FAQ/Walkthrough - Guide for Alone in the Dark

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 Last Updated: 30/06/01
 Version: 1.0
 Janus Operative
 [email protected]
 AIM: Janus182


  Table of Contents

 1. Introduction
 2. Game Overview
 3. Walkthrough
 4. Inventory
 5. Ending
 6. Legal Info


 1. Introduction

Aline Cedrac, a young acclaimed archeologist has had her latest find, 
an abkanis Indian statue stolen. The theef is presumed to be rich 
industrialist, Alan Morton. Aline contacts Charles Fiske, a private 
detective, to try to recover the staue. However Fiske is tragically 
killed during the investigation. His friend and colleague, Edward 
Carnaby, sets out to Alan Morton's private island, Shadow Island, 
located off the coast of Maine, in order to get to the bottom of this 
mysterious death. But no one can be ready for Shadow Island's 
terrible secrets....

Alone in the Dark is a survival horror game for the GameBoy Color. 
The game uses pre rendered backgrounds to create a sense of tension 
and suspense. Technically it's a marvel and the gameplay is great as 
well; it features tricky puzzles and a battle mode. Its' only 
shortcoming is the replayability but that's something that you have 
to except with a survival horror game. 

This FAQ covers the whole of the game. It also features some tactics 
for the battle mode. And it includes an inventory section that list 
and describes every item available in Alone in the Dark. If you have 
any questions on the game email me or AIM and I'll be sure to give 
you an answer.

Version 1.0: The walkthrough is complete and so is the inventory. 
             Future updates will only come if I receive any advice 
             for sections or need to correct any errors.
Version 0.1: This is a very early version of the guide. The majority 
             of the walkthrough is here but there is little else 
             other than the game overview section. Updates will 
             follow soon and the next one should include the rest of 
             the walkthrough and the inventory section.


 2. Game Overview

This section provides you with some information on the two main 
aspects of Alone in the Dark - adventure and combat. The information 
consists of the controls, tips and advice to help you master the 
different game modes.

 Adventure Controls

  Control Pad - Movement
  A Button    - Use Item
  B Button    - Search/examine/pick up item
  Start       - Pause Menu
  Select      - Inventory Screen

  The adventure aspect of Alone in the Dark is the main part of the 
  game. It consists of everything that happens outside the combat 
  mode. There isn't much to worry about whilst exploring other than 
  the puzzles you encounter. So be on the look out for any suspicious 
  locations and items. You can tell if an item is nearby because it 
  sparkles and stands out from the dark, gloomy pre rendered 

 Combat Controls

  Control Pad - Movement
  A Button    - Fire Weapon
  B Button    - Change Weapon
  Start       - N/A
  Select      - N/A

  Fighting enemies can be quite frustrating in Alone in the Dark. The 
  isometric view isn't perfect and makes aiming quite difficult. Just 
  remember to shoot only when you are in line with an enemy and you 
  shouldn't waste too much ammo. But shooting is a hard task to 
  perfect so try not to be too trigger-happy otherwise you'll die 
  because you used up all your ammo.


 3. Walkthrough

This is the main part of the guide. It might be a good idea to read 
over the game overview section if you haven't done so already. And 
bear in mind that whenever you see three # symbols in a row it would 
be a good idea to save your progress. It's only a rough guide though; 
you can save whenever you like!
                                # # #

You start the game in front of a gate; this gate leads back to the 
aircraft (which is a direction you don't want to go in) so head 
forwards along the path. Soon you'll see a strange icon lying on the 
floor. Icons like this are ammo, so move near it and press B to pick 
it up. Then proceed forward and carry on following the linear path of 
the forest until you reach a second ammo clip. Pick the clip up and 
carry on to the next screen. You should notice the icon in the top 
left flashing which means Aline is trying to contact you; so press A 
to answer. After this cut-scene move onto the next screen and you'll 
enter the battle mode, kill the three spiders and you'll be on your 
way again. The next screen presents you with a choice of routes; you 
can go down, up or left. If you choose to go down you will follow the 
path round and encounter a battle, a cut-scene and two ammo icons. 
But you'll eventually end up back at the intersection so it's best to 
just head straight up and through the door into the grounds of 
Morton's mansion.

