FAQ - Guide for Crash Bash

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                                     Created by: alberto331
                                     E-mail: alberto_munoz_331@yahoo.com
                                     Version 2
                                     Last update: 12/28/2000

  *The game
  *Adventure walkthrough
  *Legal stuff


          Hi everyone!!! This is my very first FAQ (still working on 
South Park Rally PSX) so please enjoy it and I hope that this will help. 
First of all, I'm Mexican, I made this FAQ in English because I can earn 
extra point in English with this (yay!) so if you find some or a lot of 
words spelled wrong I ask you to be patient. If you see a mistake FROM 
THE GAME NOT GRAMMAR I will be glad if you let me know. 

The game
          I am a big fan of Crash's non-adventure games, specially this 
one, this game is like Mario Party N64 or that new party game of Sonic 
for Dreamcast, in these games the most important thing is those fun 
creative mini-games, the fact is that these are very simple and easy to 
play and that all of them are multi player games.

          The history is very simple, Aku Aku and Uka Uka are talking 
about all the fights that they had for the crystals and they agree that 
there's one way to solve this… a contest where there's only one winner 
and this will decide once for all who gets the crystals.

          There is also a secret code to unlock a Spyro: Year of the 
Dragon demo. At the SCE screen, hold the R1+L1+[] buttons and press 
start. WARNING: This may cause your game to crash, get it?, crash (lol)

          When you press X in the Crash Bash screen you will see 4 
    -Adventure: you'll have to beat this mode to unlock all the secret 
mini-games *1 or 2 players*.
    -Battle: you can practice mini-games or play with someone else *1 to 
4 players*.
    -Tournament: you can play a tournament of a mini-game with 4 
different arenas, the one who has the most number of trophies is the 
winner *1 to 4 players*.
    -Options: you can change the options of the game, such as the 
vibration of the controller or the sound.


  G O O D  G U Y S

  @Crash and Coco Bandicoot: our heroes. In crate crush they will be able 
to move while kicking crates but they will walk really slow while picking 
up a crate. Since they are small, they will be an easy target in polar 
push. In tank wars they will fire an orange thing that will move really 
slow, but it will bounce a lot before disappearing.

  B A D  G U Y S
  @Cortex and Brio: in crate crush they will be able of walking fast 
while picking up a crate. In polar push they will be an easy target too 
and they will use all their power bar when they charge to other players. 
In tank wars they will fire a green thing that will go faster than the 

  @Tiny and Koala Kong (Kong): in crate crush they wont be able to move 
while kicking a crate but they will throw it stronger that the others. 
This guys will be really strong in polar push. In tank wars they will 
fire a spiked ball.

  @Dingodile and Rilla Row: in crate crush they wont be able to move 
while kicking but they will spin. In polar push they will be strong too, 
In tank wars they will fire a yellow thing and they will be able of fire 
two of them!!!.


C R A T E        C R U S H

   In all the 4 levels of crate crush you must destroy your opponents or 
having the most health when time runs out. You have to throw crates to 
your opponents (specially TNT crates) until you eliminate them, easy, 

    +    move your character.
    0     pick up the crates, press it again and you'll throw them.
    []    kick crates or kick your opponents.
    X     jump

  GRAY CRATES    throw or kick to other players.
  TNT CRATES     counts down when touched, more powerful than gray  
  NITRO CRATES   touch them and you will lose a lot of energy.
  WUMPA FRUIT    increase health a little.

   In this level the explosive crates will destroy the floor, be careful. 
Now you'll have more items.

  SPEEDY BOOTS   collect to move faster.
  BIG Z          avoid this or you'll move in slow motion.
  AKU AKU MASK   gives immunity against a hit.
  WEIGHT         pass on to another player.

   In the center of the stage there will be a penguin, if you hit it, it 
will start spinning all around the stage, watch out. Same items like the 
ones in space bash.

   No items like the ones in space bash. A new type of crate with weapons 
inside, no more nitro crates.

  []      press to fire weapon

  ??? CRATES     break open to release special weapons.

  HOMONG ENERGY ORB  -3 shots-
  EIGHT WAY MISSILE  -2 shots-
  SONIC RING         -1 shot-

P O L A R        P U S H

   In the 4 levels of polar push the objective is to charge into other 
players to knock them off the ice. You can collect power ups by entering 
the beam and you win if you are the last player standing. In this arena 
you'll have an ice cubes protection, once you hit an ice cube, it will 
  +       move your character.
  []      charge into other players.
  [|||||   ]      cannot charge if meter is empty.
  When falling push to the arena and press [] repeatedly.

  WEIGHT       pass to other players
  LIGHTNING    collect from other players

   From here on, no more ice protection. Be careful, the platform will 
move a lot and sometimes a walrus will jump into the platform so you can 
easily fall.

   In this level, instead of a normal beam you'll see Uka Uka, he will 
melt the platform, he can turn you into ice or a snowball, he can still 
make you big or small, he can give you weights but no more lightning.

