Ruby/Sapphire The Best Guide - Guide for Pokemon Ruby

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Pokemon Ruby Version
Version 2.8
Author: Anthony Marshall
Last Updated: June 23, 2003
English Version 
east anglia Version

I. Contents

I.      Contents
II.     Version History
III.    Character
IV.     Basic Controls
V.      Catching and Raising Pokemon
VI.     FAQS
VII.    Gym Leader Strategies
VIII.   Badges
IX.     Walkthrough
         Chapter 1- Getting the Stone Badge
         Chapter 2- The Knuckle Badge
         Chapter 3- Acquiring the Dynamo Badge
         Chapter 4- The GYM Leader of Lavadridge Town
         Chapter 5- The fight in Petalburg City GYM
         Chapter 6- Feather Badge
         Chapter 7- The Twin Sister (Mind Badge)
         Chapter 8- The Last Badge (Rain Badge)
         Chapter 9- The Road to Victory (Elite Four)
X.      Items
XI.     Pokemon/ Pokedex
XII.    About the Author
XIII.   Trainer's Strategy
XIV.    Pokemon Moves/ Abilities
XV.     Credits
II. Version History
Version 2.8
Updated: June 22, 2003
Info: Sorry for the late updates. I'm really busy with my sites. Pokemon R/S 
 network is back and I just updated the walkthrough to Fallabar Town and a 
 Faqs. Wait more more updates.... 

Version 2.7
Updated: April 16, 2003
Info: Just updated some of it. Please be patient. I updated the walkthrough
 p tp Fiery Path. I also updated the Trainer's guide.

Version 2.6
Updated: April 4, 2003
Info: At last, I finally beat Watson. Well, Chapter 3 is finished! Trainer's
 guide updated! My website is also updated. Items updated. Be sure to check 
 my site.

Version 2.5 
Updated: March 28, 2003
Info: Updated the Walkthrough until the end of Chapter 3. I haven't beat 
 Watson yet. Trainers Section is updated.

Version 2.4
Updated: March 27, 2003
Info: Just added some Secrets from Gamewinners. Not yet updated the 
 Walkthrough, maybe tomorrow ^_^
Version 1.8
Created: March 19, 2003
Info: Welcome to my 2nd walkthrough. I started the Walkthrough, Characters and
  Item Section. I finished the Gym Leader and Badges. I also started the 
  Pokemon and Item section. Guys, you should wait on my next update!

Version 2.3
Updated: Marach 25, 2003
Info: Updated the Walkthrough 

Version 2.2
Updated: March 24, 2003
Info: I added stuff in my FAQS it's called HM/ TM list. It's not finished
    yet but you can look some of it. I also updated my walktthrough.

Version 2.1
Updated: March 23, 2003
Info: I finished CHAPTER 2 of my walkthrough!  YAY! I just need to finished
    edit some stuff.I formatted some parts in my faqs. Wait again for my
    next update!! (Every day until I finished it)

Version 2.0
Updated: March 22, 2003
Info: I change the format of my faqs. I put some TRAINERs in TRAINERS 
   STRATEGY, and I finished CHAPTER 1 of my WALKTHROUGH. YAY! Characters are
   updated, Pokedex are updated and many more. BE sure to wait for my next
   update! You'll love my walkthrough

Version 1.9
Updated: March 21, 2003
Info: My second update is amazing! I added some stuff. Trainers Strategy,
   Pokemon Moves/ Abilities, Balls and Secrets. Be sure to check it 
   out! I also updated my walkthrough. Be sure to wait my next update!

III. Characters

Landon: Landon is the main character in the game. Landon is like Ash Ketchum,
 He likes Pokemon when he helped Proffesor Birch in Littleroot Town. He is 
 courageous man and he have lot of courage.

May: May  is also the main character in the game. If you choose a boy, you 
 will see May on Littleroot town. Her father was a Professor. Her favorite 
 pokemon was Torchic.

Professor Birch: Proffesor is like Proffesor Oak. He studied Pokemon like
 Professor Elm in Silver, Gold, and Crystal Version. His daugther was May.
 They lived peacefully in Littleroot town. He gave Pokemon to Landon when he
 met Landon in Route 101. 

Wally: A child who wants Pokemon. He goes to Petalburg City GYM to borrow
 a POkemon from your character's father. He came from Vendanturf Town.

Norman: Norman is your character's father. He's a GYM leader in Petalburg
 City GYM. He was once a trainer and become a GYM LEADER in Petalburg City 

IV. Basic Controls

Control Pad- You can move around the town/ dungeon by pressing the control 

A Button: Select a command. By pressing this button you can talk to people,
check out an item in front of you, or scroll through text.

B Button: Cancel Command. If you have running shoes, you can run while holding
down the B Button.

Start: Open Menu Screen.

Select: Arrang items, change order of Pokemon's move during battle.

V. Catching and Raising Pokemon

We all know that Pokemon is all about catching Pokemon adn raising them. In 
 these section I'll let you know how to catch a pokemon and how to raise them.

You know that in order to catch a Pokemon, you need a Pokeball. To get a 
 Pokeball, you need to buy it in Pokemon Mart. Once you have enough  you
 are now ready on catching and hunting Pokemon.

