Crash Bash FAQ - Guide for Crash Bash
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Crash Bash FAQ For the PSX game console Contents 1. Introduction (My own introduction) 2. Storyline 3. About the Characters 4. Levels and Controls 5. Warp Room #1 6. Warp Room #2 7. Warp Room #3 8. Warp Room #4 9. Warp Room #5 10. Codes & Secrets 11. Legal Stuff 12. Updates 1. Introduction Hi! I think I should introduce myself. First of all, I'm Mexican, but I decided to make this FAQ in English. I might as well make a version in Spanish. Second, this is my 15th FAQ; my other 14 are at I have made FAQs for these games: Resident Evil 2 for PSX Resident Evil for PSX RE: Director's Cut for PSX Mega Man X4 for PSX RE3: Nemesis for PSX Tomb Raider for PSX Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes for DreamCast* RE: Survivor for PSX Mega Man X5 for PSX * I don't actually have a DreamCast, just a PSX, but I usually go to a video arcade and play MVC2 a lot Third: You guys can contact me on either of my 2 e-mail addresses:, or If you have any comments or something I didn't mention here, try one of those e-mail addresses to let me know. If one of those e-mails doesn't work, try the other. (Spelling and grammar mistakes will just be ignored) This is it. Hope you enjoy my FAQ! 2. Storyline The storyline is somewhat simple. Aku Aku and Uka Uka talk about the fights they've been having for the crystals. They agree that a tournament is the easy solution for their fights. Aku Aku summons Crash and Coco Bandicoot, while Uka Uka summons Dr. Neo Cortex, Dr. Nitrus Brio, Tiny Tiger, Dingodile, Koala Kong, and Rilla Roo (New character) . Aku Aku needs two more players for his team, so Uka Uka surrenders Tiny Tiger and Dingodile. 3. About the Characters GOOD GUYS: Crash Bandicoot: Crash is small, so he's good at Polar Push levels, but he's weak. In Crate Crush levels, he lifts the crates slowly and throws them at a short distance, but he can move as he kicks. (his good ol' Spin Attack, remember?) In Tank Wars levels, he fires a fireball, which moves slow but does medium damage Coco Bandicoot: Same stats as Crash. You can choose these two if you want a challenge Difficulty level (Crash and Coco): Medium-Hard Tiny Tiger: He has a very strong push in Polar Push levels. He lifts crates and throws them at a long distance. He kicks crates instead of spinning them, but that's his only problem. He shoots a spiked ball which is slow, but is powerful in Tank Wars levels. Dingodile: He throws crates better than Crash and Coco, but not much better. He spins his tail, so he can't move when spinning. He's weak at Polar Push levels, too. He fires two small blasts at a time in Tank Wars levels, but they aren't very powerful, either. BAD GUYS: Koala Kong: Same stats as Tiny Tiger. Use either of these two if you're a beginner. Difficulty Level (Tiny Tiger and Koala Kong): Beginner-Easy Dr. Neo Cortex: He picks up crates slow but shoots them pretty fast. He uses all of his energy in Polar Push levels. He shoots a green blast that goes pretty fast and far in Tank Wars levels, but the blast isn't very powerful. Dr. Nitrus Brio: Same stats as Dr. Neo Cortex. The only difference is that he doesn't have an 'N' in his forehead. Difficulty level (Dr. Neo Cortex and Dr. N. Brio): Easy-Medium Rilla Roo: Same stats as Dingodile. Pick these two if you are a true champ. Difficulty level (Dingodile and Rilla Roo): Hard-Expert 4. Levels & Controls Alrighty then, let's get started explaining the levels. BALLISTIX: The most fun out of all of them, but can be really frustrating if you suck. Hit the balls and don't let any of them pass your goal. Controls: Left and Right: Move. Square: Kickback (Very useful). R1/L1: Your craft moves faster. POLAR PUSH: Push your opponents off the edge of the platform. Last one standing wins. The beam thing gives you items, or makes you bigger or smaller. Bigger: Easier to hit, slower, but more powerful. Smaller: Harder to hit, faster, but less powerful. Controls: Directonal Pad: Move. Square: Charge. Square + Directional Button: Save yourself from falling off the edge. Main Items: Lightning: Keep it. Don't let anyone take it. When lighting hits, knock the opponents off the ice. Weight: AHH, pass it quick! Don't get caught with it at the end or a 500 pound weight falls on your head. POGO PANDAMONIUM: Jump around coloring squares. Hit purple boxes to turn your colored squares into points. Controls: Directional