FAQ/Walkthrough - Guide for Aliens: Colonial Marines

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The long in-development Aliens: Colonial Marines has finally released courtesy 
of Gearbox! This latest entry in the long-running Aliens franchise aims to show
fans what happened weeks after the events of the goundbreaking science-fiction 
classic film Aliens!

Aliens: Colonial Marines
Written by Dalton "HorrorSpooky" Cooper
Copyright 2013

Contact Information
E-mai: horror_spooky@hotmail.com

Legal Information
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This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private
use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly
without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or
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1. Introduction and Controls
2. Campaign
   Mission 1: Distress
   Mission 2: Battle for Sulaco
   Mission 3: Sulaco Falls
   Mission 4: No Hope in Hadley's
   Mission 5: The Raven
   Mission 6: For Bella
   Mission 7: One Bullet
   Mission 8: Rampart
   Mission 9: Hope in Hadley's
   Mission 10: Derelict Reclaimed
   Mission 11: Home
3. Versus
   Team Deathmatch
4. Arsenal Upgrade
5. Service Record
6. Conclusion

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1. Introduction and Controls
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Taking place weeks after the events of the blockbuster film Aliens, a group of 
colonial marines investigate what exactly happened to the mining colony that 
was terrorized by Xenomorphs!

<---Marine Controls--->
Left Stick - Move/Strafe/Sprint
Right Stick - Turn/Look
A - Jump
B - Crouch
RT - Primary Fire
RB - Secondary Fire
Right Stick (click) - Melee
LT - Zoom
X - Use/Reload
LB - Motion Tracker
Y - Next Weapon
D-pad (right) - Equip Sidearm Weapon
D-pad (left) - Equip Tactical
D-pad (down) - Flashlight
D-pad (up) - Taunt

<---Xenomorph Controls--->
Left Stick - Move/Strafe/Sprint
Right Stick - Turn/Look
A - Jump
LT - Wall Climb
X - Use
RT - Primary Attack
RB - Secondary Attack
LB - Use Ability
Y - Aimed Leap
B - Fatality

<---Other Controls--->
Start - Pause
Back - Scoreboard

Now you're ready to FIGHT THE FEAR.

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2. Campaign
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Following the scenes, you will be in control of Winter. He'll show off his 
gun and then you'll be able to move out of this room. Go through the only door 
and start walking through the space-tube. A body will smash on top of it, but 
ignore that and keep moving forward to the door at the other end. Press X to 
enter, and then hang tight in the airlock.

The subsequent door will open up eventually, allowing passage. You'll find 
your fellow marines scrambling to save the lives of a few injured marines on 
the ground. They ask you to use your motion tracker, so do that now. To equip 
it, press LB and start moving it around.

There will be three human blips nearby, but also a circular, unknown blip. Exit
this room to reach a large hangar area. Half of a synthetic (the non-talking 
half) will be noted by Winter. Go to the door on the right and press X to use 
your torch to cut it open. This will be completed when a meter is filled after 
a certain amount of time has passed.

The next room is covered with icky stuff. As you explore the area, you'll 
notice three eggs on the ground as well as a camera that's set up. Take a 
right from the camera and you'll find body armor on the ground. Pick it up, 
and then go straight down the hall to find Keyes attached to the wall. Press X 
to start cutting him down.

A Xenomorph will ruin this and attack, knocking Winter to the ground. Complete 
the QTE by mashing on the X button, and the Xenomorph will run away. Let 
Winter to stand up and then pursue the Xenomorph using the motion tracker. Find
it, shoot it a bunch, and then when it's dead, return to Keyes. Finish cutting 
him down.

Following the subsequent conversations, Winter will decide to help Keyes. 
Follow him through the next door and continue following him to the next room, 
where more Xenomorphs will attack. Get your back to a wall and just kill them 
as they come. Continue following Keyes and he'll lead you to stairs. Follow 
them up and then go through the next door with him. Retrieve the data log from 
the center console, and then Keyes should take care of the Xenomorph that 
attacks. Wait for Keyes to finish with the door in here and then follow him 

Down the next hallway, a Xenomorph will burst through the glass. Kill it and 
keep following Keyes from room to room, killing the Xenos as they show up. 
There will be a lot of Xenos that show up, and their acidic blood can burn 
away any body armor you have and also do a lot of damage, so try to keep your 
distance. If they get too close, click in the right stick to do a melee attack,
but be ready to back up quickly to avoid taking acidic damage. Keep following 
Keyes until you reach a larger room with ammo and armor on the ground. Gather 
these supplies while Keyes messes with the door.

