FAQ/Walkthrough - Guide for Star Fox Adventures
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************************************************************************ _____ _____ _ _____ _____ ____ _ __ _________________ | ___|_ _| / \ | _ | ___|/ _ | \ / / __/ _____/ | |___ | | / _ \| |_| | |___| | | |\ v / _/ __/ |___ | | | / /_\ | _| ___| | | | | | / __/ ____| | | |/ _____| |\ \| | | |_| |/ ^ \/ ___/ /______| |___/ |_| \_|_| |____//_/ \________/ _ ____ __ __ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _____ _____ _____ / \ | _ \\ \ / /| ___| \ | |_ _| | | | _ | ___| ___| / _ \| | | |\ \ / / | |__ | \| | | | | | | | |_| | |__ | |___ / /_\ | | | | \ \/ / | __|| | | | | |_| | _| __||___ | _/ _____| |_| | \ / | |___| |\ | | | | | |\ \| |___ ___| | |__/ |____/ \/ |_____| | \_| |_| \___/|_| | |_____|_____| |/ | | \| D I N O S A U R P L A N E T ************************************************************************ An FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ Version 1.0 E-mail: cyricz42@yahoo.com ************************************************************************ Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. FAQ 3. Controls, Menus, and Basic Tips 4. Characters 5. Items, Collectibles, Powers, and Abilities 6. The ThornTail Store 7. Enemies 8. Walkthrough A. Prelude i. General Scales' Galleon ii. Krazoa Palace iii. Krazoa Shrine 1 B. Chapter 1 - Star Fox Reporting i. Arwing Mission - To Planet ii. ThornTail Hollow iii. Ice Mountain iv. SnowHorn Wastes v. White Grubtubs C. Chapter 2 - DarkIce and Hot Lava (SpellStone #1) i. SnowHorn Wastes ii. Arwing Mission - To DarkIce Mines iii. DarkIce Mines iv. ThornTail Hollow and Moon Mountain Pass v. Volcano Force Point Temple D. Chapter 3 - Fly Me to the Moon (Krozoa Spirit #2) i. Moon Mountain Pass ii. Krazoa Shrine 2 iii. Krazoa Palace E. Chapter 4 - Sea and Sky (SpellStone #2) i. Cape Claw ii. Arwing Mission - To CloudRunner Fortress iii. CloudRunner Fortress iv. Ocean Force Point Temple F. Chapter 5 - Dance of the LightFoot (Krozoa Spirit #3) i. LightFoot Village ii. Krazoa Shrine 3 iii. Krazoa Palace G. Chapter 6 - Roar of the RedEye (SpellStone #3) i. ThornTail Hollow ii. Arwing Mission - To Walled City iii. Walled City iv. Volcano Force Point Temple H. Chapter 7 - Race Through the Snow (Krozoa Spirit #4) i. ThornTail Hollow ii. SnowHorn Wastes iii. Krazoa Shrine 4 iv. Krazoa Palace I. Chapter 8 - Prison Break (SpellStone #4) i. ThornTail Hollow ii. Arwing Mission - To Dragon Rock iii. Dragon Rock iv. Ocean Force Point Temple J. Chapter 9 - The Krazoa God (Krazoa Spirits #5 and #6) i. Walled City ii. Krazoa Shrine 5 iii. Krazoa Palace iv. The Final Battle 9. Miscellany A. Fuel Cells B. Cheat Tokens and Game Well Maze C. Staff Energy Upgrades 10. Standard Guide Stuff A. Legal B. E-mail Guidelines C. Credits D. Version Updates E. The Final Word ************************************************************************ 1. Introduction Hi, and welcome to my Star Fox Adventures FAQ! This FAQ is meant to provide you with full strategies on conquering this, the final masterpiece from Rare to Nintendo. In this game, Team Star Fox answers a distress call from Dinosaur Planet, and it's up to Fox to get down there and stop the planet from tearing itself apart. ************************************************************************ 2. FAQ Q: What is Star Fox Adventures? A: SFA is an action-adventure game, with just a little bit of flight sim. It comes to us from Rare and Nintendo. Q: Why is Fox starring in this game? Didn't it used to be Dinosaur Planet? A: Yes, this was originally intended to be released on the N64, starring a furry guy named Sabre. Nintendo wanted to make a Star Fox game that wouldn't focus so much on flying. Rare and Nintendo mutually decided to introduce Fox into this world. The transition actually goes pretty smoothly. Q: Is this really the last game from Rare for a Nintendo system? What are your thoughts on Rare, now? A: Yes, Nintendo has sold its shares in Rare back to Rare, and Microsoft has taken them up. My feelings? Well, although I will definitely miss Rare, business is business, and I definitely see Nintendo's reasons for letting them go. Q: What do I do with Cheat Tokens? A: Go talk to the WarpStone and ask to go to the Game Well Maze. Find your way to the center and you'll find a well to drop the Token in. If it gives you a "Cheat Activated" message, go to the Main Menu and look around for something new. ************************************************************************ 3. Controls, Menus, and Basics ====================================== Controls: Standard: Control Stick: This controls your character's movement, and their aiming when using a ranged weapon. A Button: Generic action button. This attacks, examines things that have an "A" floating above them, and selects things from menus. In the top right corner of the screen, you'll often see a description near the A button for what it does, specifically. B Button: Cancel Button. This puts away your weapon, and cancels selections from menus. X Button: Evasion Button. Without a weapon, this is a forward roll. When in combat, it's a series of different flips and rolls. Y Button: Quick Inventory. When in your C-Stick Inventory, press Y to select an item for later use. Once you've selected the item, press Y and you'll use it without going into inventory. Control Pad: PDA Display. This switches the function of Fox's Personal Data Assistant, in the lower left corner of the screen. It toggles between maps, general area information, and a compass that seeks out Fuel Cells. L Button: Pressing the L Button will center the camera behind your character. Holding it down all the way will keep your view focused straight ahead, and allow you to sidestep. R Button: Defend Button. If you have the staff, this will generate a force field when not in combat, and will be a simple block while in combat. Z Button: First-Person. This will bring the camera into your character's eyes. Move the Control Stick to look around. If you've picked up the Hi-Def Display, you can use the C-Stick to zoom in and out. C-Stick: Inventory. Left and right will cycle through the three inventories: Weapon (yellow), Sidekick (blue), and Item (red). Up and down will scroll through all the items in those lists. Select one to use with A, or save it with Y for later use. START Button: Pause Button. In addition to stopping the frenetic action, you can also chat with General Pepper, Slippy, Peppy, or save your game. Arwing: Control Stick: Moves the Arwing around in the corridor. Like old Star Fox games, the Arwing is always flying straight ahead, and you can only re-orient yourself in the corridor, not turn around. A Button: Fire lasers. B Button: Fire bombs. Hit again to detonate prematurely. Y Button: Boost. Hold for a burst of speed. X Button: Brake. Hold to slow down. L/R Buttons: Roll. This tilts your Arwing on its side. Click the button all the way to perform a barrel roll, which creates a small shield that'll make you resistant to damage for a second. START Button: Pause and Communicator. ====================================== Menus: --- Main Menu: On the title screen, pushing Left and Right will allow you to focus on different members of Star Fox. Fox covers jumping into the game and erasing save files. Peppy covers options: widescreen and rumble. Slippy covers the audio volumes. ROB covers the subtitles in cutscenes. --- In-Game Menus: General Pepper: This is your basic inventory count. On the front side are all the major items you've collected, as well as your status in health and power. Tapping the C-Stick will allow you to see what special items you've picked up. Peppy Hare: This is the map section of the comm. On the front, you'll see a full map of Dinosaur Planet, and you'll be able to look at all areas visited. The area where you have something to do next has a special mark. Using the C-Stick will show you the other side, where you can see what maps you've collected. Slippy Toad: Slippy's always watching, and on hand to offer advice. If you've no clue what to do next, chances are the Slipster has a good hint for you. ====================================== Basic Tips: Don't forget about Slippy. His information is actually quite invaluable. You should definitely have a chat with him if you don't know what to do next. This may go without saying, but like most Rare games, it defintely is worth it to you to explore every nook and cranny. When you get new abilities, poke around for places to use them, as there undoubtedly will be. Combat is actually pretty simple once you get the hang of it (to the point of tedium, especially when fighting basic Sharpclaws). I've found that there are three different types of combos: leaving the Control Stick neutral (multi-kick), holding Down while tapping A (spin and charge), and holding any other direction while tapping A (jump slash). Please correct me if this isn't the case. The heart above your enemy's head is its life, so you can watch yourself whittle him down. There are also special moves you can pull out of dodging. If you roll forward and attack, you'll do a jump-slash. Attack again to do a spinning jump slash. If you roll to the left or right and attack, you'll do a low sweep. The sweep is devastating against a Grunt that has been doubled up. Note the locations of boxes that hold health-restoring items and Magic Plants. They do regenerate after time, so exploit that fact. The only thing that will cause you to officially pass out is for your energy to be depleted. Long falls into "nothingness" will not kill you at all. Instead, they deposit you back at the beginning of the area with the drop, and everything you had done between that and falling is reset. That's all I've got for now. Anyone with any more ideas can submit them. ************************************************************************ 4. Characters ====================================== Main Characters: Fox McCloud: Savior of the Lylat System, Fox hasn't been doing much since his victory over Andross eight years ago. This new mission to Dinosaur Planet could well justify his standard fee. Krystal: A young lady from Cerinia, Krystal is also answering the distress call on Dinosaur Planet. She's armed with her staff and a wealth of magical powers. Tricky: Fox's sidekick throughout the game, Tricky is the Crown Prince of the Earthwalker Tribe. He'll be able to lend a hand in exploration, if you've got enough of his favorite food. ====================================== Supporting Characters: Peppy Hare: Having retired from active duty, Peppy hangs on with Star Fox as their tactics advisor. Slippy Toad: Ever the tinkerer, Slippy signed on with R&D in Corneria recently, but is still helping out Star Fox whenever he gets the chance. His recent contribution was a jukebox to the Great Fox. ROB the Robot: Slippy's been constantly upgrading ROB to the point where he's now a valued member of the team, as opposed to just an AI for Great Fox. General Pepper: The commander-in-chief of the Cornerian armed forces, Pepper sometimes calls on Star Fox for help in dangerous situations. General Scales: This tyrant and his Sharpclaw tribe were rejected from society by the more peace-loving tribes. He's currently massing an army to take over Dinosaur Planet for his own ends. Warpstone: A being of living rock, this giant does exactly what his name implies; he magically transports our heroes to new locales. ====================================== Tribes on Dinosaur Planet: EarthWalker: One of the two ruling tribes on DP, these most resemble Earth's Triceratops. They're fast, strong, and wise. ThornTail: These are one of the more peaceful tribes, living in Thorntail Hollow and protecting the Warpstone. LightFoot: Resembling Earth's Velociraptors, this spiritual tribe has become more suspicious with the growing Sharpclaw infestation. CloudRunner: The other of the two ruling tribes are related to Earth's Pterodactyl or Pterandon. They're a proud and valiant race. HighTop: Resembling the giant herbivores of Earth, these giants are among the most gentle on DP. SnowHorn: These woolly mammoths have adapted to the harsh life of the SnowHorn Wastes. RedEye: Resembling Earth's giant flesh-eaters. These dinosaurs were under EarthWalker control until General Scales took them over. SharpClaw: A rather anthropomorphic breed of dinosaur. They believe themselves the superior of the dinosaurs races. ************************************************************************ 5. Items, Collectibles, Powers, and Abilities There is most defintely no shortage of pickups lying around Dinosaur Planet, as Fox and friends will soon find out. ====================================== Common Items - These are the most common items found in the game, and you'll be thankful for it. Dumbledang Pods: Found in containers and on defeated enemies, one pod will restore two small life energy pieces (half a big piece). Pukpuk Eggs: Found in containers and on defeated enemies, one egg will restore four small life energy pieces (one big piece). Energy Gems: Found lying around, or in Magic Plants, these gems restore your Staff Energy. Green restores a tiny amount. Red restores a little more. Yellow restores a lot (most of it when your meter's still small). Blue completely restores your Staff Energy. Scarabs: The currency of Dinosaur Planet. They're found in containers and under rocks. Green scarabs are worth one. Red are worth five, and Gold are worth ten. Use them to purchase items in the ThornTail Store or to give to other beings. ====================================== Expendable Items - These items are used during the course of your adventure. They're not as easily collected as Common Items, but a sharp explorer should be able to pick up places to find them quickly. Fuel Cells: ROB dropped a ton of cells so that your Arwing could get around, but an error caused them to be scattered all over Dinosaur Planet. You need to find Fuel Cells so you can power your Arwing to take you to the four areas that are above Dinosaur Planet. Although there is a finite number sitting around the planet, you can buy as many as you want from the Storekeeper, and you don't need all the ones lying around to finish the game. Blue Grubtub Fungus: These mushrooms are given to Tricky so that he can perform tasks for you. You can carry up to 15 of them. You can give Tricky a total of five at a time (you can view his status in the upper left corner). You'll find them lying around. They'll freak if you get close, so you have to whap them with your Staff to pick them up. Bomb Spore: You'll find these in their respective plants. They look like round pods with smoke coming out of them. Shoot them with the Fire Blaster and they'll explode, causing three Spores to drift out. Once you collect them, you can use them on circles of soft earth, mostly which are near walls. Once you plant them, shoot from afar with your Fire Blaster and they'll explode, taking out any obstacles in the area. You can carry a maximum of seven. Firefly: Once you buy a Lantern, you can use it to contain these floating balls of irridescence. When you've captured them, select the Lantern from your inventory and a Firefly will float out and follow you around, lighting up dark areas. Moonseed: These strange crescent-shaped seeds are guarded by Kalda Choms. When you defeat them, they'll leave behind