You can catch wild pokemon in tall grasses and in dungeons. You can get 
 pokemon by trading with other trainers in the game. Once you catch one
 pokemon, you can raise them and make them evolve. You can do these
 by gaining Experience points in battle or by treating them nicely. 
 (Don't make them faint all the time)


Q1: What is the difference between the Ruby Version and Sapphire?
A1: According to my knowldege the difference is, you cannot get certain
pokemon in each Version. You cannot get Latias, and Latios in both version.
You can get all Pokemons by trading or if you want to cheat, you can use 

Q2: Is it possible to get all the pokemon in one version?
A2: No, you need a friend with Sapphire Version and a link cable and also
Gameboy Advance so you can trade!

Q3: How many POKEMON can you get in one version without trading or cheating?
A3: I think you will get at least 200 pokemon.

Q4: How many hours have u beaten this game? How many hours have u updating 
      your faqs?
A4: Actually I haven't finished it yet, I spent so far about 2 hours on making
     my faqs.

Q5: Do you like making faqs? Why?
A5: Yes, I like making faqs because I want to help people that are stucked
     in the game.

Q6: Is PIKACHU in the game? Where can you get him?
A6: Yes! Pikachu is in the game however you can catch him in Safari Zone. 

Q7: Where can you get ROCK SMASH because I'm stuck in the game?
A7: YOu can get ROCK SMASH in Mauvill City.

Q7: Where can I get Masterballs?
A7: You can only get 2 Masterballs in the game. One is in Team Magma's/
     Aqua's hideout and one in the lottery in Lilycove City.

Any questions? You can contact me in these email address: and name a subject, "Pokemon Ruby/ Sapphire FAQS"
If you don't title it that way, I cannot
answer your questions.

VII. Gym Leader Strategies
Using this GYM Leader Strategy is easy. You can see what type of Pokemon they
use, what's their weakest spot, what's the advantageous Pokemon that you can
use, suggested level, what pokemon they will use, and many more. 

Type: Rock
Weak Against: Grass Type
Advantage Pokemon: Treecko, Shroomish
Disadvantage Pokemon: Waillow
Pokemon: Geodude LVL 14, Nosepod LVL 15
Badge: Stone Badge

 Geodude will a little bit easy because all you have to do is to use ABSORB.
After you beat Geodude you will have to beat Nosepod which is LEVEL 15. If 
your Pokemon is below LVL 17 you cannot beat this POKEMON. Never use Bird
type Pokemon such as Waillow. Buy potion if necessary.

Type: Fight Type
Weak Against: Bird/ Flying 
Advantage Pokemon: Wingull or Waillow
Disadvantage Pokemon: Treecko and any grass type
Pokemon: Machop 17, Makuhta 16

 This battle is easy if you use Wingull of Waillow PECK or WING ATTACK.
If you use that, you'll easily beat BRAWLEY!

Type: Electric
Weak Against: Fighting Type
Advantage Pokemon: Makuhita, Mudkip's MUDDY WATER
Disadvantage Pokemon: Grovyle, Mudkip
Pokemon: Magnemite 22, Voltorb 20, Magneton 23

  In order to beat this Old Man, you need to have a GROUND type attack. If
you use Combusken or Marshtomp you should beat his pokemon so easily. 

GYM LEADER: Flannery
Type: Fire
Weak Against: Water
Advantage Pokemon: Mudkip, Pelipper
Disadvantage Pokemon: Fire Pokemons
Pokemon: * I forgot*

  Be sure to have a Water Pokemon. If not use Steel Type pokemon.

VIII. Badges

Stone Badge
Acquired from: Roxanne
Info: Increase attack power of your Pokemon. Allows you to use Cut, even 
outside battle.

Knuckle Badge
Acquired from: Brawly
Info: Causes all Pokemon of LVL 30 and below obey you, even if you got
them in trade. Allows you to use flash.

IX. Walkthrough

*Note: Before you use my guide, I want to let you know something. The 
difference between the Ruby and Sapphire is that in you will battle 
in RUBY is TEAM MAGMA while in SAPPHIRE is TEAM AQUA. Also, you 
cannot catch certain Pokemon in RUBY and SAPPHIRE. Let me remind
you... Never use a gameshark because it will lower your enjoyment.
I'll suggest on using a gameshark when you have beaten the game. 
Here's my profile in the game so you can't be confused when you
read my faqs:

Character's Name: Landon
Pokemon Chosen: Treecko
Rival's name: May
Team: Team Magma

And now let's get in the game... 

Once you hit NEW GAME, Professor Birch will introduce to you the world of 
Pokemon. He will even show you azumarill. He will ask you whether you want 
GIRL or BOY. Once you chose, name it. After that scene, Professor will tell 
you that your characters adventure is about to unfold. and he'll say,
"I'll see you later".
Chapter 1: Stone Badge

Littleroot Town

 After the introduction finished you will be in a truck. The truck will go 
to your new house in Houen. After the truck parks, go outside and your Mom
will surprise you. "Hi! ...., good to see you, do you like a new home?" She 
take you inside and tell you to fix your clock. Once your in your room, 
go in front of the clock and change the time. Once you finished setting it up,
you MOM will surprise you again and asked to walk outside. Go downstairs and 
your MOM will surprise you again, She will let you watch your father in the 
TV. Too bad, you can't watch it because it's too small. ^_^ After that scene
go outside and visit your neighbor in the east of your house. Once you've
entered the house, a lady will be surprised, he will tell you the Professor 
Birch is not yet around and she will tell you to talk to MAY. Go upstairs
of her house and you will a girl, talk to her and you will SURPRISE HER!! 