Keyes will get the door open, and then idiotically toss a grenade at the ship, 
causing an explosion that leaves the doors locked down. Run over to O'Neal, the
marine behind the makeshift barricade, and gather the supplies. There should 
be more armor and ammo, plus a med pack sitting on the crate if you need it.

Get your back to the hangar doors and get ready. The Xenos will come in a 
constant wave. Keep firing at them until the hangar doors open. You should 
have plenty of ammo. Your secondary fire by pressing RB will shoot grenades, 
so use that if the situation gets hairy, but be careful about shooting grenades
too close, or else you'll die in the blast as well.

When the hangar doors open, retreat inside. Follow Keyes through the umbilical,
but some chest-exploding things will happen. What follows is a scene that 
almost feels like a QTE, but don't worry about pressing any buttons. Return 
to the previous ship and sit tight as O'Neal and Winter give a status report 
on the situation to Cruz.

Go through the vent in the floor. Then go through the next door. Let the 
stabilization process occur, and then continue into the next room and check 
out the lab equipment. Move through the next room, follow O'Neal around the 
gunk, and then continue to kill the Xenos as they show up. Keep an eye out for 
supplies. There are plenty of med packs lying around these next few areas of 
the game.

You'll reach a larger room with a circular catwalk. Follow O'Neal around. Be 
careful of the Xenos, as they will be much more active here. Kill them as they 
come and then keep following O'Neal from door to door. You'll reach the upper 
level of this area. Kill the Xenos and follow O'Neal to the end through the 
next door. He'll start opening it, and will need you to protect him while he 
does so.

Fight off the Xenos until O'Neal can get the door open, then go through to 
escape. From here, go right and through the next door. You'll find armor as 
well as Hicks's Shotgun, which is a Legendary Weapon and will automatically 
replace your current shotgun. When that's done with, return to the center room 
and go the way opposite of the Legendary Weapon.

You'll be in the Cargo Bay Area. Follow O'Neal to the stairs. Kill any Xenos 
that get in the way, but try to avoid as many as possible. Follow O'Neal to the
cargo bay controls and then activate the controls. Hang tight as the Xenos are 
sucked into the vacuum of space.

Grab the ammo from the center area and then take cover by pressing B. A couple 
of enemies will enter the control room through a nearby door. Pop out of cover 
to kill them one at a time. Take whatever they drop and then proceed with 
caution into the next room. Take a right and go through the corridor. Shoot 
the enemies through the window.

Then continue to the next set of rooms. Avoid the middle area as you'll be 
left exposed. Go all the way to the end and you should be able to flank the 
next few enemies that come out of the next area that you need to go through. 
Loot their dead bodies and then follow O'Neal down the stairs. A health pack 
will be on the counter if needed.

A soldier will shut the door on you and O'Neal in the next area. Take control 
of the Powerloader by pressing X. Use RT to control its right arm and use LT 
to control its left arm. Go over to the hangar doors and press RT to rip the 
hangar doors open.

Follow O'Neal into the next room, and you'll find a bunch of Facehugger eggs. 
Shoot the eggs to avoid being attacked by Facehuggers. If one does attack you, 
mash on the indicated button to avoid being killed by it. Destroy the eggs as 
you move through this area, and kill any Facehuggers that are crawling around 
outside their eggs as well. Keep an eye out for ammo and the like as you 
follow O'Neal.

You'll be in a larger room with more eggs and a door that is electronically 
locked. You'll find the keypad on the wall, though not nearby. Interact with 
the keypad and it will unlock. Destroy the eggs, then move into the next hall 
and continue following O'Neal. He'll lead you to a storage room area. Cut 
through the door and O'Neal will be reunited with Bella. After their reunion, 
cut open the next door for them.

