Chris Walkthrough - Guide for Resident Evil

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Resident Evil US Version
GameCube (C) Copyright Nintendo
Resident Evil (C) Copyright 2002 Capcom Co., Ltd.
FAQ Copyright 2002 Clark Gibson

Prologue :

Arklay Mountains,
Raccoon City, 24th

A spokesperson at the Raccoon City Police Department reported that an
investigation helicopter of the special task force, S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, is

According to the announcement from the Raccoon City Police Department, the team
was sent in to investigate the Arklay Mountain and Raccoon Forest area, where a
number of people have been reported missing.  Contact with the team has been
lost since the last communication before dawn.

The Raccoon City Police Department suspects the team has been involved in some
trouble.  Now it will send the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team to investigate and collect
information from witnesses.

Recently there have been a number of bizarre murders reported near Raccoon
City.  This incident is likely to make Raccoon City residents feel even more

The special task force S.T.A.R.S. (Special Tactics and Rescue Service) was
founded in 1996 under control of the Raccoon City Police Department to
counteract increasing city terrorism and other crimes.

- From Raccoon Press
Evening Issue, July 24, 1998

Table of Contents

* Revisions
* Characters
* Enemies
* Weapons
* Items
* FAQ/Semi Walkthrough
* Files
* Secrets
* Copyright


Version 1 - Prologue, Characters, Enemies, Jill Walkthrough.

Version 2 - Corrected spelling errors.

Version 3 - Weapons Available to Jill, More Items in Jill's Walkthrough, Files,

Version 4 - Jill's Quest complete! Typos I could find corrected.

Version 5 - Chris' Quest complete!

Version 6 - Cylinder Shaft Puzzle fixed! Thanks be to GForce9x.

Version 7 - Missing "Body Disposal" file added.


Chris Redfield

A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team.

He is a seasoned veteran who possesses both intelligence and immense strength.

He has completed numerous missions by overcoming critical situations and great

*Former Air Force pilot*

Jill Valentine

A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team.

She is a highly intelligent agent who possesses both quick reflexes and common

She has been decorated for her bravery in dangerous situations where her cool
judgment kept herself and others alive.

Barry Burton

A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team.

An old friend of Chris' and his former partner.

A former S.W.A.T. Team member, Barry maintains and supplies weapons for all
S.T.A.R.S. members.

With 16 years of experience, he has led many successful missions.

Joseph Frost

A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team.

Previously a member of the Bravo Team, and already stationed in Raccoon City,
Joseph was promoted to serve as a vehicle specialist for the Alpha Team.

Brad Vickers

A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team.

Brad is a computer expert and is an excellent source of information as well as
being the pilot for the Alpha Team.

Unfortunately, his fear of dying and lack of enthusiasm for rushing into danger
has earned him the nickname "Chickenheart."

Albert Wesker

Commander of the S.T.A.R.S. Unit and Leader of the Alpha Team.

Wesker has risen quickly inside the S.T.A.R.S. organization.  Viewed by many as
a "cool guy," from his haircut to the shades he never removes.

Wesker was recruited for the command position for his sharp insight.

He founded the S.T.A.R.S. Unit in Raccoon City.

Enrico Marini

Second in command of the S.T.A.R.S. Unit and Leader of the Bravo Team.

Enrico feels threatened by the arrival of the Alpha Team into Raccoon  City,
fearing that Chris or Barry will usurp him as the #1 to Wesker.

Forrest Speyer

A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team.

Forrest is a great sniper in addition to his duties as the Bravo Team's vehicle

He is a consummate professional, and his work earns him great respect from his
fellow team members.

Kenneth J. Sullivan

A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team.

A quiet but very talented field scout, Kenneth formerly worked as a chemist.

He wonders why his chemist expertise is necessary in Raccoon City but quickly
dismisses his fears due to his recruitment by Wesker himself.

Richard Aiken

A member of S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team.

Richard is the most important member of the Bravo Team because he serves as
communications expert.

Serving as the only link back to headquarters Richard has to pull double duty
as radioman for both Alpha and Bravo Teams since the Alpha Team has no
dedicated comminications expert.

Rebecca Chambers

A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team.

The youngest member of the entire S.T.A.R.S. Unit, Rebecca has been recruited
for her knowledge of field medicine and First Aid.

As a fresh recruit, she is nervous around the other members for her lack of
experience and her youth.

Edward Dewey

A member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team.

The pilot for the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team.


Zombies - Aimlessly wandering the halls of the mansion searching for warm flesh
to sink their teeth into.

V-ACTs - Zombies that have been knocked unconscious enter a state of
metamorphosis wherein the virus inside them mutates and rearranges the
creature's body granting the monster increased speed and agility.  These
creatures have been codenamed "Crimson Heads" in response to their bloodlust
and extreme violent nature.

Ravens - Abnormally large, aggressive birds who have gained an insatiable taste
for blood.

Snakes - Vicious serpents indigenous to the Arklay Forest.

Cerberus - Virus ridden canines.  Extremely quick and agile creatures paired
with a voracious appetite for human flesh.

Giant Wasps - Enormous wasps with a fierce territorial instict.  They will
swarm and attack any creature that draws too close to their nest.

Giant Spiders - Mutated spiders lie in wait, eagerly anticipating sinking their
huge fangs into the next hapless creature that entwines itself in the spider's
sticky web.

Yawn - Mutated snake.  Abnormally large and extremely poisonous possessing
great agitlity and quickness.

Hunters - Genetically engineered killing machines.  Perfect for
"seek-and-destroy" type missions.  Part man, part amphibian; these creatures
are fast and agile as well as insanely powerful.  Their powerful legs can
propel them over great distances.

Neptune - Giant shark.  Excessively violent and seems to hunt prey not for food
but to satisfy it's thirst for blood.

Plant 42 - Giant plant mutated by vile experiments.  Aggressive, carnivorous,
and will violently protect itself should the need arise.

Chimeras - a half insect, half man abomination.  Resides in the ducts and
airways of the Power Room leaving it's sanctuary only when alerted of the
presences of prey.

Lisa Trevor - An invincible enemy.  No matter how much you throw at her she
keeps coming back for more.  Avoid her like the plague.

Tyrant - The worst thing on two legs since the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


Jill's Weapons

Handgun - S.T.A.R.S. custom automatic.  Fires 9mm Parabellum rounds.

Survival Knife - A mid-size, lightweight survival knife.  Jill's personal
protection knife for close encounters.

Handgun - (Samurai Edge) An automatic that fires .40SW rounds.

Grenade Launcher - A gun that fires grenade rounds, acid rounds, or incendiary

Shotgun - Fires 12 Gauge Shells.  A weapon that is capable of firing

Assault Shotgun - Fires 12 Gauge Shells.  A S.T.A.R.S. custom arsenal and also
Richard's favorite.

Magnum Revolver - The gun fires .357 Magnum rounds.  A powerful firearm but it
takes skill to handle it.

Self Defense Gun - A self defense gun that fires .22 Magnum rounds.  One round
has been fired already.

Barry's .44 Magnum - Fires .44 Magnum rounds.  An extremely powerful handgun,
not to mention one of Barry's favorites.

Rocket Launcher - Launches fire-and-forget rockets continuously.  Extremely

Chris' Weapons

Handgun - S.T.A.R.S. custom automatic.  Fires 9mm Parabellum rounds.

Handgun - (Samurai Edge) An automatic that fires .40SW rounds.

Shotgun - Fires 12 Gauge Shells.  A weapon that is capable of firing

Assault Shotgun - Fires 12 Gauge Shells.  A S.T.A.R.S. custom arsenal and also
Richard's favorite.

Magnum Revolver - The gun fires .357 Magnum rounds.  A powerful firearm but it
takes skill to handle it.

Self Defense Gun - A self defense gun that fires .22 Magnum rounds.  One round
has been fired already.

Flamethrower - An Anti-personnel weapon that sprays a stream of flame.

Rocket Launcher - Launches fire-and-forget rockets continuously.  Extremely

Defensive Weapons

Dagger - By stabbing this dagger you'll be able to protect yourself and escape
from hostile situations.

Flash Grenades - A self defense item.  Normally used to disturb the offender's

Stun Gun - A self defense item.  You'll be able to take down an assailant,
leaving him disoriented momentarily.


001 Key - Numbers, 001 are imprinted.

003 Key - Numbers, 003 are imprinted.

Acid Shells - Shells for the Grenade Launcher.  They are filled with sulfuric

Armor Key - There's an engraving of an armor.

Arrowhead - The arrowhead is made from peridot, sometimes referred to as a poor
man's emerald.

Battery - With this, you can operate the elevator.

Battery Pack - Powers the Stun Gun.

Bee Specimen - It's a giant bee specimen for mounting.  It's well preserved.

Blue Gemstone -  It's beautifully cut and polished to a mirror-like surface.

Blue Herb - A herb that's grown wild in this region.

Book of Curse - It's titled, "Book of Curse".

Broach - When examined becomes the Emblem Key.

Broken Flamethrower - The muzzle is broken.  It can't be fired.

Broken Shotgun - It's broken and can't be fired.  Maybe there's another use for

Chemical - A chemical agent to destroy plant growth. (After examination becomes

Closet Key - There's a design of a female's side face beautifully embossed on
the key.

Coin - It changed into the shape of a key.

Collar - There's a switch.  Will you press it?

Control Room Key - It's a key for entering the Control Room.

Cylinder - A circular metal object with a hole in the center.  Symbols are
carved in its side.

Cylinder Shaft - Symbols are carved in it's side.  Will you turn it?

Death Mask :

* Mask w/out all - It's a death mask without eyes, nose or mouth.
* Mask w/out mouth - It's a death mask without a mouth.
* Mask w/out eyes - It's a death mask without eyes.
* Mask w/out nose - It's a death mask without a nose.

Dog Whistle - By blowing into it, it generates frequencies only audile to the
ears of dogs.  You can call a dog with this whistle.

Eagle Medal - Found inside the Last Book Vol. 1.  Is there a special way to use

Emblem - It's galled all around the outer edges due to frequent fitting.

Emblem Key - The key's designed with an emblem of the Spencer Family, whose
history is as old as Raccoon City.

First Aid Box - Contains various healing items.

First Aid Spray - A medicinal spray that can heal wounds completely.

Fishhook - It's a hook for fishing.

Fuel Canteen - You can carry with you fuel to light a few times using the

Fuel Supply Capsule -  The main ingredient of this fuel appears to be nitro
compound.  "Running" could result in a fatal explosion.

Fuse Unit - It's an assembly of many large fuses.  It's rated for high currents
of electricity.

Gallery Key - The word "GALLERY" is imprinted.

Golden Arrow - The arrowhead looks like it can be removed.

Gold Emblem - It's galled all around the outer edges due to frequent fitting.

Green Herb - A herb that's grown wild in this region.

Grenade Shells - Shells For the Grenade Launcher.  They are filled with

Handgun Magazine - A clip for the handgun. 15 rounds of 9mm Parabellum.

Helmet Key - There's an engraving of a helmet.

Herbicide - See Chemical.

Hexagonal Crank - The end is shaped hexagonal.

Imitation of a key - Shaped like a key, but lacks the rigidity to be used as

Incendiary Shells - Shells for the Grenade Launcher.  They are filled with
special fuel that ignites upon impact with a target.

Ink Ribbon - To be used with a typewriter.

Insecticide Spray - It's a pump-action spray.  There's plenty of insecticide

Jewelry Box - There's a design of of the sun and the moon.  On the plate it
says, "Sunshine will awaken me."

Jewelry Box - There's a round recession approximately 4cm in diameter.

Laboratory Key - An electrical symbol is imprinted.

Last Book Vol. 1 - The words on the cover, what can it mean?

Last Book Vol. 2 - The words on the cover, what can it mean?

Lighter - (Chris' Lighter) - It's a brass lighter coated with gold.

Lighter - Words are carved on it.  "Don't play with fire! Love, Jessica".

Lock Pick - A tool for unlocking most simple locks.

Lure of a bee - It's a lure shaped like a bee. There is no hook on it./with the
hook attached.

Magnum Rounds - Powerful bullets for the .357 Magnum Revolver.

Mansion Key - When examined the name changes to Sword, Shield, Armor or Helmet

MO Disc - It appears to be a disc for rebooting a system of some sort.

Moon Crest - There's an icon depicting the moon.

Musical Score : It's titled, "Moonlight Sonata".

* Musical Score - The beginning and the last sections of the music are missing.
* Musical Score - A section of the music is missing leaving only the beginning
and the end of the music.

Old Key - An old key of the mansion.  Looks like you might be able to open most
simply designed door locks.

Red Book - It's a book with a red cover.

Red Gemstone -  It's beautifully cut and polished to a mirror-like surface.

Red Herb - A herb that's grown wild in this region.

Residence Key - When examined the name changes to 001, 003, or Gallery Key.

Serum - There's just enough for one dose.

Shaft - It appears to be some sort of key to start the power supply.  Symbols
are carved in it's side.

Shield Key - There's an engraving of a shield.

Shotgun Shells - 12 Gauge Shells for the Shotgun that scatter fires.

Signal Rockets - Pyrotechnic Signal Rockets.  I can signal Brad with this.

Slide Filter - There are red colored slides inside.  Nothing's on it.

Square Crank - The end is shaped square.

