it into sections for easier use. And Ive also added Table of Contents this time for reference >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Contents of this Walkthrough: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Basic Controls 2. Flying Controls 3. Mission Walkthroughs (All missions with in-depth walkthroughs) 4. Other Game Modes 5. Plane/Weapon Details 6. General Hints 7. Flying Tips 8. Thanks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Basic Controls The following list of controls are their function when you are NOT flying. These controls are found in the Ace Combat 4 Booklet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Button Pressed: Action: START Button Starts Levels and skips cut-scenes and interludes Left Analog Stick/ Select Options D-Pad Buttons X Button Confirm/ Proceed to next menu Triangle Button Cancel/ Return to previous menu >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. Flying Controls The following list of controls are their function when you ARE flying. These controls are found in the Ace Combat 4 Booklet >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Button Pressed: Action: START Button Pauses the game and skips Takeoff/Landing SELECT Button Switch from missile to special weapon Circle Button Fire missile/special weapon Hold down to watch missile hit/miss your target X Button Fire your machine gun (Your basic Weapon) Triangle Button Changes target/Watches target (Hold down) When in HUD view, hold down to zoom in Square Button Displays map of level. The harder you press square the more area of the map you see R1 Speeds up your plane Hold it to rapidly speed up L1 Slows down your plane Hold it to rapidly slow down L2 Gently glide left (Yaw) R2 Gently glide right (Yaw) Left Analog Stick Press UP to go down Press DOWN to go up Press LEFT to roll left Press RIGHT to roll right Right Analogue Stick Press in any direction to adjust your line of sight R3 Press to see behind the plane (Cannot be used in pilot view) D-Pad Press UP to activate Autopilot (Hold) Press DOWN to switch between Plane, HUD, and Pilot views >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3. Mission Walkthroughs (All missions with in-depth walkthroughs) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First off, I suggest playing the game on very easy first, then hopping right up to normal. All of the enemies, strategies, times, and minimum scores are based on playing the game on Normal since that is the average level. One more thing- you might want to skip this whole section and go to Section 7 (Flying Tips) to get the jest of things. You also might want to try Tutorial Mode to understand flying in this game. The story of Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies is found below: Story: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It began around the year 2000 when the giant meteors began falling to the planet (This is not Earth, its a fantasy planet). The large continent known as Erusea was hit the hardest with the meteors. Cities and Towns were being destroyed, the worst attack being Farbanti, the capital of Erusia. Finally Erusian (People on Erusia) Scientists developed a gigantic super-weapon to destroy the asteroids. This super-structure was known as Stonehenge. Stonehenge was capable of firing large blasts at targets as far as 600 miles away. It was built in the center of Erusea to cover most of its landmass. Because it could not cover the land near Farbanti (Which was on the west coast) the scientists went to work on a new Stonehenge off of the west coast on some old islands. They called the new super- weapon Megalith, but they couldnt build it in time to stop a large meteor shower from destroying half of Farbanti. After this shower, the asteroids stopped, so did the development of Megalith, as it just became an abandoned facility, since the current Stonehenge managed to stop the asteroids from destroying the planet. After realizing its potential as an anti-aircraft weapon, Erusian officers used Stonehenge to shoot down enemy planes, and become the dominant force over the mainland. For 4 years the Erusians ruled the skies, and at the same time became corrupt, and bent on domination with Stonehenge A small group of Independent State Allied Forces, known as ISAF, resisted the Erusian forces. They attempted to destroy Stonehenge through air strikes, but failed. The war started out with both sides having equal halves of Erusea, but they were pushed further east by Stonehenges power. The remaining ISAF army regrouped at North Point, an island off of the east coast, far from Stonehenge and out of its reach. Thats where you come in. You are Mobius 1, a rookie pilot recently added to the force. The year is 2004, and the Erusians have discovered through their spy planes that ISAF has regrouped. In response they launched six bear bomber planes towards Allenfort Air Base, which is the most important ISAF air base for the time being. It is expected that they will destroy Allenfort and move on to targets at North Point. Now that the bombers have set out for Allenfort, you have 15 minutes to prep up and stop them >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 01: Sitting Duck Mission Description: Erusian spy planes have discovered Allenfort Air Base and have launched a bombing raid to destroy it. You have 15 minutes to destroy them or Allenfort Air Base is lost Mission Objective- Destroy All Indicated Targets (6 Bear Bombers) Mission Time: 10:00 Plane Recommended- You can only use the F-4E Weapon Recommended- You only have the UGBM Secret Plane- Located far north at the top of the map, straight ahead of the bombers Air- 10 Ground- 0 Naval- 0 Targets- 6 Total- 16 Speed up at the start of the mission. Your commander, SkyEye, will greet you. (Its his birthday today) As you speed up, press square hard. You should see a map of the level in the lower-left hand corner of your screen. The white triangle is you. The red triangles with circles around them are your primary targets. In this case, they are the six bombers. The yellow dots are your basic enemy planes, and the blue dots behind you are your allies. Let go of square and your basic radar will be in the lower left hand corner. Keep going in a straight direction and soon you will see the first plane on your radar, and shortly after it will appear in your sights. Wait until the plane is surrounded by a red circle before you fire. The red circle is your lock-on ability. When locked on, a missile will try its best to hit that target. (This doesnt mean it will always hit it) The bombers cannot evade so you will definitely hit them from behind. Fire two missiles at it to destroy it. Keep going despite the planes that might be charging you. One hint to remember is that the bombers have tail guns. (They can shoot you when youre behind them) I suggest rolling as you fire your missiles so that you sustain minimum damage. (See Section 7 for details on rolling and other evasive moves) The setup is like this: 3 6 2 5 1 4 0 The Zero is you when you start. The numbers 1-6 are all of the bombers. That is the order I want you to hit them in. The 1 is your first target, then keep straight and hit the 2nd target, then keep straight and hit your 3rd target. After #3 make a U-turn and go back. Make sure you make a late U-turn again so that you appear BEHIND #4. Repeat the first steps and destroy the last 3 bombers. If you want to destroy the basic planes to get the S rank you should destroy them after you blow up planes 1, 2, and 3. If you follow these tactics, all of the bombers will be destroyed and the mission will end >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 02: Imminent Threat Mission Description: After the Allenfort Bombing Raid failed, Erusians have sent many planes to Rigley Air Base, an abandoned ISAF facility. From there they plan to launch more bear bombers to Allenfort and other ISAF targets. They figure they have a much better chance of success if they launch a surprise raid from there. You must stop the bombers BEFORE they get off the ground by launching a bomb raid of your own Mission Objective- Destroy All Indicated Targets (11 ground targets) Mission Time: 15:00 Plane Recommended- F-4E Weapon Recommended- NPB (It wipes out anything in its area, a great bomb) Secret Plane- Its located north, but it usually comes onto the battlefield (This is the Easiest Secret Plane to find) Air- 7 Ground- 24 Naval- 0 Targets- 11 Total- 42 At the start of the mission, speed up and slowly descend to a low altitude, just above the ground. Eventually you will hit a target called Substation. Take this out with one missile. Stay low and use Autopilot to maintain control. Some planes will pass above you but let your allies take care of them. Yaw a little left toward the air field. Take out the AA guns here first, and then use your Napalm Bomb on the cluster of planes and hangers. Your main objective is to take out the TU-160 bomber planes, but take out everything to rack up some bonus points. Be sure to take out the planes on the run way with TWO missiles before they take off so that you dont have to fight them in the air. Make sure you leave at least one TU-160 while you take everything out or the mission will end. The secret plane should be coming into the battlefield; its going to be an A-10A. Just remember you cant get secret planes your first way through the game so dont bother right now. Anyway take out all