Gold Bolt Locations - Guide for Ratchet And Clank
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Name- Brad Alonzo Email- Date Submitted-11/6/03 Ratchet and Clank Ok, I will start with the first planet, Novalis: Planet Novalis- 1) At the end of the cave, look for a bomb wall just before unscrewing the gate. 2) Before the first door in the sewer, wall kick in the narrow space between the stairs. 3) Need Hydro-pack, jump in the river, go underwater, use the Hydro-pack and swim to the end of the river and jump out. This will take you to a cave, and at the end is the gold bolt. Planet Kerwan- 1) When you first enter the train station, high jump to the right luggages and it's right in front of you. 2) At the top of the second island fitness course, go to the top right corner and look over the edge for a building that has rates in it, and glide over to it. 3) At the beginning of the level, to the right of the Gadgetron Vender, jump over the rail and glide down into the traffic tunnel. Take it slow though, you can jump over the edge. Planet Aridia- 1) In the center of the island surronded by mud, you have to long jump over the mud to get it. 2) Under the platform where the Tresspasser is aquired, look over the edge, and glide onto the moving platforms. 3) By the fifth and sixth Sandshark maker, there is a bomb away wall, behind it is the bolt. 4) On the same chunk of land that skids agent is on, but you need to use the Magneboots to walk on the metal trail. Planet Eudora- 1) At the very beginning of the level, on a cliff to the right, need to the Jet Pack and you rocket up, then quickly while still in the air, shoot straight at the gold bolt. Blarg Station- 1) Outside the station, need jet pack and O2 mask to shoot over with Ratchet. 2) In the room with the second Gadgetron Vendor, on the top floor to the right, in a secret room. Planet Rilgar- 1) At the beginning of the race to get out of the sewer before you drown, but need O2 mask to swim to the right at the beginning of the runway. At the end of a long tunnel. 2) At the end of the laser maze, use the shooting sewer top to glide over to the top of the walls, and just walk over to the box containing the Gold Bolt and jump in. Planet Umbris- 1) Go around the tower located at the end of the fence where you have to run and jump over the Machine gun, then you use your Swingshot to swing over to the bridge, the tower to the right, go around it and hit the switches to open the locked door at its base. 2) After the first shark tank, look over the railing, there will be a large pipe line, jump to its right, and you will land right on the Gold Bolt. Planet Batallia- 1) At the beginning of the level, the building to the left, wall kick where you are supposed to use the Tresspasser. 2) After you connect the first bridge with the wrench, go to the right and you will see a cliff, long jump over to it and follow the chunks of land to the Gold Bolt. Planet Orxon- 1) Use your Guided missles to destroy the walls in the mine field once you get the O2 mask.Reminder, there are more than just one wall. 2) Wall kick in the lab where Clank previuosly walked through. Planet Gaspar- 1) When you first get off the ship, follow the swingshot path to the end and the Gold Bolt is just waiting. 2) On the platform where you get the Pilots Helm, go to the top right corner, and glide into the Volcano, you have to kill a lot of guys down there, so make sure your ammo is full. Planet Poktaru- 1) There is a cave under the water, its near the beginning of the level, you need to Jet Pack to slam the switch and reveal a bridge, follow the path and kill all the enemies to get the Gold Bolt, there are a lot of enemies, so once again, have full ammo. Planet Hoven- 1) At the very beginning of the level, where those fury guys keep popping up there is a moving platform, you have to use that to wall kick up, its a real pain. Its easier if you jump from the platform to the wall first, the Bolt is at the top. 2) In the area you fill with water, once it is filled up to the top, go back to where you extracted water the second time, and swim to the top of that cave. Oltanis Orbit- 1) As soom as you get off your ship, send a Guided missle to the building to the far right, there is a hole you have to go through with it. Eventually you will reach a tower with it, and yes you blow it up. Later, when you are in the area that fills up with green stuff, look to the left and long jump over to the Bolt. Its in plane view, so no secrets. Planet Oltanis- 1) On the ice trail, to the right of the guy who throughs mines at you, you can just see the gold shinmer on the platform below, just fall onto the platform to get it. 2) Pretty much the same place as the first gold bolt, but its to the far right of the side that you have to side sattle, on a platform. 3) After the first grind rail, look up for a green swingshot ball, and use it to swing up to the bolt. 4) When you get back to the beginning, a ship will blow up a statue, revealing a switch, press it and a swingshot path will appear. Follow it to the bolt, whenever you land, wait and look around for a ship carrying a green swingshot ball, you have to use that to get to the next set of swingshot paths. Planet Quartu- 1) In a locked room awaits the bolt, but you have to go to the next planet and get a codebot to unlock to the door to that room. 2) When you find Clanks "Mom", afterwards, look for a green swingshot ball and use it to take you to a secret room, that has the Gold Bolt. Kalebo 3- 1) Hit the bus stop looking switches on the grind rail to open the laser sealed part of the rail at the end. The Gold Bolt is on the grind rail. 2) At the end of the grind rail, jump off the exact plave where the grind rail ends, and use the teleporter to take you to a room full of chickens and a Gold Bolt. Veldin Orbit- 1) At the end of the Electric waterway, the path forks, go to the left for the bolt, don't worry about how much time you have, you get to restart it when you get the Bolt. 2) After you shoot down all the ships, you will end up in a room full of dog, but your upside down, get off the platform and go through the door for the Gold Bolt. Veldin Orbit- 1) On the platform full of Elite Guards behind the laser door, use the Taunter and lure the guy in there to the switch and go in, at the end of the tunnel the Bolt is waiting. 2) Before the first swingshot in the level, look to the right for platforms, follow them to the Gold Bolt. 3) Before the sewer tunnel, look to the right for a small grindrail area, glide to it, follow the path to the last Gold Bolt in the game. Email me at if you have any truoble finding Gold Bolts. ~ I will update for the second game, when it comes out. Please do not copy this unless you ask my permission and tell me why you are copying it, thank you.