Star Crest - There's an icon depicting a star.

Stone and Metal Object - An emblem is carved on the octagonal object.

Sun Crest - There's an icon depicting the sun.

Sword Key - There's an engraving of a sword.

Wind Crest - There's an icon depicting wind.

Wolf Medal - Found inside the Last Book Vol. 2.  Is there a special way to use

Wooden Mount - There's nothing unusual.

Yellow Gemstone -  It's beautifully cut and polished to a mirror-like surface.

****Full Walkthrough****

Walkthrough will concentrate on main items, lesser items to be placed later.

****Jill Valentine's Quest****

Quest for the Map of the First Floor

Go to the door opposite the Dining Room.  Push the chest to the statue and
climb up on it to reach into the jar for the map.

There is a Defensive Dagger on the shelf at the end of the room the chest was

First Floor Map Acquired

After the cutscene return to Kenneth's body and retrieve the video cassette
from his camera.  Note the Typewriter to the side and the Ink Ribbons on the
table as well as the Emblem above the fireplace as you go through the Dining
Room again.  Then continue on to the room past the door to the left of his

There are herbs in this room under the stairs.  The number of herbs available
depends on the level of difficulty you are using.  (Example : there will be 2
herbs on Normal but only 1 on Hard.) This FAQ is on Normal Mode.

Quest for the Sword Key

Up the stairs and through the door.

There is a Golden Arrow in this winding hall.  Examine the arrow on pickup to
remove the arrowhead. Don't miss the Handgun Magazine near the Arrow on the
floor or the Green Herb that was in front of you when you entered this hall.

Continue to the end of this hall and unlock the door to lead back to the Dining
Room...on the second floor this time.

Grab the Defensive Dagger and if you want to go ahead and push the statue to
the hole in the railing and push it over the side to the floor below.  You can
do this now or later when I'm describing how to get the Blue Gemstone.  At any
rate, go to the Main Hall.

Go through the painted door on the middle of the staircase to a graveyard.

At the far end of the graveyard is a slab with an arrowhead depression.

Hey!  We have an arrowhead!

Open the passage and go down.

The pedestal under the metal coffin has a book on it. (Book of Curse)

Examine the book and rotate it to look at the back to reveal a key.

Examine the back of the key to reveal it to be the Sword Key.

Sword Key Acquired

Return to the mansion.

Quest for the Armor Key

Armed with the Sword Key go to the left door on the east side of the second
floor in the main hall - the door locked with the Sword Key.  This will lead
many of us back to familiar territory.  This is the hall with the Armor Puzzle
and the passageway to Yawn.

Go to the far end of the hall and enter the last door.  Pick up the Wooden
Mount on the table on the way if you want the Second Floor Map.

While your in the room pick up the Botany Book and the Lighter on the desk. 
Then go pick up the Dog Whistle & Crumpled Memo near the chessboard on the
opposite side of the room.  A Handgun Magazine is on the desk alongside the

Go through the door opposite the way you entered this room.

Turn right and unlock the door to create a shortcut so you won't have to keep
going through that little room to get here.

*Side Quest*

Quest for the Map of the Second Floor

If you have the Lighter and the Wooden Mount go all the way down this hall and
to the door at the very end.

Use the Lighter on the fireplace and slam the Wooden Mount on the impression
above the fireplace to create the Map of the Second Floor.

Don't forget to grab the Green Herb before you leave this room!

Map of Second Floor Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Return to the hall if you went for the Map and go down the stairs.  The door
you see to the side is a save room.

Inside the save room is a Typewriter, a kerosene tank, a Fuel Canteen on the
floor and an Item Box.  Fill the Canteen with kerosene in the large canister
near the doorway if you plan on burning zombie bodies to prevent Crimson Head
surprises.  Unlike Chris, Jill has to carry around a Lighter in her personal
items which sacrifices a slot when picking up items.

Don't forget the goodies in the Item Box.  Particularly, the First Aid Spray!

Travel all the way back to the Main Hall and enter the door on the second floor
that leads to the Dining Room second floor.  Push the Statue off the edge if
you haven't already and unlock the left door locked with the Sword Key.

Unlock the metal door with the lockpick to enter the West Terrace.  Blow the
Dog Whistle.  Pick up the Collar and examine the latch on the front.  Before
you leave take note of the collection of Green Herbs on the side of the terrace
you entered from and use them if you are wounded!  Careful, they are limited
and can't be used forever!

Examine the Coin that falls out of the Collar and rotate it until the Armor
carving is shown.  The Coin should change into a key shape.  This is the
"Imitation of a Key."  Go to the far end and unlock the door to lead back to
the Main Hall.  You don't have to do this unless you just want to have all
doors open.

Go back through the metal door to the hallway and go around the stairs to the
multi hinged door at the end of the hall.  This will send you to the hall you
found the Golden Arrow in.  Go left through the opening and right past the
Green Herb to a door.  Might as well grab that Green Herb while you're at it!

You will see a set of armor to the side of the new room.  Follow the path to
the grey block with the key in it.  Grab the key and examine it.  Rotate it
until the carving of Armor is shown - it's the Armor Key!

This action sets off a trap.  Place the "Imitation of a key" into the slot to
deactivate and reset the trap.

Armor Key Aquired

Wow, 2 keys in our arsenal!  We're ready to get to work.

*Side Quest*

Quest for the Grenade Launcher

Take the new Armor Key and go to the Main Hall.  This key will unlock the other
door on the East side next to the door you unlocked earlier with the Sword Key.

This door leads you to the East Terrace where you'll find a Defense Dagger on a
bench and across from the bench is the Grenade Launcher.

Further on there are two Green Herbs at the end of the Terrace.

Grenade Launcher Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Quest for the Death Mask 1 of 4

With the Armor Key return to the hallway across the main hall on the second
floor (The one with the doors to the Armory and the Snake Room) and enter the
metal door in the middle of the hall after the first turn.

This activates the puzzle.  The object is to push the suits of armor back
against the wall.

Push the Far Right one.
Push the Close Left one.
Push the Close Right one.

Grab the Jewelry Box from the new opening.

Examine the Jewelry Box and rotate the box until the image of a sun and a moon
is showing.

The message "Sunlight will awaken me" is shown.

Note the empty slots on the sun image.  Press the switches of the shapes that
will fit into those shapes and the box will open.

Death Mask 1 Acquired

One down and three to go!

Quest for the Death Mask 2 of 4

Go to the hallway and turn left and go to the first door on the right that you
unlocked before.

*Side Quest*

Turn the corner and enter the first door.  Grab the Red Herb in the corner.

Then go into the door closest to the Red Herb that leads to the Water Tank

Inside this room is the Researcher's Will.

A puzzle awaits too!

Quest for the Wind Crest

Go to the display of fishing hooks and grab a Fishhook.

Go to the display of fishing lures and grab the Bee Specimen.

Go to the display of insects and grab the Lure of a Bee.

Combine the Lure of a Bee with the Fishhook and place the new Lure of a Bee on
the display of fishing lures.

Place the Bee Specimen on the display of insects.

Press the button under the insect display.

Kill the Bee and grab the Wind Crest.

Wind Crest Acquired

If you want to go to the room opposite the Water Tank Room and grab the
goodies!  The spoils are : Ink Ribbons, a Green Herb and a First Aid Box
containing a First Aid Spray.

*Side Quest End*

Return to the main hallway.

Go down the stairs.

Drop by the Save Room and pick up the gift of Incendiary Shells and the First
Aid Spray then exit and go down the small hall to the door with the almost
broken knob and enter the next hall.

The door on the opposite side of the hall is the Picture Puzzle Room.

Click on the button under the picture closest to the door.

Go around the bend.

Click on the buttons under the closest picture and the middle picture.

The colors should be from left to right (on the side of the wall you are now

Orange, Purple, Green

Go to the far picture and click on the button to open the wall to the gated off
area you saw in the graveyard when you went for the Sword Key.

Grab the Death Mask on the ground.

Death Mask 2 Acquired

Hot damn!  Half done!

Quest for the Death Mask 3 of 4

Two choices :

1 - Unlock the gate and go through the graveyard to the door to the main hall
and go through the door with the Statue of the Woman who had the First Floor

Through the door locked with the Sword Key and down the hall to the next door. 
There is a Defensive Dagger under the second chest and a Handgun Magazine under
the last chest.  You should see a metal door to the side after taking a few
steps into the next room.

2 - Go back through the Picture Puzzle Room to the hall but instead of going
through the door to the save room go past that one to the far door.

Weave through the next hall til you see the metal door.

Unlock the metal door and go outside.

Around the corner is a bag of Chemical in the wheelbarrow.

There are also two Green Herbs, one Red Herb and a kerosene tank nearby.

Grab the Chemical and whatever else you want and go back inside.

The door slightly in front of the metal door is a small bathroom.

Drain the tub for another Defensive Dagger.

Then start the trek back to the Main Hall.

Go to the second floor and through the door to the Dining Room.

Go through the left door at the far end of the room.

Forget the metal door and go down the stairs.

There is a save room to the side of the staircase complete with a Typewriter,
Ink Ribbons, and an Item Box.

Go down the hall.

The first door has a Broken Shotgun, a Battery Pack, a kerosene tank, and Ink
Ribbons in the desk.

*Side Quest*

Quest for the Shotgun

Go to the hallway that has the metal door that led to the Chemical.

At the end of this hallway take the door across from the double doors that
leads to the hallway that contains the Back Door and Picture Puzzle Room.

Go through the little room to the next one.

Exchange the Broken Shotgun for the Shotgun.

Also pick up the Defensive Dagger and Ink Ribbons on the small table should you
need either.

Shotgun Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Return to the area where you got the Broken Shotgun but continue past that door
to the next one.

The path forks here.

The left path leads to the Plant Room.  Grab the Battery Pack on the desk then
go to the Plant Room.

Place the Chemical in the water tank and set the switch to RED to kill the
vines.  Grab any/all of the five Green Herbs lying in the room.

The Death Mask is at the back of the room.

Death Mask 3 Acquired

Only one more of these ridiculous Death Masks!

Quest for the Death Mask 4 of 4

Exit the Plant Room and go back to the fork in the hall this time going down
the other path.

The door opposite the alcove has the Keeper's Diary on the desk, a Battery Pack
in the closet, and a Handgun Magazine on the bed.

The alcove is is the door to the Tiger Statue.

*Side Quest*

Blue Gemstone Reward

Remember the Statue you pushed over the edge of the second floor dining room?

Return to the first floor of the Dining Room and look for the Statue.

Grab the Blue Gemstone and return to the alcove opposite the Keeper Diary Room.

Place the Blue Gemstone in the Tiger Head to get Shotgun Shells.

Blue Gemstone Award Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Ok, now we are ready to get the last Death Mask. However, many things must be
done before the path will be opened to us.  Let's begin.

Go to the hallway on the second floor where you solved the Armor Puzzle.

The first door you see is the one to go through.

Get the Serum!

The path to the Serum is starts by going to the second floor Dining Room.

Go through the left door at the end of the room.

Go down the stairs and into the Save Room.

The Serum is on the shelf.

Backtrack to where you were when the Serum Quest started.

Serum Acquired

Grab the two Green Herbs and continue on past the room to the opposite door to
the next room.

There is a long hall going away to a door and a set of stairs leading to a very
nasty looking door.  The door is locked with the Shield Key. We don't have

Before you leave this area, go done the long hall to the room.

Grab the Handgun Magazine on the table then light the candles with the Lighter
and push the chest to the side revealing the hidden room.  Unless you have the
candles lit you will not be able to see the Musical Score in the chest in the
small room.

Quest for the Shield Key

Go to the Dining Room and grab the Emblem.

Go to the hallway where Kenneth met his death.

The door just before the far corner is the Piano Room.

If you want go around the corner and unlock the door at the bottom of the
stairs and get rid of the Sword Key.

This room leads to a kitchen with a Defensive Dagger on the counter near the
big pot and an elevator around the corner at the far end.

Return to the Piano room.

Go around the piano and push the shelves to the side to reveal ...another
Musical Score.  Combine the two Musical Scores and use it on the piano.

Read Trevor's Diary and switch the Gold Emblem for the Emblem.

Take the Gold Emblem to the place the Emblem was.

This opens the Clock Puzzle.

Move the Large Gear to the left/right twice then choose "no".

Grab the Shield Key out of the hole.

Shield Key Acquired

Return to the door locked by the Shield Key.

****Boss Fight****

YAWN - the Giant Snake
Round One

If you saved Richard he will help you, otherwise you fight alone.

Either attack Yawn until he retreats or just run and grab the Death Mask at the
far end of the room and hightail it out of there!

If you stay and fight until Yawn retreats and Richard had helped you remember
to grab his Assault Shotgun from the floor before leaving.

If Yawn poisons you, quickly run to the Serum Room and grab a dose of Serum
before the poison kills you.

****End Boss Fight****

Death Mask 4 Aquired

Thank God!  All the damn Death Masks.  Examine all of them to see the names of
each mask.

Quest for the Stone and Metal Object

Go to the area you got the Sword Key and place the four Death Masks on their
correct place on the wall with the four faces.

Each Death Mask placed correctly will release a chain on the coffin.

When the coffin crashes to the ground go inspect it.

****Boss Fight****

Crimson Head Prototype

No one will help you in this fight so I hope you conserved ammo and brought
some healing items.