 Once you talked to her, she will tell you that she needs to go outside. 
She will go outside and leaves you for a while. Now, go outside and head
out of town. When you get out of town, you will see a guy shouting for
help. He will ask you to get a Pokemon from his bag. (You need to choose
carefully who's pokemon you like) You can choose, Treecko a grass pokemon,
Torchic a fire pokemon, or Mudkip a water pokemon. (I choose Treecko). 
Once you choose your pokemon, you will be in battle. Battle the Pokemon.

Once you defeat the Pokemon. He will introduce himself. It was PROFESSOR
BIRCH!!!! He will asked you to come to his LAB. In the lab, he wil 
say Thank You to you and tell to you that you can keep the pokemon that 
you chose earlier. You can give a nickname to your Pokemon if you want.
Once you give  a nickname to your pokemon, he will tell  you about his
daughter MAY. You will be asked to meet MAY in ROUTE 103. 

So, Go outside of town and go all the way to the north. You can raise 
your Pokemon by going to the tall grass and fights wild pokemon.

Oldale Town

 Once you've reached Oldale town, you see will a lot of difference in town. 
YOu can go to the P.C pokemon center to heal your pokemon. To tell you the 
truth, you have no business on going in this town yet. Go outside of Pokemon
Center and you will see a girl standing east of Pokemon Center. Talk to her 
and she will take you to her P.M Pokemon Mart. You can buy certain things in
Pokemon Mart, like Potion, Awakening, Antidote, Paralyze Heal, and many more
except POKEBALL!!! Once you've done your business in POKEMON MART, go north
and find MAY/ BRANDON in ROUTE 103. 

Route 103

 You will find MAY if you go all the way to the north of Oldale town. 
If you talk to her, you battle her in Pokemon fight. So talk to her and 
let's the battle begin...

Pokemon Trainer: MAY
Pokemon used: TREECKO LVL 7
Diffuculty: EASY
Strategies: This is no push over, Just use POUND for TREECKO and use POTIOn
if your POKEMON's health starts dropping down.
 Once you defeat MAY she will ask you to go back in town and have a rest. 
So go all the way back to Littleroot Town. After going to Littleroot town,
be sure to go to your MOM and rest. After resting, go to Professor Birch's
lab to get a Pokedex. Professor Birch gave you a Pokedex because you beat
MAY. YAY ^_^! After you get the Pokedex from Prof. Birch, MAY will give 
you 5 Pokeballs. She will tell you that she will find new pokemon. 
(You're lucky because you're rival is not bad as Gary) After talking to her
go to Oldale town.

Oldale Town 

 Have you talked to the odd professor west of Oldale town? He was talking 
about that he saw a strange footprint. Go to him and you will see that
he's not blocking the road anymore. That path leads you to Route 102.
Don't forget to buy lot's of Potions and Pokeballs!

Route 102

 In these place, you will begin battling Pokemon trainers. Go and battle
the trainers that you will see in the road. You will be a good trainer 
when you have good Pokemon. Here's the list of all the trainers you will 
fight in the area and what are their Pokemon that they're using:
(after this list, we'll proceed the game!)

Trainer: Youngster Calvin
Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon LVL 5
Strategies: This is easy, just use POUND if your using Treecko or use 
scratch. Use a normal attack and you will beat this Youngster! 
Trainer: Bugcatcher Rick
Pokemon Used: Wurmple LVL 4, Wurmple LVL 4
Strategies: Do the same thing you did on Youngster Calvin and MAY
Trainer: Youngster Allen
Pokemon Used: Poochyena LVL 5, Taillow LVL 3
Strategies: Do the same thing you did on Youngster Calvin, Bug Catch Rick,
 and MAY
Trainer: Lass Tiana
Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon LVL 4, Zigzagoon LVL 4
Strategies: Use the same strategies you did in 4 trainers. Beware of
 Zigzagoons GROWL. It will lowers your Attack!

So, let's proceed in the game, once you entered Route 102, go west,
north, be sure to get the Pecha Berry and Oran Berry in the tree.
Once you get it, head west and you should be in Petalburg City.

Petalburg City

 Be sure to go first to Pokemon Center because I'm sure your 
Pokemon are tired and injured. After healing your Pokemon,
go to Pokemart to purchase Potion because you will fight a GYM
leader in these city. Go North and you should find a GYM. Go 
inside and you will see a GUY standing in front of the door. 
Talk to him and you will learn that he's your father. Once you
talk to him, somebody will barge in. His name is Wally. 
Wally is from Verdantrof City. He came to Petalburg because
he's on a vacation and want to catch a Pokemon. He wants to get
pokemon from your dad. Your dad wants to help him so he lend
his Zigzagoon to Wally and give a Pokemon. Wally will drag you
to Route 102 and watch him catch Raltz. Once he catch Raltz
he will drag you again to the gym and give back Zigzagoon to
you father. He'll thank your father and leave. Your Dad will tell
you that in order to fight him you need to get 4 badges from the
trainers. So, he'll suggest you to go to Rostboro City GYM and
fight Roxanne and get the STONE BADGE. So, head out of the gym 
and go west and you should be in Route 104

Route 104

 Once you are in Route 104, go west and go all the way to the north. You
should see a Tree with berries on it. Get it and head west and you will
find a trainer. Fight him.

