FAQ and Move List - Guide for WCW/nWo Revenge
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WCW/NWO Revenge Nintendo 64 FAQ Version 2.3 10/20/99 Written By: The Crippler cripplerx@hotmail.com ***************************************************************************** WCW/NWO Revenge - FAQ ***************************************************************************** Update History ============== October 15 Updated the FAQs section and the e-mail section. September 15 Nightwolf mailed me back with more moves; they can be found in the characters section once again. September 8 I have added a bunch of profiles for the EWF and DAW characters thanks to Nightwolf, in the character backgrounds section (also see credits). September 6 I added two more FAQs to the FAQs section that were submitted this time. They are easy to spot; they're the last two in the FAQ section. I also added another helpful e-mail to the mail section. August 12 I've finally added the character background and finishers for the EWF and DAW! July 29 Alright, I added character backgrounds, and being that I don't have the finishers yet for the DAW and EWF characters, there will be one more update to this FAQ soon....... I also added the e-mail section with another e-mail which includes a question with my answer. In addition, the stable/division war is update as I noticed a mistake in the orders. Note: The character background are also a sepearate document on GameFAQs (hopefully). Please do not e-mail me about the attributes or the character analysis'. Thanks. July 23 This FAQ will be coming to an end at version 1.8. The only thing else I could possibly add is a bunch of move lists, but my explanation for not doing that can be located in the introduction. Here's what was updated: - The introduction with a reminder not to e-mail me regarding this game. - The FAQ with a bunch of answers to questions that I previously missed. - The moves sections which now lists some of the extra special stuff you can do with some characters. - The 'What's Different?' section with some more stuff added. MY SPECIAL REQUEST is for someone with a Game Shark to enter this code: 8107F07C FFFF and make a move list for Wrath. I am wondering if his finisher is the melt down and what kind of other moves he has. Thanks. It was fun while it lasted people..... Thanks to everyone that contributed (see credits). July 21 - I added another e-mail to the e-mail section. It should actually be in the FAQ section because I answered the question, but it's somewhat long and belongs in a seperate section. I also added some Game Shark codes, a message in the intro saying why I will not make move lists, and a new section (#17) that lists what's different from World Tour. July 16 - I updated *every* section (no joke). July 1, 1999 - This was the first FAQ I've ever written, and I wrote it several months ago. After the next update, there is nothing else to add or do to this FAQ. So here's the updates for today: - I added the e-mail I recieved to the intro. I had nowhere else to put it and I didn't really think that it belonged in the update history section. - Also, my friend sent me a review of the game so what the hell, it's also in the intro section. In the next version (the last by the way), I will change the layout of this FAQ, and add some stuff about moonsaults, the DAW, EWF, more creations, that type of thing.... Basically just add anything that isn't already here. June 28, 1999 - I recieved an e-mail about a week ago with a lot of stuff regarding WCW/NWO Revenge. I've added it to the intro section because I had nowhere else to put it. I recommend checking it out; it's got a lot of good stuff in it. March 5, 1999 - I added two new section, the Good and Bad List, and I updated the creations section, but I guess you can say I added it because I finished putting in the other guys. This may be all for this FAQ, but I'm not sure. February 14, 1999 - Version 1.1 is here. I updated the creation section by adding 47 wrestlers, throughout 4 different categories. I also added some more secrets and tips. I have made a creations section for celebrities and old wrestlers. These are hard to make, and I only have 3 now, but I'll add an entire batch of them for my next update. January 14, 1999 - Version 1.0 is finally here. It has a lot of helpful sections and it took a long time to type up. I am working hard on character guides for every, yes, every character and I am editing the secrets section. Your patience is requested. Thanks. Sections: 1. Introduction 2. Controls 3. Frequently Asked Questions 4. Stables / Divisions 5. Hidden Characters 6. Managers 7. Finishers 8. Creations 9. Good / Bad List 10. Secrets And Playing Tips 11. Weapons 12. Game Modes 13. Challenges 14. Moves 15. Thoughts 16. E-Mails 17. What's Different? 18. Character Backgrounds 19. Credits 20. Copyright Info _____________________________________________________________________________ 1. Introduction --------------------------------- Welcome to my WCW/NWO Revenge FAQ. Though I did not include a move list or a character guide for every character in the game (some people have done so for World Tour) I *do* have a lot of stuff here. You shouldn't have any trouble finding something that you need. If you are looking for move lists/characters FAQs, go to GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) because they have seperate guides for every character. My e-mail address is at the top of the page, but please note that this FAQ will no longer be updated, so mailing me playing tips and or hints will be a waste of time (thanks anyway though ;). Any questions/concerns you have about the game or this FAQ will be accepted, so go ahead and fire away, as long as you read the FAQ first! Hey, I now have character backgrounds in this guide! NEW MESSAGE: Why I will not write Move Lists There are over 40 wrestlers in Revenge, and over 400 different possible moves. I do not have the time or interest to sit down for hours and write everyone's moves then type them up. If you want character guides, go to GameFAQs. Thanks. ANOTHER NEW MESSAGE: Why you should not mail me regarding Revenge This FAQ is almost complete. There is nothing else that I can put. Please do not mail me if it is about this game. Thank you. 2. Controls --------------------------------- Analog Stick - Believe it or not, you do not move with this at all in the game. This allows you to taunt during the game, and you press it in a strong grapple to perform your finisher when on special (taunting allows you to get on special). Also, this allows you to spin the character around and view his entire body when selecting your character or creating a player. Control Pad - Press the direction you want to move. Also, ou use this to select your character and game mode. A Button - Performs your grapple. If you hold it and grab your opponent, it's a strong grapple. If you press it to immediately grab your opponent, it's a weak grapple. This also allows you to swing your weapon at an opponent. B Button - Performs your basic punch and kick moves. You also use the strong/weak grapple concept here. Tapping the B Button will do a punch or kick (depending on the distance between you and your opponent) while holding the B Button will perform a take down or strong clothesline of some sort. C Down Button - When in a grapple, you press this button to whip your opponent. When out of a grapple, you use this button to run. C Up Button - Go up to the guard rail and press this button to get a weapon (you only get weapons sometimes unless you are Sting or Hogan). 3. Frequently Asked Questions --------------------------------- Q: What is the strong grapple / weak grapple concept? A: Though this is very hard to explain in words, I had to add it because if you don't know how to strong grapple you'll never be very good. In Revenge, the action of tieing up your opponent is called a grapple. There are strong grapples and weak grapples. Weak grapples will give you good moves, mostly basics, but they won't hurt your opponent as much as a strong grapple, and you need to know how to strong grapple in order to pull off your finisher. To weak grapple, simply walk up to your opponent and tap A. You will tie up your opponent and you can then pull off a move from it. To strong grapple, do the same, only when you approach your opponent, don't tap A, hold it down so that you're holding it while tieing up your opponent. That is a strong grapple and you can now perform better moves that with weak grapples. For instance, if you weak grapple and push B you usually get a punch to the face, or the back or something. But with a strong grapple, pressing B can pull off DDTs, power- slams and other various moves that can cause more damage to your opponent. You also need to strong grapple to pull off your finisher, but I answer that in the next question. Q: How do you perform your finisher? Your opponents finisher? A: In order to do your own finisher, wait until your spirit meter flashes "Special" on it. You can make your meter go on special by pulling off good moves versus your opponent and taunting. When your spirit meter is on dark red and is flashing, simply tap the analog stick and you'll be on special. (Tapping the analog stick is how you taunt.) When on special, strong grapple your opponent (see the above question for strong grappling info) and tap the analog stick. After hitting the analog stick, your finisher will automatically be done. You can also use your opponents finisher against him! This is extremely easy. When on special, grapple your opponent (weak or strong but weak is much easier) and press A and B at the same time. This will automatically make you do your opponents finisher to him. For instance, if you're Hulk Hogan versus Bill Goldberg, follow that procedure and Hogan will jackhammer Goldberg! Q: Where are the Four Horsemen? A: Sorry, this game was made when Ric Flair vanished, and Arn Anderson and Mongo disappeared for awhile. It is 99.9% positive that the horsemen will be in the next game considering their real life popularity. However, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko are in the game; they're the only horsemen in it. Q: Why is Raven's Flock in the game? A: The flock broke up at Fall Brawl in mid September. By that time, the game was too close to its realease date so it couldn't be changed. Q: Why doesn't Eric Bischoff grapple? A: Eric Bischoff in real life is a karate fighter; he doesn't grapple in real life, so it's very realistic that he doesn't grapple in the game. If you choose to be Bischoff in the game, every time you press A to grapple, he will pull off a karate kick or punch of some sort. For those of you who are WWF fans that have the game, be Bischoff and go up to your opponent and hold A down. He will perform a Shawn-Michaels-like "Sweet Chin Music" kick.... Very cool. Q: Where is the Warrior? A: Once again, I'm sorry, but the game was too far in development when the Warrior returned to WCW (September of 1998). Q: What character do you recommend for me? A: Check out the character backgrounds and you should be able to determine that for yourself. ================================= New Q's (Submitted) 