After felling the beast check the coffin for the switch to open the door and
grab the Stone and Metal Object as well as the Shotgun Shells sitting to the
side of the casket.

****End Boss Fight****

Stone and Metal Object Acquired

Whew!  Now we can leave the mansion.

Quest for the Square Crank

If you unlocked the gate in the graveyard after the Picture Puzzle, use it to
go through the Picture Room and go straight down the small hall across from the
door to the exit.

Go down this pathway and place the Stone and Metal Object in the carving to
unlock the door to get to the Shed.

In the Shed you will find a First Aid Spray, Shotgun Shells, and a Battery

Go down the small set of stairs to the door.

Go down the path stopping at the weathervanes to set the direction.

Set the Red Weathervane to point WEST and the Blue Weathervane to point NORTH.

This unlocks the gate to another graveyard ahead.

*Side Quest*

Quest for the Magnum Revolver

Take the path to the right in the next area to the twin gravestones.

Place the Wind Crest on the right tombstone and take the Moon, Sun and Star

Examine the back of each Crest and press the button to make the impressions
extend and place them on the left tombstone to get the Magnum Revolver!

Magnum Revolver Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Go to the fence opposite the one you entered and follow the path to the Cabin.

Enter the Cabin.

Grab the Map of the Courtyard at the top of the stairs on the wall.

There is a Family Picture along with a note on the desk with the Typewriter and
an Item Box in the area past that.

Around the corner from the Item Box is a small dirt area that has a Square

Attempt to leave the Cabin.

You cannot kill the mutant woman that appears.  You can knock her down if you
have enough firepower, but why waste it?

Run past her and return to the Shed.

Square Crank Acquired

Go through the double doors.

Go across the area to the gate, taking the Green Herb as you go.

Go around the pool to the square impression and use the Square Crank to drain
the water.

Go across the bridge and follow the path to the elevator.

Go left and pass in front of the waterfall to the gate.

Grab the Red Herb then follow the path to the Residence.

Just in front of you are three Blue Herbs.

Grab some in case you get poisoned and enter the door on the right side of the
hall for a Save Room.

There is a Battery Pack here as well as a kerosene tank, a Typewriter, Ink
Ribbons and an Item Box.

Door 001 is locked so go to the other door past the crate.

Grab the Red Book on the bar down the stairs around the corner.

There is a First Aid Box next to the Red Book that holds a Green/Blue Herb Mix.

Don't forget the Green Herbs near the door of the room as well as next to the
Red Lamp.

Light all three lamps and record the color of the light and the shape that was
under the lamp as well as the colors and numbers of the billiard balls on the
pool table on the higher level for the Pass Code Puzzle.

Quest for the 001 Key

Leave the room and push the crate against the other crates in the small hallway
to the side.  Use the crates as stairs to avoid the tentacles from the holes on
the floor.

Go to the next hall.

Go to the far end of the hall to Room 002.

DO NOT take the Map of the Residence off the wall past Room 002 just yet, lest
you open another area to Giant Wasp infestation.

Grab the Plant 42 Report on the desk and push the bookshelves out of the way to
reveal the hidden ladder.

Don't go down the ladder but go into the bathroom and grab the 001 Key off the

001 Key Acquired

Return to Room 001 in the main hall.

Quest for the Control Room Key

In Room 001, go into the bathroom and drain the tub for the Control Room Key.

Before you leave, go into the main room and grab the Self Defense Gun, the
Suicide Note, and the Handgun Magazine from the desk.

Control Room Key Acquired

Now return to Room 002 and go down the ladder.

Quest for the Gallery Key

Push the crates in this hallway into the water to create a bridge to the other

Cross the "bridge" and grab the Green Herb before you step into the water and
through the door.

Quickly run to the right of the door along the path to avoid Neptune's
One-Hit-Kill-Swallow-You-Whole-Attack until you reach the Control Room.

Go down the ladder and read the large white board to see which valve to mess
with to restore oil pressure.

Go to the main console in the middle under the window and press the button to
drain the water.

Work quickly after the shark smashes into the window for you are on a timer!

Quickly go to the right console and press the Safety Release.

Turn around and go to the left console and pull the lever.

Exit the room and go left at the fork to find the oil valves.

Select the choice that the white board told you to.

Quickly return to the right console and press the Safety Release.

Back to the left console and move the lever.

Finally, press the button on the middle console to drain the water.

Grab the Aqua Ring Map from the wall behind the white board.

Go back to the hallway with the oil valves grab the First Aid Box which
contains two mixed Green Herbs and then take the opposite path to the door.

Go towards the screen to reveal the next door which leads into the Aqua Ring.

Go to the far end of the room and climb on the ledge.

Try to grab the key.

****Boss Fight****


Push the green box into the water.

Turn and pull the lever to fry Neptune.

Grab the Gallery Key from the water.

****End Boss Fight****

Gallery Key Acquired

The Gallery is in the same hall as Room 002...go there.

Quest for the 003 Key

To do this you need to go back to the room you entered after you left the
Control Room to enter the newly drained tank and go through the fence at the
back past the door that leads to the Control Room.

Round the corner but first grab the Magnum Rounds.

Climb the ladder and unlock the door.

Follow the hall to the ladder back into the 002 Room.

Then into the hallway and to the door in the middle of the hall.

Quickly run around the display past the 003 Room to the body in the hall.

Pry the Insecticide Spray out of his cold, dead hand and quickly leave the

Go back towards Room 002 but continue past it to the Map of the Residence on
the wall.

Remove the map and use the Insecticide Spray on the hole to kill all the Giant
Wasps in the nest.

Return to the Gallery and run down the hall the dead man is in to the Giant
Wasp Nest and grab the 003 Key.

003 Key Acquired

While your here use the colors, shapes and numbers you got in the Pool Table
Room to open the Pass Code Door and grab the Handgun Magazine from the stand in
the middle of the room.  There is also a Red Herb in front of the double doors
near the back of the room to the right of Door 003.  The ridiculous Pass Code
puzzle had me tearing out my hair trying to figure out where the RED ball was.

Just use different cominations of "6", "3", and "5" to open the door.

Trial and error accompanied by the process of elimination will topple the

Quest for the Helmet Key

Go into Room 003 and save on the Typewriter should the feeling to do so arise.

Take the White Book from the shelf and replace it with the Red Book.

Arrange the Red Books to form a picture of a nude woman to solve the Book

Exchange these books:
(From left to right)

1 and 4
2 and 6
3 and 7

A secret door is revealed.

You options are as follows :

1 - Fight Plant 42 without doing the V-Jolt Quest.
2 - Use the V-Jolt to kill Plant 42's root before fighting it.

Option 2 is the only way to get Barry to interfere and kill Plant 42 with the
Flamethrower.  Option 2 pretty much skips the battle altogether.

V-Jolt Quest

Mix the ingredients in the following way:

Water = 1

The other 3 chemicals are in the big jars.

V-Jolt is # 20

1 + 3 = 4
4 + 6 = 10
1 + 6 = 7
10 + 7 = 17
17 + 3 = 20

1 + 3 = 4 + 6 = 10
1 + 6 = 7 + 10 = 17 + 3 = V-Jolt

V-Jolt Acquired

Now to kill the Root.

Quest to Kill the Root of Plant 42 with V-Jolt

Return to the first place you saw Neptune.

Go across the bridge and around the structure to find a door.

Inside the room is Plant 42's Root.

Use the V-Jolt on the Root to kill it.

Return to Room 003.

Plant 42's Root Destroyed

Enter the secret door you revealed.

If you skipped the V-Jolt Quest:

****Boss Fight****

Plant 42

Run up the stairs and unload on the bulb while avoiding the poison the plant
vines shoot at you and the tentacle whips.

Grab the Helmet Key from the fireplace on the ground floor.

-If you did destroy the root :

Plant 42 will grab you in it's vines and Barry will storm in and fry the plant
with his Flamethrower.

****End Boss Fight****

Helmet Key Acquired

Return to the mansion.

Grab whatever you can carry from the stash in the Shed.

Your choices are:

Battery Pack, First Aid Spray, and Grenade Shells.

Quest for the Eagle Medal

Go into the door to the Save Room and go up the stairs.

Go down the hall to the room at the far end you got the second floor map.

Use the new Helmet Key to unlock the door.

Push the Statue into the room all the way to the wall. The Statue will stop the
walls from crushing you.

Run around the right wall and press the button to reset the walls.

Run back and push the Statue in front of the hole in the wall before the walls
close again.

Go into the new opening grab the Defensive Dagger off the table and drop down
the hole.

Grab the Red Book and examine it.

Rotate the book until you are looking at the pages.

The book should open.

Inside is the Eagle Medal

Eagle Medal Acquired

Read Trevor's Second Diary and press the switch to open the path.

Quest for the Battery

Continue down the hall and take a right at the fork to get the Shotgun Shells
from the small alcove around the corner and the Map of the Mansion B1 from the
wall.  Return to the fork and take the left path and continue to the door.

Go down the hall, grabbing the Red or Blue Herb as needed, and go into the
water filled corridor when you get to the fork and throw the switch around the
corner to turn the elevator power back on.

Go back to the fork and grab the Defensive Dagger then take the other path and
go through the door.

Your back in the mansion kitchen.

Go towards the screen and around the corner to the elevator at the far end of
the room.

When you get out of the elevator go toward the screen to reveal the small
alcove with a Red Herb and two Green Herbs then go back past the elevator and
around the corner to the door before the next turn in the hall.

Grab the Battery off the shelf and the Battery Pack from the floor.  Grab the
Shotgun Shells and Acid Rounds if you want as well.  Then exit the room and
continue down the hall to the next door.

Battery Acquired

There are still rooms to explore.  While we are here let's take care of some of
the other tasks.

Quest for the Yellow & Red Gemstones

Go down the hall and go through the multi hinged door before the last turn in
the hall.

Use the Helmet Key on the door just before the stairs.

There is a Defensive Dagger and Grenade rounds as well as a file on the table
in this room.

Push each crate in front of each animal head.

Turn off the light switch.

Go to the far side of the room and wait for the Eagle to turn completely
towards you.

Hug the wall and run under the bird. It will not move if you move very close to
the wall which gives you plenty of time to climb on the boxes and grab the

Jump up onto the crate and grab the glowing jewel BEFORE the eagle turns
completely around.

Repeat this to get the other jewel.

Red and Yellow Gemstones Acquired

Quest for the Mo Disc 1 of 3

Take the Yellow Gemstone to the Tiger Head Room and place it in the statue to
get the Disc.

Mo Disc 1 Acquired

Quest for the Wolf Medal

Go back to the place where you got the Armor Key and go past the grey block to
the door.

Grab the two Green Herbs then run down the hall until the cut-scene takes over.

****Boss Fight****

Yawn - The Giant Snake

This time the fight is to the death!

He can't poison you this time but that makes him no less deadly.

In his death, he lunges and knocks some books on the of them is a
blue book with a wolf on it.

Grab the book and examine it to get the Wolf Medal.

****End Boss Fight****

Wold Medal Acquired

Quest for the Spencer Key

Go to the Main Hall.

Go into the door next to the double doors that leads to the Woman Drawing Water

Read the note, grab the Ink Ribbons from the desk around the corner then pass
through this room to the next.

Grab the Jewelry Box from the shelf.

There are Blue Herbs, a Green Herb, and a Defensive Dagger on the floor in

Combine the Red Gemstone with the box and the puzzle will initiate.

Rotate all pieces to look like this:

*    *
*    *             *
*     *           * *
 *     ***********   *
   *        1        *

* *
*  *
*   *
* 2 *
*   *

  * *
 *  *
* 3 *
*   *

 *   *
 * 4 *
 *   *
 *   *
  * *

*     5     *
*            *
*     *       *
*    *  *      *
*   *     *     *
*  *        *    *
* *           *   *
**              *  *
*                 * *

Arrange them in this order:

1 at the bottom of the octagon.
2 on top of the left side of number 1.
3 on top of the middle part of number 1.
4 on top of the right side of number 1.
5 at the very top of the octagon.

Upon completion the box will open and you will get a Broach.

Examine the Broach to turn it into a key.  The Spencer Key!

Spencer Key Acquired

Go to the hall with the Picture Puzzle Room and use the Spencer Key on the

Inside is a Metal Object and a Battery Pack...grab 'em!

Leave the mansion and go through the courtyard to where the waterfall is but
this time go to the far end of the area and place the Battery in the slot and
use the elevator next to it.

Go to the pond you drained before and use the Square Crank to stop the
waterfall and refill the pond.

Quest for the Hexagonal Crank

Go back down to the waterfall area using the other elevator you just fixed and
go where the waterfall used to be and enter the secret cavern.  Go down the
ladder and into the door.

Go down the path to the door.

Go around the pit to the little room across from it and get the Shaft from the

There are two Handgun Magazines on the floor in the Pit Room.

Go to the far door.

Follow the path to the end.

Get the Hexagonal Crank.

Hexagonal Crank Acquired

Quest for the Cylinder

Return to the entrance of the carvern but instead of going up the ladder go the
other way and around the bend.

Utilize the Ink Ribbons next to the Typewriter and the nearby Item Box if

Use the Hexagonal Crank on the panel in the wall to open the path.

Don't miss the Green Herb just before the door!