Pad: Move. Square: Fire missle or electric bolt. Main Items: Shoes: GO FASTER! Rack up the points with these things, baby! Missle: Shoot them. In some levels you can steal their squares using this. Arrows: Hit one of these and every square in the row the arrow is pointing to will turn your color. CRATE CRUSH: Lift or spin/kick crates and try to kill your opponents with them. Last one standing wins, or whoever has the most health at the end. Standard Crates: Just regular crates, nothing special. TNT Crates: Touch or lift them and they'll start counting down. When it gets to "1", GET OUT OF THE WAY! More powerful than standard crates. Nitro Crates: Most powerful. Avoid at all costs. Don't try to pick them up or you'll regret it. Controls: Directional Pad: Move. Square: Spin/Kick crates. Circle: Pick up/throw crates. X: Jump. Main Items: Wumpa Fruit: Raises Health. TANK WARS: Ride around the battlefield and shoot your opponents. Last one standing wins. Controls: Directional Pad: Move. R1/L1: Rotates your turret (important, so get used to it). Square: Fire projectile. Circle: Lay mines (be sure to get out of the way). Main Items: Wumpa Fruit: Increase Health. Mines: Grab these if you run out (not already laid mines, that could be dangerous). CRASH DASH: Reminds me of Crash Team Racing. Anyway, race around the track the indicated number of laps. First to finish wins. Controls: R1: Accelerate. Left/Right: Move. Square: Speed Boost. Circle: Use Weapon. Main Items: Wumpa Fruit: Grab these to build up speed boost. Missle: Shoot oppenents. MEDIEVAL MAYHEM: These levels are different from each other. Here's a quick description about them: RING DING: Burst your own balloons to score. Jump to burst balloons. Win by being the player with the highest score when time runs out. Controls: Directional Pad: move your character. Square: press to attack other players. X press to jump. Main Items: ??? CRATES collect power ups from inside. HOVER BOOTS these allow you to move freely in any direction. VACUUM CLEANER attract balloons towards you. BLACK BALLOON burst to affect the action, either of these three will occur 1. bursts other players balloons. 2. changes the ring direction. 3. changes all balloons to your color. DRAGON DROP Score by hitting a target with a jewel. Win by being the player with the most score when time runs out. Controls: Directional Pad: Move. Square: Press for Slide Attack when you DO NOT have a jewel. Square: Shoot jewel (When you have it) Square: Press and hold to shoot further Main Items: Jewel: Collect to shoot. MALLET MASH Destroy the mushrooms with your mallet to score points. The highest score wins. Controls: Directional Pad: Move Square: Hit mushroom Square: Hold down to generate Shock Wave Main Items: ??? CRATES collect power ups from inside. SPEEDY BOOTS move faster. SONIC RING collect extra power for shock wave. Score more points when mushrooms are shaking. Normal mushrooms 2, 3, 5 points. Gold mushrooms 10, 15, 20 points. KEG KABOOM Lay gun powder trails to ignite the powder kegs and score points. Win by being the player with the highest score when time runs out. Controls: Square:Press and hold to release gun powder Circle: Generate Shock Wave X: Jump 5. Warp Room #1 CrashBall: Ballistix Trophy: Keep the balls away from your goal. You start off with 15 balls. Gem: Odds against you!? Damn! They still have 15, but you only have 9 balls. Use your kickback a lot and "You Win!" Crystal: What the? No more kickback!? Crap! This task is a hard one, because the kickback also gives the ball more range and speed. Remember, crystal tasks are the hardest in the game. Polar Panic: Polar Push Trophy: Knock all the players off the ice. Be sure you clear out the ice on the edge. Gem: Now you have 60 seconds! You will fail the first couple times, I'm giving you a warning now. Don't hesitate and charge into them. Crystal: The beam will persistently shoot out a bolt of electricity, and you're the only one affected by it. Avoid it, and if you get hit, be prepared to get knoked off. Pogo Painter: Pogo Pandamonium Trophy: Color squares by jumping on them and hit the purple boxes to turn your squares into points. Have the most points at the end and win. Use the shoes whenever you can. Gem: Now you have to decrease your score to 0. Easy? Maybe. You start out with 120, while your opponents start out with 90. Despite what you may think, your opponents suck more than you do. Crystal: What's with the