Go forward from the gate and head up to the door of the mansion. You 
can't get in yet because the door is locked, thus beginning your 
first puzzle! Head around the right side of the house and pick up the 
rusty iron key. You can try it on the door but it won't fit, so head 
around the left side of the mansion and walk up to the window. Press 
B and a cut-scene will trigger after the cut-scene keep walking to 
the left - did you see it? The shadow move past the window? Hehehe, I 
love that bit! Anyway follow the path around the side of the house 
and use the key on the door to the cupboard you should see. You'll 
receive a pair of old gardening gloves and a crowbar. Now head back 
to the door of the mansion - the route upward from the cupboard only 
leads to a battle and a health icon. Once you're back at the door to 
Morton's mansion select the crowbar and use it to open the door. 

                                # # #

Once inside the mansion head upwards through the black archway at the 
top of the entrance hall. You'll climb some stairs, and enter a room. 
In this room is a gold key so pick it up off the table in the corner 
and go back downstairs. Head for the screen opposite the black 
archway. You should end up by a table, pick the ammo clip up and head 
to the next screen. It should be the screen that triggers the battle 
mode. Kill the two dogs and carry on. You should see a door that can 
be opened by the gold key, don't walk through it yet though. Walk 
around the hallway until you reach a position that gives you an 
overhead view of the house. You should see a sparkling gold area to 
the left of the screen. Go to this area and press B when you're in 
front of the large mirror. Fiske will tell you to find his amulet. So 
head to the door that you opened with the gold key and venture 
through it into the unknown...

The unknown is actually the next hallway but it sounded dramatic... 
Head up the hallway and through the first door on the left. This is 
Morton's study so search the room; what you should find is a shotgun 
in the cabinet - though it needs a firing mechanism to work - and a 
entry from Morton's journal on the desk. The page, which happens to 
be the third entry can be viewed by pressing select and then 
highlighting the icon and pressing B. The entry tells you that the 
mechanisms for the shotguns are hidden in the attic. So make your way 
out of the room and past the door that you entered this hallway from. 
Go to the screen past this corridor and you should be faced with a 
choice of two doors. Go through the one on the left and then through 
a further two doors (the ones that aren't locked, but you realised 
that, didn't you?) You'll end up in the library.

                                # # #

Walk to the left straight away and you should go around the side of 
the library - it is best not to go straight through the middle 
because you'll always encounter the battle mode. Anyway, you should 
see a journal entry on the floor. Pick it up and read it (the same 
way you read the other entry). The journal is the first page and also 
includes a newspaper clipping. The journal entry speaks of a secret 
passage that you'll come across later and the newspaper gives you a 
bit more information about the plot, nothing too interesting though.

Proceed onwards around the left side of the library collecting the 
ammo until you complete a full circle. Once you are back where you 
started go to the place where you picked up the journal entry and 
newspaper clipping. Now go left to the next screen. But stop in this 
area and turn around. You should see some stairs that are partly 
hidden in the darkness. Climb these stairs and walk along the 
balcony. When you get to the corridor with the bowl of water stop and 
look for a shining object on the bookcase next to it. Press it and 
carry on following the corridor round. Soon you'll come across some 
stairs. Before you climb these stairs press the strange object on the 
right hand railing. The secret passage will open and you'll enter a 
battle. Kill the spiders and assess your health if you haven't done 
so already - if it is anything below 50% use the flasks to revitalise 

Search the room behind the bookcase and you should find two items - a 
page from the journal and a blue crystal key. The second page of the 
journal isn't that informative but it does add some details to the 
plot. Now make your way back to the corridor with the blood stained 
floor - the corridor that you accessed with the gold key. Follow this 
corridor upwards until you reach a staircase. Climb the staircase and 
use the blue crystal key to open the door.