Run up to the boulder then turn, run, and duck into alcove near the door you
came in from to avoid the boulder.

There are Shotgun Shells in the corner where the boulder was originally.

Go through the hole the boulder made to a door.

****Boss Fight****

Giant Spider

Just blast it while avoiding the poison spit and the other spiders that come

Use the Knife in the room or Incendiary Rounds to knock the web off the door.

In the next room to the right of the door are two Blue Herbs and the Map of the
Courtyard B1 on the wall.  Grab them and go back past the door to another door
to a room with another movable floor and a boulder.

Use the Hexagonal Crank on the wall panel to move the hole three times and
reveal a secret door.

The boulder will start rolling so run into the alcove and through the door.

Behind the boulder's original position is a First Aid Box containing a First
Aid Spray.

Push the Statue in front of the metal thing in the wall then use the Hexagonal
Crank on the panel in the opposite wall to move the Statue out.

Use the Hexagonal Crank again to retract the wall and push the Statue onto the
circle on the floor to rotate it.

Push the Statue off the circle then push it back on to rotate it one more time.

Push the Statue into the hole in the wall to open the secret compartment that
holds the Cylinder.

Cylinder Acquired

Combine the Shaft and Cylinder.

Take this new device back to where you got the Shaft and place the whole unit
into the stand.

Press the buttons in this order:


Go down the lift.

Quest for the Broken Flamethrower

Go through the tunnel, avoiding the mutant "Leatherface" wannabe woman as you
wind through the halls until you get to some stairs.

At the top of the stairs go to the left to find a door.

There is a Red Herb and a Green Herb at the foot of the stairs.

In this room is a large crate and a lift.

Push the crate onto the lift and press the button.

Return to the main lift you used to get to this area back past the tunnels that
the mutant woman is in.

Go down to the wooden area past the Item Box to a ladder.

Go down the ladder and push the crate out of the lift and left and up into the

Push the button to crush the box and get the Broken Flamethrower.

Broken Flamethrower Acquired

Return to the tunnel the mutie woman is roaming around in and find the switch
on the wall.

Quest for the Stone Ring

Turn the switch then run to the door at the bottom of the stairs to the left of
where the Red and Green Herbs are to the panel with the hooks on it and place
the Broken Flamethrower onto the hooks before they retract.

Go through the door.

Go around the room, through the waterway to the next room and grab the Jewelry

Examine the box to get the Stone Ring as well as a Family Picture and some

Stone Ring Acquired

Combine the Metal Object with the Stone Ring.

Another Stone and Metal Object! Joy!

Climb the ladder.

At the top of the ladder to the left is a Blue Herb and a Green Herb.

To the right of the ladder is another ladder.

Climb the ladder to find yourself back in the Cabin you originally met the lady
mutant in.

Return to the mansion.

When you exit the Shed take the other Stone and Metal Object you used to open
the shed with you.

Go to the Main Hall and go behind the stairs to the gate and use both Stone and
Metal Objects on the gate.

Use the Item Box and Typewriter wisely!

Continue down the stairs to the door at the end of the path.

Take the ladder down.

Decision time!!!

Do you give Barry his gun back or not?

Hurry up and decide!  The monster doesn't like to be kept waiting!

****Boss Fight****

Lisa Trevor

If you give Barry his gun back he will assist you in fighting Lisa otherwise
she kills him.

A quick way to finish the battle is to push all the stones off the ledge and
Lisa will grab a bone out of the coffin and jump off the edge herself.

Otherwise you have to fire at her until she is knocked off the ledge.

You have to push the stones off the ledge to open the door anyway so save that
ammo and just push the stones off and Lisa will leave.

Get the Family Picture from the casket interior.

****End Boss Fight****

Go up the elevator and place the Wolf and Eagle Medals in the proper slots to
open the path under the pool.

Go down the stairs and into the elevator.

****End of Disc 1****

****Start of Disc 2****

We are now in the secret Umbrella Laboratory!  The end of the horror is in

Quest for the Mo Disc 2 of 3

Go down the ladder.

Ahh!  A Save Room and Item Box!

In the next room grab the Green Herbs along the path then go around the corner
to the desk to grab the Mo Disc then go down the stairs.

Mo Disc 2 Acquired

Quest for the Lab Key and the Mo Disc 3 of 3

At the foot of the stairs go into the nearby door.

The First Aid Box on the floor just when you walk in has a mixture of two Green

Go into the door the Box was in front of.

Grab the X-Ray off the stack of boxes in the corner and the other X-Ray on the
shelf under the white boards.

Place the X-Rays in such a manner that the first and last initials of the
patient names form:


Click the blue switch and take note of the highlighted organs then look on the
chart for the initials of each.

The initials put together is the code to unlock the door on B2.

Read the Researcher's Letter near the computer.

Return to the foot of the stairs go into the narrow hall across from the door
to the other end and through the door.

Use the computer at the back of the room to unlock the electronic locks.

Login : John
Password : Ada

Password to unlock B2 : Cell

Read the file next to the computer.

The area across from the computer has a Battery Pack on the shelf at the end.

Go to the foot of the stairs and go into the nearby door.

In this hall go into the second door.

Use the Mo Disc on the GameCube device to unlock one of the levers on the
Triple Lock Door at the end of the hallway outside this room.

Take the Slides and the Incendiary Rounds and read the Fax next to the desk
behind the shelf then go upstairs to the room near where you got the second Mo

Grab the First Aid Spray from the table and use the Slide Filter on the
projector and remember the last slide with the four numbers.

Use these numbers on the Pass Code device on the wall to open a secret area.

You can view Kenneth's tape here.  Grab the Security protocols from the shelf
just outside the small area and the Lab Key from the desk when your done.

The Mo Disc 3 is on the shelf near the Pass Code device.

Lab Key and the Mo Disc 3 Acquired

Take the Lab Key and go back downstairs all the way to the other side of the
hall and all the way to the bottom and unlock both doors to get rid of the Lab

Go into the double doors first.

Push the shelf out of the way, grab the Shotgun Shells and enter the vent.

Enter the vent on the adjacent wall.

Use the Mo Disc on the GameCube device to unlock another lever on the Triple
Lock Door.  Grab the Battery Pack next to the GameCube on the desk.

Then push the shelf and exit this room.

Quest for the Elevator Power

Go through the other door you unlocked with the Lab Key and ignore the first
double doors...they will never open...besides you were already in there.

The door across from the hall you entered through is a Save Room.

On the table is a First Aid Spray, Ink Ribbons, and a Typewriter.  There are
some Grenade Rounds on the floor near the table and an Item Box in the corner.

Turn right from outside the Save Room and go into the Power Room at the end of
the hall.

Kill all enemies in this room!  Then go to the console in the back and grab the
Fuel Supply Capsule. Directions to it from the entrance is to go left from the
door and into the last corridor.

The console is located at the end of this corridor.

Return to the room where you got the Slide Filter and recharge the Fuel Supply
Capsule in the device.

WALK back to the console in the Power Room and place the Fuel Supply Capsule
into the console.

Go further into the Power Room and use the Mo Disc on the GameCube device to
unlock the final lock on the Triple Lock Door.

Even further into the Power Room brings you to the Elevator Power Station.

The Console to turn on the Elevator Power is at the back of the room.

Elevator Power Restored

Go to the elevator past the save room in the hall outside the Boiler Room.

Enter the lab.

****Boss Fight****


Just unload on him with your heaviest firepower until he collapses.

Pickup the Observation Note from Wesker's body then use the console at the far
end to unlock the doors.

****End Boss Fight****

Run to the Triple Lock Door and open it.

Rnu down the hall to the jail cell and spring Chris from his confinement.

Run through the lab until you reach the entrance and take the double doors to
the escape route.

There are Shotgun Shells and a First Aid Box containing a Green Herb on the
escape path.

Grab the Fuse Unit on the floor and use it in the hole in the wall near the

Grab the Signal Rockets and use them on the center of the landing pad.

****Boss Fight****


Pound on it until Brad tosses you the Rocket Launcher then blow the thing away!

CAREFUL - Tyrant has the ability to deflect missiles you shoot at it!

****End Boss Fight****

****End of Jill Valentine's Quest****

****Chris Redfield's Quest****

After returning from finding Kenneth's body and after the cut-scene grab the
Handgun from the floor and go to the double doors on the first floor of the
Main Hall.

Quest for the Map of the First Floor

Push the chest to the statue and climb up on it to reach into the jar for the

There is a Defensive Dagger on the shelf at the end of the room the chest was

First Floor Map Acquired

After the cutscene return to Kenneth's body and retrieve the video cassette
from his camera.  Note the Typewriter to the side and the Ink Ribbons on the
table as well as the Emblem above the fireplace as you go through the Dining
Room again.  Then continue on to the room past the door to the left of his

There are herbs in this room under the stairs.  The number of herbs available
depends on the level of difficulty you are using.  (Example : there will be 2
herbs on Normal but only 1 on Hard.) This FAQ is on Normal Mode.

Quest for the Sword Key

Grab the Handgun Magazine next to the birdcage and go up the stairs and through
the door.

There is a Golden Arrow in this winding hall.  Examine the arrow on pickup to
remove the arrowhead. Don't miss the Handgun Magazine near the Arrow on the
floor or the Green Herb that was in front of you when you entered this hall.

Continue to the end of this hall and unlock the door to lead back to the Dining
Room...on the second floor this time.

Grab the Defensive Dagger and if you want to go ahead and push the statue to
the hole in the railing and push it over the side to the floor below.  You can
do this now or later when I'm describing how to get the Blue Gemstone.  At any
rate, go to the Main Hall.

Go through the painted door on the middle of the staircase to a graveyard.

At the far end of the graveyard is a slab with an arrowhead depression.

Hey!  We have an arrowhead!

Open the passage and go down.

The pedestal under the metal coffin has a book on it. (Book of Curse)

Examine the book and rotate it to look at the back to reveal a key.

Examine the back of the key to reveal it to be the Sword Key.

Sword Key Acquired

Return to the mansion.

Quest for the Armor Key

Armed with the Sword Key go to the left door on the east side of the second
floor in the main hall - the door locked with the Sword Key.  This will lead
many of us back to familiar territory.  This is the hall with the Armor Puzzle
and the passageway to Yawn.

Go to the far end of the hall and enter the last door.  Pick up the Wooden
Mount on the table on the way if you want the Second Floor Map.

While your in the room pick up the Botany Book on the desk.  Then go pick up
the Dog Whistle & Crumpled Memo near the chessboard on the opposite side of the
room.  A Handgun Magazine is on the desk alongside the chessboard.

Go through the door opposite the way you entered this room.

Turn right and unlock the door to create a shortcut so you won't have to keep
going through that little room to get here.

*Side Quest*

Quest for the Map of the Second Floor

If you have the Wooden Mount go all the way down this hall and to the door at
the very end.

Use the Lighter on the fireplace and slam the Wooden Mount on the impression
above the fireplace to create the Map of the Second Floor.

Don't forget to grab the Green Herb before you leave this room!

Map of Second Floor Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Return to the hall if you went for the Map and go down the stairs.  The door
you see to the side is a save room.

Inside the save room is a Typewriter, an Old Key on the Typewriter, a kerosene
tank, a Fuel Canteen on the floor and an Item Box.  Fill the Canteen with
kerosene in the large canister near the doorway if you plan on burning zombie
bodies to prevent Crimson Head surprises.  Note: Chris has less item slots than
Jill so maybe you should try avoiding zombies to prevent Crimson Head
appearances to free up an item slot.

Don't forget the goodies in the Item Box.  Particularly, the First Aid Spray!

Travel all the way back to the Main Hall and enter the door on the second floor
that leads to the Dining Room second floor.  Push the Statue off the edge if
you haven't already and unlock the left door locked with the Sword Key.

Unlock the metal door with the Old Key to enter the West Terrace.  Blow the Dog
Whistle.  Pick up the Collar and examine the latch on the front.  Before you
leave take note of the collection of Green Herbs on the side of the terrace you
entered from and use them if you are wounded!  Careful, they are limited and
can't be used forever!

Examine the Coin that falls out of the Collar and rotate it until the Armor
carving is shown.  The Coin should change into a key shape.  This is the
"Imitation of a Key."  Go to the far end and unlock the door to lead back to
the Main Hall.  You don't have to do this unless you just want to have all
doors open.

Go back through the metal door to the hallway and go around the stairs to the
multi hinged door at the end of the hall.  This will send you to the hall you
found the Golden Arrow in.  Go left through the opening and right past the
Green Herb to a door.  Might as well grab that Green Herb while you're at it!

You will see a set of armor to the side of the new room.  Follow the path to
the grey block with the key in it.  Grab the key and examine it.  Rotate it
until the carving of Armor is shown - it's the Armor Key!

This action sets off a trap.  Place the "Imitation of a key" into the slot to
deactivate and reset the trap.

Armor Key Aquired

Wow, 2 keys in our arsenal!  We're ready to get to work.

Since, Chris does not get to use the Grenade Launcher, you might want to skip
going to the East Terrace seeing it won't be there.  But, unlock the door
anyway so you can evenutally get rid of the Armor Key.  The Defensive Dagger
and Green Herbs on the Terrace might be worth the trip if you feel like going
for them.

Quest for the Death Mask 1 of 4

With the Armor Key return to the hallway across the main hall on the second
floor (The one with the doors to the Armory and the Snake Room) and enter the
metal door in the middle of the hall after the first turn.