Keep following Bella and O'Neal until you reach a long hallway-like area with 
vehicles in the center. More soldiers will start showing up. Get behind cover 
and kill them. IF you hang a right, you can get on an elevated position. Kill 
the enemies here and then use your elevated position to flank the enemies 
below. Be sure to loot the mercenaries as they drop goodies such as health 
packs and armor. Push your way forward until the large hangar doors at the end 

A heavy enemy will show up. Get behind cover and fire grenades at him until he 
dies. He'll drop a full body armor, so pick it up and then continue through the
next doors. You'll come to a door that you can't open until O'Neal and Bella 
are near you, so wait for them to catch up. Then as soon as the door opens, 
kill the mercenary here and then sprint to the right.

Bella and O'Neal will go left and fight the mercenaries there. Through the 
railing, you can shoot a few mercenaries on the other side. Then regroup with 
Bella and O'Neal and finish off the enemies that they didn't kill and follow 
them. Call the elevator once you reach it and then ride in it.

At the top, kill your way through the enemies and then at the next door, turn 
around. You'll find fully body armor hidden behind a crate. Grab it and then 
start pushing forward through the next wave of enemies up ahead. If you start 
to take too much damage, hang back and let O'Neal and Bella take care of 
matters for you for a little bit.

Then push through the next area of enemies. You'll move through tight 
corridors, so be ready to take out the mercenaries as they show up. You'll 
then open up to another long corridor. Kill them from afar, and then a heavy 
enemy will show up. Throw a few grenades down the corridor and when you run 
out, start firing at him with all you've got until he goes down. Run down the 
corridor and loot everyone.

In the next room, crouch. Kill the mercenaries and then work your way to the 
control panel that they were messing with. Stay crouched to avoid taking fire 
from the mercs outside. Interact with the control panel to get the door open 
and then follow O'Neal and Bella through the corridors to reach the next 

The next elevator will open up into a sort of school-like area. Two enemies 
will be at the bottom. Kill them quickly and then run down there. In the next 
set of halls, there will be turrets set up. At the bottom of the school-like 
area, you can go to the left or you can go to the right. Go to the right. Stay 
crouched and kill the enemies as they come. You'll be able to flank one of the 
turrets from here easily. Press X to deactivate the turret when you get near 
it. Now keep following the halls and you'll reach another turret to disable. 
Move behind it quickly, disable it, and then everyone can move on to the 
weapon control room.

In here, immediately get behind cover. Move up, but do it slowly. There is a 
turret at the top of this area, so you will need to flank it. Going to the 
left or to the right will yield identical results. Enemies will stay behind 
cover mostly in this area, so utilize any grenades that you have. Get as close 
to the turret as possible before disabling it. Clear the area of enemies and 
then turn off the weapon system.

Backtrack from the control room. Just sprint and follow your partners. There 
will be mercenaries as you move through the areas, so take cover and take them 
out before proceeding. You'll reach a hall with the air being sucked out 
through a partially opened door, so shoot the canister keeping the door open 
for safe passage.

Loot the rooms thoroughly as well as the items dropped by the mercs. You'll 
reach an elevator. Get inside and use it. Then run through the next few rooms. 
Xenos will start attacking the mercs. You can stay behind cover and let the 
Xenos kill all the mercs if you want, and then start clearing them out, as the 
Xenomorphs are much easier to kill than the mercenaries.

Whatever you choose, start pushing forward. The walkway will give out and 
you will fall in the water below. Xenos will come out of the vents on the 
ground. Kill them and then rush to the lift and ride it up. Then resume pushing
forward to the next room. Go to the control panel and interact with it in order
to "run a bypass", as the mission objective states.

Continue, grabbing the body armor and ammo in each room, and kill the Xenos as 
well. The area will open up into a long hallway, in which there will be many 
more Xenomorphs to deal with, plus a couple of mercs. The Xenos will make quick
work of the mercs, so take out the rest of the Xenomorphs and continue through,
where you will find an elevator. Wait for the elevator to show up, then get on 
and activate it.

Push forward to the next major area, where you will reunite with Cruz. Kill 
the mercs as they show up, but stay behind cover. Sprint to the first release 
lock and arm it by using the computer. Then as you make your way to the second 
computer, the catwalk will be destroyed.

Stay crouched and slowly backtrack. There is a center room with the controls to
the crane that you need to make yourself a bridge to the next console. A heavy 
will be guarding it. From up on the catwalk, kill him and all the enemies 
below. Go to the controls and use them. Then sprint back to the destroyed 
area of the catwalk. Use the container the crane brings up and sprint to the 
next console. Activate it.

