Pokemon Pearl ACTION REPLAY CODE - Guide for Pokemon Pearl

Scroll down to read our guide named "Pokemon Pearl ACTION REPLAY CODE" for Pokemon Pearl on Nintendo DS (DS), or click the above links for more cheats.

Idk if this works on diamond
Ok this code is called the pokemon modifier glitch what it does is that from 
the national pokedex u can choose any pokemon u want (so far legendaries) 
here’s the code   

94000130 FDFF0000
B21C4D28 00000000
B0000004 00000000
94000130 FEFF0000
00000890 01ED0001
D0000000 00000000
DA000000 00000892
DC000000 00024620
C0000000 0000000B
D7000000 00000000
DC000000 00000006
D2000000 00000000
Hold L+R to activate it 
Yes it is long but trust me its worth it now u have to subtract the total of 
pokemon from the number u want like mew for example 493-151=342. 342 are how 
many balls u throw away. The balls well not be in the ball pocket the well be 
in ur items pocket now here’s the good part there master balls and they well 
never run out! Now I did the subtracting backwards but after the = sign that’s 
how many balls u throw away. If u need any help my email address is 
bleachrun@hotmail.com HAVE FUN! 

Pokemon        pokedex#        How many pokemon   How many balls to throw away 

Articuno         144-                 493=                349                  
Zapdos           145-                 493=                348               

Moltres          146-                 493=                349       
Mewtwo           150-                 493=                348          
Mew              151-                 493=                342
Raikou           243-                 493=                250               

Entei            244-                 493=                249       
Suicune          245-                 493=                248         
Lugia            249-                 493=                244         
Ho-oh            250-                 493=                243      
Celebi           251-                 493=                242        
Regirock         377-                 493=                116        
Regice           378-                 493=                115          
Registeel        379-                 493=                114           

Latias           380-                 493=                113           
Latios           381-                 493=                112           
Kyogre           382-                 493=                111           
Groudon          383-                 493=                110           
Rayquaza         384-                 493=                109            
Jirachi          385-                 493=                108           
Deoxys           386-                 493=                107            
Rotom            479-                 493=                14           
Uxie             480-                 493=                13            
Mesprit          481-                 493=                12             
Azelf            482-                 493=                11           
Dialga           483-                 493=                10            
Palkia           484-                 493=                9          
Heatran          485-                 493=                8          
Regigigas        486-                 493=                7         
Giratina         487-                 493=                6         
Cresselia        488-                 493=                5            
Phione           489-                 493=                4            
Manaphy          490-                 493=                3          

Drakrai          491-                 493=                2            

Shyamin          492-                 493=                1             

Arcues           493-                 493=                0         

P.S. my email has been filling up so i got the shiny code for you.

press R+A go to your trainer card then press R+A then R+A then walk around the 
grass NOTE: it well ONLY make wild pokemon shiny.

02064EC8  47104A00
02064ECC  02000031
94000130  FCFF0200
02066D88  47084900
02066D8C  02000001
D2000000  00000000
94000130  FCFE0100
02066DB8  95019000
02066D8C  90022000
D2000000  00000000
62000000  95019000
E2000000  0000004C
95019000  95019000
1628B40D  F0684907
1601FD4D  2901BC0D
4902D101  49024708
00004708  02066DC1
02066D9F  00000000
95019000  59384A04
98046010  4B019A09
00004718  02064ED1
0200002C  00000000
D2000000  00000000
40510C24  20074061
04244041  940D430C
21001C28  F4C3AA0D
4801FF4F  46C04700
0206EBB1  000002E0
021C6588  00000000

its long but its worth it.

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