8/31/99 ================================= Q: Hi, first I'd like to say you have a pretty cool and indepth faq for revenge. I have one question though. If you watch the intro look at the part after ultimo dragon does his top rope move and before you see raven sit down, there is a part you see juvi and Jekel are doing a tag team move on some guy (LODI style one guy holds the opponent one his shoulders and the other clotheslines from the top rope) I've seen the cpu do it on me but how? I've tried to figure this out please help. Thank you ~James A: You'll need to have a tag team partner..... An actual human tag team partner. Either join up with a friend in a 2 on 1 handicap or a normal tag match. Have one of you walk up to your opponent's back and press C-Up to get him on your shoulders. Then have the other partner climb the top rope as usual and he will clothesline him off. Q: props for your faq. nice job. could you please tell me how to counter throws. i got serious problems with the timing and don`t know how to reversal. A: Keep working on your timing....... Also check out the Move Stealing FAQ for Revenge at GameFAQs.... It should answer all your questions. Q: does any one in the game brain bust or ddt from the top rope. A: No, I wish. But a bunch of guys superplex; I guess that's as close as you'll get. Q: Dear Crippler, I was wondering if you knew how to do the move with konnan. It's the one that X-Pac does and thats THe X-Factor and konnan does it too. I was wondering if you knew how to do it. If you do then E-mail me and even if you don't just let me know. A: Nope, unfortunately, it's not possible to do in this game. But if you are wondering about other character's moves check out my character backgrounds FAQ or go to GameFAQs and check out one of the many move lists. Q: Hi on wcw nwo how do you do the buffbuster? I will like to know I try and try but never get it!!!!!!! A: Be Buff Bagwell, get on special, mske sure that you WEAK grapple, whip your opponent into the corner, strong grapple, and tap the analog stick, then he does it automatically. --------------------------------- 4. Stables / Divisions --------------------------------- Take a good look at the different stables in this game. In real life WCW, stables change all the time...... Guys turn on their stable and go to another, or something like that. For instance, the Wolfpac in the game was every member in real life, but now it's all changed; a bunch of nWo Hollywood members are in there now along with Luger and Nash.... And Raven's Flock in the game, hell, the flock doesn't exist anymore. But anyway, here's the stables listed in the game, as they are, in order with same names. Oh yeah, and don't confuse stables with divisions (divisions is the next section.) An example of a stable is a bunch of guys together in a group, like the Wolfpac, but go over and look at WCW 1. This is NOT a stable. These guys are independent, on their own...... Anyway, here are the stables, and go down to the next section for divisions. ***nWo White*** Hollywood Hulk Hogan The Giant Brian Adams Scott Hall Scott Norton Buff Bagwell Eric Bischoff Scott Steiner Curt Hennig _______________________ ***nWo Red*** Kevin Nash Sting Lex Luger Macho Man Randy Savage Konnan _______________________ ***Raven's Flock*** Raven Lodi Riggs Sick Boy Reese Kidman ________________________ That's it for the stables. All stables have a leader, the leader in each group is the first person listed, meaning the leaders are Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Raven. ===== Remember, a division is not a stable! Everyone listed in the following are independent, they're on their own, they're just categorized to make the game more comprehensible and organized. There are no leaders here! ***WCW 1*** (The Best Wrestlers) Rowdy Roddy Piper Diamond Dallas Page Bill Goldberg Bret 'The Hitman' Hart Chris Benoit Rick Steiner Fit Finley Booker T. ________________________ ***WCW 2*** (The Second Best Wrestlers) Saturn Disco Inferno Jim Neidhart The British Bulldog Glacier Meng Van Hammer Kanyon ________________________ ***WCW 3*** (The Left Overs) Yugi Nagata Larry Zbysko The Barbarian La Parka Stevie Ray ________________________ ***WCW 4*** (The Cruiserweights..... A Bunch Of Great Wrestlers In Here) Chris Jericho Eddy Guerrero Psychosis Rey Mysterio Jr. Dean Malenko Juventud Guerrera The Untimo Dragon Chavo Guerrero Jr. Alex Wright ________________________ Those are the divisions. In WCW 2, some of the wrestlers are jobbers, like Disco, Neidhart, Bulldog, Glacier, and Van Hammer. And in WCW 4, the two cruiserweight jobbers are Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr. In WCW 4, there are some extremely good wrestlers like Chris Jericho and Dean Malenko that would be in WCW 1, but they're crusiserweights, so they don't qualify. The EWF and DAW are real divisions in Japan. Here's their names in the game: ***EWF*** AKI Man / THQ Man (See Section #7) Shogun The Executioner Dr. Frank Jekel Maya Inka Boy ________________________ ***DAW*** Hawk Hana Kim Chee Dake Ken Brickowski Ming Chee Han Zo Mon ________________________ Those are the invented characters and their invented divisions. I don't give much more info about them in this FAQ, but I figured I may as well let you know their names and division name. The Division / Stable War --------------------------------- If you took all these stables and divisions and let them fight with their stable or division partners, here's the order in which they would win. Basically, The Flock and The Wolfpac have no chance because there's only 5 guys in each, but, here's their orders according to me. 9. EWF 8. DAW 7. WCW 3 6. Raven's Flock 5. The Wolfpac 4. WCW 2 3. nWo White 2. WCW 4 1. WCW 1 7/27/99 - I changes the nWo White and WCW 4, because if you think about it, the cruiserweights would be out-running those guys all over the place. However, I don't think that WCW 4 could possibly compete with WCW 1. --------------------------------- --------------------------------- 5. Hidden Characters --------------------------------- There are 6 hidden characters in revenge that you need nothing special to get them with, just a lot of time and patience, and there's I believe one extra characters for gameshark. But here's the 6 that you can get simply from the game: Curt Hennig - Win The US Heavyweight Belt Meng and Barbarian - Win The Tag Team Titles Billy Kidman - Win The Crusierweight Title After winning the US Heavuweight belt and the cruiserweight title, two new championship modes are entered, giving you two more secret characters: Rowdy Roddy Piper - Win the US Heavyweight Belt then the World Title Kanyon - Win the Cruiserweight Title then the TV Title And finally, the last character, a little twist: Revenge was made by THQ and AKI. Go to the EWF division. The first character listed is either THQ Man or AKI Man. Press C-Down and the opposite character will come up...... Very clever, huh? 6. Managers --------------------------------- Some wrestlers are escorted to the ring with managers or valets. Here is who gets escorted and who the manager is. Also, you can play as a manager! Go to the bottom of this page to see how. Hollywood Hogan..............Escorted by Eric Bischoff Scott Hall...................Escorted by Dusty Rhodes Scott Norton.................Escorted by Vincent Eric Bischoff................Escorted by Miss Elizabeth Scott Steiner................Escorted by Vincent Brian Adams..................Escorted by Vincent Curt Hennig..................Escorted by Rick Rude Macho Man Randy Savage.......Escorted by Miss Elizabeth Diamond Dallas Page..........Escorted by Kimberly Meng.........................Escorted by Jimmy Hart Barbarian....................Escorted by Jimmy Hart Yugi Nagata..................Escorted by Sonny Ono To play as a manager: You need 4 people playing and 4 controllers. With 4 controllers plugged in, have a 1 player versus 2 player exhibition match. Make sure Player 1 and Player 2 both have escorts with them. When the match starts, press Z on the third and fourth controllers. Player 3 and player 4 will join the match as the escorts Also, this is a pretty dirty thing to do, but it is fun, you can beat up your opponents manager. Just leave the ring and walk up to them and face them by pressing C-Right. Then you can do any move you want to them.... Even your finisher. But be cautious, sometimes they fight back with a low blow! 7. Finishers --------------------------------- You really have to be careful here..... I threw in a bunch of twists. You should realize a few things here. One, these are the players finishers for when you get on special, not their real finisher. For instance, Chris Benoit's finisher in real life is the Crippler Cross Face. However, he does this as a regular move in the game. His special front finisher is a powerbomb pinning combo, so that's what I list here. Two, I was generous here, if a player's finisher is a top rope maneuver, I listed it in along with their normal front and back special finisher. And finally, I didn't waste my time finding finishers for the made up characters. Below are directions for pulling off all types of finishers, then the list is under that. _____________________________________________________________________________ Q: How do you perform your finisher? Your opponents finisher? A: In order to do your own finisher, wait until your spirit meter flashes "Special" on it. You can make your meter go on special by pulling off good moves versus your opponent and taunting. When your spirit meter is on dark red and is flashing, simply tap the analog stick and you'll be on special. (Tapping the analog stick is how you taunt.) When on special, strong grapple your opponent (see section #2, the faq for strong grappling info) and tap the analog stick. After hitting the analog stick, your finisher will automatically be done. You can also use your opponents finisher against him! This is extremely easy. When on special, grapple your opponent (weak or strong but weak is much easier) and press A and B at the same time. This will automatically make you do your opponents finisher to him. For instance, if you're Hulk Hogan versus Bill Goldberg, follow that procedure and Hogan will jackhammer Goldberg! Q: How do I do my finisher or my opponent's finisher from the back? A: Same concept. Strong grapple from the back and tap the analog stick when on special to do your own, and weak or strong grapple from the back and press A and B simultaneously when on special to do your opponent's back finisher. Q: If my Player's finisher is a top rope maneuver, how do I do it? A: This is easy! The only two guys that have top rope finishers are Booker T (Harlem Hangover) and Juventud Guerrera (450 Degree Splash). When on special, go on the top rope by pressing C-Down by the turnbuckle, and you'll climb up and automatically do it! Oh Yeah, and for WCW 3, I left out Larry Zbysko and Yugi Nagata. NOTE: If I didn't know the name of a finisher, I picked out a reasonable name that you should be able to comprehend. _____________________________________________________________________________ Finisher's List: ----------NWO White---------- Hollywood Hogan: -Front: Sell The Shot Eye Gauge -Back: Roll Up Pin The Giant: -Front: Choke Slam -Back: Backwards Chokeslam Variation Brian Adams: -Front: Rock Bottom -Back: Backwards Vertical Suplex Scott Hall: -Front: The Outsiders Edge -Back: German Suplex Scott Norton: -Front: Shoulder Breaker -Back: Backwards Chokeslam Variation -NOTE: Norton's real finisher is a jack knife powerbomb. It's not his finisher in the game because you don't have to be on special to do it. Just strong grapple and press Down and B simultaneously. Buff Bagwell: -Front: Tornado DDT -Back: German Suplex Pinning Combo Eric Bischoff: -None. Bischoff only has karate in the game. See section #2, the faq, for more info on that. Scott Steiner: -Front: Steiner Screwdriver -Back: Arm Bar Back Suplex Curt Hennig: -Front: Hennig Plex -Back: Bulldog ----------NWO Red---------- Kevin Nash: -Front: Jack Knife Powerbomb -Back: Spinning Sidewalk Slam Sting: -Front: Scorpion Death Lock -Back: Scorpion Death Drop Lex Luger: -Front: Powerbomb Pinning Combo -Back: Torture Rack Macho Man Randy Savage: -Front: Free Shots -Back: Roll Up Konnan: -Front: Vertical Suplex Variation -Back: German Suplex ----------Raven's Flock---------- Raven: -Front: Evenflow DDT -Back: German Suplex Lodi: -Front: Arm Hook Powerbomb Pin -Back: Sleeper Hold Riggs: -Front: Arm Hook Powerbomb Pin -Back: German Suplex Sick Boy: -Front: Double Arm Suplex -Back: Strong Backdrop Reese: -Front: Throat Choke / Slam Combo -Back: Backwards Choke Slam Variation Billy Kidman: -Front: Face Down Powerbomb -Back: Bulldog ----------WCW 1---------- Rowdy Roddy Piper: -Front: Free Shots -Back: Sleeper Hold Diamond Dallas Page: -Front: Diamond Cutter -Back: Back Breaker Bill Goldberg: -Front: Jackhammer -Back: Arm Bar Back Suplex Bret Hart: -Front: Sharpshooter -Back: Russian Leg Sweep Chris Benoit: -Front: Powerbomb Pinning Combo -Back: 5 Rolling German Suplexes Rick Steiner: -Front: Shoulder Breaker -Back: German Suplex Fit Finley: -Front: Tombstone Piledriver -Back: Chicken Wing Submission Hold Booker T: -Top Rope: Harlem Hangover -Front: Arm Twist Face Kick -Back: Spinning Sidewalk Slam ----------WCW 2---------- Saturn: -Front: Death Valley Driver -Back: German Suplex Disco Inferno: -Front: Arm Twist Jaw Breaker -Back: Jumping Rollup Jim Neidhart: -Front: Choke Hold -Back: Atomic Drop The British Bulldog: -Front: Running Powerslam -Back: Atomic Drop Glacier: -Front: Chronic Kick -Back: Spin Kick Meng: -Front: Toggan Death Grip -Back: Pump Handle Slam Van Hammer: -Front: Shoulder Breaker -Back: Backwards Vertical Suplex Kanyon: -Front: Flatliner -Back: Shoulder Face Slam ----------WCW 3---------- (Not included are Yugi Nagata and Larry Zbysko.) Barbarian: -Front: Toggan Death Grip -Back: German Suplex La Parka: -Front: Arm Bar Powerbomb With Pin -Back: German Suplex Stevie Ray: -Front: Slap Jack -Back: Roll Up ----------WCW 4---------- Chris Jericho: -Front: Lion Tamer -Back: Backward Vertical Suplex Eddy Guerrero: -Front: Outsider's Edge With Pin -Back: German Suplex With Pin Psychosis: -Front: Face Down Powerbomb -Back: Backward Vertical Suplex Rey Mysterio Jr.: -Front: Tornado DDT -Back: Hurracanrana With Pin Dean Malenko: -Front: Texas Cloverleaf -Back: Roll Up Pin Juventud Guerrera: -Top Rope: 450 Degree Splash -Front: DDT Variation -Back: Hurracanrana With Pin Ultimo Dragon: -Front: Running Powerbomb -Back: Hurracanrana With Pin Chavo Guerrero Jr.: -Front: Tornado DDT -Back: Roll Up Pin Alex Wright: -Front: Powerbomb With Pin -Back: German Suplex With Pin --------------------------------- 8. Creations --------------------------------- I sat down for ages for this. Took forever, just for your pleasure. Hey, that rhymes. --------------------------------- a) WCW Creations --------------------------------- Bam Bam Bigelow #1 - Edit Scott Norton, costume 1, mask 1, color black. Bam Bam Bigelow #2 - Edit Kevin Nash, costume 1, main color black, sub color orange or gray. Kaz Hayashi - Edit Yugi Nagata, costume 2, color black. The Disiple - Edit Van Hammer, comtume 44, color black. Barry Windham - Edit Reese, costume 28, color blue. The Ultimate Warrior - Edit Sting, costume 35, mask 1, main color white, sub color red. Ric Flair - Edit Fit Finlay, costume 30, color red. Steve Mongo McMichael - Edit Kevin Nash, costume 42, color black. Dean Malenko (Modified) - Change his colors to main blue, and sub yellow. Booker T (Modified) #1 - Costume 14, main color white, sub red Booker T (Modified) #2 - Costume 14, main color black, sub red Horace Hogan #1 (Casual) - Edit Scott Norton, costume 11, default colors. Horace Hogan #2 (Fighting) - Edit Scott Norton, costume 1, color black. ================ b) WWF Creations ================ Stone Cold - Edit Goldberg, costume 13, color black. Vince McMahon - Edit Glacier, costume 2, color black. Al Snow - Edit Curt Hennig, costume 10, top piece blue, bottom piece black. Acolytes: Faarooq - Edit Barbarian, costume 2, color black. Bradshaw - Edit Reese, costume 2, color black. Owen Hart - Edit Lex Luger, costume 1, main color black, sub color yellow. Jeff Jarrett - Edit Roddy Piper, costume 13, color white. The Rock - Edit Maya Inca Boy, costume 30, color black. Ken Shamrock - Edit Scott Hall, costume 4, color light blue. Kane - Edit Dr. Frank, costume 18, color red. Test - Edit Jericho, costume 42, color purple. TAKA Michinoku - Edit Dake Ken, costume 16, color blue. The Big Bossman - Edit Brian Adams, costume 58, color black. Triple H - Edit Chris Jericho, costume 34, main color black, sub color green. X-Pac - Edit Eddy Guerrero, costume 6, top piece black, bottom piece white. Road Dogg Jesse James - Edit Raven, costume 50, color black. Billy Gunn - Edit Alex Wright, costume 42, color black. Mark Henry - Edit Stevie Ray, costume 8, color black. D-Lo Brown - Edit Booker T, costume 10, top and bottom piece black. The Godfather - Edit Maya Inca Boy, costume 15, top piece black, bottom piece orange. Steve Blackman - Edit Buff Bagwell, costume 6, color black. Dan Severn - Edit Buff Bagwell, costume 4, color black. The Blue Blazer - Edit Rey Mysterio Jr., mask 9, costume 5, colors blue and red. ================ c) ECW Creations ================ Tajiri - Edit Yugi Nagata, costume 6, top piece blue, bottom white. Taz - Edit Maya Inca Boy, costume 8, color black. Rob Van Dam - Edit Brian Adams, costume 33, main color black, sub color yellow. Shane Douglas - Edit Chris Jericho, costume 4, color orange. Terry Funk - Edit Larry Zbysko, costume 24, color white. Rocko Rock (Public Enemy) - Edit Buff Bagwell, costume 50, color white. Johnny Grunge (Public Enemy) - Edit Brian Adams, costume 50, color white. Sid - Edit Kevin Nash, costume 50, color blue. ========================= d) Old Wrestlers / Celebs ========================= Billy Idol - Edit Lodi, costume 9, color black. Andre The Giant - Edit The Giant, costume 1, color black. Yokozuna - Edit Hawk Hana, costume 8, main color white, sub color black. 9. Good / Bad List --------------------------------- Here's a good list and bad list of good and bad players in the game. ============================================================================= Good List Bad List _____________________ _____________________ Hollywood Hogan Eric Bischoff The Giant Konnan Scott Norton Larry Zbysko Scott Hall Stevie Ray Scott Steiner Reese Kevin Nash Sick Boy Randy Savage Lodi Sting Kidman Lex Luger Riggs Raven Yugi Nagata Roddy Piper Maya Inca Boy Saturn Bill Goldberg DDP Chris Benoit Bret Hart Kanyon Booker T Dean Malenko Rey Mysterio Jr. Psychosis Juventud Guerrera Han Zo Mon ================= The guys not listed are in between. ================= 10. Secrets and Playing Tips --------------------------------- Just like millions of other games, even Revenge has secrets, and of course, I can add in a bunch of tips to help you have more success. I didn't add that many secrets, just some good playing tips because secrets aren't really my spot and there's not that many in Revenge. Here ya go. 1) Silver Belts! You can change the Championship belts from gold to silver! Simply watch the beginning and tap A when you see Hogan with Bischoff and The Giant holding a microphone. They show Hogan a bunch of times, so make sure it's the one where he has the microphone and when he's wiht Bischoff and THE GIANT. After playing a match or turning your system off, it'll go away but you can change them back...... Just for fun. 2) Having trouble whipping your opponent into the corner? When you get your opponent in the corner you can pull of moves like a superplex, a top rope somoan drop, and even a tornado DDT depending on who you are. But if you're having trouble getting your opponent into the corner, when you tie him up, press the direction you wish to whip him to, and whip him, and he'll go to where you commanded him to go. 3) To grab a weapon from the crowd, walk up to the safety rail and press C-Up Sometimes you get stuff, if you don't keep trying. 4) To be able to have blood in your game, choose options at the menu screen and turn realism on. Your opponent and or you can become bloody after being struck with a weapon or a good face maneuver. 5) Super Whip! If you keep whipping your opponent but are having trouble where either your opponent reverses it and grabs the ropes, strong grapple, then whip them, and they'll bounce off the ropes to you every single time. 6) To hit your opponent's face on the turnbuckle, weak grapple him when either you or your opponent is on the ring apron and press C-Down. 7.) To suplex your opponent in or out of the ring when you or your opponent is on the apron, strong grapple and press A or B. 8.) When you're on special, whip your guy into the corner, strong grapple, and tap the analog stick. A lot of guys have special moves. 