a seed. The place to use these seeds is patches of dirt that are next to cracks in walls. Plant them, and then have Tricky use his Flame on them, and the plant will shoot up the wall and you'll have a makeshift ladder to scale. BafomDad: These bouncy guys are your extra lives. If you fall in battle, and are carrying one of these, you'll automatically be fully restored. In the beginning, you can only carry one, but buying a BafomDad Bag at the store will allow you to carry ten. ====================================== Major Items - These are special or story-driven items. Hi-Def Display Device: Pick up this for 20S in the Store. You can use it to activate the Zoom feature when you go into first-person mode with Z. Firefly Lantern: For 20S, you can pick up this item at the Store. With it, you can capture Fireflies in the field. Dinosaur Horn: This is found in SnowHorn Wastes. When you find a pad with the horn on it, blow it! Spellstones: There are four Spellstones in all: two are Fire Spellstones and two are Water Spellstones. They're formed of Dark Matter and contain the power of Dinosaur Planet and prevent it from tearing itself apart. When you find them, you must return them to their respective Force Point Temples. Oh, and every time you collect one, you'll get an extra big energy piece in reserve. Krazoa Spirits: These ancient phantasms are responsible for all life on Dinosaur Planet. They were hidden to prevent being exploited by General Scales. They must be returned to Krazoa Palace. ====================================== Staff Powers - Found in underground passages, any time you're near a shrine that can empower your staff, your staff will glow green and vibrate in your hand. Fire Blaster: Your first power is a simple shot of red energy. It's not serious fire, as in, it can't ignite things, but it can cause damage and hit far-off buttons. Rocket Boost: When you find a small floor tile with blue light coming out of it, you can use that spot to boost yourself pretty darn high, once you collect this power. You need to hold down the button to charge up the boost. Ice Blaster: This is a much shorter range power than Fire Blaster. Hold down the button and you'll let out a steady stream of frigid air. You can douse flames with it, and freeze enemies. Ground Quake: This power will cause you to jump up and slam the staff into the ground, stunning all enemies in the area. It's particulary effective on Kalda Choms. SharpClaw Suit: This disguise will allow you to go unnoticed amongst enemies, and if you step on yellow pads with red light, you can activate them. Also, there are some boxes and barrels you can only pick up when in disguise. Portal Device: After finding and restoring the third Krozoa Spirit, you'll be able to get this after saving a mother ThornTail's eggs. When you come across a portal, use this to open it and pass. Super Ground Quake: You'll find this in the Walled City. It's more powerful than the standard Ground Quake and knock over really big guys. ====================================== Tricky's Abilities - You have a strange relationship with your little dino pal. Although you two talk like partners, you order him around like a pooch. These aren't exactly found, so much as Tricky just up and tells you what he can do. If Tricky can use one of his special abilities in a specifica area, a "?" will appear above him. Find: If you find small circular patches of rock, have Tricky use this command to dig up what's underneath. Also, Tricky can dig through small weak sections of certain walls. Stay: Use this ability if you want Tricky not to move, such as when you need him to weigh down a switch, or if you're sick of him following you. Heel: Use this command if you want to cancel Tricky's Stay command. He'll come running to your side. Play: Once you've purchased Tricky's Ball from the Store, take a break and throw it around so he can chase it. If you throw it enough, Tricky will change colors. He changes colors every ten throws. Some have suggested (and I myself believed) that changing Tricky's colors actually changed how he acted in the game, making him faster or more efficient. After observing this for a while, I can say it's untrue. This is just a color change. Colors: 1st: Yellow with purple top 2nd: Purple with yellow top 3rd: Green with blue top 4th: Green with yellow top 5th: Purple with blue top 6th: Blue with purple top 7th: Greenish-yellow with purple top Flame: Once you've made some progress in SnowHorn Wastes, Tricky will start using this power. If you find any ice walls, or bramble patches, or anything that could be set fire to, use this command. ====================================== Arwing Powerups - When in flight, there are several pickups available to fight off the spaced invaders. Some are in containers and you have to shoot them to open them up. Energy Ring: A sliver ring. This will restore your shields when they're depleted. Bomb: A red circle with a B. Fire this with B and you'll take out a cluster of enemies. Twin Laser: Two green lines and an L between. This will allow you to fire both the Arwing's lasers linked. Find a second one to get Hyper Lasers, which are quite rare. Gold Ring: Self-explanatory. These allow you to progress in the game. ************************************************************************ 6. ThornTail Store In ThornTail Hollow, there is a door that leads down a wall and over a little climb and into the Store. The Storekeeper will explain the whole deal when you first arrive. The basic deal is that when you select an item, the Keeper will show up and show you its base price. You can haggle him down lower if you wish. You can't make a lower offer than half the price, and he'll just say it's too low, anyway. After the first time, raise the price and suggest it. If he says it's too low three times, he'll call you a cheapskate and you'll have to try again from the beginning. NOTE: You can't even haggle something unless you have the required amount of Scarabs for the base price. The center of the Store has a well from where you can buy a Cheat Token for 20 Scarabs (look in the Extra Items section for info about Cheat Tokens). Left Chamber - This chamber mostly has common and expendable items: Dumbledang Pod - 3 Sb 3 Dumbledang Pods - 10 Sb Pukpuk Egg - 6 Sb 3 Pukpuk Eggs - 15 Sb Bomb Spore - 5 Sb Fuel Cell - 10 Sb Blue Grubtub Fungus - 12 Sb Firefly - 10 Sb Middle Chamber - This chamber has several special items and some maps. Rock Candy - 10 Sb Hi-Def Display Device - 20 Sb Tricky's Ball - 15 Sb BafomDad Holder - 20 Sb SnowHorn Artifact - 130 Sb Firefly Lantern - 20 Sb Cape Claw Map - 5 Sb Krazoa Palace Map - 5 Sb Dragon Rock Map - 5 Sb Ocean Force Point Map - 10 Sb Right Chamber - This chamber is nothing but maps. ThornTail Hollow Map - 5 Sb Moon Mountain Pass Map - 5 Sb LightFoot Village Map - 5 Sb DarkIce Mines Map - 5 Sb SnowHorn Wastes Map - 5 Sb Walled City Map - 5 Sb CloudRunner Fortress Map - 5 Sb Volcano Force Point Map - 10 Sb NOTE: You'll also find a Rocket Boost Pad. You can come here when you get that Staff Power. There's not much up there, though. Just some Scarabs. Game Room - To the left or right of the exit, you can enter the Scarab Scramble game room. Bet between 1 and 10 Scarabs and the Storekeeper will toss them into the middle of the pit with the same number of purple Scarabs. Collect all your Scarabs except the purple ones and you'll win double the amount you bet. If you touch a purple one at any time, you'll only keep what you got before then. So, the Maps are quite helpful if you want a bird's eye view of the area, but they're not entirely necessary. You can buy the common and expendable stuff as needed. You'll need almost all the special items. Tricky's Ball isn't required. Neither is the BafomDad holder, although it's a definite help. ************************************************************************ 7. Enemies There are plenty of bad guys to shake a stick at in this game. General rule for enemies on the ground is to whack them. Air enemies should be gunned down with your Fire Blaster. Wraith: A floating, glowing apparition. If you get close, they'll start spinning and they'll home in on you. Take them out from afar. Red Grubtubs: These are a more territorial version of the mushrooms you find. They don't move, but if you get close, they shake a red cloud of dust off that hurts. You can't destroy them, but you can shoot or hit them to stun them. SharpClaw Grunts: These are the guys you'll take the most time fighting. I've lumped all walking, fighting SharpClaws in one group, as the only things that really change about them are their weapons. They're all fought the same, though. If they start blocking, block one from them and quickly retaliate. Link together a combo to knock them down quickly. Snipluk: This small burrowing guy pops up and down and spits at you. He can move a bit underground, but he can't take too many hits. Try to get the drop on him as he comes up. Kooshy: This guy is similar to a Snipluk. The differences are that he doesn't move around, and he normally just stays up out of the ground. If you get close, he'll duck down, only to come back out when you get further away. Rush in close quick to hit him. Spike Plant: These little wall-hugging plants like to shoot out a spiky appendage when you get close. The only way I've found of beating them is to freeze them with the Ice Blaster, then whack them with the Staff. SharpWings: Recognizable by their annoying screeches, these guys fly around, home in on your position and swat you. Best way to take them out is from afar with your Fire Blaster. HoleDwellers: Although kinda rare, these guys live in dark holes, and you can only see their glowing eyes. They spit green stuff at you, so shoot them with the Fire Blaster before they become trouble. Bat: Very similar to the SharpWings, except quite a bit smaller. These guys are actually a challenge to hit with your Blaster. Flame Bat: You can't do a thing to these warm weirdos until you get the Ice Blaster. Once you do, let them get close and freeze them. Kalda Chom: A very resilient enemy found on Moon Mountain Pass. You cannot attack them directly, but if you perform a Ground Quake, you'll shake them up and can hit their soft back. Two hits should do it. FireCrawler: These guys retreat into their shells when hit, which catch on fire. You can still hit them while they're in their shells, but it takes forever. To take them out quickly, use the Ice Blast until they freeze, and whack them to shatter them. Fungus Turtle: These pains-in-the-neck splash about in the water, where you can't use your staff. The only way to take them out is to Fire Blast them from the shore, which can be difficult if they're far off. Spybot: A guard and surveillance machine, Spybots scour a set area and anything not on their side that wanders into their spotlight gets zapped. Shooting them with the Fire Blaster will stun them. RedEye: A nasty, large dino. You can't lay a hand on them until you get the Super Ground Quake. Once you do so, use it to knock them over, then Fire Blast their heads, or throw a Fuel Barrel at them. Cannonbots: Guarding the prison on Dragon Rock, these four robots fire a steady volley of laser blasts at anyone nearby, and they're protected by shields. The shields need to be deactivated before they can be destroyed. ************************************************************************ 8. Walkthrough This walkthrough is divided into chapters based around finding the major items in the game: The Spellstones and the Krazoa Spirits. ==================================== A. Prelude As the game opens, you learn a young girl named Krystal answers the distress call from Dinosaur Planet. She swoops down on a CloudRunner and attacks General Scales' Galleon as it flies in the air. --- i. General Scales' Galleon Use the Stick to orient yourself and press A to fire shots from the CloudRunner. Your first target on the ship is the two cannons spewing flame at you. Once fire bursts from them, attack the spinning propeller underneath. After taking out all four blades on the propeller, shoot the two fire cannons again until they're destroyed. Now, the Galleon will swing around and attack head on. Shoot the head to land on the deck. Once you land, walk up to the front of the ship, follow the game's prompt, and press A when you reach the young dino-ling in the cage. When you speak to him, a couple of doors someways back will open. Go back along the deck and down the ramp to reach the hold. Right in the center of the room is a key on a platform. Take it into your possession. Now, head back up to the deck, walk over to the caged bird and you'll have a little encounter with the big smelly General Scales. He'll toss Krystal over the side, where the CloudRunner will catch her. She'll leave and decide to head for the source of the distress signal, which seems to be from a nearby palace. --- ii. Krazoa Palace When you land, start by avoiding the Wraiths floating around and speaking to the EarthWalkers lying around. They'll give you basic tips on control. Start by walking over to the locked door. Open up your Inventory with the C-Stick and select the Key to open the door. Pick up the Fuel Barrel behind. Once you use the Barrel, a new one will be generated on the pad on the floor nearby. Anyway, use the Barrel on the line of boxes nearby and you'll blow them up. You can also use Barrels on the Wraiths to beat them, but they will come back in about a minute. NOTE: Blowing up most any boxes around here will get you Pods or Eggs for restoring your health. Once you blow up the boxes, grab another Barrel, head down the ramp, veer left and throw the Barrel at the cracked wall. Head further inside (talking to EarthWalkers along the way). In this next area, use a Barrel to blow up a line of boxes, then go around the corner, past the Wraith, to the pad to pick up another. Head back to the boxes that you blew up, and time your movements past the flames. Throw the Barrel at the far wall to open it and head through to the next area. In this next room, there's another Barrel Pad. Instead of throwing it, though, head to the nearby floor switch. You need something to hold it down, so step on it, then press A to set the Barrel down (you can only set the Barrel if you're standing on the switch, otherwise you'll throw it). Head to the next room and have a chat with the Earthwalker, who'll tell you that he sent the distress signal and that you need to restore the Krazoa Spirits. He'll open the door to the first Krazoa Shrine. Step on the pad and press A to teleport. --- iii. Krazoa Shrine 1 Walk a little ways and climb up the ladder. In the first room, you'll see a Wraith in a pit. Drop down into the pit and climb out the other side. Walk up to the red circle on the wall and you'll learn about Life Force Doors. To take down the Wraith, just toss a nearby Barrel at it. Once the Wraith is gone, the door will open. Head through and to the next room. In this room, you must step on the switch until it goes all the way down, then time your run past the flame jets to get in before the gate closes. If you find yourself harrassed by the Wraith, you can always go back, grab a Barrel, and toss it at him. Go through the gate and walk up the Krazoa Spirit. Talk to it to receive your first test. THE TEST OF OBSERVATION: Not that hard, really. Just watch where the Spirit