of the targets to receive the S rank and get some much-needed cash. Once all of the TU-160s are destroyed, the mission ends >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 03: The Northern Eye Mission Description: After the success at Rigley, the ISAF must move its headquarters further north to avoid another attack by the Erusians. ISAF plans to transport their headquarters north, but the only way is through the cold, northern mountain chain, particularly the snow-capped Mt. Shezna. Erusea knew that ISAF might make a move like this, so they set up 2 radar bases on opposite ends of Mt. Shezna. You must launch a surprise attack on the radar bases before they have time to give away your position Mission Objective- Destroy All Indicated Targets (9 Radar Stations and Control Rooms) Mission Time: 15:00 Plane Recommended- F-4E Weapon Recommended- NPB Secret Plane- Its located south of the second radar base (Another easy plane) Air- 6 Ground- 15 Naval- 0 Targets- 9 Total- 30 At the start of the mission, speed up and yaw slightly to the left. Two Erusian military planes on patrol duty have spotted you and are coming at you with full force. Charge at one of the two planes head on and fire two missiles before you speed past. Leave the other plane to your allies. You should be approaching the first radar base. The radar stations are those big domes that look like Epcot from Disney World. In case you dont know what Epcot is, the radar stations look like huge golf balls. Take them all out with your Napalm Bomb and your missiles for the rest. After everything in the area is destroyed, go west over Krasinsky Crater. (Youll see various craters on your missions; they are the craters from the meteor shower 4 years ago, and probably the cause of this war. Some craters will be pointed out to you because they have names, but other you have to find. Its nothing special, but Im pretty sure that there is one in every level) On the other side of the crater should be the West radar base of Mt. Shezna. Your allies have probably caught up with you by now, so just forget the planes, hit the targets, and get out of there. Once all of the radar bases and other red targets are destroyed, the mission ends. For some odd reason, this is the only mission in the game where you actually have to return to base and land the plane. So switch to HUD view (This view were you can zoom) and aim your compass so that the S (For South) is in the middle. Speed up to max and make sure your ABOVE the mountains (Its easier than you think to smack yourself into the side of one of those). Make sure to hold down the Autopilot button. Eventually a white dotted line will appear across your radar screen. When you pass that line you will return to base. During a mission, if you run out of missiles, bombs, machine gun bullets, or get injured really bad, you can return to base to restock items, fix damage, or change your weapon. On the later missions you will have to return to base at least once every time. Anyway all you have to do now is land the plane (If you crash you dont have to start the mission over) or press START to skip this part. Either way the mission will end here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 04: Blockade Mission Description: Since ISAF has become a nuisance to the goals of Erusea, special officers have decided to take out ISAFs headquarters. Since their bombing raids have failed twice, strategists have decided that the best course of action is to sail around Erusia and launch a naval attack right under the radar. Erusea also has the worlds strongest Navy, known as the Aegir Fleet. The Aegir Fleet, with its many carriers, battleships, and state-of-the-art planes, is a formidable force to ISAF. The suppliers at Farbanti have sent many supplies to the Aegir Fleets ports at Comberth Harbor, and its rumored that this next shipment is the biggest yet, since they have THREE cargo planes carrying goods. In order to even hope to stop the Aegir Fleet, those goods CANNOT reach the harbor. If the goods reach the harbor and the Aegir Fleet completes preparations and sets sail, this will bring about our defeat in this war. We must show them that we are a formidable force as well. Your mission is to shoot down the 3 cargo planes known as C-16s. Watch out for the 2 E-767 planes, they emit jamming signals that disrupt your radar like a cloaking device Mission Objective- Destroy All Indicated Targets (3 Cargo Planes) Mission Time: 12:00 Plane Recommended- F-16C Weapon Recommended- XAGM Secret Plane- Its located northwest of the cluster of planes Air- 11 Ground- 0 Naval- 0 Targets- 3 Total- 14 The mission will start with your allies swinging in front of you. Fly past them first and yaw a little right. Check your Square-button radar and look for the two jamming signals. You should fly towards the center of each jamming signal and look for a target called E-767. Destroying these two E-767s will get rid of the jamming on your radar. After you do this take out the three C-17s to win the level or take out the MIR-2000s for extra bonus points. Either way after you destroy the three C-17s this really short level will end >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 05: Lifeline Mission Description: After the destruction of the cargo planes, ISAF has planned to launch an attack on the oil rigs and shoreline off of the eastern coast. These oil rigs and facilities provide most of the oil and raw material for the Aegir Fleet. Your mission is to go out and destroy as much of the facilities s you can to reduce the output to 20% or less. However you must beware that the Erusian officers are aware of this pursuit, and might possibly send out more skilled pilots to take care of you. Should this happen, your orders are to abort the mission and immediately head to base. We cannot afford unnecessary casualties when were this close to destroying the Aegir Fleet Mission Objective- Score at least 2000 points within the mission time Mission Time: 10:00 Plane Recommended- F-16C Weapon Recommended- UGBS Secret Plane- Its located south of the secret pump station. The station is southwest of the shoreline Air- 10 Ground- 88 Naval- 2 Targets- 0 Total- 100 As soon as the mission starts, head straight and down a little until you see an oil rig. Destroy that with one missile then turn hard left. Speed up and dont shoot at any planes. You should be head toward the shoreline now. Arm up you UGBS and drop it in the center of the 9 fuel tanks. Take out any that are remaining, then take out the pump station, the oil towers, the shoreline fuel tanks, and the gas tanks more inland. Use the UGBS on clusters of targets to conserve ammo. Use you machine gun on the fuel tanks as well because they are so big. After you destroy everything on the shore, immediately get to a low altitude and head east towards the oil rigs. You should go northeast first and work your way down. Now you can use your missiles AND bombs. You may need to go back to base and re-supply some ammo. When you finally do blow up everything on the shore and oil platforms, you should be somewhat near the time limit. Make sure you have at least 2000 points, and then start heading south. Once you reach the time limit, the rumors will be confirmed as Yellow Squadron (Erusias 5 best pilots, the best being Yellow 13) appears with orders to destroy all ISAF personnel. Now you must high-tail it back to base. DO NOT FIGHTYELLOW SQUADRON. Its is impossible to destroy them let alone land a hit in this board. Just follow you radar south back to base to end the mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 06: Invincible Fleet Mission Description: Although we lost quite a few pilots to the Yellow Squadron fiasco, ISAF did manage to gain an upper hand to the Erusians by destroying most of their oil supplies. Now the time has come to deal a lethal blow to Erusea by wiping out their Aegir Fleet. We will launch a full fledged attack on Comberth Harbor while they lie immobilized due to lack of supplies. Erusian personnel are aware that an attack will be made, so they have activated their secret weapons, known as SAMS. SAMS are targets on the ground that fire missiles at aircraft. It will be very difficult to destroy these SAMS, but imperative nonetheless. The Erusian Air Force has already taken to the skies, and the Aegir Fleet has already begun its evacuation. Your mission is to destroy the escaping ships as well as the submarines and supply units of Comberth Harbor Mission Objective- Score at least 3000 points within the mission time Mission Time: 15:00 Plane Recommended- F-16C Weapon Recommended- XAGM Secret Plane- Its located north of the supply section. The section is at the top of the map Air- 11 Ground- 40 Naval- 36 Targets- 0 Total- 87 When the mission starts, turn a 90 degree angle right. Rise up slightly until you come into contact with some planes. Destroy the planes up here, then go straight down and take out the very dangerous SAMS on the battleships. The best method of destroying SAMS is to charge right at them at a low altitude and fire one missile before passing over them. If done correctly, the missile that the SAM fired will have to make a U-turn. (Missiles cannot make U-turns) Take out the AA Guns after the SAMS, and then focus on the remaining planes, and the newer ones joining in the fight. After this, take out the ships themselves, then go back to base and restock no matter what. After coming