9.) If you are in a submission hold or are being pinned, rotate the control stick to get out. 10.) To resist getting puched or kicked, hold down the R button. DDP taunt done by Kimberly Select Diamond Dallas Page as a wrestler in single player mode, so he appears with Kimberly. During the match, go outside the ring and stand close to Kimberly. Then, perform his taunt and Kimberly will do it with him. Diamond Cutter Select Diamond Dallas Page as a wrestler. Then, throw your opponent to the rope after getting a special. When he comes back, tap the Analog-stick, then hold it in one direction just before he reaches your wrestler to throw him into the air and follow up with a Diamond Cutter. Cross-Face Crippler Select Chris Beniot as a wrestler. Throw your opponent to the rope after getting a special. Then when he comes back, hold the Analog-stick to do the Cross-Face Crippler. Death Valley Driver Select Saturn as a wrestler. Execute a strong grapple, hold Down, then press B. Vader Bomb Select Chris Jericho as a wrestler. Throw your opponent to the rope after getting a special, and keep punching until he is down. Then, approach the turnbuckle and press A. Fake suicide dive when cruiserwieght When playing as a Cruiserweight and your opponent is outside the ring, run to the rope. Then when running back to your opponent, hold the Analog-stick to do a fake suicide dive. Low blow/desperation move Allow your opponent to execute any move on your wrestler. Hold R, then hold B while your wrestler is getting up. Automatic move reversal When your opponent does a weak or strong attack (such as by pressing B), press R when he hits your character to automatically reverse the move. GAME SHARK CODES Unlock All Bonus Characters & Modes 8107F07C FFFF Unlock Wrath 8107F07C FFFF Infinite Time 800FAF87 0000 Infinite Time Out Of Ring 800FACE8 0014 Always Special P1 800F9D35 0008 Maximum Spirit P1 800F9D25 00FF High Spirit P1 800F9D25 0064 Normal Spirit P1 800F9D25 0032 No Spirit P1 800F9D25 0000 Character Modifier P1 [Note 1] 890F9D36 0240 890F9D60 42B4 8107E8B2 ???? Always Special P2 800FA0E5 0008 Maximum Spirit P2 800FA0D5 00FF High Spirit P2 800FA0D5 0064 Normal Spirit P2 800FA0D5 0032 No Spirit P2 800FA0D5 0000 Always Special P3 800FA495 0008 Maximum Spirit P3 800FA485 00FF High Spirit P3 800FA485 0064 Normal Spirit P3 800FA485 0032 No Spirit P3 800FA485 0000 Always Special P4 800FA845 0008 Maximum Spirit P4 800FA835 00FF High Spirit P4 800FA835 0064 Normal Spirit P4 800FA835 0032 No Spirit P4 800FA835 0000 Quantity Digits to Accompany Character Modifier Code 0001 - Sting 0002 - Giant 0003 - Lex Luger 0004 - Diamon Dallas Page 0005 - Rick Steiner 0007 - Roddy Piper 0008 - Bret Hart 0009 - Chris Benoit 000A - Goldberg 000B - Booker T 000C - Disco Inferno 0101 - Fit Finley 0105 - Meng 0106 - Barbarian 0107 - Larry Zbysko 0108 - Stevie Ray 010B - British Bulldog 010D - Yugi Nagata 010E - Jim Neidhart 010F - Alex Wright 0201 - Hollywood Hogan 0202 - Macho Man Randy Savage 0203 - Kevin Nash 0204 - Scott Hall 0205 - Buff Bagwell 0206 - Scott Stenier 0207 - Curt Hennig 0208 - Konnan 0209 - Scott Norton 020C - Brian Adams 020D - Eric Bishoff 0301 - Ultimo Dragon 0302 - Eddy Guerrero 0303 - Chris Jericho 0304 - Rey Mysterio Jr. 0305 - Juventud Guerrera 0306 - Dean Malenko 0307 - Chavo Guerrero Jr. 0308 - La Parka 0309 - Psychosis 0401 - Glacier 0404 - Kanyon 0501 - Raven 0502 - Saturn 0503 - Kidman 0504 - Riggs 0505 - Van Hammer 0506 - Sick Boy 0507 - Lodi 0508 - Reese 0601 - AKI Man 0602 - Shogun 0603 - Executioner 0604 - Dr. Frank 0605 - Jekel 0606 - Maya Ineaby 0701 - Hawk Hana 0702 - Kimchee 0703 - Dakeken 0704 - Brickowski 0705 - Mingchee 0706 - Han Zomon 11. Weapons --------------------------------- To grab a weapon from the crowd, walk up to the safety rail and press C-UP. Sometimes you get one, sometimes you don't. Keep trying and eventually you'll get one. Here are some weapon notes. ***Weapons*** -Garbage Can -Steel Chair -Wooden Table -Baseball Bat -Barb Wire Bat -Stop Sign -Briefcase -To get a weapon every single time, be either Sting or Hollywood Hogan. These guys are long time greats and are/were very popular. 12. Game Modes --------------------------------- The way you unlock secret characters is to win the championships by beating 8 or 9 guys and then defeating the champ who is the hidden character. There are also a few cool things you can do with the belts. Here's everything you should know about Championship Mode. -If you win the World Title with an NWO Hollywood member or an NWO Wolfpac member, the belt will be spray painted "NWO" in either color depending on what stable your champion is in. Note that this only happens with the world title. -Silver Belts! You can change the Championship belts from gold to silver! Simply watch the beginning and tap A when you see Hogan with Bischoff and The Giant holding a microphone. They show Hogan a bunch of times, so make sure it's the one where he has the microphone and when he's wiht Bischoff and THE GIANT. After playing a match or turning your system off, it'll go away but you can change them back...... Just for fun. -To find out what hidden characters you can unlock, see section #7, "Hidden Characters." --------------------------------- In Revenge, you can have a really cool royal rumble. Whether you're battling it out in a fatal four way match or going long for the 40 man bout, the rumble always kicks ass. Here's some things you should know about the Royal Rumble Mode. -You can have a royal rumble with anywhere from 4 to 40 men. -If you're knocked out of the rumble, don't be discouraged! When the next computer player runs in, press Z and you can be that man. -To see Sting come down from the ceiling, choose a 40 man royal rumble. He'll be the final computer player to enter and he'll come down from the ceiling. --------------------------------- If you're looking for a challenge, play against two computer players in a handicap match. It's tough because every time you cover someone the other guy kicks you off. Or, for a little fun, you and another player or you and a computer player can have a handicap match versus a computer player and kick his ass. This is so fun! --------------------------------- Tag matches are cool in this game. You can have tag format where you have to tag your player in to play, or no tag format where you and your partner step in the ring and go at it with another team. watch for count outs though..... It's very easy to accidentally lose by count out. --------------------------------- If you want to have gruesome bloody matches, go to options at the main menu screen and turn realism on. You or your opponent often get easily bloody now after being hit with a weapon, getting your face smashed on the turnbuckle, or simply pulling off a good face maneuver. But by default, Revenge has realism turned off, so make sure you have it turned on first. 13. Challenges -------------------------------- Revenge can be really easy at times, so if you're bored with it, here's a nice challenge for you: Step 1: DON'T CHEAT while learning this! Step 2: Go to options at the main menu and turn realism on, and difficulty hard. Step 3: Go to special match and choose handicap match, then 2 CPU's vs. Player 1. Step 4: Choose both Computer Player's to be Sting and Hollywood Hogan, and you to Lodi. Step 5: Make Hogan and Sting's spirit meters all the way up, and yours down. Step 6: Turn rope break on, interference off, no ring out, yes to no dq, and pinfall, submission, and TKO on. Step 7: For an easy challenge, try to win the match. For a hard match, try not to get bloody during the whole match and win, and for a super hard match don't throw either guy out of the ring, don't get bloody, and win the match. Not so easy anymore is it? 14. Moves --------------------------------- This is for moonsaults / top rope maneuvers...... Most guys (especially the cruiserweights) can go to the top rope and perform a move. Here is a list of the moves that can be done on the top rope: Moonsault Twisting Moonsault Standing Moonsault Double Axe Handle Buff Blockbuster (Special for Buff Bagwell) Leg Drop (Both Guielletine and Hollywood) Elbow Drop (Savage) A reader of this FAQ put it perfectly: >> You should include info about moonsaults off the ropes. If a guy is down, go to a rope going top to bottom on your screen, move towards it and press A. Or, as a cruiserweight, run against the ropes and press A and the opposite direction just before you hit the ropes. << Here are guys that can do super moves on special: ------------------------------------------------- DDP - Put your opponent in the corner with a weak grapple, then strong grapple him, and hit the analog stick. DDP wil put him on the top rope and diamond cut him from there. - Strong grapple your opponent, and whip him to the ropes. When he comes back from off the ropes, hit the analog stick. DDP will toss him in the air and diamond cut him on his way down. Bill Goldberg - Strong grapple your opponent, and whip him to the ropes. When he comes back, hit the analog stick, and Goldberg will quickly give the opponent a chokeslam. Chris Benoit - Weak grapple your opponent and whip him into the corner, then strong grapple him and hit the analog stick. This will bring your opponent to the top rope and powerbomb him. Rey Mysterio Jr. - Weak grapple your opponent and whip him into the corner, then strong grapple him and hit the analog stick. This will perform Rey's real life finisher, a fancy frankensteiner. Psychosis - Same as Rey Mysterio Jr. (above). ----- If you know anymore, please mail them to me so I can add them in the last update to this FAQ. 15. Thoughts --------------------------------- Here's a review from my friend, the Stinger (stinger2307@yahoo.com): The second game I owned for my Nintendo 64 (Super Mario 64 was the first) was a game called WCW vs. NWO: World Tour. It was a WCW wrestling game made by THQ. Though I didn't watch wrestling, and I still don't today, something looked special about this. It just appealed more to me than any other fighting game, and to say the truth, I would prefer this game over any Playstation or Nintendo 64 fighting game. World Tour was incredible. There were many characters to choose from (many were WCW wrestlers) as well as many moves to do. The controls were easy, and there were lots of game modes and options. So I went to the store the day that WCW/NWO Revenge came out, thinking that World Tour could not be beat. Little did I know. Revenge introduced to me a bunch of new and cool improvements. In this game, I could win real-life WCW belts in a cool challenge mode. I could also choose from more guys to be in the game. I had a blast playing the game all night, discovering new moves, being guys that weren't in the other game, and winning all the belts and unlocking some of my other favorite guys that I had no clue were in the game. So I woke up the next morning, thinking I had played the game out. Just when I thought there was nothing left to do, I discovered a create-a- player mode. It wasn't at all near impressive as WWF Warzone, but it was still something.... There was something I liked about it a lot, so I spent another day creating other wrestlers and other people. So already being impressed with the graphics, music, new characters and features, I decide to show this to a friend. After doing so, I discover the best thing yet - A 40 man Royal Rumble! So now multiplayer is added to this game (compatible for up to 4 men). I spent another day having rumbles and tag matches with my friends. And now whenever I am bored, I win a belt with new guys. And when I'm sick of that, I create players. And after that, I invite a few buddies over and have a blast. What a game. Graphics: 10/10 Sound/Music: 10/10 Gameplay: 10/10 Multiplayer: 10/10 Improvements: 10/10 Overall: 10/10 Here's My Review: My Rating: 10/10 I think this is the best wrestling game ever made for any system. It's characters are more improved from WCW vs. NWO World Tour, and WWF Warzone is no match for this game. Quality: The quality of this game is absolutely amazing. There are over 80 wrestlers to be, 60 real life wrestlers, which tops WWF warzones selection of about 15 guys. There are also plenty of different modes to play, such as championship mode where you can unlock 5 characters after winning 8 or 9 matches for 5 different real life belts. Also included is a royal rumble mode with up to 40 men running in, and you can even set it to an over the rope competition. Also included are tag matches, handicap matches, and costume changes to create other wrestling superstars that aren't included in the game. You can also have realism which is like a blood mode to make your matches even more real. And don't forget to grab a weapon from the crowd, or fight your opponent all the way back by the entrance ramp, or watch your players taunt or way of showing off. Graphics: The graphics are very impressive. The faces and outfits are exactly how they are in real life. You can also watch your player pull off cool moves and top rope maneuvers. Whether your putting your opponent in the corner and dropping him off the top rope, or lifting him in the air for a jackhammer or tombstone piledriver, the game stays clear. In conclusion, Revenge has more great qualities that I didn't list, and Warzone really sucks when you look at these graphics and different play modes and at how many characters there are. 16. E-Mails --------------------------------- Here's two debating e-mails I've recieved from readers: >> A couple of things: 1. EWF and DAW are not made up divisions. They are real leagues, and real people, just different names. EWF is Empire Wrestling Federation and DAW is Dead or Alive Wrestling. These are old feds, and might have dispanded. 