jumps to, then follow the urn as they all rotate around. Once they stop, press A near the one with the Spirit inside. Once you find it three times, the Spirit will introduce itself to you, or rather, into you. Nice eyes... Now, you'll be deposited at the entrace to the shrine. You'll talk to the Earthwalker for a bit more, then you can head for the platform in the back of the room. You'll rise up to the tunnel. From there, run ahead and to the right. Press A on the platform to deposit the Spirit, after a fashion... Poor Krystal gets knocked into the beam by something evil and trapped in a crystal. Boy, that stinks... ==================================== B. Chapter 1 - Star Fox Reporting Somewhere in the Lylat System, the Great Fox gets a call from General Pepper, to investigate the happenings on Dinosaur Planet. --- i. Arwing Mission - To Planet You need to fly through one Gold Ring to pass to the Planet. Fortunately, there are about ten floating around in this area. The green specks you see from far off are mines, which blow up if you get close. Also, there are small fighter ships that fly in to take shots at you. In the containers are Bombs, and one has the Twin Laser powerup. So, shoot your best and hit at leat one Gold Ring to get to the Planet. --- ii. Thorntail Hollow Once you land on the planet, Pepper will brief you and explain the Communicator. You'll respond with your own dry sense of humor. Fox mentioned a weapon. Well, one is quite nearby. Look to the right of the two ThornTails standing nearby and you'll see a small circle of trees and flowers. Head to the center and you'll pick up Krystal's Staff, and she'll pop into your head and explain how to use it. Now that you're armed, chat with the ThornTails around and they'll talk about basic things such as lifting rocks and magic plants. Where you really need to go is the small plaza near where you found the staff. As you approach the door, four SharpClaw Grunts will dash out of the door and attack. Defeat them all using basic combat techniques (combos, blocking with R). Once they're all destroyed, a red button will appear, and a door will open across the way in the Hollow. Head through that door and press A to lift up the lid. Drop down in the hole. Make your way through the tunnel and press A at the central device. Your staff will be charged up with the FIRE BLASTER. Follow the instructions on how to use it. If you want, you can practice your firing on the Bat near the ceiling. He won't attack. To leave the area, shoot the button near the gate. NOTE: These red buttons with sunburst designs are in many places, and this is the main use of the Fire Blaster. Once you've returned to the Hollow, head back to the small plaza, take aim, and Blast the button above the door. Head through and you'll speak to the Queen Earthwalker. Slippy will translate that you need to speak to the Warpstone, and he'll take you to Ice Mountain to find her son, Prince Tricky. She'll also make a call that will move one of the ThornTails guarding a wall. That ThornTail was actually sitting on a patch of dirt. Right next to the river, you should see a pod-like plant with vapor coming out. Blast it and collect the spores that fly out. These are Bomb Spores. Plant one next to the wall and you can talk to the Warpstone. He won't want to talk to you unless you can bring him a gift. While you're at it, scout around and see if you can find some other places to plant Bomb Spores. There are a few places around, including under the waterfall. Now's the time to stock up on some Scarabs (flip some nearby rocks) and head to the Store. Buy the Rock Candy there, as well as some maps if you feel like it. Now, head to the Warpstone and use the Rock Candy on him. Nice bagpipe theme song. He'll explain his warping powers. You'll want to push Left to head to Ice Mountain. --- iii. Ice Mountain As you enter the area, you'll see a SharpClaw ship drop in with what could only be the little Prince Tricky. Two Grunts will lead him into a cave and shut the door behind. Now, note you're being shot at from afar. That's a SharpClaw Cannon. To the left of you, up a little slope, is a Barrel Pad. Take the Barrel and toss it at the wall of crates across the field, since you can't break these crates with your staff. Behind this wall are the two Grunts who were manning the Cannon. Take them out and a Blast Button will appear above the metal door. Shoot the Button and head in. Your valiant rescue attempt will be abrupted by Tricky running off. The SharpClaws will hop on their bikes and give chase. You'll hop on the remaining one and pursue. Although you can destroy the bikers by ramming them, all you have to do to proceed is to beat them to the end of the course. Try to look for some hills that can get you a serious lead. When you get to the end, you'll crash up your bike and meet Tricky, and your translator will finally be working. Proceed along the path. Soon, you'll reach a lava pit (that's right, lava in a snow area). Head to the right and you'll find some Blue Grubtubs. Whack them to pick them up, then feed them to Tricky. He'll explain his Find Command. Use Find on the nearby patch of loose rock and he'll uncover a switch. Try to step on it and he'll tell you about his Stay Command. Have him Stay on the switch, go in the little cave, and use the lever to raise a platform in the lava pool. Head down into the lava pool and hop across (don't worry about Tricky, he'll follow, somehow...) --- iv. SnowHorn Wastes Now, head further along the path. You'll come across two Grunts. Fight them both (note Tricky runs off). Once they're down, continue on, pausing to take out the Snipluk. Enter the clearing and take out the three Grunts chasing Tricky around. He'll then tell you about his Heel Command. There's quite a bit in this area. Pick up a bunch of Grubtubs, and have Tricky Find on all the patches of loose rock. You'll find an Egg, two Alpine Roots, and a hidden passageway that leads to a Staff Energy Extender. Have a chat with the nearby SnowHorn (mammoth) and give him the Alpine Roots. For one, he'll give you a Small Scarab Bag (can hold 50 Scarabs), and for the second, he'll pound the ground, and a block will drop from the water stream. Push the block to the nearby ledge to climb up out of the pond area. Also, you can push it over to the nearby Fuel Cells to snag them. Once you're over the wall, you'll be near a freezing pond. If you want the Fuel Cells on the other side, go on the other side of the pond's right wall to find a switch to raise an ice floe. Otherwise, there's no need to go here. You can't find the SnowHorn's gold root yet. Head down the slope. There's a small patch of rock Tricky can dig up to get you a BafomDad. You can talk to the SnowHorns, who mention their lost leader. Head further down and you'll notice a lock. You don't have a key, naturally, so forget about it for now. Talk to the SharpClaw blocking the nearby cave. Pay him 25 Scarabs to pass. If you don't have enough, there are plenty lying around in baskets and under rocks. Pay him and continue on past the Fire Bats (you can't hurt them) to a sewer-like area. Don't bother with the switches now. Just swim through and you'll end up back in ThornTail Hollow. Just open the gate with the lever switch. --- v. White Grubtubs Tricky will hear a call from his mom and take off. Head down to the Queen EarthWalker and Tricky will mention White Grubtubs that could help his mom. First, head to the Store and pick up a Firefly Lantern. You'll need it inside. Don't bother putting Fireflies in it yet. Head towards the large circular structure. That's the well that has the White Grubtubs. Have Tricky Find at the side and he'll dig into it. Once inside, Fox will tell Tricky to stay behind. Slide down the ladder and into the well. Manuever around the red shrooms and into the next room. As you get to the little pond, you'll feel the rumbling. Bomb Spore the floor patch and you'll be in a Staff Power room. This room gives you the ROCKET BOOST. Once outside, you can use the Rocket Boost Pad under the crate at the far end of the room, for a couple of Fuel Cells. To move forward, though, head back to the first room and find the Boost Pad there. Head along the causeway back to the pond room. Plant a Bomb Spore and set it off to drop part of the bridge down below. Drop down and push the block onto the button to hold open the gate. Head inside and speak to the ThornTail who's two scales short of a full tail. If you have the Lantern, he'll move and you can Bomb the floor. Slide down the ladder. Right next to you is White Grubtub #1. Continue further into the cave. Veer a bit left and you'll find a pond with a couple of Bats and three Fireflies. Take them all, then enter the dark area that's to the right of this little Firefly alcove. Activate your Lantern to pull out a Firefly. Find the Bomb Spore patch and place one. Blow it and behind the wall you'll find White Grubtub #2. Enter the other dark passage (the one that slopes downhill). Take White Grubtub #3 down here, and find another Bomb Spore patch. Plant and shoot and you'll lower the nearby pillar. Now, head back and enter a short passage with a Boost Pad. Boost up and collect White Grubtub #4 and some Fireflies. Now, since you lowered the pillar, you can hop out onto it and cross to the other ledge. In this new area, you'll find White Grubtubs #5 and #6. Now, retrace your steps all the way to the entrance and outside. Go to the Queen and give her the White Grubtubs. She'll be restored and will spill the whole story on you. So, now you've got to find and restore the SpellStones. You'll be tasked with going to SnowHorn Wastes to find Garunda Te, and you'll be given the SharpClaw Prison Key. For another place to use the Boost, go around near the Store. There's a Pad here. Use it to shoot up to the ledge. Bomb the wall. Inside, hit all four Blast Buttons quickly to open up a hole and get a Staff Energy Upgrade. There are also a couple of Fuel Cells around the corner on the ledge. Now, to head back to SnowHorn Wastes, climb the ladder to the left of the well and you'll be back in the sewers. The flow's too strong to swim against, so have Tricky stay on the nearby switch, climb up, and flip the lever to reverse the flow. Also in this area, there's a Boost Pad that'll put you in range of a Blast Button that will open up a couple of Fuel Cells. Keep going through the sewers and you'll be back to BribeClaw and the Wastes. ==================================== C. Chapter 2 - DarkIce and Hot Lava (SpellStone #1) Whenever you go on a SpellStone quest, the whole thing is two-fold. In addition to going up in orbit to retrieve the stone, you also have to go the respective Force Point Temple to restore the stone. --- i. SnowHorn Wastes All right. First use the key on the nearby lock to open the cage. Enter and head for the frozen ice, under which Garunda Te is trapped. He'll tell you to bring him Frost Weeds from the nearby tree so he'll be strong enough to free himself. What you need to do is whack the tree and kick the weeds over to the ice so he'll suck them up. You need to do this three times. Only problem is there's a bunch of SharpClaws here, too. Try to avoid fights if you can and just concentrate on the weeds. Once you've freed Garunda, he'll tell you about the SpellStone and his daughter, and that he'll open the gateway for you to DarkIce Mines. Now, you're clear to head back to your Arwing. If you want to do more here, go east and kill the HoleDweller in the tree near the waterfall. It will tip over and you can climb up to a couple of Fuel Cells. Anyway, head back to ThornTail Hollow. If you have five Fuel Cells, you can make the run to DarkIce Mines --- ii. Arwing Mission - To DarkIce Mines This run is a bit more hectic than the first, mostly because of the existence of a lot more meteors. Try to fly around them as best as you can. You only need three Gold Rings, and there are about ten floating around. If you see a ring with an X in the middle, just shoot it and you'll be able to fly through it. --- iii. DarkIce Mines Once you land, trudge on up the sloping path (either direction), while shooting down SharpWings that get in your way. Continue along the thin path, avoiding lava balls and hopping over gaps. Soon, you'll reach the camp. Clean it out of SharpClaws if you wish. Note that one of the SnowHorns here is in shackles. Next to him is a cabin with a snow wall in front of it, but it has a crack. Have Tricky Find and he'll burrow through. Follow him in, defeat the two Grunts inside, and find the chest in a little sideroom that has the Shackle Key. Release the SnowHorn outside and she'll ask you to help Belina, the Gatekeeper's daughter. She'll also give you a Bridge Cog. Head past the cabins and through the archway and you'll find a river. Drop down to the ledge below and make your way towards the waterfall, where you'll find a cog mechanism. Put the missing Cog in its place then pull the lever to extend the bridge. Climb back up and cross. Follow the path and you'll find two Grunts beating up a SnowHorn. Beat them up, instead. The SnowHorn will tell you about Tricky's Flame Command, and he'll also ask for some food. Now that you have Flame, head back to the cabin area and have Tricky melt the ice on the cabin blocked by ice. Head inside and have him also use it on the firewood to melt the ice in a somewhat delightful manner. Drop down, take care of the Snipluk, and melt the ice wall in here. Have Tricky Find near the patch of dirt and you'll get an Alpine Root. Head back out and back to where the SnowHorn is. No need to feed him yet, as there's one more we need. Drop down into the trench with the rolling rocks. Go up the trench in the direction the rocks are coming from and you'll eventually come upon an ice wall. Flame it down, and use Find to get the second Alpine Root. Head back out of the trench to the SnowHorn and give him the Roots. He'll ask you to hop on his back for some smashing good times. Climb up the nearby ladder and press A to hop on. Move him to the gates and knock them down. That's all you need him for, so head to the right to the nearby platform to hop off. Ignore the Cannon firing at you for a moment and head back in the direction of the gates. Flame down the nearby ice wall and pass through. Climb up the nearby ladder and you'll pass another cog device. Boost up off the pad to head back into the Cannon area. Hop across the platforms along the wall. When you reach the one with the torch, head inside and you'll reach the Cannon. Knock out the Grunt guarding it and you'll be able to commandeer it. Yay... ^_^ Start firing on the Grunts that come out of the hut. Once you take out all five, the Life Force Door will open. While you're here, see that wall that's boarded up far to your right? Bust it up, too. Now, head back down to the ground level. Go through the door under the Cannon to get a Bridge Cog. Go into the hut the Grunts were coming out of to get a second Bridge Cog. Head through the former boarded up wall by climbing up to it. In this windy area, walk up the slope and past the weird pad. Have Tricky Flame the wall and you'll get the last Bridge Cog. Head back to the cog mechanism (on the path to the cannon). Place all three Cogs and use the lever to extend another bridge. Cross it and at the end, have Tricky Find the wall and crawl through. In this next room, shoot