This activates the puzzle.  The object is to push the suits of armor back
against the wall.

Push the Far Right one.
Push the Close Left one.
Push the Close Right one.

Grab the Jewelry Box from the new opening.

Examine the Jewelry Box and rotate the box until the image of a sun and a moon
is showing.

The message "Sunlight will awaken me" is shown.

Note the empty slots on the sun image.  Press the switches of the shapes that
will fit into those shapes and the box will open.

Death Mask 1 Acquired

One down and three to go!

Quest for the Death Mask 2 of 4

Go to the hallway and turn left and go to the first door on the right that you
unlocked before.

*Side Quest*

Turn the corner and enter the first door.  Grab the Red Herb in the corner.

Then go into the door opposite door near the Red Herb that leads to the Water
Tank Room.

Grab the Old Key off the desk as well as the First Aid Box that holds a First
Aid Spray and the Ink Ribbons on the smaller desk in the corner near the Old

There's a Green Herb behind the bed.

Now go through the door near the Red Herb using the Old Key.

Inside this room is the Researcher's Will.

A puzzle awaits too!

Quest for the Wind Crest

Go to the display of fishing hooks and grab a Fishhook.

Go to the display of fishing lures and grab the Bee Specimen.

Go to the display of insects and grab the Lure of a Bee.

Combine the Lure of a Bee with the Fishhook and place the new Lure of a Bee on
the display of fishing lures.

Place the Bee Specimen on the display of insects.

Press the button under the insect display.

Kill the Bee and grab the Wind Crest.

Wind Crest Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Return to the main hallway.

Go down the stairs.

Drop by the Save Room and pick up the gift of Shotgun Shells, a Handgun
Magazine, and the First Aid Spray then exit and go down the small hall to the
door with the almost broken knob and enter the next hall.

The door on the opposite side of the hall is the Picture Puzzle Room.

Click on the button under the picture closest to the door.

Go around the bend.

Click on the buttons under the closest picture and the middle picture.

The colors should be from left to right (on the side of the wall you are now

Orange, Purple, Green

Go to the far picture and click on the button to open the wall to the gated off
area you saw in the graveyard when you went for the Sword Key.

Grab the Death Mask on the ground.

Death Mask 2 Acquired

Hot damn!  Half done!

Quest for the Death Mask 3 of 4

Go back through the Picture Puzzle Room to the hall but instead of going
through the door to the save room go past that one to the far door.

Weave through the next hall and go into the first door you see.

Drain the tub for another Old Key.

Unlock the metal door with the Old Key and go outside.

Around the corner is a bag of Chemical in the wheelbarrow.

There are also two Green Herbs, one Red Herb and a kerosene tank nearby.

Grab the Chemical and whatever else you want and go back inside.

The door slightly in front of the metal door is a small bathroom.

Then go into the door near the metal door.

In this L-Shaped hall there is a Handgun Magazine under the first chest and a
Defensive Dagger under the third.

Once in the Main Hall go to the second floor and through the door to the Dining

Go through the left door at the far end of the room.

Forget the metal door and go down the stairs.

There is a save room to the side of the staircase complete with a Typewriter,
Ink Ribbons, and an Item Box.

Go down the hall.

Go past the first door to the other door.

Grab the Flash Grenade on the table and go right at the fork.

The door opposite the alcove has the Keeper's Diary on the desk, an Old Key in
the closet, and a Handgun Magazine on the bed.

The alcove is is the door to the Tiger Statue.

Armed with the Old Key return to the door we skipped and open it.

The room contains a Broken Shotgun, a Flash Grenade, a kerosene tank, and Ink
Ribbons in the desk.

*Side Quest*

Quest for the Shotgun

Go to the hallway that has the metal door that led to the Chemical.

At the end of this hallway take the door across from the double doors that
leads to the hallway that contains the Back Door and Picture Puzzle Room.

Go through the little room to the next one.

Exchange the Broken Shotgun for the Shotgun.

Also pick up the Defensive Dagger and Ink Ribbons on the small table should you
need either.

Shotgun Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Return to the area where you got the Broken Shotgun but continue past that door
to the next one.

The path forks here.

The left path leads to the Plant Room.  Go there.

Place the Chemical in the water tank and set the switch to RED to kill the
vines.  Grab any/all of the five Green Herbs lying in the room.

The Death Mask is at the back of the room.

Death Mask 3 Acquired

Only one more of these ridiculous Death Masks!

Quest for the Death Mask 4 of 4

*Side Quest*

Blue Gemstone Reward

Remember the Statue you pushed over the edge of the second floor dining room?

Return to the first floor of the Dining Room and look for the Statue.

Grab the Blue Gemstone and return to the alcove opposite the Keeper Diary Room.

Place the Blue Gemstone in the Tiger Head to get Shotgun Shells.

Blue Gemstone Award Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Ok, now we are ready to get the last Death Mask. However, many things must be
done before the path will be opened to us.  Let's begin.

Go to the hallway on the second floor where you solved the Armor Puzzle.

The first door you see is the one to go through.

Get the Serum!

The path to the Serum is starts by going to the second floor Dining Room.

Go through the left door at the end of the room.

Go down the stairs and into the Save Room.

The Serum is on the shelf.

Backtrack to where you were when the Serum Quest started.

Serum Acquired

Grab the two Green Herbs and continue on past the room to the opposite door to
the next room.

There is a long hall going away to a door and a set of stairs leading to a very
nasty looking door.  The door is locked with the Shield Key. We don't have

Before you leave this area, go done the long hall to the room.

Grab the Handgun Magazine on the table then light the candles with the Lighter
and push the chest to the side revealing the hidden room.  Unless you have the
candles lit you will not be able to see the Musical Score in the chest in the
small room.

Quest for the Shield Key

Go to the hallway where Kenneth met his death.

The door just before the far corner is the Piano Room.

If you want go around the corner and unlock the door at the bottom of the
stairs and get rid of the Sword Key.

This room leads to a kitchen with a Defensive Dagger on the counter near the
big pot, an Old Key on the shelves near the fridge, and an elevator around the
corner at the far end.

Return to the Piano room.

Go around the piano and push the shelves to the side to reveal ...another
Musical Score.  Combine the two Musical Scores and use it on the piano.

Let Rebecca practice.

While she's practicing go get all the Death Masks out of the Item Box and take
them to the room you found the Book of Curse and place them on the appropriate
faces on the wall.

Take the Old Key and go back to the Picture Puzzle room and unlock the gate to
make a shortcut to the mansion back door and to free up an item slot.  Besides,
it's something to do while Rebecca is messing around.

On your way back to the Piano Room grab the Emblem from the Dining Room over
the fireplace.

Listen to Rebecca play.

Go into the new room.

Read Trevor's Diary and switch the Gold Emblem for the Emblem.

Take the Gold Emblem to the place the Emblem was.

This opens the Clock Puzzle.

Move the Large Gear to the left/right twice then choose "no".

Grab the Shield Key out of the hole.

Shield Key Acquired

Return to the door locked by the Shield Key.

****Boss Fight****

YAWN - the Giant Snake
Round One

Either attack Yawn until he retreats or just run and grab the Death Mask at the
far end of the room and hightail it out of there!

If Yawn poisons you, quickly run to the Serum Room and grab a dose of Serum
before the poison kills you.

****End Boss Fight****

Death Mask 4 Aquired

Thank God!  All the damn Death Masks.  Examine all of them to see the names of
each mask.

Quest for the Stone and Metal Object

Go to the area you got the Sword Key and place the four Death Masks on their
correct place on the wall with the four faces.

Each Death Mask placed correctly will release a chain on the coffin.

When the coffin crashes to the ground go inspect it.

****Boss Fight****

Crimson Head Prototype

No one will help you in this fight so I hope you conserved ammo and brought
some healing items.

After felling the beast check the coffin for the switch to open the door and
grab the Stone and Metal Object as well as the Shotgun Shells sitting to the
side of the casket.

****End Boss Fight****

Stone and Metal Object Acquired

Whew!  Now we can leave the mansion.

Quest for the Square Crank

If you unlocked the gate in the graveyard after the Picture Puzzle, use it to
go through the Picture Room and go straight down the small hall across from the
door to the exit.

Go down this pathway and place the Stone and Metal Object in the carving to
unlock the door to get to the Shed.

In the Shed you will find a First Aid Spray, Shotgun Shells, and a Flash

Go down the small set of stairs to the door.

Go down the path stopping at the weathervanes to set the direction.

Set the Red Weathervane to point WEST and the Blue Weathervane to point NORTH.

This unlocks the gate to another graveyard ahead.

*Side Quest*

Quest for the Magnum Revolver

Take the path to the right in the next area to the twin gravestones.

Place the Wind Crest on the right tombstone and take the Moon, Sun and Star

Examine the back of each Crest and press the button to make the impressions
extend and place them on the left tombstone to get the Magnum Revolver!

Magnum Revolver Acquired

*Side Quest End*

Go to the fence opposite the one you entered and follow the path to the Cabin.

Enter the Cabin.

Grab the Map of the Courtyard at the top of the stairs on the wall.

There is a Family Picture along with a note on the desk with the Typewriter and
an Item Box in the area past that.

Around the corner from the Item Box is a small dirt area that has a Square

Attempt to leave the Cabin.

You cannot kill the mutant woman that appears.  You can knock her down if you
have enough firepower, but why waste it?

Run past her and return to the Shed.

Square Crank Acquired

Go through the double doors.

Go across the area to the gate, taking the Green Herb as you go.

Go around the pool to the square impression and use the Square Crank to drain
the water.

Go across the bridge and follow the path to the elevator.

Go left and pass in front of the waterfall to the gate.

Grab the Red Herb then follow the path to the Residence.

Just in front of you are three Blue Herbs.

Grab some in case you get poisoned and enter the door on the right side of the
hall for a Save Room.

There is a Flash Grenade here as well as a kerosene tank, a Typewriter, Ink
Ribbons and an Item Box.

Door 001 is locked so go to the other door past the crate.

Grab the Red Book on the bar down the stairs around the corner.

There is a First Aid Box next to the Red Book that holds a Green/Blue Herb Mix
as well as a box of Shotgun Shells on the table nearby.

Don't forget the Green Herbs near the door of the room as well as next to the
Red Lamp.

Light all three lamps and record the color of the light and the shape that was
under the lamp as well as the colors and numbers of the billiard balls on the
pool table on the higher level for the Pass Code Puzzle.

Quest for the 001 Key

Leave the room and push the crate against the other crates in the small hallway
to the side.  Use the crates as stairs to avoid the tentacles from the holes on
the floor.

Go to the next hall.

Go to the far end of the hall to Room 002.

DO NOT take the Map of the Residence off the wall past Room 002 just yet, lest
you open another area to Giant Wasp infestation.

Grab the Plant 42 Report on the desk and push the bookshelves out of the way to
reveal the hidden ladder.

Don't go down the ladder but go into the bathroom and grab the 001 Key off the

001 Key Acquired

Return to Room 001 in the main hall.

Quest for the Control Room Key

In Room 001, go into the bathroom and drain the tub for the Control Room Key.

Before you leave, go into the main room and grab the Self Defense Gun, the
Suicide Note, and the Handgun Magazine from the desk.

Control Room Key Acquired

Now return to Room 002 and go down the ladder.

Quest for the Gallery Key

Push the crates in this hallway into the water to create a bridge to the other

Cross the "bridge" and grab the Green Herb before you step into the water and
through the door.

Hey Richard!

.....bye Richard.

Quickly run to the right of the door along the path to avoid Neptune's
One-Hit-Kill-Swallow-You-Whole-Attack until you reach the Control Room.

Go down the ladder and read the large white board to see which valve to mess
with to restore oil pressure.

Go to the main console in the middle under the window and press the button to
drain the water.

Work quickly after the shark smashes into the window for you are on a timer!

Quickly go to the right console and press the Safety Release.

Turn around and go to the left console and pull the lever.

Exit the room and go left at the fork to find the oil valves.

Select the choice that the white board told you to.

Quickly return to the right console and press the Safety Release.

Back to the left console and move the lever.

Finally, press the button on the middle console to drain the water.

Grab the Aqua Ring Map from the wall behind the white board.

Go back to the hallway with the oil valves grab the First Aid Box which
contains two mixed Green Herbs and then take the opposite path to the door.

Go towards the screen to reveal the next door which leads into the Aqua Ring.

Grab the Assault Shotgun from the floor near the "small" shark and go to the
far end of the room and climb on the ledge.

Try to grab the key.

****Boss Fight****


Push the green box into the water.

Turn and pull the lever to fry Neptune.

Grab the Gallery Key from the water.

****End Boss Fight****

Gallery Key Acquired

The Gallery is in the same hall as Room 002...go there.

Quest for the 003 Key

To do this you need to go back to the room you entered after you left the
Control Room to enter the newly drained tank and go through the fence at the
back past the door that leads to the Control Room.

Round the corner but first grab the Magnum Rounds.

Climb the ladder and unlock the door.

Follow the hall to the ladder back into the 002 Room.

Then into the hallway and to the door in the middle of the hall.

Quickly run around the display past the 003 Room to the body in the hall.

Pry the Insecticide Spray out of his cold, dead hand and quickly leave the

Go back towards Room 002 but continue past it to the Map of the Residence on
the wall.