                                # # #

Enter the corridor and proceed down it. Aline will try to contact you 
over the radio now so activate that. She'll mutter something about 
big spiders before cutting off, is she dead? Anyway, walk through the 
only door in this hallway and move up to the bed. Activate the panel 
to the right of the bed and leave. Carry on around the corridor and 
you'll eventually reach Fiske's amulet. The game tells you what to do 
now. You have to retrace your steps all the way back to the mirror 
that Fiske speaks to you through. Speak to him and then go all the 
way back to where you found the amulet. This time head for the door 
right of the wall. You'll end up in a small store room. Locate the 
large brass key and leave again. Walk back along the corridor until 
you reach the section with a table in. Just past this table is a 
right turn, follow this turn and pick up the ammo on the floor. 
You'll also need to kill the enemies in a battle. Now use the key to 
unlock the door at the end. 

You climb a staircase to the attic. Search this attic and you'll find 
a cupboard with a shiny firing mechanism. You'll also enter the 
battle mode. Once you've killed the spiders leave the attic. Next 
stop is Morton's office - the one you visited before that had the 
shotgun. This time you can actually use the shotgun because you have 
the mechanism. Now leave the room and you'll have a conversation with 
Fiske. He'll tell you to search the attic for something to open the 
door to the basement. So it looks like it's time to head back up the 
stairs... Once you're back in the attic search for the shiny 
doorknobs, hmmmm, there's something not quite right about that. 
Anyway, with the doorknobs in your possession make your way back to 
the main area of the mansion and head for the door that they open 
(it's to Carnaby's left once you exit the blood stained carpet area). 

                                # # #

You'll now be in the basement, so pick up the shotgun cartridges and 
head for the screen left of the one you are currently in. If you are 
in the right place you should see a staircase going down into the 
ground. But before you go down the steps walk through this screen and 
onto the next. You'll encounter a battle in this area - once you've 
killed the enemies grab the powder from the cupboard on the right. 
Now walk back to the steps. You'll find a sarcophagus at the bottom 
of the steps. Walk up to the sarcophagus and pour the powder over the 
golden statue to the side of it. The statue will turn silver and you 
should notice a panel open in the front of the sarcophagus. Press B 
to pick up the key in the open panel, then head back up the steps. 
Now search the basement area until you find a door - use the key to 
open it then walk through it.

                                # # #

Proceed to walk through the sewage but avoid walking into the spikes. 
When you reach a larger area go around the right side, otherwise a 
mutated creature will kill you. Then carry on through the tunnels - 
there is little to harm you anymore. Soon you'll be contacted by 
Fiske. He'll inform you that Morton is near, at which point you'll 
re-emerge above land again. You'll need to walk through a forest area 
now - this might be a good time to regain some health. You should 
eventually come to a strange stone circle area. Go into this area and 
you'll enter a battle with Morton. Use the shotgun to hit him - but 
don't get too close and watch out for the times when he vanishes and 
reappears behind you. After a few hits he'll vanish, but I'm sure we 
haven't seen the last of him...

Follow the rest of the forest until you reach a stone bridge. Cross 
this bridge and use the gardening gloves to climb the shining vine. 
Now follow the path around the edge of the stone tower building and 
make your way down the side of the cliff. Eventually you'll come to 
an archway. Walk through this archway and pick up the health. If you 
need more health use the flask, if not proceed on through the cave. 
You won't go far before you encounter a battle, there are quite a few 
enemies to fend off this time so you may want to save before this 
battle. It's not vital though. Once the battle is over head left and 
pick up the key that is in the next screen. Now walk through the 
brown door and through the corridors of the building you come to. 
When you reach a door pick up the crossbow on the floor in front of 
you. Then unlock the door with the skeleton key and go through it.

                                # # #

Walk through the entrance of this area into the next corridor. There 
are two options in this corridor – one is straight on, the other is 
the turning halfway up the corridor. Take the turning halfway up and 
follow it to obtain some crossbow bolts. Once you've picked them up 
return to the corridor and walk straight up it. Walk past the 
operating table you see and keep going until you reach a table with a 
back up generator on it. Use the gardening gloves to switch the back 
up generator off. Now walk to the left (to the next screen) and up to 
the cupboard. Open it and you'll receive a small explosive device. 
Head back to the screen with a balcony running over the top of it and 
walk up to the table in the left side of the room. Use the explosive 
device by the table and the power will cut. Now walk to the cupboard 
that contained the bomb, however walk past it this time and head 
through the door that was previously locked.