the Blast Button high up, then have Tricky Flame all four vents on the ends of the structure in the middle of the room. This will open the door at the other end. Walk through and leap across the pit. You'll land on an invisible bridge. Go into the next room and Flame down the ice block to get the Dinosaur Horn. Now that you have the Horn, go back to the Cannon Snow Field. Climb to the hole that was boarded up, then go up the slope to the platform with the Horn inscribed on it. Blow it and you'll call a SnowHorn to take you through the nearby blizzard. This next part is best during daytime with the higher visibility. What you have to do is keep walking to the next Alpine Root to keep going through the blizzard and not get tossed back to the beginning. Follow the Roots and you'll find the end point between two torches. You'll notice that Tricky is missing. Have the SnowHorn bash down the boarded-up wall, then hop off him at the nearby platform. Head into the cave and beat up the two Grunts to open the Life Force Door, then head further and hop on a SharpClaw Racer. This time, there's no rush. Just race through the caves and you'll eventually reach the mine proper. You'll have crashed up onto a dangerous situation. Stay in control on the conveyor belt and avoid the flames and hop off at the little ramp at the end of the belt. You can kill the three Grunts in this area to open the Life Force Door, but then you're up against an ice wall, which you'll need Tricky for, and you can hear him whining from here. Search the floor near the conveyor belt until you find a Boost Pad. Boost up, crawl through the hole, and follow the rolling rocks. At the third alcove, you'll see a flame jet. Look up and shoot the Blast Button above it to shut it off, then open the chest to get the Silver Key. Head back to the belt area. Head over to the platforms with rotating flame jets. Time your moves past them and head to the cells. Open the one on the right, which has Tricky. Now that your pal's back, kill the Grunts in the area to open the Life Force Door. Head through and Flame the ice wall. Open the chest to get the Gold Key. Go back to the cells and release Belina. She'll act all huffy about her father and bust through the back wall (why she didn't do just that earlier is a mystery). She'll call back to follow her to the bottom of the mine. Use Find on the nearby crack and crawl through to an underground lake. Look up at the stalactites hanging from the ceiling. Shoot at the three that aren't curvy and they'll fall into the lake. Hop across the floes formed by their falling and flip the lever to start some floes moving further upstream. Boost up to the upper area and start hopping onto the ice floes. Bounce over to the far end slow moving ones, then wait until it reaches close to the end and hop to the far shore. Up here is a pushin' block. Drop it over the side, then climb down to the lake level. Head to the now-accessible passage. At the end, beat up the two Grunts if you wish and head to the next huge room. More conveyor belts. Watch the flames and move on down the circular slope where you'll run into Belina again. She'll tell you about the SpellStone. Head into the huge room. Don't bother fighting too much unless you really have a thirst for blood. What you're looking for is a ladder with barrels exploding near it. Climb up and you'll see a Barrel Pad next to you. Carry a Barrel all the way up the slope, avoiding the barrels rolling down. They all roll the same way, so watch the pattern for openings. Once you reach the top, you'll be at a circular path. Move to the next circular path and you should see a faint circle with a picture of a Barrel on it. Set the Barrel down there. Climb the nearby ladder. On this circular path, you'll find a lever switch. Pull it and a little robot guy will pick up your Barrel and put it on your level. Carry it over to the next circular path, and watch out for the cannon shot. Time your way past the flame jets and head for the cracked wall at the end. Toss your Barrel to blow it, and flip the switch. This will drop a bridge near some red torches, which is near the rolling barrel dispenser. Run all the way back down and cross the bridge. Follow the rollling boulders down the path, and you'll eventually come upon a switch. Flip it and you'll raise the bridge near the green torches, which is near the Cannon. Once at the Cannon, take out the Grunt there, then shoot the two barricades on the pillars. Once they're both gone, stones will rise at floor level and you'll be able to step on a teleporter. This will warp you to the boss of this area. BOSS GALDON Step up to the frozen dino and Flame it to melt it down. It'll come to life and swallow the SpellStone. For the first round of combat, run behind it and hit it in its spiky butt to cause damage. Do this about four times and it'll swallow you. Once inside, whack the uvula, which has the SpellStone in it. Watch out for it swinging back, as it can hurt. Beat it enough and you'll get spit up. Now you have to shoot Galdon in its neck. Set your Fire Blaster on Y if you haven't already. Pull out your Staff and make sure you're close enough to maintain the target lock on him. Watch him as he spits and bites. When he starts to inhale, shoot the Fire Blaster at his vulnerable neck. Alternatively, you can keep your distance during all this, but you'll have to manually shoot once he starts inhaling as you won't be close enough for a lock. Once you shoot him three times, he'll swallow you once more. Hit the uvula again and the SpellStone will drop and you'll win the fight, after another spitting out and watching Galdon gurgle to his death. --- iv. ThornTail Hollow and Moon Mountain Pass Hop back into your Arwing and take the ride back to the Planet. You'll return to a crisis in ThornTail Hollow. The three beacons that keep the ThornTails from being scared of the dark were extinguished. What you need to do to relight them is to go to the tree in the middle of the area and knock Fire Weeds out of the tree. Hit them with your Staff to stop their rolling and pick them up. You'll need three at most. Now, just put one on each Beacon and have Tricky Flame them to light them up. One Beacon is near the well, up a little slope. The second is near the WarpStone. The third is in an area you haven't exactly been to yet. If you haven't already, go to the southeast corner where the door to the Queen is. You can climb up a ledge and move along the south wall and flip a switch to open a gate below you. Head through that gate and you'll find the final Beacon (if you're still lost, the gate is near a sign that says "To Cape Claw"). For your trouble, you'll receive a key to the gate at Moon Mountain Pass. The exit to Moon Mountain Pass is at the northeast end of town. That's near the well. At the end, plant a Bomb Spore to blow the wall. As you continue on the road, you'll eventually fall through a weak floor onto an air vent. There's poison gas down here, so veer to the left and the opening. Time your hops on the platforms and ride the wind on the other side up to solid ground. There's a Fuel Cell here (and one in the other vent on the way back). Continue on to the actual pass. Once you enter, you'll get a small cutscene of some Grunts waiting at the gate. They'll start throwing barrels down at you. Dodge and weave and make your way to the gate. Once you reach it, use the Key and head through. Go up and take out the Grunts to deactivate the Life Force Door at the end of the Pass. Head up through that door and into the entry to the Temple. --- v. Volcano Force Point Temple In the entryway, wait for the floor panels to retract, then extend, then hop across them to the other side. In the next room, look for a flame jet spewing out of the floor. You're going down there, so wait for it to stop and hop down. Continue down the passage and across the causeway, avoiding the Fire Bats. In this area, you can Boost up and open the door with the Staff to get the BafomDad, but the others can't be opened yet. To leave this area, run up the conveyor belt, avoiding the falling barrels (insert obvious Donkey Kong reference here). Once you reach the top, turn left and head out to the temple proper. If you want, you can go under the bridge here and get the Fuel Cell, but what you really need to do is put your SpellStone over the pad in front of the gate to open it up. Now, to open the main door, you'll need to set the orbs on fire. The way to do that is to take out your Fire Blaster, and shoot through the torches and hit the orbs when the flames are the same color as the orb. When you light both orbs, place the SpellStone and the door will open. In here is a Life Force Door, but where are the bad guys? Walk up and turn around. Ohhh. There they are. Defeat the four Grunts and the door will disappear. In the next room, have Tricky light both vents at the sides of the room to set the panels in motion. Climb up the ladder, then jump across the platform and back to the blue chamber. Time you movements past the fire jets, then climb up the ladder, and do the same thing on the side: climb, flame jets, moving platform. You'll arrive at a Staff Power hole. In it, you'll find the Ice Blaster. Use it to put out the four red Torches out in the circular room and the elevator in the room's center will activate. Ride it down. Continue along the corridor, dousing Fire Bats with your Ice Blaster if you want. You'll enter the focusing room of the Temple, where Peppy will explain Force Point Temples to you. Place the SpellStone on the pad nearby and you'll open up a door back and to your right. Head back to the first door and douse the flame to get through the other door. Pass the flames and ride the elevator up. Don't go down the passage yet. Instead, climb one of the ladders near you and put out the four torches up here. The door at the end of the passage will open. In the next room, three Grunts will attack. Defeat them to open the Life Force Door. Jump across the platforms while avoiding the fire. When you reach the other side, Tricky will start having second thoughts. To get him over here, shoot the Blast Buttons on the moving platforms to make them stop. Tricky will hop over and you can use his Flame to fire up the vent and open the door. Move through the tunnel and you'll be at the top. Step onto the pad to be teleported to the Force Point. Place the Stone and you'll weaken the flow of magic spilling out. Go you! You'll be placed back at the gateway to the Temple. Go back and make your way through the entryway back to Moon Mountain Pass. ==================================== D. Chapter 3 - Fly Me to the Moon (Krozoa Spirit #2) Apparently, Moon Mountain Pass was actually a second moon that crashed into the Dinosaur Planet and created the SharpClaws. Well, you'll be spending some time here to get a Krazoa Spirit, so get comfy. --- i. Moon Mountain Pass As you enter the pass, you'll hear Krystal, and she's not in good shape. A Krazoa will appear and tell you to help her by tracking down the remaining five Spirits. To move on in the area, he says you'll need a MoonSeed for the Kalda Chom here. You can't take it out, unfortunately, so head through the door the Krazoa opened and into the Staff Power place to get Ground Quake. Take it and use it on the Kalda Chom to spin him around. Hit him twice and you'll get a MoonSeed. Plant it in the ground near the crack in the wall and have Tricky light it up. Climb the vine that grows. In this next area, there are several Kalda Choms and places to grow MoonSeeds, so take care of all those. To proceed, enter a cave near a place you just climbed up. In this cave, in addition to a Kalda Chom, is a wall that you must blow with a Bomb Spore. Blow it and move out of the cave and along a passage. Eventually, you'll reach a clearing, and you'll see a cutscene of a meteor crashing. To move this meteor, you'll need to find three small rocks and place them on gas vents near the meteor to lift it up. There are two rocks under Find patches, and one is on fire and in plain sight, so ice it up so you can grab it. Now, you don't know which vents to put them on, so just put them on any of them. If you hear a tone, you got the right one. Once all three are in place, you'll be able to pass under the stone. Plant and grow another MoonSeed back here to continue on. In this next area, plant another MoonSeed to your left to climb up. If you want, plant another to reach the well to buy a Cheat Token. Where you really want to go, though, is up the slopes and onto the teleporter, which will take you to the second Krazoa Shrine. --- ii. Krazoa Shrine 2 Proceed and climb up the ladder to the first room. Mind the Fire Bat. Jump into the water and avoid the whirlpools, which hurt if you get sucked into them. Shoot the Wraith and douse the flame. Climb up and drop down into the pit. Turn around and shoot the Blast Button behind you to raise the water level. Continue to the next room. Carefully walk along the narrow path while avoiding the flames. Once you reach the end, turn around and shoot the Blast Button to open the gate. Run through and talk to the Krazoa Spirit. THE TEST OF COMBAT: Rather simple. Defeat the ten SharpClaw Grunts here within the time limit. Concentrate mainly on the multi-kick and spin jump combos, which cause more damage. Once you finish, you'll be possessed by the second Krazoa Spirit. You'll be deposited at the place you came in, and will be visited by the other Krazoa again, who'll tell you to bring the spirit to Krazoa Palace. Now, to leave this area. Head down the slopes and you'll notice some air drafts flowing up. Also, take note of the Barrel Pad nearby. The wall is across the way, but it'll be tough getting a Barrel there. Pick it up, then jump across the nearest air draft and the Barrel will coast over there with you. Pick it up again and coast over to the platform out to the left the same way. Now, you're close enough to toss it. Once the wall's blown, cross the last draft and head into the tunnel. Step into the draft and you'll be back at that area with several Kalda Choms and places to put MoonSeeds. Head out and down to the main pass. Now, head all the way back to ThornTail Hollow. Go and talk to the WarpStone and ask him to take you to Krazoa Palace. --- iii. Krazoa Palace As you enter the Palace, stroll right on up to the first chamber and slaughter the Grunts that pop up to challenge you. That will open the Life Force Door. This next room is very dark, so light up a Firefly to see (there are some in the Crates outside). Progress up the side of the room and around to the other side. Notice that your way is blocked by a cracked wall. The Barrel to toss at this wall is outside, behind a pillar. It's best to have the way you're supposed to go mapped out first in your mind so you know where you're going, though. So, grab and toss the Barrel and head through. In the next room, shoot the Blast Button high up to get the flame jets moving. Now, pick up the nearby Barrel and bust down the wall with it. In the next room, there's a Cannonbot guarding the floor switch. To lower his shields, light up the orbs flanking him (you remember how to do that, don't you? Shoot through the fire when the colors match). Now, bust him up with the Fire Blaster. To weigh down the switch, get a Barrel from the last room and set it on the switch. Go to the next room and beat up