Trainer: Richboy Winston
Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon LVL 6
Strategies: Just use normal attack on him and don't forget to use
you other pokemon cause it will level up too. 

 After you beat him, go North and you will be in Petalburg Woods.

Petalburg Woods

 Be careful on this place because there are certain trainers in it. Be sure 
that your well prepared. In this place you will meet your enemy. So, head 
west once you entered the woods and you'll fight another Trainer again.

Trainer: Bugcatcher Lyle
Pokemon Used: Wurmple LVL 3 (6x)
Strategies: Use Wingull on Wurmple. All of his pokemon are Wurmple so It's
easily to beat him. Just use normal attacks on him and you will beat him 
in no time.

 Find your way to the exit once you defeated the trainer. The exit is all the
way to the north. DOn't worry it's not hard to find it. On your way to the
north, you will see a guy looking for pokemon. Once he finished discussing
about the pokemon, a mysterious gang will appear and an event will happen.

"Prepare for trouble to make it double, To unite our world within our nation...
Meowth.. Meowth that's right!" Wait, is this TEAM ROCKET? Sorry, TEAM ROCKET
is not in the game.

So the mysterious gang is the TEAM MAGMA (Too bad, Jesse and James
is no longer your enemy.) The Team Magma want's something to the guy
that you've talked to. So the guy will tell you to fight him. So,
Fight HIM...

Trainer: Team Magma Grunt
Pokemon Used: Poochyena LVL 9
Strategies: Poochyena is a little bit hard if your pokemon's level is 
 below 10. I will suggest if you use Treecko use QUICK ATTACK. Be careful
 on his attack because it will use SAND-ATTACK that makes your POKEMON's 
 accuracy fell. Once you beat him, YOU WIN...

After you beat that Grunt, he'll say that "We'll meet again in Rostboro
City" and he'll leave. After he leave, the guy will thank you and give you
Great Ball to show his gratitude. Now, he'll go follow the Team Magma in 
Rostboro City because they plan something evil like TEAM ROCKET. 
Once that event happens, go north and you will find another trainer. FIGHT

Trainer: Bugcatcher James
Pokemon Used: Nincader LVL 8
Strategies: This battle is a little bit to hard because he pokemon always
use HARDEN in which makes his POKEMOn increase its defense. Just use normal
attack on him and you'll beat him

 After you beat the trainer, go north and head out of Petalburg Woods.

Route 104

 Once you get out of Petalburg Woods, be sure to talk to the guy after the 
exit to get the TM09. After he gives it to you, head north again and you 
should see a house. Enter and talk to the girl. The girl will give you Wailmer
Pail. Go outside and take the berries from the tree beside it. Now, go west 
and you'll see a lot of trainers. Figh them!

Trainer: Lady Cindy
Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon LVL 7
Strategies: Just use your normal attack.
Trainer: Lass Haley
Pokemon Used: Lotad LVL 7, Shroomish LVL 8
Strategies: TO defeat her pokemon easily, just use Taillow's PECK and you
should beat them in not time.

Once you beat her, head north and talk to the twin girl. You wil fight
her 2 on 2 which means she'll use 2 pokemon and you'll use 2 pokemon too.

Trainer: Twin Mia and Gina
Pokemon Used: Lotad LVL 8, Seedot LVL 8
Strategies: This battle is easy. If you use Treecko and Waillowl at LVL
 12 you should beat them easily. Use PECK and POUND on her pokemon!
 After battling with her head west and north. Be sure to talk to the guy
who's staring at the water. HE's A TRAINER!!!

Trainer: Fisherman Ivan okemon Used: Magikarp LVL 6 (3x)
Strategies: This battle is easy because all he use is Magikarp w/ level 6.
Just use normal attacks.
Once you beat him, find your way to Rostboro City.

Rostboro City

 Once you get in Town, be sure to explore it and you will get various items. 
You will get HM01 (Cut) in the house west of the Pokemon Center. Also, you can
get Quick Claw in the Pokemon Trainer School north of the Fountain. If you 
want to battle the Gym Leader head north of the town and you will see the Gym 
Sign. Enter it and you and you will find 2 Pokemon Trainers. Be sure to fight
them to gain more EXPERIENCE.

Trainer: Youngster JOSH
Pokemon Used: Geodude LVL 10, Geodude LVL 8, Geodude LVL 6
Strategies: This battle be easy if you choose Treecko. If you choose Treecko
you have to use ABSORB. If you don't pick it TREECKO as your starter, be sure
to catch Shroomish so you can use ABSORB on Geodude. Remember that ROCKY 
type and WEAK in GRASS TYPE.
Trainer: Youngster Tony
Pokemon Used: Geodude LVL 11
Strategies: Use the same strategy you did to Younster JOSH.