2. You skipped Number 8 in the sections. 3. The Back Chokeslam Variation is a Trsh Compactor 4. Hogan's Front Finisher is called a Ric Flair Routine 5. Konnan's font-finisher is called a 187 6. Sick Boy's front-finisher is called The Cure 7. Reese's " " a Two-Hand Choke-Slam 8. Kidman's f-f is called a Kidman Bomb or a Face Plant Powerbomb. 9. Booker T's f-f is a Harlem Axe Kick (I think) 10. Disco Inferno's f-f is a Chart Buster 11. Glacier's is the Crionic Kick, not Chronic 12. Juvi Guerrera's f-f is a JuviDDT 13. Dake Ken will always pull a mallet out of the audience 14. You should include info about moonsaults off the ropes. If a guy is down, go to a rope going top to bottom on your screen, move towards it and press A. Or, as a cruiserweight, run against the ropes and press A and the opposite direction just before you hit the ropes. Creations of my own: 1. Godfather #2- Edit Stevie Ray, same costume 2. The Undertaker- Edit Nash, Costume #3 in black The only bad wrestlers are Bischoff and Lodi, everyone else is the same. For a super hard challenge: Difficulty-Hard Realism- On Mode- Battle Royal People- 40 Pre-Set Character- Bischoff With- Sting, The Giant, Nash Ring out- No Pin- Yes Submit- Yes TKO- No Time- Under 1 hour, just Bischoff, no Blood I did it in 52:38 Matt85163@aol.com << And the other: >> Hi! You're doing a great job with the FAQ, but I thought I should drop you a note and let you know that the person who emailed you about the non-WCW feds was only half-right. The EWF and DOA are made up federation names, but the wrestlers in them are real Japanese and Mexican wrestlers with made up names to avoid paying royalties. I don't have a complete listing for Revenge or World Tour yet, but if you look up a FAQ for the Playstation game WCW Vs. the World, you'll see that most of the wrestlers are the same, because Revenge and World Tour are based on a modified version of the engine in WvW. If I can find a complete character listing for R/WT, I'll see if I can track down the rest of the names for you... Hope this helps! Donovan K aka Indigo Twilight 7/2/99 << Here is an e-mail I recently recieved: >> I have been looking through a lot of faq about WCW REVENGE and so far yours has been the most thorough one. But I still have failed to find one that explains that score system, especially for BATTLE ROYAL. I want to rank in the top 10 but I always get scores like 20100 or 23700. The most I ever got was 27,300. The lowest score that you need to rank in last place is at least 33800!!!! I played BATTLE ROYAL with 40 wrestlers. I set the game so that you can't eliminate people by throwing them out of the ring (ring out: no). I set Quick Match to NO. The computer was set to normal. Then I startet fighting and I beat everybody with the same guy that I had picked at the beginning. So as I see the replay of the last guy that I beat I start to get really excited because I'm expecting to have like 40,000 thousands points or something and then BOOM the score screen comes up and says that I only had 22,800!!!!!! I was pissed!!!! I couldn't believe it!! It took me 1 hour 34 minutes and 19 seconds for nothing!! So my question is...what gives the most points? PINS, SUBMISSIONS, TKOS? killing some one quick? taking your time doing tactic moves like moves off the turn buckle, throwing to ropes and than slaming? do I need to pick power characters like the GIANT and do power moves? please help me with this, I haven't been able to figure this out. Since you obviously are so skilled at this game I thought that you may have some answers. Thanks in advance!! Write back as soon as possible. ----- Here is my response to the message: Here's what to do: Set the battle royal to pin only and 8 guys. It doesn't matter who you be but I recommend Sting for his great set of moves and he gets weapons every time. All you have to do is beat your opponents for a long time. Try everything on them; all the weak grapple moves, all the strong grapple moves. Hit him with weapons, use your finisher on him, use his own finisher against him, slam him into ring posts, do moonsaults or top rope leg drops onto him..... Anything, just beat on him for a really long time. Pin him, and repeat on the nexy guy. It's hard, and it takes awhile, but it will earn you the most points. << Here's more stuff (7/29/99)..... >> You can throw your opponent through the ropes to the outside of the ring, throw them under the ropes back into the ring, or bash their head on the turnbuckle from within the ring by executing the following combination (you must have your back to the ropes, ring apron, or turnbuckle to do this): strong grapple, hold direction, then c-down + a button simultaneously. Certain cruiserweights have springboard attacks which are unique. While facing your opponent in the ring, run away from him. Keep the direction button held in and as you approach the ropes, hit the 'a' button. Your wrestler will leap onto the second rope and springboard backward, either doing a back somersault or some other awesome feat. Also: when running toward the ropes, hold in 'up-c' and your wrestler will slide under the ropes and stand up on the apron facing into the ring. Press and hold the direction button toward the ring, then press 'a' to springboard to the top rope and come back into the ring with a missile drop-kick. If your opponent happens to be laying on the mat when you execute this maneuver, you'll do something else. Psychosis, for example, leaps over the top rope with a leg drop. A couple things I haven't figured out that you may be able to help me with: - How do you execute the running/sliding kick when you're in the ring and your opponent is outside the ring? - How do you perform a running suicide dive through the ropes to the outside like I've seen the computer do with Psychosis and Juventud Guerrera? David Heiskell "Stretch" dmheisk@charm.net http://www.charm.net/~dmheisk ----- My Response to the questions: When your opponent is out of the ring, different guys have different moves to do. For example, Rick Steiner has the baseball slide, while most of the cruiserweights have the rope dives. To do them, wait until your opponent is outside of the ring, and line yourself up with him. Run the opposite way to the ropes and hold the A Button. Then when your character reaches the ropes, he'll do a baseball slide or other move depending on who it is. << ----- >> I was just reading your Revenge FAQ (well done... it's probably one of the most extensive wrestling game faq's I ever read) and I noticed you had Han Zo Mon's finisher down as the screwdriver. Now the guys in DAW and EWF are all real guys, who wrestle in Japan, and Han Zo Mon is based fairly loosely on Hayabusa. Hayabusa's finishing move is called the Falcon Arrow, but he doesn't spin around. So instead of screwdriver, you could call it the spinning falcon arrow. Also, he calls the "360 splash" the Firebird Splash, and the one he does of the top rope when he has special (try it, it's wicked) he calls the Stardust Press, which is his actual finisher. I could lend you a hand with figuring out the names of the other guys moves too if you like. Dan "Nightwolf" Hayes << This is great stuff! I have been trying to get my hands on the actual names of the finishers for the backgrounds FAQ; once all of them are decided, I'll update the backgrounds FAQ with the proper names. Thanks, Dan! Here is a recently received mail: >> I need the code to get the cage match and to get rick flair, if you have it please send me the info asap. << This was in this FAQ already: Q: Where are the Four Horsemen? A: Sorry, this game was made when Ric Flair vanished, and Arn Anderson and Mongo disappeared for awhile. It is 99.9% positive that the horsemen will be in the next game considering their real life popularity. However, Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko are in the game; they're the only horsemen in it. In addition to this, there is no cage match. There was a rumor that if you get the highest point totals in every category, you get a cage match option, but I've accomplished this and nothing happened. Also, I contacted someone from WCW.com about it: >> Q: does any one in the game brain bust or ddt from the top rope. A: No, I wish. But a bunch of guys superplex; I guess that's as close as you'll get. Q: Dear Crippler, I was wondering if you knew how to do the move with konnan. It's the one that X-Pac does and thats THe X-Factor and konnan does it too. I was wondering if you knew how to do it. If you do then E-mail me and even if you don't just let me know. A: Nope, unfortunately, it's not possible to do in this game. But if you are wondering about other character's moves check out my character backgrounds FAQ or go to GameFAQs and check out one of the many move lists. Q: Hi on wcw nwo how do you do the buffbuster? I will like to know I try and try but never get it!!!!!!! A: Be Buff Bagwell, get on special, mske sure that you WEAK grapple, whip your opponent into the corner, strong grapple, and tap the analog stick, then he does it automatically. --- Here is a mail I got: >> hi there i think that i've got an addition to your wcw/nwo revenge faq, and also a little question. i read faq version 2.2, and i noticed that one (that i know of ;-) super move on special is missing * chris benoit : strong grapple, throw opponent to ropes, tap stick while he approaches armed bar takedown into crippler crossface * juvy guerrera strong grapple, throw opponent to ropes, tap stick while he approaches running huricanrana hope this helps :-) here's my question : there is an option in the game menu, 'no dq'. how can you get disqualified in the game ? << Thanks for this stuff, and I think you can get DQ'd by having someone run in and help you or using a weapon, but I'm not sure. I'll have to look into it for you. 17. What's Different? --------------------------------- How is Revenge different from World Tour? Please see the credits as some of these were contributed. - There are new wrestlers, and they have all been adjusted to their proper stables/divisions. - More moves