Everything about Vice City - Guide for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Scroll down to read our guide named "Everything about Vice City" for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on PlayStation 2 (PS2), or click the above links for more cheats.

                                Completed 100%


though. EMAIL: reapes@sbcglobal.net

----------------------------------[1] Updates----------------------------------
Version 2.6
Saturday September 14th 2003
I have added a long list of stats that will get you 100% and that's it. This is
final. Forever, no more updates at all.

Version 2.5
Saturday March 8th 2003
Well this is probably gonna be it, I also have to tell you that I have added
some more pics of the vehicles on my site: www.darkgta.tk so go there and
check em out, oh and in this update? Well I finally added the Arena Challenges
that I forgot. It explains how to get into the Arena!

Version 2.4
Saturday January 18th 2003
Added some more things with the vehcile pictures and some FAQs! Not really
worth the update but I was bored.

Version 2.3
Sunday January 5th 2003
Added a bit more to the guide, ie contributions from a few people. That's about
it really. So, um, Happy New Year to you all!

Version 2.2
Saturday December 28th 2002
After my Christmas break from the guide (well, updating it at least) I have
added a lot more such as all the rampages, jumps and just about completed the
entire guide now! This might be the last update and my next guide on GameFAQs
will be for 'Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly' (what you laughing at?) which I have
just started. I will still answer questions though until either the next GTA
game comes out or until I get bored of the game completely.
And contrary to what someone decided to send to everyone who made a GTA FAQ,
I did have a bit telling you how to get the Final missions but I have updated
it a bit to make it clearer to everyone. OK? OK? Eh? Well? Is it?

Version 2.1
Wednesday December 18th 2002
Added some stuff to the vehicles guide, added some unique jumps and rampages
which I had forgotten to do and might have done some other stuff too. Oh, and
added some info on the street races along with some info on the RC Races too!
Ah, so near, yet so far, only a few sections left to complete for a 100% guide!
Done up to Rampage 22 now.

Version 2.0
Monday December 16th 2002
Biggest update since I started! Completely reorganised the contents (and the
content) to fit the 100% completion bit.

Version 1.6
Friday December 13th (Argh!)
I'm scared! Anyway, nuff of that. Added all the Unique Jumps and their
locations. Also done some more Rampages and soon to add sections for the
checkpoint missions and the rest of the stuff missing. Altered the 100%
section to be more informative, so that you can see exactly waht you need to do
for that elusive 100%! (Might be the Hidden Package glitch where the one on the
helipad doens't appear) Also added more to the vehicles section with my view
on them all.

Version 1.5
Wednesday December 11th
Oh yeah, I have finally finished the Hidden Packages section! It took two days
and it's the best on the net! (Probably not but who cares?) It will probably
need a bit more work so tell me about anything that's wrong with it. Starting
the jumps (or stunts as they are called now) tomorrow.
UPDATE: Added bits which are all about how at the Hyman Condo, if you get all
the Hidden Packages before purchsing it then the powerups will appear there.

Version 1.4
Tuesday December 10th
Added a whole lot since the last update. The entire Extra missions section has
been completed and I have updated some other parts of the FAQ as well.

Version 1.3
Sunday November 24th
Added more stuff to the Basics section and to the walkthrough guide. Also
started to do the hidden packages.

Version 1.2
Monday November 18th
Almost finished off the missions walkthroughs with almost all of them done. Got
to the Tommy Vercetti missions. Also added some extra help with the vigilante
type missions. And finally got the FAQ accepted by both IGN and GameFAQs!

Version 1.1
Saturday November 16th
Got the game a little bit later then expected but started the guide none the
less. Added a new section for 100% completion of the game and lots of info that
I have found out whilst playing the game. But the walkthrough isn't yet done
very well as it has just a one line description!

Version 1.0
Friday November 8th
Made the basic outline for the guide and as soon as I get the game I will begin
adding things like hidden packages and the missions, as it is out today!

--------------------------------100% Stats Screen------------------------------
Due to popular demand from people asking abot 100%, I have now written you my
screen of stats. All is there that you need to complete 100%. I have marked the
important ones with five ***** after it so that you don't go crazy trying to
die 15 million times or to get up to level 250674 in the police thing.
And you don't need to get the exact times that I got in the Fastest Time on...
section of the Stats page. Well, here we go...

Percentage completed                            100%    *****
Mission Attempts                                 116    *****
Playing Time                                   36:37
Days Passed in Game                              140
Safehouse Visits                                 131
Rampages Passed                         35 out of 35    *****
Hidden Packages found                 100 out of 100    *****
People You've Wasted                            7965
People Wasted By Others                          792
Road Vehicles Destoyed                          2040
Boats Destroyed                                   35
Planes & Helicopters Destoyed                    142
Tires Popped with gunfire                        434
Total Number of Wanted Stars attained            491
Total Number of Wanted Stars evaded              217
Times Busted                                       8
Hospital Visits                                   31
Number of Headshots                               69
Daily Police Spending                      $44446.00
Least Favourite Gang
Gang Members Wasted                             1490
Criminals Wasted                                3833
Kgs of explosives used                           503
Bullets Fired                                  34226
Bullets that hit                               15758
Accuracy                                         46%
Dist. Travelled on food (miles)                98.98
Dist. travelled by car (miles)                523.79
Dist. travelled by bike (miles)               107.54
Dist. travelled by boat (miles)                14.55
Dist. travelled by golf cart (miles)            2.94
Dist. travelled by helicopter (miles)         442.63
Total distance travelled (miles)             1190.42
Max INSANE Jump dist. (m)                      96.00
Max INSANE Jump height (m)                     17.00
Max INSANE Jump Flips                              3
Unique Jumps Completed                  36 out of 36    *****
Max. INSANE Jump Rotation                       400*
Best INSANE stunt so far:
                                        Insane Stunt
Longest Wheelie time (secs)                        6
Longest Wheelie Distance (m)                  262.28
Longest Stoppie time (secs)                        4
Longest Stoppie distance (m)                   85.82
Longest 2 wheels time (secs)                       2
Longest 2 wheels distance (m)                  23.94
Criminals killed on Vigilante Mission           5030
Highest Vigilante Mission Level                  368    ***** (only to 12)
Passengers Dropped Off                           100    *****
Cash made in taxi                         $206858.00
People saved in Ambulance                         99
Highest Paramedic Mission Level                   12    *****
Total Fires Extinguished                          78
Fire Truck Mission Level                          12    *****
Stores knocked off                      15 out of 15    *****
Assassination Contracts Completed         5 out of 5    *****
Photographs Taken                                 12
Pizza's Delivered                                 91    *****
Ice Cream Sold                                    50    *****
Best Percentage of hits for Shooter               87
Fastest time on 'Alloy Wheels of Steel'         1:29    *****
Fastest time on 'The Driver'                    2:10    *****
Fastest time on in Dirt Ring                   10:38    *****
Fastest time on RC Plane Race                   2:41    *****
Fastest time on RC Car Race                     2:30    *****
Fastest time on RC Helicopter Pickup            7:32    *****
Fastest time on 'Terminal Velocity'             0:55    *****
Fastest time on 'Ocean Drive'                   1:05    *****
Fastest time on 'Border Run'                    1:36    *****
Fastest time on 'Capital Cruise'                1:53    *****
Fastest time on 'Tour!'                         2:35    *****
Fastest time on 'V.C. Endurance'                4:58    *****
Fastest time on Downtown Chopper Checkpoint     3:09    *****
Fastest time on Ocean Beach Chopper Checkpoint  2:04    *****
Fastest time on Vice Point Chopper Checkpoint   1:58    *****
Fastest time on Little Haiti Chopper Checkpoint 2:19    *****
Fastest time on 'PCJ Playground'                1:58    *****
Fastest time on 'Trial by Dirt'                 
Fastest time on 'Test Track'                    2:58    *****
Fastest time on 'Cone Crazy'                    0:25    *****
Fastest time on Checkpoint Charlie              2:25    *****
Highest Score for Shooter                         78    *****
Highest Score with Keepie-Uppy beach ball          2
Number of drug deals made                         50
Hotring Best Result                                1    *****
Fastest time in Hotring                         3:40
Fastest lap time in Hotring                    15.00
Flight Hours                                    0:10
Longest time in Bloodring (secs)                  60    *****
Fishes Fed                                         8
Seagulls Sniped                                    3
Most Favourite Radio Station
Least Favourite Radio Station
                                        EMOTION 98.3
Sprayings                                         16
Weapon Budget                              $10600.00
Fashion Budget                              $2520.00
Property Budget                           $441500.00
Auto Repair and Painting Budget              $800.00
Property Destroyed                      $11875880.00
Property Owned                                    15    *****
                                          The Mailbu    *****
                                         Print Works    *****
                                         Film Studio    *****
                                   Ice Cream Factory    *****
                                        Car Showroom    *****
                                        Taxi Company    *****
                                            Boatyard    *****
                                  Pole Position Club    *****
                                     3321 Vice Point    *****
                                Links View Apartment    *****
                                      El Swanko Casa    *****
                             Ocean Heights Apartment    *****
                                      Skumhole Shack    *****
                                         Hyman Condo    *****
Highest media attention                         1997
                                    Stuff of Legends

Not in Stats: 45 Points at Rifle Range, after the Shooter mission.    *****


 1) Updates
 2) Intro
 3) Basics
    a) Controls
       i) On Foot
      ii) In Vehicle
    b) Cops
       i) Wanted Levels
      ii) Raise Your Wanted Level
     iii) Lower Your Wanted Level
    c) Game Over
       i) Wasted
      ii) Busted
     iii) Taxi
    d) Weapons
    e) Outfits
    f) Radio Stations
    g) Money
    h) 100%
 4) Vehicles
    a) Cars
    b) Boats
    c) Bikes
    d) Aircraft
    e) 'Special' Vehicles
 5) Items
 6) Storyline Missions (21)
    a) Ken Rosenberg
        i) The Party
        ii) Back Alley Brawl
        iii) Jury Fury
        iv) Riot
    b) Colonel Cortez
        v) Treacherous Swine
        vi) Mall Shootout
        vii) Guardian Angels
    c) Ricardo Diaz
        viii) The Chase
        ix) Phnom Penh '86
    d) Colonel Cortez (2)
        x) Sir, Yes Sir
        xi) All Hands on Deck
    e) Ricardo Diaz (2)
        xii) The Fastest Boat
        xiii) Supply and Demand
    f) Kent Paul
        xiv) Death Row
    g) Colonel Cortez (3)
        xv) All Hands on Deck
    h) Tommy Vercetti
        xvi) Rub Out
        xvii) Shakedown
        xviii) Bar Brawl
        xix) Cop Land
    i) Final Missions
        xx) Cap the Collector
        xxi) Keep Your Friends Close
 7) Assets
    a) Boatyard
        i) Checkpoint Charlie
    b) Cherry Poppers
        ii) Distribution
    c) Pole Position
        iii) Payin a Stripper
    d) Kaufman Cabs
        iv) VIP
        v) Friendly Rivalry
        vi) Cabmegeddon
    e) Sunshine Autos
        vii) List One
        viii) List Two
        ix) List Three
        x) List Four
    f) Film Studio
        xi) Recruitment Drive
        xii) Dildo Dodo
        xiii) Marth's Mug Shot
        xiv) G-Spotlight
    g) Printworks
        xv) Spilling the Beans
        xvi) Hit the Courier
    h) Malibu Club
        xvii) No Escape?
        xviii) The Shootist
        ixx) The Driver
        xx) The Job
 8) Extra Missions
    a) Avery Carrington
        i) Four Iron
        ii) Demolition Man
        iii) Two Bit Hit
    b) Umberto Robina
        iv) Stunt Boat Challenge
        v) Cannon Fodder
        vi) Naval Engagement
        vii) Trojan Voodoo
    c) Auntie Poulet
        viii) Juju Scramble
        ix) Bombs Away!
        x) Dirty Lickin's
    d) Love Fist
        xi) Love Juice
        xii) Psycho Killer
        xiii) Publicity Tour
    e) Big Mitch Baker
        xiv) Alloy Wheels of Steel
        xv) Messing with the Man
        xvi) Hog Tied
    g) Phil Cassidy
        xvii) Gun Runner
        xviii) Boomshine Saigon
 9) Phone Missions
    a) Assassination Missions
        i) Road Kill
        ii) Waste the Wife
        iii) Autocide
        iv) Chek Out at the Check In
        v) Loose Ends
10) Hideouts
    a) Skumhole Shack
    b) 3321 Vice Point
    c) 1102 Washington Street
    e) Links View Appartments
    f) Ocean Heights
    g) Elswanko Casa
    h) Hyman Condo
11) Checkpoint Races
    a) Ocean Beach Chopper
    b) Vice Point Chopper
    c) Downtown Chopper
    d) Little Haiti Chopper
    e) PCJ Playground
    f) Cone Crazy
    g) Test Track
    h) Trial by Dirt
12) Street Races
    a) Terminal Velocity
    b) Ocean Drive
    c) Border Run
    d) Capital Cruise
    e) Tour!
    f) VC Endurance
13) Arena Challenges
    a) Dirt Ring
    b) Blood Ring
    c) Hot Ring
14) RC Challenges
    a) RC Bandit Race
    b) RC Baron Race
    c) RC Raider Race
15) Hidden Packages
16) Unique Stunts
17) Rampages
18) Rifle Range
19) 'Vigilante' Missions
20) Stores to knock off
21) Characters
22) Secrets
23) Cheats and Codes
24) FAQs
25) Thanks
26) Contact
27) Copyright

-----------------------------------[2] Intro-----------------------------------
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is the newest game in the Grand Theft Auto series.
It is set in a Miami location in the '80s known in the game as Vice City. The
game has the occasional tie-in to GTA3 but it is in no way a sequel or prequel
to it. The city itself is very loosely based on the original Vice City in
the original GTA game which featured three cities. Vice City, Liberty City 
(GTA3's location) and San Andreas (maybe where GTA4 will be set?).

The storyline at the beginning goes like this:
The Forelli family have gathered in their cafe in Liberty City to talk about
the upcoming release of Tommy Vercetti who was put away for 15 years and didn't
talk on any of the Forellis.
They decide to send him down south to Vice City where they will let him take
care of a new drug deal.
Tommy arrives in Escobar International Airport in the south of Vice City and
meets the 'shmuck' lawyer Ken Rosenberg. He takes them to the docks where a
chopper soon lands to secure the deal. Several men with shotguns are ready to
ambush the deal. As Tommy and the two other blokes show the dealer the money,
several shots are fired and all but Tommy are shot dead. Tommy races off back
into Ken's car and shouts for him to drive.
Shortly after this, the game begins on it's journey...

I, Alex Bates (Dark52), have created this full walkthrough (my first, by the
way but I have also made a Hidden Package map on GameFAQs and the script for
K-Chat, just because I like this game) to help anyone in need of help of
getting that elusive 100% or just with one thing like the hidden packages.
I am happy (unless I'm in a bad mood of course) to answer most Vice City
related questions sent to me via e-mail (darkgta4@yahoo.co.uk) and will try
to help you all I can.

This guide is only available on these sites so far:

www.GameFAQs.com                               (a very good site for GameFAQs)
www.geocities.com/darkgta4                     (my website!)
faqs.ign.com                                   (another good games site)

And if you want to send me any info on the game that you have found by yourself
don't hesitate to e-mail me unless it is already in the guide. You can also ask
me the occasional question if it's not in the guide, but if it is then I gonna
ignore it! My e-mail address is darkgta4@yahoo.co.uk so send it to that!