the Grunts if you wish. Now, stand on the pedestal to ride up to the passage. Head into the huge circular room. Ride up the big wind draft in the center and look back and to your left, then ride up the highest wind draft to go to the top tier here. There are two drafts along the walls here. The nearer one is a drop-down from above. The other across the room is the one you want to ride up to get to the top. Once at the top, approach Krystal for a rather awkward scene... ^_^ Hop down and around the side of the big pedestal up here and deposit your Krazoa Spirit into the mask on the wall. Now, you'll be sucked back to ThornTail Hollow. The Warpstone will tell you to head to the seaside, and will give you a Medium Scarab Bag, which will hold 100 Scarabs. ==================================== E. Chapter 4 - Sea and Sky (SpellStone #2) In this chapter, you'll spend much of your time at Cape Claw and the CloudRunner Fortress, while you search for the second SpellStone. --- i. Cape Claw First thing to do is stock up on Scarabs so you have at least sixty. To get to Cape Claw, leave the Hollow by the southwest exit, the one closest to the Arwing. Continue past the beacon down here and in the next area, hop off to the right and swim around so you can climb up to the other side. Continue on and you'll be in LightFoot Village. Keep going through some Grunts and you'll reach a Scarab Toll thing... Give it sixty Scarabs and it'll open the way to Cape Claw. Past the gate you'll have a minor maze to deal with. This is where having a map comes in handy. Once you make it through the maze, you'll have a well you have to go down. Once inside, you can raid it for Fuel Cells, or just go up and out the other side to reach Cape Claw. As you enter the cape, Fox will get a cutscene where we get a POV shot of someone behind bars at the other end of the cape. Once you resume control, you can get across the waterfall by blasting the Button above it to extend the bridge, but you don't have to at the moment. Where you really want to go is the far end of the beach where there's a HighTop and a BribeClaw. Give it 25 Scarabs to pass and speak to the HighTop. Those guys love their gold, so you need to find four Gold Bars so he'll help you. One Gold Bar is right near the ramp leading to the HighTop, next to the wall. The second is near the jail cell holding the weeping CloudRunner. The third is out to the left of the HighTop, near a patrolling Grunt. The fourth is in the same area. Burn down the brambles with Tricky, and beat up the two Grunts on the other side. The Find patch is under a little bit of water. Take the bars to the HighTop and he'll drop a ladder across the way. Climb up to the big Krazoa statue and up the ladder. Flip the lever and you'll open a gate above the prison. Head in and you'll be trapped inside. The four blocks will move and you'll have to readjust them back onto the vents so you don't die from poison gas. Although your meter at the bottom seems to go down fast, realize that it'll go down slower when you start covering up vents. Once you cover up all four, the prison will open. Head down and speak to the Queen CloudRunner, who'll open the way to CloudRunner Fortress. You'll also learn of a bit of the strife between the CloudRunners and EarthWalkers. Tricky will be a big indignant and will want to sit this one out. Now, head back to the ThornTail Hollow and fly there in your Arwing. You need eight Fuel Cells. --- ii. Arwing Mission - To CloudRunner Fortress This time, you need five Gold Rings to pass on. This mission's pretty hectic. There are a couple of new hazards. The first is a new kind of ship that spins and fires a steady stream of shots at you. The second is a small red emplacement that does the same. There are still plenty of Gold Rings, but you'll have to keep a sharp eye out for them amidst the mess of lasers. --- iii. CloudRunner Fortress As you land, the Queen will speak to you again, telling you she'll go in to see if it's safe. Your first task is to open the first gate. To do this, you'll need to drop down to the pool below, but watch out for the Fungus Turtles. Head towards a platform with a switch. After you step on the switch, you have thirty seconds to jump through three rings. To get to these rings, you have to hop across the boxes and platforms. It's tough, but possible. Once you jump through the last ring, a Blast Button will appear above the gate for you to open it with. As you enter, you'll be set upon by two Grunts. Past them is a spiral path leading up. There are two Spybots on patrol here, who will zap you if you get in their spotlights. The way to avoid them is to hide behind pillars. Make sure you're out of sight and you won't be zapped. Once you reach the top, go past the gate and down the ladder. Run around the ledge, and you'll find a switch. Pull it to open the gate. Head back up the ladder and through the gate. You'll reach the inner area. A cutscene will take over, where you see Scales roughing up the Queen CloudRunner. Fox will intervene, but be zapped down by Spybots. He'll wake up in a cell, without Krystal's Staff. Note that one of the blocks is oddly colored. Push it out and head out of the cell. You'll get a communication that you'll need a Disguise to fool the bad guys. Head out into the cage room. Avoid the puddles on the floor so the guard doesn't wake up. Make your way past him. Ahead in the passage and on your left is a pit. Drop down. Take a Fuel Barrel and place it on the vent. Now, step on the floor switch to make the Barrel rise up and explode. Slippy will comm in and give you the disguise, which is a Staff Power, kinda... Use the Disguise and head back to the guard. He'll ask you to take over. Grab your Staff and start unlocking cages. One cage will have a dino in it who will give you a Power Key for the generator room. To leave this area, shoot the Blast Button by the exit door. To climb out this shaft, watch for the spotlight to pass over the climbing wall, then shimmy up as quick as possible before it comes around again. Climb up the three walls and you'll be back at the plaza you were captured in. In the plaza there are several Spybots, so try to avoid them to not get zapped, or shoot them with your Fire Blaster to stun them. Also, you can just put on your Disguise and they'll ignore you. What you have to do here is find the three gems that power the generator room. Head to the structure at the center of the plaza. Each of the three blocks on the structure is a button. Left Button: To prepare for this, head to the left of the structure, climb up on a box and flip the switch to drop a ladder. Head up the ladder and ice up the two flames here. Now, push the button on the structure and book it to the now open gate in this area. Open the chest and you'll get a green Light Gem. Middle Button: Once you push this button, a gate on the second floor will open. Climb up on the boxes behind and to the right of you and make your way around the ledge to the gate, avoiding the Grunts. Opening the chest here will get you the red Light Gem. Right Button: To prepare, you may want to take out the fire at the far right end of the plaza, which has a Boost Pad behind it. Hit the button on the structure and you can run over and Boost up to the chest with the blue Light Gem. Once you have all three Light Gems, find the generator room, which is to the right of the structure with the buttons, near the front wall. Open the door with the Power Key and place all three gems on their respective colors (hurry, because it's unhealthy to be in there). This starts up the fans in the area. Now, a lot of switches will become active. If an arrow on a switch is pointing up, it means the nearby fan will blow you up to the upper level. If it's pointing down, you'll fall safely to the lower level. So, the fan you want to head to is in the back left corner of the plaza. Ride up and jump off the right side. You'll face off against three Grunts. Take them out. Note the pad on the floor. That's a pad that can only be activated by SharpClaws. What do you do? Put on the Disguise, of course, and step on the pad to open the gate. In the outside balcony area, take out the five Grunts to lower the Life Force Door. There's a Fuel Barrel in this room. Note that it's different than others. You need to have the Disguise on to use it. Pick it up and head outside. Turn left and go down to the nearest open doorway. It has a pad where you can drop the Barrel. Do so, then climb the ladder. Step on the Disguise Pad to get the robot going. It'll drop it nearby. Grab it and head out to the ledge. Turn right and throw it at the boarded-up wall across the gap to bust it open. Head through the doorway and you'll crash through a floor onto an air vent. Continue on into the next room. You'll fight a couple of Grunts and hear some crying. Walk around behind a couple of boxes to find a Disguise Pad that lowers a nearby ladder. Climb up and the Queen will tell you that the cage seems unstable. First thing is to get out of here. To the left of the cage are some boxes. Hop onto them, then over to the switch. Flip it. Head over to the other corner of the ledge (climb up the ladder and walk around) to flip the other switch that opens the gate outside. Now, head back outside and through the door that leads to the Barrel. Carry the Barrel over to the wind vent leading back to the cage. You'll drop it when you jump into the air, though, but it should coast to the other side. If you have problems, it's worth it to note that when you release the Barrel, it goes a bit to the right, so try to face a little left so that it coasts all the way across. If you mess it up, just kinda kick it around in midair. Anyway, once you get it to the other side, toss it into the supporting pillar below the cage and the Queen will be free. She'll tell you to find her children and give you the CloudRunner Flute to call them. NOTE: To successfully call a CloudRunner kid back, you must defeat the enemies around it. Then, it will land. Get close enough to the bird so that the C button appears above it (but not too close, or it'll fly up out of your reach), then play the Flute. Now, head back outside to the balcony area. You'll see the first kid and a SharpClaw nearby. Take out the Grunt and the kid will land. Climb up and play the flute. One down. The second is through the gate behind you, back in the plaza, second floor. Shoot the Blast Button above the gate to open it, ride over the air vent, take out the two Grunts, and play the flute near the kid. Two down. #3 is outside on the main wall. To get out there, head under the pile of rubble at the entrance, then walk out the gate (this is right before you got captured). Slide down the ladder next to you and walk around the ledge. Bust up the crate to uncover a Boost Pad. Shoot up, then walk around this ledge and take out the three Grunts. Play the Flute. Three down. The last one is allll the way back at the back side of the Fortress, the balcony. Slide down the ladder, then climb up the other and head back through the gate. Head to the back left door of the plaza, ride up the vent, and run through to fight the four Grunts, and play the flute. That's all of them. Head back to the cage to talk to the Queen, who'll open the treasure chamber. To get to the treasure chamber, go out to the balcony, and look at the far right edge to find a ladder that goes down. Slide down, then manuever around the narrow ledge and enter the treasure rooms. First, take out the two Grunts. In the next chamber, pick up the Fireflies, as you're gonna need them. Follow the tunnel, but don't step into the air vent. Instead, flip the switch nearby to make the vent go down. Now, you can explore the next dark room, but you'll realize that you'll need a Barrel. Yes, it's that same one. Go all the way back to the balcony, grab the Barrel, and carry it down the vent and to the dark room. Toss the Barrel into the wall, and continue on down the ladder. In this area, head through either of the doors, and you'll come upon Scales, and the SpellStone. In addition to using one of his own men as a shield, Scales will tell the others to take the SpellStone away. He'll take off and you'll hop on a bike to chase the Grunts with the Stone. This isn't too hard to accomplish. All you really need to do is ram the lead Grunt until he blows up and drops the SpellStone. There are Arrow Pads on the ground to give you a burst of speed and heal you up a bit, as your bike can blow up here if you take too much damage. Once you get the Stone, you'll leave CloudRunner Fortress, after getting a send-off by the CloudRunners. --- iv. Ocean Force Point Temple Head back to the Planet. Once you get back to ThornTail Hollow, return to Cape Claw. Now, climb up to the Krazoa statue, and onto the right side. You'll find a Disguise Pad up here. Open it up to hop in a pool of water. Swim to the red pedestal and have Tricky Stay on it. Climb up on the new pedestal and hop up to the switch. Flip it to stop the waterfall outside. Now, swim down to the waterfall. Avoid the whirlpools and veer right to the next room. Put out the fire in front of the pedestal and take the Fire Crystal. This room will fill with water from above, so make your exit, then walk up to the main entrance of the Krazoa statue. Put the Fire Crystal in one of the mouths of the statues. Now, head outside and down to the beach on the right side of the cape, where you'll see two Grunts fighting a LightFoot. Take the Grunts out and, after a fashion, you'll get the second Fire Crystal. Take it to the big statue and put it in the second mouth. Note that it's not lighting up like the other one. That's 'cause there's no sun shining on it. Near the entrance is a switch. It'll drop the nearby pillar. Move Tricky on it and have him Stay there. Now, flip the switch again to raise it and have Tricky Flame down the brambles covering the eye on the big head. Sun will shine, and the door will open. Head inside. In the entry chamber, drop down into the pool and climb out the other side. Face back at the entrance and shoot the Blast Button high on the wall. This raises the water level. Swim over to one of the doorways and walk around the passage to find some bramble for Tricky to burn. Now, you've got a block. Push it into the water. Shoot the Button again to drop the water. Shove the block onto the switch to open the other gate. Climb up and head through. You've now reached the front of the Temple. Climb up the ladders on the far end. Take out the Grunt here and place your SpellStone on the seal to get inside. Head down into the first room. This next part seems to confuse a lot of people. Have Tricky Stay on the switch. Note that the lower six rows of blocks on the wall have one lit up now. That corresponds to the electric floor ahead of you. Step onto the corresponding pad on each row and the row will drop and become safe. So, if the second one is lit up on the bottom row on the wall, then the second pad will be the one that makes the whole row safe. Get it? Once across, beat down the two Grunts. Once that's done, drop in the water to your left and head into the square room with the three Fungus Turtles. Climb up (shoot the Fungus Turtles if you wish) on the nearby platform and make your way along the narrow paths. All three have switches that you must flip, so get it all out your system now. Once you flip all