NBA 2K12 My Player Post Game Press Conference FAQ/Strategy Guide - Guide for NBA 2K12

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NBA 2K12 My Player Post Game Press Conference FAQ/Strategy Guide
Made by Aiden2412
Version 0.1

*NOTE* This FAQ is a work in progress and will be updated over time. Please see 
the "How to Contribute" Section to help make the updating progress much faster 
and easier.

1. How to Read
2. Questions and Answers
3. How to Contribute
4. Acknowledgements
5. Version History

1. How to read

In the "Questions and Answers" section is a list of questions sorted 
alphabetically. After each question is a list of the buttons and corresponding 
results from answers. Following each button is a list of 3 symbols, which is 
one of the following; "+", "=" "-" and "?". The first symbol shows how the 
answer effects your Teammate Chemistry, the second your League-Wide Popularity, 
and the final your Local Fan Support. A "+" indicates an increase; an "=" is no 
change; a "-" a decrease; and a "?" means that the results are not known.

For Example, if a question and answer were:
Congratulations on the win tonight, this gives the team 3 wins in a row. Could
this be the start of something bigger?
A:+=+	X:-+-	B:+=+	Y:???

This shows that when a reporter asks you that given question, if you answer by 
pressing A, your Teammate chemistry will go up; your League-Wide Popularity 
will stay the same; and your Local Fan Support will go up. However, if you 
answered by pressing B, your Teammate Chemistry would go down; your League-
Popularity would go up; and your Local Fan Support would go down. If you press 
Y, the "???" indicates that the answer is not yet known. You can help build 
this FAQ by choosing an unknown answer and emailing me the results. Find out 
how to do that in the "How to Contribute" section below.

*NOTE* The buttons will be different if you are playing on a console other than 
the XBOX. 

2. Questions and Answers

Congratulations on the win tonight. It was definitely a nail-biter. How are you 
feeling after a close game like that?
A:+=+	X:+=+	B:???	Y:???

Excellent performance in tonight's game. In case you hadn't heard, you set your 
career high in points. How did it feel to be on such a roll on offense?
A:???	X:???	B:???	Y:=-=

Great game out there tonight. You set your career high in points. Was this just 
a one-time outburst, or do you see yourself scoring like this on a regular 
A:==+	X:+=+	B:=++	Y:+-+

Having just been named the Rookie of the Month, can you tell us how that feels?
A:=+=	X:???	B:???	Y:???

Nice work to right the ship after that blowout loss last game. Did anything go 
on behind-the-scenes that you can comment on that may have made the difference?
A:==+	X:+=+	B:???	Y:???

Not a good game for your team tonight. Is there anything positive you can take 
from a game with a final score as lopsided as this one?
A:???	X:+--	B:???	Y:???

That might have been your best game as a pro. You had your best scoring output 
ever, so clearly something was clicking. Did this just happen to be a good 
game, or is 

this the type of level we're going to see you playing at from here on out?
A:???	X:???	B:=++	Y:???

Tonight was a bounce back win after that tough loss last time out. What changes 
were made to get the team playing so much better in this one?
A:???	X:???	B:-++	Y:=++

Tough loss tonight. You might even say the team took a collective punch to the 
stomach giving that one up. What are you thinking after losing a game that many 
people would say you should have won?
A:==-	X:???	B:???	Y:???

Your team breezed to victory this time around. It's gotta be nice to get a 
little break tonight in the midst of a long season with more close games than 
you'd probably like. Your thoughts?
A:???	X:???	B:+++	Y:???

3. How to Contribute

If you want to contribute to or correct this FAQ, please contact me at You can send contributions or corrections in the 
form of questions and answer results in the above format.

4. Acknowledgements

Thanks to the Following for their contributions;

Mister Mouth - Making the Press Conference guide for 2K11 and giving me the 
incentive to make one for 2K12

2K sports for creating the game

5. Version History

-0.1: First release. 10/09/11
-0.2: More questions and answers added, few minor improvements. 10/11/11

Copyright 2011 Aiden Woodward

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