-----------------------------------[3] Basics----------------------------------
|             |
| a) Controls |

i) On Foot
Control              Action
=======              ======
D-Pad                Move Character/Move First Person Aim
X                    Hold to run/Zoom out in Sniper View
O                    Fire Weapon
Square               Jump/Zoom-in in Sniper View
Triangle             Jack a car
Left Analogue Stick  Move Character/Move First Person Aim
Right Analogue Stick First Person-look around
R1                   Aim weapon
R2                   Cycle Weapons/Select other Target (when holding
R3                   Look Behind
L1                   Move camera to normal + answer phone
L2                   Cycle Weapons/Select other Target (when holding
L3                   Crouch

ii) In Vehicle
Control              Action
=======              ======
D-Pad                Alter Direction of Vehicle
Up                   (on bike) Lifts up back wheel into air
Down                 (on bike) Performs wheelie
X                    Accelerate
O                    Fire Incar Weapon/DriveBy when R2 or L2 held
Square               Brake/Reverse
Triangle             Bail
Left Analogue Stick  Precise Directions
Right Analogue Stick Rotate cannon
R1                   Handbrake
R2                   Look Right (press O with Uzi type weapon to
                     perform a driveby) In helicopters this turns
                     your vehicle right
R3                   Activate Special Mission
L1                   Change Radio Station
L2                   Look Left (press O with Uzi type weapon to
                     perform a driveby) In helicopters this turns
                     your vehicle left
L3                   Honk your horn
|         |
| b) Cops |

i) Wanted Level
Star Cops
==== ====
1 Star   No guns but simple bats
2 Stars  They carry guns now
3 Stars  Helicopter arrives, cops everywhere still have guns
         undercover cops with Cheetahs also start ariving.
4 Stars  SWAT teams arrive (also by helicopter now!)
5 Stars  FBI with Rugers arrive to despatch of you they drive in
         FBI Washingtons and FBI Ranchers
6 Stars  Barracks OL and Rhinos arrive along with a copter known
         as the Hunter

ii) Raise Your Wanted Level
There are many things that will cause your wanted level to rise. Here are
just a few to start the cops coming after you...
1) Shoot someone in front of a cop
2) Pull a gun in front of a cop
3) Hit a cop car
4) Blow up a cop car (ie with a grenade)
5) Punch someone with a cop watchin (not including people cops are
6) Run several people over
7) To get two stars right away, kill a cop

After that, these things only in excess will raise you another level, one
thing that will guarantee you raise a level is blowing up a police

iii) Lower Your Wanted Level
To lower your wanted level simply stand around if you only have one or two
stars and wait for them to go. Any higher then you will need to take
There are three other ways to lower your wanted level short of jumping
in the water. They are:
1) Go to a Pay'n'Spray and get your car painted, this will make your
wanted flash for a while then if you commit no more crimes for a while,
it will go away altogether, but if you do offend again it will return!
(Or the Pay'n'Go in Sunshine Autos)
2) Get a police bribe which will lower your wanted level by one so get a
few of them
3) Change your clothes at your hideout (only works with two stars or less)
|              |
| c) Game Over |

i) Wasted
There are around a million ways to get wasted. Simply though, if in any
way you die, (i.e. drown, explode, get shot to death, get run over) then
you die (not quite) and return to the nearest hospital with full health
and with a slight loss of money due to the fact that healthcare ain't free
in the states. You also lose all of your weapons and any mission that you
were on automatically fails.

ii) Busted
Just as bad as being wasted. The consequences are almost the same as
getting wasted except that you end up outside the nearest police station
and the money you lose goes to bribing the cops. To get busted, if you
have even a slight wanted level and a cop pulls you out of a car your
busted. The only other way to get busted is if you are hand to hand
fighting with a cop and he knocks you down he will bust ya.

iii) Taxi
If you were on a mission when you were busted or wasted when you
materialize outside the police station or hospital a Kaufman Cab will
appear a short distance away with an arrow on top. This will take you back
to where you got your last mission for a small amount of money (I think
about $9 but I'm not sure) You simply press triangle near it and you will
get in the back. It is quite useful sometimes but others when you need to
get weapons it is quite useless.

|            |
| d) Weapons |

Vice City has introduced a brand new weapons system that is totally new to
the GTA series. It was introduced as they brought in a lot of new weapons
and switching between them would have been very difficult.
The new system means that you can only carry one of each type of weapon.
Here they all are and where you can find them (there are more locations
for them but I have just listed some easy to find locations):

1 Camera (only available in 'Martha's Mug Shot' mission)
1 Fist (eg Brass Knuckles)
1 Melee (eg Baseball Bat)
1 Explosive (eg Grenades)
1 Pistol (eg Colt 45)
1 Shotgun (eg Spas-12)
1 Sub-Machine Gun (eg Tech-9)
1 Heavy (eg Mini-gun)
1 Rifle (eg Sniper Rifle)

Weapon              Type of Weapon   Location
======              ==============   ========
Camera              Camera           Only available in 'Martha's Mug
                                     Shot' mission
Fists               Fist             Where do ya think fool?
Brass Knuckles      Fist             In alley behind starting hotel
Screwdriver         Melee            Hardware Stores
Golf Club           Melee            At the Golf Club on Leaf Links and in
Night Stick         Melee            Police Station in Washington Beach, also
                                     kill a normal cop to get one off him
Baseball Bat        Melee            In alley behind starting hotel
Knife               Melee            After 'Back Alley Brawl' mission
                                     available at Hardware stores
Meat Cleaver        Melee            Hardware stores
Machete             Melee            After 'Jury Fury' mission available at
                                     Hardware stores
Katana              Melee            In Tarbrush Cafe in North Point Mall in
                                     the storage area
Chainsaw            Melee            Get some hidden packages and it will be
                                     at the hotel and Diaz's Mansion
Grenades            Explosive        Ammunation in North Point Mall
Tear Gas            Explosive        Outside Police Station in Washington
Molotov Cocktail    Explosive        At Deli shop Downtown
Bomb and Detonator  Explosive        At Phil's Place after his missions
Colt 45             Pistol           At Ammunation
Colt Python         Pistol           At Ammunation Downtown after 'Rub Out'
Chrome Shotgun      Shotgun          At Ammunation
Spas-12 Shotgun     Shotgun          At Ammunation Downtown after 'Rub Out'
Stubby Shotgun      Shotgun          At Ammunation in North Point Mall
Tech-9              Sub-Machine Gun  Near Golf Course
Ingram MAC          Sub-Machine Gun  Ammuntation in Ocean Beach
Uzi M9              Sub-Machine-Gun  Behind Pay'n'Spray in Washington Beach
MP5                 Sub-Machine-Gun  At Ammunation Downtown after 'Rub Out'
Ruger               Assault Rifle    Ammuntation in Ocean Beach
M4                  Assault Rifle    At Ammunation Downtown after 'Rub Out'
Rocket Launcher     Heavy            Phil's Place after his missions
Flamethrower        Heavy            In pool shaped like Rockstar logo on
                                     Starfish Island
Mini-gun            Heavy            At Phil's Place after his missions
M60                 Heavy            At Phil's Place after his missions
Sniper Rifle        Sniper Rifle     At Ammunation in North Point Mall
PSG1/Laser Scope    Sniper Rifle     At Ammunation Downtown after 'Rub Out'
|            |
| e) Outfits |

Certain missions in the game will require you to chnage you clothing for
the occasion. To do this you will have to go to a clothes pickup and get
it. Changing your clothes, even into the same type you are wearing at the
time will get rid of your wanted level if it is 2 stars or below.
These outfits are only available after certain missions so you will have
to do those missions to get them.

Outfit         Location
======         ========
Bank Job       At Malibu Club
Casual Clothes At Gash in North Point Mall
Cop Uniform    At Cop Station in Washington Beach 
Country Club   At Leaf Links Golf Club
Coveralls      In Tooled Up in North Point Mall
Frankie        Available after 100% Completion of game!
Havana         At Little Havana Streetwear
Mr. Vercetti   At Collars & Cuffs
Street         At Hyman Condo, Ocean View Hotel and Vercetti Estate
Soiree         At Raphaels
Tracksuit      At Laundromat in Litte Havana
|                   |
| f) Radio Stations |

With the move the Vice City, there would no doubt be different radio
stations. With the success of Chatterbox in GTA3 there are now 2 chat
stations with different agendas. Here is a nice list of all the radio
stations with their music. For more info on K-Chat, see my script on
GameFAQs and IGN! It is very good! (Read it!) I found time for it
while not adding to this guide. It's very good and should be read by
all, (that's you!), anyway, enough plugging of that (the scripts by
Dark52 if you don't know me) 

Emotion 98.3
DJ: Fernando Martinez
'Waiting for a Girl Like You' - Foreigner
'Wow' - Kate Bush
'Tempted' - Squeeze
'Keep on Loving You' - Reo Speedwagon
'(I just) Died in your Arms' - Cutting Crew
'More than This' - Roxy Music
'Africa' - Toto
'Broken Wings' - Mr. Mister
'Missing You' - John Waite
'Crockets Theme' - Jan Hammer
'Sister Christian' - Night Ranger
DJ: Pepe
Flash FM
DJ: Toni
Fever 105
DJ: Oliver 'Ladykiller' Biscuit
DJ: Amy Sheckenhausen
Vice City Public Radio (VCPR)
DJ: Maurice Chavez
DJ: Lazlow
Wave 103
DJ: Adam First
DJ: Mister Magic
|          |
| g) Money |

From the masses amount of almost useless money that you earned in GTA3,
amounts of money that you earn in this game are dramatically lower. This is
because you can actually use the money to buy your hideouts and weapons as
you can't get them all from the hideout any longer which means more
Ways to get your money include: using your businesses that you can buy to
get your dough. You can also punch an escaping villain that is being
chased by a cop. Each punch gets you $50. Also do the normal missions and
extra missions such as the taxi type ones. Other ways are to just run
around killing people and robbing them, also to get a bit of extra dosh
you can rob a store.
|         |
| h) 100% |

This time around there is a lot more to do to get your 100% completion.
In GTA3 all you had to do were, hidden packages, rampages, jumps, missions
and the vigilate mission thingies. In Vice City there is a lot more to it,
here is a specially extended version of the 100% completion list with
everything, yes, everything, that you'll need to do.

1) All of the 21 story missions completed
     1-5  Ken Rosenberg
     6-11 Colonel Cortez
    12-15 Ricardo Diaz
    15    Kent Paul
    16-19 Tommy Vercetti
    20-21 Final Missions   
2) All of the assets and their missions bought and completed
     1    The Boatyard
     2    Cherry Poppers
     3    Pole Position
     4-6  Kaufman Cabs
     7-10 Sunshine Autos
    11-14 Film Studio
    15-16 Printworks
    17-20 The Malibu
3) All extra missions completed
     1-3  Avery Carrington
     4-7  Umberto Robina
     8-10 Auntie Poulet
    11-13 Love Fist
    14-16 Big Mitch Baker
    17-18 Phil Cassidy
4) All of the phone missions completed
     1-5  Assassination Missions
5) All of the hideouts bought
     1    Skumhole Shack
     2    3321 Vice Point
     3    1102 Washington Street
     4    Links View Appartments
     5    Ocean Heights
     6    Elswanko Casa
     7    Hyman Condo     
6) All of the Checkpoint races won
     1    Ocean Beach Chopper
     2    Vice Point Chopper
     3    Downtown Chopper
     4    Little Haiti Chopper
     5    PCJ Playground
     6    Cone Crazy
     7    Test Track
     8    Trial By Dirt
7) All the street races won
     1    Terminal Velocity
     2    Ocean Drive
     3    Border Run
     4    Capital Cruise
     5    Tour
     6    VC Endurance
8) All the arena challenges won
     1    Dirt Ring
     2    Blood Ring
     3    Hot Ring
9) All the RC challenges won
     1    RC Bandit Race
     2    RC Baron Race
     3    RC Raider Race
10) All the 100 Hidden Packages found
11) All of the 36 Unique jumps completed
12) All of the 35 Rampages completed
13) Shooting range done
14) Got to Level 12 Vigilante
15) Got to Level 12 Paramedic
16) Got to Level 12 Firefigher
17) Got to Level 10 Pizza Boy
18) Dropped off 100 Taxi passengers
19) Robbed 15 stores
     1    Bunch of Tools - Washington Beach
     2    Cafe Robina - Little Havana
     3    Corner Store - Vice Point
     4    Jewelers - Vice Point
     5    Vinyl Countdown - North Point Mall
     6    Jewelers - North Point Mall
     7    Jewelers - Downtown
     8    Laundromat - Little Havana
     9    Rython Aid - Little Haiti
    10    Screw This - Little Havana
    11    Tooled Up - North Point Mall
    12    Dispensary + - Vice Point
    13    Dispensary + - Downtown
    14    Donut Shop - Little Havana
    15    Gash - North Point Mall

20) Saved without any cheats! (Health type cheats don't seem to affect

With GTA3 you got nothing for your hard work except your own
gratification, that you completed the game. However, with Vice City they
have decided to reward you for your hard work with these little gems:

1) 200 Health
2) 200 Armor
3) Double damage cars
4) Infinite Ammo
5) The Frankie outfit at your manison which says on it:
   'I completed Vice City and all I got was this lousy T-Shirt' fun eh?
6) Bodyguards at Mansion - In room downstairs to the right you go into the
   pink lights to activte the security!

These will make playing the game after completion better and more fun!
Although as with any game after completing it, it just isn't the same. So
after doing this start again! (If you want to!) But you could go around and
find all the secrets, cheat to your heart's content (will still reduce your
criminal rating though) nad just go plain crazee!

----------------------------------[4] Vehicles---------------------------------
As with all Grand Theft Auto titles, vehicles are a strong point in the game as
the title would suggest. This time there are more then just simple cars and the
occasional boat, there have been major new vehicles such as the two things that
have fuelled most of the rumors were the motorbike and the helicopter.
These two things do exist in the Vice City world and they are amazing things to
drive. In GTA3 there were only around 30 vehicles in Liberty City, they
have more then tripled this amount to 99!
On my website http://www.darkgta.tk you will be able to find all the pictures
of all of the vehicles in the game (a few pics aren't that good though)
Anyway, here is a list of all the 99 vehicles that feature in the game:

  i) Cars
     1) Admiral - Slow, sluggish, blocky, not a good getaway vehicle
     2) Baggage Handler - Handles baggage? No speed at all.
     3) Banshee - Super speedy one this. Turns corners ok but needs the R1
     4) Benson - Large van, slow, heavy, rubbish
     5) BF Injection - Beach buggy from GTA3. Much better this time. Speedy,
                       and great handler!
     6) Blista Compact - Smalle version of the Blista from GTA3. Handles the
                         same and is still good at turning
     7) Bloodring Banger - Can take a bit of damage and has good speed
     8) Bobcat - same as in GTA3 but a little worse looking and handles worse
     9) Boxville - A box. That's it, what can you expect?
    10) Burrito - Van, quite fast for a van but not exceptional
    11) Bus - Huge bus, slow, heavy and hard to find
    12) Caddy - A great handling faller over. Almost everytime you fall over
                it gets right on back up again
    13) Cheetah - super speed and slightly worse looking then in GTA3
    14) Coach - another huge, heavy, slow vehicle that turns up at bus stops
    15) Comet - fast, speedy and always a convertable
    16) Cuban Hermes - Burn! Flames on this one! Not the greatest car yet but
                       better then the simple Hermes
    17) Deluxo - Just a car that's slightly fast, available in Sunshine Autos
    18) Esperanto - Rubbish, slow, chunky.
    19) Flatbed - Looks like the Barracks OL and handles like a Bus. Rubbish!
    20) Gang Burrito - Looks the same as a normal Burrito except it's always
    21) Glendale - Same really as a Greenwood and is slow as hell!
    22) Greenwood - As above, slow as hell.
    23) Hermes - Chunky, slow and a rubbish car!
    24) Hotring Racer - Speedy, durable, and just about the best car to race in
    25) Idaho - slow, chunky, rubbish, awful!
    26) Infernus - fast, great handler and always parked outside the Mansion
    27) Landstalker - quite a good car this, fast, but easyily tipped over
    28) Linerunner - big slow trundling truck which can plough through cars
    29) Love Fist - pink strech limo that's a bit faster, only available in
                    Love Fist missions
    30) Manana - Okay car, bit slow, but keeps it's own wouldn't choose it
    31) Mesa Grande - 4x4 that isn't very good on the beach, it smells a bit
                      buts ok if it's the only thing you've got
    32) Moonbeam - blocky people carrier with rubbish handling. Avoid.
    33) Mule - Van that is rubbish!
    34) Oceanic - rubbish, parked outside hotel and is rubbish!
    35) Packer - big truck with ramp. Rubbish at turning, slow but good for
                 getting into islands early!
    36) Patriot - fast, durable, speedy, great handling, great car!
    37) Perennial - rubbish family estate car. Slow, and rubbish!
    38) Phoenix - not the fastest car of the fast ones but does OK against slow
    39) Pony - another slow van
    40) Rancher - shorter version of the Landstalker. Same handling and stuff
    41) RC Bandit - RC Car
    42) RC Baron - RC Plane
    43) RC Raider - RC helicopter
    44) Regina - another family estate, rubbish!
    45) Romero's Hearse - a hearse, of Romero's. Haven't really tried this one
                          out as it's only in one mission but seems fast
    46) Rumpo - slow van
    47) Sabre - reasonably fast but not very, slow and two doors
    48) Sabre Turbo - much faster version of the Sabre
    49) Sandking - huge 4x4 that is so easy to turn over it's impossible not to
    50) Securicar - slow but very stable and durable
    51) Sentinel - okay speed but not too good, rubbish handler
    52) Sentinel XS - slightly better then then Sentinel
    53) Spand Express - Big van, only appears in two missions
    54) Stallion - slow, rubbish and even more rubbish
    55) Stinger - fast, convertable and speedy! Good car
    56) Stretch - well, a limo. Outside your Mansion most of the time, slow and
                  rubbish at turning!
    57) Top Fun - starts the RC missions and is a van that looks like the Pony
    58) Trashmaster - huge rubbish truck (literally) which is very tough. Can't
                      do a rubbish collection mission in it though
    59) Virgo - slow
    60) Voodoo - has hydraulics and is the Haitian's car
    61) Walton - van with crate on back. Slightly fast and rubbish to drive
    62) Washington - tough car but rubbish to drive
    63) Yankee - big truck rubbish!

 ii) Bikes
    64) Angel - fast and steady
    65) Faggio - Moped that is slow and can't really do wheelies
    66) Freeway - almost the same as an Angel
    67) PCJ-600 - the fastest bike with the best handling and speeds rounds
    68) Sanchez - dirt bike that's good at speed and handling.

iii) Boats 
    69) Coast Guard - dunno
    70) Cuban Jetmax - dunno
    71) Dinghy - rubbish small boat that's easyliy flippable
    72) Marquis - giant boat that's ok at turning
    73) Reefer - rubbish slow boat
    74) Rio - really rubbish sail boat that is terrible! Avoid at all costs!
    75) Speeder - fast and speedy, ok at cornering
    76) Squallo II - it's the fastest boat (heh)
    77) Tropic - slow

 iv) Aircraft
    78) Maverick - slow, flies though, helicopter
    79) Police Maverick - fast, flyable and speedy helicopter
    80) Sea Sparrow - helicopter that can land on water, has a minigun aboard
    81) Skimmer - plane which can land on water, slow and rubbish but it's the
                  only real plane
    82) Sparrow - Fast, small and is a helicopter
    83) VCN Maverick - rubbish handler, gets blown about in the wind and is

  v) 'Special' Vehicles
    84) Ambulance - fast, corners awfully
    85) Barracks OL - slow, big and is rubbish!
    86) Cabbie - fast, easyily flipable
    87) Enforcer - slow huge police truck
    88) FBI Rancher - fast, but can easily be tipped over
    89) FBI Washington - fast and durable, very good car
    90) Firetruck - slow, awful corners but very durable and hard to flip
    91) Kaufman Cab - same as a Cabbie except is says Kaufman Cabs on the side
    92) Mr. Whoopee - slow ice-cream truck
    93) Pizza Boy - slightly faster then the Faggio and delivers pizzas
    94) Police - fast and a very good car
    95) Predator - police boat, fast and has a gun
    96) Rhino - huge tank with cannon, ram into one of these and kaboom!
    97) Taxi - normal taxi that's better then the Cabbie and Kaufman
    98) Zebra Cab - same shape as the Cabbie and Kaufman but has stripes. Fast
                    and the best of the cabs
    99) Hunter - flying tank (not literally) with huge missiles to eliminate
                 the threat also has a machine gun which auto targets