three, you'll have lit a torch, and stopped water flow in two places. Head back down to the water and towards the grates that have just been closed. Climb up to the teleporter. Shoot through the colored flame when it's green to light the orb. Now, go through the teleporter. Now, we're deep in the temple. Head forward through the unnecessarily huge doors. The first room here has some supplies, but nothing else, so just head right and through the passage to the next room (Watch out for Wraiths! Who said that?) This room is quite flooded, so step over to the switch to drain it. Hop down and go towards the corner of the room, where another switch waits. Door's open, but it's too high up. Stand on the Disguise Pad. Ah, a block. Pull the block around the pillar here to the south end (easier if you have a map, of course), and settle it into that little slot. Climb up and hop across and flip the switch to raise the water again. Head through the new door. This next room stumps a lot of people. The first thing you want to do is have Tricky set fire to the grate in the corner between the two doors. All four torches in the center will light up. Now, those Buttons in the corners cause the statue above them to dump water, and that's what you need to do to extinguish the four torches. There's quite a delay between dumpings, so try to time it so you get the water as soon as the torch goes under as the whole deal rotates. Once that's done, head into the new room. In this next room, you have to push a block around with your Fire Blaster, and have it end up between the red and green torches. It can hit any of the walls in the middle, but it can't hit the far walls, or else it'll start over. Consider the only wall without a door as the south side. These are the directions to hit the block: east, north, west, south, east north. With the block pushed, a Boost Pad back in the first room is activated. Ride it up and run around the ledges. Soon, you'll get to a torch and an orb will be on the wall behind it. Light the orb as you've always done, and the bridge will extend to the teleporter. Teleport and you'll be in at the Force Point. Place your SpellStone and that's two down. Now, return in the direction of ThornTail Hollow. On the way, you'll run into a little guy outside LightFoot Village. Of course, it's a trap. ==================================== F. Chapter 5 - Dance of the LightFoot (Krozoa Spirit #3) I like this next chapter. You meet a new tribe on Dinosaur Planet, one not as virtuous at the EarthWalkers, but not as evil as the SharpClaws, sort of the Batman or Wolverine of Dinosaur Planet. --- i. LightFoot Village You'll wake up shackled to a totem pole. The LightFoots will accuse you of stealing and are ready to run you through. Fortunately, you've got a CloudRunner swooping in, ready to help. To do this next part, watch the slider at the top of the screen. When the red bar is in the green area, press the A button and the CloudRunner will torch the LightFoots. The green area will get smaller and smaller as the whole mess continues. Once you get rid of all of them, the Chief will untie you. Now that you're free, it's time to explore. Your objective is to find three wooden block carvings. There's one right near the platform you start on, one in the northeast corner of the village, and there's a third behind a bramble wall in the north part. Use Tricky to dig them all up. Go up to the place where you were imprisoned and place all the carvings in the slots of the proper shape, and some platforms will rise up a bit to the northwest of you. Hop the platforms onto an area with a Boost Pad. Shoot up and walk over to the huts. Climb down the ladder and go to the Chief's Hut. He'll tell you about the Krazoa Spirit, and you'll have to beat the LightFoot Tests to get to the Shrine. The Tracking Test involves activating three Totem Poles. The first one is back the way you came, up the ladder and across the bridge. The second is in the center of the map. Hop there by some stones nearby. The third is in the high part of the northeastern area. Rocket Boost up using the pad that was once behind the brambles and run over to it. The final one is in the southeast corner. Climb up the south wall to reach it. The Test of Strength requires to quickly press A as fast as you can. That's it. Do that and Musclefoot will be knocked into the pit. Some people seem to have problems with this. One thing that can help is to rub a rounded object, like a spoon, across the A Button. Seriously, fast button-pushing should be the entrance exam for any gaming community. Also, try not to watch the screen. Look away from the screen and focus on your button-mashing. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT E-MAIL SAYING YOU CAN'T BEAT THE TEST OF STRENGTH. I have no further tips other than get someone else who has faster fingers to do it. If I receive an e-mail regarding this, IT WILL BE DELETED. Once both tests are complete, you're an honorary member of the tribe. You can now head into the chamber under the big platform. But first, there's a little bit of what we call "side-questing" to be done. There are three huts in the village that now have LightFoot mothers in them. The first is right near the Chief's hut, and the other two are in the eastern area of the village, right next to each other. Each of the three mothers ask you to save their three babies who are in some area (NOTE: You MUST talk to them first to get the babies "active"). Chase them out of their hiding places and you'll get a reward. Underground: Simply go into the area with the Krazoa Shrine. You'll find them on the upper walkway. Chase them to the blue mist area and they'll go home. Talk to the mother and she'll create a Boost Pad near the entrance that will get you to a Fuel Cell, a Cheat Token Well, a BafomDad, and some other stuff. In the Forest: Boost up to the Totem Pole in the northeast section. They'll be running around up there. Chase them into the blue mist. Your reward will be some boxes placed on the big platform, containing healing items. Climb Trees: Go outside the gate to the outer pathway, where all the trees are. Start whacking trees. Hit each one only once. Three little guys will eventually start falling out of them. Your reward will be that the hut with the closed door will open, allowing you to take two Fuel Cells. NOTE: If ever you need to return to LightFoot Village, just leave and come back and you'll see a little scene where a LightFoot whacks the trees with bullseyes. The order is: closest to the gate, furthest from the gate, and the one in the middle. Head into the underground area. Go down to the bottom and climb on top of the boxes that don't look like normal crates. There's a button on top. Stand on it and the totem pole will start spinning. What you have to do is Fire Blast the pole so that the snake carvings all match up. It's best if you start from the bottom and work your way up so you can match them up easier. Once the pole is lined up, the gate to the Krazoa Shrine will open. --- ii. Krazoa Shrine 3 Bust up the crate in the first room to find a Boost Pad, and ride it up. In the next room, stand on the button until it's all the way down and run towards the gate, while avoiding the fire jets (you may wanna just gun down the SharpWings). In the second room, do the same thing with the button, and jump into the water. Try to run around the spikes so you don't get hurt and climb the ladder quickly. Run through the door to the next room. Drop down to the lower floor, step on the button, and try to dodge all the barrels rolling down as you climb the incline to the gate. Speak to the Krazoa Spirit. THE TEST OF FEAR: Ahh... One of my favorites. All you really need to worry about is the bar at the top. The red slider will move with varying degrees of speed of its own accord. All you have to do is push the Control Stick (lightly) in the opposite direction and try to keep the slider within the green area. If it goes out, you fail and have to start the area over. Last until after you get picked up by the invisible enemy and you'll get the Spirit. --- iii. Krazoa Palace Head all the way back to the WarpStone and warp to Krazoa Palace. You'll appear at the little elevator platform. Ignore the two Grunts, unless you really wanna fight, and just ride up to the main room. Go to the center air vent and go forward and to your left. You'll end up on the second tier. Look for the blue torches and use the Disguise Pad there. Deposit the Krazoa Spirit. That looks uncomfortable... ==================================== G. Chapter 6 - Roar of the RedEye (SpellStone #3) RedEyes are the coolest dinos in the game. That's all I've got to say here. --- i. ThornTail Hollow As you come out of the WarpStone, you'll notice a ThornTail crying across the way. She needs help. Bad guys are coming to steal her eggs. Go in there and help out. What you need to do here is prevent any of the creatures from successfully carrying an egg all the way back to their hole. Do this for the time limit and you'll get a new power: The Portal Device. There really aren't too many tips. Just stay in the center and keep your eyes open for any buggers that make a grab. With the Portal Device in hand, go talk to the Queen EarthWalker. She'll tell you her husband is the third Gatekeeper, but he's already at the Walled City. He sealed his power behind the door behind the Queen. Well, you've got a little something to say about that. Just fire up the Portal Device (watch the neato portal-be-gone animation), and you'll open up the gate to the Walled City. Eight Fuel Cells are needed to power the Arwing to get you there. --- ii. Arwing Mission - To Walled City You need seven Gold Rings to pass to the Walled City. This is the first mission to introduce closing and opening doors in asteroids. Make good use of the boost (Y) and brake (X) to get by without damage. Be sure to keep a good eye out for the Gold Rings, because you can't afford to miss many. --- iii. Walled City This is where you wonder how these dinos built something like this without opposable thumbs. Anyway, you can talk to the nearby EarthWalker, but he'll just tell you to rescue the king, of course. Here's how you go about it. To the southwest and northeast of the main building, you'll see smaller structures. Near each of these is a button which you have to Ground Quake to press. Once you do that, a fireplace will arise from the structure above you and you have a time limit to light it with Tricky's Flame. Of course, you can't just hop up there. Ohhh no no no. You have to climb the main building (main ramp is on the north side) climb up to the next ramp, which is on the opposite side, and enter a tunnel inside that leads you to the structure. It's best if you do it without the time limit first so you know where to go. It's also worth it to note that you enter the passage with the blue torches when you push the button on the blue side, and vice versa for the red one. Oh, and mind the blocks that push you off and the flame jets. Once you have both of these flames lit, the south side cellar will open. Head down there. You'll finally meet Tricky's dad now. You need to enter the RedEye King's lair to find the SpellStone. To do that, you need to find the two Sacred Teeth. To do THAT, you have to visit the Magic Cave to the south. Leave and cross the newly-risen bridge. Head around the side of the wall and have Tricky use his Flame on the brambles. Climb up the wall and plant a Bomb Spore on the patch of dirt. Blow it, and head inside the last Staff Power Shrine to get the Super Quake. Now to take the fight to those dang RedEyes. Run up to them and use the Super Quake to knock them over, then go to one of the structures with the buttons and grab a Fuel Barrel. Toss it at them when they're on the ground and they'll croak. Take out all four and a Life Force Door will open up on the south end of the complex. Cross the wooden bridge, head right, and climb the hills to reach a little building with a chest, and the Gold RedEye Tooth. Now for the Silver one. To get this up, you first have to shoot Blast Buttons on four trees, and each of them has an EarthWalker standing nearby. Two of them are on the south side, near the Magic Cave. Another is on the north side, near your Arwing. The last one is in the east side, but you have to go northeast to find a place where you can get close. Once all four trees have been shot, a circle of light will appear in the river on the northeast side. Jump in the water (careful of the current) and swim through. Now, more rings will appear downstream, and you have to race to each one in the alotted time. Just keep moving is the only strategy I can give you. Oh, and the current can sometimes carry you away from rings in the corners, so try to compensate for that. Once you go through the last ring, hit the chest and take the Silver RedEye Tooth. Now, head back to where Tricky's father is. Put the Gold Tooth in the red statue, and the Silver Tooth in the blue statue, and head down to meet the big boy himself. BOSS REDEYE KING: Fox will enter and be a little surprised by the door slamming shut behind him. The door at the far end opens and the big king comes up for his meal. Now, even though it seems he's going to come from a counterclockwise direction during the cutscene, he actually goes the other way during the entire fight. First thing for you to do to prepare for him is to shoot the Button above the cage nearby. This gives you access to a Fuel Barrel. Pick it up. Now, the king will come around and when he sees you, he'll roar. Note the buttons on the floor. When he's about halfway through his roar, stand on the button and an electric current will run between the middle part of the corridor. If you timed it right, he'll get zapped by it. While he's down, toss the Barrel at his head. He'll be angry and will start chasing you in a quicker manner. Duck into the area with the Barrel, or, failing that, there are little alcoves in the middle of each of the sides of this square passage. If you run out of magic, there's an alcove with plants in it, but you should be fine. Once he passes you on his rampage, it'll go back to normal and you'll have to zap him again and toss a Barrel again. That's pretty much it. Each time you hit him, the buttons will be closer and closer to the middle of the side of the passage. Hit him with four Barrels and Fox will finish him off in an artistic, yet somewhat yucky, manner, and you'll get the third SpellStone. Time to head back to the Planet and to the Volcano Force Point Temple. --- iv. Volcano Force Point Temple You know the way, so make your way from ThornTail Hollow to Moon Mountain Pass, then to the Volcano Force Point Temple, just like last time. (If you're honestly having trouble, look back to Chapter 2 for help.) On the way, there's a spot where you can use a Disguise Pad to get a couple of Fuel Cells, and after you open the first gate with the SpellStone, drop off to the left and plant a MoonSeed. You'll find a Cheat Token Well and a couple more Fuel Cells. Anyway, open the second gate with the Stone and proceed down the elevator. Head to the focusing room and place your SpellStone, this time, in the other pad, which will open a different door. To get to that door, just drop down onto the blocks floating in the lava. For the ones that are on fire, just put them out, naturally. Climb