Upon landing at Hadley's Hope, chill out for a while so everyone can get a 
grasp on the situation. Then start walking to the mining colony proper in which
the bulk of the film Aliens took place. Fans of the movie will see memorable 
sites. Keep going until you reach an area that Cruz says is the new HQ for 
this operation.

Pull the lever on the wall to get the power going. Then stand with Cruz as he 
debriefs everyone. Follow O'Neal through the next sequence of rooms and 
corridors. There are panels on the wall that you have to place motion trackers 
on so everyone can know where the Xenomorpsh are at all times. The fifth 
motion tracker you place will malfunction. Fix it, and then a bunch of Xenos 
will start appearing in the area.

Fight your way back to HQ. At HQ, there will be more Xenos to kill. Wipe them 
out, and then Cruz asks you to go back and get the turret. Backtrack to the 
hallway with turrets. Pick up the designated one with X and then take it back 
to HQ. Lay it by the ammo cache by holding RT. Then another wave of Xenos will 

The safest place here will be by Bishop. Hang out by him and kill the Xenos 
when they get close to you. If you need to restock on ammo, there is ammo by 
the turret, remember. When all the Xenos are dead this time, wait for Cruz to 
give you new orders.

You now have to make your way to the comm tower to check on Bella. You and 
O'Neal will be given Smart Guns. Grab it and then follow O'Neal into the next 
room. The partially ajar door will be fully opened. Move through the hall and 
then fall through the hole in the floor.

The Smart Gun will come in handy for this area. The gun will automatically 
aim at Xenos as they crawl around, so you really just have to shoot. Try to 
conserve ammo with this thing as there will be a ton of Xenos to contend with, 
and do that by shooting in bursts. You'll reach a room covered in gunk. Hold 
your ground here and waste the rest of the Xenos. If you need reprieve and 
run out of Smart Gun ammo, hold LB to show the door you'll go through to reach 
the Comm Tower. The Xenos won't pursue you here, so you can just take potshots 
at them from safety.

When they start to die down, run around to make them start showing up again 
and continue killing all the Xenos. When they've all been killed finally, you 
can go through the door to start making your way to the comm tower again. 
However, a Xenomorph will attack Winter...

Winter starts this mission trapped to a wall. He escapes. Press B and crouch. 
You'll be crouching for a good majority of the rest of the level. Move very 
slowly through this area. The large Xenomorph, I assume the titular Raven, 
will burst through the ceiling and try to swipe at you. If he succeeds, then 
it's a one-hit kill. So move slow so you can avoid taking damage from the 

Once you get by the Xenomorph, you'll have to move through a complex sewer 
system. The lever to the door is being blocked by steam. There is another lever
right next to the steam machine. Pull that lever to turn off the steam. Then 
pull the next lever to open the door to the sewer proper.

Stay crouched and keep moving. You'll see these weird husks all over the place.
One of them will start moving. Whenever it starts walking around, stop moving. 
Wait for it to crouch into itself and then resume moving slowly through the 

This part lasts forever, but it's simple. Just move by the husks. When you see 
one of them up and walking around, then stop dead in your tracks before 
continuing. There will be a lever you'll come across eventually that you can 
pull which will cause steam to erupt out of a nearby machine and a bunch of 
these Xenos will run to the machine and blow up.

Go room from room, repeating this process. You'll find a door that needs to be 
cut open, but be sure to blow up the walking Xenos first by pulling the nearby 
lever. Then cut the door open and continue. Repeat this process, going room 
to room, slow, and you'll be fine.

Finally, you'll meet up with O'Neal. Except he is behind a sewer gate and 
can't be reached for now. Continue through to the tunnel areas, and then big 
Xeno from earlier will show up and start chasing you. Run through the door 
and turn around, pressing X to weld it shut. Then go to the next door and 
keep doing that. As you move through each door, stop to weld it shut so the 
Xeno can't catch up with you.

Upon reaching the elevator, press the button to take it to the top. O'Neal will
be waiting for you with a duffel bag full of your stuff. Grab it to get back 
all your weapons and gear. Then follow O'Neal outside. Kill all the Xenos out 
here and then continue following him to find Bella. She will tell you that 
Reid has been taken by the Xenos.