mushrooms? You touch them and you die. You have to end with the most points, and avoid the mushrooms at the same time. Jungle Bash: Crate Crush Trophy: Haha, this is simple. Keep lobbing those crates and claim your victory. Gem: I think you only have 45 seconds to complete this. Same as above, just less time. Crystal: The idol starts throwing Nitro crates on the battlefield, but he only aims at you. Just don't stick around in one place, and get near one of your opponents when one gets thrown. Boss 1: Papu Pummel. Papu Pummel is a Crate Crush type of thing. First, he'll jump. Get out of the way when the tiles start overturning. Next, he'll send out some Crash imposters. You can throw the crates at them, or just spin/kick them. Next, the flames surrounding Papu Papu will disperse, and you can throw a crate at him. Repeat two more times. Each time two extra Crash imposters will come out. After you throw the crate for the third time at Papu Papu, he will jump again and a large stone cube will fall on him. Badabing badaboom, you're done. 6. Warp Room #2 1. Beach Ball: Ballistix New Controls: X: Attract balls. Release X to shoot them. Trophy: Now your craft has an added feature. Magnetic power, woooo! You start out with 12 and the balls go slower. Use the magnet to attract them and shoot them at their goal. Gem: The odds are against you once again. You have 9 and they have 15....again. Use the same techniques you used in Crash Ball and you should be fine. Crystal: Intermitten shields?! You had better stay alert on this one. What's really bad is if you already defeated two guys, and the other guy has the shield. You're goal is the only one open, and there are 10 balls in the rink! Try not to panic when this happens, because it will. 2. Tilt Panic: Polar Push Trophy: This floating platform of ice creates major tilting if too much weight is on one side. IMPORTANT: If someone (or you) gets the lightning, TAKE IT AT ALL COSTS! Once lighting strikes, the platform will tilt and slide you off, and there's nothing you can do about it. Get the lighting, and watch as your opponents are powerless against the force. Muahaha. Gem: You have 30 seconds to push your opponents off. If you're lucky you'll get the lighting first. If this happens, getting the gem should be no problem. Crystal: Big storm, prepare for a bumpy ride. They weren't kidding when they said that! The whole platform is tilted by the waves CONSTANTLY. In fact, you can't even tilt it yourself. It's not as hard as it sounds. 3. Pogo-a-Gogo: Pogo Pandamonium New Items: Energy Bolt: Zap your enemies. Trophy: Wow, big change. The only way you can get points is to make squares and rectangles, or any shape that encloses in, and does not fill up the middle, something like this: [][][][][][][] [] [] [] [] [][][][][][][] Gem: You have 150, they have 90. You must decrease your score to 0. Crystal: Get the highest score in one turn. Like, make a big square and you'll get a lot of points. That's known as a turn. Your opponents usually get around 20-25. Pick up speed boots and jump around and you'll definately win your crystal. 4. Space Bash: Crate Crush New Items: Speed Boots: Go faster. Weight: Don't get caught with this at the end or you'll get crushed, much like Polar Push. Z Thing: You'll walk in slow motion. Avoid, avoid, avoid! Trophy: New rules (well, not entirely). Nitro and TNT crates can blow holes in the ground. Don't fall through or you'll die. Everything else is the same as Jungle Bash. Gem: 45 seconds to complete now. Everything else same. Crystal: Oh great. You don't have the ability to pick up crates anymore. This makes it a bit harder, but still managable...but harder. Oh, and just TNT and Nitro crates now. 5. Desert Fox: Tank Wars Trophy: Your first experience with the tank, and you'll win in one of your first couple times if you're extremely lucky. But, nonetheless, you'll need to perfect your skill here, because you'll need it later on. Gem: 40 seconds. Blast them like it's the end of the world. Crystal: Water hazards? That puddle in the middle is a water hazard? Oh, the periscope will lob water bombs at you. Fine, dodge them and destroy your enemies. Boss 2: Bearminator Bearminator is a Polar Push type of thing. He'll send out a metallic bear. You can't hit him yet, and in a few seconds he'll shoot a missile at you. Dodge it, and knock him off. Afterwards, take the missle and shoot it at the bear. After that, he'll lob a bomb at the