Type: Rock
Weak Against: Grass Type
Advantage Pokemon: Treecko, Shroomish
Disadvantage Pokemon: Waillow
Pokemon: Geodude LVL 14, Nosepod LVL 15

 Geodude will a little bit easy because all you have to do is to use ABSORB.
After you beat Geodude you will have to beat Nosepod which is LEVEL 15. If 
your Pokemon is below LVL 17 you cannot beat this POKEMON. Never use Bird
type Pokemon such as Waillow. Buy potion if necessary.

 After you beat her, you get the official Leage Badge, the STONE BADGE. 
The STONE BADGE will higher your Pokemons attack and it also enables you
to use the HM01(CUT)  even outside of the battle. She will also give you the


Chapter 2: The Knuckle Badge

Rostboro City CONTINUED

Go outside of the GYM and head west. You will have an event feautring the
guy you've seen in Petalburg Woods. The guy will be robbed by the TEAM ROCKET
I mean, TEAM MAGMA. The guy will try to follow him.

After that scene, head north, don't go out of town and 
head west, you'll see again the guy. Talk to him and he's asking for your
help again. Head west again and you'll be in ROUTE 116.

Route 116

 In this Route, there's a lot of trainers. Be sure to fight them to gain
a lot of experience. All you have to do is head all the way to the east.

Trainer: Bug Catcher Jose
Pokemon Used: Wurple 8, Silcoon 8, Nincada 8
Strategies: To beat his POkemon be sure you have a bird type pokemon. Use
Wing Attack if you have Waillow. 
Trainer: Youngster Joey
Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon 8, Machop 10
Strategies: Use the same strategy as you did in Bug Catcher Jose.
Trainer: Lass Jamie
Pokemon Used: Maill 10
Strategies: Just use Bird type pokemon.
Trainer: Hiker Clark
Pokemon Used: Geodude 8 (3x)
Strategies: Use Treecko or Shroomish GRASS TYPE ATTACK.

 You should fight a last trainer named, Hiker Clark. Once you defeated 
Hiker Clark, go North of it and you will see a man blocking the door of the
house. Talk to him. AFter talking to him go west and you will see a lot of 
trees. Those trees that are small can be cut down so use HM01. Once you cut
a tree, you will fight two trainers in there. 

Trainer: School Kid Jerry
Pokemon Used: Raltz LVL 10
Strategies: Just use WINGATTACK of Taillow and you'll beat his pokemon.
Trainer: School Kid Karen
Pokemon Used: Shroomish 8, Wishmur 9
Strategies: Use the same strategy you did to School Kid Jerry

Once you beat School Kid Karen you look Northeast from there and you will
see a berry tree. You can get the berries by cutting down the tree. Once you
cut it down, get it and get the Item too. After getting all of them, head back
to where the man is guarding the door. From there head east and you will see
an old man guarding the cave. Talk to him and he'll say that his pokemon 
"Peeko" has been inside of the cave. Now, go inside.

Rusturf Cave

 The only mission you have is to find the pokemon and retreive the Devon Goods
to Team Magma. By doing that, head north and get the item. Now head west and 
you will see TEAM MAGMA hostaging "Peeko". Talk to him to fight him.

Trainer: Team Magma Grunt
Pokemon Used: Poochyena 11
Strategies: If your using Treecko use Fury Attack. If not, use either normal
attacks or Quick Attack.

 After beating him, he'll give you back the Devon Goods and leaves. Now, 
a man from outside of the Cave will come through. He will thank you for 
saving his Peecko from Team Magma. He will also reveal himself that he's 
Mr. Brinney, a guy who's leaving south of Petalburg Woods. After he leaves,
Go back to Rostboro City and bring back the Devon Goods.

Rostboro City

 Now, you're in Rostboro City, talk to the guy who has been robbed and he'll 
going to give you Great Ball again to show his gratitude. He will going to 
drag you to Devon Corporation and take you to the last floor on which the 
President of Devon Corporation is in. The guy who has been robbed will 
introduce you to the President. But before he do that, he'll ask for
you help again since you help him many times. He'll ask you to deliver the
Devon Goods that has been stolen to somekind of a Port. After that, he'll
take you to the Presidet. The President will thank you for saving one of his
staff and he'll ask for your help again. He wants you to deliver a letter to
Mr. Stevens from Dewford Town. Of course, to show his gratitude, he'll give
you a POkemon Navigator! After that, go outside of Devon Corporation and be
sure to go to Pokemon Center to heal your Pokemon or buy at Pokemon Mart 
because your will be set on another adventure.

 Once you finished your preparation, Head to Mr. Brinney's Cottage. It is 
located in Route 104. 

Petalburg Woods

 To reach Mr. Brinney's cottage, go outside of Petalburg Woods.

Route 104 (again)

  Go to the house where you saw a ship. Talk to Mr. Brinney and say "YES"
to go to DEWFORD CITY if you complete your preparation. 

Dewford City

  This city is a small island that is located in Southwest of Hoenn Region.
You don't need to find Mr. Stevens yet, you need to fight Brawley the GYM
Leader. The GYM is located south of the city. Be sure to go to POKEMON center
to heal your pokemon. Once ready, let's go...