back into the fight, head north and take out the sub bases and submarines. There are two SAMS here, so be careful. After you defeat all of the sub bases and ships in this location, go further north to the supply section. Use your missiles and machine guns on the abandoned cargo ships and storage sheds. After this, you should have well over 3000 points, and the time should be almost depleted. Heres a map of what you should do and in what order 5 5 5555 4 4 6 4 4 6 6 4 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1- Location where you start the level 2. First section that should be destroyed (The escaping ships are here) 3. Place where you should refuel after destroying #2 4. Section with submarines and sub bases, 2nd section that should be destroyed 5. Section of Supplies, last section that should be destroyed 6. This is a section of bundled ships. I do NOT suggest going here, especially if you are a beginner, since there are about 10 ships here, and each ship has 1 SAM and 1AA gun. Youd best leave this place alone, you should have enough points already >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 07: Deep Strike Mission Description: After succeeding at a bomb raid over the oil rigs and oil supplies and damaging the Erusians oil/fuel output, weve decided to take a stab at the power supply of the Erusians. Their main power supply is located in the Faith Park region, a scenic landscape with many canyons and crevices. Your mission is to go out and destroy the power supply sites, just like the oil platforms and storage units. Focus mainly on their control room, solar tower, and radar station. Beware that Faith Park is within the reach of Stonehenge. Should they fire, get below 2000 feet and head back to base. The only sections in Faith Park below 2000 feet are the crevices, so youll need to fly in those to succeed. Mission Objective- Destroy all indicated targets (Solar Tower, Ctrl Room, Radar Station) Mission Time: 15:00 Plane Recommended- F-16C Weapon Recommended- XAGM Secret Plane- Its located north of the solar tower section. It is at the top of the map Air- 11 Ground- 51 Naval- 0 Targets- 3 Total- 65 This mission can be really short, or really long. Either way, start off by flying straight down. Get a good look at the crevice down there, it looks like a canyon. Youre going to be flying in there later on. I suggest flying north in there now so you know what it looks like. Fly north (Leave the planes to your allies) until you reach a bunch of solar panels. If you want the S rank, destroy all of these, other wise take out the 2 FLAK guns, the 1 SAM, and the radar satellite, which is your first target. Now continue north. Take out the SAM here. Now destroy the CTRL ROOM and the SOLAR TOWER. They are the final two targets. If done correctly, all enemies will disappear from radar, and MISSION UPDATE will appear on your screen. When this happens, immediately head south into the crevice. SkyEye will come on and say that Stonehenge will attack in 30 seconds. At this point you need to stay below 2000 feet. The crevice is the only place that goes down that far. Dont fly too fast; maintain a decent speed like 300-400 minimum. Be careful around the hard turns and DONT COME OUT OF THE CREVICE. Stonehenge fires an infinite amount of shots at all of your allies. The only way to stop it is to return to base. Forget about the choppers in the crevices, just focus on reaching base. When you do reach base, the level ends >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 08: Shattered Skies Mission Description: Now that the ISAF force has begun to win the war, they need to keep in close contact with the various bases around the continent. In order to do that, they plan to launch a recon satellite from the Comona Islands. In response, Erusea has sent out their largest cluster of planes ever to stop the launch. Your mission is to protect the rocket at all costs, and make sure that thing gets out of the atmosphere Mission Objective- Score at least 800 points within the mission time Mission Time: 7:00 Plane Recommended- Your best Fighter plane Weapon Recommended- Use any aerial missile, you dont need bombs for this one Secret Plane- Its located east of Comona Base, along a highway/bridge Air- 27 Ground- 0 Naval- 0 Targets- 0 Total- 27 This level has more aerial combat than any other level in the game. Its such a good level that they named the game after it. Its such a good level that it happens to be my favorite. But dont be mistaken, this level is far from easy At the start of the mission, youre already engaging some enemy fighters. My suggestion is NOT to shoot down any enemy fighters just yet. Instead, look for a target called SU-35 YELLOW. They are the ORANGE triangles on your radar, not the yellow ones. Find one but dont shoot any missiles at it, just get really close to it, within machine gun range. You see, Yellow Squadron is here to help out the fellow Erusians, and MAN they are good pilots. If you dont follow my instructions Yellow Squadron will destroy almost all of your allies, and probably you as well. So find any Yellow Squadron plane and get behind it as best you can. Match up Machine Gun aimer with the plane and FIRE! Keep firing your machine gun (X button) at the Yellow Squadron plane. Eventually a message will appear at the top saying- A Yellows hit and trailing smoke! Whose kill was that? Then a Yellow will say Who was it that shot me? If you did it right, the plane will still NOT be down. At this point, cease your fire and fight other planes. One of the Erusian commanders will come on and say Its a ribbon You see, if you press the Right Analogue stick and view the side of your plane, youll see a blue ribbon. Its on all of your planes and it is your insignia or in other words your trademark or logo. After he says that, all of the Yellow Squadron aircraft will get scared and leave the battlefield. (Thats probably the most helpful hint in the game) Now you can fire away at the remaining planes with all of your combat skills. The only problem is there is probably 5 minutes or less on the clock, and you still have 0000 points. (Shooting the Yellow doesnt count for points) Now you have to try as best as you can to shoot down 10-20 planes in 5 minutes. I suggest firing two missiles at a plane then going directly to another plane, while letting the missiles do their job. As SOON as you get 800 points, IMMEDIATELY head due west. Youll leave the battlefield but thats ok. Once you reach the edge of the screen, fly around but dont pass the red line on your radar otherwise you lose. Wait until time runs out, then you will get a Mission Update. SkyEye will say that several B-2 bombers are headed from the west. You should be close to these bombers. You see, the planes that were already here were only trying to delay and distract the fighters while the B-2s snuck past and bombed the rocket (B-2s are stealth). Since theyre stealth, theyre going to be a dim red (Almost invisible) on your radar until you get close to them. The B-2s cant evade missiles so get behind them and blow them all up quickly. After you blow them up, either restock at base if you need ammo or head back to the main fight and destroy as many planes as you can for higher ranks and more money. After the time runs out, the mission ends Hint: I do not suggest this if youre a first time player, but once you are experienced enough, go back to this level and try this- When you first enter Shattered Skies youll automatically lock-on to a target thats not on your screen. If you look on your radar youll see a fast-moving plane running away. Follow the arrow in that direction. Eventually this fast plane will make a U-turn to leave the battlefield, but it needs to slow down to normal speed to do so. At this point you can destroy it. It gives you major points, which helps in this level. The name of the plane is the SR-71 BLACKBIRD, and in real life it is the fastest plane in the world >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 09: Operation Bunker Shot Mission Description: Now that communications are set, ISAF needs to begin working its way inland and taking back the land that the Erusians control. With Stonehenge in mind as a final target, ISAF must penetrate the Erusian forces at 3 beaches. Once penetration is achieved, commanders at each beach will set up Beach-Heads to radio back to base. Once these beach-heads are established, the ISAF force can work its way towards Stonehenge. Mission Objective- Score at least 2200 points within the mission time Mission Time: 10:00 Plane Recommended- TND-ID5 Weapon Recommended- LASM Secret Plane- Its located north of the central beach, but you must get it before the second part of the mission Air- 13 Ground- 83 Naval- 0 Targets- 0 Total- 96 At the start of the mission, you get a look at what the climate is like down here- Muggy, rainy, and stormy. Visibility is poor so you need to rely on radar more than ever. Start the mission and head straight. If you look at your Square Radar, youll notice three different clumps of targets. These are the three beaches. My suggestion to you is to destroy everything on the Central Beach, then destroy just enough stuff on the left beach to reach the 2200 mark. Then go and restock and base, then fly around until the time runs out. The reason is because the visibility is so poor that its hard to judge how far away the ground/water is. Ive crashed in this level more times