Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers: Section 1 The Good Guys - Guide for The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
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LLL OOOOOOOOOO TTTTTTTTTTTTT RRRRRRRRR LLL OO OO TT RR RR LLL OO OO TT RR RR LLL OO OO TT RR RR LLL OO OO TT RRRRRRRRR LLL OO OO TT RR RR LLL OO OO TT RR RR LLLLLLLLLL _ OO OO _ TT _ RR RR _ LLLLLLLLLL |_| OOOOOOOOOO |_| TT |_| RR RR |_| TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT _ TT _ TT _ TT |_| TT |_| TT |_| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- web art by DragonMasterSaruman: "The Master of the Uruk-Hai, and the Servant of the Dark Lord!" Author: DragonMasterSaruman E-mail: DMSaruman@cox.net Version 2.0 Last Update: 5/25/04 note: the stuff in the ()'s are to help you find what you want to read. If you are using a Microsoft Computer, hit Ctrl and "F", if you are using an Apple, hit the Apple button(I'm using a Microsoft, and I don't know if I have the font for Apple.) and "F" and then type in the thing, ie. (lgls) to see the Legal Stuff note: My e-mail is for sugestions for this and other FAQ i've published. Don't abuse it. Thank you ^_^ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents: 1. Legal Stuff (lgst) 2. Introduction (intr) 3. The Allies (thal) 4. Aragorn (arag) 4a. Isildur (isil) 5. Gimli, the Dwarf (tgtd) 6. Legolas, the Elf of Mirkwood (leom) 7. Gandalf the Grey (tgtg) 7a. Gandalf the White (tgtw) 8. Boromir, Son of Gondor (bsog) 9. Frodo Baggings (frba) 10. Merridoc [Merry](meri) 11. Perigrin Took [Pip, Pippin] (peto) 12. Sam Gamgee (saga) 13. Afterword (afte) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Legal Stuff (lgst) This FAQ is the property of DragonMasterSaruman and may not be reproduced without my consent, via E-mail. I have given ONLY Cheatcodes.com the right to publish this specific guide. If you would like to show this FAQ on your site or wherever, E-mail me, telling me why you want it, and I'll be happy to give you permission. Thank you for adhering to this copyright. Copyright May 2004. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Introduction (intr) The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers is based alot on the first two movies. That's probably why there isn't an LOTR, the Fellowship, save for the GBA, and that SUCKS. Anyway, this guide is just a guide for the characters, so just to let you know, this ISNT a game guide, so if you want help, go to some other FAQ. OK then, lets get rolling. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 3. The Allies (thal) This particular section is on the good guys. I might make a seperate section on the bad guys, but im not sure right now. By the way, the |||| things mean the beginnings of a new section. I will grade the people mentioned in this FAQ,with something .ike this on a scale of 1-15, 15 being best: Race: Difficulty: [in this part, i will say beginner, sort of, or expert and then a 1-15, referring to the easyness to control the person.] A attack [in this part, i tell how strong their A attack is] Y attack [in this part, i tell how strong their Y attack is] TTFKM [time taken for the Kill Move against Uruk-Hai {parry, the A+R}] TTFRA {time taken for R attack) Long Range [how effective the long range is.] Average [on difficulty, A,Y&R attacks, and TTFKM] FOr the most part, the only characteres that will have full stats filled out are the ones that are playable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Aragorn (arag) Aragorn is in my opinion, the best character for just a plain old maul. He is isildurs heir, and is as good as isildur himself. Race: Man Difficulty: beginner, 7 A attack: 9 Y attack: 15 TTFKM: 2-3 TTFRA: 1-2 Long Range: 7 Average: 7.6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4a. Isildur (isil) Isildur is almost like Aragorn, except he has a FULL life force bar at the bottom of his life bar. You have to beat the Tower of Orthanc with any character to get him. He is at level 10 when you get him. Thats the highest level. Race: Man Difficulty: sort of, 6.5 A attack: 8 Y attack: 14.5 TTFKM: 2-3 TTFRA: 1-2 Long Range: 7 Average: 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Gimli, the Dwarf (tgtd) As John Rhys-Davis says "If you want to just kill some orcs, ya have to go furr Gimli." Gimli is short, and has an axe. His throwing axes leave something to be desired. Race: Dwarf Difficulty: sort of-expert, 7 A attack: 10 Y attack: 13 TTFKM: 3-4 TTFRA: 3 Long Range: 2 Average: 6.45833333 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Legolas, the Elf of Mirkwood (leom) Legolas is the only elf you will see in the game(i think)His most valuable asset to the Company is the fact that he's the best person with the bow and arrows. It shows in the game. His arrows do 2x the damage of Aragorns arrows, and after you get enough upgrades, your arrows set the enemy on fire! Race: wood-elf Difficulty: beginner-sort-of, 6 A attack: 8 Y attack: 9 TTFKM: 3-4 TTFRA: 1-2 Long Range: 9.5 Average: 6.25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Gandalf the Grey (tgtg) You dont see this wizard in this form too often(i dont think that you see him at all). Race: Wizard Difficulty: N/A A attack: N/A Y attack: N/A TTFKM: N/A TTFRA: N/A Long Range: N/A Average: DUH! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7a. Gandalf the White This is the wizard you see when you are defending Rohan. As he says before the Company sets off, "I will be your guide, as long as the burden is yours to bear." His magic attacks are a force to be reckoned with. Race: Wizard (Incarnation of a good Saruman) Difficulty: N/A A attack: N/A Y attack: N/A TTFKM: N/A TTFRA: N/A Long Range: 10.5 Average: 10.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Boromir, Son of Gondor (bsog) Another character you dont get to get to play with. He is killed by Lurtz at Amon Hen, fighting for Frodo so that he could escape. Race: Man Difficulty: N/A A attack: N/A Y attack: N/A TTFKM: N/A TTFRA: N/A Long Range: N/A Average: Indeterminible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Frodo Baggins (frba) Unfortunately, you can't use Frodo in this game. There are only 2 levels where you actually get to fight/protect him, and they are in Balin's Tomb and Weathertop. In Amon Hen, you don't see him at all. Race: hobbit (hobbytla) [or something like that] Difficulty: N/A A attack: N/A Y attack: N/A TTFKM: N/A TTFRA: N/A Long Range: none Average: Indeterminible ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Merriadoc, AKA Merry (meri) You see one cut scene on him, and thats it. same stats as all the other hobbits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Perigrin [Pip, Pippin] (peto) You see one cut scene on him, and thats it. Same stats as all the other hobbits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Sam Gamgee (saga) you dont even see him. same stats as all the other hobbits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13. Afterword (afte) This is the end of section one of my LOTR TTT faq. X out of this to get to my second one, if its done when you read this. If you want to ask me something, or want to add something to this, email me at DMSaruman@cox.net. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||