Remove the map and use the Insecticide Spray on the hole to kill all the Giant
Wasps in the nest.

Return to the Gallery and run down the hall the dead man is in to the Giant
Wasp Nest and grab the 003 Key.

003 Key Acquired

While your here use the colors, shapes and numbers you got in the Pool Table
Room to open the Pass Code Door and grab the Handgun Magazine from the stand in
the middle of the room.  There is also a Red Herb in front of the double doors
near the back of the room to the right of Door 003.  The ridiculous Pass Code
puzzle had me tearing out my hair trying to figure out where the RED ball was.

Just use different cominations of "6", "3", and "5" to open the door.

Trial and error accompanied by the process of elimination will topple the

Even if you do get in Chris can't handle the chemicals...I guess he was
counting on his manly good looks to get out of this mission alive.

Quest for the Helmet Key

Go into Room 003 and save on the Typewriter should the feeling to do so arise.

Take the White Book from the shelf and replace it with the Red Book.

Arrange the Red Books to form a picture of a nude woman to solve the Book

Exchange these books:
(From left to right)

1 and 4
2 and 6
3 and 7

A secret door is revealed.

You options are as follows :

1 - Fight Plant 42 without doing the V-Jolt Quest.
2 - As Rebecca mix and use the V-Jolt to kill Plant 42's root before fighting

Note:  At present I have no idea how to initiate the scene to gain control of
Rebecca, however I believe that if you let Richard die of poison back in the
mansion then this option will be available to you.

V-Jolt Quest

Mix the ingredients in the following way:

Water = 1

The other 3 chemicals are in the big jars.

V-Jolt is # 20

1 + 3 = 4
4 + 6 = 10
1 + 6 = 7
10 + 7 = 17
17 + 3 = 20

1 + 3 = 4 + 6 = 10
1 + 6 = 7 + 10 = 17 + 3 = V-Jolt

V-Jolt Acquired

Now to kill the Root.

Quest to Kill the Root of Plant 42 with V-Jolt

Return to the first place you saw Neptune.

Go across the bridge and around the structure to find a door.

Inside the room is Plant 42's Root.

Use the V-Jolt on the Root to kill it.

Return to Room 003.

Plant 42's Root Destroyed

Enter the secret door you revealed.

If you skipped the V-Jolt Quest:

****Boss Fight****

Plant 42

Run up the stairs and unload on the bulb while avoiding the poison the plant
vines shoot at you and the tentacle whips.

Grab the Helmet Key from the fireplace on the ground floor.

-If you did destroy the root :

Unknown as of yet...check for update later.

****End Boss Fight****

Helmet Key Acquired

Return to the mansion.

Grab whatever you can carry from the stash in the Shed.

Your choices are:

Flash Grenade, First Aid Spray, and Shotgun Shells.

Quest for the Eagle Medal

Go into the door to the Save Room and go up the stairs.

Go down the hall to the room at the far end you got the second floor map.

Use the new Helmet Key to unlock the door.

Push the Statue into the room all the way to the wall. The Statue will stop the
walls from crushing you.

Run around the right wall and press the button to reset the walls.

Run back and push the Statue in front of the hole in the wall before the walls
close again.

Go into the new opening grab the Defensive Dagger off the table and drop down
the hole.

Grab the Red Book and examine it.

Rotate the book until you are looking at the pages.

The book should open.

Inside is the Eagle Medal

Eagle Medal Acquired

Read Trevor's Second Diary and press the switch to open the path.

Quest for the Battery

Continue down the hall and take a right at the fork to get the Shotgun Shells
from the small alcove around the corner and the Map of the Mansion B1 from the
wall.  Return to the fork and take the left path and continue to the door.

Go down the hall, grabbing the Red or Blue Herb as needed, and go into the
water filled corridor when you get to the fork and throw the switch around the
corner to turn the elevator power back on.

Go back to the fork and grab the Defensive Dagger then take the other path and
go through the door.

Your back in the mansion kitchen.

Go towards the screen and around the corner to the elevator at the far end of
the room.

When you get out of the elevator go toward the screen to reveal the small
alcove with a Red Herb and two Green Herbs then go back past the elevator and
around the corner to the door before the next turn in the hall.

Grab the Battery off the shelf and the Flash Grenade from the floor.  Grab the
Shotgun Shells if you want as well.  Then exit the room and continue down the
hall to the next door.

Battery Acquired

There are still rooms to explore.  While we are here let's take care of some of
the other tasks.

Quest for the Yellow & Red Gemstones

Go down the hall and go through the multi hinged door before the last turn in
the hall.

Use the Helmet Key on the door just before the stairs.

There is a Defensive Dagger and Shotgun Shells as well as a file on the table
in this room.

Push each crate in front of each animal head.

Turn off the light switch.

Go to the far side of the room and wait for the Eagle to turn completely
towards you.

Hug the wall and run under the bird. It will not move if you move very close to
the wall which gives you plenty of time to climb on the boxes and grab the

Jump up onto the crate and grab the glowing jewel BEFORE the eagle turns
completely around.

Repeat this to get the other jewel.

Red and Yellow Gemstones Acquired

Quest for the Mo Disc 1 of 3

Take the Yellow Gemstone to the Tiger Head Room and place it in the statue to
get the Disc.

Mo Disc 1 Acquired

Quest for the Wolf Medal

Go back to the place where you got the Armor Key and go past the grey block to
the door.

Grab the two Green Herbs then run down the hall until the cut-scene takes over.

****Boss Fight****

Yawn - The Giant Snake

This time the fight is to the death!

He can't poison you this time but that makes him no less deadly.

In his death, he lunges and knocks some books on the of them is a
blue book with a wolf on it.

Grab the book and examine it to get the Wolf Medal.

****End Boss Fight****

Wold Medal Acquired

Quest for the Spencer Key

Go to the Main Hall.

Go into the door next to the double doors that leads to the Woman Drawing Water

Read the note, grab the Ink Ribbons from the desk around the corner then pass
through this room to the next.

Grab the Jewelry Box from the shelf.

There are Blue Herbs, a Green Herb, and a Defensive Dagger on the floor in

Combine the Red Gemstone with the box and the puzzle will initiate.

Rotate all pieces to look like this:

*    *
*    *             *
*     *           * *
 *     ***********   *
   *        1        *

* *
*  *
*   *
* 2 *
*   *

  * *
 *  *
* 3 *
*   *

 *   *
 * 4 *
 *   *
 *   *
  * *

*     5     *
*            *
*     *       *
*    *  *      *
*   *     *     *
*  *        *    *
* *           *   *
**              *  *
*                 * *

Arrange them in this order:

1 at the bottom of the octagon.
2 on top of the left side of number 1.
3 on top of the middle part of number 1.
4 on top of the right side of number 1.
5 at the very top of the octagon.

Upon completion the box will open and you will get a Broach.

Examine the Broach to turn it into a key.  The Spencer Key!

Spencer Key Acquired

Go to the hall with the Picture Puzzle Room and use the Spencer Key on the

Inside is a Metal Object and a Flash Grenade...grab 'em!

Leave the mansion and go through the courtyard to where the waterfall is but
this time go to the far end of the area and place the Battery in the slot and
use the elevator next to it.

Go to the pond you drained before and use the Square Crank to stop the
waterfall and refill the pond.

Quest for the Hexagonal Crank

Go back down to the waterfall area using the other elevator you just fixed and
go where the waterfall used to be and enter the secret cavern.  Go down the
ladder and into the door.

Go down the path to the door.

Go around the pit to the little room across from it and get the Shaft from the

There are two Handgun Magazines on the floor in the Pit Room.

Go to the far door.

Follow the path to the end.

Get the Hexagonal Crank.

Hexagonal Crank Acquired

Quest for the Cylinder

Return to the entrance of the carvern but instead of going up the ladder go the
other way and around the bend.

Utilize the Ink Ribbons next to the Typewriter and the nearby Item Box if

Use the Hexagonal Crank on the panel in the wall to open the path.

Don't miss the Green Herb just before the door!

Grab the Flamethrower and run up to the boulder then turn, run, and duck into
alcove near the door you came in from to avoid the boulder.

There are Shotgun Shells in the corner where the boulder was originally.

Go through the hole the boulder made to a door.

****Boss Fight****

Giant Spider

Just blast it while avoiding the poison spit and the other spiders that come

Use the Knife in the room to knock the web off the door.

In the next room to the right of the door are two Blue Herbs and the Map of the
Courtyard B1 on the wall.  Grab them and go back placing the Flamethrower on
the panel then go through the door to another door to a room with another
movable floor and a boulder.

Use the Hexagonal Crank on the wall panel to move the hole three times and
reveal a secret door.

The boulder will start rolling so run into the alcove and through the door.

Behind the boulder's original position is a First Aid Box containing a First
Aid Spray.

Push the Statue in front of the metal thing in the wall then use the Hexagonal
Crank on the panel in the opposite wall to move the Statue out.

Use the Hexagonal Crank again to retract the wall and push the Statue onto the
circle on the floor to rotate it.

Push the Statue off the circle then push it back on to rotate it one more time.

Push the Statue into the hole in the wall to open the secret compartment that
holds the Cylinder.

Cylinder Acquired

Combine the Shaft and Cylinder.

Take this new device back to where you got the Shaft and place the whole unit
into the stand.  You'll need to return the Flamethrower to it's original

Say bye to the Flamethrower...I'll miss you!

Press the buttons in this order:


Go down the lift.

Quest for the Broken Flamethrower

Go through the tunnel, avoiding the mutant "Leatherface" wannabe woman as you
wind through the halls until you get to some stairs.

At the top of the stairs go to the left to find a door.

There is a Red Herb and a Green Herb at the foot of the stairs.

In this room is a large crate and a lift.

Push the crate onto the lift and press the button.

Return to the main lift you used to get to this area back past the tunnels that
the mutant woman is in.

Go down to the wooden area past the Item Box to a ladder.

Go down the ladder and push the crate out of the lift and left and up into the

Push the button to crush the box and get the Broken Flamethrower.

Broken Flamethrower Acquired

Return to the tunnel the mutie woman is roaming around in and find the switch
on the wall.

Quest for the Stone Ring

Turn the switch then run to the door at the bottom of the stairs to the left of
where the Red and Green Herbs are to the panel with the hooks on it and place
the Broken Flamethrower onto the hooks before they retract.

Go through the door.

Go around the room, through the waterway to the next room and grab the Jewelry

Examine the box to get the Stone Ring as well as a Family Picture and some

Stone Ring Acquired

Combine the Metal Object with the Stone Ring.

Another Stone and Metal Object! Joy!

Climb the ladder.

At the top of the ladder to the left is a Blue Herb and a Green Herb.

To the right of the ladder is another ladder.

Climb the ladder to find yourself back in the Cabin you originally met the lady
mutant in.

Return to the mansion.

When you exit the Shed take the other Stone and Metal Object you used to open
the shed with you.

Go to the Main Hall and go behind the stairs to the gate and use both Stone and
Metal Objects on the gate.

Use the Item Box and Typewriter wisely!

Continue down the stairs to the door at the end of the path.

Take the ladder down.

Hiya, Wesker!

****Boss Fight****

Lisa Trevor

Wesker will help in the battle, but I don't know how much "help" his little
Handgun will be.

A quick way to finish the battle is to push all the stones off the ledge and
Lisa will grab a bone out of the coffin and jump off the edge herself.

Otherwise you have to fire at her until she is knocked off the ledge.

You have to push the stones off the ledge to open the door anyway so save that
ammo and just push the stones off and Lisa will leave.

Get the Family Picture from the casket interior.

****End Boss Fight****

Go up the elevator and place the Wolf and Eagle Medals in the proper slots to
open the path under the pool.

Go down the stairs and into the elevator.

****End of Disc 1****

****Start of Disc 2****

We are now in the secret Umbrella Laboratory!  The end of the horror is in

Quest for the Mo Disc 2 of 3

Go down the ladder.

Ahh!  A Save Room and Item Box!

In the next room grab the Green Herbs along the path then go around the corner
to the desk to grab the Mo Disc then go down the stairs.

Mo Disc 2 Acquired

Quest for the Lab Key and the Mo Disc 3 of 3

At the foot of the stairs go into the nearby door.

The First Aid Box on the floor just when you walk in has a mixture of two Green

Go into the door the Box was in front of.

Grab the X-Ray off the stack of boxes in the corner and the other X-Ray on the
shelf under the white boards.

Place the X-Rays in such a manner that the first and last initials of the
patient names form:


Click the blue switch and take note of the highlighted organs then look on the
chart for the initials of each.

The initials put together is the code to unlock the door on B2.

Read the Researcher's Letter near the computer.

Return to the foot of the stairs go into the narrow hall across from the door
to the other end and through the door.

Use the computer at the back of the room to unlock the electronic locks.

Login : John
Password : Ada

Password to unlock B2 : Cell

Read the file next to the computer.

The area across from the computer has a Battery Pack on the shelf at the end.

Go to the foot of the stairs and go into the nearby door.

In this hall go into the second door.

Use the Mo Disc on the GameCube device to unlock one of the levers on the
Triple Lock Door at the end of the hallway outside this room.

Take the Slides and the Magnum Rounds and read the Fax next to the desk behind
the shelf then go upstairs to the room near where you got the second Mo Disc.

