Prices - Guide for Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings

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Age of Empires 2:-

here are the prices of 1.Units
                       5.Unique units

 Name                    Food        wood      stone     gold
1.militia                60                               20
man at arms              60                               20
long swordman            60                               20
two handed swordman      60                               20
champion                 60                               20   
2.archer                              25                  45 
crossbowman                           25                  45
Arbalest                              25                  45

3.skirmisher             25           35
elite skirmisher         25           35

4.Hand cannoner          45                               50

6.spear man,pikeman      35           25

5.Cavarly archer                      40                  70
heavy Cavarly archer                  40                  70

7.scout cavarly          80
light cavarly            80

8.knight                 60                               75
cavalier                 60                               75   
paladin                  60                               75

9.camel                  55                               60
heavy camel              55                               60

10.villiger              50 ship                       75

12.Trade cog                         100                  50
Trade cart                           100                  50

13.Transport ship                    125

14.galley                             90                  30
wargalley                             90                  30
galleon                               90                  30

15.Fire ship                          75                  45
fast fire ship                        75                  45

16.Demolation ship                    70                  50
heavy demolation ship                 70                  50

17.cannon galleon       150          200
elite cannon galleon    150          200

18.trebuchet                         200                 200

19.mangonel                          160                 135  
ongar                                160                 135
seige ongar                          160                 135

20.battering ram                     160                 135
capped ram                           160                 135
seige ram                            160                 135

21.scorpion                           75                  75 
heavy scorpion                        75                  75

22.Bomber cannon                     225                 225

23.Monk                                                  100


1.Archry range                       175
Barrecks                             175
Stable                               175
Monastry                             175
Market                               175

2.Dock                               150
Black smith                          150

3.outpost                             25        25

4.Plastid wall                         2 tower                         25       125
Gaurd tower                           25       125
Keep                                  25       125

6.gate                                          30

7.Stone wall                                     5
Forfited wall                                    5 trap                          100

9.bombard tower                                125        100

10.mill                              100
mining camp                          100
lumbercamp                           100                               60                              30

13.castle                                      650 centre                       275

15.seige workshop                    200
univeristy                           200

16.Wonder                           1000      1000       1000 

Tracking                 75
Squires                 200

Husbandary              250

Careening               250                               150
Drydock                 600                               400
Shipwright             1000                               300

Redemption                                                475
fervor                                                    140
Sancitity                                                 120
Atonement                                                 325
Blockprintig                                              200
Illumination                                              120
Faith                   750                              1000

Hoardings                             400      400
Sappers                 400                               200
Conscription            150                               150
Spies(per villiger)                                       200
treasion(per use)                                         400

Town Centre:
Loom                                            50
Town Watch               75
Wheelbarrow             175            50
Townpatrol              300                    200
Hand cart               300           200

Horse collar             75            75
Heavy plow              125           125
Crop rotation           250           250

Mining Camp:
Stone mining            100            75
gold mining             100            75
Stone Shaft mining      200           150
Gold Shaft mining       200           150

DoubleBit Axe           100            50
Bow Saw                 150           100
Two-man saw             300           200

Catography              100                                100
Coinage                 150                                 50
Banking                 200                                100
Guilds                  300                                200

Black smith:
Padded archer armor     100
leather archer armor    150                                150
Ring archer armor       250                                250
Fletching               100                                 50
Bodking arrow           200                                100
Bracer                  300                                200
Forging                 150
Iron casting            220                                120
Blastfurnace            275                                225
Scale Barding armor     150
Chain Barding armor     250                                150
Plate Barding armor     350                                200
Scale mail armor        100
Chain mail armor        200                                100
Plate mail armor        300                                150

Masonry                               175      150
Fortified wall          200                    100
Ballistics                            300                  175
Guard tower             100                    250
Heated shot             350                                100
Murder holes            200                    200
Treadmill Crane                       200      300
Architecture                          200      300
Chemistry               300                                200
Seige engineers         500           600
keep                    500                    350
bombard tower           800                    400
Menatarms               100                                 40
Longswordman            200                                 65
Two handedswordman      300                                100
Champion                750                                350
Pikeman                 215                                 90

Range units:
Crossbowman             125                                 75
Arbalest                350                                300
Elite Skirmisher                      250                  160
Heavy caverlyarcher     900                                500

Light cavarly           150                                 50
Cavalier                300                                300
Paladin                1300                                750
Heavy camel             325                                360

War galley              230                                100
Galleon                 400           315
Heavy demolation ship                 200                  300
Fast fireship                         280                  250
Elite cannongalleon                   525                  500

Seige weapons:
Ongar                   500                                500
Seige Ongar            1450                               1000
Capped ram              300                                250
Seige ram              1000                                800
Heavy scorpion         1000                               1100

5.Unique Units:-

longbow man(British)                   35                   40
Elite longbow man                      35                   40

Cataphract(Byzantines)   70                                 75
Elite Cataphract         70                                 75

Woad Raider(Celts)       65                                 25
Elite Woad Raider        65                                 25
Chu Ko Nu(Chinese)                     40                   35
Elite Chu Ko Nu

Throwing Axeman(Franks)  55                                 35
Elite Throwing Axeman    55                                 35

Huskarl(Goths)           80                                 40
Elite Huskarl            80                                 40

Samurai(Japanese)        60                                 30
Elite Samurai            60                                 30

Mangudai(Mongols)                      55                   65
Elite Manguandi                        55                   65

War Elephant(Persians)  200                                 75
Elite War Elephant      200                                 75

Mameluke(Saracens)       55                                 85
Elite Mameluke

Teutonic Knight(Teutons) 85                                 40
Elite Teutonic Knight    85                                 40

Janissary(Turks)         60                                 55
Elite Janissary          60                                 55

Berserk(Vikings)         65                                 
Elite Berserk            65                                 25
Made by:Mohamed Khamis,E-                               
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