Proceed outside and follow the pathway until you can go no further. 
The area that you get stuck in should contain a cross type structure 
and a closed door. Locate the glowing stone to the right of this area 
and use the crowbar to move it. This will cause the door to open thus 
allowing you to progress. Now proceed through the series of linear 
pathways until you reach the area with the large pillars. Use the 
crowbar to knock down the pillar on your right and you can cross the 
ravine. Once across make your way to the strange blue portal, kill 
the enemies that you encounter before it and then use the portal. 
You'll be transported to the entrance to some caves.

                                # # #

Walk into the cave and pick up the shining dynamite that is in the 
alcove to your left. Now head through this cave and you'll come to an 
intersection. Take the left path and the left again when you reach 
the second intersection. Now carry straight on and you'll come to a 
screen with a blue gem. Take the gem and leave this screen, now 
follow the gold coloured path out of the caves. You'll encounter a 
battle soon after you leave the caves so it may be a good idea to 
save if your ammo or health status is bad. 

Now follow the caves and paths until you reach a rope. Slide down the 
rope and go right into an open area. You'll encounter a hard battle. 
Once you defeat the multiple foes that try to kill you walk through 
this section and up to the large cave entrance. There are other 
smaller cave entrances but these lead to health and one huge battle 
so it's probably best to go straight for the main cave entrance. 
After you beat the welcoming party use the dynamite on the blue totem 
thingy that is in this cavern. Then use the lighter to light the 
fuse. Now walk out of the cavern then back in again, the totem will 
be blown up. Once it has been blown up walk back to the rope and 
carry on past the left of it. Pick up Aline's Akanibis statue and 
you'll be teleported back to the mansion.

Search this new area of the house for health flasks that could prove 
essential later on and then walk up to the cupboard in the corner. It 
looks pretty mysterious so press B to open it. You won't actually 
receive anything, all the cupboard does it fit in a nice reference to 
the Narnia books which I though was pretty good. Anyway back on 
track, use the skeleton key on the door opposite then walk through 
it. Beat the enemies that you encounter and pick up the ammo in the 
battle mode, then make your way out of the mansion.

                                # # #

All that remains to be done is to defeat Morton once and for all. SO 
walk back through the wood and eventually you'll come across Morton 
by the intersection. He'll mutter some words then you'll enter the 
final battle. Fight him like you did before, shooting him then moving 
away. And watch out for his vanishing attack. It also works best if 
you walk away from him diagonally as you go slightly faster when 
moving in this direction but don't rush the battle or you'll most 
likely lose. Take your time and plan your attacks. However, the 
battle is mainly up to your conservation of ammo and health 
throughout the game. Once you've defeated him proceed onto the gates 
you came through at the start of the game and you've won at last... 


 4. Inventory

This section is a listing of all the items available in Alone in the 
Dark in alphabetical order. It also features a short description of 
every single item so you can read some information about each one and 
find out what it is for. If you have any corrections contact me on 
AIM: Janus182 or by email: [email protected]

 Item:                 Description:

 An Old Map            This old map of Shadow Island shows where 
                       every major location on the island is. These 
                       locations are marked by a red dot. The map 
                       isn't much use though.

 Bag Of Powder         When sprinkled over the statue in the cellar a 
                       silver key emerges from the side of the 

 Blue Flask            This is the best health flask in the game. 
                       Offering 25 points of health.

 Blue Key              This blue key with crystals embedded in it 
                       opens the locked door to the attic.

 Brass Key             This large brass key opens the door to the 
                       attic. But you need to activate the fuse box 
                       in a bedroom to get up there.

 Crossbow              You find this weapon on the floor outside the 
                       first door the skeleton key unlocks, in the 
                       outside building. It is swift and fairly 

 Crowbar               This is used for levering open doors and 
                       boxes, etc. It is found in the shed outside 
                       the mansion along with the gardening gloves.

 Dynamite              Explosive dynamite that is found in the caves 
                       and is used to blow up the totem pole that is 
                       creating a forcefield around the Akanibis 

 Firing Mechanism      Without the firing mechanism the shotgun won't 
                       work. So you need to find this item in the 
                       attic then fit it to the gun.