Submitted by Kczofftheheezy:
To get some crazy insane bonus stunts on motorcycles (minus the fagio) haul ass
at a jump (for example, south of the Malibu Club, on the grass on the right,
just before the bridge west of the PCJ playground mission) and right before you
hit it press back or forward and left or right. Hold those buttons down
throughout the jump. You can do flips or some mean corkscrews. Try to correct
yourself to land properly.
To do wheelies for days get on a sanchez and a nice long straight road. (I like
the one on the second island running north to south.) Get the sanchez up on a
wheelie, keep holding back and let go of the gas. Just tap the gas to keep you

-----------------------------------[5] Items-----------------------------------
Items will be in no way forgotten for this game as this is a Grand Theft Auto

Armour         - Gives you full Armour         - Looks like some armor
Health         - Gives you full Health         - Looks like a pink circle with
                                                 a heart
Rampage        - Begins a rampage              - Looks like a pink circle with
                                                 a skull
Hidden Package - Gives you a hidden package    - Looks like a green bird
Weapons        - Gives you a weapon and ammo   - Looks like a weapon
Briefcase      - Only available in missions    - Looks like a briefcase
Bribe          - Takes 1 Star off wanted level - Looks like a pink circle with
                                                 a star in
Money          - Gives you any amount of money - Looks like a green roll of
Checkpoint     - Go through it to do a mission - Looks like a floating
                                                 seethrough circle/area
Adrenaline     - Makes the world slow down     - Looks like a tablet in a pink
Clothes        - Go through it to switch/clean - Looks like a pink circle with
                 your clothes                    a shirt on, the name of the
                                                 clothes are above the circle

---------------------------------[6] Walkthrough-------------------------------
Right then, you've waded through pages of info and here is my, at the moment,
incomplete, walkthrough to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City!
|                  |
| a) Ken Rosenberg |

i) The Party
Initial Briefing: Ken wants you to go to a party hosted by Colonel Cortez, but
you will need some new clothes before you can get in.
How to: Steal any old car as there is no time limit for this one. Head on over
to Rafaels, shown as a Shirt icon on the radar, and you should be given a new
Again, take any old vehicle, such as that nifty bike, and head over to the
square dot on your radar which just happens to be that Colonel Cortez's boat.
You are introduced to a few new characters and then instructed to take Mercedes
to the Pole Position Club, take any of the cars that are outside and drive it
to the club and that'll be all.
Money Earned: $100
Extras: New Clothes

ii) Back Alley Brawl
Initial Briefing: Ken tells you about Kent Paul and tells you to visit him.
How to: Grab a car, (or motorbike!) and drive over to the dot which is the
Malibu Club. Kent Paul'll tell you bout someone. Then head out to the alley
which is shown by your radar and kill the chef. To do this simply beat him up a
lot as you probably don't have any weapons just yet. Anyway, pick up the cell
phone he drops. This allows you to get some missions and bosses in the game.
Someone comes up to you and gives you a gun, follow him and kill those chefs
following you and collect their nifty meat cleavers. Grab a ride, or rather
drive the mans Infernus to Ammu-Nation which is shown on the radar. You get the
know how to buy weapons from here and then head on back to the hotel and he
will drop you off even though you were driving. He will then drive away so no
Infernus! Anyway, that's your mission done!
Money Earned: $200
Extras: Cellphone and Ammu-Nation opens

iii) Jury Fury
Initial Briefing: Ken tells you about Georgio Forelli who Ken has been hired
for, Ken wants you to intimidate the Jury to help his case.
How to: Pick up the hammer from that dead guy and steal any car you can get
your hands on. Head to the yellow circle dot on your radar as it is closer 
and will take less time then the triangle one. Hit the Juror with the hammer
but don't kill him. Next smash his car up until a cut scene occurs.
Head on to the other dot and smash his car up till you've completed the
Money Earned: $400
Extras: None

iv) Riot
Initial Briefing: Ken introduces you to Avery Carrington again and he will tell
you about this land he wants and he wants you to put the depot that is on the
land out of business.
How to: Head to Rafaels again, again the shirt icon, and get some new clothes.
Get on over to the depot and start a fight with four of the workers there. Just
one smack each with a hammer should do it. Go kill the man with a weapon and
take it. Target the nearby barrels and shoot 'em until they blow up the trucks.
The last truck probably won't blow up so get and blow it up somehow such as
pushing it into the water. As soon as it is gone you've completed all of the
missions that Ken will give you. Now head on over to that big ol' 'A' that's on
the map for Avery Carrington's jobs.
Money Earned: $1000
Extras: Coveralls available
|                   |
| b) Colonel Cortez |

v) Treacherous Swine
Initial Briefing: Cortez has been betrayed by Gonzalez, his lieutenant. He
quite obviously wants Gonzalez dead and with a chainsaw.
How to: Drive on over to Gonzalez' place and he'll run off leaving his men to
kill ya. Kill them with your chainsaw and chase down Gonzalez. He doesn't
really need to be killed by a chainsaw so just run him over.
Head on over to the Pay'n'Spray to get rid of that rather annoying wanted level
and you'll get your money!
Money Earned: $250
Extras: Nothing

vi) Mall Shootout
Initial Briefing: Cortez wants you to meet some bloke who has some valuable
How to: Head off to the mall with any old vehicle and meet the contact. Some
French troops will raid the place and the courier will be off. Follow him out
and chase him down on his bike. Just take a car, not a motorbike, and ram him
until he falls off. Kill him and pick up the guidance chips that he drops. Head
back to Cortez and you're done.
Money Earned: $500
Extras: Nothing

vii) Guardian Angels
Initial Briefing: Cortez tells you to oversee a transaction for Diaz. He also
tells you about a weapon he has left in a car park.
How to: Drive on over to the car park and grab that weapon. The man from Ken's
second mission meets you here and you learn him to be called Lance Vance. He
wants to help you.
Drive to the alley and take position on the stairs. Get the Ruger, the weapon
you just picked up, and get ready for some action. After a little bit some
Haitians will raid the place and so shoot em! The first lot comes from the
right in two cars and a van. Kill them fast and make sure that Diaz and Lance
both stay alive as if either die you fail! Then some more arrive from the left
and then some more from the right. Kill them quickly
After a bit two men on bikes ride in and grab the money but one is killed so
grab his bike and race after the other. Obviously kill him and get the money
back. Continue back to Diaz and that's it.
Money Earned: $250
Extras: Nothing
|                 |
| c) Ricardo Diaz |

viii) The Chase
Initial Briefing: Diaz starts ranting about a thief and tells you to find him.
But he tells you not to kill him, just find him.
How to: Take the Infernus and head on to the dot on the radar and look into the
window. You'll see the thief who will then start running which of course you
have to chase. Follow him up to the roof and don't fall or kill him. He'll
then escape in a BF Injection and follow him off of the roof. Jump onto the
Faggio and follow him. if you lose a wheel as he fires at you then it's mission
failed. Follow him to his hideout to complete the mission.
Money Earned: $1000
Extras: A free Faggio?

ix) Phnom Penh '86
Initial Briefing: Diaz gets Lance to fly you over another gangs hideout and you
will be given an M60 with plenty of ammo.
How to: Lance will fly you over the city in a helicopter and you should use the
M60 provided to shoot the people on the rooftops with one or two hits. You will
eventually get dropped off and then use a sub-machine gun such as an Uzi.
Go into the building and keep pressing R1 to select someone new as you don't
want to keep shooting someone you have already killed. Head up the stairs and
through the wall. Grab the package on the roof for Lance to come and pick you
up in the copter. This mission will now free up the whole of Vice City after
the hurricane warning was lifted.
Money Earned: $2000
Extras: The whole of Vice City is available afterwards! And a few new missions
for old bosses:
|                       |
| d) Colonel Cortez (2) |

x) Sir, Yes Sir! (Available after Diaz's Phnom Penh '86 mission)
Initial Briefing: Cortez tells you to grab him a tank that is being transported
across town so that he can sell it to a client.
How to: Get yourself any old car such as the Cheetah outside and head to the
tank on your radar. Wait around a bit till the driver gets out for a doughnut
and climb aboard. Drive to the garage which is on the radar and nearby to
complete the mission. However, if you meet up with them after they get to the
Deli, as it is shown on the map, then run over a row of soldiers then run back
to the tank and simply climb aboard. Now go to the garage and complete the
mission. Simple either way.
Money Earned: $2000
Extras: A tank, if you take it and put it into one of your garages then blow it
up to fail the mission.
|             |
| e) Diaz (2) |

xii) The Fastest Boat
Initial Briefing: Diaz has been known as having the fastest boat on the east
coast, but there has been a new challenger built in the Docks and Diaz wants
How to: Get some ammo and head to the docks marked as a yellow dot on your
radar. Kill the very dangerous men with Rugers from inside your car as that is
the safest place to be at the moment. Then when they are dead go to the
boathouse and go into the pink circle. The boat will now drop into the water
but some more people will arrive with guns at the entrance to the boathouse.
Shoot em with your gun again and get into the boat.
As soon as you get into the boat you will receive a nice little 3 star wanted
level but this can be ignored a lot since you are in the water just watch out
for the helicopter and the police in boats. get back to Diaz's mansion with the
boat to finish up.
An alternate way of doing this one is to get the VCN copter and fly over the
place. Next head to the first big island and land there. Drive back and the
people should be dead. Now go to the switch and then shoot the people. The end.
Money Earned: $4000
Extras: Experience in killing people.

xiii) Supply and Demand
Initial Briefing: Diaz tells you about a drug runner selling his stock to the
first bidder. He wants you to take the boat you just got and get there before
anyone else.
How to: Go to the boat shown as a dot on your radar with which is Lance. Get
into the boat and follow the two other boats and be careful inside the canal.
Once you get there you'll become the passenger with Lance driving. Shoot the
two boats following until they blow up then turn forwards and Lance will yell
about some guys on a jetty. Now shoot mad at the jetty to take them out. Next
fire at the copter in the air and as soon as it bursts into flames leave it.
And now aim forward and shoot out the last boat. As soon as this is done you
have finished Diaz for good.
Money Earned: $10000
Extras: Nothing
|              |
| f) Kent Paul |

xiv) Death Row
Initial Briefing: Kent Paul will tell you about Lance who attempted to jump
Diaz but was captured. You don't like this and so threaten Kent into giving
you the location where he is being held.
How to: Head off to the junk yard and ram the blockade and hopefully kill the
two guards so that they pose no threat. Driveby if possible and carry on until 
they are all dead. If the car catches fire get out and shoot them one by one.
Go through the junkyard and stop at the end of the road and kill any gunmen
left. There'll be another man on the crane so shoot him with a Ruger. Take out
a sub-machine gun and go to the building behind the crane to get to Lance.
Now take Lance to the hospital to get some treatment. Get your gun out again
and head for the nearby Trashmaster which is very tough and although is slow
will protect you. Some Comets will arrive chasing you but the Trashmaster will
hold up against them. Go to the hospital and it's done.
Money Earned: $0
Extras: Nothing

Submitted by Kriket and Alby:
The gang members at the Junkyard have loads of cash. Just kill them, take the
money, then fail the mission and start over. This can be repeated for as long
as you like, but once you complete the mission, you can't do this anymore.

|                       |
| g) Colonel Cortez (3) |

xv) All Hands on Deck
Initial Briefing: Cortez needs to leave town and you to help him.
How to: Head to the back of the deck and fall off the end onto the deck below.
Get out a Ruger and fire at the boats driving by. As soon as they are gone you
will be transported to the top of the deck again. Now get the Ruger out again
and fire at the little boats driving around the front of the boat and also take
out the ships blocking the way. Some helicopters should start arriving soon,
try to take them out with the Ruger as fast as you can but if you don't get
them before the people drop out of them shoot them too. After they have all
been taken out the end of the mission should occur. You get dropped off in a
boat and you get your money.
Money Earned: $5000
Extras: A free boat at the end
|                   |
| h) Tommy Vercetti |

xvi) Rub Out
Initial Briefing: You will need to kill Diaz and steal everything he owns as
payback for the busted drug deal that lost Tommy's drugs and killed Lance's
brother at the start of the game.
How to: First make sure you have some ammo (lots of ammo) and make your way to
the front door by shooting out the two guards blocking it. It's locked so head
to the right-hand side of the building and into the maze. Make sure Lance
follows you as sometimes he goes out into the road and gets killed, which is a
bad thing as you would fail the mission. Anyway, work your way through the maze
and get to the side of the building. The maze has a few of Diaz's gang in so
shoot em. Get into the building through the side by the pool and shoot the
people there. Head up the stairs and shoot the several guards on the way. Go to
the second level and then out into the landing. Shoot the people on the landing
and chase after Diaz. Run towards him in his office and go to the side of his
desk. Shoot him and it's mission complete!
Money Earned: $50000
Extras: You get Diaz's mansion for saving in and the garages

xvii) Shakedown
Initial Briefing: You get told about the places which just aren't paying their
protection as they don't know about you yet. You decide to make them know.
How to: You have five minutes to do this so grab Lance's cheetah outside and
race to the North Point Mall. Go in and smash the windows with any weapon you
have. Preferably the Uzi weapon that was nearby at the mansion. You will get
a wanted level almost straight away but wait until it gets up to about two
before grabbing the clothes in the Gash store upstairs. To see which windows
you need to smash simply look on the radar. The square dots are on the same
level as you and the triangle ones are on a different level. This mission can
be tough or easy depending on how good you are. As soon as the last window is
bust, you win.
Money Earned: $2000
Extras: Assets now available to buy!

xviii) Bar Brawl
Initial Briefing: A bar ain't payin the protection money as another gang is
protecting it. You gotta get it to pay you.
How to: Drive to the bar and either driveby or run over the two guards outside.
Talk to the bar owner and then race over to the location shown on the radar.
Head up the stairs and snipe the people in the compound. Do this until they are
all dead. Now as you appear down the stairs after the two drive off get into
your car and chase after them. Knock them off their bikes and run them over
until mission complete.
Money Earned: $5000
Extras: Nothing

xix) Cop Land
Initial Briefing: One of the little people has left a bomb in the North Point
Mall and it hasn't worked. The police are also searching the place for it so
you decide with Lance to go set it off.
How to: Drive to the garage marked on the map with any old car. Punch someone
in the face (anywhere will do really) in front of a cop and get a wanted level.
Run around getting two cops to chase you into the garage. You will then get a
cop uniform and then grab the cop car behind the garage and head to the mall.
Park a little distance away from the opening of the mall with the car facing
the street. Go in and enter the shop with the bomb in. Set it off and run! Exit
the mall and grab your car. Race away as you now have a five star wontedness
and so the FBI are after you! Drive to either a Pay'n'Spray and swap cars or
straight to the mansion to complete the mission.
Money Earned: $10000
Extras: the Vercetti Mansion will now begin earning money.
|                   |
| i) Final Missions |

These Final Missions become available at the Printworks after compeletion of a
few things. They are (some may not be nessacery but I am not sure which, but
this is what I had to do to get the missions to arrive by phonecall)

 1) All Assets Bought
 2) Malibu, Boatyard, Kaufman Cabs and Pole Position Club asset missions
 3) Printworks Asset completed
 4) Main storyline people all completed

That's all I'd done when the crazy old man at the printworks phoned me. If he
doesn't phone you then get in a car and out again until the phone rings. There
might be more needed to do or less, anything that you have done to get these
missions to begin will be greatly accepted.

This is what silent_haiku thinks what you have to do to trigger the missions:
As far as I can tell, to trigger it you must own all assets, and have completed
all but two. I owned the boatyard, but hadn't completed Checkpoint Charlie (I
suck at boat missions), owned but hadn't completed the Film Studio (flying the
stupid skimmer is even worse than a boat) and owned/completed all other assets
when Cap The Collectors triggered. It might be that you don't have to own all
but two, but that's as far as I figure.

xx) Cap the Collectors
Initial Briefing: The Mafia have arrived in town and are taxing your businesses
which you have been buying and doing the missions for (maybe you did need them
all?) and you have to go stop them.
How to: They are driving Sanchez' (dirtbikes) and this is the order in which
they go to your places: Boatyard
                        Sunshine Autos
                        Cherry Poppers
                        Kaufman Cabs
                        Interglobal Film Studio
                        The Malibu Club
                        Pole Position Club
They will only go to the places if you have completed the asset missions there.
They definately start with the Boatyard as that is essential completion to
start the going. They will then progress down the list taxing your businesses.
The business they are taxing show up on the ingame made so head over to the
boatyard and take out the first two. Then take out the next and the next. As
there's only three, that's it. Complete!
Money Earned: $30000
Extras: Nothing

xxi) Keep Your Friends Close...
Initial Briefing: Before you get to the mission Lance tells you that Sonny is
coming to Vice City and to get back to the mansion to prepare. Anyway, as you
start the mission you learn that Lance has betrayed you.
How to: As you start in your office pull out a shotgun and blast anyone that
comes near you, (or target anyone you can) as soon as Lance shows up shoot
him with a semi automatic machine gun such as the Uzi and hope to kill him.
If you miss get your shotgun out again and shoot the people again. Next head
down the stairwell and get the health, armor and weapons to heal you. Run back
to the safe then as soon as Sonny bursts in shooting, run left back into the
stariwell. Jump down to get the armor and health and then go back up to the
corridor along from the downstairs and Sonny. Aim a Sniper at Sonny from the
end and shoot him like crazy!
Money Earned: $30000
Extras: Hunter now appears at the helipad down the road from the Links View
Apartments (or in Fort Baxter Airbase if you haven't got all 100 Hidden
Packages yet).

That's all the storyline done. Now move on to the extra missions and rampages
and hidden packages, and vigilante missions, and unique jumps and robbing
stores and whatever else you need to do.

------------------------------[7] Asset Missions-------------------------------
This is a brand new section of the guide to cover all the missions that you
will need to complete to get all the assets to start earning you money! They
are in order of expense (lowest price first) at the end of each mission you
get some money just like the normal missions.

Assets are compulsory to complete the storyline missions but I am not too
sure about which ones but you definately need to do the Printworks.

