Locations of all 100 hidden packages - Guide for Grand Theft Auto III

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WALKTHROUGH SUBMITED BY:Derrek Silvas at derreksilvasnc@aol.com
PORTLAND-there is 33 hidden packeges in portland
#1 is in harwood, drive north to the end of the path.
#2 is in harwood, on the roof of head radio station, jump from EI train tracks.
#3 is in st. marks, on top of the AMco gas station building.  Walk the street walls 
and jump from one rooftop to the next.
#4 is in st. marks, inside easy credit autos, break the glass.
#5 is on portland beach, salvatore's mansion, north ledge.
#6 is on a beach ledge below salvatore's back balcony.
#7 is at hepburn heights towers, behind the building as far as you can go.
#8 is at hepburn heights towers, in the parking lot island near EI burro phone.
#9 is at hepburn heights, between the trees.
#10 is in st. marks, one block due south from AMco gas station, in a small parking 
lot.  Enter driveway in back of the building.
#11 is in st. marks, the building facing large potholes, climb the rubble around the 
#12 is in st. marks park, all the way to the back wall.
#13 is in the red light district.  Take stairs to the roof of luigi's sex club 7 and 
jump to the next roof west.
#14 is in the red light district, take the stairs to the roof of luigi's sex club 7.
#15 is in the red light district, the rooftop opposite across from joey's sex club; 
stairs in the alley.
#16 is in the chinatown subway, near the bathrooms on the middle level.
#17 is in the red light district, smash the glass of the rush construction company 
#18 is in st. marks, in the long sloping alleyway in the backyard.
#19 is in st. marks, in the tramp tunnel, enter near super saves or 8-ball's.
#20 is in portland view, on top of the supasave, jump down from the EI train track 
onto rooftops.
#21 is in the chinatown market, in the alleyway behind hong hung inc.
#22 is on the chinatown rooftop.  Use the stairs.
#23 is in chinatown, in the alleyway behind roast peking duck.
#24 is in trenton, inside the gates and behind the bitch `n' dog food factory.
#25 is in trenton, on the roof of liberty pharmaceuticals.
#26 is on the portland docks rooftop.  Use the stairs near colombian ship and jump 
to the awning of the next building.
#27 is in trenton, in the yard via an alley ramp and police bribe.
#28 is in trenton, in front of joey's garage and behind the fence.
#29 is at the callahan point power plant, behind the concreat fence facing saw mill.
#30 is on the trenton sawmill rooftop, jump thr dirt mound in a car behind the mill.
#31 is in callahan point, behind the turtle head fish co. use a belly-up truck or 
the trashmaster to enter.
#32 is at atlantic quays, at the end of the long paved pier.
#33 is on the island south of portland, use a boat to dock on the rocks.
STAUNTON ISLAND-there is 36 hidden packeges on staunton island
#34 is at the army surplus, in the corner between the garage and the sea wall.
#35 is at the coliseum, behind the RockStar billboards.
#36 is on top of the hospital overhang east of the sntrance.
#37 is at the stadium entrance.
#38 is at the east side of the university, facing the street.
#39 is at the construction site, in a small building, on the second level inside the 
#40 is on top of the small bridge, jump on girders and walk up it.
#41 is in the colombian garage where you saved the OOG.
#42 is at the construction site, on the ground in a corner.
#43 is at the connecting alley to 8-ball's in a garage next to a carpark.
#44 is in the multi-story, on the second floor corner, near a ramp.
#45 is in a alleyway south of the coliseum, near uncle BJ's deli & Grocery.
#46 is on a rooftop, jump off (in a car) of suburban curvy bridgge onto rooftop.
#47 is under the road tunnel, on the lower shoreline road, in a corner near a ramp.
#48 is in the basketball court.
#49 is in the middle of staunton to shoreside bridge in center median of drawbridge.
#50 is under the park bridge.
#51 is at the end of the third south dock, on the pier north of callahan bridge.
#52  is in newport, the L-shaped alleyway near callahan bridge.
#53 is in the museum, at the top of the stairs.
#54 is on the pier, southof callahan bridge, jump up, away from water, to grab 
hovering packege.
#55 is behind the police station, in the parking lot.
#56 is in newport, on the lower pathway to the police station, in a parking nook. 
#57 is behind the church.
#58 is at the end of the alleyway.
#59 is underground AMco parking garage, near the elevator.
#60 take the ground level fire exit doorway to very top of AMco rooftop (multi-
#61 is in bedford point, upstairs in smashable glass building.
#62 is in a doorway facing the intersection.
#63 is on the roof in projects area.
#64 is behind some rocks on the pavement before the pier.
#65 is behind a building in the projects area.
#66 is in the underground carpark.
#67 is on top of the pedestrian walkway.
#68 is behind the star statue logo.
#69 is on top of kenji's casino on helipad; take the stairs.
SHORESIDE VALE-there is 31 hidden packeges in shoreside vale
#70 is in the west dam dome.
#71 is in the east dam dome.
#72 is in the first dam tower.
#73 is in the lower dam, "exchange" helipad.
#74 is behind the boulder, corner of dam building and canyon wall.
#75 behind the furthest west swank house.
#76 is on the front pourch of the third furthest west swank house.
#77 is on the fourth furthest west swank house.
#78 is at the colombian mansion, in the swimming pool.
#79 is in the shoreside vale, near the picnic tables.
#80 is at the fudge packing factory; walk the concrete walls, and jump down to the 
rooftop, then drop into the fenced-in area.
#81 is in cedar grove, in the overpass tunnel behind a hideout.
#82 is behind the police station, on the roof.
#83 is in pike creek, behind building amongst oil drums.
#84 is behind a hideout, a billboard, and toyz van.
#85 is at wichita gardens, entrance to apartments.
#86 is at wichita gardens, in between some apartment buildings.
#87 is at pike creek, on blue container, in lot east of hospital.
#88 is behind the hospital.
#89 is on the rooftop; use the stairs on opposite building, jump to the awning of 
the next.
#90 is at pike creek between back wall and turtle head storage garage.
#91 is at wichita gardens, under the twisted wooden bridge.
#92 is at the airport, across from the parking lot.
#93 is at the airport, under the wing of a plane near the hangers.
#94 is at the airport, on the ground next to the dome.
#95 is at the airport under a plane, i'm not really sure wich one.
#96 is in front of the airport, behind some billboards.
#97 is in the subway, on the lowest level.
#98 is at the airport, on the helipad.
#99 is on the airport runway, on the lower ledge near the water.
#100 is at the airport at the end of the runway, on the lower ledge.

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