Dark Cloud 2 - Cameras & Inventions - Guide for Dark Cloud 2
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********************************************* * * ** DARK CLOUD 2 - PLAYSTATION 2 ** * * ** FAQ - CAMERA & INVENTIONS ** * * ** by: KitKatt (Kay Allan) ** * * ** Version 1.0 Completed Dec 11, 2003 ** * * ********************************************* > THIS FAQ IS INTENDED TO BE: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A REFERENCE GUIDE NOT A WALKTHROUGH =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Use Ctrl+F to find what you need. ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * * TABLE OF CONTENTS * * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* 1. The Camera and Max's Inventions. * The Camera, Ideas, Inventions. * How To Use the Camera. * Photo Ideas. 2. Locations of Objects to Photograph. * Palm Brinks. * Object Locations Beginning of Chapter 2. * Using 'Make' from the Main Menu. * Creating Invented Items. 3. Creating New Invention Cards. * Invention Lists - Chapter 1 Central Palm Brinks. * Invention Lists - Chapter 2 Palm Brinks. * Invention Lists - Chapter 2 Sindain. * Invention Lists - Chapter 3 Balance Valley. * Invention Lists - Chapter 4 Veniccio. * Invention Lists - Chapter 5 Heim Rada. * Invention Lists - Chapter 6 Kazarov Stonehenge. * Invention Lists - Chapter 7 Moonflower Palace. * Invention Lists - Chapter 8 Zelmite Mines. ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ + + + THE CAMERA & MAX'S INVENTIONS + + + +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ > Max keeps his camera in the first Active Item slot and one which has a dashed circle around it + The dashed circle indicates that Max can use the camera whenever he wishes to take a photo. - To save time, Max should be looking toward the object he wants to take a photograoh of. - This is particularly important in the dungeon when trying to photo a creature like the Dog Statue, where timing counts. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** The Camera, Ideas, Inventions ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Cedric gives Max the Camera so that he can invent and make the 'Energy Pack' >> The Ridepod needs the fuel tank to move for more than a few seconds. >> To make the invention, Max needs: + Photographs as ideas: - A photo of a belt (the Sheriff's belt). - A photo of milk Cans (to the left of Polly's store). - A photo of a large pipe (on the roof of Cedric's shop). + The three photos are combined to become an invention 'idea'. + Georama Materials: - 20 x 'Scrap of Metal'. - 1 x 'Thick Hide'. - 2 x 'Hunk of Copper'. + The georama materials are combined to create the invention. > Max, in addition to regular photos (yellow lightbulbs on the Photo Board, needs to take 'Scoops' (orange lighbulbs on the Photo Board). >> The Scoops youl need to take are described in the Walkthrough FAQ. >> When you have a number of new scoops, go talk to Donny. + Depending on how many scoops you have, he will give you rewards. + At Photographer Level 7, he gives you a Moon Transformation Badge for Monica. + At Photographer Level 8, he gives you a Sun Transformation Badge for Monica. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** How To Use the Camera ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Place the Camera in one of Max's Active Item Slot (I use the one on the left). >> Face the object you want to photograph. >> Press the [Square] Button. >> Adjust the viewfinder to center the object (you don't have to be very accurate). >> Press up on the right analog stick to zoom in to the picture. >> Press [Triangle] Button (for 'Confirm Picture') to see: + The photos you have already. + Which of those photos are 'New'. + The number of pictures you have taken. + The number of ideas you have (the ones with yellow lightbulbs (only counted once). + The number of Scoops (orange lightbulbs). + Your score and your 'Scoops' Level ('Lv'). >> Press the [Square] Button again. + If it is a useful photograph, you'll hear a ringing sound. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Photo Ideas ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > A variety of photo ideas are available in each of the georama areas and many of the dungeon floors. >> The following lists are by location and in the order in which the area comes available for taking the photos. >> When you are rescued by Cedric riding Steve the Ridepod. + Returning to Cedric's Maintenance Shop, you are given a camera. + Your first task - use the camera to: - Photograph three items: 'Pipe', 'Milk Can' & 'Belt'. - Invent the 'Energy Pack' so the Ridepod has fuel to move. >> When you have 30 photographs, it is time to store them as ideas. ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ + + + Locations of Objects to Photograph + + + +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ > The locations and objects listed below are for the three areas in Palm Brinks. >> The first area is around Cedric's Maintenance Shop. + You can access this area, after Cedric rescues you from Linda the Circus Elephant. >> The second area is the residential part of Palm Brinks. + You can access this area after the train arrives at Sindain Station. + Before, the drawbridge was closed preventing access. + There are a number of houses, the church and the lake (the Pond). >> The third area is around City Hall. + You can access this area also after the train arrives at Sindain Station. + Before, two clowns prevented you from getting to this area. >> While all the objects listed below produce a ringing sound when photographed, Not all are used in inventions. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Palm Brinks ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > This is the portion of Palm Brinks you can access after you are rescued from Darling Linda (in the middle of Chapter 1, Floor 4). X Train Station _______ Bar X | | | F | X Cafe | | F = Fountain \ / \ | | | \ \ \ \ | | X Police Department | | ________ | |__/ | | To City Hall (guarded by clowns). | ______| | / | __| | | | | Polly's X | | X Cedric's Maintenanced Shop Bakery | |_____ | O Manhole to Underground Channel. | _____ | | Morton's X | | Sundris | | | | X Weapon Shop | | | | | | \ / | | | | Drawbridge (closed) - To residential area =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= CEDRIC'S mAINTAINANCE SHOP =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > To left of entry dooor: Old Style Robot ................ Near the main door into Cedric's Weight Guage ................... Next to the Old-Style Robot. Barrel ......................... Beside the Weight Guage. ! Rapper ......................... Trumpet shaped item on a barrel. Fan ............................ Fan-shaped item near the Rapper. Tiny Hammer .................... On the wall near the fan. > To right of entry door: ! Register ....................... On the shop counter. Binoculars ..................... On the counter of the shop. Wooden Box ..................... On floor to right of counter. Auto Book Reader ............... The gadget on the upper floor of Cedric's shop, beside the wooden box. Vacuum Bag ..................... Beside the Auto Book Reader, looks like a trash can on wheels. ! Staircase ...................... Stand on the landing and look toward the upper floor. OR Stand by the bed on the lowest floor and look at the steps. > The middle floor, beginning at the staircase. Vacuum ......................... The one Max was repairing earlier on the desk. ! Clock .......................... Beside the Vacuum. Constructor .................... The gadget on which Steve rests while waiting for his Energy Pack. ! Cart ........................... Just before the steps to the lowest floor. ! Table .......................... In the lower area near the bed. NOTE 1: There is an 'invention idea' (marked by red Exclamation Point) beside the Auto Book Reader. + The cloth will be found later in Parn's house (the artist) past the drawbridge. NOTE 2: There is an 'invention idea' on the bookshelf near the bed. + None of the ideas are available until you can go across the drawbridge. + The 'Small Generator' is not available until you have built an iron house in Veniccio (Chapter 4). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Outside Cedric's Shop =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Cedric's Maintenance Sign ...... On the wall of the steps to his shop. Flag ........................... Hanging from the overhead arch. ! Manhole ........................ In alley beside Cedric's shop - this is how you usually enter the Underground Channel. Pipe ........................... On the roof of his shop. ! Post ........................... One of the four supports of an overhead arch, near the bottom of the steps. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside Polly's Bakery Shop =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Opposite side of street from Cedric's; Yellow Sunshade over the shop door. Bread ......................... Long loaves in a basket. Can ........................... On shelf behind loaves. Flower ........................ In a vase on a barrel. Oven .......................... Behind Polly but you may need to photo from the side. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Outside Polly's Bakery Shop =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Milk Can ...................... To left of door. Polly's Bakery Sign ........... Small notice board bedside door. Sunshade ...................... Above the door. Window ........................ To right of door. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside Morton's Sundries =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > To south (left) of Polly's shop; marked by a pumpkin. Book ......................... On counter to right when facing Morton. Chair ........................ Behind the counter (go up the steps to get it). ! Chandelier ................... Above the main area. ! Clock ........................ Behind the book, looks like half of a huge watch; One hand moves. ! Painting ..................... On same wall as the sacks of Wheat Flour (up the stairs but you can take the photo from near Morton). Phonograph ................... Below and to the left of the clock. from the main area). ! Register Vegetables/Fruit ............. Watermelon inside open blue cupboard (up the stairs but photo from the main area). Vending Machine .............. Opposite the counter. Wheat Flour .................. Several sacks beside Vending Machine. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Outside Morton's Sundries =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ! Barrel ....................... To the right of the door. Pumpkin ...................... Beside the door. Sign ......................... Oval wooden sign hanging at the left end of the store front. ! Sunshade ..................... Above the door. Trashcan ..................... To left of shop (below the sign). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the Weapon Shop =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Almost opposite Morton's Sundries. Gold Store .................. Semi-circular metal safe on wall (one is behind the counter another is down the lower set of stairs; a third is beside the Show Window). Iron Maiden ................. Metal torture device shaped to hold a person (near Gold Store). ! Lamp ........................ On the walls. ! Light ....................... Center of the ceiling. Shield ...................... Pink and grey diamond-shaped device on the wall above the Gold Store. Show Window ................. Brightly lighted quarter-circle window at the bottom of main stairs. Weapon ...................... On wall below main stairs. ! Wooden Box .................. Bottom of lower stairs. NOTE: There is an 'invention idea' on the notice tacked to the wall beside the Iron Maiden. + The 'Tree' is in the residential area of Palm Brinks. + The 'Grass' is in Sindain georama. + The 'Charging Ram' is in Starlight Canyon. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Outside the Weapon Shop =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ! Sunshade Mailbox ..................... To left of door. Weapon Shop Sign ............ On wall to left of door; at night it glows a dark pink. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Palm Brinks Town =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Toward the Train Station. >> In one direction from Cedric's is the Police Headquarters. + The road divides in front of Police Headquarters. - To the right is the arch that leads to the Town Square where the Circus was held. - Two circus clowns guard that arch. - To the left, the road leads down and around to the square in front of the Bar. - The station is in the Square next to the bar. >> In the other direction from Cedric's is the River with a Drawbridge. + The drawbridge is up. - The traffic Lights are red. - No passage for now. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Police Headquarters (Sheriff's office) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bench ....................... Near the front door. ! Clock ! Post ........................ Pillars on each side of the door. ! Shrubbery ! Window NOTE: There is an 'invention idea' at the counter. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Outside Police Headquarters =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Belt .......................... Sheriff Blinkhorn is wearing it! ! Cart .......................... On the street corner opposite the Sheriff. Chimney ....................... Roof of building beside the Wooden Boxes - but shoot from close to Sheriff Blinkhorn. Police Sign ................... Above the Sheriff's head. ! Shubbery ...................... Beside the Cart. ! Wooden Box .................... Beside the Cart. Streetlight ................... Across the street and part way to the Bar (there are also box and trashcan there. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the Bar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ! Barrel ....................... In the corner above the car. Bottle ....................... On one table beside the huge barrel. Car .......................... To the right of the bartender - get a good view of the steering wheel. ! Chair ........................ At the tables in the bar. Also red- topped stools are called 'Chair's. Ladder ....................... Above the car and against the wall. It leads to a walkway with rails. ! Lamp ......................... On tables in the bar. ! Light ........................ Car's headlight. ! Painting ..................... Hanging from grid above the bottle - looks as if it is painted on hide. Piano ........................ Over to the right of the car. ! Rapper ....................... Big horns on the piano. ! Table ........................ More than one. ! Wheel ........................ High on the wall above the bottle. Stand back to see it. NOTE: There is an 'invention idea' on a paper tacked to a huge barrel in one corner. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Square Outside the Bar =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bar Sign ...................... Small one near the door; another up on the roof. Table ......................... Outside the bar. ! Lamp .......................... On the tables in front of the bar. Cafe Sign ..................... 'Coffee' sign above a booth opposite the Bar. Fountain ...................... In the center of the Square. Parasol ....................... Shading the tables near the Cafe. ! Sign .......................... Photograph of the 'Station' sign. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the Station =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Flower Chair .................. Huge metal flower on a pedestal and surrounded by a circluar bench. ! Barrel ........................ Behind the counter of the shop furthestfrom the entrance. - Server is a man. ! Bottle ........................ On the counter of the same shop. ! Bread ......................... On the same counter. Cup ........................... On the same counter as the bottle. ! Milk Can ...................... Inside shop nearest to station entrance; Server is a girl. ! Pot ........................... On shelf behind girl server. ! Staircase ..................... Steps down to the trains. ! Bench ......................... Below and to right of staircase. ! Shrubbery ..................... Tall shrubs in planters. ! Clock ......................... Center below staircase between the station platforms. Blackstone One ................ The engine of the train on the track to the left. Freight Train ................. Look toward the track on the right, photograph the car with 'Eastern' on its side. NOTE 1: Trashcan, Barrel, Wooden box are all on the platform near the Blackstone One train. NOTE 2: An 'invention idea' is in a book on one of the tables (to the right of the entrance. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= By the Drawbridge =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Drawbridge ! Manhole ....................... To the right of the drawbridge. ! Parasol ....................... Over the tables by the river. River ......................... Stand near the drawbridge and by the water. Traffic Light ................. Stand a little away from it to get the shot or wait until later when the Light goes green. ! Streetlight ................... To left of drawbridge. NOTE: The trees along the river this side of the drawbridge are NOT photo ideas. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Other Photos in Palm Brinks =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ! Shrubbery ..................... In the garden boxes along the street. The Morning Sun ............... In the center of the area in front of the Police Headquarters. - The sun rises behind the tower above the Police HQ door. - About 6:30 to 8:30 a.m. - Use Max's shadow to locate the direction. The Sun ....................... Best about 10:30 a.m. - Too high after noon. - When it comes out from behind the tower. The Evening Sun ............... After about 5:30 p.m. - Use Max's shadow to locate it. - Face toward the drawbridge. The Moon ...................... At night, look for where the light comes from as it makes Max's shadow. NOTE: Best place to photo the sun and the moon (various times of day) is in the road junction outside the POlice Headquarters. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Underground Channel Exit =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Once you complete all requirements for the Underground Channel including finishing the boss 'Halloween', you finally arrive at the exit. Iron Bridge ................... Across the are to the right. Waterfall ..................... Flowing from a pipe to the right of the exit itself. NOTE: Depending on the time of day when you arrive at the exit, you may be able to photo one of: + Evening Sun. + Morning Sun. + The Sun. + The Moon. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Object Locations Beginning of Chapter 2 ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Return to Palm Brinks =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > On the way to Sindain, you are ambushed by Flotsam in the P3000. + You must defeat him before you can get to Sindain Statiomnm. + When you have defeated Flotsam (for the time being anyway), you can return to Palm Brinks. + You may chose to do it after arriving at Sindain Station and before beginning Chapter 2 activities. + You may choose to do it when you go back to pick up Gordon, the gardener, and other support characters. - However, I recommend that you explore Palm Brinks before trying to get support characters so you know where everyone is. - While there are duplicates of objects (Trashcans, Wooden Boxes, Barrels, Streelights, mailbooxes, etc., abound in Palm Brinks), # The following lists only contain new items. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= On the Train =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > It is easiest to do this after arriving at Sindain Station by re-entering the engine section of the train. > If you return to Palm Brinks Station, you'll find the train and can take the photos there. Coal ......................... In a bunker beside the firehouse. Firehouse .................... Glowing fire box - drives the train. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Palm Brinks City Hall =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > The clowns are gone, so you now have access to the Central Square and City Hall. >> Going to the right from the Police Head and through the arch previously guarded by the clowns. Glasses Case ................. Filled with many different eye glasses. Deer Horn .................... Above glasses case. - Take from near the door. Stand ........................ Lamp on the desk. Flag ......................... To the right of the Mayor's desk. NOTE 1: There is an idea on the bookshelves. NOTE 2: There is an idea on the Mayor's desk. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Palm Brinks Residential Area =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Residential Area Map ____________________ / \ / _______________ | / / | | / / The Pond ___/ | | / |__ <-- Pier | | X / / | |_ Dell Clinic / / |_ | / / _| _| / / / |__________/ | | / \ ________ / | | | | Zelmite Mine X | | X | | ______| |_____/ / / ^ The Monument / / / __________________/ / / / / / / Max's House | | Morton's House X X | | ______________ | | | | | | | Claire's | X | | | House | | | | ________| | | | | | \ | | | \ X Church / / | \______________/ / | / \ X / Parn's Studio \__________ ______/ \ / \ / | | Drawbridge | | \ / To Palm Brinks shopping area > The drawbridge is now lowered giving access to the park and the residential area. NOTE: The water beside the Dell Clinic is called both 'The Pond' and The Lake'. + A scoop taken here is called 'Ruler of the Pond'. + So I chose to call it 'The Pond'. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Across the Drawbridge =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > The drawbridge takes you to the residential area of Palm Brinks. >> The traffic Light is now green. >> Across the drawbridge, up through the arch, you face the church steps (slightly to your left). >> The pathway to the right of the church leads to: + Parn's House ............ To the right. + Morton's House .......... On the left past Parn's. + The Mansion ............. Max's house, past Morton's - Across the bridge - behind a wrought-iron fence. + Claire's House .......... Beyond the mansion. >> The pathway to the left around the church leads to: + The Railroad ............ On the left after the flagstone road becomes a dirt track + Entry to the Zelmite Mine (Chapter 8). + The Monument ............ Tall spire, on the left but to the right of where the path splits. + The Pond ................ Small lake further to the right past the Monument. + The Pier ................ Around to the right of The Pond. + Dr. Dell's Clinic ....... Around the lake OR on the path to the left of the Monument. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Photos Beyond the Drawbridge =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Tree ......................... Across the drawbridge and to the right by the river. + Also before the Pond. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the Church =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Candle ....................... In tall candlesticks along the church aisle. Rug .......................... The carpet along the aisle - focus the camera down. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Parn's Studio =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Parn's Studio Sign ........... On the roof as you climb the stairs to his house. Bed .......................... Inside, up the steps near where he cooks his paints. Cloth ........................ Covering a couple of paintings on the floor. Curtain ...................... Above the bed alcove. Figure ....................... To the right of the bed either: - The one full figure and. OR - The one of a head with wings on the wall above the first. Paints ....................... A pot of purple paint on the floor near the door. NOTE 1: If you weren't able to locate the 'Ladder' in the Bar, there are two in Parn's Studio. NOTE 2: If you don't have the Lamp, there is one up the ladder by the door. NOTE 2: An 'Invention Idea' is in the books stacked on the floor of the studio. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Morton's House =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Drawer ...................... Upstairs around the landing to the far corner. - A cupboard with shelves. - Focus on the green pots Hoe ......................... On the back wall to the right of the Drawer. Refrigerator ................ Ground floor, in corner past table. - It is green. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Outside the Mansion =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Bridge ...................... Across to the garden area. Fence ....................... Take from inside, to the right of the entry gate. Gate ........................ Take one side (on the left as you enter). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the Mansion - Gerald's room =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Down the steps to the left of the entry stairs. Deer Horn ................... On wall beside the door. Elena's Portrait ............ On wall above Gerald's bed. - Orange colored oval frame. Fireplace ................... Glowing coals. Rifle ....................... On wall above the door. NOTE: An 'Invention Idea' is on Gerald's desk. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the Mansion - Max's room =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Up the curved stairs, directly above Gerald's room. Stained Glass ............... Further up the stairs outside Max's room - Take shot from Max's door. Chandelier .................. If you missed this before, its in the center of the entry up in the ceiling. Dresser ..................... Big cabinet, one on either side of the door. Robot ....................... Against wall. Telescope ................... Near Robot. NOTE: An 'Invention Idea' is in the Dresser with the glass door. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the Mansion - Servant's area =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Down stairs on opposite side of the entry from Gerald's room. Palm Tree ................... In the hallway, in a pot. Fish ........................ On Kitchen Table. Stove ....................... Fireplace in the kitchen - fire is laid and burning. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the Mansion - Past the Kitchen =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Up the stairs in the kitchen and through the door to another set of stairs. Phone ....................... On small table at top of stairs. Letter ...................... On desk at the top of the last flight of stairs. - Take the photo from the left of the chair at the desk. NOTE: An 'Invention Idea' is on the Desk at the top of the last flight of stairs. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside the Mansion - The Dining Room =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Directly opposite the front door, between the curving staircases. Nothing new. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Inside Claire's House =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Nothing new. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Entry to the Zelmite Mine =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Railroad .................... Railway Track. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dr. Dell's Clinic =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dell Clinic Sign ............ Above the steps up to the Clinic. Bone ........................ Skeleton against wall. Eyeball ..................... On cabinet beside skeleton. Egg ......................... Between two bottles on the upper shelf above the Eyeball - Stand back to get a clear shot. Saw ......................... Beside the examination chair. NOTE 1: An 'Invention Idea' is near the doctor's chair. Note 2: An 'Invention Idea' is at a small stand beside the examination chair. Note 3: An 'Invention Idea' is on small bookshelf near the entry. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Pier =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Boat .................... Walk onto the pier until you can see the boat. The Pier .................... Turn around until you can see the beginning of the pier to take the photo. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Using 'Make' from the Main Menu ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The 'Make' Option =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > To make his invention, Max needs to use the Main Menu. > The third option in the Main Menu is 'Make' >> until Max has the Camera, there are just three question marks: '???'. >> Once he has the three ideas, he needs to create the invention. > Selecting the 'Make' option displays the 'Buildable Object' screen. +++ See Manual illustration numbered 5 on page 17. +++ >> Ignore the Item Bag (on the right). >> The 'Buildable Object' screen is on the left with a message box below referring to 'Invention Card'. + The Invention Cards are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc. + The Invention Cards list all inventions as Max successfully puts the photo ideas together. + The first item (indicated by the cursor) in the list is *always* an empty Invention Card displaying the number 1 and 'New Invention'. + When a new invention has been developed, that invention is *always* added to the bottom of the list with a black and white picture of what the invention will look like and the invention's name. + The ones showing in the illustration are: 2. Energy Pack (fuel tank). 3. Caterpillar (feet for the Ridepod). 4. Trumpet Gun. 5. Aquarium. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Creating Invented Items ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Once you have selected 'Make' you can, if you have the right ideas, have Max create his inventions. > The first screen you see, the Buildable Objects Screen provides access to the 'Ideas Board'. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The Ideas Board =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Selecting Item 1 'New Invention' takes you to the 'Ideas Board' screen. >> On the left is a notice board called the 'Photo Board'. + At the top is a blue Idea Album with a message 'Ideas to Invent'. + Below that is a blue bobbing arrow pointing up with the message 'Move ideas from photo to Ideas Book'. + Below that is the Photo Board. - The board can hold a maximum of 30 photos. - A dashed box (moving dashes) with arrow indicates one of the photo locations. > When you are taking photos (after pressing the [Square] Button the first time but before actually taking the photo ): >> You can use the viewfinder for additional information: + Press [Triangle] to get a view of the Photo Board. +++ See illustration numbered '2' on page 16). +++ +++ See illustration numbered '6' on page 17). +++ + The Photo Board is on the left with photos just taken labeled as 'New'. + On the right is the score board. + The score shown in the illustration: # Max has taken 338 photos. # Number of ideas is 107. # Number of Scoops is 10. # Score is 264 and Level (Lv) is 3. > When creating an invention, the first step is to choose your ideas. >> Go up to the Ideas Book on the Board and press [X]. + In the Ideas Book press [Down] (direction pad) to put the cursor onto the ideas. +++ See illustration numbered '4' on page 17). +++ >> On the left is the list of ideas with yellow lightbulbs. + In the illustration, the cursor is pointing at 'Parasol'. + Find the ideas you want to use (total of three) by moving the cursor up and down the list, pressing [X] on the ones you want. >> On the right is a display with Max and a floating thought 'cloud'. + This is for the placement of three ideas, usually selected from the 'Ideas Album'. - In the illustration, Max has already selected 3 ideas, listed below the thought cloud. # Palm Tree # Piano # Parasol - In the upper right corner is a message box with the message: 'Invent with [Square] button.' - Press [Square] to start the invention process. NOTE: The above three ideas will result in failure! > Although you can take an idea from the photo board, it is best to move new photos to the Idea Album before using them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Storing the photos =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > For a permanent record of Max's ideas, the photos need to be moved into the Ideas Album. >> The ideas are stored in two groups: + Yellow light bulbs indicate regular photo ideas. + Orange lightbulbs indicate the Scoops. + All Scoops appear below all the regular ideas. >> The Photo Board shows all photos taken (to a max of 30). + If a 'ringing sound' occurs when you take the photo, the photo is a useful idea and can be stored. + If there is no sound, the photo title will not show a lightbulb and is useless as far as inventions are concerned. + For some of the Scoops, you may have to repeat taking photos several times before you get the right one. + This is particularly important for one-time-only Scoops. - For example, the Scoop of Little Linda: # Has to be taken just as her front feet hit the ground. # It may take several tries before you photograph the exact moment. # You'll know when you've succeeded by the ringing sound. # Don't kill her until you have the Scoop. -- You'll have to keep dodging until you get it. - Another example, the Scoop of the final Boss in Underground Channel, 'Windup Performer Halloween': # You have to get Halloween's missile streaking directly toward you. # This means you get hit by the missile! # Make sure you have plenty of 'Bread'. # WATCH YOU HP GUAGE and heal between shots until you get the Scoop (a ringing sound). > Moving the photos to the Ideas Album turn them into ideas. >> To move the photos: + Click on the floating Up Arrow: - This moves new, not yet stored ideas. - It moves a copy of photos whose titles are highlighted by a yellow or an orange lightbulb. - Once they are stored, you are given the option to delete the originals from the photo board. + DON'T delete 'Scoops' - the ones with orange light bulbs. - You need to put them in the *red* Photo Album when you get it. # The Walkthrough will tell you when you can buy this album. - You'll be able to pick up your first Scoop when you go back to fight Linda. - About half the 'Scoops' are one-time-only photo opportunities. # If you miss these, you don't get another chance. # The Walkthrough gives hints for taking these one-time-only Scoops > You can work with inidvidual photos on the photo board (before storing them. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Options with Photos on the Photo Board =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > Select 'Make' on the Main Menu. > Select the first 'Invention Card' (labelled 'New Invention') slot and press [X]. >> Move the cursor up to the large blue arrow (it's pointing up). >> Press [X]. >> You will be asked if you want to: + 'Save photo in Ideas Book for use as an invention idea?' + An arrow points to 'YES'. + The arrow can be moved to 'NO'. >> If you say 'YES' a message shows: 'Saved in Idea Book.' >> Then a message: + 'Delete all newly saved photos from the Idea Board?' + The arrow points at 'NO' but can be moved to 'YES'. >> IF YOU HAVE ANY NEWLY TAKEN SCOOPS (with orange light bulbs) tell it 'NO'. > Deleting the pictures on an individual basis. >> Move the arrow to one of the pictures and press [X]. >> The indicated picture has a dashed square highlighting the picture. >> You get the following choices: (Note: '' is used to indicate something that varies with the subject of the photo. Make Seed of Invention .... The photo becomes one of the three ideas for an invention. + Press the [Triangle] Button. + Photo is moved to Max's 'Thought Bubble'. + Name of photo idea is displayed below the Bubble. + A message in the upper right: [Triagle] Select ideas. 2 remaining. Enlarge Photo ............. You can see a slightly larger version of the photo. + While it isn't a lot larger, you can see more detail. Delete Photo .............. Deletes just the highlighted photo. + Useful if you have Scoops you don't want to delete yet. + you get a message: Delete the photo of ' '?. + Arrow points to 'NO'. + If you select 'YES' the message: Photo of ' deleted. Delete Useless Pictures ... Deletes all pictures that are useless for inventions (those where there is no ringing sound). + Pressing [X] and you're asked: 'Delete all photos that can't be used as ideas for inventions?' + Choose 'YES'. + The message reads: 'All photos except those that are ideas deleted.' Delete All Pictures ....... Clears all pictures off the Idea Board. + DON'T use this option until you have the red Photo Album. + Keep Scoops on the Idea Board until you can put them in the red Photo Album. NOTE 1: If possible, put a copy of the Scoop into the Ideas Book, but don't delete the scoop. + When you have the red Photo Album, move the scoop into that album (automatically removes it from the Photo Board). + The Photo Album is permanently saved on one (or both) Playstation 2 Memory Cards. + In writing this FAQ, I have had to start my game over several times. - I usually save different 'stages' of the game so I don't have to start at the very beginning. - When I need to use certain Scoops, I can bring them out of the photo album before and/or without the 'bother' of trying to get them. NOTE 2: Whenever you use the Photo Album, the game tries to insist on you saving the Album again. + Process in using the Photo Album: - Put the cursor on the red album near the bottom of the Photo Board Screen. - Select the photo you need. # This takes it out of the Photo Album and puts it on the Ideas Board. - Save to the Ideas Book without deleting the photo - Before you exit from the Photo Board return the scoop to the Photo Album and save when you exit. OR - Refuse to save the Photo Album (you have to tell the game NO several times). + When you have new Scoops: - Add them to the Ideas Book first without deleting. - Don't forget to add them to the Photo Album and save the new version of the album. > Additional information about Photo Ideas is discussed in the appropriate Chapter information in the Walkthrough. ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ + + + 3. Creating New Invention Cards + + + +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ > To create a new invention card, use photos stored in the blue Ideas Album. >> The Ideas Album contains photo ideas you have stored. + To access the ideas: - Use 'Make' and the 'New Invention' Card to get to the Ideas Board. - Move the cursor up to the blue notebook and press [X]. - When the list appears, press [Down] on the direction pad to move the cursor to the list itself. - Use [Down] or [Up] to move to any idea. >> Use the lists below for deciding what ideas are best. - Select three photos to move a copy of each into Max's 'Thought Bubble'. - At the same time, the Ideas are listed below the 'Thought Bubble'. - Press the [Square] button to test Max's invention. # You are asked: 'Think up invention based on the selected ideas? # Select 'YES' or 'NO'. > There are three possibilities >> You have selected the correct three ideas: + A colored picture of the invention appears and Max is joyful. - The newly created Invention Card has been added (at the bottom of all previous invention cards). - Your first invention is the 'Energy Pack', so it will appear on Invention Card 2. >> None or only one of the ideas is correct: + There will be a groaning sound. - The 'Thought Bubble' will contain a moving black 'scribble' followed by a red 'X'. - Max bows his head, covers his face and says: 'Oww. No Good, Huh!' - His invention was a failure. >> Two correct photos but the third is a dud: For example: - You select two correct ideas - 'Fan' and 'Telescope'. - Your third choice is incorrect - 'Weather Vane': - There will be a groaning sound. - The incorrect idea flashes red. - A message box is displayed: 'You're so close! 