the wall and head on through the door, then ride up the elevator. You might remember doing this the last time, only it's a bit different. Last time, you just had to put out four torches to move on. This time, you have to put them out in a specific order, starting the furthest from the door, and working your way to it, so blue, green, red, and yellow. Climb up the ladder and put the torches out in that order. The door will open, and you can head through. Take out the two Grunts in this room. Have Tricky Stay on the red switch that appears after the Grunts are gone and you'll be able to climb the nearby ladder, put out the flame, and flip the switch. The gate nearby will open and you can head into the next room. This room has more of your favorite colored orbs. First, have Tricky Stay on the red button to get the platform in the lava moving, then put it out with your Ice Blaster. Hop on, and take aim. Light each of the orbs properly as the you pass in line with them and the torch. It may take a while to get the timing down. Once they're all taken, head down the passage and you'll be at the teleporter to the Focus Point. Place the SpellStone and you'll be 3/4s of the way back to planetary stability. Time to head back to ThornTail Hollow. ==================================== H. Chapter 7 - Race Through the Snow (Krozoa Spirit #4) Not a particularly long chapter, this part of the game will have you doing some stuff in old areas that you couldn't do before. --- i. ThornTail Hollow As soon as you arrive back at the old place, a bunch of SharpWings will swarm out of the well and attack the peaceful ThornTails. Your mission is to take them all out before the green bar goes down to nothing. There are six ThornTails and three SharpWings on each one to destroy. Five of them are right in the main field of the Hollow: one by the Arwing, one near the Bomb Spore Plant, one near the Queen's Chamber, one near the waterfall, and one near the well. The last one is near the Cape Claw entrance down by your Arwing. When you're done killing SharpWings, one of the ThornTails will give you a Large Scarab Bag. Fill it up and buy the SnowHorn Artifact at the store for 130 Sb. Now, head to SnowHorn Wastes. --- ii. SnowHorn Wastes Now, there's a bit of preparation to be done for this. First, find the SnowHorn that wants the Gold Root. Don't give it to him yet. He's across a little pond with ice floes you jump across, pretty high up in the Wastes. Behind the SnowHorn is an ice wall. Have Tricky Flame it, then take out the SharpClaws behind. Continue from this clearing to a small waterway. Shoot the HoleDweller in the tree opposite to make it fall across the water. Head to the next clearing and kill just about all the enemies you find here to make your run easier. As one last precaution, head to the waterfall and shoot the HoleDweller in the tree to drop him across the river, if you haven't done so already. Now, give the Gold Root to the SnowHorn. He'll raise a pad under you, and you'll blow the Dinosaur Horn to start the challenge. What you have to do is go to each pad and blow the Dinosaur Horn. It's best if you have the Horn set to the Y Button to make it all faster. The first pad is behind the ice wall you just melted. The next one is across the fallen tree nearby in a clearing with a ton of baddies. For the third one, run down the slope to your right and jump off and you should see it. The fourth pad is right near BribeClaw. The fifth pad is right next to Garunda Te, near his prison. The final pad is atop a climbable wall across from the waterfall. Cross the tree there to get up there. Once all have been sounded upon, the SnowHorn will open a gate at the top of the waterfall (cross the lake with ice floes and past the fallen tree), and you can enter the fourth Krazoa Shrine. --- iii. Krazoa Shrine 4 Be careful here, because all the floors are ice, and you could go slip slidin' away if you're not cautious. Head up the ladder shoot down the two SharpWings in the next room. Pick up the Barrel and carry it across the narrow path and blow up the wall in the next room. Now, head back, grab another Barrel and carry it further. Set it down on the pad, and flip the switch to change the flame jets. Wait for the bot to pick it up. When he gets past the first flame jet, flip the switch. When he gets past the second one, flip it again. Cross the water and to the other side. Don't pick the Barrel up, yet. Head to the next room and take out the Grunt. Walk back, pick up the Barrel and face a little to the left of the exit. When you step onto the vent, you'll drop the Barrel and it will float to the right. If you didn't get it right, just run into it to kick it in the right direction. Carry it over to the flame jets, toss it over and it will blow up the wall. Speak to the fourth Krazoa Spirit. THE TEST OF STRENGTH: Remember this from the LightFoot Village? It's pretty much the same thing. Press A as fast as you can and as soon as you rotate the lever 180 degrees, you'll win and get the Spirit. --- iv. Krazoa Palace Head back to the Hollow and talk to the WarpStone. Have him send you to the Palace. You know the drill, so make your way to to the big room with the fans. After stepping in the center fan, lean to the right to get to the fan that will take you to the lower tier. Make your way around the outside and open the door with the Portal Device. Deposit the Spirit in the face. You'll return back to ThornTail Hollow. ==================================== I. Chapter 8 - Prison Break (SpellStone #4) Dragon Rock's an interesting place. There's a lot of shooting involved in this area, and plenty of bad guys. --- i. ThornTail Hollow The WarpStone will tell you about Dragon Rock and the Gatekeeper who's closer than you realize. This is referring to a ThornTail who never says anything, and he's standing right by the well. Talk to him and he'll tell you about Dragon Rock and will open the gateway there. Hop into your Arwing. You need fifteen Fuel Cells to make it to Dragon Rock. --- ii. Arwing Mission - To Dragon Rock You need all ten Gold Rings to move on in this mission. They're pretty much in plain sight. There's a part where you have a choice of two doors. Take the left one to get a Bomb. Watch for Gold Rings that drift back and forth and make sure you hit them. There's a wealth of Bombs in this area, too, so don't be afraid to use them. --- iii. Dragon Rock There are plenty of FireCrawlers lying around here, as well as four Cannonbots. The Cannonbots have full shielding, so avoid them. Make your way to the north end of the compound. For those of you without maps, it has a relatively low gate and a lot of flame jets. Climb up the ladder on the side and make your way past the flame jets. Follow the path around the wall. Flip the switch on the way to start the Barrel-grabbing robot. Continue on and you'll find a Fuel Barrel. Grab and carefully move back to the pad so the robot picks it up. Don't rest yet, though. Quickly climb up the ladder and stand on the red button so the flame jet above you stops, then move to the next one as soon as the robot passes it so the Barrel doesn't blow up prematurely. Bust down the wall with the Barrel, and head in. Watch out for the rotating flame jets and flip the switch to free the EarthWalker. Leave this area and run all the way to the sound end of the compound to speak with the EarthWalker. He'll tell you about freeing the HighTop. To make it safe for the HighTop, you'll need to get rid of the Cannonbots. To do THAT, you have to take out their shield generators, which the EarthWalker graciously offers to help with. So, hop on and you'll get moving. The four shield generators are in the following locations: 1. In front of the massive door at the southeast corner of the complex. 2. The big structure in the very center. Just run around and you'll find it. 3. A pillar to the right of your Arwing. 4. Around the right side of the building on the north end, near two FireCrawlers. Once all are down, hop off the EarthWalker at the designated spot near the big structure in the center. Now, start Fire Blasting the Cannonbots. Wipe them out. All of them. Once you take them out, a gate at the northern building will open. Head inside. Once inside, boost up to the ledge and walk around in front of the HighTop. To cut all four ropes, you'll need to hit all the Blast Buttons that operate them in a short amount of time. This is where all your SharpWing sniping pays off. Once all four ropes are deactivated, he'll break his restraints and say it's time to go. You'll have to protect him as he crosses the plain. This is a pretty simple rail-shooting part. You have unlimited Fire Blast shots, so don't be stingy. Lay down the fire all over the place as the missiles come flying out of the central building. You'll eventually make it to the huge door in the southeast, which the HighTop will open. Head inside and take out the FireCrawlers with your Ice Blast and a good whack once they're frozen. Once they're all gone, the Life Force Door will open. Head towards the Fuel Barrel and the red button. Have Tricky Stay on the button and the carrier robot will start moving. It will move as long as Tricky's on it. You should position yourself between the flame jets, with a good view of the Blast Buttons underneath each. Once the robot comes by and picks up the Barrel, shoot the Buttons to stop the flame jets as it goes by. Once it gets all the way across, it'll drop off the Barrel, so head up the ladder. This part is tough. You have to get the Barrel across three air vents. Nowhere else is it more important to emphasize the fact that when you jump onto an air vent while holding a Barrel, you'll drop it and it will coast ahead of you and to the right a little. So, make sure you're taking that into account, because the air vents also have flame jets, and they'll make life miserable if you're forced to kick the Barrel around in the air vent. Pass all three vents when the flames have stopped. Toss the Barrel at the boarded up door and you'll have passed one of the more frustrating parts of the game. Now, drop down onto the metal floor and flip the switch. The cage holding the CloudRunner will start moving, but he won't be free yet. Drop down to the floor and have Tricky use his Flame on the vent, and if luck holds, the cage should pass through the flame and the rope will snap. The CloudRunner will be free and he'll want to give you a ride. Another rail-shooter here. This time you're in the air, and, in addition to taking out missiles, you'll also be trying to take out the four circular buttons that protect the main tower. The buttons take a lot of hits, so you may have to make more than one pass. To be on the safe side, make sure there are no more missiles firing before you start shooting the button. Once all four are destroyed, you'll be able to enter the tower and face the boss of the area. BOSS DRAKOR: This sick experiment by Scales can fly and has a laser cannon arm. While you float on the platform, it'll chase you around the bowels of the tower, firing shots from his cannon, which you should shoot down so you don't take damage. That's not your only problem, of course. There are also mines that you need to shoot down, and flame jets you should turn off by hitting the nearby Blast Button. There are also S containers that have healing rings for you. So, blast all he throws at you and shoot him in the face when you get a moment to do so. Wear down his life meter and he'll eventually fall and you'll get the final SpellStone. --- iv. Ocean Force Point Temple Make your way back to the Planet, then to Cape Claw. Note that the entrance to the temple is boarded up. Head over to where the cannon is. If you haven't already, open up the Portal Device and douse the flame. Commandeer the cannon and blow the boards from off the mouth of the big statue. Also, you can fire at a pillar on the beach to get the final Staff Energy Upgrade, and under the platforms near the entrance to find a Cheat Token Well. Anyway, head into the Ocean Force Point Temple. This is all much the same until you hit the teleporter. One big thing that's changed though, is that the electric floor now has nine rows instead of six. Also, you can use your Portal Device to open the way to the last Cheat Token Well in the same room. Once you go through the teleporter, though, things will change a bit. Once you pass through the big doors, you'll have to take a left instead of a right. Go through the Grunt, and you'll enter the next room. Push the block along the path and set it up against the wall in the little space provided. Now, climb up flip the switch to open the door. Leap across to the ledge ahead of you. Put on your Disguise and step on the Disguise Pad. Jump over into the door that opened and flip the switch to raise the water so that you can go through the door. In the next room, you'll find a switch. Flip it and the four torches in the center will light. Note that they're different colors. Also note that below the water dumpers are squares of different colors. You have to have the water dumped on the torch of the same color, obviously. As you get some torches extinguished, the circle speeds up, and you'll have to shoot that much further ahead to get the water dumped. Once that's all done, you'll have to do another block-pushing puzzle, like last time. The directions you have to push the block are as follows, assuming that the wall without a door is the south wall: west, north, west, south, east, north, west. Place the block between the torches and a Boost Pad will activate. Boost up and move around the ledges. Like last time, light the colored orb (it's blue) and you'll extend the bridge to the teleporter, which will take you to the Force Point to place the final Stone. ==================================== J. Chapter 9 - The Krazoa God (Krazoa Spirits #5 and #6) Time for the final push. Hope you practiced your Arwing skills. They're gonna come in handy soon. --- i. Walled City Once you make your way back to ThornTail Hollow, the Queen will inform you that you'll need all the Krazoa Spirits to restore the planet to its former state. To do this, you'll need to get the next Krazoa Spirit at the Walled City. So, hop in your Arwing and head there. NOTE: You need the Hi-Def Display Device for this next part, so if you haven't bought that, do it now. Once you get there, head up to the King EarthWalker. He'll tell you that both the Sun and Moon Stones are necessary to open up the temple to the fifth Krazoa Spirit. The doors to the temples will open. Sun Stone: The first part is block moving. The basic gist is that the blocks will stop once they hit sun markings, but they can't touch walls or you have to start over. Push the block closest to the ramp south so it hits the sun. Next, move the southeasternmost block west, then north onto the sun. The easternmost block goes west, then north, and the final block goes east. A hole at the top of the ziggurat will open. Head up to it and ride up the lift. Stand in the center and use your Zoom Goggles to look through the hole at the far end. The ziggurat will open. Ride the lift back down and enter. The first room has two Fire Bats for you to extinguish. There are three blocks here, and you have to make the symbols on them face outward. Facing the three blocks from the other wall, move the rightmost one left and up into the groove, then