Mini-game Circuit - Guide for Mario Party 5
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Hi, I'm Marjo5858, and I'm here to tell you about the *Mini-game Circuit.* Means it has to be unlocked. The *mini-game circuit is when the characters get into their cars, and play this fun board game on a road. This road includes some things like Bowser spaces: When you land on this space, you must play 1 of the 3 *Bowser mini-games. After played, Bowser will roll a dice block. The loser(s) will move back the number of spaces on the die. The winner(s) will remain the same. These are very difficult, so do your best. There are 4 Bowser spaces in the *mini-game circuit. The *Bowser games are: *Cage in Cookin': difficulty level:9. Rules: You must escape from your cage in time, before Bowser burns you. Controls: All. *Scaldin' Cauldron: difficulty level:6. Rules: Go into the cauldron of your choice before Bowser breaks in. After that, the cauldrons that weren't burned win. Controls: B, A, or X. *Rain of Fire: difficulty level:10. Rules: Escape from the ashes of the fire works Bowser made. Controls: control stick. Duel spaces: When you land on this space, you must play 1 of 15 *duel games, but first you must select an opponent to duel with. There are 5 duel spaces in the game. The loser will move back the number of spaces on the die. The winner will remain the same. If there is a draw (tie) the characters' will remain the same. *Duel games aren't that difficult, but do your best anyway. These are the *duel mini- games: *Shock Absorbers *Whomp Maze *Button Mashers *Pump 'n' Jump *Countdown Pound *Shy Guy Showdown *Get a Rope *Head Waiter *Blown Away *Merry Poppings *Pound Peril *Piece Out *Bound of Music *Wind Wavers *Sky Survivor OBJECT: The object of the game is to go all through the track and get through the goal, which is also the starting point. You will land on duel and Bowser spaces. If you have to move back to the starting point, try to win *mini-games and use mushrooms. This'll help you win. Once you win, glitter will fall onyour character. You can play this with 1-4 people. TIP:Yoshi is hard, so don't use him as a CPU. The princesses are easy, so use them as the CPUs. This may work, but they can still win *mini-games and get in 1st. Waluigi is VERY hard! Avoid him. If you're on a team in the 1 VS. 3, Big Top Drop, don't use a mushroom because it's impossible to win. *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini- Game Cucuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini- Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit *Mini-Game Curcuit OK, I think you've had enough. What? I only wrote *Mini-Game Curcuit 20 times. You would have to start playing to get more info...wait! I have something! UNLOCKING: In order to unlock the *Mini-Game Curcuit, you must have *duel mini- games and you also must have *Bowser mini-games. It takes time to get this one. In fact, I got this about a week ago, so the *Mini-Game Curcuit is my most recent discovery. You need a memory card to keep this in your data. You need ROOM in your memory card to keep this data. This and any other FAQ, guide, or walkthrough shall not be copied. If you do, you'll be in trouble with me and cheat, because I made this and nobody else did, so think about what you want to do. I'm Marjo 5858, and I only did this so gamers like YOU could check this out! Again, I'm Marjo 5858, and BYE!!!!!!!!!!