Before you can get any of these assets you must first have completed the
mission 'Shakedown', you will be told in the game when you can buy assets so
I won't 'spoil' when or why this mission occurs or even what it is about.

|                    |
| a) Boat Yard       |
| Cost: $10,000      |
| Location: Viceport |
| Daily Money: $2000 |

i) Checkpoint Charlie
How to: A nice and easy mission that only requires a bit of skill at driving a
boat. Go through each checkpoint and make sure to corner well as the timer
can be a bit annoying but ignore it for the most. The ramps are the hardest
part as you can get stuck on the docks so get a bit of speed up to get over
them. THe boat I recommend taking is the one on the left as the turing and
control is much easier on it.
|                         |
| b) Cherry Poppers       |
| Cost: $20,000           |
| Location: Little Havana |
| Daily Money: $3000      |

i) Deliverance
How to: Simple yet slightly long and annoying. Get near a Pay'n'Spray and then
start the Jingle Jangle of the ice cream truck with the L3 button. Every four
that you deliver (around four, sometimes it's three) will get you a wanted
level. To get rid of this, as every time you stop a copper will try to pull
you out of the truck, go into the pay'n'spray. Keep doing this until you get
50 done. Then exit the truck and the asset will be done.

|                       |
| c) Pole Position      |
| Cost: $30,000         |
| Location: Ocean Beach |
| Daily Money: $4000    |

i) There ain't no name for this one
How to: Go into the back room of the club and sit there for a while. Keep an
eye on your money then exit the room after spending $600 on her. That's it.
Asset complete!
|                        |
| d) Kaufman Cabs        |
| Cost: $40,000          |
| Location: Little Haiti |
| Daily Money: $5000     |

i) VIP
How to: Grab the cab and the mission will start. Now drive over to Starfish
Island as fast as you can as you only have 1 minute to get there! Stop in the
pink circle and honk your horn. Another cab will drive up so as he drives off
driveby it until the bloke gets out, make sure not to blow the cab up until
the VIP gets into yours. Now drive over to the airport and its done.

ii) Friendly Rivalry
How to: Simply driveby, jack or just anyway blow up the other cars. If you jack
them then simply drive it into water jumping out at the last minute (you have
to be going fast for it to continue into the water).

iii) Cabmegeddon
How to: Drive over to the docks and then as the other cabs arrive simply drive
in circles for a while until the timer runs out (avoiding the cabs). When the
Zebra Cab comes in blow it up by drivebying it.
|                         |
| e) Sunshine Autos       |
| Cost: $50,000           |
| Location: Little Havana |
| Daily Money: $9000      |

This place has it's own FAQ on GameFAQs so for more concentrated info on this
place read it. It is by PsychoMantis and is very good. My guide here is just
a simpleg guide, his is a lot better, read it!

i) List One
How to: Grab these cars and bring them back to the garage next to the big sign.
Car Name       General/Fixed Locations
========       =======================
Landstalker    Dirt Track in north Downtown
Idaho          Driving around Little Haiti
Esperanto      Driving around Vice Point
Stallion       Driving around the Littles
Rancher        Driving around Vice Point
Blista Compaq  Driving around Washington Beach

A new car will appear in the showroom and the place will earn up to $1500 a day
for you.

ii) List Two
How to: Again, gather these cars for your rewards and new car!
Car Name    General/Fixed Locations
========    =======================
Sabre       Driving around Downtown
Virgo       Driving around Washington Beach
Sentinel    In the showroom for the Asset
Stretch     By your mansion
Washington  Driving around Starfish Island
Admiral     Parked on Starfish Island

Another new car will be available after this and Sunshine Autos will start
generating up to $4000 at a time.

iii) List Three
How to: Same as the last two
Car Name General/Fixed Locations
======== =======================
Cheetah  Near where you meet Colonel Cortez
Infernus By your mansion
Banshee  Parked on Starfish Island
Pheonix  Starfish Island again
Comet    Next to the golf course on Leaf Links
Stinger  On Starfish Island

iv) List Four
How to: Same
Car Name         General/Fixed Locations
========         =======================
Voodoo           Near Auntie Poulets place
Cuban Hermes     Driving around Little Havana
Caddy            Hidden in bushes near Lighthouse
Baggage Handler  Next to Airport terminals
Pizza Boy        Behind Well Stacked Pizza shops
Mr Whoopee       Outside Cherry Poppers factory (must own it)

And that's it. Another new car will appear and the asset will start earning
the maximum it can.
|                        |
| f) Film Studio         |
| Cost: $60,000          |
| Location: Prawn Island |
| Daily Money: $9000     |

i) Recruitment Drive
How to: Drive over to Candy Suxx in Downtown and then get ready to kill her
pimp. Shoot the blokes who get out of the car with any old gun. They'll be
easy. If you've got a Rocket launcher from the Hidden Packages then simply blow
up the pimp's car at a red light, if you don't then ram the car to bits and
then go back for Candy. Then head off to find Mercedes in the helipad location
near the Well Stacked Pizza which is near the Malibu. Then simply drive back to
the Film Studio and you're done!

ii) Dildo Dodo
Simple, simple, simple! (Unless you're a rubbish plane flyer) grab the seeplane
from behind the film studios and take off. Go to the closest dot on your
radar and fly through it. Then fly to the end dot and then onto the next. This
mission is quite simple and afterwards you will be able to get the Skimmer
you used from behind the Film Studio!

iii) Martha's Mug Shot
How to: Simple this one. Grab the copter that's shown on your radar (to the
left if you can't see it) and follow Candy. When you get to the place where you
fought Gonzales a cutscene will occur with Alex Shrub (Martha) and Candy.
Land the Sparrow on the balcony above (shown on the radar) and take some snaps
of Candy and Martha on the rooftop. Take as many as you can (5) and then grab
the Sparrow and fly back to the Film Studio to complete the mission.

iv) G-Spotlight
How to: If you can't control a motorbike then this mission ain't for you.
Anyway, grab the PCJ-600 provided and head over to the location shown on the
map. Go up the stairs to the office and go up the lift. Race out of the window
shown (Unique Stunt Jump here) follow the radar to see where you're jumping
next and give yourself a good runup for each jump. A set of stairs will go down
halfway through to give you easy acsess if you fall off and also can be used
later. Just go to the end and that's the Film Studio earning you money!
|                        |
| g) Printworks          |
| Cost: $70,000          |
| Location: Little Haiti |
| Daily Money: $8000     |

This asset is vital to the full completion of the storyline.

i) Spilling the Beans
How to: Head down to the docks in a heli and land on top of the ship. To get
a heli there should be one on top of your mansion and on the Hyman Condo. Run
downstairs to the circle and go in. GO out and back up to the chopper making
sure not to die on the way. Get back to the printworks and its done.

ii) Hit the Courier
How to: Get to the docks as fast as you can and take out all the people there.
Hide behind the wall and wait for the courier to get out of the chopper. Kill
her and grab the case. Then grab the chopper and head back to the Printworks
Asset complete!
|                      |
| h) Malibu Club       |
| Cost: $120,000       |
| Location: Vice Point |
| Daily Money: $10,000 |

i) No Escape?
How to: Nice simple one this. Only kidding! It's a bit difficult. Grab a
fast car and park it outside the police station with the door open for a fast
escape. Go into the police station and go into the locker room to get yourself
some new threads. Go up the stairs and into the office with the keycard in.
Go down to the cells and set Cam Jones free. Run out of the police station
(shooting cops on the way) and get in the car. Make sure that Cam gets in and
no cops bust ya. Drive south realy fast to the Pay'n'Spray (or somehow lose
your wanted level) and go in. Drive carefully for a little while until the
stars go completely then zoom back to Cams house. Done.

ii) The Shootist
How to: Ahh. No baddies for this one. Drive on over to the shooting range in
Downtown and meet Phil. All you've gotta do in this one is get 60 points. To
achieve this, in the first section: Shoot out the body of the first yellow
person, and not the head, to give you easy access to the ones behind which are
worth more points. Then shoot the ones behind bit by bit. Fast yet with
accuracy. The next two sections are much the same, easy to predict when the
next ones are going to pop out so just shoot em when they do. Simple really.

iii) The Driver
How to: Oooh. Tough one this. Make sure you have a sub-automatic-machinegun
before you start. As soon as the race begins press R2 to face Hilary and shoot
him! Hope to pop his back tyre as he drives away (you drive too) and as he does
get out of your shooting range, ram the back of his car sideways to make him
spin out of control. Then simply drive round the course with ease as Hilary is
no-where to be seen. If you can achieve it then good.

iv) The Job
How to: Grab the taxi and take the squabbling people to the bank. Grab the
bank outfits and head inside. This mission will require a nice set of guns (or
just a Python which has a lot of ammo) as there will be a few unexpected guests
later. Anyway, for now head inside and after the cutscene head up the stairs to
the left. Head up the stairs to the left again (there's a room in front with a
man cowering but he is nessacery for later so don't kill him) and go into the
room with the elevator. Then go to the safe (taking care of the guard on the
way) and then head back to the room with the manager in. Take him back to the
safe and then go back out into the main bank room. Head down the stairs and
go to the pink light. After the cutscene run backwards out of the way of the
teargas that the SWAT teams have dropped. Shoot em as they drop down (Phil
needs to survive at the moment but Cam doesn't) and then after they are all
gone, go out the door. Watch the most annoying cutscene yet and then shoot all
the SWAT teams out here. Both Phil and Cam can now die (Phil is needed but he
regenerates outside the bank if he dies). Grab the Taxi and take Phil (and Cam
if he's still alive) down south to Cam's house (or north to the Pay'n'Spray
but that only gets rid of new police as the original SWAT teams still remain
for some reason) and it's mission complete (when you've got to the house) and
so is the asset! $10,000! Wow! it's massive!

That's all of them done. Congratulate yourself for a job well done! Everytime
you come past one of the assets remember to collect the money as it is very
useful when out shopping. It allows you to get almost inifinte ammo for your

-------------------------------[6] Extra Missions------------------------------
This is my section for those missions that you will probably do anyway, but
aren't essential for the storyline of the game to continue. However, these do
count towards getting a full 100% game completiton so read on! There really
shouldn't be any spoilers in this section as they don't involve the storyline,
but you never know.

|                     |
| a) Avery Carrington |

i) Four Iron
Initial Briefing: Avery tells you about some more land he wants and a man who
won't let go of it. He tells you that he's at Leaf Links country club which is
on a brand new island for you!
How to: Head to Jocksport to get some new golfing clothes and then off to Leaf
Links. Any weapons you have will be taken from you here so either obey the
rules or use a vehicle to jump the fence. If you obey the rules then there is a
golf club just inside which can be used as a weapon. Jump into the golf cart
which is known as a Caddy and drive over to the dot on the radar.
Take out the little people and chase down the man that's escaping on another
Caddy and ram his vehicle until he gets out. Then follow him and run him down!
Mission completed!
Money Earned: $500
Extras: New Clothes

ii) Demolition Man
Initial Briefing: Avery yet again wants more land. It's an office that's not
yet built this time.
How to: Head off to the dot on your radar and climb aboard the Top Fun van.
You get to control a helicopter now, even if it is remote control. Anyway, 
listen to the tutorial and learn how to use that little copter as you'll need
Grab a bomb and head on over to the building. The four targets are on different
levels of the building, to drop the bombs press O. The men around there will
attack you as they don't want their building to blow up after all their hard
Plant all the bombs, starting at the bottom and watch the explosions and just
as in the film by the same name watch the explosions. You've now completed the
mission. Now head on over to the big 'C' for your next boss.
Money Earned: $1000
Extras: Nothing

iii) Two Bit Hit (Available after Diaz's Phnom Penh '86 mission)
Initial Briefing: Avery has a passenger with him and it just so happens to be a
young Donald Love who just don't seem like the one in GTA3. Anyway, Avery wants
you to start a gang war, just as Donald Love did in that mission which involved
you killing Kenji of the Yakuza in GTA3.
How to: Get a new set of clothes, follow the shirt icon again, and head over to
the funeral place and smash into the area in a nice tough car and run down the
big ol boss and drive out of there as fast as you can as those Haitians don't
really like you killing their boss. If however he escapes in the hearse, follow
him and shoot him with a driveby until they stop and then kill em. Then for if
you are still in Little Haiti, get out of it! 
Money Earned: $2500
Extras: Nothing

|                   |
| b) Umberto Robina |

iv) Stunt Boat Challenge
How to: Simple this one, if you are good at turning in a boat that is. Grab
every checkpoint with a bit of speed as the timer will time out if you go too
cautiously like I did on my first go (but we'll be forgetting about that now)
just grab them all and hope not to crash at all.
Money Earned: $1000

v) Cannon Fodder
How to: Grab a car, such as a taxi, that seats four (including you) and go into
the pink circle. Drive to the location as shown by the radar on your screen and
stop. Get a sniper rifle out and shoot out all the people behind the car (which
is unmoveable as it is wedged in the wall) until they are all dead and a
cutscene occurs. Now snipe out the sniper on the roof either using your sniper
or running forwards to get some ammo for it and then shooting him. Anyway, now
get a Uzi type weapon out and start shooting all the little people around,
they have arrows above their heads, and then when the next cutscene occurs get
an Uzi out again and shoot every single person you can see, and those you can't
until only a couple of people are arriving out of the big door on the left.
Then grab the van and drive on over to the cafe again, you might have a couple
of stars now from all that shooting so watch out for the cops on the way there,
if the van blows up you fail!
Money Earned: $2000

vi) Naval Engagement
How to: Drive to Rico and get into his boat. Grab either a Uzi or Rocket
Launcher and ger firing at the boats. With an Uzi aim several times at the
people until a cutscene occurs and with the rocket launcher blow up the boats
direct. You will then appear on the land. Get out an Uzi again and fire at
every single person you can target. Now run towards the house making sure to
take out anyone else that appears with your Uzi, especially the person on the
house which you could take out with a sniper if you wanted. Any way, grab the
two cases and head back to the water to grab the third. You will then see a
cutscene with Rico's boat exploding. If there are still boats there don't get
in them as the police boats will blow you up in seconds. Run out to the front
of the house and grab the Landstalker and drive out of there. Now you can drive
straight back, to a Pay'n'Spray or grab a copter from the roof of the Mansion
(if you have it yet, oops, sorry, spoiler!) and get back to the cafe whatever
Money Earned: $4000

vii) Trojan Voodoo
How to: Grab a car and head to Little Haiti and find yourself a Voodoo. They
are purple and very common in Little Haiti so it shouldn't be too hard. Go to
the place with all the other cars and then follow them to the base. Follow them
in and park in the location. Now run into the building and go to the bottom 
right corner of the factory. Step into the pink light and the timer will start.
Run to the corner in the left habnd side of the room then up the stairs. There
are some people shooting at you in here so take them out fast. You have little
time left now so run out and towards the gate. As you approach the gate run
left go up the stairs and onto the roof. This should then show you the entire
factory exploding in a ball of fire! Mission complete!
Money Earned:$10000

Submitted by Floyd
on Trojan Voodoo, the ideal is to start on the pink spot on the second floor
and then head to the spots nearer to the exit of the factory.
|                  |
| c) Auntie Poulet |

viii) Juju Scramble
How to: Drive to the first and grab it. A spy will then spot you and so start
to shoot. Run off back into your car and drive as fast as you can to the next
location. Grab it and then head off to the next. Grab that one then either get
rid of that wanted level or head straight back to Auntie Poulet's place.
Money Earned: $1000

ix) Bombs Away!
How to: Drive over to the van by the waterside. Get in and then you will contol
your first (maybe!) plane in the game. Forget everything you might have learnt
about flying the Dodo in GTA3 this (and any other planes in the game!) flies
differently and easier probably due to Rockstar getting so many complaints
about how hard it was to fly before, anyway, drive quickly down the grassy area
and press down to go up (a little bit confusing at first but you get used to
it) and fly over to the targets. Drop the bombs whilst flying downwards to get
a better aiming at them and hopefully you should take out at least one of the
boats. If not then they will start moving (they will anyway) and this is the
hard part. They have guns and will try to shoot you but fly close to them and
drop bombs on the moving targets. As soon as they are gone go back for the last
target on land. You have three planes to waste but try to use them wisely.
Money Earned: $2000

Submitted by Floyd:
On Bombs Away, you should bomb the on land target before finishing all the
boats, otherwise the car starts to run and you job gets harder.