 When you first enter the room, you will get surprised because it's so dark.
Don't worry it's part of the game. Now your mission is to go and walk
through the dark until you find Brawley the GYM LEADER. I'll let you find
him so you can battle trainers in the gym. Here's the strategy you should 
use when you fight the trainers.

Trainer: Battle Girl Lana
Pokemon Used: Meditite 14
Strategiy: Do you know that FIGHTING type POKEMON is weak against bird
 type pokemon? If you use WINGULL or TAILLOW and use PECK or WING ATTACKED,
 you will beat this trainer.
Trainer: Blackbelt Hideki (i think)
Pokemon Used: Meditite 14
Strategy: Use the same strategy used on Battle Girl Lana.
Trainer: Battle Girl Tessa
Pokemon used: Meditite 12 (2x) Machop 12
Strategy: Used the same strategy used to Battle Girl Lana.

Type: Fight Type
Weak Against: Bird/ Flying 
Advantage Pokemon: Wingull or Waillow
Disadvantage Pokemon: Treecko and any grass type
Pokemon: Machop 17, Makuhta 16

 This battle is easy if you use Wingull of Waillow PECK or WING ATTACK.
If you use that, you'll easily beat BRAWLEY!

 After you beat him, you will get another official League Badge. 
The KNUCKLE BADGE! The Knuckle Badge allows your pokemon to obey you by LEVEL
30 and enables you to use FLASH even outside battle.


Chapter 3: Acquiring the DYNAMO BADGE

Dewford City (CONT.)- Route 106

 Now go out of the GYM and heal your POKEMON. After healing your POKEMON,
go north of town and head west. Be aware that there is 2 trainers that will
fight you. They are fisherman and use Water Based type Pokemon.

Trainer: Fisherman Elliot
Pokemon used: Magikarp 11 (2x), Tentacool
Strategy: This battle is easy, just use normal attacks or any grass type 
Trainer: Fisherman Nad or Ned 
Pokemon used: Tentacool LVL 8 or 10
Strategy: Just use the same strategy you did to Fisherman Elliot

After beating all of them head west and you should see a hole. 

Granite Cave

 Once your inside the cave you will see a guy standing right before the exit. 
Talk to him. Don't worry he's not a trainer. When you talk to the Hiker, 
he'll say that Mr. Stevens is in beneath of the cave. 
He will give you FLASH. Now head west and go down to the stairs.

 In these section I will not tell you the way to get in. Finding Mr. Stevens
is easy. Once you find Mr. Stevens, you will give the letter to him and he'll
leave. If you have an Escape Rope, use it, if not, go all the way back to the

Route 106 

  There is nothing to do here. Once you get outside the cave. Go to 
Dewford town.

Dewford Town

 Now you're done delivering the letter to Mr. Stevens you can now go back to 
Rostboro and report it to the President or just go to Slateport. In order to 
go to Slateport you need to talk to Mr. Brinny in the shore. He'll let you
choose whether you want to go back to Petalburg Woods or go straight to
Slateport. It's up to you but if you want to proceed in the game go to 
Slateport City so you can deliver the package. 

 Before departing to Slateport City be sure to heal your Pokemon first in
Pokemon Center. Once your preparation is done, let's head to Slateport!

Slateport Beach

 Once you get there, you'll notice that it's so sandy, it's a beach. That's
not the Slateport City. Just go north of this place. Be aware that there
is several trainers in this beach. FIGHT THEM!

Trainer: Sailor Houey
Pokemon used: Machop LVL 14
Strategy: Be sure you have BIRD type POKEMON. Once you had it, beat it with
Location: Slateport Beach
Trainer: Turby Rick	
Pokemon used: Zigzagoon 14
Strategy: Use PURSUIT if you have one, or just use normal attacks.
 I recommend you are at least level 17-18.
Trainer: Sailor Edmond
Pokemon used: Wingull 12, Machop 14, Wingull 12
Strategy: If you battle Wingull don't use Grass Type pokemon or Fighting type 
 Pokemon because he's going to wipe you out faster. Just use BIRD TYPE POKEMON
 and use NORMAL ATTACKS. Be aware that Wingull is going to make your POkemon 
 Confused. After you beat WIngull, you will fight Machop. Beating Machop is 
 easy. Just use BIRD TYPE POkemon.
Trainer: Tuber LOLA
Pokemon used: Azurill 13, Azurill 13
Strategy: If you have Makuhita, use him and use ARM THRUST. It's very
 effective on Water Type Pokemon. 

 After you beat the trainer in the sand, you have to beat several trainers
again. Have u seen a guy laying down in somekind of a chair? Go north of
him and you will see a child guarding the door. Go inside and talk to the 
middle man. The man in the middle will going to ask you to beat the trainers
in that house so he can give you a prize. Do it. Fight the trainers!

Trainer: Sailor Dwayne 
Pokemon used: Wingull 11 (2x) Machop About level 12
Strategy: When fighting Wingull, don't use fighting type pokemon, instead
 use Dark type. After fighting Wingull, you will battle Machop, use Bird
 type pokemon to beat Machop easily.
Trainer: Beauty Johnson
Pokemon used: Goldeen 13
Strategy: To defeat it, use Plulse and have hum use Thunderwave. Once Goldeen
 is paralized just use Quick attack.
Trainer: Tuber Simon
Pokemon Used: Azurill 12, Marill 12
Strategy: Use Makuhita to defeat them easily. Use also Makuhita's ARM THRUST.