Grab the First Aid Spray from the table and use the Slide Filter on the
projector and remember the last slide with the four numbers.

Use these numbers on the Pass Code device on the wall to open a secret area.

You can view Kenneth's tape here.  Grab the Security protocols from the shelf
just outside the small area and the Lab Key from the desk when your done.

The Mo Disc 3 is on the shelf near the Pass Code device.

Lab Key and the Mo Disc 3 Acquired

Take the Lab Key and go back downstairs all the way to the other side of the
hall and all the way to the bottom and unlock both doors to get rid of the Lab

Go into the double doors first.

Push the shelf out of the way, grab the Shotgun Shells and enter the vent.

Enter the vent on the adjacent wall.

Use the Mo Disc on the GameCube device to unlock another lever on the Triple
Lock Door.  Grab the Battery Pack next to the GameCube on the desk.

Then push the shelf and exit this room.

Quest for the Elevator Power

Go through the other door you unlocked with the Lab Key and ignore the first
double doors...they will never open...besides you were already in there.

The door across from the hall you entered through is a Save Room.

On the table is a First Aid Spray, Ink Ribbons, and a Typewriter.  There are
some Shotgun Shells on the floor near the table and an Item Box in the corner.

Turn right from outside the Save Room and go into the Power Room at the end of
the hall.

Kill all enemies in this room!  Then go to the console in the back and grab the
Fuel Supply Capsule. Directions to it from the entrance is to go left from the
door and into the last corridor.

The console is located at the end of this corridor.

Return to the room where you got the Slide Filter and recharge the Fuel Supply
Capsule in the device.

WALK back to the console in the Power Room and place the Fuel Supply Capsule
into the console.

Go further into the Power Room and use the Mo Disc on the GameCube device to
unlock the final lock on the Triple Lock Door.

Even further into the Power Room brings you to the Elevator Power Station.

The Console to turn on the Elevator Power is at the back of the room.

Elevator Power Restored

Go to the elevator past the save room in the hall outside the Boiler Room.

Enter the lab.

****Boss Fight****


Just unload on him with your heaviest firepower until he collapses.

Pickup the Observation Note from Wesker's body then use the console at the far
end to unlock the doors.

****End Boss Fight****

Run to the Triple Lock Door and open it.

Rnu down the hall to the jail cell and spring Jill from her confinement.

Run through the lab until you reach the entrance and take the double doors to
the escape route.

There are Shotgun Shells and a First Aid Box containing a Green Herb on the
escape path.

Grab the Fuse Unit on the floor and use it in the hole in the wall near the

Grab the Signal Rockets and use them on the center of the landing pad.

****Boss Fight****


Pound on it until Brad tosses you the Rocket Launcher then blow the thing away!

CAREFUL - Tyrant has the ability to deflect missiles you shoot at it!

****End Boss Fight****

****End of Chris Redfield's Quest****


In the order that I located them.

S.T.A.R.S. Manual

If you have changed your controller type to TYPE-B or TYPE-C, please keep in
mind that the contents explained here correlates with controller TYPE-A.

-How to view your STATUS SCREEN-

Press the Y Button during the game.
(You will not be able to view the STATUS SCREEN during Cut-Scenes or while
being attacked.)

In the STATUS SCREEN you will be able to do the following things.

* Equip weapons
* Use items
* View maps
* Read files

-How to VIEW MAP-

In the STATUS SCREEN select MAP from the menu bar or simply push the Z Button
during the game.  If you have not obtained a map, only the places you have
explored will be displayed.

-How to READ MAPS-

Uncolored room(s) : Unexplored room(s).
Orange room(s) : Room(s) with items left.
Green room(s) : Explored room(s) without any items left.
Red door : Locked door.
White door : Unlocked door.
Blue door : Door you've been through.


When there is a movable object, face the object in the direction you want to
push it and press the Control Stick (+ Control Pad) in the direction you are


Walk up to an object that's waist high of the character, and press the A

(You can climb on movable objects as well.)

To CLIMB DOWN from an object, press the A Button while standing on the edge of
the object.


In the STATUS SCREEN select the "WEAPON" you want armed, then select the
"EQUIP" command.

(Even if you have a weapon you must EQUIP it in order for you to attack.)


Hold down the R Button.

(The player will take an attacking stance towards the closest enemy.)

-How to ATTACK-

While holding down the R Button, press the A Button.

(You can attack the enemy with the weapon you have equipped.)


While pressing down the Control Stick (or the + Control Pad), press the B

(This can also be done by using the C Stick alone.)

-Emergency Evade-

Using DEFENSIVE ITEMS such as Daggers, will allow you to escape momentarily
when grabbed by an enemy.

(However, you will not be able to escape when the enemy grabs you from behind.)

To equip a DEFENSIVE ITEM, go to the STATUS SCREEN, and then select an ITEM
from the DEFENSE ITEM menu.  Then select the EQUIP command.

If your DEFENSE ITEM mode is set to MANUAL in the Controller Settings, you must
press the L Button to use the DEFENSIVE ITEM.

Kenneth's Film

It's the film that belonged to Kenneth.  I need a video player to see what's
recorded on it.

-Emergency Evade-

Using DEFENSE ITEMS such as Daggers, will allow you to escape momentarily when
grabbed by an enemy.  (However, you will not be able to escape when the enemy
grabs you from behind.)

To equip a DEFENSE ITEM, go to the STATUS SCREEN, and then select an ITEM from
the DEFENSE ITEM menu.  Then select the EQUIP Command.

If your DEFENSE ITEM mode is set to MANUAL in the controller settings, you must
press the L Button to use the DEFENSE ITEM.


From the STATUS SCREEN select an ITEM and then select the EXAMINE command.

(The details of the item will be displayed.)

Book of Curse

The four masks,
a mask that speaks no evil...
a mask that smells no evil...
a mask that sees no evil...
a mask that cannot speak, smell or see evil...

When all four fall into place, evil will awaken.

A crumpled memo

Today, Sir Spencer told me to hide something where no one could find it.

Well, I had this idea.  I figured if I could somehow have it protected by a
dangerous animal like the vicious canine that lives here, no one would be able
to get near it!

As far as I can tell, the mutt is always hanging around the second floor
balcony on the west side of the terrace, and he ought to come running at the
sound of the dog whistle.

This is where you come in.  The thing is, I reckon you're the only person that
can get near that damn dog without risking a serious mauling.

Which means only you can put this collar on him.  The object that Sir Spencer
wants hidden is concealed inside.

You're the only person I can trust with this.  Of course, you'll get something
out of it as well.  Remember that certain item that you've always wanted to get
hold of?

Well, in exchange for your services, I just might be able to get it for you. 
This could work out well for both of us...

Jon Toleman

-Uses of Medicinal Herbs-

It is a well-known fact that there exist many plants that are credited with
medicinal healing powers.  Since ancient times, mankind has been healing wounds
and diseases using various plants.

In this book, we will sample three herbs that are a native of the Arklay
Mountains and briefly outline each of their medicinal qualities.  Each herb has
a distinct color and a distinct medicinal quality.

The green herb recovers physical strength.  The blue herb neutralizes natural
toxins.  However, the red herb has no real effect by itself.  We have found
that mixing green and red herbs results in a magnified effect.

We will outline the effects of red herbs when mixed with other herbs when we
have more data.  Meanwhile feel free to experiment on your own, for true
knowledge is best aquired through own experience.

Special instructions when disposing dead bodies

We have new information regarding those "beings".  They may appear to be dead
but in fact they are able to come back to life.  However, there are ways to
prevent them from becoming active again.

Currently there are two known methods to cease their resurrection.


If further methods are discovered, they will be notified immediately.

Meanwhile, to those of you who still have the will to live, oil has been placed
on the first floor of the mansion.  Take as much as you need.

You'll need something to light it with, which you'll need to find by yourself.

Researcher's Will (There are 2 versions)

Torn Version

A letter is slipped inside.
The top part of the letter is torn off.
The rest of the letter is legible.

Alma, I have tried to survive only to see you again.  But my efforts only
delayed the inevitable; I am infected, and there is no cure for what will
follow - except to end my life before I lose the only thing that separates me
from them.

My love for you.

In an hour I'll have entered my eternal sleep where there is peace.  Please
understand.  Please know that I'm sorry.

Martin Crackhorn

Complete Version

There is a letter.

June 3, 1998
My dearest Alma,

Let me first apologize for not being able to call you.  A man wearing
sunglasses didn't permit any phone calls.  Sorry, Alma.

I sit here, trying to think of where to begin, of how to explain in a few
simple words all that's happened in my life since we last spoke, and already I

I hope this letter finds you well, and that you'll forgive the tangents of my
pen; this ins't easy for me.

Even as I write, I can feel the simplest of concepts slipping away, lost to
feelings of dispair and confusion-but I have to tell you what's in my heart
before I can rest.  Alma, please believe that what I'm telling you is the

The entire story would take hours for me to tell you, and time is short, so
accept these things as fact: last month there was an accident in the lab and
the virus we were studying leaked.

All my colleagues who were infected are dead or dying, and the nature of the
disease is such that those still living have lost their senses.  This virus
robs its victims of their humanity, forcing them in their sickness to seek out
destroy life.

Even as I write these words, I can hear them, pressing against my door like
mindless, hungry animals.

Alma, I have tried to survive only to see you again.  But my efforts only
delayed the inevitable; I am infected, and there is no cure for what will
follow - except to end my life before I lose the only thing that separates me
from them.

My love for you.

In an hour I'll have entered my eternal sleep where there is peace.  Please
understand.  Please know that I'm sorry.

Martin Crackhorn

Keeper's Diary

May 9, 1998

Played poker tonight with Scott and Alias from Security, and Steve from
Research.  Steve was the big winner, but I think he was cheating.  Scumbag.

May 10, 1998

One of the higher-ups assigned me to take care of a new creature.  It looks
like a skinned gorilla.  Feeding instructions were to give it live animals.

When I threw in a pig the creature seemed to play with it...tearing off the
pig's legs and pulling out the guts before it actually started eating.

May 11, 1998

At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up.  Scared the shit out of me, too.  He was
wearing a protective suit.  He handed me another one and told me to put it on. 
Said there'd been an accident in the basement lab.

I just knew something like this would happen.  Those bastards in research never
sleep, even on holiday.

May 12, 1998

I've been wearing the damn space suit since yesterday.  My skin's grimy and
feels itchy all over.  The goddamn dogs have been looking at me funny, so I
decided not to feed them today. Screw 'em.

May 13, 1998

Went to the Infirmary because my back is all swollen and feels itchy.  They put
a big bandage on it and told me I didn't need to wear the suit anymore.  All I
wanna do is sleep.

May 14, 1998

Found another big blister on my foot this morning.  I ended up dragging my foot
all the way to the dog's pen.  They were quiet all day, which is weird.

Then I realized some of them had escaped.  Maybe this is their way of getting
back at me for not feeding them the last three days.  If anyone finds out, I'll
have my head handed to me.

May 16, 1998

Rumors going around that a researcher who tried to escape the estate last night
was shot.  My entire body feels hot and itchy and I'm sweating all the time

I scratched the swelling on my arm and a piece of rotten flesh just dropped
off.  What the hell's happening to me?

May 19, 1998

Fever gone but itchy.  Today hungry and eat doggie food.

May 21, 1998

Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so killed him. Tasty.

4//Itchy.  Tasty.

Trevor's Diary 1

Nov. 24, 1967

Eleven days have passed since arriving on this estate.  How did I end up like
this?  A guy in a lab coat came with a plate of skimpy meal and said to me,
"Sorry to put you through this, but it's for security reasons."  That's when it
hit me.  It all makes sense now.

There are only two people who know the secret of this mansion, Sir Spencer and
myself.  If they kill me, Sir Spencer will be the only person that knows the

But for what purpose?  It doesn't matter now.  It's too dangerous here.  My
family...I hope they are all right.

I've decided to escape...  Jessica, Lisa, I pray you are safe.

Nov. 26, 1967

How could I be so careless?  I lost my favorite lighter-the one Jessica gave me
for my birthday.  Now it's going to be that much harder to get out of this dark

Nov. 13th, the date when my fate was sealed.  My aunt was hospitalized just
three days before that.  Jessica and Lisa said they were going to visit her.  I
wish I could be there with them.

But wait, even as I'm writing my memory is coming back to me more vividly. 
Just before I passed out, I remember the men in the lab coats said something
like "Most likely your family is already..." I pray for their safety.

Nov. 27, 1967

Somehow, I managed to get out of that room.  But, getting out of this mansion
won't be as easy.  I have to get past all the booby-traps.  Tiger Eyes, Gold
Emblem...I have to try and remember for my own sake...

A Family Picture

There is a journal left by someone.


dadddy atached first
momm atached scond

iNside reD and sLimy
whiTe and haRd

not true moM wheRe

dunno dadd
found mum again

whne atached momMy
she move no more
she screaming

Jst want to b with her


I mis yuo

Plant 42 Report

Four days have passed since the accident.  The plant at Point 42 is growing at
an amazing rate.

Although there are many unknown aspects about this plant, we know that in
comparison with the other group of plants, the T-Virus has had a substantially
stronger effect on this one.

The T-Virus has drastically morphed its host's anatomy as well as its size. 
Looking at its current state, it's difficult to imagine it's original
appearance.  Nowhere on Earth will you find anything like it.