x) Dirty Lickin's
How to: Drive to the bottom of the stairs near to the location you have been 
told to go to. Grab the drugs at the bottom of the stairs to make targeting
easier in the time given. Anyway, run up the stairs and get to the pink circle.
Aim your sniper at the people (with arrows above their heads) and fire ech time
you reload. Since the game is slowed down it should mean that you can target
them faster and easier. As soon as they are all taken out some more people
will arrive with weapons. Take em out too as the drugs should still be
affecting you. As soon as that is done. It's mission completed.
Money Earned: $5000
|              |
| d) Love Fist |

xi) Love Juice
How to: Grab a nice fast, durable fast turning car such as a Blista Compaq to 
do this one. Head over to the pink dot and face Northwards and towards the road
so you can get a quick getaway. As soon as the bloke drives off on his bike
get after him. He will try to corner quickly so use the handbrake to make the
turns. Ram him off the bike when you finally catch up with him smash him off
his bike. Run him over and if he gets up and starts shooting at you then get
out of the car, as it will soon explode!, and shoot him dead. Grab the case and
then you'll get a call from Love Fist. Drive on over to Mercedes and go into
the light. Now then, you have only one and a half minutes (1:30) to get back
to Love Fist so drive fast! A Comet would be a good car for this one. Head
north to the bridge next to the Mall and head over it, fast! Then just down
this road is the destination.
Money Earned: $2000

xii) Psycho Killer
How to: Simply follow the car anbd blow it up with a driveby. It doesn't show
up on your radar so watch carefully as it can trick you occasionally. Anyway,
blow him up with the driveby (using an Uzi) and that's it.
Money Earned: $4000

xiii) Publicity Tour
How to: Nice easy and fun mission here, if you can drive a car that is! As soon
as the cutscene ends drive as fast as you can to the big long road down the
right hand side of the second island. Drive up and down this as fast as you
can as if you slow down too much the car will explode! At the end of the road
use the handbrake to turn quickly and then just do this until they difuse the
bomb. Now take the car to the concert and that's all the Love Fist missions!
Money Earned: $8000
|                    |
| e) Big Mitch Baker |

xiv) Alloy Wheels of Steel
How to: Quite easy if you can handle a bike well. First, to get a slight head
start and less people to race against simply press triangle next to one of the
bikers and he will be out of the race. This will start the race straight away
so get mvoing. Make sure you don't over or under do the corners with the brakes
and handbrake. Go straight through each checkpoint making sure you do. Anyway,
around the corner where your Hyman Condo is (or if you haven't bought it yet,
it's on your in case map) the two other bikers should fail this corner and so
give you a nice gap between them and you for you to simply cruise to victory.
Money Earned: $1000

xv) Messing with the Man
How to: Simple mission if you have a Ruger type weapon or Mini-Gun. As soon as
a car comes by shoot it. As soon as it blows up, just continue to shoot it.
Don't stop and your Chaos Meter should continue to go up. Mission complete!
Money Earned: $2000

xvi) Hog Tied
How to: Nice easy one again, grab the Angel outside and head over to the ramp.
Take a nice run up and make sure to do a slight wheelie to get onto the stairs
safely. As soon as you land on the opposite building race down the stairs,
(still on your bike) and drive over to the other Angel bike. Get aboard that
one and race back to the stairs. Now turn right (don't go up the big stairs)
and then go up those stairs and jump off of the building onto the road. Now
drive the bike back to the mission start point and watch out for a huge van
driving after you. There you go. You can now do the last Love Fist Mission.
Money Earned: $4000
|                 |
| f) Phil Cassidy |

xvii) Gun Runner
How to: This mission can be seen as tough for some, easy for others. Anyway,
grab that good ol Patriot and head on over to the north yellow dots. Ram them
both until the guns fall off. Get the guns and replace any weapons you have
with them even if they are rubbish compared to your other weapons as you will
need to collect them to complete the mission. Anyway, driveby the white vans
and then head down south to the others. Do the same for the other two and it's
done. There will be a gang of people on Faggios and if you kill them you get
$100 each (only available during the mission).
Money Earned: $2000

xviii) Boomshine Saigon
How to: Quite a strange mission this one. Normally it would be easier then
jumping into the sea. Well, it is quite an easy mission though but if you get
easily disorientated by a blurry screen with your turns being way over the top
and crazy, then avoid this one. Anyway, start driving, go straight as far as
possible as any turn you make will be hard to put back on track. The time limit
is quite good as Phil really doesn't die that quickly. As soon as you get to
the hospital continue on to the next dot where you can stop and finish the
mission. If the police spot you whilst driving under the influence then they
will imediately get one star wanted level which can be really annoying on this
mission. However when done you have both completed all the extra missions and
can now buy heavy duty weapons from Phil himself (now with only one arm!).
Money Earned: $5000

That's all of the extra missions in the game completed and done. Any additional
strategies for these are welcome to give anyone reading a wider range of ideas
for completing the missions.

-------------------------------[9] Phone Missions------------------------------
|                           |
| a) Assassination Missions |

i) Road Kill
How to: Grab any old car, preferably quite fast, but it's not essential and
head on over to the dot on the radar. As soon as you can ram the little red
scooter, as there is a time limit of sorts, until he falls off. Then simply
run him over contiuously until he is dead.
Money Earned: $500

ii) Waste the Wife
How to: You'll need a good car for this one. I'd recommend a tough car like a
Landstalker but they fall over easily. Anyway, drive to the dot and then get
after the woman. She doesn't drive exceptionally fast for a Comet but you still
need to catch up with her. Ram her alot until the car explodes and whatever you
do don't do a driveby as that will fail the mission as the death needs to seem
like an accident.
Money Earned: $2000

iii) Autocide
How to: Get a Rocket Launcher or Grenades if you're good with them, (a Rocket
Launcher can be found in a pool of the hotel near to Escobar airport or with
hidden packages) Anyway, start the mission and go to the weapons indicated by
the radar. Pick them up, there's a Silver PCJ 600 here which you can go put in
a garage but don't use it on this mission, and head over to the bloke on the
sign. Snipe him with the sniper rifle you just recieved and then head to the
next target. Go so you can see the Securicar, but not too close as he will
drive off, and fire a couple of rockets at him with your launcher. Next head to
the Bobcat and do the same, this time with just one rocket. Drive to the edge
of the land nearest the next and snipe the driver of the boat, not too easy
but possible. Now head to the next one in a fast car (not nessacery) and ram
the driver off of the PCJ 600.
Money Earned: $4000

iv) Check Out in the Check In
How to: First off bring a heli with you to this mission as it will be very hard
otherwise Get to the airport, your weapons will be left outside but don't
worry, grab the sniper rifle and get up to the second floor. Wait till you get
told that she has talked to the men and shoot them both, then pick up the case
one of them dropped. You then recieve tow complimentary stars for that. Head
outside and climb aboard the chopper. Fly to AmmuNation and you're done! If you
can't find a heli then this mission will be very hard as you will have to drive
through 'two star' police and alongside them will be men with Rugers on fast
cars which will rip you and your car to shreds in seconds. Getting in a
Pay'n'Spray/Go will only get rid of the cops so the copter is the best way to
Money Earned: $8000

v) Loose Ends
How to: Make sure you have a lot of health and weapons first. Now, head left
into the area behind the Cherry Poppers. Shoot the people behind the car first
and then move on killing everyone you can get into your auto targeting system.
Make your way to the right and up those stairs and over the roofs to get to
the roof of the factory. Shoot all the people hiding behind those ramp vent
things until you get to the place where there are six people. Shoot them fast
with a shotgun as they will most likely tear you apart if you are too slow.
Grab the case and head right to the waiting Maverick (helicopter) on the roof.
Follow the dot and land on the helipad. Mission complete!
Money Earned: $16000

---------------------------------[10] Hideouts---------------------------------
Once again, in true GTA style, you can't just save your game in any old
place, but rather then one simple place in each locality which GTA3 gave
you. You can now purchase several hideouts each with a different sized
garage, though some don't have one, which allows you to stay in different
places each day rather then to keep traveling across the entire city just
to save the game and then return again to where you were.
Vice City allows for much more then just that as well, there are some
places, later on in the game, that will earn you money each day and also
supply you with extra missions. Here, first, I will list, describe and
price the buildings you can buy.

Name: Skumhole Shack
Price: $1000
Description: A small burnt out shack on a rooftop. No garage but it'll save
your game well.
Location: Above Howlin Pete's Emporium in the Downtown area

Name: 3321 Vice Point
Price: $2500
Description: A huge building but still no garage, cheap but almost useless
Location: At the top of Vice Point

Name: 1102 Washington Street
Price: $3000
Description: No more then a simple save point
Location: Across the road from Rosenberg's place

Name: Links View Apartments
Price: $6000
Description: A garage! Wahey! Only one car though
Location: Near North Point Mall

Name: Ocean Heights
Price: $7000
Description: One car garage that's it.
Location: Near Pole Position Club

Name: Elswanko Casa
Price: $8000
Description: A garage and a gun on the roof. To get to the gun you have to go
up the stairs, walk along the balcony to the roof where it's on (the north one)
and then jump onto the roof. Simple. It's only a Ruger though so it's not that
Location: Near the Pay'n'Spray in Vice Point

Name: Hyman Condo
Price: $14000
Description: Three garages and a helipad, a bit pricey but it also has a police
bribe out the front. And the only buyable place that will give you your hidden
packages pickups (if you get all 100 before purhcase that is)
Location: On the map you got in the box it is marked near to the Hyman
Stadium in the north of the second island.

-----------------------------[11] Checkpoint Races-----------------------------
|                        |
| a) Ocean Beach Chopper |

This ones located on a short pink building in Ocean Beach. To get to it, either
use a helicopter or go to the building that's just south of the hospital which
is on stilts and has a blue lining around the top roof thing. It is also the
location of a unique stunt. There is a PCJ 600 around the corner of the blue
building which you can use to jump the stairs onto the building beyond.

Tha actual race is easy as there is no time limit. Just go round the course and
try not to blow up. Simple. If you really want to race the course, then get in,
take off, get out (the mission will fail) then get back in again to start the
mission with a fast takeoff instead of a long one. Then race round in the
copter (which is a Sparrow by the way)
|                       |
| b) Vice Point Chopper |

Located in a block near to the Pay'n'Spray in Vice Point. It's in the grassy
area inside a block. The chopper is in the large middle section.

Just as easy as all Chopper checkpoint missions.
|                     |
| c) Downtown Chopper |

It's Downtown this one. Where you started the mission 'G-Spotlight' is where
you wanna be. The chopper is on the roof directly up the stairs. If it's not 
loaded there then go away and come back after a little trip around the block.

Agsin, same thing yet some of the course is a little bit difficult as it is
very narrow.
|                         |
| d) Little Haiti Chopper |

Located on a roof to the east of Kaufman Cabs. To get to it either use another
heli or a bike. If using a bike go down the alleyway with two jumps on and land
on the roof.

Simple. Same. Easy.
|                   |
| e) PCJ Playground |

Argh! This one can be annoying! The location is just down the road from the
Malibu and on the grass on the corner where there's a big alley that streaches
all the way to the south of the island.

To do you have to get used to the course and make all the jumps first time. The
last jump requires you to do it twice, once for the first one, then again for
the last. If you fall off the roof at the end then you probably won't get back
|               |
| f) Cone Crazy |

Simple. Go to the multileveled carpark near your hotel and on the top floor
should be a stallion. It should be located in the south section of the roof,
but isn't always there.

To do, reverse into the first checkpoint on the corner, (without hitting any
cones) go to the one in a cone corner then go up the ramp at the end of the
carpark and get the two. Then simply get the last one. Simple!
|               |
| g) Test Track |

On the dirt track in the north of Downtown. Get into the Landstalker for this

The only thing to avoid is turning the Landstalker over. Really simple.
|                  |
| h) Trial by Dirt |

Same place as Test Track except get on the Sanchez.

Three evil people will arrive on the last lap and it will also rain on that lap
so watch out. Simple really. That's them done!

-------------------------------[12] Street Races-------------------------------

The best car to use for these races is either a Hotring Racer from Sunshine
Autos or a nice big Rhino Tank! This is because the Hotring Racer is fast a
good cornerer and very strong so perfect for actual racing. THe tank on the
other hand is also quite fast (with the cannon backwards) but after the race
has started you can take out the opposition! If you do that then you'll
probably want to switch cars as the tank is as slow as hell for going round a
city in.
The prize money is to four times what you paid (getting you three times what
you initially paid to enter as profit)

Submitted by Floyd:
On the Street Races, the technique I used to win was blowing the cars with a
rocket. I found a good position and shot the middle car.

Submitted by Kczofftheheezy:
Get to the starting line with a fast car (I love the Banchee) and any uzi. Find
another car and park it in front of the cars you are racing. Line it up so it
blocks both lanes and MAKE SURE YOU DON'T TOUCH THE OTHER CARS! Get back in you
fast car, get on the sidewalk, get some speed and fly past the cars you are
racing. To start the race just pull a drive-by on the cars, all you need is one
bullet to hit any car your racing and its on! 

|                      |
| a) Terminal Velocity |

Cost: $100
Tactics: As you reach the starting line, just clip the front runner and the
race will start imediately. You will have a head start and they'll all crash.
This race is simple, just don't fall off the bridge near the end and watch
out for cars coming the opposite way to the race.
|                |
| b) Ocean Drive |

Cost: $500
Tactics: As you reach the starting line, just clip the front runner and the
race will start imediately. You will have a head start and they'll all crash.
A nice long(ish) race around the big long road to the east of the land. This
one really only requires a fast car and a good bit of turning at the south
|               |
| c) Border Run |

Cost: $1000
Tactics: As you reach the starting line, just clip the front runner and the
race will start imediately. You will have a head start and they'll all crash.
Easy one this, the only problem you might have are the people that live in
the Littles they might shoot out your tires, but really all you want to do
is stay alive and ahead of the others.
|                   |
| d) Capital Cruise |

Cost: $2000
Tactics: As you reach the starting line, just clip the front runner and the
race will start imediately. You will have a head start and they'll all crash.
This one's just again requires you to beat the rest and stay ahead of the
game and to stay alive.
|          |
| e) Tour! |

Cost: $5000
Tactics: As you reach the starting line, just clip the front runner and the
race will start imediately. You will have a head start and they'll all crash.
Nice long one this. Stay alive and win!
|                 |
| f) VC Endurance |

Cost: $10000
Tactics: As you reach the starting line, just clip the front runner and the
race will start imediately. You will have a head start and they'll all crash.
Endurance is the word. This one's so long it is almost impossible to keep the
same car the whole way through but if you really want to then drive carefully
yet fast, taking corners with the handbrake.

------------------------------[13] Arena Challenges----------------------------
Here it is at last, I forgot about it before and now here it is, your
definative guide to the Arena Challenges in Vice City.

Here's the most important bit of info for all you people out there who can't
read the big huge sign out the front of the Arena, the Arena is open from 
20:00-23:59 (8 til 12) and to get in go to the top of the stairs and through
the door.

Now, here are the challenges and how to beat them:

|              |
| a) Dirt Ring |

There's no time limit for this one really. And I believe the bike's
indestructible so all this takes is a lot of trying. Just drive around along
the the loops and over the buildings, you'll have to drive quite carefully
and precisely to get the stuff on walls and over busses and stuff but the only
problem would be that it can take a long long time...
|               |
| b) Blood Ring |

One huge Destruction Derby type bowl thing with loads of cars. It's really
quite easy unless you get really annoyed if a car rams you a lot. The hundreds
of cars can get annoying but you only need to pick up a few of the checkpoints
to complete.
|             |
| c) Hot Ring |

Whew! This one's hot! You have 12 laps to complete and about half of the cars
are hell bent on smashing you to pieces. If you see a burning wreck in front,
avoid as they can seriously damage your health. You will probably only need
to go into the pit about once or twice as any more then that and they'll all
overtake you. You really don't want to fight in this one, as if your car
explodes at all then you lose. You can't just get out and steal another!

-------------------------------[14] RC Challenges------------------------------
|                   |
| a) RC Bandit Race |

A nice RC car race. The opposition is untouchable and so you can't knock them
off course. For this reason I believe they have a set direction and the only
one you need to really race is obviously the red one at the front.
The Top Fun van to start the mission is located at the southend of the
dirtbike track on the huge beach on the first island.
To win take the corners well with a bit of braking, drive straight through
the other cars and then get a good headstart so that if you make any mistakes
they don't catch up.
|                  |
| b) RC Baron Race |

A nice plane race (not) these remote control planes are stupid to control (yet
easy if you know how, like I do) and really slow. Luckily, so are your
opposition! The actual van to get in is in the multi storey carpark next to
the North Point Mall. It's on the roof.
The race is easy if you don't miss the checkpoints and the opposition is slow.
And again, to exit the race (or just blow the plane to bits, hee hee!) press
O and the plane will explode!
|                   |
| c) RC Raider Race |

Argh! No time limit, no opposition, you'd think that this mission would be easy
right? Well, it is but it takes a long time (around six minutes was what I got)
but it's basically an awful version of the RC helicopter that you used in the
Avery Carrington mission. Awful control.
Anyway, the van is located at the south entance to the big airfield which is
near the hotel which is near the air field (heh, no way of locating one without
the other!). Get in and start the mission.
The helicopter is s**t and has no control over anything. It uses the same
controls as any regualr heli but is over sensitive and you'll find yourself
crashing to the ground a lot. Bascially just go through all the checkpoints.
The heli is rubbish! Only do this mission once for the 100% it will help you
get. Avoid after that, unless you are some crazy timetrail freek who wants all
the best times for all the missions and things (no offence if you are by the

------------------------------[15] Hidden Packages-----------------------------
I have now listed and described the locations of the first 45 hidden packages
in the game! Thanks to me of course! If you are reading this on my website then
click on the Downloads section and download the hidden packages map if you are
stuck for their location. If your not, then it's this address:

 10 Hidden Packages - Body Armor
 20 Hidden Packages - Chainsaw
 30 Hidden Packages - Python
 40 Hidden Packages - Flamethrower
 50 Hidden Packages - Laser Scope Sniper Rifle
 60 Hidden Packages - Minigun
 70 Hidden Packages - Rocket Launcher
 80 Hidden Packages - Sea Sparrow behind Diaz's Mansion
 90 Hidden Packages - Rhino at Fort Baxter Airbase
100 Hidden Packages - Hunter at Fort Baxter Airbase and helipad in South Ocean
                      Beach (after completing Story Missions)

The weapon and armor power-ups appear at both your original hotel and Diaz's
This guide is a walkthrough to getting the packages and therefore going from
one to the next will be direct (except for helicopter ones) and here they are:
(in the same order as the download on my site)

Something to note: If you grab all 100 Hidden Packages before purchasing the
Hyman Condo in the Downtown area, then all the hidden package prizes (excluding
the helicopters and tank) will apear on the roof where the helipad is. Sorry
if it;s a bit late for some of you but it should help some people!

|Ocean Beach|

1 - Grab a helicopter or boat by the docks and head down to the three floating
    buildings. The south-west one is the one you want. It also has a rampage on
    so it should be easy to spot. The package is in the north-east corner on
    the top level. Land on the big bit or park the boat next to the jetty on
    the bottom.
2 - Right near those three buildings is a group of rocks to the east. You can
    land on them with a helicopter but it will most likely fall into the sea so
    get a boat for this one. Park round on the flat bit of rock and the package
    is on it.
3 - From the Ocean View hotel, head south until you can see a gun on your radar
    this is AmmuNation by the way, then, head through the trees and bushes to
    your left and go round the back of the house. Go down the sidewalk until
    you can see the front door of the house. Go up to the steps and a green
    bird is hovering around. Collect it, it's the new look Hidden Package!
4 - Head back to the hotel again, but as you get to the huge turn onto the big
    street carry on onto the grass. Carry on towards the lighthouse and go up
    the stairs of it. The package is on the steps.
5 - Go back to the location where you found Package 3 and carry on down the
    road until you get to a short grey building on your left. Turn left into
    this place and carry on down the road thing until on your right you see a
    big opening. Go down it and in the north end of this underground carpark
    will be your Package
6 - Head back onto the road and go north until you get to the junction near a
    huge orangey red wall. Turn left and carry on until you get to the hospital
    where you should turn left into it and go around the back. Carry on along
    the grass behind the huge white building and there you will find it.
7 - Head back to the hospital and head to the North-West corner of the carpark
    where there is a tree. Jump onto the wall there and down onto the pillar
    that's holding up the bridge. Walk round this until you get to the middle
    of the pillar on the other side. There it is!
8 - You will need a bike for this one. Most of the time there is a PCJ-600 at
    a nearby place. From the front of the hospital go south until you can see
    a building on stilts with a blue border running through the middle. Go
    left and into the carpark of that building. Turn right into it and look
    right and a bike should be there. If not then drive down the alleyway on
    the otherside of the street and then comeback. It should then appear. Grab
    the bike and head north, back to the hospital. Turn right at the end of the
    road and then go into the carpark on your right. Go up the spiral road on
    the left handside to the top. From there head left and go to the other end
    of the carpark. Turn round and race as fast as you can at the ramp that
    leads away from the entrance and you should then lift off into the air,
    this is Unique Stunt number 7 so you should do that now as well. If it
    doesn't register don't worry. Anyway, there are three ramps on this bit.
    Speed up one of the two on the right and make sure to get on the next roof.
    The Package is on the dark bit of the roof on the right.

|Washington Beach|
9 - From the spiral staricase (on the road with GC's next to you) head right at
    the first turn then you should see a tall pink building. Go up the stairs
    there and behind the building. You should easily see the Body Armor and
    right next to it is the package.
10 - From the front of the pink bulding, turn left until you get to the grass.
     Then turn left again and when you get to the next left take it then go
     right, into an alley with a set of stairs in. Your gonna need a bike for
     this one so, if you haven't still got it, go back to the stilted place.
     Take a good run up from down the alley and land on the roof of the bulding
     opposite. This is also Unique Jump 10 so get it if you can. In the south-
     west corner of the building is the package.