A huge crate will be lead to Reid's area. Fight your way to her, kill the Xenos
around her, and then accompany Reid and Bella back to the comm tower. Now you 
have to protect her while she deals with it. When she's done, follow everyone 
into the hangar area. More Xenos will swarm in. Kill them all and then move to 
the next hangar area.

O'Neal will be captured by the Raven Xenomorph. After Bella and Reid get into a
fight, go through the hangar doors. Drop down the ledge and then crouch. Go 
through the tunnel to the right as soon as Raven shows up. Kill the Xenos 
and then go through the next little tunnel area as soon as Raven shows up again
to avoid fighting him.

Finally, you'll reunite with O'Neal right next to a Powerloader. Get inside the
Powerloader. Your teammates will deal with the smaller Xenos, so focus on the 
big one. Just keep mashing RT to smack him with the right arm. If he gets too 
close, press LT to knock him back a bit. It will take quite a few swings, but 
finally it will be killed.

This mission begins with a long stretch to the facility. Just push forward 
and keep shooting the Xenos as they show up. As you reach this cave system, 
acid-spitting Xenos will show up. They, as you can probably guess, spit acid. 
Their acid is honestly not that damaging, but it's better if you can kill them 
before they can spit any at you.

You'll finally reach the facility, but it is in pretty bad shape. Gather the 
loot as you follow O'Neal and Bella through it. You'll then reach an annexed 
section of the facility, where there will be turrets set up in the halls. 
Crouch down the first hall to avoid the turret fire coming through the nearby 

Then go around the corner and through the door to reach this turret and disable
it so O'Neal and Bella can get through. Then sprint by the second turret, and 
ignore the third turret as well. There will be a destroyed vent on the ground 
that you can crawl through that will open up to a room with a health pack. 
Use it if need be, and then notice the ladder.

The ladder is going up, but you can't use it for some reason. so instead, jump 
on the machinery to reach the upper area. Then drop down into the next room. 
Cut open the door, then disable the turret that's outside. Cut open the next 
door and you'll be able to disable the final turret and everyone can start 
moving through the facility together again.

You'll have to move through an outside area with mercs. Go through the crates 
so you can flank them. There will be a Heavy amongst them, so take him out 
before focusing on the other mercs. When you round the corner, lob a couple of 
grenades behind the barricades to take out the rest of the mercs and then 
continue to the elevator.

Xenos will show up and start fighting the mercs as well. Let them do their 
thing and then wipe out the Xenos. As you move to another outside area, be 
wary of the Merc in the distance with a rocket launcher. Go right and into the 
building as the mercs and Xenos battle each other. You can flank the mercs 
from here. Focus on the one with the RPG first by shooting out the windows and 
shooting at him. If he fires a rocket at you, you can easily dodge it from 
this distance.

When the mercs are all dead, finish off the Xenos. Then run to the elevator and
pull the lever.

Another long hallway awaits, in which you have to kill Xenos as you move. Keep 
pushing forward and then you'll reach an area with spotlights. The spotlights 
will kill anything that get in the light. Wait for the light to pass and then 
sprint by.

You'll reach a cave area with Xenos and a couple more spotlights. Sprint and 
jump over the gap to avoid the first spotlight, then find a safe spot and 
start killing the Xenos. Then move by the third spotlight and you'll then see 
a few mercs on a bridge. You won't be able to use your weapons for this part. 
Wait for the mercs to leave, then continue stealthily into the facility proper.

Following the cut-scenes, you'll now have to move through the facility. The 
first room you get to will feature two scientists. If they hear you, they will 
run to activate the alarm that will in turn release a poisonous gas in the 
room unless you can turn it off in time. The game recommends being stealthy, 
but you can really just shoot them both quickly with the shotgun and then 

Go through the next room. Then AS SOON as you open the subsequent door, turn 
to the left sharply and kill the merc there. Run around the other side and 
kill the three or so mercs before any of them can get down the hallway. Take 
cover and toss a couple of grenades down the hall to kill any other mercs 
that happen to show up.

Continue pushing through the rooms of scientists and killing them first. You 
will then move back to an outside area. As soon as you get here, take a left, 
as an armored vehicle wll show up and start firing at you. Shoot the tanks by 
it to light it on fire, forcing the vehicle to retreat. Kill the mercs as you 
move along the rocky path yourself.