We've also found that PLANT 42 has two main sources of acquiring its necessary
nutrients.  One source is through its root.  Somehow, it has rooted itself down
into the basement.

Immediately after the accident, a scientist went mad and destroyed the Aqua
Ring.  Ever since, the basement has been like a pool.  There is a high
possibility that it's one of the chemicals in the water that's promoting the
PLANT 42's rapid growth.

However, we have yet to determine the specific chemical.

A bulb-like body of the PLANT 42 has been sighted hanging from the ceiling of
the first floor.  We are sure that it used the air ducts to reach the first
floor.  Numerous long tentacle-like vines are protruding from the bulb.

We believe the vines are the second means of acquiring it's nutrients.  When
the PLANT 42 senses prey, it uses the tentacle-like vines to capture its prey. 
After doing so, suckers on the vine drain the prey of it's blood.

We've also noticed that it has some intelligence.  When it captures its prey or
when it's inactive, the vines twine around the door to stop possible intruders.

Unfortunately, several of our scientists have already fallen victim to this
PLANT 42.  When we heard the stories from the survivors, they all observed one
thing in common:

When the uniform petal-like flaps open and reveal it's vital internals, it has
a tendency to become more aggressive.

One witness reported that it was as if it was trying to protect itself.  Why it
behaves the way it does is still unknown.

May 21, 1998
Henry Sarton

Suicide Note

June 22, 1998

I had to do it.  We ran from those things - helping each other to survive.  But
Robert started to show the symptoms.  I had to do it.  Those damn things are
pure evil.

There was no other way.  He would have done the same if it were the other way
around.  After I put him out of his misery I had to just leave him in the
bathroom.  Now I'm probably the last one...

How could this happen?  I'll never forgive myself for being part of this
project.  Eventually I'll get what's coming to me, though.  There's no way to
escape from this nut house.  It's just a matter of time now.

Everything is set.  All I need is a little courage to get it done.  Knowing
that I'll leave many things undone is regret beyond words.

But, this is better than just waiting to turn into one of them.  Please
understand and at least let me end my life as a person.

There's a message on the back.

Linda, please forgive me...

Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment

The similarities in the cellular characteristics of the rapidly growing plant
infected by the Tyrant Virus have been reported in previous papers.  However,
while repeating these experiments, an interesting new fact became clear.

We've learned that a chemical in the UMB family, UMB No. 20, contains a
compound that that is toxic to the cells of the plant.

We have given UMB No. 20 a new name: V-JOLT.  If calculations prove correct,
when V-JOLT is applied directly to the root of the plant, the entire plant
should be dead within 5 seconds.

The V-JOLT can be made by simply mixing the VP and the UMB chemicals in a
specific ratio.  However, extra care must be taken when handling these UMB
chemicals.  They have been known to generate toxic gases if mishandled.

The characteristics of each UMB chemical are as follows:

UMB No. 3 - Red
Yellow-6 - Yellow
UMB No. 7 - Green
UMB No. 10 - Orange
VP-017 - Blue
V-JOLT - Dark Brown

Trevor's Diary 2

Nov. 29 1967

I can't get out.  I have tried every possible way to escape but only to be
faced with the reality that I'm trapped.

I've been everywhere.  The laboratory with the large glass tubes filled with
formaldehyde and those dark, wet and eerie caves...What can I do?

At first I didn't want to believe my eyes.  But that familiar high-heeled shoe
in the corridor...It was reflex.  One name came to my mind, Jessica!

I don't want to believe they share the same fate as me.  No!  I can't give up
hope.  I have to hope they're alive.

Nov. 30 1967

I haven't had anything to eat or drink for the past few days.  I feel like I'm
going crazy.

Why is this happening to me?  Why do I have to die like this?  I was too
obsessed with designing this ghastly mansion.  I should have known better.

Nov. 31 1967

It was a dark and damp underground tunnel.  Another dead end.  But even in the
darkness something caught my eye.

Carefully, I lit the last match I had to see what it was.

A grave!  But deeply engraved into the stone was my name!

"George Trevor"

At that instant, it all became clear to me.  Those bastards knew from the
beginning that I'd die here and I fell right into their trap.

But it's too late now.  I'm losing it.  Everything us becoming so far away. 
Jessica...Lisa...Forgive me.

Because of my ego, I got both of you involved in this whole damn conspiracy. 
Forgive me.  May God justify my death in exchange for your safety.

George Trevor

Mail from the Chief of Security

Attn: Chief of Security
Date: July 22, 1998 2:13

X Day is drawing upon us.  Execute the following procedures within one week. 
Prompt actions are demanded.

1. Lure S.T.A.R.S. to the estate, and obtain B.O.W.'s raw combat data against

2. Collect two embryos of each mutated specimens as samples, excluding the
Tyrant.  Dispose of the Tyrant.

3. Ensure complete disposal of the Arklay Laboratory including all personnel
and test animals.  Disguise their deaths as an accident.  When the above
procedures are executed, report to headquarters for further instructions.

If for some reason you are unable to execute the procedure by the deadline,
report immediately.  In case of emergency situations, report directly to the
extension number 5691.

Good luck.

Umbrella Headquarters,
Umbrella Inc.

Another Trevor entry?
There's something handwritten.
It's not dated.

Nothing's changed.  I never thought that this room I designed as an experiment
would pay off like this.

I can hide here safely for a while because nobody knows about the secret behind
this painting.  Not even Sir Spencer.

Painting of a mansion...In the back of the art room.

A Family Picture and notes

There's something written on the back.

Nov. 10 1967
-Progenitor Virus administered

* Jessica
Administered virus: Type-A
  Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation.

Virus fusion: Negative

Action: Disposed

* Lisa

Administered virus: Type-B
  Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation.

Virus fusion: Positive but delayed fusion.

Body modification: Observed constant results.

Status: Continue protective observation.

* George

Action: Terminated (Nov. 30, 1967)

There's a journal left by someone.

Nov. 14 1967

I feel dizzy after that shot they gave me.  I don't see Mom.  Where did they
take her?  She promised that we would escape together.  Did she escape alone
and leave me behind?

Nov. 15, 1967

I found Mom.  We ate together.  I was very happy.

But she was a fake.  Not my real Mom.  Same face but different inside.

Have to find Mom. Have to give face back to mother.

I got Mom's face back.  Nobody can have my Mom except me.  I attach her face to
me so she doesn't go away.  Because Mom sad when I meet her without her face.

Nov 17, 1967

from inside box, scent of mommy.  maybe true mother there.  stone box hard.  It
hurt.  steel rope in the way.  can't see mother becuz 4 stones.

Barry's Photograph

This is the photograph that fell out of Barry's shirt just before he fell into
the pit.  There's something written on the back.

We love you daddy.
From your sweet daughters,

Moira and Polly

A Family Picture

It's a letter.

To my Lisa,

Day by day I can feel my consciousness drifting further away.  The shots given
to me by men in white made some of mommy's itching go away.  Today they gave me
another shot saying it was "nutrition".

When they gave me the shots mommy's can think straight, but mommy's shocked and
sad because mommy's unable to think of you all the time.

Mommy's afraid.  Afraid of forgetting everything, especially the memories of
you and daddy...What your faces look like, how we used to be together...They're
all starting disappear into somewhere dark in my mind.

Oh Lisa, I wish I could touch your face and hold you in my arms right now, so
that I can hold on to our wonderful memories of you and daddy.

Lisa, we can't stay here any longer.  We have to escape!

Listen to me, Lisa.  Our chance to escape is the next time when we go to that
lab together.  We'll both pretend that we are both unconscious and when that
man in white clothes is off guard that will be our chance.

When we're on the outside, let's look for daddy together.  Okay, sweetie?  Be
strong, Lisa.

Nov. 13 1967
Jessica Trevor

Researcher's note

There is now evidence that when the host loses consciousness, the body goes
into a dormant state.  During this time the virus becomes active and rapidly
transforms and recontructs the basic composition of the body.

The host eventually mutated into a humanoid creature. (We call them V-ACTs)

It's speed and amazing muscular development are particularly noteworthy.  After
transformation, it becomes more agile and aggressive.

Already four of our researchers have died from trying to feed it, turning the
place into an instant blood bath.  (Ever since this tragic and barbaric
accident, we have decided to call its kind "Crimson Heads")

That dangerous and precious prototype specimen can't be left there.  We have to
figure out a way to deal with it.  Termination is definately not an option.

We finally decided to freeze the specimen and confine the body inside the
basement of the backyard cemetary.

Researcher's Letter

June 8, 1998
My dearest Ada,

By the time you read this letter, I will no longer be the person you once knew.
 The results of my test came out today, and as I suspected, it came out

I feel like I am teetering on the edge reason just thinking about my impending
doom.  I would give anything not to have to become one of them.

As far as I know, you are not infected.  I sincerely hope things do not reach
such a desperate pass, but if it has turned out that you are now the last
person remaining alive, I want you to get the material from the Visual Data

Then, activate the Self-Destruct system in the Power Room, and escape from
here.  Please do everything in your power to make this whole accident public.

If everything is still running normally, you should be able to release all the
locks using the Security System.

I have set up the terminal in the small security room so that you can log into
the system using my name and your name as the password.

You will need another password to release the lock of the door in the Basement
Level Two where the Visual Data Room is located.

As a safety measure I have coded that password into an X-Ray picture; a
roentgenogram.  I know you, and I'm sure you will be able to work it out
without any trouble.

There is just one more thing...and it is my last request.  I hope you never
have to lay eyes on me in this state, but if you do happen to run into me in my
hideous form, I beg you to put me out of my misery.  I hope you understand.

Thank you, Ada.
Yours, truly,



To: Sanitation Division
Attn: Manager of Sanitation
From: Raccoon Disaster Contingency Committee

The content of this fax are confidential and intended for the named addressee
only.  Any copying or disclosure of the contents of this fax to any third party
is strictly forbidden by the sender.

After reading the contents of this fax, it must be destroyed immediately.

We expect significant increase in the damage done by the recent T-Virus'
outbreak than initially estimated.  There are several concerns.

First Concern
More than half of the researchers have been infected by the T-Virus and died. 
It has also been reported that almost all of the survivors of this accident are
starting to show symptoms of the T-Virus infection.

Second Concern
Our Secret Security Patrol Team has also been completely eradicated. 
Therefore, our most secret research is in danger of public disclosure.  Quick
actions are demanded to prevent mass media coverage.

Third Concern
There is a high possibility that most of the specimens are running loose inside
the compound.  we expect many casualties to follow.

However yet unfortunate, these casualties underscore the success of our
research results.  Actions must be taken to prevent our research results from
being made public.

We suspect the first official intervention will come from the State Police and
S.T.A.R.S.  We strongly recommend taking measures against them first.

Bio Organic Weapon Official Report


Bio Organic Weapons Research Group-Development Staff




Heliport / For executive use only.  This restriction does not apply in the
event of an emergency.


Passage to Heliport / Entry is prohibited unless accompanied by a Consultant
Researcher or the Chief of Security.  Unauthorized persons entering the
Heliport will be shot on sight.

Elevator / The elevator stops during emergencies.


VISUAL DATA ROOM / For use by the Special Research Division only.  All other
access to the Visual Data Room must be cleared with Keith Arving, Room Manager.


Prison / Sanitation Division controls the use of the prison.  At least one
Consultant Researcher ( E. Smith, S. Ross, A. Wesker) must be present if viral
use is authorized.

Triple Lock Door / Entry into the room is limited to the sole person who
deactivates the lock with all of the Pass Codes.  Accessing the exclusive
Output Terminals located in each section of the Senior Researchers deactivates
the lock.

Power Room / In this room nitro compound is used as the primary fuel source of
power.  Access is limited to Headquarters Supervisors.  This restriction may
not apply to Consultant Researchers with special authorization.

Pass Code Output Terminals / Use and access of the Output Terminals is limited
to authorized Senior Researchers.


Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" after the administration of T-Virus...
(Illegible hereafter)

Observation Note

The discovery of the G-Virus was in fact 21 years after the administration of
the primogenitor virus.

The "Prototype Parasite" which we had delivered from a laboratory in France was
administered to the sample specimen.  The sample specimen took in the parasite
without showing any signs of adverse reaction.

The lack of any reaction was an unsolved mystery.  But now, everything is clear
to me.

The "Prototype Parasite" was incubating in the sample specimen's body for 21
years.  Then from that incubating state the prototype suddenly mutated. 
(Evolved might be a more appropriate word to describe it.)

This observation gave me more insight in my research.  Through further
modification and testing, I was able to derive a method to create the "G" that
surpasses the performance of the "T".

This was the breakthrough that would change the future of the B.O.W.'s.

I can't wait to see the look on Alexia's annoying face when I finally announce
my research.  But, unfortunately, I'll have to wait a few more years to
completely verify my findings.

William Birkin


Note: Beating the game in Easy Mode does not unlock Infinite Weapons!

Samurai Edge : Beat the game in Normal Mode in under 5 hours.

Rocker Launcher : Beat the game in Normal Mode in under 3 hours.

One Dangerous Zombie : Beat the game in Normal Mode with both Jill and Chris.

Invisible Enemy : Beat the game in Normal Mode with Chris.

Real Survivor : Beat the game in Normal Mode with Jill.

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