   There are bombs in this level that you can grab, fire those to other 
players and they will lose their bear, if a bomb hits someone that 
doesn't have a bear, he will disappear, by the way, you can't return to 
the platform without a bear.

0	throw bombs.

BOMB  collect them from the ice.

P O G O      P A N D E M O N I U M

   Move around the stage to turn squares into your color. Break the 
special crates to turn squares into points. Win by having the highest 
score when time runs out.

  +     move to the next square to color it.
  []    fire missile.

  MISSILE   stun other players.
  ARROWS    color hole rows of squares.
  SPEEDY BOOTS   collect them to move faster.

     !!!!                     REMEMBER                           !!!
Break the special crates to turn your squares into points.

   There are no special crates anymore, to score you must encircle areas 
with your color. For example:

     [] [] []                [] [] [] [] [] 
     []    []                []          [] [] [] 
     []    []                []                []
     [] [] []                [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 
   The squares in the center also count as points, and the edges of the 
stage counts as squares of that color. There are arrows and speedy boots 
as well.

  FOUR WAY MISSILE   stun other players.
  ELECTRO STUN BEAM  stun other players.
   Break special crates again, however, if you encircle an area the 
center will turn into your color. Avoid the TNT squares that Ripper Roo 
leaves, and almost at the end he will start shooting missiles, be 
careful. Sometimes, instead of TNT squares, Ripper Roo will leave four 
way arrows, so Grab them if you can. There are one way missiles and 
speedy boots.

   Special crates again, don't land on a square of your color or you will 
lose all of your squares. There are speedy boots again.

  PADLOCK     lock your squares.
  ONE WAY MISSILE   stun your opponents and steal their squares.    


   Use your ship to deflect the balls away from your goal. Win by being 
the last player standing.

  +     move to deflect the balls with your ship.
  L1  R1     press and hold to increase your ship's speed.
  []    press to give the balls an extra kick.

   Same as before, only that you will have another controller function.

  X     press and hold to attract balls to your ship.
  X     release to fire ball at your opponents.

   No more X function, beware of N. Gin's attacks.

  FORCE FIELD     collect them from your corner post. Use it to repel
                  balls away from your goal.

   Same as the first one. Beware of the failing engines.

T A N K      W A R S

   Destroy all of your opponents tanks. Win by eliminating the opponents 
or having the most health when time runs out.

  +     move your tank.
  []    fire main weapon.
0	press to drop mines.

MINES     collect extra mines.
WUMPA FRUIT     collect to increase your health.

   Some times the path will close.

  []    press to fire bomb.
  BOMB     use them to attack from distance.

   There in not going to be any protection except for the totem pole in 
the middle of the level. No more bombs.

  []    press to fire missile.
  MISSILE   collect to cause more damage.

   No more extra mines, bombs and missiles. Different controls.

  +     rotate your tank to face the desired direction.
  R1    accelerate.
  X     activate shield.
0	   drop mines.

C R A S H      D A S H

   Finish as many of the set number of laps as possible. Win by being the 
first over the finish line or the players who is in the lead when time 
runs out.

  +     rotate your ship to face the desired direction.
  R1    press to accelerate.
  []    press for speed boost.
  0     press to fire missile.

  WUMPA FRUIT     collect to gain extra fuel for speed boost.
  MISSILE     collect and fire to other players.

   There are no more missiles. Watch out for the barrels and the sludge 

0	press to generate force field.

FORCE FIELD     collect to push other players.

   Same as dot dash, watch out for the volcano eruption.

   You will use sea creatures instead of ships, no missiles or force 
fields. Watch out for the pushing rods.

  X     press to jump.

M E D I E V A L      M A Y H E M

   Burst your own balloons to score. Jump to burst balloons. Win by being 
the player with the highest score when time runs out.

  +     move your character.
  []    press to attack other players.
  X     press to jump.

  ??? CRATES     collect power ups from inside.
  HOVER BOOTS    these allow you to move freely in any direction.
  VACUUM CLEANER attract balloons towards you.

  BLACK BALLOON     burst to affect the action:
% bursts other players balloons.
% changes the ring direction.
% changes all balloon to your color.

   Score by hitting a target with a jewel. Win by being the player with 
the most score when time runs out.

  +     move your character.
  []    press for slide attack.
  []    press to shoot jewel.
  []    press and hold to shoot further.

   Collect jewels to shoot at the target.

   Destroy the mushrooms with your mallet to score points. The highest 
score wins.

  +     move your character.
  []    hit mushrooms
  []    hold down to generate a shock wave.

  ??? CRATES     collect power ups from inside.
  SPEEDY BOOTS   move faster.
  SONIC RING     collect extra power for shock wave.

   Score more points when mushrooms are shaking.

Normal mushrooms  2, 3, 5 points.
Gold mushrooms    10, 15, 20 points.

   Lay gun powder trails to ignite the powder kegs and score points. Win 
by being the player with the highest score when time runs out.

  []    press and hold to release gun powder.
0	press to generate shockwave.
X     press to jump.

 Try to destroy the silver and gold barrels.