platform and blast a big chunk out of the upper-left corner. He'll then send out two bears, repeat the steps. After you shoot the bear again, he'll blow a piece out of the upper-right. Now half the platform is gone, and he'll send out three bears (this may prove very difficult). After that, knock the bears off, grab the missile, shoot the bear, and you'll be done. 7. Warp Room #3 1. N. Ballism: Ballistix Trophy: N. Gin makes a cameo appearance in this level. Too bad you can't kill him though, he makes things tougher than you wish. Every 15 seconds or so N. Gin will appear in the middle and shoot balls out at the goals. Be sure to grab the balls of energy in one of your corners if one appears there. They repel balls coming towards you. Extremely helpful if you get one before N. Gin comes out. Gem: Odds against you. Yawn. They have 20, you have 15. Use same tips you used in previous Ballistix Gem challenges. Crystal: Perfect, N. Gin only shoots balls at your goal. I hate this, but I still have tips to make things a trifle easier. First, always try to get the energy balls. Second, he only shoots at the left side of your goal. Third, kickbacking is vital. 2. Melt Panic: Polar Push Trophy: Instead of that thing floating above you, Uka Uka (the bad one) does. He rides around and melts the edges of the platform. Occasionally gets the opponents (or you) also. The following happens: 1) You will freeze, they will knock you off. 2) A snowball will entrap you. Makes manuvering near impossible. 3) You will get the weight, which, of course, you will need to pass to other players. Gem: 25 seconds?! Try to push them off and pray that each one will be unlucky with Uka Uka. Crystal: Win without the ability to save yourself. THIS IS TOUGH! Just sit on one side and watch as your opponents knock eachother off. Don't try anything risky. 3. El Pogo Loco: Pogo Pandamonium Trophy: Now it's Ripper Roo's spotlight. He jumps around and turns some squares into TNT crates. This is extremely similar to Ripper Roo's boss stage in Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back. Besides this change, everything else is much like the first Pogo Pandamonium. Gem: You, 120, them, 80. Need I say more? Crystal: Instead of TNT crates, Ripper Roo sets up an array of Nitro crates. These suck, because if you hit them, or they go off when you are one square away you die and start over. Be careful. 4. Snow Bash: Crate Crush Trophy: Much like Jungle Bash, except you are on slippery ice and there's a penguin in the middle that, when hit, will start spinning around. Everything else is the same. Gem: 40 seconds, I'm pretty sure. The penguin helps, if you know how to avoid him properly... Crystal: Slippery shoes handicap. Basically, you slide more than before. This creates a problem if you walk too fast and there's a Nitro crate in the way. Reversing your direction is almost impossible. 5. Metal Fox: Tank Wars New Items: Bomb: Lob these over walls at unsuspecting targets. Trophy: These little platforms will keep lowering and raising in new formations. This makes it hard, but try your best anyway. Gem: Kill them all in 40 seconds. Crystal: It took me about 20 minutes to get this one. All mines will kill you. Even the mines that drop from overhead will kill you. This is the only time I don't like it when mines go in all four directions. Good luck..... 6. Dot Dash: Crash Dash Trophy: These are boring. Race around the track ten times. Avoid getting knocked off. Yawn. Gem: 40 seconds, you have 10 laps, they have 8 laps. Crystal: All missles will kill you. Makes it difficult to stay behind them and pull out in front enough to win the race. Boss 3: Big Bad Fox This is a Tank Wars type of thing. First, the Komodo brothers will go into the thing, and it starts out with three cannons that shoot out spiked balls. Shoot each of these cannons twice, then four cannons shoot out the green things that Cortex and Brio shoot. Hit these twice, then two things will shoot out missles. Hit each of these twice, then the Komodo brothers come out in tanks. This is sort of a checkpoint, so if you die anytime between now and when you kill them, you'll start here (it's better to die anyway so you can have full health). Finish them off here and that's it. 8. Warp Room #4 1. Sky Balls: Ballistix Trophy: It's so similar to CrashBall it's frightening. Actually, the engines occasionally fail in one of the corners causing it to tilt and let the balls roll to