Your first prize is now available, Body Armor!

11 - Head over to the big L on your radar, but don't go into the light, instead
     go the building on the other side of the street, there's a green house
     icon in front, remeber this place as later you will be able to buy it. In
     fact if you have somehow got $3000 already, then you can. Anyway, head
     left around the back and pick up the package.
12 - Head north from the front until you get to the bridge. Go to the right
     side of it and the package is in the grass.
13 - Grab a helicopter and head to the Police Station in Washington Beach. Just
     south of it is a tall blue and white building. The package is on top of
     it. Should be easy to see.
14 - From the bridge, go back onto the road with buildings on and head north.
     Take the first right on the radar and drive to the end, you should see an
     alley nearb, go down it and out onto the grass over the road. Go through
     the opening onto the beach and continue out onto the beach until a hut
     appears on your left. Now head north again until another hut appears. This
     one has the package on.
15 - Head left from this hut back onto the main road. Now head north and then
     left at the curve. When you see the bridge, head left and then onto the
     big place with bushes on in front of the police station. Go into the
     police station, make sure you have no guns selected and have full health.
     There's a big sign above the corridor in front of you saying: No CIVILIANS
     BEYOND THIS POINT ignore this and run like hell down it. Go up the stairs
     and into an office teaming with cops. The package is in the northmost
     room. Then leg it out of there! You have a two star wanted level!
16 - Head over the bridge just north of the police station and turn left onto
     the road. Head south till you get to the big Tool Shop marked as a hammer
     on your radar, then turn right here then right again after passing it. Go
     up the short stairs nearby and go to the front of the short pink house
     there. Go up the stairs and go south, there's a rampage here but in them
     you can't pick up Packages so just wait for a bit if you accidently
     trigger it (unless you want to do it right now). At the south of the house
     there is a huge chunk missing, the package is in the corner of this part.
17 - Go to the north west of this area where there are some showers. Go into
     the most north one and there it is.
18 - Go down the stairs to the north of you and drive past the huge gateway
     to StarFish Island. Drive onto the grass and under the bridge is the
|Vice Point|
19 - After the mission 'Riot' this place can be accessed, actually the best
     time to get it is during that mission. Anyway, it is located just over the
     bridge from the Police Station in Washington Beach and to the right. It's
     the first entrance that says Spand Express on it. The package is located
     round the back of the building there.
20 - From where you are near the bridge, head back onto the road across the
     construction site. Next head north until you get to an opening with an
     orange ramp in. Go in and go up the huge construction until you get to the
     second floor (up two ramps). There is a long girder stretching out above
     the road to the left of the second ramp. Walk along it and grab the

Bzzt! A chainsaw is your prize!

21 - From where you are, if you look a little to the right and down, there is
     a row of white houses. Go behind these and onto a little wooden dock type
     place. Around the middle of this is a jetty and at the end is the package.
22 - Grab a helicopter and go to the Malibu Club. Just east and south from it
     is a tall building with a swimming pool. The package is up the stairs.
     Keep the copter as you'll need it for 24.
23 - From here, head north back onto the road and then go over the bridge to
     the north. There's some grass on you right, turn onto it and down there
     until you get to a huge block. Turn left back onto the road and then go
     north up this road until you get to an opening right behind the Malibu.
     Go in there and right in the corner near the front is the package.
24 - Hope you've got your helicopter still, if not then get a new one. Anyway,
     back to the Malibu and just north of it is another tall building with
     another swimming pool on (used in Martha's Mug Shot if you need any help)
     the package is once again on the building.
25 - Head south and then turn into the big grey place with some sort of crazy
     water tower behind it. Drive onto the grass in the corner and onto the
     beach. Head north on the beach and soon you should see a set of stairs
     leading up to a swimming pool. Go up em and in the north-west corner is
     the package.
26 - Head back to the Malibu and go north. You should easily spot the Pizza
     shop on the left. Go in and in the north-east corner is the package.
27 - Just east of the Pizza place is a short two storey white building. Out the
     front there's a set of stairs. Behind them is the package.
28 - Head north from the Pizza place again until you get past the first left.
     Go into the shop that's in the middle of the block on the left. The
     package is behind the counter.
29 - This time, go back to the Pizza place, head north along the righthand
     side road until you get to the bridge. Go into the driveway of the
     building there and drive off of the ramp at the end, quite slowly. Head
     left and near a door is the package.
30 - Go out the front of this place and go east. On the next block is a
     building with two sets of stairs in front. Go up the west ones then up
     the others that are there until you get to the roof. Head left then jump
     off the first bit onto the roof below. Almost right behind you is the
     package, it's next to the slight ramp thing.

Congratulations, a one shot kills Python has been delivered

31 - From the front of that building head west then north until you get to the
     Pay'n'Spray, amrked with a blue spraycan. Just south of that is an archway
     to the right. Go through it and into the north-east section of the fence
     system. In the north-west corner of this bit is the package!
32 - From the Pay'n'Spray head north then at the first left, take the left!
     Go round the huge corner and then go up the stairs on the right as you
     get to them. Go right and to the end of the huge corner where you will
     find the package neatly camoflauged
33 - Head back along to the stairs but go right instead of left to a swimming
     pool. Climb the bg diving board and you've got it!
34 - Go back onto the road with the huge corner and head north to the bridge.
     Go to the waters edge and right next to the bottom of the bridge is the
     package. Your 28th it should be.
35 - Head a little north just past the bridge then along the small road till
     you get onto the real road. Head a little bit south then onto the grass
     and onto the beach. Head east near to the water. Go to the big track near
     you and behind the big blue sign for Jocksport you will find.
36 - Back onto the road, and head north until you get to an orange/white
     building opposite the east entrance to the mall. Go to the righthand side
     and go round the back. It is in the north section of it hiding in an
37 - Go to the north of the mall, there are two entrances here, go inbetween
     them both, right at the back here you will find the package.
38 - Go into the mall. Go up the escalators in the middle of the mall and go
     to the east side. Right in front of the doors in the middle where some
     Sale signs are there you will find the package.
39 - Stay on the same level and go to the south of the mall into a shop called
     Gash. On the west side of the shop behind the escalotrs is what you're
     looking for.
40 - On the same level, head to the north-west side of the mall and go through
     the doors to the carpark. Grab a car and get down to the ground floor.
     The package is behind a wall south of the south entrance.

Congratulations: A Flamethrower is yours!

|Prawn Island|
41 - Go out of the carpark, head south till you get to the place you went down
     earlier and cut across the south of the mall. Turn around at the end and
     go down the path that's slightly higher then the other and drive through
     the broken wall onto the bridge and onto Prawn Island! As soon as you
     arrive, turn left into a place where there's a ramp. Go past it and just
     past it is an alley. The package is in it.
42 - Head up the ramp mentioned in the last package and up onto the next roof.
     Go up the other ramp on the roof and onto the next. Get a good run up
     and use the ramp on the next roof to jump the fence of the Film Studio.
     This is Unique Stunt 19 as well. You've gotta land on the second building
     and stay on it as that's where it is!
43 - This ones still inside the studios and is in the studio known as C but is
     the most south one. It's in the north-west corner of the building.
44 - To exit the Film Studio, simply grab the Packer (big ramp truck) and put
     it next to the big front gate. Now either walk over or drive. Anyway, head
     to the west of the island and go up to the big green house. Go round the
     back and it's on the porch.
45 - The big yellow house on the east of the island houses the next. Go in,
     round the side, and up the stairs. Go to the lefthand side and right the
     way to the very thin edge. Look down and you will see an enclosure that
     has a bit of wall missing. Jump into this part and in the corner you will
     find the package. To get out of here walk up the ramp.
|Leaf Links|
46 - Underneath the bridge leading to the course from the east island. To get
     to it you have to go into the golf club and then go right and carry on
     until you get down to the grass under the bridge, and there it is.
47 - Go to the north of the golf course and there should be a driving range
     (used in the mission Four Iron), the package is located in the northern
     most stall on the ground floor.
48 - As you come into the golf course, there's a curvey road to the left. The
     package is located at the end of this, just over the hill in a bunker.
49 - Go under the bridge as mentioned in 46 and go south. There's a large lake
     there with an island in. The package is located on that island.
50 - Right at the south of the golf course is a bridge. In the middle of that
     very bridge is the 50th package.

Laser Scope delivered to your hotel.

|Starfish Island|
51 - Starfish Island now, go to the big mansion on the south side of the island
     it's Diaz's by the way, and go round back. Go to the east side of the
     mansion where there are two pools, to the east of them is a set of steps
     leading down to a ldege below. Just next to the steps on the bottom is the
52 - Go to the grass out the front of the mansion and go to the west side.
     There's a small alley type thing there, the package is down it.
53 - The furthest west house in the middle of the island is the one you want
     now. It has a Rockstar logo shaped pool round the back. Go up the stairs
     on the house and the package should be in the middle of two tables.
54 - Now it's the east one in the middle. Head round back and go into the
     jaccuzi. It's in there!
55 - This ones in the second from the right house of the island. It's on the
56 - From the bridge from Prawn Island, turn left right away and go down the
     steps there to the street below. Go straight under the bridge, going
     east, then turn left when you're on the grass. A little bit into there
     is a space in the wall on your left where the package is hidden.
57 - Again, from the bridge, make the first right into an alley and carry on
     down it until you get to some steps leading up to a statue. Jump onto
     the platform around the statue to get it.
58 - Go north to the street from where you are then left all the way to the
     Mars Cafe. Go into the alley on the right of this (Hyman Condo is here)
     and then as soon you get past the bribe, turn left and go into the grass
     filled alley. Go down it until you get to the concrete then the package
     is in a gap in there.
59 - Go out west onto the street from the front of the Hyman Condo and go west
     to the Hyman Memorial Stadium. Follow the path behind it and the package
     is in the north west near a huge Parking sign on the wall.
60 - Go to the front of the Stadium and go down the south of the two roads
     leading east. Turn right at the end then turn left at the next turn.
     You'll then be outside the hospital. Go into the place where you can see
     an Ambulance (most of the time) which is just beyond the sign and go
     down the little slope to the right of it. The package is on the right.

Well done, you've just earned yourself a minigun, which in other words is a
huge Gattling Gun.

61 - From the bridge leading into Downtown, on the right there is a big
     building with VCN on it. Turn there and just next to the bridge is a
     doorway. Go into it and you'll be transported upstairs. There's a big
     ramp behind you leading up to a helipad (with helicopter!) and just to
     the left of the top of the ramp is the package. To get it jump over the
62 - Head south from the bridge into Downtown by using the steps next to it,
     until you get to a set of two really tall buildings. On the southern most
     one is, on it's northern side, a ramp. Go up this ramp, then across the
     open place and turn left at the end. Go into the office buidling (used in
     one of the asset missions for the Film Studio) on the right is three desks
     and the package should be easily spotted lurking behind them.
|Little Haiti|
63 - Get onto the huge highway that goes along the east side of the west
     island and drive down it till you get to a hotel called 'Moist Palms'
     which is at the north end of the highway. Go round the back and go to the
     south end of the carpark and onto the grass. There's a ramp there and
     that's where the package is too.
64 - Get out the front of the hotel again and head south. Take the first right
     and continue down the road until you can see a huge sign proclaiming that
     it's Phil's Place. Jusy short of this is an alley which you have to go 
     down. Turn left at the end and go to the corner of the place with cobbles
     on. It's just past the post.
65 - Go inside 'Phil's Place' and in the building on the right when you come in
     is the package.
66 - Go out of Phil's Place and as you come out you can see a short red and
     yellow building. On the south side of this building is an alley. Go down
     it and at the end is a huge opening. To the right is a small dip, the
     package is in it.
67 - Get a bike, or fast car, or helicopter and head just east of Phil's Place.
     There's a gap in the building which you can use as a run up to a series of
     jumps down an alley. Jump them onto a roof (maybe with a copter on) and
     then jump to the roof on the left. In the pool(?) there, is the package.
68 - Head back to Phil's Place again and go south. You'll see a yellow
     building, which is Kaufman's Cabs by the way, and to the east of it is
     some buildings. The first one you come across to the south, has some steps
     to the north of it. The package is on em.
69 - Go back to Kaufman Cabs and go south. You should soon see a Pizza place.
     Just south of that is a funeral home. Go round the south side of the
     place (the alley is in the middle of the big block) and in one of the
     graves is the package.
70 - Go south from there again, and then take the next right. The first
     left into an alley is the next direction. Go up the stairs and onto the
     roof. The package should be obvious.

That's the last weapon you're getting! The Rocket Launcher has been delivered!

71 - Head to the south-east of the block you're on, to the Printworks (big
     yellow building). Follow the fence on the right of it north until you get
     to an opening, then go south down the opening until you get to the end.
     The package is around here.

|Little Havana|
72 - Head down the road which you took from the Pizza place again and this
     time, carry on until you get to the big T junction. On your right here is
     the laundry shop which has the package and a tracksuit in.
73 - Just east of the laundry on the other side of the road is a green
     building. Go up the slope in the front and there you are. (The package is
74 - From the laundry again, head east, then right until you get to the second
     right then you will see at the corner th Cafe Robina. Across the road from
     it is an alley. Go into it and round the wall, and it's in the south part.
75 - Back to the place where you turned onto this road and there should be a
     wall there. Go to the west part of this open space and there should be
     some steps. Go up them then go forwards onto the north roof in front of
     you. Go up them stairs and then go to the corner of the roof with a sniper
     on. Jump onto the walkway in front of the billboard and the package is at
     the end of it.
76 - From the bridge from StarFish island, head south a bit till you get to the
     first right. The shop on the corner there is your target. Inside is the
77 - Head east from there (Donut Shop) until you get past the first left. Go up
     the stairs of the building on the corner until you get to the top. There's
     a rampage on here, but the package is in the south west corner.
78 - Head south from here and go to the Sunshine Auto's place. Go up the
     stairs/slope and in the south corner is the package you want!

|Vice Port|

79 - Head south from Sunshine Auto's and turn right at the crossroads. Carry on
     until you can find an entrance to a carpark on your right. Go up the
     ramp in the middle of the carpark and into the area with 4 tanks.
     Go in the middle of them and the package is lurking behind the bend
     in the pipe.
80 - Go back to the carpark you went in earlier and to the south are two
     trailers. They are yellow and blue, the package is inbetween them.

That's a Sea Sparrow behind Diaz's masnion for you. Even if you don't own it

81 - Head back to Sunshine Auto's and then head south. At the crossroads, head
     east and then go south. In the southern most part of the building to your
     right is the package.
82 - Head south from here and take the left entrance into the docks. Go up the
     ramps onto the huge boat on the left. The package is in the middle of the
     ship behind a yellow crate.
83 - Head south and follow the road until you get to the Vice Port Authority's
     sign. Just behind that sign is the package!
84 - You'll need a chopper for this one. When you have on head to the ship
     that's western most on the south of Vice Port. Go to the western most part
     on the main deck, and it's right in front of the door. It'll be a good
     idea to keep the chopper.
85 - Drive, or fly, north of here and then take the first left. Go down here
     then take the next left and down the dead end road. Go into the building
     at the end of the road and go inside. At the north end is a small office
     enlosure made out of wood. The package is at the end behind some boxes.
86 - Head north from the boat in 84 again and then turn left into a gateway.
     There is a huge opening (8-Ball's bomb shop is in the south-west corner)
     and the package is in the north-west corner.

|Escobar International|

87 - Just east of the 85th package location, is an airport building. On top is
     the package. it's in the south of it. To get up there you can use a heli
     or a bike using a series of jumps in the airport.
88 - There's a helipad just south of here again, the package is in the centre.
89 - Just north of the helipad is a hanger with three yellow ramps in front.
     Get on the roof using them or a helicopter and it's right there.
90 - Just west of here is a huge airport loading bay. Right at the end is a
     large  section. The package is in the middle.