 After you beat all the trainers in the house, go and talk to the man in the
middle of the house. He'll give you 6 SODA POPS. Now leave the house and head

Slateport City

 Once you get to Slateport City, visit first the Market. I want you to 
explore the town by yourselves. There's a lot of attraction area in this 
place. You can get the Pokecase in the Pokemon Contest House in which 
you can make a Pokeblock to feed your Pokemon. When you're inside of the 
Pokemon Contest House, talk to the people inside until you find the girl 
who'll give you the Pokecase. Now that you have it, you can now make a
Pokeblock. To make a Pokeblock you need to go to the Berry Blender. Berry
Blender is located in every Pokemon Contest House. To find it, just find 
a thing the looks like a square. Find a free space and play. There is an
old man and a youngster who's in the square thing. Go in the empty side
of the square and press A. Now you can play Berry Blender. Just read the
instruction when the old man ask you if you know how to operate it. 
When you're done doing fun stuff, you'll find a reporter inside the Pokemon
Contest House. Talk to them and you'll get interviewed. When you get 
interviewed you need to make a phrase. 

Once you're done, go outside the Pokemon Contest House and visit the
Pokemon Center. Heal your Pokemon and head east and you'll see a bunch
of Team Magma/ Aqua. Talk to all of them. Team Magma/ Aqua plans
to get something to the Oceanic Museum. You cannot go in there yet.
So, head southeast until you see a huge brown house with a boat beside it.
Go inside and talk to the guy in the north. He'll spot the you have the
Devon Goods on which you should deliver to Mr. Stern. He will said
the he can't find Mr. Stern, so you need to find them. To find them, 
go to the place where you saw bunch of Team Magma/ Aqua. You'll see now
that they're gone. Go inside of the Museum. You have to pay $50. After you 
pay, go downstairs and you'll see one guy alone. Talk to him and you'll
recognize that he's Mr. Stern. Now, the Team Magma will burge in and fight 

Trainer: Team Magma Grunt
Pokemon Used: Numel 15
Strategy: If you have a pokemon that is LVL 20, you should beat him easily.
 Just use normal attacks.

 Once you defeat him, his partner will battle you.

Trainer: Team Magma Grunt
Pokemon Used: Zubat 14, Numel 14
Strategy: Use the same strategy above.

 Once you beat them. they'll get mad on you because you always keep on 
destroying their plans. Their boss Maxie will come out and he'll going
to threathen you. After that he disappears. 

 Now you finally delivered the Devon Goods to Mr. Stern. Once you deliver
it, he'll immediately leave. Now, go upstairs and you'll see one Team
Magma. Talk to him and you should get, TM46. Now go outside and visit 
Pokemon Center to heal your pokemon.

Now that your pokemon is fully healed, you're ready for the next 
adventure. Go out of the town head all the way to the north.
You'll battle a trainer over there.

Trainer: Pokefun Isabel
Pokemon Used: Plulse 15, Minun 15
Strategy: To defeat this pokemon, use Ground type Pokemon or use Ground
 type attacks such as Mud-Slap.

 Once you defeat her go north and you should see an old man walking in front
of the house. Go inside of the house to take another challenge.

Trickmaster House

 Once you enter it and proceed somebody will speak and says, "You're being
watched". Ignore it and you will see a thing that sparkles in the table.
Go in it and press A in front of it. A man will comeout under the table and
reveal himself as, Trickmaster. He'll going to ask you if you want to 
challenge one of his tricks. You cannot do anything but to agree.
Now that you take the challenge you need to go to the door north of his house.

 When you're inside you will see bunch of trees. If you want to proceed in the
game follow this steps: cut the trees in the north, cut the trees in the east,
cut the trees in the north and find you're way to the boy, you need to fight 

Trainer: Youngsters Eddie
Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon 14, Zigzagoon 16
Strategy: Use fighting type pokemon.

Now that you defeat him, you can now read the scroll beside it. Once you've
read it, you can now proceed in the game. Find your way in the north eastern
of the house. Here's the trainers you'll fight in the house.

Trainer: Lass Robin
Pokemon Used: Skitty 14, Shroomish 15, Marill 14
Strategy: If your pokemon's level is above 20, just use normal attacks.

 Once you open the door, go in and you'll see Trickmaster. Talk to him
and he'll congratulate you that you able to go past his trick. As
a prize he'll going to give you RARE CANDY. Now, he'll disappear.

Go outside by using the door in the north west! It looks like a door with 
a wood in it.

Once you're done with the Trickmaster's house, head outside of his house and 
head east. When you get in there, you'll fight a lot's of trainers.

Trainer: Youngster Timmy
Pokemon Used: Poochyena 12, Aron 14, Electrike 16
Strategy: To defeat Poochyena, use Furry Cutter if you have one or just
 use your normal attacks. On Aron, use Makuhita or any other Fighting Type
 Pokemon. On Electrike, use normal attacks.

 Once you defeat him and east and north. In there you'll fight your rival for
the 2nd time.

