Harvest Moon: Magical Melody Help - Guide for Harvest Moon: Magical Melody
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Music Notes: 1. First Step Note: When you get the pedometer 2. First Shipping Note: Ship your first item 3. 10,000 Step Note: Get 10,000 steps on your pedometer 4. Cooking Note: After cooking your first meal 5. Island Note: First time you visit the island 6. Rock Climber Note: First time scaling Mt. Moon 7. Underground Lake Note: At the first underground level in Lake Mine 8. Night Owl Note: Stay up until dawn (6 a.m.) 9. Rain Note: Work 10 hours non-stop in the rain 10. Sun Note: Work 10 hours non-stop in the sun 11. Stationary Note: Do not use the controller for awhile 12. Lonley Wolf Note: Do not talk to anyone all day 13. Whistle Note: Whistle 50 times 14. Limitation Note: Have zero stamina and faint 15. Hustle-and-Bustle Note: Meet 35 villagers 16. Poor Note: Have 1G or less in the morning 17. Lucky Note: Find more than 1,000G in coins in the ground 18. High Spirit Note: Drink 10 sodas 19. Birth of Life Note: Have one of your barn animals give birth 20. Owner of Monther Earth Note: Own 10 or more divisions of land 21. Snow Note: Work 10 hours non-stop in the snow 22. Fodder Note: Cut the grass 20 times 23. Brushing Note: Groom your livestock 20 times 24. Egg Note: Ship 10 eggs 25. Milking Note: Ship 10 jugs of milk 26. Shearing Note: Ship 10 pieces of wool 27. Dyeing Note: Ship a colored yarn ball 28. Gem Note: Ship one gem of any kind 29. Calling Animals Note: Ring the bell 20 times 30. Cultivation Note: Till 1 squares of land 31. Big Eater Note: Eat 50 meals 32. Woodcutter Note: Cut down 20 trees or stumps 33. Cloud Note: Work 10 hours on a cloudy day 34. Garbage Can Note: Throw away garbage 20 times 35. Weed Note: Pull 1 weed 36. Gardening Note: Have five flowers blooming at once 37. Forest Note: Plant any tree 38. Destruction Note: Crush 20 stones, rocks, stakes etc. 39. Diary Note: Save in the diary 30 times 40. Cock-A-Doodle-Doo Note: Win the Chicken Festival 41. Moo Note: Win the Cow Contest 42. Baa Note: Win the Sheep Contest 43. Horse Note: Win the Horse Race 44. Bow-Wow Note: Have three hearts on your dog 45. Oink-Oink Note: Ship a truffle 46. Fire Prevention Note: Put out a bonfire 47. Lost Child Note: Find Meryl and Tim in an event 48. Mole-Whacking Note: Whack 10 moles 49. Bluebird Note: Get the blue feather 50. Wedding Day Note: Get married 51. Stork Note: Be pregnant or get your wife 52. Baby is Born Note: Have a baby or have a baby with your wife 53. You Can Walk Note: For your baby's first steps 54. Spring Footsteps Note: Attend the New Years Festival 55. Egg Dish Note: Attend the Egg Festival 56. Spring Fragrance Note: Attend the Flower Festival 57. Blue Sea, White Clouds Note: Win the Beach Festival Swimming Competition 58. Boat Sailing Note: Attend the Star Festival 59. Firefly Flower Note: Attend the Firefly Festival 60. Fireworks Note: Attend the Fireworks Festival 61. Moon Viewing Note: Attend the Moonlight Festival 62. Harvest Note: Attend the Harvest Festival 63. Pumpkin Note: Attend the Pumpkin Festival 64. Flame Note: Attend the Fire Festival 65. Popular Note: Get 5 or more cakes on the Thanksgiving Festival 66. Starlight Note: Attend the Starry Night Festival 67. New Year's Sunrise Note: See the first sunrise of the year 68. Full Bloom Flowers Note: Ship every type of flower and herb 69. Treasure Hoard Note: Ship every type of ore (including Limestone) 70. Animal Kingdom Note: Have 8 barn animals and 5 chickens 71. Book Note: Read all the books in the library (change in Fall) 72. Super Chef Note: Unlock 1 or more recipes (purchase utensils) 73. Second House Note: Construct a second house 74. Expert Angler Note: Catch every type of fish 75. Master Angler Note: Catch 1 or more fish (any kind) 76. Rubber Boots Note: Catch 10 pieces of garbage 77. Wild Note: When a wild animal with 4 hearts visits your house (not Dolphin) 78. Art Note: Get a picture and aging pot 79. Very Rich Note: Have more than 100,000G 80. Flower Girl Note: When Nina gives you a present 81. Explosive Girl Note: When Ann gives you a present 82. Apron Girl Note: When Ellen gives you a present 83. Talented Girl Note: When Maria gives you a present 84. Night Moon Girl