Rhino delivered to the Army Barracks (Fort Baxter Airbase)

91 - To the west of here there's another laoding bay. On the southern most
     plane on the west side of it is the package. To get it land on the wing of
     the plane (or get a Packaer from nearby and run up it) and then you will
     have to jump onto the main body of the plane to get the package.
92 - Under the same plane. By the wheel.
93 - Just west of there, and across the last runway, is a plane halfway out of
     a hanger. Under it's north wing is the package.
94 - This one's north of 93, next to a fire station with a radar on top. It's
     round the west side of it.
95 - Go inside the big buulding with huge windows (the main airport terminal)
     and go round the back of it (still inside) and on the righthand side you
     will find it.
96 - This one's on the roof of the building you're in. Either a helicopter,
     fast car or PCJ-600 is needed for this one. For the helicopter just land
     on the roof, but for the others, you'll need to drive up the surfing ramp
     in the middle of the grass. This is also a Unique Jump so you will proably
     get it whilst doing this. The package is around the middle in a dip.
97 - Go into the main terminal again and this time go up the stairs. Go into
     Gate 1-8 and at the end is the package.
98 - The next package requires you to take a long way round if you're going by
     car. Go into the carpark as used in package 79 and 80. Go into the area
     used by 79 and go north. Go past all the signs and over the concrete bit.
     Carry on to the corner of the rod and the package should be nearby.
99 - Go back to the main terminal and then go north of the surfing ramp. Go
     into the airport north of that and across the bridge with a plane on.
     Carry on down the runway and then the final plane that you get to has the
100 - The final package. Get to the road north of the place you are in now. In
      the middle of the entrance to the airbase, there is a sign to the left.
      Behind that sign is what you've been looking for! Watch out for the army
      though as they hate you! This is because the mission that opens up the
      island get's you stealing a tank from them. (But even if you kinda cheat
      to get here they still hate you)

Hunter delivered to the Fort Baxter Airbase and you recieve a nice hefty sum
of money! A nice round $100,000!

--------------------------------[16] Unique Jumps------------------------------
All 36 Unique Stunts (the new name for Unique Jumps) are now listed here with a
brief explanation of how to achieve the jumps. I am at the moment designing a
map for these which will be on my website www.geocities.com/dark522002/
but at the moment there already is a Hidden Packages map (both large and mini
for printing) Anyway, here they are in order:

Unique Stunt 1
Location: Go to Cortez's place and go to the north docks there. The ramp is
along it and to the left. It should be a jump over water to another pier.
Land?: This one needs a nice car and just go over the water and land on the
other side.

Unique Stunt 2
Location: Right after Stunt 1 there's another ramp which you then go over.
Land?: The other side, bail if you're scared about drowning but the normal
brake should stop you.

Unique Stunt 3
Location: Just south of the hospital in Ocean Beach is a grey building on
stilts with a blue border. The jump is the white stairs in the middle of it.
Land?: Go down the alley opposite the stairs and race down towards the steps.
Go over the first roof and land on the pink one (also a location for a
Checkpoint Chopper mission)

Unique Stunt 4
Location: As soon as you land from Stunt 3, there's a ramp on the same building
just ahead of you.
Land?: Just hit the roof of the building opposite to register.

Unique Stunt 5
Location: Go to the multi story carpark with ivy on. Then go to the top floor.
In one of the corners is a ramp.
Land?: Jump off it going south and land on the next roof to complete.

Unique Stunt 6
Location: In the alley behind your hotel, go south and you should come
across a wooden box.
Land?: Race over it and land on the roof opposite.

Unique Stunt 7
Location: Further down the alley from the previous jump is another box, this
time it's going south.
Land?: Go south over it and land in the alley.

Unique Stunt 8
Location: North of this one again is a set of stairs. That's the jump.
Land?: Reverse along the alley and go over the jump. You need to land on the
roof to complete.

Unique Stunt 9
Location: Further north again are two sets of stairs. This one's going west.
Land?: Reverse away from the stairs until you get to the wall with the beach.
Hold down the handbrake and accelerate. Then let go and drive as fast as you
can while pressing up (a little) and then land past the tree on the grass
(or roof if you're good)

Unique Stunt 10
Location: This one's the other stairs heading south on the west side of the
Land?: This one's tricky. Get a jumping taxi (after completing 100 taxi
passengers, or a PCJ-600) and reverse away from the bottom of the stairs until
you get to the wall. Now accelerate as fast as you can and go up the stairs.
To land this one, you need to almost clear the roof opposite (or land far in
the alley)

Unique Stunt 11
Location: Right at the north end of the big alley is a wooden ramp on the side.
Land?: Go down the grass and zoom towards the ramp. Make it onto the roof above
the second ramp to complete.

Unique Stunt 12
Location: Right on top of the Washinton Mall (opposite the hospital)
Land?: Go to the opposite end of the carpark from the spiral road and then race
along the road and as the road goes back up to the entrance you should lift
off. Land on the roof opposite the get the jump.

Unique Stunt 13
Location: Go over the steps in front from 12 and onto the roof. The middle ramp
is the one you want.
Land?: Just race over it and land on the roof to complete.

Unique Stunt 14
Location: To the south of the Washinton Beach police station is a ramp over the
Land?: Land over the river to complete.

Unique Stunt 15
Location: From where you land there should be a dirt heap behind you. This is
the jump.
Land?: Jump the ramp and land over the river.

Unique Stunt 16
Location: The north bridge next to the police station has a stone ramp over it.
Land?: Clear the bridge and you'll be laughing! (not a promise about the

Unique Stunt 17
Location: Next to the Malibu is a stone ramp.
Land?: Tough one to do this. Reverse into the enclosure to the east of the ramp
as far as you can go. Then race out and follow the pavement along to the ramp.
If you don't hit it quite right you will slow massively down and probably fail.
Just land on the other side to complete.

Unique Stunt 18
Location: The big building site where you meet Avery is where this one is. Go
up to the top level and there's a long thin beam to the right of the top of the
Land?: Just go up it slightly fast (with a bike) and make sure not to fall off.
Just speeding off the beam and it should register when you land.

Unique Stunt 19
Location: This one's on Prawn Island. To the immediate left of the entrance
from Vice Point is some stairs (a small ramp) go up them slightly fast and onto
the roof beyond. Then go up the right ramp on that roof to get to the next. The
ramp on this roof is the one you want.
Land?: Reverse as far back as you can and simply zoom to the ramp and over the
wall. Land on the roof of the first building inside the Film Studio to

Unique Stunt 20
Location: Right in the middle of Starfish Island and to the north is an
alleyway, (bike needed by the way), go along it and then turn right at the end
and go through the gate there. To the south of the house here is a set of
stairs, the jump is up them.
Land?: Use your bike and reverse into another small garden opposite the ramp
through a gate and then drive fast towards the stairs. To register the jump
you have to at least hit the hedge or go over it.

Unique Stunt 21
Location: Go to the main terminal of the airport and there's a huge surfing
sign on the grass in front. That's the ramp.
Land?: Reverse into the small airfield and then race up the ramp and land on
the roof of the airport to complete.

Unique Stunt 22
Location: In the big airfield next to the main building of the airport, go to
the left straight away and there's some stairs aiming overthe fence.
Land?: Reverse back as far as you like and go ove the ramp and land on the
building opposite to register.

Unique Stunt 23
Location: On the first runway there's two ramps. The one sticking up on the
right as you enter the airport is the one you want.
Land?: Go over it and land over the fence to complete.

Unique Stunt 24
Location: On the right of the entrance to the airfield is a loading bay.
There's some stairs next to it.
Land?: Reverse back as far as you like and then clear the bay to complete.

Unique Stunt 25
Location: Across from the landing of the previous jump is another set of
Land?: Clear the new bay to complete.

Unique Stunt 26
Location: Just to the south of this one is another jump over the place again.
Land?: Clear the bay again to complete.

Unique Stunt 27
Location: There's a big red radar place just to the south of the loading bays.
There's also a yellow sign ramped up near it.
Land?: Jump the ramp and clear the bottom of the radar building to complete.

Unique Stunt 28
Location: To the south of the previous jump is a set of stairs.
Land?: Just clear most of the grass to complete. You just have to get past the
building on the left.

Unique Stunt 29
Location: Go north of Screw This  along the road make the first left and follow
the road until you get to the first right. On your right you will soon see some
garages, go past em and go down the alley. Go up the ramp there onto the
rooftop going fast, keep going over several ramps going south.
Land?: Carry on south fast until you see a cinematic. Just land on the next
roof to complete.

Unique Stunt 30
Location: This one's behind the Pay'n'Spray and the chasm behind it. There's a
ramp over that channel.
Land?: Hit the side of the Pay'n'Spray or the roof to complete.

Unique Stunt 31
Location: Go to the big yella bus in Little Haiti and find a ramp nearby.
Land?: Jump over the bus and it's compeleted.

Unique Stunt 32
Location: On the most north road in Little Haiti and in the middle of the block
to the west is a gap in some buildings. The ramp is in the alley opposite.
Land?: Use the gap to get a good run up. Race up the ramps and land on the
roof by hitting the huge sign.

Unique Stunt 33
Location: From Ammu-Nation in Downtown, head south then turn round. There's
some big stairs there.
Land?: Use a bike for this one and land on the roof of Ammu-Nation.

These jumps can be done during, or after, the asset mission G-Spotlight for
the Film Studio.

Unique Stunt 34
Location: From inside the first building jump out the window.
Land?: Land in the skyscraper opposite.

Unique Stunt 35
Location: Further along the course is the hospital. The jump next is the
next one.
Land?: Simply land on top of the electric store to register.

Unique Stunt 36
Location: The last jump on the course. The really long one.
Land?: Just use the huge roof for a big run up and make it onto the next roof.

---------------------------------[17] Rampages---------------------------------
Vice City is no short on crazy people then it is on rampages. Yes, the crazy
Rampages that seem to have been around forever are back yet again. This time,
unlike in GTA3, there is only one location for each of them so as soon as you
fail one (you will probably fail a few times on some) just go back to where
you were! You have 2 minutes (or 120 seconds if you prefer) to complete each
rampage so be quick! Anyway, here are all 35 of them!

Rampage 1.
Location: South-West building off South Ocean Beach
Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Mission: Destroy 10 Vehicles
How to do: Harder then it sounds as the place you are on seems to hate you.
There also aren't very many boats around when you look for them so first off
get there by chopper and land on the top of the platform. Grab the Rampage
and jump into the chopper again. Head to the land and land on the grass. Fire
crazily at every car that comes past until you get all of them done. Gang
members will probably attack you as for some reason they are spawned in this
rampage but ignore them as shooting them will probably kill you too.

Rampage 2
Location: Near bush on grassland towards Lighthouse
Weapon: Molotov Cocktail
Mission: Kill 30 Gang Members
How to: Simply find a gang of them and throw at them. Make sure to throw it at
a gang far away so it doesn't get you too (unless you have completed the Fire
Truck missions). Run from any attacking you until they give up then attack
some more until you've got it completed!

Rampage 3
Location: Beach near Lighthouse
Weapon: Car
Mission: Run over 30 Gang Members
How to: Get a car straight away and then drive as fast as you can towards the
road again. Smash into all the groups of gang members contiuously until you
get your target level. Easy, yet some times the people do't die fast so run em
over again!

Rampage 4
Location: Will Explain Soon!
Weapon: PSGI
Mission: Kill 25 Gang Members
How to: Shoot like mad at any gang you see. One shot kills with this and you
don't need to reload after each shot like the other sniper. Simple.

Rampage 5
Location: Behind tree in L shaped section of housing development near hospital
Weapon: Katana
Mission: Kill 10 Gang Members
How to: Quite difficult as they will shoot you a lot. Run into groups and
slaughter them (which is quite difficult with this weapon) and run. Repeat
until complete. Simple! (Yeah, simple if you can use the Katana!)

Rampage 6
Location: Near TO LET place that's near Rampage 5
Weapon: Chainsaw!
Mission: Kill 20 Gang Members
How to: Run around holding circle. Run into packs of em and slaughter em! Bwah!
Easy to complete if you'e got some health!

Rampage 7
Location: On ledge near to hospital
Weapon: M4
Mission: Kill 25 Gang Members
How to: Run out onto the street, target the people in first person (or just
fire in 3rd person!) and fire! Do this continuosly until done.

Rampage 8
Location: On top of the Washington Mall. It's at the opposite end to the
entrance on the spiral road.
Weapon: Chrome Shotgun
Mission: Kill 25 Gang Members
How to: Grab the rampage and jump down into the mall. Aim and shoot at every
person you can spot. Easy really. The only thing will be that the shotgun
don't kill on the first shot some of the time.

Rampage 9
Location: Just to the right of the exit from Starfish Island onto the starting
island, is an area with showers and a crazy house. On the front steps and moat
thing, is the rampage.
Weapon: MP5
Mission: Kill 25 Gang Members
How to: Aim, fire, aim, fire, aim, fire, and repeat until all done. Simple.

Rampage 10
Location: At the top of the road which your hotel is on, is another hotel. Go
round the back and it's in the bushes there.
Weapon: Spas-12
Mission: Kill 30 Gang Members
How to: Aim, fire and while firing switch aiming with the L2 or R2 buttons.
This shotgun has to be the best in the game with one shot kill and each load
shooting several times with each shot killing just to make sure.

Rampage 11
Location: From 10, go into the swimming area just north and up the diving
Weapon: PSGI
Mission: Kill 10 Gang Members
How to: Just look around a bit and they should appear. Aim the rifle and
shoot at every gang member you can see.

Rampage 12
Location: At the end of a teeny little roundabout just north of the exit off
of a small island that has three exits to Washington Beach and Vice Point
with the Pizza place and the Malibu nearby.
Weapon: Uzi
Mission: Driveby 35 Gang Members
How to: Grab a bike, as you can driveby forwards with them, and just ride
around shooting the people around. make sure not to go too slow as they will
be able to knock you off easily. Also if the police start noticing you then
there is a police bribe nearby behind a house if you need it.

Rampage 13
Location: From the bridge to Leaf Links on the left is a gap with a dock in.
The rampage is on the wood.
Weapon: Chainsaw
Mission: Kill 20 Gang Members
How to: Run around into groups of gang members with the O button held down and
slaughter em! Hah har! Bzzzt!

Rampage 14
Location: Go to North Point Mall and find an orange building. The rampage is
behind it.
Weapon: Colt Python
Mission: Kill 25 Gang Members
How to: Run back out onto the street and aim at everyone you see. One shot
kills with this pistol so there really shouldn't be any trouble.

Rampage 15
Location: Just outside the door of the North Point Mall on the east is the
Weapon: M4
Mission: Kill 35 Gang Members
How to: Aim with the first person thing and then shoot! Run around a bit if you
can't see anyone but again with guns the challenge is simple.

Rampage 16
Location: Inside the North Point Mall on the top level on a plant pot near
the Vinyl Countdown
Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Mission: Kill 30 Gang Members
How to: Because you can neither move fast or even jump, bring a bike into the
mall and leave it by the plant pot. Then as you grab the rampage get on the
bike and drive to the middle of the bridge thing.
Then aim around and fire at the people. Simple. It's just finding the people
that's the problem.

Rampage 17
Location: Just north of the carpark next to the North Point Mall is a building
go behind it for the ramapge.
Weapon: Uzi
Mission: Driveby 30 Gang Members
How to: Use a bike again and do the same as previous dirveby missions.

Rampage 18
Location: Near the flame statue in the area north of the entrance to Downtown.
Weapon: Minigun
Mission: Kill 30 Gang Members
How to: Fire! Turn round and shoot! Easy! Just keep out of the way of moving
vehicles and you're done!

Rampage 19
Location: Downtown just after you get there from the bridge is a place on the
right is a place with stairs leading up to nowhere. The rampage is on them.
Weapon: Molotov Cocktails
Mission: Kill 40 Gang Members
How to: It's easiest with fire proofing but if you don't then as you throw the
bombs run away from the people. Run around a bit and just throw em.

Rampage 20
Location: Up a ramp near Ammu-nation in Downtown
Weapon: Colt Python
Mission: Kill 25 Gang Members
How to: Run back down the slope and shoot around. One shot kills with this so
aim and fire!

Rampage 21
Location: Next to the Hyman Mermorial Stadium is some helipads. The rampage
is next to the steps up to them.
Weapon: Flamethrower
Mission: Kill 30 Gang Members
How to: To move fast jump. Simply go around and flame them all! The ones that
run aren't worth chasing so go after some others.

Rampage 22
Location: Behind the Well Stacked Pizza shop in Downtown.
Weapon: Uzi
Mission: Driveby 35 Gang Members
How to: Get a bike and shoot em. Simple and easy to complete. The only worry
is all the lamposts everywhere.

Rampage 23
Location: Inside the Moist Palms Hotel carpark to the right.
Weapon: M60
Mission: Kill 30 Gang Members
How to: Crouch, aim, fire, kill. Wipe out each group you can see and if you
can't see any, turn round until you can.

Rampage 24
Location: In the area next to the Printworks, at the top end of the fence.
Weapon: Tec-9
Mission: Kill 30 Gang Members
How to: Run out onto the street and aim at everyone and shoot until each one is
dead. This gun's a bad aim and shot and takes a while to kill so be patient.
Easy really.

Rampage 25
Location: Near the sea near the big sign saying Welcome to Hell
Weapon: Spas-12
Mission: Kill 35 Gang Members
How to: Run out of the area and back onto the street and shoot everyone! This
one has automatic reload and one shot kills so go mad!

Rampage 26
Location: In basketball court in the middle of a group of houses in Little
Weapon: Chrome Shotgun
Mission: Kill 25 Gang Members
How to: Run out onto the street and shoot like mad at everything moving until
you get told rampage complete.

Rampage 27
Location: Behind the El Corrupto Banko Grande
Weapon: Katana
Mission: Kill 10 Gang Members
How to: Run to the back of any group there and swipe fast. Chop heads off and
kill them fast. Kill as many as you can as the rest will start attacking and
shooting. Quite difficult but if you have the 150 armor and health then you
should be fine.

Rampage 28
Location: On the roof of a building next to the Cherry Poppers factory.
Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Mission: Kill 20 Gang Members
How to: Aim at the groups and shoot the people in the chest, not the head
as that sets them off running as fast as they can. Just shoot a lot as this
one uses the rubbish sniper.

Rampage 29
Location: On the roof of the building at the end of the road above Sunshine
Weapon: Ruger
Mission: Kill 20 Gang Members
How to: Aim with the L1 button, and shoot at all the groups rapidly to win.