 Fiske's Amulet        This is found on a figure head in the mansion. 
                       Apparently it helps you to talk with the 
                       deceased Charles Fiske for longer.

 Gardening Gloves      These are used to climb a prickly vine and 
                       safely turn off a generator. They are found 
                       with the crowbar in the shed outside the 

 Gem                   Once you navigate the caves correctly you'll 
                       come across a gem that lights the rest of the 
                       way for you.

 Gold Key              This key opens up the first locked door in the 
                       mansion. It leads to a corridor with a blood 
                       stained floor. And opens up the rest of the 
                       game for you...

 Green Flask           A health flask, offering twenty points of 
                       health. Five worse than the blue flask but ten 
                       better than the orange flask.

 Lighter               You start the game off with a lighter, after 
                       all, they're always useful... This particular 
                       lighter lights the fuse for the dynamite 
                       obtained later in the game.

 Morton's Diary (1)    This is the first part of Morton's journal. It 
                       basically tells you a secret switch is around 
                       that leads to the secret room.

 Morton's Diary (2)    This page from the journal gives no major 
                       tips. It only offers a bit of plot 

 Morton's Diary (3)    This page from the journal is found in what 
                       looks like Morton's study. It tells you that 
                       the shotgun firing mechanism is hidden in the 

 Newspaper (1)         This is a newspaper clipping you come 
                       across in the library. It isn't that useful 
                       gameplaywise. But it does fill you in on more 
                       of the plot.

 Old Door Knob         This door knob opens the door to the celler. 
                       But it can only be found in the attic after 
                       you find the firing mechanism.

 Orange Flask          A health flask, offering ten points of health. 
                       This is the lowest amount of health any flask 
                       gives. The green and blue ones are better.

 Revolver              This is the standard firearm in your arsenal. 
                       It is good for the easier parts of the game 
                       but the more advanced weapons are better for 
                       the bigger enemies.

 Rusty Iron Key        This key is found in the gardens outside Alan 
                       Morton's mansion. It opens the shed around the 
                       other side of the house.
 Shotgun               This is a powerful weapon but it has a slow 
                       reload time. It is found in Morton's study 
                       area but needs the firing mechanism from the 
                       attic to function properly.

 Silver Key            After you find this key use it to unlock the 
                       only locked door in the cellar.

 Skeleton Key          Although this is a skeleton key it only opens 
                       the door in the outside building and the door 
                       in the mansion that is locked on your return. 
                       Then it vanishes from your inventory.

 Small Bomb            With the power generator off blowing up the 
                       door mechanism cuts the power and stops the 
                       electricity protected door. It is found in a 
                       cupboard around the same area.

 Thin Key              Mysteriously, this key's only purpose seems to 
                       be breaking in the lock of the door underneath 
                       the vine that you must climb. It is found 
                       close to this door too...

 Ugly Old Statue       This ugly old statue is the akanibis statue 
                       that you get when you deactivate the 
                       forcefield surrounding it. It also transports 
                       you to the manision from the caves outside.

 Walkie-Talkie         This is used to contact Aline, you partner. 
                       However contact is broken halfway through the 
                       game and then it becomes rather useless.


 5. Ending

I hope Alone in the Dark wasn't spoilt too much for you if you read 
my guide, it is a great survival horror/adventure game for the Game 
Boy Color even if there isn't much point in playing it more than 
once. Unless you want to write an FAQ/Walkthrough for it, of course. 
Anyway, you can contact me via email  or via 
AIM  if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc.


  o  DarkWorks/Pocket Studios for developing such a great game
  o  CJayC for hosting this FAQ at GameFAQs
  o  Nirvana for giving me something to listen to  :p
  o  The sun... for shining! Now I'm just pushing it...


 6. Legal Info

This document and everything in it is copyright 2001 Janus Operative. 
It can be printed out and used for personal uses but it may not be 
used for financial gain, this includes publishing it in a magazine, 
on a website, etc. without prior consent from me. If you do take the 
guide without my permission you will be open to legal action. 
Likewise, if you take any information from my guide - e.g. take 
chunks of the walkthrough and copy it into your guide - you will be 
open to legal action. 

Finally, this link may or may not lead to the magical land of Narnia.



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