one of the goals. But besides that it's pretty much the same. Gem: Odds are against you. You, nine, them, fifteen. It's actually quite hard. Crystal: The opponent's kickback's sometimes turn the balls red. You touch these, you blow up. You let them go by your goal, nothing happens, not even your score goes down. Red balls don't count. Red balls don't affect any other players. It's difficult, especially at those times when you need to dodge a red ball and keep a regular ball from entering your goal at the same time. 2. Manic Panic: Polar Push New items: Bomb: Blow up your enemies. Trophy: Use Circle to use bombs. These are very useful. First, their polar bear get's blown up, leaving them on foot. Hit them one more time with a bomb and they blow up for good! Hahaha. Everything else isn't changed. Gem: You have 30 seconds now. Very hard. Try to blow them all up once, then push them off. Crystal: Start off on foot. Blow them up before they get to you. 3. Pogo Padlock: Pogo Pandamonium New items: Padlock: Locks your squares. Trophy: I don't know what you call it, but I call the music in this level ghetto music. Hehe. Anyway, jumping on a square you colored will take away all your squares. Grabbing a padlock will lock your squares for a limited amount of time. This prevents you and your competitors from stealing your squares. Gem: You have 120, they have 90. Same old, same...yawn...old. Crystal: This is really tough. The only way to get points is to steal squares. Grab a missle and aim it at the guy with the most squares. After that, get a box quick. Jumping on one of your own color won't affect any other squares, so don't worry about any of that. 4. Drain Bash: Crate Crush New Items: Open purple boxes and you will either get: Homing Orbs: 3 shots. 8-Way Missiles: 2 Shots. Sonic Ring: 1 Shot. Wumpa Fruit: Gain health. Trophy: Same as Jungle Bash. Purple boxes are the only difference. Gem: It's only 30 seconds! It's really hard. Crystal: You can't open purple crates by spinning or kicking them. You must actually pick them up and throw them to open them up. Groan. 5. Jungle Fox: Tank Wars New Items: Missiles: Each one you pick up has two shots. Trophy: Not much difference here. There's more room to move around, but the mines don't go in four directions anymore. Blah. Gem: 40 seconds to blast your enemies off the earth. Missles help. Crystal: A homicidal totem pole? That stupid toothpick in the center lobs these bouncing bombs all the time, and they really eat up your health. Destroy the opponents while survivng the blasts. 6. Toxic Dash: Crash Dash New Items: Star: Shield blast, knocks enemies out of the way. Trophy: Make your way around the track 10 times. Avoid toxic barrels and those green blobs the toxic monster shoots out on the track. Gem: Same deal. You have 10 laps, they have 8. Crystal: I really hate this, and you'll really hate it too. Riding off the edge gunks up your engine for a few seconds, making it hard to move and steer. Work your way around the track, and pray for luck. 7. Ring Ding: Medieval Mayhem Controls: X: Jump Square: Spin/Kick Items: Blue Shoes: Able to walk on the ring without the effects of it spinning. Vacuum: Attracts your balloons right above you for easy access. Black balloons will either: 1. Reverse the spinning ring 2. Pop everyone's balloons but yours 3. Change all balloons to your color. Trophy: Pop the most balloons to win. Only pop your color, or you will be parlyzed for a few seconds. One tip is to always try to get the vacuum. What's really sweet is when you get black balloon option 3 and the vacuum! The enemies will try to knock you down while you have the vacuum, so prepare to spin or kick them. Gem: You have 30 balloons to pop, they have 25. Pop them all first. Crystal: You pop someone else's color, you die. Enough said. Oxide Ride: First, you go through a type of flight thing. Remember Cortex in Crash Bandicoot 2? This is the same type of thing. Shoot small obstructions using Square, and avoid big objects you have to duck. After much time (and frustration), you will eventually go against Oxide in a game of Ballistix. The previous Ballistix games are a cake walk compared to this freak! He's very good. This is a checkpoint, so you can die here and you won't have to do the ride. Watch out for the missles that shoot, and those freakin' red balls. Evenutally, he will die, and you're done with the game....kinda. 