available to wrestlers. - New and improved camera angles. - New and better entrances now with graphics and the player's own taunt. - Fighting on the entrance ramp is available. - More weapons added. - A new costume edit mode where you can create players or just change one's appearance. - There are all new arena set-ups. - Here is a list of guys that were in World Tour that are not in Revenge: - Ric Flair - Steven Regal - Bogus Sting - Syxx - Sumo Jo - Kim Chee - Blackheart - Puchteca - Hannibal - Powder Keg - Dim Sum - Saladin - Ali Baba - Black Ninja - Shaolin - The Unknown - The Claw - Black Belt - Paco Loco - Shaman - Master Fuji - Joe Bruiser - Black Widow 18. Character Backgrounds --------------------------------- This nice little section here tells you who the game's best are, and some comments about them that tells you why they are good or bad and explains why I rated them the way I did. The object of it is to help you see what character you will be best with. WCW/NWO Revenge Nintendo 64 Character Backgrounds FAQ Version 1.3 9/15/99 Written By: The Crippler cripplerx@hotmail.com ++++++++++++++++++ table of contents ++++++++++++++++++ 1) Intro 2) Update History 3) Attributes 4) Backgrounds 5) EWF/DAW 6) Credits 7) Legal Info ++++++++++++++++++ table of contents ++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++ 1) Intro ++++++++++++++++++ Welcome to this all new WCW/NWO Revenge (for Nintendo 64) character backgrounds FAQ. The purpose of this FAQ is to give you a general understanding of how good or bad each character is in Revenge. Please note that I have now included the EWF and DAW; their backgrounds have been added in this 1.1 update. I will also have the finishers list of every character in the game which will also help improve this FAQ. Note that I have a seperate Revenge FAQ located at GameFAQs. The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at: GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com ++++++++++++++++++ 2) Update History ++++++++++++++++++ Version 1.3 (9/15/99) - Nightwolf sent me more moves! - Check out the EWF/DAW Section Version 1.2 (9/08/99) - I added info on some of the EWF/DWA guys. - It was contributed, so check the credits! Version 1.1 (8/12/99) - Finished the EWF and DAW backgrounds. - I got some help from another FAQ writer, so check out the credits. Version 1.0 (7/27/99) - FAQ Release - Everything is new. - DAW and EWF background will arrive in the next update. - Finishers will also arrive in the next update. - This took a looooong time (be grateful). - I think I like this update history format better. ++++++++++++++++++ 3) Attributes ++++++++++++++++++ - All ratings are on a scale from 1-10, 1 being the worst, 10 being the best. - The total points are out of 30. =========================================================================== Name Strength Speed Move Set Total Points =========================================================================== Hollywood Hogan 8 2 8 18 The Giant 10 2 9 21 Brian Adams 7 4 7 18 Scott Hall 9 8 10 27 Scott Norton 8 4 9 21 Buff Bagwell 9 9 7 25 Eric Bischoff 1 10 1 12 Scott Steiner 10 5 8 23 Curt Hennig 6 5 7 18 Kevin Nash 10 6 8 24 Sting 9 10 10 29 Lex Luger 9 7 7 23 Randy Savage 8 6 9 23 Konnan 4 9 7 20 Raven 7 9 9 25 Lodi 1 8 2 11 Riggs 4 4 6 14 Sick Boy 4 4 6 14 Reese 10 2 4 16 Kidman 5 10 7 22 Roddy Piper 6 9 9 24 Dallas Page 8 9 10 27 Bill Goldberg 10 7 9 26 Bret Hart 8 10 10 28 Chris Benoit 5 10 10 25 Rick Steiner 8 5 7 20 Fit Finley 7 5 7 19 Booker T. 8 10 7 25 Saturn 8 9 7 24 Disco Inferno 3 9 6 18 Jim Neidhart 8 2 7 17 British Bulldog 7 8 4 19 Glacier 4 9 6 19 Meng 9 7 7 23 Van Hammer 6 6 4 16 Kanyon 8 9 10 27 Yugi Nagata 4 9 4 17 Larry Zbysko 3 2 7 12 The Barbarian 8 6 7 21 La Parka 2 9 2 13 Stevie Ray 8 5 6 19 Chris Jericho 7 10 9 26 Eddy Guerrero 5 9 5 19 Psychosis 7 10 10 27 Rey Mysterio Jr. 5 10 9 24 Dean Malenko 7 10 7 24 Juventud Guerrera 5 10 10 25 The Ultimo Dragon 5 10 10 25 Chavo Guerrero Jr. 3 10 7 20 Alex Wright 4 8 7 19 AKI Man / THQ Man 5 10 9 24 Shogun 6 4 9 19 The Executioner 7 4 8 19 Dr. Frank 9 4 8 21 Jekel 10 2 10 22 Maya Inka Boy 8 4 7 19 Hawk Hana 10 1 8 19 Kim Chee 9 3 4 16 Dake Ken 7 9 7 23 Brickowski 5 10 4 19 Ming Chee 5 5 7 17 Han Zo Mon 6 10 7 23 ========================================================================= NOTES - Of course, there is no actual way of determining speed. I based it on how fast the person is to getting to the ropes and doing the quickest moves. For example, compare The Giant and Rey Musterio Jr. doing a top rope moonsault as quick as possible. Who would do it faster? - The top 5 ranked are: 5. Scott Hall* 4. Dallas Page / Kanyon* 3. Psychosis* 2. Bret Hart 1. Sting * - Are tied with 27 total points. - The 5 lowest ranked are: 5. Kim Chee 4. La Parka 3. Larry Zbysko 2. Eric Bischoff 1. Lodi - Yes, these ratings are my opinions, but they *are* accurate. ++++++++++++++++++ 4) Backgrounds ++++++++++++++++++ This took forever, playing as all these characters and jotting down these thoughts. Be grateful!!! =========================================================================== Character Backgrounds =========================================================================== Hollywood Hulk Hogan nWo Hollywood Member Finishers: -Front: Ric Flair Routine -Back: Roll Up Pin I gave Hogan an 8 in strength because even though he is old, he has a few slams in the game such as the gorilla press and scoop slam. He's no speed demon but his moves are decent. His finishers are certainly a rip, which lowers his set from a 10 to an 8. The Giant nWo Hollywood Member Finishers: -Front: Choke Slam -Back: Trash Compactor Obviously, The Giant thrives on power. He has a set of superb strength moves including his finishers, and a nice jack knife powerbomb. He has a mean piledriver as well, but his size slows him down. Be him if you are not looking for anything fancy. Brian Adams nWo Hollywood Member Finishers: -Front: Rock Bottom -Back: Backwards Vertical Suplex Brian Adams is somewhat strong, but he has a huge disadvantage in the game because he thrives on power and doesn't have any super human strength. This causes his moves to often be reversed. His speed is poor but he has two nice finishers and a couple of other good moves. Scott Hall nWo Hollywood Member Finishers: -Front: The Outsiders Edge -Back: German Suplex Scott Hall has a great amount of power in the game (just check out his front finisher) and also a decent speed burst. He is acceptionally good in the game due to his strength yet ability to pull off top rope maneuvers. Also, some of his other moves are great. Scott Norton nWo Hollywood Member Finishers: -Front: Shoulder Breaker -Back: Trash Compactor Norton is another guy who basically thrives on power which will determine how well he does. He has horrible speed, but his strength makes up for that. Also, his move set is incredible; you can powerbomb your opponents without being on special. Buff Bagwell nWo Hollywood Member Finishers: -Front: Tornado DDT -Back: German Suplex Pinning Combo -Ropes: Buff Blockbuster What makes Buff good in the game is the fact that he has something that not many other characters have: strength and speed. He has the basic slam moves, yet he's not super fat and bent out of shape. His move set is decent; nothing unheard of, but that Buff Blockbuster is pretty sweet. Eric Bischoff nWo Hollywood Member Finishers: - None Please, don't waste your time being this guy. He has no wrestling moves; just a bunch of karate kicks and punches. He runs quick and is skinny, but not having strength is a critical disadvantage in grapples, and he has the worst stamina in the game. Scott Steiner nWo Hollywood Member Finishers: -Front: Steiner Screwdriver -Back: Arm Bar Back Suplex Steiner is a huge guy that relies truly on power. His speed is decent for a bigger guy, and his moves set is also very good (check out his awesome front finisher). The only thing that holds him down a bit is that the cruiserweights can out-run him. Curt Henning nWo Hollywood Member Finishers: -Front: Hennig Plex -Back: Bulldog Avoid Curt Hennig at all costs! He doesn't have a lot of strength except for his front finisher, he's no speed demon to say the least, and his move set isn't good (his back finisher is a bulldog; why be on special to do that when you could do it regularly with anyone else)? Kevin Nash nWo Wolfpac Member Finishers: -Front: Jack Knife Powerbomb -Back: Sidewalk Slam Nash is the power person in the game. Definetely be him for some awesome slams and power moves. He's near 7 feet tall, so his speed is not all that great, but his move set is unique do to having lots of power moves and nothing else. Sting nWo Wolfpac Member Finishers: -Front: Scorpion Death Lock -Back: Scorpion Death Drop Sting is definetely the best character to be in the entire game. He is skinny and has a tremendous amount of speed, and is also strong at the same time. Also, he has the best move set you'll see in the entire game, ranging from his special Scorpion Death Drop to his awesome Stinger Splash. Lex Luger nWo Wolfpac Member Finishers: -Front: Powerbomb Pinning Combo -Back: Torture Rack Luger is another good player in the game, though I'll admit he's nothing to really brag about. His strength is good, but his speed is bad. His move set is pretty decent; the torture rack is original to his character, but the rest are moves that all the other characters have. Randy Savage nWo Wolfpac Member Finishers: -Front: Free Shots -Back: Roll Up -Ropes: Big Elbow The Macho Man is a pretty strong guy and he's good because he doesn't completely rely on powerful moves. He doesn't, however, have good speed which can cost you dearly when you're trying to finish your opponent off with the big elbow. Nice jumping piledriver! Konnan nWo Wolfpac Member Finishers: -Front: 187 -Back: German Suplex Konnan certainly doesn't have a lot of strength, but he has a pretty decent speed burst especially on that summersault clothesline. He also has a pretty decent move set, and though not superb, his 187 and tequila sunrise finishers are unique to his character Raven Flock Member Finishers: -Front: Evenflow DDT -Back: German Suplex Raven is very good in the game for a few reasons. First off, he's no power demon, but he has a good amount of strength. The only thing that changes his speed from a 10 to a 9 is that he has no top rope moves. His move set is also incredible; check out that awesome Evenflow DDT! Lodi Flock Member Finishers: -Front: Arm Hook Powerbomb Pin -Back: Sleeper Hold In my opinion, Lodi is the worst character in the game. He's a skinny, puny guy, and is so weak that his moves are often reversed. He has decent speed but doesn't apply his rope maneuvers very well, and his move set is boring and unoriginal. Riggs Flock Member Finishers: -Front: Arm Hook Powerbomb Pin -Back: German Suplex Yet another one of the game's jobbers........ Barely any strength, poor speed, and an incredibly unoriginal move set. I don't recall seeing any of Riggs' moves being unique to him, and his rope skills are extremely pathetic. Sick Boy Flock Member Finishers: -Front: Double Arm Suplex -Back: Strong Backdrop In real life, the Flock is stacked with jobbers........ It's stacked with jobbers in the game, too. I rated his attributes the same as Riggs', as he is like the same guy in the game only with a different name and a different gimmick (see above). Reese Flock Member Finishers: -Front: Throat Choke / Slam Combo -Back: Trash Compactor Once again, a power machine due to his incredible size (second largest in the game behind The Giant), he has a great amount of power and lacks tremendously in speed. His move set is pathetic considering what he could be like, and though his front finisher is unique, it's boring. Billy Kidman Flock Member Finishers: -Front: Face Down Powerbomb -Back: Bulldog -Ropes: Shooting Star Press / Seven Year Itch Finally, it's a good flock member! His strength is good among crusierweights, but is poor against other characters in the game. His speed is tremendous, and his move set is decent. Be sure to check out the shooting star press and his front finisher. Roddy Piper WCW 1 Division Member Finishers: -Front: Free Shots -Back: Sleeper Hold Piper lacks in strength due to his age, but still has a tremendous speed burst. His moves are great; he has two mean piledrivers which you can switch doing, as well as his front finisher which is much like him in real life. Diamond Dallas Page WCW 1 Division Member Finishers: -Front: Diamond Cutter -Back: Back Breaker -Ropes: Flying Diamond Cutter -Turnbuckle: Diamond Death Cutter No matter what way you want to look at it, Page excels in this game. His strength is normal for a heavyweight which allows him to compete with guys like Nash and The Giant. His speed is still very good, and he can do top rope maneuvers. His move set is one of the best in the game, with a nice reversed piledriver which sets up the Diamond Cutter or its 2 other variations. Bill Goldberg WCW 1 Division Member Finishers: -Front: Jackhammer -Back: Arm Bar Back Suplex -Ropes: Quick Chokeslam Goldberg has terrific strength in the game especially considering that he's not a near 7 footer. His speed and agility is great for his size, and he can really nail that spear in a split second. The thing that ruins his agility a little bit is that his tope rope moves look sloppy. His move set is also great, with the spear, the jackhammer, and the quick chokeslam all being unique to the game. Another good thing about him is that it's easy to get him on special with the spear and his quick taunt. Bret Hart WCW Division 1 Member Finishers: -Front: Sharpshooter -Back: Russian Leg Sweep Bret Hart is another one of the wrestlers that is questionably the best in the game. He has both strength and speed; something that many of the wrestlers both wished they had. Also, his move set is simply incredible. He has a technical wrestling style, which means to work a certain part of the body over (particularly the legs) and then finish them off with the sweet sharpshooter. Chris Benoit WCW Division 1 Member Finishers: -Front: Powerbomb Pinning Combo -Back: 5 Rolling German Suplexes -Ropes: Crippler Crossface Chris Benoit lacks greatly in strength, but what can you expect from a guy that's 5'10" and is not in a cruiserweight division? His speed is definetely the best in the game, and he is another candidate for best move set you'll ever see. His crippler crossface is original to him and is the sweetest submission move in the game (you don't even have to be on special to do it, although that's what I would recommend). Also, his rolling German suplexes are too good to be true, and his swan dive headbutt and superplex work as an award-winning combo. Rick Steiner WCW Division 1 Member Finishers: -Front: Shoulder Breaker -Back: German Suplex The dog face gremlin kind of got screwed over in this game. He has a lot of strength and does a lot of power moves but they mean nothing versus bigger guys like Nash and The Giant. His speed is bad considering his size, and his move set is a dissapointment (there's no top rope bulldog)! Fit Finlay WCW Division 1 Member Finishers: -Front: Tombstone Piledriver -Back: Chicken Wing Submission Hold Why this guy was put in WCW 1 will remain a mystery to me for a long time. He has a bunch of power moves, but isn't that great and often gets reversed. His speed isn't good, but his tombstone piledriver is sweet which improves his move set greatly. Booker T WCW Division 1 Member Finishers: -Top Rope: Harlem Hangover -Front: Arm Twist Face Kick -Back: Spinning Sidewalk Slam Booker T is strong though he's a skinny tall guy. He has a tremendous amount of speed and agility for his height, and he is one of the quickest guys in the game which helps him go through with that harlem hangover. His moveset is decent, and though his front finisher isn't that original, it's sweet as hell. Saturn WCW Division 2 Member Finishers: -Front: Death Valley Driver -Back: German Suplex Saturn is another guy that has a good amount of strength considering his height. His speed is pretty good, as is his move set. The Death Valley Driver is original to him in the game and is one of the coolest move you will see. Disco Inferno WCW Division 2 Member Finishers: -Front: Arm Twist Jaw Breaker -Back: Jumping Rollup Please avoid being this character! He has a horrible amount of strength being the puny wimp that he is. His speed is obviously good since he is small and skinny, but his moves stink. Barely anything original or cool is included in his entire move set. Jim Neidhart WCW Division 2 Member Finishers: -Front: Choke Hold -Back: Atomic Drop The second jobber in a row..... A big guy with a lot of power, and absolutely no speed. His move set is ok, but is super unoriginal (look at his back finisher) and his moves are a dissapointment for such a large guy. The British Bulldog WCW Division 2 Member Finishers: -Front: Running Powerslam -Back: Atomic Drop The British Bulldog has a decent amount of power and a good amount of speed, which is something most other character can only wish they had. However, pretty much his only good move is his front finisher, although that finisher is pretty sweet. Glacier WCW Division 2 Member Finishers: -Front: Chronic Kick -Back: Spin Kick Glacier doesn't include much power in his attributes, although he is more of a karate guy. His speed is pretty good and he gets to the ropes rather quick, but his moves are pathetic until you run into his two finishers, which I must admit are pretty cool. Meng WCW Division 2 Member Finishers: -Front: Toggan Death Grip -Back: Pump Handle Slam Definetely one of the premiere powerful guys in the federation, he is good for competing with guys like Nash and The Giant. He has both a decent amount of power and speed to get by the large guys, and his moves are rather good (definetely check out that front finisher). Van Hammer WCW Division 2 Member Finishers: -Front: Shoulder Breaker -Back: Backwards Vertical Suplex This guy is living proof that there are jobbers in this game. He is really tall and you would expect a good amount of power out of him, but he's actually pretty weak. He's not quick and his moves are not just boring but also unoriginal. Kanyon WCW Division 2 Member Finishers: -Front: Flatliner -Back: Shoulder Face Slam Kanyon, in this game (and in real life for that matter) is absolutely incredible. His strength is good, as is his speed, which is a killer combination. The thing that stands out about him are his creative sets of moves. You won't see them anywhere else on any other character, and he has quite a few. Be sure to check out both of his finishers. Yugi Nagata WCW Division 3 Member Finishers: -Front: T-Bone Suplex -Back: N/A This jobber was not put in the 3rd division for no reason. he has no power what so ever, though his speed is good considering his small size. His moves are a disgrace to the game. His front finisher is original to him but just isn't that cool. It doesn't really qualify as a finisher. Larry Zbysko WCW Division 3 Member Finishers: -N/A Just look at this guy and you will understand why 1) He's in division 3, 2) I didn't bother learning his finishers, and 3) I'm not even going to tell you why he is horrible. He shouldn't even be a character in the game; go back to announcing! The Barbarian WCW Division 3 Member Finishers: -Front: Toggan Death Grip -Back: Pump Handle Slam Don't be surprised when you see this guy's attributes as a division 3 member..... He's a secret character in the game (win the tag titles). He has good strength but bad speed, although his move set is very good. Being Meng's partner, he is a lot like Meng, and even has the same finishers. La Parka WCW Division 3 Member Finishers: -Front: Arm Bar Powerbomb With Pin -Back: German Suplex You may be wondering, "Why isn't this guy in the cruiserweight division?" well, the answer is quite simple: Because he sucks so much that he belongs in the 3rd division. The only possible thing I could think of that's good about him is that when he comes out, he is armed with a chair. Stevie Ray WCW Division 3 Member Finishers: -Front: Slap Jack -Back: Roll Up This is a guy that belongs in WCW 2 (he's not that bad) but he was a late edition to the game. Good strength, bad speed, and decent moves... The usual for a guy his size. Also, just a note, he joined the nWo in August (Revenge hit stores in November) and one of his outfits is an nWo one although he's in WCW.... This is proof that he's a last minute edition. Chris Jericho WCW Division 4 Member Finishers: -Front: Lion Tamer -Back: Backward Vertical Suplex In this game, Jericho is the man! He has a good amount of strength for a cruiserweight, and has super speed, which are two great combos. His moves are also super cool. He has a few moves that make him a technical wrestler, like his two finishers and his DDT. Eddy Guerrero WCW Division 4 Member Finishers: -Front: Outsider's Edge With Pin -Back: German Suplex With Pin -Top Rope: Frog Splash I like to refer to Uncle Eddy as "The Cruiserweight Jobber" in Revenge. he doesn't have a lot of power, but has good speed, so you would think he'd make a good cruiserweight..... But he has a sorry move set that you will fall asleep watching. Psychosis WCW Division 4 Member Finishers: -Front: Face Down Powerbomb -Back: Backward Vertical Suplex -Ropes: Fancy Frankensteiner In my honest opinion, Psychosis is the best cruiserweight in the entire game. He has a good amount of strength; not enough to pick up Nash, but certainly enough to slam cruiserweights. He has super speed, and is great at pulling off frankensteiners, moonsaults, springboards, and other rope maneuvers. And, his moves are so cool. He has some neat suplexes, some good springboards, awesome moonsaults and rope moves, and some DDTs and good finishers. What more could you ask for? Rey Mysterio Jr. WCW Division 4 Member Finishers: -Front: Tornado DDT -Back: Hurracanrana With Pin -Ropes: Fancy Frankensteiner Rey is another one of the great cruiserweights. He has poor strength, but probably is the fastest guy in the game. Like Psychosis (see above), he has great moves and can pull of the rope moves and springboards without a flaw. Dean Malenko WCW Division 4 Member Finishers: -Front: Texas Cloverleaf -Back: Roll Up Pin Dean Malenko is a threat to the other cruiserweights because for a small guy, he has decent