than any other, although this rivals Whiskey Corridor. Anyway, after the time limit, head to the Central Beach. A bunch of A-10s will be heading toward the beach. These are strictly bomber planes so their aerial combat is rather weak. Destroy these A-10s to win the level >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 10: Tango Line Mission Description: ISAF has begun to take back some of the continent of Erusia, and Mobius 1 has written up quite a reputation after his performance at Comberth Harbor and the Bunker Beaches. Now ISAF faces its toughest mission yet. The Tango Line is a vital line of defense for the Erusian forces. It is their best protection against fighters trying to destroy Stonehenge. We will attempt to break through this Tango Line and continue onward towards Stonehenge. Your mission is to assist your allies and destroy as much of the Tango Line as possible. The Tango Line is broken up into 4 major sections. There is the Air Base, the Supply Section, the V- TOL Bases, and finally the Sub-Base up north. Beware that the Tango Line is within range of Stonehenge, and there is no doubt they will try to fire Mission Objective- Score at least 3000 points within the mission time Mission Time: 20:00 Plane Recommended- F/A 18-C Weapon Recommended- LASM Secret Plane- Its located in the far northwest corner of the level Air- 26 Ground- 100 Naval- 24 Targets- 0 Total- 150 Dont be frightened by the big 150 at the start of the level. It IS possible to destroy pretty much all of the targets on the map, but only if you follow my instructions. Here is a basic map of this level to assist you: 5 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1- Where you start the level 2. Supply Section, where you will hit first 3. Air Base- Where you will hit second, Stonehenge will attack when youre here 4. V-TOL Bases- Where you will hit third, Stonehenge attacks again here 5. Sub-Base-Youll hit here last, and Stonehenge will attack just before the mission ends Fly straight and yaw slightly left to the Supply Base/Section. The Supply Base is located in between 4 mountains, in a swampy marsh with the mountains as cover. Take out all of the SAMS as you fly by, and then take out the AA guns. Now drop bombs or missiles on the Flak Guns, and then finally take out the supply ship and cargo. Now head southeast towards the Air Base. Stay above 5000 feet to see the top of the mountains. Look for a runway on top of the mountains, and take out the SAM positioned at the end. Now take out the planes that are taking off at this point. You should have just enough time to take out the AA gun at the other end of the runway. If you did all of this quick enough, Stonehenge should be attacking somewhere around this time. Dive down below 2000 feet and take out the targets down here. After Stonehenge stops, rise back up and destroy the whole Air Base, and then head back to your base since you are low on ammo. When you come back out, slam the throttle and head north to the V-TOL bases. These are the hardest things to destroy, possibly in the game. The V-TOL bases are built INSIDE the mountains, they house choppers and other planes that dont need runways. You need to rise up very high and dive straight down on top of the V-TOL base slowly and either bomb them or shoot missiles inside. You cant machine gun them because by that time youll need to pull up. Its very easy to get caught in a V-TOL base, and once youre caught you cant get back out until you crash. While youre destroying the V-TOL bases, at some point Stonehenge will attack, just be sure to stay below 2000 feet. After you destroy the V-TOL bases, head west to the Sub-base. You should have 2-5 minutes remaining at this point. Destroy everything you can at this point. Be wary of the Sub-bases themselves, they are the opposite of V-TOL bases. You can attack them from above; you have to get a missile inside. Be sure to fire TWO spaced out shots because one has to destroy the submarine bottled up inside. Stonehenge will attack a 3rd time right before the level ends, and by now you should have well over 3000 points, and be on your way to an easy victory >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 11: Escort Mission Description: In preparation for an attack on Stonehenge, ISAF strategists need all the information they can get on the super-weapon itself. Several Erusian officers are aware that they have done wrong and are willing to give information on Stonehenge in exchange for amnesty and defection to an ISAF member state. ISAF commanders have agreed, and these several officers along with their families have boarded two commercial airliners, Flights 701 and 702. Erusians became aware of these treason officers and launched some fighters to destroy these jets. Flight 701 was shot on takeoff and the captains injured. First Officer Nagasay has taken flight, but she is inexperienced in piloting. Flight 701 also took damage and is unable to raise altitude. Your mission is to fly solo out there, since youre the best weve got right now. You must protect the two aircraft at all costs in order to help a victory at Stonehenge. Mission Objective- Protect Flight 701 and 702 from damage Mission Time: 5:30 Plane Recommended- Get one thats FAST Weapon Recommended- Your best aerial missile Secret Plane- Its southeast of where you start, but if you try to grab it you fail the mission, making this the hardest plane to get in the game (See my strategies for tips on how to get this one) Air- Unknown Ground- 0 Naval- 0 Targets- Unknown Total- Unknown Start the level off by raising altitude slightly. Stay on an angle until you reach 20000 feet. Once you come in contact with Flight 702, an Erusian fighter will shoot it from behind (It is impossible to prevent this shot). Destroy the fighter before it can do any more damage. As soon as the fighter is destroyed, head straight down. Flight 701 is directly below 702, only at a much lower altitude due to engine trouble. Fly straight down towards Flight 701 as more planes will be attacking it. Once you destroy those planes, rocket up to Flight 702. This is a tough one, as three planes will be attacking it from three sides. Sometimes they get a shot off in time, and that COULD destroy the plane. Make sure you kill off all of the planes quickly, and then rocket back down to Flight 701. This is easier because they are further away, but its still imperative that they be destroyed. As youre fighting, a few more fighters will appear. Take these out to complete the level >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 12: Stonehenge Offensive Mission Description: The time has come to take out the weapon that has plagued ISAF for so long. Now is the time to destroy Stonehenge Although Stonehenge can hit large aircraft from miles away, a few small fighters flying unpredictable, high-speed courses should be able to get within range. The data brought back from the passengers of flights 701 and 702 show us that Stonehenge has 7 guns around its circular base. In the center is a jamming device that disrupts our missile guidance systems. Our mission will be very difficult to execute should this jammer not be destroyed. Your mission is to take out the 7 gun turrets and destroy Stonehenge once and for all! Mission Objective- Destroy Stonehenge Mission Time: 15:00 Plane Recommended- F-15C/MIG-29A Weapon Recommended- Any weapon is fine Secret Plane- Its located north of Stonehenge Air- 3 Ground- 18 Naval- 0 Targets- 7 Total- 28 As soon as the mission starts, descend to avoid the blast by Stonehenge. Fly up directly above Stonehenge when you come up to it and hit the jamming device in the center with your machine gun. If you dont hit the jamming device first your missiles will only go straight and cant be guided. Take out the SAMS right after the jammer, then take out the AA guns. Finally take out Stonehenge. Don't go for the planes because if you are above 2000 you risk being shot down by Stoneheng, and there is no warning. After you destroy all of the Stonehenge targets, head north for a Mission Update Yellow Squadron will appear to avenge Stonehenge. You must pick one Yellow plane to kill. If you are on Very Easy, Easy, or Normal, the Yellow Squadron plane you choose to destroy will die in one hit. If youre higher than that, then its not so easy. Either way when you destroy one plane, the rest leave and the mission ends >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 13: Safe Return Mission Description: After the destruction of Stonehenge, Erusian strategists at Farbanti have frantically returned to the previously abandoned Megalith in their attempts to complete construction and rule the skies once again. A small recon plane near Gnome Ravine has data on Megalith. However this plane also has engine trouble and cant raise altitude. They have to rely on their radar to get through Gnome Ravine. Unfortunately, hundreds of Erusian Radar Jammers mounted on hot air balloons are in the valley. They disrupt your missile guiding system so you have to destroy them with your machine gun. Fortunately, to our knowledge, those jammers are old and the Erusians dont know about this, so youll be able to work on destroying them without the distraction of planes. Your mission is to destroy as many as possible before the plane arrives at the ravine Mission Objective- Score at least 1300 points within the mission time Mission Time: 7:00 Plane Recommended- Your best aerial