Note: When Eve gives you a present 85. Girl with Glasses Girl Note: When Gina gives you a present 86. Princess Note: When Dia gives you a present 87. Waitress Note: When Katie gives you a present 88. Ponytail Note: When Gwen gives you a present 89. Heartfelt Note: When Lyla gives you a present 90. Cowboy Note: When Blue gives you a present 91. Social Craftsman Note: When Joe gives you a present 92. Cool Craftsman Note: When Kurt gives you a present 93. Doctor Note: When Alex gives you a present 94. Patissier Note: When Carl gives you a present 95. Master Pick-Up Artist Note: When Dan gives you a present 96. Fisherman Note: When Ray gives you a present 97. Traveler Note: When Basil gives you a present 98. Male Note: When Bob gives you a present 99. Shy Guy Note: When Louis gives you a present 100. Meek Heart Note: Collect 99 Happiness Notes Collect the indicated number of Notes to unlock the corresponding reward: 5 Notes: Marimba 10 Notes: Timpani 15 Notes: Harp 20 Notes: Piano 25 Notes: Violin 30 Notes: Cello & Powerberry 35 Notes: Flute 40 Notes: Acoustic Guitar 45 Notes: Trumpet 50 Notes: H. Goddess Revived 99 Notes: Final Event So scince I made this guide I have got a few e-mails so here they are... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- From:Kelsey F. To:[email protected] Received-On:06/25/07 8:29 AM 1. Who do you make the dolphin take you to the island? Give it one fish every day 2. Where is the Lake Mine? In the forset west of woodys workshop in the middle of the lake, so you can only get to it in winter 3. How do you get to other levels of the mine? By standing on the cracks in the mines 4. Is there anything else the mayor likes besides potatoes? Not that i really know of Really, if you can answer these questions, it would be a HUGE help! thanks! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- From:Piper To:[email protected] Received-On:07/26/07 6:52 PM Hey how ya doing? I'm wondering how can you make easy cash? Oh... and how do u get Carl and Katie and Gwen back? By minning(with the hammer), and only time will tell when you and your friends reunite. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- From:Holly To:Received-On:08/21/07 12:39 PM Hi there my name is Holly. I was on a web site looking at your faqs about the game, "Harvest Moon: Magical Melody" and I saw the question if the mayor likes anything beside potatoes and he does I give him coral and I have lots of hearts on him. I have another question, do you know when I will have a baby or how I can? I got married and upgraded my house. What do i do now? well I hope you can help, hope to hear from you. ~holly~ Well Holly, it shoud happen in about 120 days after you get married! | | \___/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From:Justin To: Received-On:01/01/08 3:21 PM Hello, I have a question about Harvest Moon: Magical Melody, on it what are the requirments to upgrade house to level 3? Truely I don't know, I you do send me an e-mail to "[email protected]" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From:Hanson To: Received-On: 11/15/07 7:42 PM Hi I was wondering how do I take my horse outside. I give him his reigns and I walk him to the gate and he follows, but when I get outside hes not there!!! HELP!!!!!!! -Thanks, a fellow Harvest Moon lover! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From:Kimi To: Received-On:03/20/08 9:19 PM Yeah I know. I'm annoying you because this game is old and I just started up with it. Anyway, I'm in year 3, I have Kurt at 10 hearts, and lots of friends. Joe is at 4, and woody's at about 3. Why can't I get the fourth house upgrade?? Everyone on the forums I looked at just acted as if it was easy and was just like "Upgrade your house to level 4" as if it was easy as going to your house and saying "Now be level 4", Darn it!" I can't figure it out. What do I do? Well, try to get everyone at the workshop to heart level "5" hope i helped. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Send me an e-mail by a webform on my webpage: http://members.cheatcodes.com/profile.html?nick=HarvestMoonKing3301 Or if you have any Questions feel free to e-mail me at: [email protected] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thanks, Nathan Maltba