Adventure walkthrough
     WARP ROOM 1
   Crash ball
     Be careful when a ball is going too fast, if the opponents send you 
2 or 3 ball at the same time, use the L1 and R1 buttons.

   GEM Same as above, the only difference is that you have less balls so 
be careful.

   CRYSTAL No more extra kick. This will be pretty difficult because the 
extra kick also gives you more hit range.

   Ok, next we panic- polar panic that is

   Polar panic
     Practice this level because the other 3 are more difficult, take 
advantage of the protection and the prizes that the beam gives you.

   GEM Knock off the others quickly, there is no time for lightnings or 
   CRYSTAL The thunderbolt will follow you so be careful. Your best bet 
in here is to get lightnings or weights,

   Do you have any paint??? I'll need it for the pogo painter level, 
which is the next.

   Pogo painter
     Try to get all the speedy boots, they will be a lot of help and try 
to get all the arrows too.

   GEM More points to score, take advantage of the arrows and the speedy 

   CRYSTAL This is an annoying challenge. The mushrooms will like to 
appear right in front of you and when you have the speedy boots you cant 
stay in the same place so be careful.

   Any cake left??? We can use a jungle bash party right now.

   Jungle bash
     If your not good kicking or throwing boxes try to stay with the most 
energy, and remember, the TNT crates cause more damage.

   GEM Now you will have to eliminate the others and you are against the 
time, you won't win by having the most health so use the TNT crates.

   CRYSTAL The idol will throw nitro crates, what you can do in here is 
to get close to an opponent and when the idol throws a crate, run like 
the wind.

   Papu pummel          Need: 4 trophies.
     It's time to fight Papu Papu. It's the same as jungle bash level. 
You have to jump the spinning squares and bash the Crash clones. Then, 
grab a box when the fire ring is down and throw it at Papu Papu. After 
that get away of the crates because Papu Papu will make them explode. 
Repeat the process 3 times, and when he slams the ground the 3rd time, a 
piece of the idol will crush him, and you win.

     WARP ROOM 2
   Beach ball
     Watch out when the character in front of you attracts a lot of balls 
and use the L1 and R1 buttons as well.

   GEM this one is pretty easy, just defend your goal with the odds 
against you.

   CRYSTAL now this one is hard. Your opponents will have intermittent 
shields and the shield will switch from one opponent to another.

   Tilt panic
     Watch out for the walrus, it will move the platform a lot.

   GEM Be quick knocking off your opponents.
   CRYSTAL The storm will move the platform a lot so be careful. Be sure 
to bump your opponents or you will easily fall.

     Try to encircle areas taking advantage of the edges of your color.

   GEM Grab a lot of boots and arrows if you want to win. My technique is 
to just encircle areas on the edge of your color.

   CRYSTAL Grab the speedy boots and encircle the biggest area that you 
can, use the arrows too.

   Space bash
     Watch out for the holes, if you touch a nitro crate, you will surely 
fall. Try to kick the explosive crates to your opponents because there is 
a chance that the explosion will make a hole right under your opponents.

   GEM Use the same technique.

   CRYSTAL You wont be able of picking up the crates and there are only 
explosive crates so be prepare prepared for a lot of holes.

   Desert fox
     The mines will do a lot of damage, take advantage of them.

   GEM Eliminate your opponents quickly, try to hit them with the mines.

   CRYSTAL The water perils will do a lot of damage, but they will damage 
your opponents too.

   Bearminator          Need: 9 trophies, 6 gems and 3 crystals. 
     This one is like polar push. Bearminator will send a bear with a 
missile, you can't bump the bear while he has the missile, just move a 
lot so the missile won't hit you, if it does, you will cannot move and 
the bear will knock you off, after he launches the missile, the bear will 
start moving so knock him off quickly. After that you will receive a 
missile, hit Bearminator and he will launch a bomb that will destroy a 
part of the platform and then he will send 2 robots knock them off and 
you will receive a missile, hit Bearminator and he will destroy another 
part of the stage, then he will send 3 robots, knock them off, hit 
Bearminator with the missile and you will win.

     WARP ROOM 3

   N. Ballism
     This game is pretty hard because if N. Gin, try to grab all the 
force fields that appear on your corners.

   GEM If you make good use of the R1 and L1 buttons it shouldn't be that 

   CRYSTAL N. Gin will only attack your goal so this one is really hard. 
Try to get the force field.

   Melt panic
     Watch out for Uka Uka, he can stand right over your character and 
turn you into a snowball or a ice statue.



     Thanks to me for writing this FAQ  (he, he, he *sigh*).

     Thanks to you for reading it.

     Thanks to my brother who helped me with the gems and everything to 
get the secret mini-games.

     Thanks to Nick Kelly who helped me with the adventure walkthrough, 
the funny comments and the demo code.

Legal stuff
          If you steal this FAQ, sell it or anything that involves a rip 
off, surely I won't know but you will have to live with your conscience. 
You can print this FAQ, sure, and if you want to put this in your website 
or something ask me first. If you have any question of the game, e-mail 
me, but please don't send me questions that are answered in this 

          This document copyright 2000 Alberto Muñoz Esquivel.


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