Mario Party 3 Best Ever FAQ - Guide for Mario Party 3
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Mario Party 3 Contents: 1.Walkthrough 2.Mini Games 3.Cheats 4.Hints 5.Why I like Mario Party 3 6.Ratings 7.Who I am and what I do 8.Duhh 9.End Notes 10.Credits 11.Copyright Madness Walkthrough Walkthrough contents: 1.Start Off 2.Story Mode 3.Party Mode Start Off Put a name in the chest then pick Party Mode or Story Mode. Story Mode This single-player mode allows you to fully enjoy the story. First select the game options you want (also see that ? under HARD? If you beat HARD you will get VERY HARD for story and party mode!) Now in this mode you get star stamps the ones you get are: WIT KINDNESS STRENGTH LOVE COURAGE BEAUTY MISCHEIF For each you must win a Battle Royal and a Duel Im not going into character detail for who you VS. because its always different depending on who you are. Party Mode This mode lets you play any map. Party Mode Contents: 1.Battle Royal Maps 2.Duel Maps 3.Mini Game Room 4.Peachs Castle 5. Millennium Star Battle Royal Maps The Battle Royal Maps include: CHILLY WATERS DEEP BLOOBER SEA SPINY DESERT WOODY WOODS CREEPY CAVERN Hidden: WALUIGIS ISLAND (To get WALUIGIS ISLAND Earn the MISCHIEF Star stamp in Story Mode.) Battle Royals are games where you earn coins (X20) to get a star by going to the Millennium star. The one with the most stars at the end wins. Duel Maps The Duel Maps include: GATEGUY ARROWHEAD PIPESQUEAK BLOWHARD MR.MOVER Hidden: BACKTRACK (To get BACKTRACK earn the BEAUTY star stamp in story mode.) To do a Duel you have HEART PIECES lose them all you lose. Also if you have more after 20 turns in 20 turn mode you also win! Mini Game Room This is a great place to just CHILL The Mini game types include: 4 PLAYER 2 VS. 2 1 VS. 3 ITEM BATTLE DUEL Hidden: ??? (There are different ways to earn them look at the Mini-Game Section to find out how ) There are 2 special places here: Battle Room Game Guys Room Battle Room Battle for stars by winning games. Its a fun way to play or CHILL. Winner gets confetti thrown on them. Game Guys Room You are not allowed in unless you become a MIRACLE STAR in story mode. Once you get in you play Game Guy Mini Games. If you get 1,000 coins you get a reward but more on that later! Peachs Castle Peachs Castle Contents: 1.Data Room 2.Sound Room Data Room Look at game data here it shows how many times a board was played mini game records etc. Sound Room You choose between stereo and mono here you can also listen to voices and sound FX. Millennium Star He just gives you some info and junk. Mini - Games (Im not putting the rules because theyre already on the game.) 4 Player games Treadmill Grill Ice Rink Risk Parasol Plummet Messy Memory Picture Imperfect M.P.I.Q. Curtain Call Cheep Cheep Chase Snowball Summit Toadstool Titan (My favorite!) Aces High Bounce n Trounce Chip Shot Challenge Marios Puzzle Party The Beat Goes On Water Whirled Frigid Bridges Awful Tower Pipe Cleaners Rockin Raceway 2 vs. 2 Eatsa Pizza Baby Bowser Broadside Cosmic Coaster Puddle Paddle Log Jam Pump, Pump and Away Hyper Hydrants Picking Panic Etch n Catch Slot Synch 1 vs. 3 Coconut Conk Spotlight Swim Bolder Ball Crazy Cogs Hide and Sneak River Raiders Tidal Toss Hand, Line and Sinker Ridiculous Relay Thwomp Pull Item Winners Wheel Hey, Batter, Batter Bobbing Bow Loons Dorie Dip Swinging with Sharks Swing n Swipe Battle Stacked Deck Three Door Monty Marry-Go-Chomp Slap Down Locked Out All Fired Up Storm Chasers Eye Sore Duel Vine with Me Popgun Pick-Off End of the Line Baby Bowser Bonkers Silly Screws Crowed Cover Tick Tock Hop Bowser Toss Motor Rooters Fowl Play ??? Stardust Battle (Beat Story Mode to earn this game.) Dizzy Dinghies (Get every mini-game accept the other 2 ??? games.) Marios Puzzle Party Pro (Get 1,000 coins in Game Guys room.) Now you know all the mini-games Cheats Free mini-games: Select a new chest and go to Party Mode then if you want free duel games go to the red star if you want other games go to the blue star. I think it would be best for more free mini-games to pick 50 turns on the blue star and infinite turns on the red star. Now once the game starts go to the controller settings then change everyone to a computer (any level) then read a book bake a cake do whatever until the game ends you should now have new mini-games in the library. Taunt: Press L while playing and you will here your characters taunt. (this doesnt work in mini-games.) Classic Characters Name: Select a chest that says NEW then dont put in any name and press A on DONE and a classic name will be in the name spot. Dont get as many coins taken away by boo: Just before you get boo sent to you to steal coins switch yourself to a level VERY HARD (or if you dont have VERY HARD then use HARD) computer then the computer will have more power so you will only get 4 10 coins taken. After change back to a human. Those are all the cheats I know about if you have a new one email me at Hints In CHILLY WATERS dont have 2 people on the ice at once Duel games are common in SPINY DESSERT on the last 5 turns because of the quick sand holes On your way to boo on WALUIGIS ISLAND be careful A Great combo for Dueling is 2 piranha plants. I know I lack more hints but normally I dont ask this in my FAQs but if you have another hint email it to me at Why I Like Mario Party 3 Its one of my favorite N64 games. I like it because its a Multi-Player game and because its like a board game. The mini-games are a fun part of it but overall Id give it a Wait I cant tell you that until the ratings section. Ratings Toughness: B Fun Rate: A+ Graphics: A- Overall: A- Its a great game if you have to pay $50$ its worth it! Who I Am And What I Do I am king kid OR Andrew M. I play video games Type FAQs and love to swim P.S. I LOOOOOVE Food Duhh... Well I say Duhh... Because I couldnt think up a section #8 so Duhh... Duhh... Duhh... OK Im Done now End Notes Well this is my third FAQ and I added a brand spankin new feature my FAQ list. This feature lets you see my FAQs from the past so without further ado my FAQ list: 1.Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 (PC) 2.Krazy Racers (GBA) 3.Mario Party 3 (N64) My next FAQ will be for a great game: Lego Racers (PC) One more thing if you sell this FAQ for $$$ or post it somewhere and take credit for it I will find out and put you on a bad people list in my next FAQ I finished this FAQ on September 12, 2004 Credits Me, Myself, and I Benjamin Franklin for discovering electricity Nintendo Hudson Copyright Madness When I say MADDNESS I Mean MADDNESS © king kid 2004 © king kid 2004 © king kid 2004 ------king kid------