Sprint forward. The vehicle will back up through an area below you. Kill the 
mercs down there. Grab the health pack if needed, then drop down. Sprint to 
cover and get a lay of the situation. You need to reach these crane controls 
that will be to your right, if you're facing the facility. The module you need 
to destroy is the center area, and the crane will take care of that as well. 
You need to get rid of the armored vehicle, too.

Blow up the tanks next to the armored vehicle and it will retreat again. Then 
start hugging the cliffside to your right as you move up. Kill the mercs one 
by one. The controls will be in a briefcase-looking thing up the slope to the 
right of the starting area. Activate the controls once the coast is clear, and 
the armored vehicle will be destroyed.

An RPG-equipped merc will guard the doors to the facility, so kill him. Then 
go into the facility. Fight your way to the control module room, where you 
will find out that you need to disconnect three power cells in order to allow 
you to control the power.

Each of the three power cells are easily accessed. There is one that is blocked
by locked doors, but simply go above it and drop through a hole in the ceiling 
to access it. There will be two scientists guarding this cell, but only one 
scientist will be guarding each of the other two cells. Remove the cells by 
pressing X once your enemies are dead and then return to the control room to 
pull the lever.

Follow O'Neal and you'll move through a room with the Alien Queen. Ignore the 
Queen for now because there's nothing you can do about her. O'Neal will then 
lead you to an outside area crawling with Xenos and Mercs.

Go from cover to cover and kill all the Xenos and mercs as you see them. Grab 
any loot, as always, and keep pushing forward. You'll then go through an 
indoor facility-like area. You can shoot one of the enemies from behind in the 
back of the head as soon as you enter this room. Stay as far back as possible 
as you proceed so you can take out the other mercs, then continue following 
O'Neal and you'll wind up back outside.

Stay with O'Neal and keep pushing forward. Kill all the enemies you see as you 
progress. Finally, you will find the captured marine. Kill all the mercs that 
are guarding him, and then a cut-scene will play.

Follow O'Neal and Hicks down the street. They will walk in a sort of triangle 
formation as the Xenos come from both sides. Kill the Xenos and push forward to
Hadley's Hope. Grab the turret and then return to the streets. Deploy it in 
the streets and then enter Hadley's Hope.

You now have to find all the marines. Rush to HQ where you will find a few 
marines fighting Xenomorphs. Kill the Xenomorphs in each room. Bring out your 
motion tracker to help you locate all the marines. One marine will be trapped 
in a room with a Xenomorph and a locked door. Cut him out, eradicate any 
Xenomorphs, then resume your search.

The final marine will be trapped underneath a shelf. Help him by pressing X 
and then regroup with Cruz. Make your way to the vehicle bay and grab the 
turret. Set it up anywhere, and then make sure you're at full health and full 
ammo by using the ammo box in the small room here.

Go around the area and grab the smaller pieces of body armor. A full body 
armor is next to the ammo boxes, but don't waste it. A few waves of Xenos will 
drop into the area, so hold your ground and kill them all. If your body armor 
runs out, then go grab the full set of body armor next to the crates. There are
a few health packs in this area as well in case your health gets low.

When these Xenos are dead, the next door will open. Go outside, and then a 
huge charger Xeno will appear. This thing is giant and has a large, armored 
head. Throw grenades at it and use a flamethrower if you have that as well. 
A bunch of smaller Xenos will be crawling around during this fight, but let 
your AI companions worry about them for now, as the huge one will only target 
you. Sprint away from it and put some distance in between you and the beast and
shoot at its legs when you run out of grenades. When it dies, Cruz will open 
the next door.

Run over to the drop pod ship. Remove one of the three fuel lines by pressing 
X. Then Xenomorphs will come into the area. Thin them out a bit and look for 
body armor before removing the next fuel line. You don't want to be cornered 
next to a fuel line, so it's good to make sure that there aren't any Xenos in 
your area at least. Remove the third fuel line when ready, and then eliminate 
the remaining Xenomorphs.

Follow your group into the tunnels. Grab the flamethrower on the crate, and 
then move deeper into the tunnels. There will be Xenomorph eggs all over the 
ground. The flamethrower proves very handy in destroying them. Spray the flames
all over the place to get rid of the eggs and the Xenos that show up.

