Nacht Der Untoten Survival Guide - Guide for Call of Duty: World at War
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STARTING ROOM ___ ______ | | | |__ ______________ __ _______\$$$$\ | M1A1 Kar98 | | ??? %\ | | | | / |_| | |___ $$$ | | | | | |__________ ________ _%___| | "HELP" ROOM \$$$$$$\ | | | | | | | TOM| TOP FLOOR _____ |_DB___ __| __________________________/BAR $\ |SG % ] $$ \ \__ ] |__ $$$ | \____| _| |___ SODB | |__ __|----| | | | SK | |% | | TG\ | | | | | | |_%______%___| KEY: Kar98= $200 M1A1 Carbine= $600 ??? "Mystery Box"= $950 Thompson= $1500 Double Barrell Shotgun= $1200 BAR= $1800 Sawed-Off Double Barrell Shotgun= $1500 Scoped Kar98= $1000 Trench Gun= $1200 Steil Grenate= $800 ALL ROOMS= $1000 % = Glitch spot or camp area ================================================================================ Weapons Guide TOP 10 GUNS FOR NAZI ZOMBIES #10- Thompson Pros- shoots fast, good reload time, strong Cons- small ammo clip, recoil Grade- C+ #9- MP40 Pros- strong, good reload time Cons- good only in early rounds Grade- C+ #8- PTRS-41 Pros- Insta-kill, long range Cons- slow reload time, inaccurate unless using scope Grade- B- #7- BAR Pros- strong, shoots fast, large ammo capacity Cons- slow reload time Grade- B- #6- .357 Magnum Pros- insta-kill, semi- auto, common* Cons- small clip size, slow reload time Grade- B #5- FG42 Pros- very strong and accurate, fast reload time Cons- small clip size, recoil Grade- B+ #4- PPSH-41 Pros- fastest shooting, strong, fast reload time Cons- uses up ammo too quickly, extremely rare* Grade- A- #3- Ray Gun Pros- insta-kill, semi-auto, fast reload time, somewhat common* Cons- blast radius, small ammo capacity Grade- A #2- Browning M1919 Pros- VERY strong, shoots fast, large ammo capacity, large clip size Cons- slow reload time, uncommon* Grade- A+ #1- MG42 Pros- Very strong, shoots fast, faster reload/Browning, large ammo cap. Cons- somewhat slow reload time, very uncommon* Grade- A++ ================================================================================ Glitch Spots/ Good Camping Spots The best ways to get to a high round is to get good weapons, and camp. There are many spots to do so, but do you know the best? My favorite spot to camp is on the top floor, next to the Steil Grenates, the only way to succeed in camping is to enter the top floor through the "help" room. Hiding by the sniping area (which is near the trench gun) is an exelent place to camp. Most of glithches is Nacht Der Untoten have been sealed up. But if you dont have Xbox live, all glitch spots are unsealed. The two best glitch spots are on the top floor, to enter the glitch mode, you must back uten steps from the spot, sprint, then jump, and land on the spot. you must then crouch. The first spot is near the Steil Grenates. The other, is against the median near the Scoped Kar98 box. The glitch will prevent all zombies from getting within meleeing distance of you. You can then shoot them down. But if you wait too long to shoot them, they can attack you. Because as more zombies come, they push eachother into your glitch spot. And if 1 zombie breaks through, they all come charging at you. ================================================================================ Copyright: July 6, 2009 Bongo 2.0 THANK YOU!