Rampage 30
Location: Next to the hotel which is next to the docks.
Weapon: Grenades
Mission: Kill 35 Gang Members
How to: Run to the road and throw at a group. Run away then run back and blow
up more! If they follow you throw a grenade in front of you and run over it,
they should follow and then blow up! Hee hee!

Rampage 31
Location: On the first boat in the docks.
Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Mission: Blow up 15 Vehicles
How to: Stand at the top of the ramp and aim at every car coming past. If you
attract the police good! Blow em up!

Rampage 32
Location: Inside main terminal of ariport
Weapon: Spas-12 Shotgun
Mission: Kill 25 Gang Members
How to: Jump to move fast and just shoot at each group as you see them. To get
more to appear go up and down the escalators.

Rampage 33
Location: On the roof of the airport, in the middle.
Weapon: Rocket Launcher
Mission: Blow up 12 Vehicles
How to: Aim at the cars below. If you can't see any move round to the front of
the airport and they should appear more often.

Rampage 34
Location: Next to the Army base in the grass on the east side.
Weapon: Minigun
Mission: Blow up 15 vehicles
How to: Just press O at every car that comes past. Alternitavely, just use a
Rhino or Hunter that are both nearby (if you have collected the hidden packages

Rampage 35
Location: In the left most house on Starfish Island.
Weapon: Car
Mission: Runover 35 Gang Members
How to: Grab the car nearby (if not there then run out back to the road) and
just drive around on the pavement (or sidewalk) and run em down!

--------------------------------[18] Rifle Range-------------------------------
Rifle Range with a pistol. Strange eh? Ah never mind. Anyway. The Rifle Range
is of course located in Ammu-Nation in Downtown, just go through the door
inside to get to it.
The actual mini-game is only accessible after completing the Malibu mission,
'The Shootist' but you can explore the area any time.
To start the game, go into the pink light at the first range.
This ones quite tough as you get limited ammo, with awful targets and a limited
amount of time.
The score you want is 45. It will allow all your weapons to reload as fast as
pie which is very useful with the Rocket Launcher and the crummy original
sniper which will both act as almost Uzi's (except without the drivebys).

The best way to get the 45 points is to first shootout the first big yellow
person, except for the head, and then the second also. Now, shoot at the last
one, getting rid of all the parts and then as it regenerates, repeat. Carry
this on until you have six points left to get. Then shoot out that one more
time then get the heads of the last two to get the 45 points! Yey!
Then all your weapons will reload as if they never needed it.

----------------------------[19] 'Vigilante' Missions--------------------------
These are again, not essential missions but they give the game that extra bit
which makes a GTA game. They will all help you in many of your missions if you
do them before them as they give you assorted things such as 150 health,
fireproofing and infinite run! They are essential missions though if you want
to get 100%!
|           |
| a) Police |

Activate in:
Barracks OL, Enforcer, FBI Rancher, FBI Washington, Police, Rhino, Ultimate 
Vehicle, Police Maverick and Predator.
Mission Description:
You have to find a criminal driving around Vice City and kill it by killing the
After completing up to Level 12, your armour level can go up to 150 instead of
Best done using a fast car such as the squad car, you can also use the Rhino
and Hunter effectively as well. On land simply driveby it with a Uzi or such
weapon until it blows up. Then kill all the people who get out, (the number of
criminals goes up each time and every four another car is added) and thats it!
In the air with the Hunter fire missiles with O and fire the machine guns with
|              |
| b) Ambulance |

Activate in:
Mission Description:
You have to get a patient to the hospital in a certain time limit, each time
you get all of the dots on the map to the hospital you go up a level with an
extra person each level.
When you get to level 12, you get infinite run which is very useful when
escaping from the cops as you will no longer tire out.
Just as hard as in GTA3 so drive slowly round corners and don't crash into cars
as that will lower the health of the people inside!
|         |
| c) Fire |

Activate in:
Mission Description:
Same as in GTA3, find the burning vehicle and put the fire out in the time 
After completing level 12 you get fireproofing whilst on foot.
Don't take corners too fast as the truck is very easy to fall over. Get quite
close to the car that's burning and press O, I think in Vice City there are
more cars for each level to make it harder then before.
|         |
| d) Taxi |

Activate In: 
Cabbie, Kaufman Cab, Taxi, Zebra Cab
Mission Description:
A simple taxi mission comprising of finding an occupant who wants a cab and
take him/her to where they want to go.
After taking 100 Taxi Passengers to where they want to go all of the taxi
vehicles will have hydraulics! Completely useless as you don't need to do any
more taxi missions but fun none the less!
As soon as the person grabs the handle you can go as they will make it in in
any case. Take corners fast and use both the handbrake and normal brake to stop
in the blue circle.
|          |
| e) Pizza |

Activate in:
Pizza Boy by Well Stacked Pizza shops
Mission Description:
Dots around map which you have to give pizzas to.
Get up to Level 12 and your health can go up to 150
Drive fast but carefully and make sure when you driveby the pizzas you get
them on target, if you don't then you can push the pizzas towards the people
for them to pick it up. Go to a place you know well as you will need to use
all the shortcuts you can for the last ones.
Since you can only carry 6 pizzas at a time you will need to return for more
so do the ones furthest away first. You get 5 minutes overall so be quick!

Please note: After dying after getting the 150 health from this, your health
will return to the 100 mark, this isn't permanent and travelling through a
health icon will bring your health back up to the desired 150! This is just
how they made the game, good or not.
|              |
| f) Ice Cream |

Activate in:
Mr. Whoopee next to the Cherry Poppers factory
Mission Description:
Drive up to people who want ice creams and give them to them. Only available
after buying the Cherry Poppers Factory.
After completing 50 in a row the Cherry Popper Factory can earn you money
Stay near a Pay'n'Spray cos every four you deliver gets you another wanted
level which gets annoying as they will be able to get you when you stop for
the people.

----------------------------[20] Stores to Knock Off---------------------------
To knock these stores off, all you have to do is get out a gun (one you can aim
while walking about, not a sniper rifle) and aim it at the cashier. He/She will
hold their hands up and give you money. It accumlates the longer you stay to
about $1000. Also you gain a wanted level up to 3 Stars depending on how long
you stay.

     1    Vinyl Countdown - North Point Mall
                            First floor of mall, to the east
     2    Jewelers - North Point Mall
                     Ground floor
     3    Tooled Up - North Point Mall
                      Ground floor, big hammer on Radar
     4    Gash - North Point Mall
                 Ground floor and first floor
     5    Bunch of Tools - Washington Beach
                           Big hammer on radar near Starfish Island
     6    Corner Store - Vice Point
                         Just north of hospital there
     7    Jewelers - Vice Point
                     North along road from Well Stacked Pizza
     8    Dispensary + - Vice Point
                         Near Jocksport
     9    Rython Aid - Little Haiti
                       Just north of the Pay'n'Spray
    10    Cafe Robina - Little Havana
                        Where you meet Umberto Robina
    11    Laundromat - Little Havana
                       It's where the laundromat
    12    Screw This - Little Havana
                       The big hammer sign on your radar while in L.Havana
    13    Donut Shop - Little Havana
                       Opposite the Police Station
    14    Jewelers - Downtown
                     Just up the road (north) from Rock City
    15    Dispensary + - Downtown
                         Very close to Rock City

---------------------------------[21] Characters-------------------------------
Here is a list of all the characters that you will expect to meet within the

Avery Carrington - Avery is quite a character. He's from Texas and has a strong
                   accent. He is also a real estate developer.

BJ Smith         - BJ is a retired pro footballer, although he's about to make
                   a comeback, who owns Sunshine Autos.

Donald Love      - Donald Love, as you might know, was in the previous game.
                   This time however, he makes only a brief appearnace and is
                   not up to much. Seems rather weak. He also appears on
                   Cortez's boat at the start of the game.

Steve Scott      - Porn Film Director that looks like another famous director
                   who made a certain shark film.

Candy Suxxx      - She's a Porn Film star who you meet when doing the Film
                   Studio asset missions (and also on the Colonel's boat at the

Congressman Alex - He's a rather corrupt congressman for Vice City who is into
Shrub              being called strange names.

Colonel Cortez   - A spanish crimelord with a boat. He needs your help.

Gonzales         - Works for Colonel Cortez (bzzt!)

Mercedes Cortez  - Daughter of Colonel Cortez

Ricardo Diaz     - Columbian crime lord who has a huge mansion on StarFish

French Courier   - French courier (surprising) who has a chip that Colonel
                   Cortez wants.

Sonny Forelli    - He's the bloke at the start of the game who you call.

Tommy Vercetti   - You play this guy! He comes from Liberty City and is sent to
                   Vice City by his boss Sonny Forelli at the start of the game

Ken Rosenberg    - A lawyer for the Forelli family in Vice City. Bit of a wimp.

Georgio Forelli  - The brother of Sonny Forelli doesn't really feature in the
                   game, but is in GTA3

Lance Vance      - A helicopter pilot whom you meet, greet and becomes friends
                   with you.

Victor Vance     - Lance Vance's brother, gets killed at the start.

Auntie Poulet    - Haitain who has mysterious voodoo powers over you

SWAT             - Vicious police teams. You get to meet them when you have 4 
                   Stars Wanted level

Kent Paul        - An english ponce who goes around as if he owns the city, yet
                   he owns nothing (except for kentpaul.com today!)

Big Mitch Baker  - Big ol' biker who hangs out at the Greasy Chopper.

Mr. Black        - He is the anonymous caller who calls you for assassination

Leo Teal         - A chef, whoose phone you steal early on in the game

Alberto Robina   - Father of Umberto Robina

Umberto Robina   - Hangs out around the Cafe Robina and gives you missions.

Phil Cassidy     - He's 'armless! Although he has an arm here, he doesn't in 
                   GTA3 and here again he runs a weapons distribution centre

Cam Jones        - The best safe cracker in the whole of Vice City. Was caught
                   running down the street with a safe he couldn't open.
                   Currently in jail. (thanks to j_thatcher2000 for telling me
                   who he is!)

Hilary King      - Expert driver and used in the Malibu's asset missions

Pedro Garcia     - Rival of Phil Cassidy.

Maude the Ice    - Works at the Cherry Poppers factory.
Cream Lady

Pastor Richards  - A crazy preacher who wants to build a crazy statue

-----------------------------------[22] Secrets--------------------------------
A few secrets have I found. And here they are:

BP/EP/FP Admiral
During the mission 'Guardian Angels' Diaz has a nice Admiral. To get it, simply
fail the mission (simply having the car turned when you go into the light will
kill Lance for some reason and fail the mission) then simply grab the Admiral!

The Underground
To get this will require at least one cheat so don't save your game afterwards.
Get a tank (cheat is: O, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, T, O, T or find it at the
Air Base in Escobar if you have 90 Packages) and then enter the flying cars
code (R, R2, O, R1, L2, D, L1, R1). Fly the tank to the west exit of Starfish
Island and you will see a short, yet tall, building that has no roof. Fly down
it and then as you get to the bottom, pull up a bit so you fly straight. This
will then allow you to fly around underground! Don't go too low as it will
throw you back onto the streets above or too high as you'll drown in the sea.
You can fly around under here for hours and maybe even find the alleged ghost
town that could exist.

Invisible Insides
Head to the North Point Mall and go in the entrance to the north on the west
side where there's a car on display. Grab it and drive it over to a wall.
Put in the faster gameplay code twice (T, U, R, D, L2, L1, S) and run into
where the car touches the wall (just the same as walking through walls in GTA3)
you will eventually get though the wall and then start falling. Press R3 to
look behind (might not be nessacary) and then you will land on an invisible
road. You can now wander the streets of Vice City without actually seeing
the road or buildings. You can, however, see every item that is lying around
so no more searching for them. The land around your original hotel is there,
if only a bit, because it is needed so you can look out of your window. To get
out of this world, simply die or go into a building. Nice! This may also be a
way of finding the 'ghost town' area where the Forellis met as you can see into
all the buildings and see all the extra stuff that isn't a part of the floor or

Walking Through Walls
As mentioned in the previous secret. This is exactly the same as in GTA3.
Park your car next to a wall and enter the speed up gameplay cheat twice,
(T, U, R, D, L2, L1, S) then run at the wall where your car meets it. You will
sometimes go through the solid wall and most of the time fall into infinity!
Sometimes though, you will be able to walk around inside the building and this
may be the way to find and discover the elusive 'ghost town' that was used in
the starting credits with the Forellis. It will be most likely inside a
building or somewhere. E-mail me if you find it!

------------------------------[23] Cheats and Codes----------------------------
OK, these cheats listed here in this guide are for the PS2 version of the game
only, they won't work on the PC version as it don't have all the same controls.
So don't go asking me what R1 or Triangle means!

There seem to be some things which go wrong if you use cheats. One thing is not
too bad, your Criminal Rating goes down a bit (actually a lot) and the awful
thing that can happen if you save after using some of the codes is that your
saved game cannot get 100% any more. To avoid this, if you do want to use these
cheats, then after using them, don't save your game, simply switch the console
off (fully, not just a reset) and reload your game. Simple. Well, here are all
the ones that I have seen so far:

U  = Up
D  = Down
L  = Left
R  = Right
X  = X
S  = Square
O  = Circle
T  = Triangle
R1 = R1
R2 = R2
L1 = L1
L2 = L2

R1, R2, L1, R2, L, D, R, U, L, D, R, U      All Weapons (Category 1)
R1, R2, L1, R2, L, D, R, U, L, D, D, L      All Weapons (Category 2)
R1, R2, L1, R2, L, D, R, U, L, D, D, D      All Weapons (Category 3) 
R1, R2, L1, O, L, D, R, U, L, D, R, U       Full Health 
R1, R2, L1, X, L, D, R, U, L, D, R, U       Full Armor 
R, R2, O, R1, L2, D, L1, R1                 Flying Cars 
R, L2, D, R1, L, L, R1, L1, L2, L1          Commit Suicide 
R1, R1, O, R2, L, R, L, R, L, R             Raise Wanted Level 
R1, R1, O, R2, U, D, U, D, U, D             Lower Wanted Level 
O, X, L1, L1, R2, X, X, O, T                Some Women Follow You
R2, O, U, L1, L, R1, L, U, S, T             Displays Media Meter

Clothes Cheats 
R, R, L, U, L1, L2, L, U, D, R              Switch Clothes 
L1, L2, R1, R2, D, L1, R2, L2               Play as Ricardo Diaz
O, L2, L, X, R1, L1, X, L1                  Play as Lance Vance
O, R2, D, R1, L, R, R1, L1, X, L2           Play as Candy Suxxx
R, L1, Up, L2, L1, R, R1, L1, X, R1         Play as Ken Rosenberg
R1, O, R2, L1, R, R1, L1, X, R2             Play as Hilary King
D, L1, D, L2, L, X, R1, L1, X, X            Play as Love Fist Guy 1
R1, L2, R2, L1, R, R2, L, X, S, L1          Play as Love Fist Guy 2
R, R1, Up, R2, L1, R, R1, L1, R, O          Play as Phil Cassidy
O, L1, O, L2, L, X, R1, L1, X, X            Play as Sonny Forelli
R2, L1, U, L1, R, R1, R, U, O, T            Play as Mercedes

Vehicle Codes
O, O, L1, O, O, O, L1, L2, R1, T, O, T      Spawn a Rhino
D, R1, O, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, L, L           Spawn Bloodring Racer
U, R, R, L1, R, U, S, L2                    Spawn Bloodring Banger
R1, O, R2, R, L1, L2, X, X, S, R1           Spawn Hotring Racer 1
R2, L1, O, R, L1, R1, R, U, O, R2           Spawn Hotring Racer 2
D, R2, D, R1, L2, L, R1, L1, L, R           Spawn Romero's Hearse
R2, Up, L2, L, L, R1, L1, O, R              Spawn Love Fist Limo
O, R1, O, R1, L, L, R1, L1, O, R            Spawn Trashmaster
R, L2, D, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, O, L           Spawn Sabre Turbo
O, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, O, X          Spawn Caddie
R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, S, T, O, T, L2, L1  Blow Up All Cars
R2, O, R1, L2, L, R1, L1, R2, L2            Agro Drivers
O, L1, D, L2, L, X, R1, L1, R, X            Cars go pink! (both needed!) 
O, L1, D, L2, L, X, R1, L1, R, O            Cars go pink! (both needed!)
O, L2, Up, R1, L, X, R1, L1, L, O           Cars go Black!
T, R1, R1, L, R1, L1, R2, L1                Perfect Handling Cars
R, R2, O, R1, L2, S, R1, R2                 Cars Float on Water

Weather Codes 
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, D                Sunny Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, T                Cloudy Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, S                Very Cloudy Weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, O                Stormy Weather 
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X                Foggy Weather

Miscellaneous Codes
O, O, L1, S, L1, S, S, S, L1, T, O, T       Speed Up Time
T, U, R, D, S, R2, R1                       Slow Down Time + Gameplay
T, U, R, D, L2, L1, S                       Speed Up Gameplay
Warning the two following codes are permanent so don't save your game
D, L, U, L, X, R2, R1, L2, L1               Peds Riot
D, U, U, U, X, R2, R1, L2, L2               Peds Hate You

------------------------------------[24] FAQs----------------------------------
This section deals with those common questions that keep on coming in and so I
can't be bothered to personally respond to all of them so here they are in
their glory!

Q: Where on earth is a plane?
A: There's only the two million planes in Vice City. How could you fail to
   spot one of them? They take off from the airport on a regular basis! Oh, you
   mean one you can fly? Well, there's the Skimmer which can only be found
   after completing the mission Dildo Dodo at the Film Studio and the RC plane
   is on the car park next to the North Point Mall in the Top Fun van.

Q: Where is that last package?
A: I dunno, probably somewhere where you can't find it! It could be because
   you used cheats and the one on the helipad has vanished. Nothing you can
   do for this now.

Q: How do I complete a mission? And you haven't wrote anything about it!
A: As far as I can tell I've written about every mission that exists but if
   you've found a mission that I haven't written about send it in (if it exists
   that is, I don't want no crazy missions about Circuses and clowns!)

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