plane Weapon Recommended- Your best aerial missile Secret Plane- Its located northeast of the ravine Air- Unknown Ground- 0 Naval- 0 Targets- Unknown Total- Unknown There are no other aircraft besides you in this level, so you can work peacefully. Your objective is to use your machine guns to destroy as many balloons as possible. Since you need 1300 points and each one is 100 points, you need to destroy at least 13 before the plane arrives. Just destroy 13 and then go get the secret plane or get more for the S rank. One hint to use is that the blinking dots on your radar are there to symbolize that your radar doesnt work, but those dots really ARE balloons, so if you treat them like real target you can find everything easier. After the time runs out, switch to your better weapon. Some Erusian fighters on patrol in the area have found the aircraft and are attempting to destroy it. These are simple planes to beat, and once you do, this boring mission is over >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 14: Breaking Arrows Mission Description: With Stonehenge destroyed, ISAF has regained most of the eastern and southern part of Erusia. However they still do not have complete control over the northern coast. Erusian forces understand that they need to keep control over the northern coast to stay in the war, since they are at a deficit at this point. The ISAF northern landing forces are continuing their land pursuit along the glacier. In response, the Erusians launched several cruise missiles at the forces. Your mission is to go out and destroy these missiles before they reach the launch site Mission Objective- Destroy all missiles Mission Time: 20:00 Plane Recommended- Your best aerial plane Weapon Recommended- Your best aerial missile Secret Plane- Its located in the center of the level; you see it when you fly towards the final missile Air- Unknown Ground- 0 Naval- 0 Targets- Unknown Total- Unknown Yet another mission flying solo, but this one has more action. Follow your radar to the clump of targets. These are state-of-the-art war missiles traveling to a target 60 miles away at over 800 MPH. If you do the math you dont have much time, so go passed the missiles and turn around, setting up behind them. Fire one missile at each missile (That sounds weird) until they are all destroyed. Then go north again to some more missiles Do the same thing but this time fire at missiles all on the left, because after you fire some missiles, the target split into two and you have to follow both. After that, the final warhead missile is launched. Follow behind it. This missile goes up ands left, then down and right, up and left, down and right. If you follow its pattern, you can time it so that you shoot a missile as it is making its transition from up and left to down and right. After you destroy the warhead, the mission ends >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 15: Emancipation Mission Description: Now that ISAF controls the entire northern, eastern, and southern coasts, its time to move west. Erusia has currently set up its forces in the gigantic city of San Salvation. Your mission is to destroy the Erusian forces here and protect the innocent residents of this city Mission Objective- Score at least 2000 point within the mission time Mission Time: 10:00 Plane Recommended- F-15E Weapon Recommended- CLB Secret Plane- Its located in the center of the level, in between the Gov. Complex and the main city Air- 19 Ground- 62 Naval- 0 Targets- 0 Total- 81 As soon as the mission starts, do a hard left towards a small handful of targets to the west. Destroy the two choppers crossing the river, then take out the launchers and AA guns here. Now move towards the main part of the city and destroy all of the tanks and choppers here. There are 3 SAMS and 2 AA Guns in this section. There is also a Yellow Squadron plane here that can be destroyed, but it takes too long so dont try it. Now move east towards the Gov. Complex. Destroy the long row of tanks here and the tanks throughout the city. Take out the A-10s in the air; be sure to reach the 2000 point mark. Forget about the airport up north, you dont have time. Once you get 2000 points, go northwest of the government complex and wait. When 10 minutes are up, TU-160s will appear to bomb the city (These are the advanced forms of the bear bombers you faced in the first two levels). Take all 8 of them out to win the level >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 16: Whiskey Corridor Mission Description: The ISAF forces have destroyed the GHQ (General Headquarters) of the Erusian forces. The Erusians are now on the run back to their capital of Farbanti. They have set up a large tank force in the narrow strip of land known as Whiskey Corridor. This is the final line of defense for the Erusians. If we penetrate it, we can march right on to Farbanti and win this war. Your mission is to provide close air support since this is mainly a ground battle Mission Objective- Score at least 3500 points within the mission time Mission Time: 20:00 Plane Recommended- F-15E Weapon Recommended- CLB Secret Plane- Its located along the western boundary line. If you go to the southwest corner of the level and continue north along this line you will find it Air- 13 Ground- 113 Naval- 0 Targets- 0 Total- 126 Get ready for a LONG level. If you look at your Square Radar, youll get a look at just how many enemy targets there are. But if you listen to the order in which I attack each section, youll destroy EVERYTHING in the level The first place you should go is the easternmost section of targets. You have to yaw a lot to the right at the beginning of the level to head towards it. Arm your missiles and fire at the tank sections. Once you take everything out on the ground, more targets will appear north. Destroy all of these targets as well. There are three or four SAMS in this entire section, so be careful. Try to take them out first. There are also 4 choppers in sets of two that can really do damage to ISAF tanks, so take them out too. After the rest of these targets are destroyed, a few more targets will appear further north. Take these out as well. Youll notice some more targets way up north after this, but leave those for later. Instead, head to the Central Line of Resistance in the middle of the map. You should pass Goldberg Crater to get there. (Theres a plane in this crater to fight, but leave it alone for now) Destroy all of the sets of tanks, but dont destroy the set furthest to the west. (It has two tanks and an AA gun) Instead go back and take out all the A-10s and all the tanks. After this go back and take out the final set. More targets will appear up north. Take out the SAMS and AA guns first, then the tanks. As you are fighting, a huge swarm of F-22s and F-117s will come from the north. This is where a lot of people get shot down, so be careful as you fight them. After you take out all of the targets in the center of the map, your weapons should be almost gone, so head due south back to base, and when you come out head northwest to the next section of targets. Be sure to use cluster bombs on the Pillboxes because they take two missiles to destroy. Use your machine guns on the ammo tents to conserve your ammo. After you destroy everything in this section, head due north the General Headquarters. As you fly this long road, you may notice how much this mission resembles the real-life mission of Desert Storm, since they used F-117s and were in the desert. The other mission that resembles real life is Invincible Fleet which resembled 12/7/41, the bombing of Pearl Harbor. I dont know if Namco intended to make a resemblance, but they did nonetheless. Anyway, when you reach the GHQ, stay low to the ground and slow down. Take out the two SAMS here, but dont rise up. There are two FLAK guns here, but if youre low enough they cant hurt you. Destroy these and then the AA guns. Be sure to take out the GHQ building because it fires machine gun bullets too. Now take out the remaining targets here. If you did everything right and you did it quick enough, you should have just enough time to get the clump of targets I told you to get last. If you have an S rank by now, which you should, I suggest going after the secret plane or flying around until the level ends, because next to Operation Bunker Shot, I seem to die the most in this level. After the time runs out, as long as you have 3500+ points, the mission will end >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 17: Siege of Farbanti Mission Description: Its come down to this. We have successfully completed all of our major missions since the success against the Allenfort bombers thanks to Mobius 1. We have found the stronghold of the Erusian forces- a large city known as Farbanti. This holds the Erusian officials that have created Stonehenge and caused this war. We must destroy the remaining Erusian tank and plane forces to cause them to surrender. Our tank forces will join the battle from the north and east; however the Erusians have a remaining tank force in the north that may just have enough power to stop our tanks. You must destroy Johnson Memorial Bridge to ensure that Erusian tank forces do not meet up with their allies. After you destroy Johnson Memorial Bridge, do as much damage to the rest of Farbanti. Beware however; it is certain that Yellow Squadron will show up sooner or later. If that happens, were not