'You'll think of something soon. 'Idea: "Wi......" - In this example, the hint refers to 'Windmill' NOTE: The correct number of dots are displayed for the missing letters). >> If all three photos are correct but you have already invented that item, the game won't let you invent it again. > A list of inventions, their ideas, and the chapter where you can photograph the ideas is included below. > A second list gives the materials needed for each invention. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Invention Lists (by Chapter) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= > You can only invent an item when you have the right photo ideas. >> In the lists below, inventions are listed in alphabetic order. + The Photo Ideas can be added to Max's 'Thought Bubble' in any order. + Items for the Ridepod are listed separately from items used by Max and/or Monica. > The inventions are separated by chapter according to where you can photograph the idea(s): >> Location of ideas determines the earliest you can make the invention. >> Generally, when you have the right ideas, you can create the invention card and make the item. >> A few items can be invented but not made because you're unable to get the invention materials until a later chapter. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Invention Lists - Chapter 1 ** * * ** Central Palm Brinks ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Chapter 1 is titled 'To the Outside World'. >> It is the first area in Palm Brinks. >> The dungeon is Underground Channel. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Max and Monica's items: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |==================|==========|===================|=============| | Aquarium | Fountain | Window | Wooden Box | |__________________|__________|___________________|_____________| | Bandit Brassard | Clock | Gold Store | Show Window | |__________________|__________|___________________|_____________| | Bomb | Candle | Weapon Shop Sign | Pot | |__________________|__________|___________________|_____________| | Clown Shoes | Cloth | Clown Robo Attack | Parasol | |__________________|__________|___________________|_____________| | Knight Boots | Belt | Shield | The Moon | |__________________|__________|___________________|_____________| | Work Shoes | Cloth | Constructor | Ladder | |__________________|__________|___________________|_____________| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridepod Items: =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _____________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |===================|==========|===================|========| | Cannonball Arm | Manhole | Old Style Robot | Post | |___________________|__________|___________________|________| | Caterpillar Feet | Car | Cart | Wheel | |___________________|__________|___________________|________| | Clown Hand | Parasol | Clown Robo Attack | Pipe | |___________________|__________|___________________|________| | Energy Pack | Belt | Milk Can | Pipe | |___________________|__________|___________________|________| | Iron Leg |Phonograph| Constructor | Saw | |___________________|__________|___________________|________| NOTE 1: The Cannonball Arm is the one the Ridepod begins with. + If you have enough materials, you can make this to sell. Note 2: Steve also starts with the Iron Leg. + If you have enough materials, you can make this to sell. NOTE 3: There are two sets of ideas for inventing the Iron Leg. + The second one needs a photo of the 'Fence' which you can get later in Chapter 2. + Either one works but you can only invent the item once. NOTE 4: The Energy Pack is Max's first invention. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Invention Lists - Chapter 2 ** * * ** Palm Brinks ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Beginning Chapter 2: >> At the end of Chapter 1, Max reaches the outside world + He takes the Underground Channel Exit. + He is then picked up by Cedric on the train. >> When the train then pulls into Sindain Station. + Max can use the Main Menu and 'Move' to access the World Map. + Returning to Palm Brinks allows Max to go to other areas of Palm Brinks: - City Hall. - The residential area of town. + In both areas, Max can take many more photos which allows him to invent more items. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Max & Monica's Items - Chapter 2/Palm Brinks =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ____________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |==================|===========|=====================|=============| | Bell Trigger | Fountain | Phone | Tree | |__________________|___________|_____________________|_____________| | Bread | Fireplace | Polly's Bakery Sign | Wheat Flour | |__________________|___________|_____________________|_____________| | Gift Capsule | Bone | Pot | Letter | |__________________|___________|_____________________|_____________| | Grenade Launcher | Egg | Fountain | Chimney | |__________________|___________|_____________________|_____________| | Lightspeed | Candle | Flower | Rock | |__________________|___________|_____________________|_____________| | Swan {Spheda Rod | Boat | Tiny Hammer | Tree | |__________________|___________|_____________________|_____________| | Trumpet Gun | Fountain | Rapper | Tree | |__________________|___________|_____________________|_____________| NOTE 1: 'Bell Trigger' and 'Granade Launcher' are guns. NOTE 2: Although Max will not be able to play Spheda for a while yet, the Spheda Rods are also weapons and can be leveled up as well as built up. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridepod Items - Chapter 2/Palm Brinks =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |======================|===================|============|========| | Cannonball Arm II | Constructor | Post | Rock | |______________________|___________________|____________|________| | Clown Body | Parasol | Paints | Cup | |______________________|___________________|____________|________| | Clown Foot | Clown Robo Attack | Eyeball | Paints | |______________________|___________________|____________|________| | Clown Hand | Clown Robo Attack | Parasol | Pipe | |______________________|___________________|____________|________| | Energy Pack (Barrel) | Barrel | Belt | Tree | |______________________|___________________|____________|________| NOTE 1: There are two sets of ideas for inventing the Clown Foot; this is the first one possible. + The second one needs the Scale which you can't get until toward the end of Chapter 3. + You only need to invent the Clown Foot once. NOTE 2: The Energy Pack (Barrel) has a greater capacity than the first Energy Pack. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Invention Lists - Chapter 2 ** * * ** Sindain ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Locations: Sindain Georama, Sindain Future, and the Rainbow Butterfly Wood. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Max & Monica's Items - Chapter 2/Sindain =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |=====================|======================|==========|=============| | Anti-Petrify Amulet | Jurak's Eye | Clock | Morning Sun | |_____________________|______________________|__________|_____________| | Bone Rapier | Withered Jurak | Bone | Cloth | |_____________________|______________________|__________|_____________| | Double Pudding | Find the Golden Egg! | Can | Wheat Flour | |_____________________|______________________|__________|_____________| | Improved Bomb | Candle | Coal | Egg | |_____________________|______________________|__________|_____________| | Lure Rod | Lafrescia Stem | Fish | River | |_____________________|______________________|__________|_____________| | Leather Shoes | Cloth | Chair | Gyumo Yell | |_____________________|______________________|__________|_____________| | Soap | Palm Tree | Laundry | Waterfall | |_____________________|______________________|__________|_____________| NOTE 1: The improved bomb is the same kind made by Erik. NOTE 2: The Anti-Petrify Amulet will not be needed until you meet the dragon monster late in Chapter 3. NOTE 3: Lure Rod uses only lures, not bait. You don't get those for some time. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridepod Items - Chapter 2/Sindain =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ____________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |===================-==|===================|============|==========| | Barrel Cannon | Barrel | Fountain | Mushroom | |______________________|___________________|____________|__________| | Iron Leg | Old Style Robot | Fence | Trashcan | |______________________|___________________|____________|__________| *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Invention Lists - Chapter 3 ** * * ** Balance Valley ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > The Sage of the Stars; Balance Valley and Starlight Canyon. >> Note, because of space, 'Dragon' in the idea "Burning Dragon Fire' is shortened to "Drgn'. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Max & Monica's Items - Chapter 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |=================|===================|=================|=============| |Anti-Curse Amulet|Hmmm! Jurak |Saint Writings |Holy Emblem | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Antidote Amulet |Dell Clinic Sign |Holy Emblem |Bed | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Anti-Goo Amulet |Ruler of the Pond |Laundry |Waterfall | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Antidote Drink |Dell Clinic Sign |Bottle |Well | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Cheese |Lao Chao Trademark |Cafe Sign |Milk Can | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Dragon Shoes |Runaway Dragon |Cloth |Waterfall | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Holy Water |Bottle |Holy Emblem |The Sun | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Magic Gun |The Moon OR The Sun|Fountain |Moon Crystal | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Non-Stop Amulet |Monument |Starglass |Clock | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Premium Chicken |Special Peking Duck|Burning Drgn Fire|Pork Dumpling| |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Smash Wrench |Constructor |Rock |Star Lamp | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Spike Boots |Moon Crystal |Parasol |Pumpkin | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Stamina Drink |Chinese Lantern |Bottle |King Mardan | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Tasty Water |Bottle |Fountain |Waterfall | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Sand Breaker |Hand-Sewn Silk Flag|Spinning Ivanov |Horn | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Star Breaker |Phantom Memo-Eater |Chimney |Firehouse | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| |Wise Owl Sword |Charging Ram |Grass |Tree | |_________________|___________________|_________________|_____________| NOTE 1: The Dragon Shoes are needed for walking on hot floors in Chapter 5: Mount Gundor. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridepod Items - Chapter 3 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ________________________________________________________________________ |INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |==================|=====================|==================|==========| |Barrel Cannon II |Barrel |Fountain |Well | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Bucket Leg |Can |River |Well | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Bucket Pack |Mailbox |Warehouse |Pipe | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Cannonball Arm III|Constructor |Moon Crystal |Post | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Clown Foot |Clown Robo Attack |Egg |Scale | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Clown Hand II |Clown Robo Attack |Parasol |Scale | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Machine Gun Arm |Runaway Dragon |Fan |Rifle | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Milk Can Body |Peeping Pole |Chimney |Milk Can | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Missile Pod Arm |Rotating Sign |Wooden Box |Mushroom | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Roller Foot |Rotating Sign |Freight Train |Wheel | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Samurai Arm |Crescent-Shaped Light|Barrel |Weapon | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Samurai Body |Crescent-Shaped Light|Cedric's Shop Sign|Telescope | |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| |Wooden Box Body |Giant Yorda Tree |Hmmmm! Jurak |Wooden Box| |__________________|_____________________|__________________|__________| NOTE 1: The above Clown Foot uses a different set of ideas than the earlier version but the identical item is invented. + If you have already invented the earlier version, you don't need to invent it again. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Invention Lists - Chapter 4 ** * * ** Veniccio ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Locations: Goodbye Shingala; Ocean's Roar Cave and Veniccio. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Max & Monica's Items - Chapter 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _____________________________________________________________________ |INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |=================|====================|==========|=================| |Dark Viper |Night Stalker |Rifle |Puppet Shingala | |_________________|____________________|__________|_________________| |Flamingo {Spheda |Light of Luna Stone |Palm Tree |Tiny Hammer | |_________________|____________________|__________|_________________| |Question Shooter |Brave Little Linda |Fountain |Neo Projector | |_________________|____________________|__________|_________________| |Stinger Wrench |Air Cleaner |Pipe |Wheel | |_________________|____________________|__________|_________________| |Turkey {Spheda |Special Peking Duck |Tree |Windmill Feather | |_________________|____________________|__________|_________________| |Wild Cat |Charging Ram |Rifle |Work Equipment | |_________________|____________________|__________|_________________| |Wing Boots |Windmill Feather |Belt |Weather Vane | |_________________|____________________|__________|_________________| |Wing Shoes |Windmill Feather |Parasol |Cloth | |_________________|____________________|__________|_________________| NOTE 1: Dark Viper, Question Shooter, and Wild Cat are guns. NOTE 2: Spheda Clubs can be used by Max as weapons. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridepod Items - Chapter 4 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _________________________________________________________________ |INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |==================|=================|============|=============| |Barrel Cannon III |Waterfall |Barrel |Water Tank | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Buggy {foot |Belt |Car |System5WP2 | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Cannonball Arm IV |Constructor |Rock |Egg Chair | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Clown Hand III |Clown Robo Attack|Flag |Work Arm | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Drill Arm |Auto Book Reader |Fan |Windmill | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Hammer Arm |Barrel |Post |Work Robot | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Machine Gun Arm |Telescope |Fan |Windmill | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Missile Pod Arm II|Luna Lab Symbol |Fountain |Wooden Box | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Multi-Feet |Deer Horn |Post |Work Robot | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Propellor Leg |Windmill Feather |Fan |Cart | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Super-Alloy Body |Work Equipment |Gold Store |Search Light | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Cleaner Pack |Vacuum Bag |Can |Water Tank | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Cleaner Pack |Vacuum |Air Cleaner |Belt | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Refrigerator Body |Self-Powered |Traffic |Refrigerator | | | Generator | Light | | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| |Samurai Arm IV |Flotsam Revived! |Surviving |Legend of | | | | Soldier | the Moon | |__________________|_________________|____________|_____________| NOTE 1: There are two sets of ideas that can be used to make the 'Cleaner Pack'. + Choose whichever one you have the ideas for first. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Invention Lists - Chapter 5 ** * * ** Heim Rada ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Conflict of the Past and Future; Mount Gundor, Heim Rada and Gundorada Workshop. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Max & Monica's Items - Chapter 5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ____________________________________________________________________ |INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |=================|=========================|========|=============| |Albatross {Spheda|Fire Squall |Geyser |Tree | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Cubic Hammer |Work Equipment |Dresser |Gold Store | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Digi Hammer |Decorative Lights |Computer|Constructor | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Escape Powder |Transmission Device |Elevator|Ancient Mural| |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Falcon {Spheda |Withered Jurak |Hammer |Large Crane | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Final Bomb |Candle |Cinders |Oven | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Heavy Hammer |Paznos OR Gigantor Paznos|Drum Can|Power Arm | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Metal Boots |Drum Can |Belt |Work Robot | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Panther Boots |The Ultimate Gaspard |Bone |The Moon | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Poison Wrench |Sulfur-Colored Juice |Mushroom|Deer Horn | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Ruler's Sword |Paznos OR Gigantor Paznos|Figure |Iron Maiden | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Soul Breaker |Transmission Device |Geyser |Energy Pipe | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| |Steal Gun |Work Crane |Book |Fountain | |_________________|_________________________|________|_____________| NOTE 1: 'Paznos OR Gigantor Paznos' - there are two photos of Paznos; either one can be used in the invention. NOTE 2: Soul Breaker is a gun. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridepod's Items - Chapter 5 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ____________________________________________________________________ |INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |====================|======================|==========|============| |Barrel Cannon IV |Air cleaner |Barrel |Fire Squall | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Clown Hand IV |Clown Robo Attack |Paints |Power Arm | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Drill Arm II |Electric Sesame |Horn |Work Arm | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Drill Arm III |Luna Stone Shards |Ixion |Work Arm | |____________________|______________________|_________ |____________| |Hammer Arm II |Hammer |Post |Work Arm | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Laser Arm |Energy Pipe |Barrel |Geyser | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Laser Arm II |Crescent-Shaped Light |Ixion |Energy Pipe | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Machine Gun III |Propellor |Rifle |Windmill | |____________________|______________________|_________ |____________| |Missile Pod Arm III |Generator |Deer Horn |Gold Store | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Nova Cannon |Generator |Rapper |The Sun | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Samurai Arm II |Runaway Dragon |Weapon |Work Crane | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Drum Can Body |Chair |Drum Can |Lamp | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| |Energy Pack (Urn) |Energy Pipe |Pot |Generator | |____________________|______________________|__________|____________| *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Invention Lists - Chapter 6 ** * * ** Kazarov Stonehenge ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Chapter 6 is called 'When Two Eras Collide' >> It is 10,000 years in the past. >> You find the Star key and can complete the Star Paths where you can get more photos: >> The Star Paths are in: + Rainbow Butterfly Wood (Chapter 2). + Starlight Canyon (Chapter 3). + Ocean's Roar Cave (Chapter 4). + Mount Gundor (Chapter 5). > The only new items that can be invented are Ridepod Items. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridepod's Items - Chapter 6 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ________________________________________________________________ |INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |===================|================|===========|=============| |Hammer Arm III |Earth Gem Altar |Chimney |Hammer | |___________________|________________|___________|_____________| |Machine Gun Arm IV |Wind Gem Altar |Drum Can |Propellor | |___________________|________________|___________|_____________| |Missile Pod Arm IV |Fire Gem Altar |Gold Store |Mount Gundor | |___________________|________________|___________|_____________| |Nova Cannon II |Fire Gem Altar |The Sun |Streetlight | |___________________|________________|___________|_____________| *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Invention Lists - Chapter 7 ** * * ** Moonflower Palace ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Location: Moonflower Palace. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Max & Monica's Items - Chapter 7 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______________________________________________________________________ |INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |====================|===================|=============|=============| |Twin Buster |Jurak's Nose |Rifle |Chandelier | |____________________|___________________|_____________|_____________| |Level-Up Powder |Sun Chair |The Sun |Sun Table | |____________________|___________________|_____________|_____________| |Resurrection Powder |Hot Springs Spirit |Fruit |Lotus Flower | |____________________|___________________|_____________|_____________| |Sexy Panther |Flower Bathed in |Rifle |Elena's | | | Light | | Portrait | |____________________|___________________|_____________|_____________| |Resurrection Powder |Hot Springs Spirit |Fruit |Lotus Flower | |____________________|___________________|_____________|_____________| |Princess Boots |Moon Flower |Flower |Waterfall | | | Palace | Chandelier | Curtain | |____________________|___________________|_____________|_____________| |Treasure Chest | Sun Chamber |Golden Door |Labyrinth | | Key | Gatekeeper | | Door | |____________________|___________________|_____________|_____________| NOTE 1: Twin Buster and Sexy Panther are guns. NOTE 2: A gold bar is needed to make a Treasure Chest Key. + It is cheaper to buy the Keys from Donny (cost is 500 Gilda, one Gold Bar costs 1,000 Gilda). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridepod's Items - Chapter 7 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |================|====================|============|==================| | Drill Arm IV | Flower of the Sun | Work Arm | Deer Horn | |________________|____________________|____________|__________________| | Hammer Arm IV | Tiny Hammer | Power Arm | Moon Column | |________________|____________________|____________|__________________| | Laser Arm III | Relaxation Fountain| Energy Pipe| Search Light | |________________|____________________|____________|__________________| | Laser Arm IV | Legend of the Moon | Energy Pipe| Blue Lantern | |________________|____________________|____________|__________________| | Nova Cannon III| Moon Column | Stove | The Sun | |________________|____________________|____________|__________________| | Samurai Arm III| Deer Horn | Moon Column| Weapon | |________________|____________________|____________|__________________| | Jet Hover | Relaxation Fountain| Candle | Firehouse | |________________|____________________|____________|__________________| | Ridepod Fuel | Luna Stone Shards | Mud | Stardust Pond | |________________|____________________|____________|__________________| | Triple-Urn Pack| Light of Luna Stone| Pot | Flower Chandelier| |________________|____________________|____________|__________________| NOTE 1: Jet Hover is the Ridepod's feet. *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Invention Lists - Chapter 8 ** * * ** Zelmite Mines ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > Chapter 8 is called 'The Forgotten Adventure'. >> The dungeeon is called the 'Zelmite Mines'. >> Just one item can be invented in this chapter. >> You need the Scooop 'Flotsam Revived!' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ridepod's Items - Chapter 8 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ___________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | IDEA 1 | IDEA 2 | IDEA 3 | |================|==================|===========|=========| | Nova Cannon IV | Flotsam Revived! | Pot Torch | The Sun | |________________|__________________|___________|_________| *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* * * ** Required Materials for Inventions ** * * *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* > These Inventions are listed in alphabetic order with: >> General Items in the first list. >> Max's Items in the second list. >> Monica's Items in the third list. >> The Ridepod Items in the last list. > There is limited space in the Item Bag so only put an invention together when you need it. >> The process: + Select the appropriate Invention Card. + Press [X]. + You are asked if you want to make the item and a list of required materials is displayed. - From the left: There is a lightbulb, the name of the georama material needed, and the quantity need in white. - If the material item has a blue lightbulb, you have enough of that material. # Move the arrow up to 'YES' and press [X]. - You can make more than one of many inventions: # Move the arrow up to 'YES' and look at the number to the right of 'YES'.. # Press the [Right] Direction Button until the desired quantity shows. # When the number doesn't change, that's the maximum you can make (generally 1, for example the Aquarium). - A red lightbulb shows you don't have enough of that material. # A red number with a minus sign shows how many of that material you need to get to make the invention. + The list below are guidelines to materials and quantities. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Materials for General Items =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | MATERIAL 1 | MATERIAL 2 | MATERIAL 3| |===================|=====================|===============|===========| |Anti-Curse Amulet |3x Holy Water |1x Sturdy Cloth| - | |Antidote Amulet |3x Antidote Drink |1x Sturdy Cloth| - | |Anti-Goo Amulet |3x Soap |1x Sturdy Cloth| - | |Anti-Petrify Amulet|3x Stone Berry |1x Sturdy Cloth| - | |Non-Stop Amulet |3x Heart-Throb Cherry|1x Sturdy Cloth| - | |___________________|_____________________|_______________|___________| ____________________________________________________________________ |Bomb |1x Flame Crystal| 5x Gunpowder|1x Wind Crystal | |Final Bomb |7x Flame Crystal|10x Bomb |1x Power Crystal| |Improved Bomb |3x Flame Crystal| 1x Bomb |3x Wind Crystal | |Lightspeed Bomb |1x Holy Stone |10x Light |5x Lightning | | | | Element | Crystal | |__________________|________________|_____________|________________| ______________________________________________________________________ |Antidote Drink |2x Poison |2x Tasty Water| 1x Poison Apple | |Holy Water |5x Holy Element |2x Tasty Water| 5x Light Element| |Stamina Drink |5x Mighty Healing|2x Tasty Water|30x Super Hot | | | | | Pepper | |Tasty Water |5x Water Element | - | - | |_________________|_________________|______________|_________________| _____________________________________________________________________ |Escape Powder |10x Wind Element |2x Holy Water | - | |Level-Up Powder | 1x Experience Coin|1x Diamond |1x Final Bomb | |Resurrection |50x Life Element |5x Holy Stone | - | | Powder | | | | |Soap | 5x Unknown Bone |1x Bomb Nut | - | |_________________|___________________|______________|______________| _____________________________________________________________________ |Bread | 3x Flour | 1x Water Element|1x Fire Element| |_______________|_________________|_________________|_______________| |Cheese | 8x Flour | 1x Water Element|1x Tasty Water | |_______________|_________________|_________________|_______________| |Double Pudding |10x Life Element | 4x Cheese |4x Tasty Water | |_______________|_________________|_________________|_______________| |Premium Chicken|10x Life Element |10x Fire Element |4x Tasty Water | |_______________|_________________|_________________|_______________| ___________________________________________________________________ |Aquarium |5x Rolling Log|4x Glass Material|15x Water Element| |______________|______________|_________________|_________________| |Treasure Chest|1x Gold Bar * |5x Silver Ball | - | | Key | | | | |______________|______________|_________________|_________________| * Note: Gold Bar costs 1,000 gilda. + Too expensive! + You can buy Treasure Chest Keys for 500 Gilda from Donny when he comes aboard the train. + You can get two for the price of one gold bar. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Materials for Max's Items =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= __________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | MATERIAL 1 | MATERIAL 2 | MATERIAL 3 | |===============|==================|================|=============| |Poison Wrench |15x Scrap of Metal|2x Light Element|5x Poison | |Smash Wrench |10x Scrap of Metal|2x Destruction | - | | | | Crystal | | |Stinger Wrench |15x Scrap of Metal|1x Bandit Coin | - | |_______________|__________________|________________|_____________| __________________________________________________________________ |Heavy Hammer |30x Scrap of Metal|2x Power Crystal|5x Sturdy Rock| |Cubic Hammer |20x Scrap of Metal|2x Light Element|5x Poison | |Digi Hammer |20x Scrap of Metal|5x Silver Ball | - | |_____________|__________________|________________|______________| ____________________________________________________________________ |Albatross {Spheda|7x Rolling Log |2x Holy Element |1x Gold Bar | |Falcon {Spheda |5x Rolling Log |3x Hunter Crystal|1x Silver Ball| |Flamingo {Spheda |5x Rolling Log |3x Pink Paint |1x Silver Ball| |Swan {Spheda Rod |3x Rolling Log |3x Wind Element | - | |Turkey {Spheda |3x Rolling Log |3x Scrap of Metal| - | |_________________|_______________|_________________|______________| ______________________________________________________________________ |Bell Trigger Gun| 2x Silver Ball|10x Scrap of Metal| 2x Wind Element| |Magic Gun | 1x Gold Bar | 3x Holy Crystal | 3x Glass Matrl | |Question Shooter| 3x Silver Ball| 1x Gold Bar | - | |Steal Gun |10x Silver Ball|10x Light Element | 1x Bandit Coin | |Star Breaker | 6x Silver Ball|15x Scrap of Metal| 6x Gunpowder | |Wild Cat | 8x Silver Ball|15x Hunk of Copper|10x Gunpowder | |Sexy Panther |14x Silver Ball| 1x Ruby |15x Gunpowder | |Soul Breaker | 5x Silver Ball| 3x Destruction Cr| 7x Glass Matrl | |Trumpet Gun | 2x Hunk Copper|10x Scrap of Metal| 1x Wind Element| |Grenade Launcher| 2x Bomb | 2x Rolling Log | 2x Gunpowder | |Dark Viper Gun | 3x Silver Ball| 6x Unknown Bone | 6x Gunpowder | |Twin Buster | 2x Gold Bar |20x Scrap of Metal|15x Gunpowder | |________________|_______________|__________________|________________| __________________________________________________________________ |Clown Shoes |4x Sturdy Cloth|2x Wind Crystal |2x Thick Hide | |Dragon Shoes |2x Sturdy Cloth|2x Thunder Element|2x Flame Stone| |Leather Shoes |2x Thick Hide | - | - | |Wing Shoes |2x Thick Hide |1x Wind Crystal | - | |Work Shoes |2x Sturdy Cloth|1x Protector Cr | - | |______________|_______________|__________________|______________| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Materials for Monica's Items =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ______________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | MATERIAL 1 | MATERIAL 2 | MATERIAL 3 | |===============|=================|=================|================| |Bandit Brassard|10x Wind Element |10x Hunk Copper |1x Bandit Coin | |_______________|_________________|_________________|________________| _____________________________________________________________________ |Knight Boots |1x Sturdy Cloth |2x Thick Hide | - | |Metal Boots |1x Scrap of Metal|2x Thick Hide | - | |Panther Boots |1x Hunter Crystal|4x Thick Hide |1x Unknown Bone | |Princess Boots |4x Sturdy Cloth |2x Holy Water |2x Glass Material| |Spike Boots |4x Thick Hide |2x Holy Crystal| - | |Wing Boots |3x Sturdy Cloth |1x Wind Element| - | |_______________|_________________|_______________|_________________| _______________________________________________________________________ |Bone Rapier |30x Unknown Bone| 5x Life Element | 5x Thick Hide | |Ruler's Sword |20x Holy Element|20x Light Element |10x Silver Ball | |Sand Breaker |20x Rough Rock |20x Sticky Clay | 5x Gunpowder | |Wise Owl Sword|10x Scrap Metal |10x Hunk of Copper| 4x Hunter Crystal| |______________|________________|__________________|__________________| =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Materials for Ridepod =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _______________________________________________________________________ | INVENTION | MATERIAL 1 | MATERIAL 2 | MATERIAL 3 | |===============|==================|===============|+=================| |Energy Pack |20x Scrap of Metal| 1x Thick Hide | 2x Hunk of Copper| |Energy (Barrel)|30x Scrap of Metal| 2x Holy Water |10x Rolling Log | |Bucket Pack |40x Scrap of Metal| 2x Thick Hide |30x Red Paint | |Cleaner Pack |50x Scrap of Metal| 4x Thick Hide | 8x Silver Ball | |Energy (Urn) |20x Sturdy Rock |20x Sticky Clay|10x Earth Element | |Triple-Urn |40x Sturdy Rock |40x Sticky Clay|20x Earth Element | |_______________|__________________|_______________|__________________| ______________________________________________________________________ |Bucket Leg |30x Scrap of Metal| 5x Water Element | - | |Buggy |30x Scrap of Metal| 8x Thick Hide |7x Fire Element | |Caterpillar |30x Scrap of Metal|30x Thick Hide | - | |Clown Feet |30x Scrap of Metal|10x Red Paint | - | |Iron Leg |20x Scrap of Metal| 2x Hunk of Copper| - | |Jet Hover |15x Hunk of Copper|30x Sticky Clay |6x Fire Element | |Multi-Feet |30x Scrap of Metal|10x Rolling Log | - | |Propellor leg| 7x Wind Element |10x Silver Bell | - | |Roller Feet |30x Scrap of Metal|10x Rolling Log | - | |_____________|__________________|__________________|________________| _______________________________________________________________________ |Wooden Box Body |30x Scrap Metal |10x Hunk of Copper|20x Rolling Log| |Drum Can Body |40x Scrap Metal | 4x Glass Material| 5x Rolling Log| |Milk Can Body |40x Scrap Metal |10x Glass Material| - | |Clown Body |50x Scrap Metal |25x Hunk of Copper|10x Green Paint| |Refrigerator Bdy|50x Scrap Metal |10x Hunk of Copper| 1x Chill Cryst| |Samurai Body | 1x Gold Bar |40x Rolling Log |10x Red Paint | |Sun & Moon Armor|50x Light Element|50x Sticky Clay |50x Holy Elmnt | |Super Alloy Body| 1x Gold Bar |10x Hunk of Copper| 5x Silver Ball| |________________|_________________|__________________|_______________| _____________________________________________________________________ |Cannonball Arm I |15x Scrap Metal|2x Rolling Log|1x Destruction Cr| |Cannonball Arm II |20x Scrap Metal|5x Silver Ball|1x Destruction Cr| |Cannonball Arm III|20x Hunk Copper|5x Silver Ball|2x Destruction Cr| |Cannonball Arm IV | 3x Gold Bar |5x Silver Ball|4x Destruction Cr| |__________________|_______________|______________|_________________| ______________________________________________________________________ |Barrel Cannon I |10x Rolling Log |10x Gunpowder| - | |Barrel Cannon II |15x Rolling Log |20x Gunpowder|4x Sturdy Cloth | |Barrel Cannon III | 5x Silver Ball |25x Gunpowder|4x Hunter Crystal | |Barrel Cannon IV |10x Silver Ball |40x Gunpowder|1x Bull's-Eye Coin| |__________________|________________|_____________|__________________| _____________________________________________________________________ |Clown Hand I |10x Hunk of Copper| 5x Green Paint|10x Black Paint | |Clown Hand II |12x Hunk of Copper|10x Red Paint |10x Yellow Paint| |Clown Hand III |20x Rough Rock |20x Green Paint|20x Purple Paint| |Clown Hand IV |10x Scrap of Metal| 6x Red Paint | 2x Gold Bar | |_______________|__________________|_______________|________________| _______________________________________________________________________ |Drill Arm I |20x Scrap Metal|3x Destruction Crystal|1x Protector Cr | |Drill Arm II |20x Scrap Metal|4x Destruction Crystal|2x Power Crystal| |Drill Arm III| 2x Gold Bar |5x Destruction Crystal|4x Power Crystal| |Drill Arm IV |15x Silver Ball|1x Indestructible Coin|1x Diamond | |_____________|_______________|______________________|________________| _____________________________________________________________________ |Hammer Arm I |50x Scrap Metal|10x Hunk Copper| - | |Hammer Arm II |50x Scrap Metal|20x Rough Rock |1x Silver Ball | |Hammer Arm III|50x Scrap Metal|30x Hunk Copper|5x Protector Crystal| |Hammer Arm IV |20x Scrap Metal| 1x Diamond |7x Protector Crystal| |______________|_______________|_______________|____________________| _____________________________________________________________________ |Laser Arm I |10x Rolling Log | 5x Silver Ball|10x Light Element| |Laser Arm II |12x Rolling Log | 5x Silver Ball|20x Light Element| |Laser Arm III |30x Hunk of Copper| 9x Silver Ball|15x Light Element| |Laser Arm IV | 4x Holy Stone | 4x Gold Bar | 1x Diamond | |______________|__________________|_______________|_________________| ______________________________________________________________________ |Machine Gun Arm I |15x Rolling Log |15x Gunpowder |15x Scrap Mtl| |Machine Gun Arm II |15x Rolling Log |30x Gunpowder |15x Scrap Mtl| |Machine Gun Arm III| 3x Flame Stone |20x Thunder Elmnt| 1x Gold Bar | |Machine Gun Arm IV | 8x Flame Stone |40x Thunder Elmnt| 1x Ruby | |___________________|________________|_________________|_____________| _____________________________________________________________________ |Missile Pod Arm I |10x Rolling Log|30x Gunpowder | 1x Sun Stone | |Missile Pod Arm II |20x Hunk Copper|30x Gunpowder |10x Scrap Metal| |Missile Pod Arm III| 5x Silver Ball| 5x Silver Ball|20x Scrap Metal| |Missile Pod Arm IV |10x Silver Ball| 3x Silver Ball| 1x Sun Stone | |___________________|_______________|_______________|_______________| ____________________________________________________________________ |Nova Cannon I |10x Sticky Clay|10x Fire Element|10x Scrap Metal | |Nova Cannon II |12x Sticky Clay|20x Fire Element|50x Holy Element| |Nova Cannon III |14x Sticky Clay| 3x Holy Stone |99x Holy Element| |Nova Cannon IV |15x Sticky Clay| 5x Holy Stone | 1x Gold Bar | |________________|_______________|________________|________________| ___________________________________________________________________ |Samurai Arm I |10x Rolling Log|10x Scrap Metal|10x Thick Hide | |Samurai Arm II |15x Rolling Log|15x Scrap Metal| 5x Silver Ball | |Samurai Arm III |20x Rolling Log|20x Scrap Metal|30x Life Element| |Samurai Arm IV |25x Rolling Log|25x Scrap Metal| 2x Diamond | |________________|_______________|_______________|________________| ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~ ~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~