move the leftmost block all the way to the right. Move the block you pushed first (moon) ] down and to the right, then move the block in the back of the room down and to the left. Finally, move the moon block to the back of the room. The second room is a mini-maze. You may want to run around in it to figure out how it's laid out. Use your Super Quake on the button. Now, a bunch of invisible walls will appear. Run around to your right and flip the switch to drop the first wall. Ready your Ice Blast and run around to the switch with fire in front of it. Blow it out and flip the switch. Now, run around to the hole in the floor and shoot the Button at the far end. Finally, go to the bramble patch and have Tricky burn it down. Flip the last switch and make a mad dash for the exit. Use the Portal Device on the door to enter the last area. In this final area, you need to hit the buttons in a specific order. Hit the left button first, then the top button, and the right button last. An invisible bridge will form and you can grab the Sun Stone. Moon Stone: The first part is block moving. The basic gist is that the blocks will stop once they hit sun markings, but they can't touch walls or you have to start over. Move the southernmost block west, and the one above it south. Next, move the westernmostblock south, east, north, and west. Finally, most the last block west. A hole at the top of the ziggurat will open. Head up to it and ride up the lift. Stand in the center and use your Zoom Goggles to look through the hole at the far end. The ziggurat will open. Ride the lift back down and enter. The first room has a switch to flip. Flip it up and the door will open, but some gates will also come up. You have to cross the floor and through the gates, but the panels in the floor will fall if you step on them for too long. Step across the panels carefully. The second room is an invisible maze, once you hit the Quake button. Head for the corner to the right of the door, then work your way around the room counterclockwise to find the exit. It's not easy, but just try to feel your way out. Activate the Portal Device to enter the last area. In this final area, you need to hit the buttons in a specific order: left, up, right. Once all are lit, an invisible bridge to the Moon Stone will form. Cross it and claim your prize. Once you get both stones, go to the back of the main temple and place the Sun Stone on the red statue, and the Moon Stone on the blue statue. The Krozoa Shrine will be uncovered. Climb the temple and head inside. --- ii. Krazoa Shrine 5 All right. Climb the ladder in front of you. In the first room, step on the button until the gate at the far end opens. Jump onto the air vents so that they'll carry you over to the opposite side. Try to avoid the flame jets, but don't sweat to hard if they singe you. Pass through the gate quickly. In the next area, cross the first air vent, then extinguish the blocks. Cross the one and stand next to the gate. Turn around and shoot the Blast Button in the ceiling. It's a long ways off, so you may want to go a bit closer. You'll need to hurry more to get under the gate in time, though. In the third area, you have another button that only holds the gate open for a limited time. Quickly jump across the air vents and avoid the spinning flames to pass through in time. Speak to the Krazoa Spirit. THE TEST OF KNOWLEDGE: In this test, you must take six items from the game, and place them in alcoves that represent their areas. Here are the answers. Dinosaur Horn: DarkIce Mines (Left side, green alcove) CloudRunner Flute: CloudRunner Fortress (Right side, blue alcove) Gold RedEye Tooth: Walled City (Left side, red alcove) Asteroid Rock: Outer Space (Left side, blue alcove) Wooden Carving: LightFoot Village (Right side, green alcove) MoonSeed: Moon Mountain Pass (Right side, red alcove) Once all have been placed properly, the fifth Krazoa Spirit will become yours. It's time to say goodbye to Tricky and to return to Krazoa Palace. Once you fly back, you'll automatically be placed there. --- iii. Krazoa Palace You'll land your Arwing on the roof of the palace. Head towards the air vent that drops you down to the main room. In the main room, jump out to the vent, and veer left to drop down a tier. On this tier, you're looking for the hallway with the red torches. Go down the passage and hop over the air vent (that before, wasn't there). Continue on and take out the Grunt that's here. Deposit the Spirit. Now, you'll notice the final Shrine opened up on the roof. Make your way back to the main room, then head back up to the roof. Enter the last Krazoa Shrine. This is actually quite short. Head to the main room, then climb up the short ladder to the platform, and head towards the middle. You'll be confronted by Scales, but before you two can battle, you are interrupted by an unknown force that tells Scales to give you the last Spirit. He does so reluctantly. Now, deposit the last Krazoa Spirit right outside. Krystal will be freed from her prison, but so will the "Krazoa God", having been empowered by the Spirits. Krystal will take her staff back and start shooting at the giant head as it retreats to the heavens. You'll hop into your Arwing to chase after it. --- iv. The Final Battle Ah yes... You knew it was him all along, didn't you? ANDROSS: Shoot the Krazoa head statue in the eyes and on the top of its head to flip it over to face Andross. Your next targets are his hands. He slaps left, then right, then claps his hand together. Then, he spits out a bunch of rocks, along with a couple Energy Rings. Lastly, he tries to suck you in. If he succeeds, you'll have to start over. But there IS a way to avoid being sucked in. Just pull to the side hard and barrel roll repeatedly. You shouldn't have a problem. Once you blow up both his hands, he'll flip back over. You may think you're starting over, but he's going into second phase. In addition to the round beam, the Krazoa head will also shoot out a volley of missiles, which you must either dodge or shoot down. Once you blow up its eyes and head gem, you'll go for Andross' hands again. In addition to the other attacks, Andross can also shoot round beams from his hands, making them difficult targets. Once you blow the hands, he'll try to suck you in one last time, and suddenly, an old friend shows up. Falco, errant member of Star Fox, shows up out of the blue to give you a hand. Continue to avoid Andross' attacks and Falco will drop containers in your path. These have Bombs inside, so snag them. When Andross starts sucking, toss a bomb in his open mouth. His head will become translucent and you'll see his brain. Shoot the brain. Shoot it good. It has a life meter, so it'll take you more than one try to wear it down for good. Once you blow up the brain, the Krazoa Spirits will be expelled and Andross will blow up. Congratulations! You've saved Dinosaur Planet and earned a personal correspondence with the lovely Krystal! Now, go rack up some decent Arwing scores! ************************************************************************ 9. Miscellany ======================================= A. Fuel Cell Locations - You won't need all the Fuel Cells, and if you're short a few, you can always by more at the Store, but if you're nuts about collecting all of them, here's a list. Out of the 65 here, you'll only need 40. ThornTail Hollow: At the door behind the Queen EarthWalker. (1) Southwest corner, near the entrance to Cape Claw, up on a ledge. (2) South end, behind a Bomb Wall. (3) South end, on top of a high platform. (2) Behind a Bomb Wall under the waterfall. (4) Behind a Bomb Wall near the Warpstone. (2) In the well, pond area, Rocket Boost pad. (2) Rocket Boost Pad near the Store entrance. (2) Ice Mountain: Near the wall of boxes behind a Bomb Wall. (1) In the cave where you find the speed bike. (2) SnowHorn Wastes: On a ledge above the ice pond. (2) Have Tricky Find at a wall near two SnowHorns. (1) In the sewers connecting SH Wastes and ThornTail Hollow. Need Rocket Boost. (2) After unlocking the prison, to the north of the waterfall, up a rock wall. Knock down the tree by killing the HoleDweller. (2) At the end of the river. (1) Near the end of the river. Climb out and up the slope. (1) Next to the gate to the fourth Krazoa Shrine. (1) Moon Mountain Pass: On the road to Moon Mountain Pass from ThornTail Hollow (after riding the wind up). (1) On the road to ThornTail Hollow from Moon Mountain Pass (after riding the wind up). (1) On the way to the gate, behind some purple plants. (1) On the back side of the gate. (1) In the clearing with the meteor, up on a ledge. (1) Near the Cheat Token well (which is near the second Krazoa Shrine). (1) Behind a pillar near the second Krazoa Shrine. (1) Volcano Force Point Temple: In the entryway, behind a door that opens with an Ice Blast. (2) In the entryway, behind a door that opens with the Disguise. (2) Under the bridge leading into the temple. (1) In the lower portion of the focusing room, on a ledge. (1) Top of the focusing room. (1) Near the Cheat Token Well. Jump off the left side of the main gate to the Temple once you have MoonSeeds. (2) LightFoot Village: In the outer passage, on a ledge (Boost up). (2) Inside the well that connects LightFoot Village and Cape Claw. (3) Behind the Chief's hut (Rocket Boost up to that area). (1) After saving the underground babies, in the area opened up. (1) After saving the climbing babies, in the hut that opened. (2) Cape Claw: On a couple of rocks in the water near the waterfall. (2) Under a loose dirt patch near the Portal Door. (1) Ocean Force Point Temple: In the chamber with three switches and narrow paths. (2) Next to the first color-changing torch. (2) In the north center chamber of the inner temple. (2) ======================================= B. Cheat Tokens and the Game Well Maze - There are several Cheat Tokens in the game. You'll find a well and will have to pay 20 Scarabs to get a Token. To use a Token, head to the Warpstone and ask to go into the Game Well Maze. Make your way through the maze to the center, where you'll find another well. Toss the Token in to activate a "cheat", which is actually just a little extra feature. NOTE: It doesn't matter which order you put the Tokens in. What you get depends on where you go the Token from. ThornTail Store: Right in the lobby. Turning it in will get you the Staff Credits on the Options Menu. Ice Mountain: Use a Bomb Spore on the wall near the Cannon. Dropping it in the well will reveal the Music Test in the Audio section. SnowHorn Wastes: Swim all the way down the river to the very end and you'll find the well easily enough. When you return it to the Maze, you'll receive a message about the enemy you seek. Moon Mountain Pass: Right before the second Krazoa Shrine, plant a MoonSeed at the designated spot and you'll reach the well. Using it will give you the option of setting the Language to Dinosaur. LightFoot Village: After becoming a member of the tribe, speak with one of the LightFoot mothers who says her babies are underground. Chase all three out of the underground area and she'll give you access to this well. When you use this, you'll get a message about your future, about a friend who still cares about you. Cape Claw: After commandeering the cannon (you need the Portal Device to do so), shoot under the platforms near the entry point of the area. You should be able to bust up a hole in the wall in the water and find the well. Turn in the Token at the Maze to earn the Sepia Mode, which is basically a black and white mode. Volcano Force Point: After getting the third SpellStone, you'll be able to return to the Temple with MoonSeeds. Take one when you open the first gate with the SpellStone. Instead of opening the second gate, drop down to the left side and plant and grow the MoonSeed to reach the well. Toss this into the well to get a message of encouragement from your father, James McCloud. Ocean Force Point: After getting the fourth SpellStone, you'll be able to return to the Temple with the Portal Device. After you pass the electric floor, turn right and you'll see the portal door. Open it up and you'll find the Cheat Token Well. This token will give you a message about a sorrow that may be on the horizon. ======================================= C. Staff Energy Upgrades - There are three upgrades in the game, and they're not really required to get, but they're a huge help, especially when using high yield staff powers. The first upgrade is in SnowHorn Wastes, at the ice pond (where you learn Tricky's Heel Command). Have Tricky Find at a circle of loose rocks. You'll feel the rumbling. The second upgrade is in ThornTail Hollow, after you get the Rocket Boost. There's a pad near the Store entrance. Shoot up and Bomb Spore the wall. Once inside, shoot all four Blast Buttons and fall in the hole that appears. The third upgrade is at Cape Claw. Once you have the Portal Device power, open the portal near the Cannon, then use it to blow up a pillar on the far beach. The upgrade is in there. ************************************************************************ 10. Standard Guide Stuff --- A. Legal This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright © 2002 Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format. Please dont post this on your site unless you have express consent by me. Ive put a lot of time into this. Give me some credit... Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamewinners.com www.cheatplanet.com www.cheathappens.com I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ. They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the SFA guides, but, trying to keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I trust. --- B. E-mail Guidelines If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines... - Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide. - Make sure it has something to do with Star Fox Adventures for Pete's sake. I don't want spam, chain letters, offers for friendship. Compliment me on the FAQ all you want, though... - Make sure you say Star Fox or Dinosaur Planet at one point in your e-mail. I have more than one FAQ, and asking a generic question such as "How do I kill the last boss?" doesn't tell me much. - Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile... - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT E-MAIL SAYING YOU CAN'T BEAT THE TEST OF STRENGTH. I have no further tips in the LightFoot Village section other than get someone else who has faster fingers to do it. If I receive an e-mail regarding this, IT WILL BE DELETED. --- C. Credits CJayC and Al Amaloo for having this on their sites. Nintendo and Rare for their final masterpiece together. Viper, for being the first of MANY to tell me how to quickly beat FireCrawlers... --- D. Version Updates Version 0.5 - 09/28/02 - What they call a "visibility" edition. I'm up to having finished the second Krazoa Spirit. Version 0.7 - 09/29/02 - I'm up to the Walled City. Well, almost... Version 1.0 - 09/30/02 - All right. Walkthrough's complete. Coming soon will be my Arwing Mission Scoring, so you can go for high scores. --- E. The Final Word This is a great game, like all Rare's fare. It's a shame they won't be on Nintendo anymore, but this is quite a send-off. I'm still working this up, so there's no need to e-mail me about new stuff. Take care and have fun!