running like we did before Mobius 1; were going to leave it up to you to take care of Yellow 13 and his Squadron, youre the only one with enough skill and experience to pull it off. Now lets go out and win this war! Mission Objective- Score at least 2100 points within the mission time and destroy Johnson Memorial Bridge Mission Time: 12:00 Plane Recommended- SU-37 (You probably dont have this plane yet) Weapon Recommended- QAAM Secret Plane- Its located northwest of Farbanti Air- 4 Ground- 34 Naval- 4 Targets- 0 Total- 42 At the start of the level, youll hear SkyEye say that at end to the war would be a nice birthday gift. You should remember it being his birthday at the start of the first level. Yes, its the year 2005, and its been exactly one year since you were recruited. Now you must put a stop to the Erusian forces once and for all At the start of the mission, speed up and go straight ahead. Four Erusian planes will charge right at you but DONT SHOOT THEM. The reason for this is when all of them are destroyed more planes come from the north, a LOT more. So as long as they are alive, you can work without planes flying around. Go down and a little right until you see a bridge. Fly through the bridge and destroy the SAM on the other side. Now take out everything on and around the bridge. Be sure to destroy the battleship as well. After everything here is destroyed, go northwest to another bridge. One of your targets on the bridge should say BRIDGE. This is Johnson Memorial Bridge. Fire two missiles at it and it will be destroyed, completing your objective. Now keep destroying enemy forces to get the needed 2100 points. (Its a little tough, just keep getting tanks) Once there is about one minute left, someone will say that Erusian officers are using choppers to escape. Now you must find the choppers and gun them down. (Theyre located south near the headquarters) As soon as you gun them down, immediately head back to base, regardless of anything. As youre going there, the mission will end and Yellow Squadron will appear. Just restock anyway, and then go back out. If you have the SU-37, then use all of your QAAMs on Yellow Squadron. You see, QAAMS are missiles that have a 95% chance of hitting their target, even Yellow Squadron. The only time they dont hit is if they crash into the ground/water or they dont hit a target for about 40 seconds. If you fire a QAAM at a Yellow, then fire a regular missile, it will have a better chance of hitting because the plane is already evading. For more tips on fighting Yellow Squadron, see section 7. Once all 5 planes are destroyed, the mission ends >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mission 18: Megalith Mission Description: Although the Erusians have legally surrendered to ISAF, a young group of rebel Erusian officers have taken control of Megalith. You may remember Megalith as the 2nd Version of Stonehenge, and a possible target to ISAF members. We will now use the data brought back from the recon plane in Gnome Ravine. The data shows that a main missile inside Megaliths shaft is designed to shoot into orbit. Should this happen, Megalith will activate, and the war could start again. We must attack Megalith before it goes into complete development. Data shows that there are three main generators that control the entrances and exits inside Megalith. An ISAF team will penetrate Megalith from the inside. Each time you destroy a generator, they will be able to move further and further inside. Once all 3 are destroyed, they can open up an exhaust vent that leads straight to the missile. You must fly through this shaft and destroy the missile. The ISAF team will then activate the hatch for a few seconds to allow your escape, then close it back up to seal the blast and destroy Megalith. Your mission is to destroy the 3 generators, then the one missile. Once the missile, along with Megalith, is destroyed, we will rise completely victorious Mission Objective- Destroy all indicated targets Mission Time: 20:00 Plane Recommended- SU-37 Weapon Recommended- QAAM Secret Plane- Its located north of Megalith Air- 15 Ground- 0 Naval- 0 Targets- 3 Total- 18 At the start of the mission, head straight and accelerate. Youll notice that you are now the leader of the ISAF Air Force, and all of the aircraft have taken up the names Mobius 2, Mobius 3, Mobius 4, and so on. Anyway, zoom ahead towards the onslaught of planes. There are 3 groups of 5, all are Yellow Squadron planes. Dont worry, these arent as hard as the real Yellow Squadron, but theres more so it makes up for it. You dont have to destroy these planes, but its the last level so you might as well get some aerial combat in. Use your QAAM missiles to wipe out the Rebel Fighters, then head straight down for the ocean You need to use Autopilot and get only 100 feet off of the ground. (Yes, it will say PULL UP, but dont listen to that) Eventually on your radar you will see two green sticks going north to south. You should go on the left one first. You need to line up the left stick so that you are going to hit it head on. As you come closer and closer, youll notice that this is a shaft. Dont accelerate or decelerate, just maintain your normal speed. Aim for the generator on your left. It will look like its out of range, but when you lock onto it fire two missiles (One just in case) at it. Youll destroy it for certain. Keep going until you come out of Megalith, then fly high and turn around. You need to repeat the same thing for the right stick, so fly far from Megalith and make another U-turn. This time, the generator is on a hill, so when you reach the end of the shaft you have to fly up. Lock onto it and fire two missiles and use your machine gun to make sure it blows up. When you come out of Megalith, go right. Keep going right so that on your Square Radar youre flying east and away from Megalith. Once you pass two tall towers, turn around. The 3rd generator is down this track in the middle. Make a U-turn and start heading west towards Megalith. You need to go low to the ground again and go in between the two towers. As soon as you lock onto the generator, fire two missiles and instantly pull up. You will get a mission update From here you can either shoot the 4 small missiles for extra points, or head south. Either way, this time you have to go in a new shaft. This shaft is in between the original two green sticks on your radar. You still have to go to 100 feet altitude, but this shaft is much further up. Once you get inside, youll notice that the walls are yellow. Youll exit the shaft and appear in a large room with a huge stick. This is the main missile. Fire away at the missile, and speed up and exit through the top ventilation hatch. A cut-scene will start, and you will win the game >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4. Other Game Modes Well I FINALLY finished the long Walkthrough section. Now this section is much shorter, it will show you a brief description of the other game modes besides Story Mode >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. Tutorial This mode is available before you start a New Game. Tutorial is broken down into different sections to explain the basics of flying and combat in this game. This should be your first stop as soon as you start to play for your first time 2. VS Mode VS Mode allows you to go head to head with one of your friends to see who is the better pilot. If you use VS mode from the start menu, you can only use the F-4E and the UGBM weapon. If you load your saved game and go into VS Mode, you can use all of the planes and weapons you have bought. Once you beat the game, you unlock new levels to use in VS Mode. Ace Combat 4 wouldve been great if it was multitap compatible and you could fly with 4 people teamed up or against each other, but maybe Ace Combat 5 will have that 3. Free Mission This mode is only available after you beat the game. It allows you to freely select any mission you want and play it. This mode is great for finding the secret planes and getting to know the level. You can also choose Free Flight from here, which allows you to play with no allies, no enemies, no targets, and no time 4. Trial Mission This mode is only available after you beat the game. It allows you to play various missions and try to accumulate a high score or low time. There are records for each mission for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. If you make it on this list, you open up the next mission >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5. Plane/Weapon Details This is probably the most useful section of the guide. I will go in-depth to show you each plane and each weapon, plus the cost for everything. You can even add up the cost to see the total amount of money you need to buy everything. Planes with ^ before their names are the top row planes (Unlock these by beating the game once) and those with a * before their name are the secret planes (Unlock these by shooting them down in each level Look in the mission descriptions in Section 3 for their locations). The weapons with ---- as their cost are that planes default weapon >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Plane Name + Weapons for Plane: Cost: F-4E Default Plane ^F-4E 99,000 *F-4E 99,000 UGBM ---- NPB 32,000 F-5E 68,000 ^F-5E 68,000 *F-5E 97,000 UGBS ---- RCL 41,000 F-16C 97,000 ^F-16C 97,000 *F-16C 126,000 UGBS ---- XAGM 52,000 A-10A 123,000 ^A-10A 123,000 *A-10A 