power. He's another one of the technical wrestlers who has great speed and a nice move set. His texas cloverleaf us cool because it's original and is one of the cooler submission moves in the game. Juventud Geurrera WCW Division 4 Member Finishers: -Top Rope: 450 Degree Splash -Front: DDT Variation -Back: Hurracanrana With Pin Juvi is the smallest guy in the game, and he has decent power, believe it or not (he can pull off his own Juvi Driver). His speed is amazing, and his move set is one of the best in the game. On special, he actually performs a 450 degree splash off the top rope onto his opponent! Amazing. The Ultimo Dragon WCW Division 4 Member Ultimo Dragon: -Front: Running Powerbomb -Back: Hurracanrana With Pin The Ultimo Dragon has improved in this game since previously being in World Tour. No strength; good speed, just the first two normal attributes for cruiserweights. His regular moves arene't that good, but his front finisher is so awesome! Chavo Guerrero Jr. WCW Division 4 Member Finisher: -Front: Tornado DDT -Back: Roll Up Pin Just like I've said in the past 4 or 5 reviews, Chavo is a crusierweight with poor strength, yet good speed. His moves are ok, but certainly don't even compare to other cruiserweights. Also, his front finisher is a regular (not off the ropes) tornado DDT, where you can do that not on special with a few other character off the ropes. Alex Wright WCW Division 4 Member Finishers: -Front: Powerbomb With Pin -Back: German Suplex With Pin Alex Wright is a different kind of cruiserweight. He is tall and skinny, unlike the other small guys. His strength is bad, and his speed is decent, which makes him kind of weird (his size is different than the other cruiserweights, yet his attributes are the smae). His moves are ok, mostly the front and back finishers, however. AKI Man / THQ Man EWF Member Finishers: -Front: Leg Chop Takedowns -Back: Arm Bar Suplex With Pin AKI Man and THQ Man are the same person.... Find them in the EWF division and press one of the C buttons to change the name (same guys with different names and outfits). The character alone is very good, with barely any strength, yet good speed. His move set is one of the most original in the game, featuring moves unique to his character. Shogun EWF Member Finishers: -Front: Outsider's Edge With Pin -Back: Arm Bar Suplex Shogun has the appearance of a "Class A," jobber, but he come off really not that bad. His front finisher is original and is so awesome; it's Scott Hall's Outsider's Edge only with more force and a pinning combo. He uses some power moves, though, that negatively effect him because he's not that big of a guy. The Executioner EWF Member Finishers: -Front: Hanging Drop Suplex -Back: Pump Handle Slam With Pin Again like Shogun, this guy comes off as a complete loser jobber, but turns out to be not that bad. His front finisher is creative and original to him in the game, while his back finisher shows his good varied use of power. But whatever you do, don't put him up against Nash or The Giant, for he will be crushed if attempting these kinds of moves. Dr. Frank EWF Member Finishers: -Front: Hurricane Toss -Back: Torture Rack Dr. Frank has a great combo of power and submission moves. He's got some suplexes, slams, piledriver, and a nice powerbomb w/pin. On the flipside he has good submissions like the ab stretch, and Boston Crab. His Hurricane Toss gets your opponet's Spirit Meter down nicely and at the end Frank himself even gets dizzy which is pretty funny. He's one of the rare big guys who has moves off the top rope. "You can't pin da Frank!" Jekel EWF Member Finishers: -Front: Spinning Doctor Bomb -Back: Arm Bar Suplex With Pin In my honest opinion, The Jekel is one of the premiere power men in this entire game. He has a slight disadvantage in the height deaprtment, but his moves are awesome! His front finisher is a great display of his power, and it's original at the same time. And if you don't feel like waiting to get on special to do it, you can still pull it off minus the spin. Maya Inca Boy EWF Member Finishers: -Front: Strong Powerbomb -Back: Strong German Suplex The MIB is sort of overrated in this game. He looks all big and tough because of his muscles and tattood body. He has a ppor amount of speed to say the very least possible, but he has a decent amount of strength and has a very original move set. Both of his finishers display his combo of strength and creativity. Hawk Hana DAW Member Finishers: -Front: Karate Roll -Back: Bone Crunch Hawk Hana is obviously a power wrestler with a tremendous lack of speed; his size shows it from the beginning. His move set saves him from going from a horrible wrestler to pretty decent; for his moves are extremely powerful and original. Kim Chee DAW Member Finishers: -Front: Juvi Driver -Back: Take Down Sleeper Believe it or not, Kim Chee's move set is absolutely incredible for his size. Obviously, his speed is pathetic, but goodness, he weighs 300+ pounds and pulls off a Juvi Driver as his front finisher! Use him for a rare combo - power yet cruiserweight moves. Dake Ken DAW Member Finishers: -Front: Reverse Flatliner -Back: Bone Cruncher There's not a whole lot to say about this guy -- he doesn't have a whole lot of power, but his speed is great, and the fans give him a sledge hammer as a weapon. His front finisher is unique to him in the game but doesn't look powerful enough to be considered a cool move. Brickowski DAW Member Finishers: -Front: Powerbomb Hold With Pin -Back: Head Lock Variation Again, due to his size, his power is limited but his speed is really good and he is quick when getting to those ropes. His back finisher sucks and really looks kind of stupid, but his front finisher is cool and goes as his really powerful move. Ming Chee DAW Member Finishers: -Front: Hanging Vertical Suplex -Back: German Suplex Another super powerful monster-like wrestler that completely lacks in the department of speed. What can I say about his moves? His back finisher is unoriginal and sucks, but his front finisher is unique to him and it rules.. He'll get crushed by the big guys, mark my word. Han Zo Mon DAW Member Finishers: -Front: Screwdriver -Back: German Suplex With Pin This guy is really impressive. He could go for the cruiserweight division but he has some extra strength hanging around. His speed is great and allows his move set to kick ass; he can pull off a 360 flip onto your opponent from the top rope in the beginning of the match! Also, his front finisher is cool and he has other spring board and rope moves. ++++++++++++++++++ 5) EWF/DAW ++++++++++++++++++ ----------------------------------------- This stuff was contributed (see credits)! ----------------------------------------- AKI Man Real Name: Mitsuharu Misawa Finisher: Tiger Driver How to do finisher: not in Revenge Signature: Double dragon legwhip How to do Signature: Front Special Shogun Real Name: Toshiaki Kawada Finisher: Praying Crucifix Bomb How to do finisher: Front Special Signature: Stretch Plum How to do Signature: Hold A, A from behind Executioner Real Name: Kenta Kobashi Finisher: Reverse Death Valley Bomb How to do finisher: Front Special Signature: Lariat How to do Signature: While running press B Dr Frank Real Name: Jumbo Tsuratu Finisher: Jumping Knee How to do Finisher: While running press B Signature: Giant Swing How to do Signature: Front Special Jekel Real Name: Dr Death Steve Williams Finisher: Spinning Dr Bomb How to do Finisher: Front Special Signature: Dr Bomb How to do Signature: Strong Grapple Down B Maya Inca Boy Real Name: Akira Taoe Finisher: Nodowabomb How to do Finisher: Front Special Signature: Dynamic bomb How to do signature: Strong Grapple Down B Hawk Hana Real Name: Genichiro Tenryu Finsher: Powerbomb How to do Finisher: Strong Grapple Down A Signature: Acapulco How to do Signature: Front Special Kim Chee Real Name: Koji Kitao Dake Ken Real Name: Atsushi Onita Finisher: Thunder Fire Powerbomb How to do Finisher: Strong Grapple Down B Signature: Front Leg Sweep How to do Signature: Front Special Brickowski Real Name: Mil Mascaras Finisher: Flying Cross Body Press How to do finisher: not in Revenge Signature: Hanging powerbomb How to do Signature: Front Special Ming Chee Real Name: Tarzan Goto Finisher: Facebuster How to do Finisher: Front Special Signature: Jungle bomb How to do Signature: Back Special Han Zo Mon Real Name: Hayabusa Finisher: Stardust Press / Firebird Splash How to do Finisher: Top rope Special when opponent down / Top rope when opponent down Signature: Corkscrew Falcon Arrow How to do Signature: Front Special Kim Chee Real Name: Koji Kitao Finisher: K-Driller How to do finisher: Front Special Signature: can't find it anywhere How to do Signature: dunno Kim Chee Real Name: Koji Kitao Finisher: K-Driller How to do finisher: Front Special Signature: can't find it anywhere How to do Signature: dunno ++++++++++++++++++ 6) Credits ++++++++++++++++++ Eric McClung http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/n64/game/22529.html For supplying me with the Dr. Frank background. Be sure to check out his Dr. Frank character FAQ at the URL located above. The EWF/DAW Section was sent in by Nightwolf. I was told to credit Nightwolf, Icemaster, and DragonL for them, if I was to use them. Thanks to those three guys... - THQ and AKI - World Championship Wrestling - Nintendo - GameFAQs http://www.thq.com http://www.aki.com http://www.wcw.com http://www.nintendo.com http://www.gamefaqs.com ++++++++++++++++++ 7) Legal Info ++++++++++++++++++ Copyright Information This FAQ is protected by international copyright law. This FAQ is for private use only. It may not be reproduced or copied in anyway. You may not use it on your website without my written permission. It may not be sold or used in anyway to make a profit. I am not affiliated nor Associated with Nintendo of America. WCW/NWO Revenge is Copyright (C) THQ and Nintendo of America. All other trademarks that are not mentioned are respected. The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at: Cheat Code Central http://www.cheatcc.com/ 19. Credits --------------------------------- THQ and AKI for making this great game. Nintendo.......... It's their game! Eric McClung for sending me his Dr. Frank background. Check out his Dr. Frank FAQ at GameFAQs. Dan "Nightwolf" Hayes, Icemaster, and DragonL GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) Matt and Donovan for the e-mails (see above) Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com) The IceMaster for some Changes (above). Check out his Revenge FAQ at GameFAQs. 20. Copyright Info --------------------------------- Copyright Information This FAQ is protected by international copyright law. This FAQ is for private use only. It may not be reproduced or copied in anyway. You may not use it on your website without my written permission. It may not be sold or used in anyway to make a profit. I am not affiliated nor Associated with Nintendo of America. WCW/NWO Revenge is Copyright (C) THQ and Nintendo of America. All other trademarks that are not mentioned are respected. The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at: Cheat Code Central http://www.cheatcc.com/