Fight your way to the elevator. It will need power, so go up the stairs next 
to it. Before cutting away the gunk blocking the lever, turn around and kill 
the Xenomorph behind you. Then cut away the gunk and pull the lever. Return to 
the elevator and ride it up.

Your new goal is to destroy the three AA guns. There are mercs EVERYWHERE, as 
well as a few Xenos. Clear the area of mercs. There are huge caches of supplies
dotted around the place. Use your HUD to find them to restock and heal yourself
if needed. The AA gun will be in the center of the area. Ignore it for now and 
bring up your motion tracker to find an RPG.

Go to the RPG, which will be next to a disabled armored vehicle. Equip the 
RPG and fire three rockets into the AA gun to destroy it. Now continue to the 
next area, where the AA gun will be at the top of a tower. There will be more 
caches of supplies all over the place in case you need body armor or ammo. 
Fight your way through the mercs to get the next RPG, this time in a building 
with a bunch of other supplies. Grab it, and then destroy the second AA gun 
with it.

As you continue, you'll notice a valley with mercs huddled inside barricades. 
Fire grenades down there and take them out as best as possible, then run to 
the next RPG. It will be in a crate. Grab the RPG and then destroy the AA gun. 
Use the extra rocket to kill any remaining enemies. Then grab the legendary 
flamethrower and continue pushing forward.

You'll find a group of survivors. Save them by killing the Xenomorphs in the 
area. Then the Xenomorph Queen will show up. Run around and fire at her. Use 
the same strategy as you used with the charging Xenos from before. When enough 
damage has been done, the queen will burst through a door.

Follow the Queen through the door. Fight your way through the mercs and Xenos 
until you reach the ship. Then watch the scenes unfold.

The final boss fight of the game is simple. What you need to do is pull the 
first manual release switch. Then run around the map in a circle, grabbing all 
the armor and such as you go, so that the Queen can't attack you. Then pull 
the second switch, which will be across from the first. Repeat the process with
the last two switches.

Then go behind the loader where a button is. Wait for the Queen to get close, 
and then press the button to launch her into space. If the Queen won't get 
close, shoot her to get her attention.

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3. Versus
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Aliens: Colonial Marines supports an online Versus mode. There are four 
different game modes to play, and a variety of maps.

Last Hope
The Hive

There are two rounds. In one round, you'll control the marines, and in the 
other round, you control the Xenomorphs. Typical Team Deathmatch rules apply - 
whoever gets the most kills wins.

In this mode, the Xenomorphs and the marines have two different goals. The 
Xenos have to protect their eggs by not allowing marines arm any explosives 
throughout the area set to destroy egg clusters. The marines, meanwhile, need 
to activate these bombs by standing by them for a set amount of time until 
that area is captured.

The marines have to run from objective to objective and escape the map in 15 
minutes. The constantly spawning Xenomorphs have to stop them from escaping 
within the time limit by slowing their progress through killing them and such.

Marines have a set amount of lives and have to battle against Xenos that 
constantly spawn. Marines have to survive for the amount of time that is set 
while holding their ground against the Xenos.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4. Arsenal Upgrades
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
By leveling up your marine (done through multiplayer and campaign), you earn 
commendations. These commendations can be spent on upgrading all your various 
weapons in the game. You can also purchase new skins and such for your marine, 
plus customize loadouts.

The Xenomorphs can also be customized in similar ways. You can only earn 
Xenomorph XP by playing the multiplayer mode.

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5. Service Record
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Game progress, such as your level for Xenomorphs and marines and such, is 
tracked here.

Special Projects are the collectibles hidden throughout the game. There are 
35 dog tags, 6 legendary weapons, and 12 audio logs. You can see which 
collectibles appear in what stage by checking that stage in the main menu.

Stats for your progress in the campaign and your performances in multiplayer 
modes are housed ehre.

There are three different types of challenges. There are marine challenges, 
campaign challenges, and Xenomorph challenges. You can check your currently 
active challenges at any time in the game by pressing start.

There are 50 achievements to unlock in Alien: Colonial Marines. You achievement
progress is also tracked here. If you click on this, it will take you to the 
Xbox Guide menu to see your achievements.

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6. Conclusion
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I hope this guide helped you complete Aliens: Colonial Marines on Xbox 360, 
PlayStation 3, PC, and Wii U! Please e-mail if you have any questions, comments
or concerns. And be sure to check out all my other content on Cheat Masters and

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