160,000 UGBL ---- XAGM 58,000 CLB 55,000 MIR-2000 110,000 ^MIR-2000 110,000 *MIR-2000 143,000 UGBS ---- LASM 56,000 F-14A 188,000 ^F-14A 188,000 *F-14A 244,000 XLAR ---- UGBM 66,000 TND-ID5 172,000 ^TND-ID5 172,000 *TND-ID5 224,000 BDSP ---- PGB 76,000 LASM 70,000 F/A-18C 170,000 ^F/A-18C 170,000 *F/A-18C 221,000 UGBM ---- LASM 72,000 XMAA 71,000 F-15C 272,000 ^F-15C 272,000 *F-15C 354,000 UGBM ---- XMAA 95,000 MIG-29A 259,000 ^MIG-29A 259,000 * MIG-29A 337,000 UGBS ---- RCL 81,000 F-117A 386,000 ^ F-117A 386,000 * F-117A 502,000 UGBL ---- PGB 126,000 CLB 106,000 EF-2000 351,000 ^ EF-2000 351,000 * EF-2000 456,000 XLAA ---- UGBM 104,000 R-MO1 370,000 ^ R-MO1 370,000 * R-MO1 481,000 SOD ---- XMAA 108,000 LASM 111,000 F-15E 505,000 ^ F-15E 505,000 * F-15E 657,000 UGBL ---- XMAA 117,000 CLB 119,000 F-2A 505,000 ^ F-2A 505,000 * F-2A 657,000 UGBM ---- LASM 121,000 RCL 99,000 SU-35 589,000 ^SU-35 589,000 *SU-35 786,000 XLAA ---- UGBM 133,000 F-22A 643,000 ^ F-22A 643,000 * F-22A 836,000 XMAA ---- PGB 163,000 SU-37 618,000 ^ SU-37 618,000 * SU-37 803,000 QAAM ---- UGBL 139,000 LASM 146,000 F-15 ACTIVE 620,000 ^F-15 ACTIVE 620,000 *F-15 ACTIVE 806,000 XMAA ---- FAEB 286,000 S-37A 889,000 ^ S-37A 889,000 * S-37A 1,560,000 QAAM ---- UGBL 154,000 X-02 2,283,000 ^X-02 1,414,000 *X-02XLAA ---- BDSP 397,000 QAAM 472,000 Total Amount- 30,941,000 $ As you can see, the cost to buy every plane and weapon is almost 31 million dollars. Youre going to have to beat the game quite a few times to reach that amount. As for the comment under the *X-02, this is a secret plane. And in order to unlock the * planes you need to shoot them down in levels, and since the X-02 isnt found in any levels, you cant shoot them down. In order to get the X-02 you have to beat the game for the first time (Not a special continue) on normal. To get the top X-02 you have to first get the X-02, and then beat the game on expert. All Weapons and descriptions: UGBS- Unguided Freefall Bomb (Small) This is your basic weapon. Its a small bomb that does a small amount of damage to an area around your bomb circle. (See section 7) UGBM- Unguided Freefall Bomb (Medium) This is a larger version of the UGBS. Naturally it covers a larger area and does more damage. UGBL- Unguided Freefall Bomb (Large) This is the largest version of the freefall bombs. Naturally it covers the most area and does the most damage PGB- Precision Guided Bomb This bomb has a lock on device, and is specially designed to float down towards the locked on target. These bombs are weaker than other bombs, but its a surefire hit. RCL- Rocket Launcher This bomb is not as freefall bomb, but a forced bomb. Each time the RCL is used, many small rockets are shot straight ahead toward the bomb circle. This weapon is good for lined-up targets. BDSP- Bomblet Dispenser This weapon is designed to throw millions of tiny bomblets each time it is used to cover a large area in a straight line. This is another weapon for lined-up targets. XAGM- Advanced Air to Ground Missile This weapon works like a missile but fires only at ground targets. This weapon is good if you are near a lot of spread out ground targets but need to conserve your missiles. LASM- Long range Air-to-Surface Missile This weapon is capable of shooting ground targets from stand-off ranges. This weapon is great for hitting SAMS and AA guns at a distance where you can hit them but they cant hit you. NPB- Napalm Bomb This weapon emits a powerful jelly on impact capable of poisonous explosions. This weapon is great for moving targets on the ground, such as tanks or planes ready to take off. CLB- Cluster Bomb This bomb has the most destructive power, and the largest coverage area. Upon impact the clusters of bombs continue to spread out to hit other targets. This weapon is great for bunched up targets. FAEB- Fuel-Air Explosive bomb This bomb is unique to the F-15 ACTIVE, and can do even more damage than the CLB, and covers an even larger area. The bomb explodes just before it hits the ground, so that it has a wider chance of spreading. This bomb is the best in the game. XSAA- Advanced Short Range Air-to-Air Missile This missile is designed to shoot down aerial enemies such as planes or choppers at short distances. The XSAA is also capable of hitting up to 4 enemies at once. XMAA- Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile This missile is designed to shoot down aerial enemies such as planes or choppers at medium distances, further than missiles can shoot. The XMAA is also capable of hitting up to 4 enemies at once. XLAA- Advanced Long Range Air-to-Air Missile This missile is designed to shoot down aerial enemies such as planes or choppers at far distances. Although this missile has a high chance of missing, its as close as you can get to sniping the enemy. The XMAA is also capable of hitting up to 4 enemies at once. QAAM- Quick Maneuver Air-to-Air Missile This missile works exactly like your regular missile, except it pretty much never misses. It keeps following the target until the target is destroyed, the missile hit the water/ground, or the target evades it, (See section 7) which is almost impossible. This missile is great for any aerial combat, especially for Yellow Squadron. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 6. General Hints The following are some helpful hints and tips for the game. No flying tips will be given here, thats in the next section. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1. In order to unlock the top row of planes, you need to beat the game once and start a special continue. 2. In order to unlock the *Secret Planes, you need to find the secret plane in every level. Check the mission debriefing for each mission in Section 3, and look under Secret Plane. Each plane has a pilot name as well, such as F14GIBRALTER, or A-10WINGMAN. Of course those arent really their names, its just an example. Once you find the planes you have to shoot them down. Once you shoot them down, you unlock them, but you still have to by them. The secret planes are just alternate paint jobs for each plane. You need to successfully complete the game once, and then find the planes on your second play through. 3. In order to unlock new planes on your first way through, you need to shoot them down in actual combat. 4. Usually the secret planes are found north of the battlefield, but not always. 5. If you fly high around the Invincible Fleet level, you can see the Namco sign on the ground in the middle of the level. 6. For extra fun at the beginning of a mission, shoot your machine gun at your allies. They wont get shot down, but SkyEye will get really mad. 7. On the Stonehenge Offensive level, you only have to shoot the middle part of the turrets. Although missiles do more damage than machine gun bullets, I found the bullets to be more effective on the turrets. 8. On the levels where you launch a surprise attack, the enemy is not ready and sometimes is still on the runway. Enemy planes are much easier to kill on the runway since they cant evade. The levels with enemies taking off on runways are 1-Imminent Threat, 2-Lifeline (But you wont get there in time) 3-Tango Line 4-Stonehenge Offensive, and 5-Emancipation. 9. Once you beat the game on hard, you unlock expert. Once you beat expert, you unlock Ace. 10. Beware that on the Ace difficulty setting you die in one missile shot and machine gun bullets do a lot of damage. Also beware that you cant restore your planes damage to 00% when youre on Ace, even when you go back to base. 11. A lot of people seem to get confused with the storyline cut-scenes in between levels. The truth is that little boy isnt the pilot or anything, it a visual version of a letter he writes to Mobius 1, telling him of a time when he was a child in San Salvation and his encounters with the Erusians and Yellow Squadron, but the whole time its him talking 20 years later, after Mobius 1 retires as a hero. Its very cool to watch the story and see where you come in, like when Yellow 13 is in the bar reading the Stonehenge letter. Now that thats clear I think youll enjoy the story a little bit more >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7. Flying Tips Now heres the section youve all been waiting for! Its also the last section. Here are your basic tips on flying, broken down into sections >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Section 1- Shooting missiles/machine gun bullets at enemies Ok, youre in the heat of battle, you got three bandits on your tail and youve got one target left to rack up the point you need. What are you going to do? Shoot him of course! Well actually youd get those three bandits off your tail but that comes later Anyway, in order to shoot a missile at a target, you have to lock-on to him. When youre locked on, the missile will try its best to hit that target, but it cant always do so if your enemy evades. There are a few Ace tricks to remember though First off, in order to lock on to your enemy, you have to be within at least 800-900 feet of him. You can see your distance to the target below the type of plane it is. Once youre at least that distance away, a red circle will appear floating around the target and you will hear a beeping sound. Once the red circle get closer and closer it will finally land on the target and youll hear one long BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. At this point youre able to fire away. You can only fire two missiles