9. Warp Room #5 Splash Dash: Crash Dash: Need 17 Gold Relics to open New controls: X: Jump Trophy: This time, instead of cars, you use fish. (An example is that Koala Kong uses an Orca Whale!) Every now and then some parts of the track will push out, making an attemp to knock you or your enemies off the tracks. No weapons here, though. Gem: You, 10 laps. Them, 8 laps. Same old, same. . . Yawn. . . old Crystal: Win the race as a few things speed up. They should have said "Things got insane!" This is hard! The parts of the track that push out will push out even faster! Look out! Dragon Drop: Medieval Mayhem: Need 19 Crystals to open Trophy: Just throw the gems to the target. The farther away you are, the more points you get. Very close: 1 Close: 2 Middle: 3 Farthest: 5 After 1 minute or so, a blue jewel will appear, thus giving you an extra jewel, so you don't worry about your opponents very much now. Gem: They have 25, you have 30. Decrease your score to zero. Crystal: Damn! I hate this! You can only score from the flashing zone. Take a jewel, and pray that the next flashing zone will be a 5. Keg Kaboom: Medieval Mayhem: Need 25 Gems to open Trophy: This is actually quite hard. You must get the flame to hit you, and, at the same time, let the Gun Powder out. They might get few points, but they might as well get, like 370! This is what barrels give you: Normal: 2,4,6,8,10 points Silver: 10 points Gold: 20 points Please note that a first barrel gives you 2 points, and then the value multiplies depending how many barrls you destroyed, up to 10 points. Gem: Defeat them in the alloted time. I think it's you 150 and them 120. Crystal: Oh great! Beware of the bomb. It will kill you if you touch it. Swamp Fox: Tank Wars: Need 23 Crystals to open. Trophy: Instead of tanks, you'll use swamp runners, or whatever they're called. No more bombs, missiles, or extra mines Gem: Defeat them in the alloted time: 1:00 Crystal: Beat your opponents while avoiding the homing torpedo. The torpedo only attacks you! You better stand clear of it, because it only chases you, too. Mallet Mash: Medieval Mayhem: Need 21 Gold Relics to open Trophy: Just destroy the mushrooms with your mallet to gain points. The more they're shaking, the more points you get. Be careful, because if they shake for too long, they will explode, stunning the ones nearby it. Gem: Defeat them in the allotted time. Crystal: Beware of your opponents' Shock Waves. I haven't been able to test what they do. If anyone knows, let me know. Dante's Dash: Crash Dash: Need 27 Trophies to open. Trophy: Just race around the track 10 times. Be careful, though, because every now and then the volcano will erupt 3 lava balls. They can hit the other players, but can hit you, too. Stand clear of them! Gem: You, 10 laps. Them, 8 laps. Same old, same. . . Yawn. . . old Crystal: No more volcano. Instead. . . Beware of the aereal attacks! There is a pterodactyl that will ocassionally fly to the track to stun one of you. Anything else is the same, except for the lava eruption. 10. Codes And Secrets: Spyro: Year of the Dragon demo: Hold L1+R1+Square and press Start at the Universal Interactive Studios or the Eurocom screen. If you do it at the Sony Computer Entertainment America screen, it will cause your game to crash. Good vs. Evil: If you played a 2-player Adventure game and chose a good and an evil character (aka Tiny Tiger and Koala Kong), and defeat N. Oxide, a scene will appear with Aku Aku and Uka Uka telling you that a team made out of both sides won't work. They tell you that you must go to a final challenge against your teammate! This challenge is a Crate Crush type of thing. One of the players must win 3 cups. The one who does will win the crystals for his (or in Coco's case, her) team. When one of you wins a cup, the announcer will say: "Good wins", or "Evil wins". Gold Relic: You'll get this challenge in all levels as soon as you get to Warp Room #4. This challenge puts the champions for each arena, and you must beat them twice in a row. Platinum Relic: Same as Gold Relic, except that you must beat them 3 times in a row. 11. Legal Stuff You may put this FAQ at any of the sites I put here: DON'T CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN!!!! If you see it anywhere else mail me at or at 12. Updates 0.1: Almost everything, just the Gem and Crystal challenges for Mallet Mash, Keg Kaboom, and Dante's Dash, and the explanation for Gold and Platinum Relic challenges 0.0: Um. . . Everything