before they have to reload and come back. (This takes about 2-3 seconds) Press O to fire your missile. If youre on VERY EASY, then it only takes one missile to kill planes. If youre on any other difficulty, it takes two. The average plane carries 50 or 60 missiles, but it varies. Once you fire a missile, look at the middle of the screen. One of three messages will soon come up. One message is HIT. That means your missile hit the target, but it didnt destroy it. Another message is DESTROYED. This means the missile hit the target and the target was wiped out. The last message is MISS, which means your missile did not hit the target, and is instead floating away without any target. One of my tricks for hitting a target that is far away, around 500-800 feet, and is evading is to fire one missile. While the missile is going towards the target, fire another missile. Since the plane is already trying to evade one missile, he probably wont see the next missile coming. If youre lucky, one missile will hit. If youre very lucky, both will hit and the target will be destroyed. If youre stupid none of them will hit and youll just create more garbage in the ocean. Now that you understand missile firing, lets get into machine guns. If you come within 300-400 feet of your target, a large circle will appear around a small dot. Where every that dot is, is where the machine gun bullets will go. If you are directly behind a plane that is not evading, simply line up the dot with his plane and fire. If he IS evading, which he usually will, then your best bet is to lead the target a little bit. That means putting the dot in the spot where the plane is likely to go and firing here. A good pilot will pick that up and fly unpredictable patterns, but the basic enemies wont. Section 2- Dropping Freefall Bombs Now most missions in this game require you to destroy some ground targets. You can use missiles on them, but those arent very practical and often run out quickly. You can use machine guns, but by the time youre close enough to use it you already have to worry about pulling up to avoid crashing. The best method is to drop a bomb. Of course you have to choose your bomb before the mission (See my Weapon Recommended or my bomb descriptions to choose one for yourself). Most bombs are a freefall bomb, which means they dont line up. In order to use your bombs press SELECT during a mission to switch from missile to bomb. Your missiles are now disabled, but they can be used again by pressing Select. Once youve equipped your bomb, notice the line going down to another circle thats similar to the machine gun circle. Well, the line is the direction in which the bomb will fall, and the dot is where it will land. The circle can usually represent its destructive power. Just line up your target with the dot and press O to fire. A cool thing to do is to hold down O to watch your bomb hit. Just make sure you put on autopilot so you dont crash while youre watching. Oh, and one more thing- Use common sense people! You cant use bombs while your plane is upside down! Its called gravity! Section 3- Evading Ok, back to the whole 3 bandits on your tail thing. There are many ways to evade as it is called, but you must understand when to do it. First off, whenever an enemy plane is behind you and locks onto you (When THEY have a red circle on YOUR plane) a beeping warning will sound. You will also see the message WARNING at the top of your screen. Whenever an opponent fires a missile at you, the beeping sound turns to an alarm, the whole screen turns red and a message says MISSILE ALERT. Now you should be evading The best way to evade is to speed up and rise, doing a flip in mid-air. However if an opponent gets lucky and hits you from the right angle youre dead. Experienced Aces like myself probably learned this trick after they died 4 times. You can see the missiles that get fired at you by watching your radar. They are little white blinking dots. The best evasive procedure I can give you is to turn TOWARDS the missile. I know it sounds stupid but if you turn towards it, it will force the missile to make a U-turn, which no missile except the QAAM can do. Another advanced evasive procedure is to stall out. Yet another idea that sounds stupid but it works. I spent a while watching Yellow Squadron in Trial Mission mode, and I began to learn their evasive moves. One of their best was the stall out move. You see, the best idea in a missile alert situation is to speed up and get out of there. However if you are already at a low speed, you need to go even LOWER. While in mid- air, look at you radar. If the missile is coming at you from behind, slam the L1 button to drastically slow down. Soon it will say STALL, and your plane will begin to fall straight down very rapidly. When youre facing the ground, speed up rapidly towards the ground and pull up, so that your pattern looks like this- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 3 ___________________2 | | | | | ____________| 4 1. Missile coming at you 2. Your plane 3. Point where you stall out and speed up as you fall 4. Point where you quickly pull up while maintaining a high speed Here is one more evasive pattern, possibly the best in the game- ___ ___ / /2\ 3\ / /___\ \ / \ 1________/ \_____________ 1. Point where you start and direction of flight 2. Point where you drastically slow down 3. At this point, your plane will actually be flying backwards due to the force of the turns That maneuver takes more practice than anything else in the game. Try the Free Flight option in the Free Mission game mode to practice this technique. Section 4- Evading QAAMs Even though none of your enemies actually carry QAAMs, either its happened to you or its going to happen to you. Face it, weve all wanted to go head to head with one of our buddies in VS Mode, and we chose are true favorite plane. Like mine is the F-22. But of course one of our friends picks the S-37 or the X-02 just because they have QAAMs. My friend Danny is a perfect example. And of course they beat the heck out of you and tell you that theyre better because they won. Of course, people think QAAM and shake in their shoes as the game loads. But of course in VS Mode you cant replenish your weapons, so you only have to try this 10 times. (If theyre like my friend Danny, they switch it to sudden death and fire all 10 at once!) First, get your buddy behind you before he can use it. I suggest making a deal, telling him that they can use QAAMs if you pick the level. Now pick a level with mountainous terrain or some sort of obstacle. The two best choices are the Safe Return level, with lots of mountains, or the Emancipation levels, with lots of buildings. Now when they fire the QAAMs at you speed up and hold the down button. Keep flying in vertical circles to knock some off. Now a real good pilot will use the terrain to his advantage. Fly horizontal circles around a mountain or fly zigzags through the building corridors. Either way you must keep a high speed (900+ MPH) and keep moving! Dont try any of those evasive tricks because they require stalling out and slowing down. Once youve shocked your friend as you avoided 10 simultaneous QAAMs, launch some missiles on him and keep right on his tail with your machine gun. After about 10 seconds I think its time for a new game Section 5- Fighting Yellow Squadron We all know that in the latter part of Siege of Farbanti you have to take all 5 Yellows on at once. My suggestion is to first spread them out into two groups, one with three, one with two. Since there are 5, the fight will get easier as you got along, so before they start their missile frenzy, kill one off. Now you can fly high speed course away from them and get some to follow you. Of course if you have QAAMs then just use them. Get behind one quickly. The only way to win is to use my two missile trick or to lead their planes with the machine gun. Now there are three left. Fire two missiles at two different ones and concentrate on the third with your machine gun. Once your missiles are reloaded fire away to beat the 3rd one. Now there are two left. Try to evade a lot here; this is when they are the hardest. Just remember you can always retreat to base a restock. I suggest doing that here. Now go back and take one on, regardless of missile alerts. (Unless of course youre on Ace) Once you only have one left it is the easiest, since you can just concentrate on him. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 8. Thanks >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Well here it is, the closing of my 3rd Walkthrough. Be sure to check out my other two walkthroughs for Legend of Legaia (Playstation 1) and Spider Man: The Movie (Playstation 2). Id like to thank Namco for creating such a great game with amazing 3D worlds. I definitely look forward to Ace Combat 5. Id also like to thank for publishing my walkthroughs thus far and giving me a chance to get my material out there and help people. Lastly Id like to thank the readers for their support thus far. Ive only been an Author for a week, and here I am going to publish my 3rd Full Walkthrough. I hope that I helped someone stuck somewhere, and if anyone has any questions regarding anything in this FAQ, or have some input, positive or negative, my e-mail address is (convenient, huh?). Well, once again, goodbye until next time. Enjoy the game, enjoy the ending, and enjoy the walkthrough -JMC22388