Trainer: May/ Brandon
Pokemon Used: If you choose Treeko you'll fight these pokemon:
                Level 18 Wailmer
                Level 18 Shroomish
                Level 20 Combusken
               If you choose Torchic you'll fight thses pokemon:
                Level 18 Shroomish 
                Level 18 Numel
                Level 20 Mudkip
               If you shoose Mudkip you'll fight these pokemon:
                Level 18 Wailmer
                Level 18 Numel
                Level 20 Grovyle
Strategies: Figure it out!

 After you defeat your rival, head north, west, and north until you reach 
Mauvill City.(Note: On you way there, you'll fight 3 more trainers, but I 
haven't known what pokemon they used sorry.)

Mauville City

 Now that you're in a new town, always visit first the Pokemon Center before
anything else. After you healed your pokemon, head to the POkemon Mart and buy
some stuff. Once finished, go to the house east of the Pokemart and you'll see
a person who'll give you HM (Rock Smash). Now, go back again to Pokemon Mart
and head to house just west of the Pokemon Mart. In there, you'll see a woman.
Talk to her and she'll tell you that she needs Harbor Mail. To get Harbor Mail
go back to Slateport and buy Harbor Mail at Pokemon Mart. Once you've got it,
go back to the girl and exchange your Harbor Mail into a... COIN CASE. Now 
that you have a coin case, you can now play slots and roulette. In these
town there's a game corner here and a... GYM. Now, if you want first to 
battle the GYM, go North and head west and you should see the GYM. The GYM
is located just west of Pokemon Center. When you get there you'll see a 
familiar man. Talk to him and you'll see... WALLY. Wally wants to get 
inside of Mauville City GYM but his uncle wouldn't let him to. When Wally
sees you he'll challenge you to a POkemon Fight. Say YES.

Trainer: Wally
Pokemon Used: Ralts 16
Strategy: Since Ralts is Grass Type use, FIRE type.

 Once you defeated him, he'll leave. Now, go inside the GYM.

 Now that you've enter the gym be sure to know what type of pokemon are they
using. Their using... ELECTRIC TYPE pokemon. To beat all electric type pokemon
you need a pokemon that is GROUND type or Fighting TYPE.

 Let's head inside the GYM.

 I'll just list the trainers inside the gym and I'll let  you figure out the
puzzle that Watson have made.

Trainer: Guitarist Kirk
Pokemon Used: Electrike 18, Magnemite 18
Strategy: Use FIGHTING type pokemon or use normal attacks if you have a pokemon
 that is LEVEL 20-25. 
Trainer: Youngster Ben
Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon 19
Strategy:Use normal attacks.
Trainer: Guitarist Vivian
Pokemon Used: Meditite 13
Strategy: Use the strategy used on Guitarist Kirk.
Trainer: Guitarist Shawn
Pokemon Used: Voltorb 17 (3x)
Strategy: Use the strategy used on Guitarist Kirk.

 Now that you've battle all the trainer, it's time for you to meet the master. 
(This guy is pretty hard so you need to have Potions or Soda Pop)

Type: Electric
Weak Against: Fighting Type
Advantage Pokemon: Makuhita, Mudkip's MUDDY WATER
Disadvantage Pokemon: Grovyle, Mudkip
Pokemon: Magnemite 22, Voltorb 20, Magneton 23

  In order to beat this Old Man, you need to have a GROUND type attack. If
you use Combusken or Marshtomp you should beat his pokemon so easily. 

 After you beat Watson he'll give you TM34 (Shockwave). 


Chapter 4: The GYM Leader of Lavadridge Town

 Now that you have DYNAMO Badge you can now able to use Rock Smash. TO get 
Rock Smash go to the house east of Pokemon Mart in Mauvill City. Talk to him
and he'll give you HM Rock Smash. Next, go to north from that house to reach
Rydel's Cycle. Go in that house to get bike for free. There are 2 bikes you
will choose from:

MachBike- May able to go through sandy areas.
AcroBike- Can hop

 You can choose from those bikes. However if you change your mind, you can 
back from him and exchange your bike. Now that you're done your mission in 
these town, you could go either west of town or north. Head west first to 
reach Verdanturf Town.

West of Mauvill City

 Once you go west of Mauville, you'll see a house and an old guy in it. Go 
inside the house and you'll be in Day Care. You can leave your pokemon in here
so they can level up. It will take a long time to level up your pokemon in 
there. Now, go outside and there's a lot of trainers in here. Fight them. 

Trainer: Pokemon Breeder Isaac
Pokemon Used: Whismur 12, Taillow 12, Aron 12
Strategy: I expect that your pokemon is above LVL 20. Just use normal attack
 on them.
Trainer: Triathlete Maria
Pokemon Used: Dudou 18
Strategy: Use fire type pokemons.

*I forgot the rest sorry...

 Once you beat all the trainers, head all the way to the west.
Verdanturf Town

 West of these place is a house called, Pokemon Contest. You can enter to your
Pokemon to be in contest. Also, you can get a Contest Pass in which you needed
participate in other contest across Hoenn Region. I'll explain later how the
contest works. Let's proceed...

 Once you get in Vendanturf town, be sure to go first to Pokemon Center to 
heal your wounded pokemon. Once you do that, head to the cave just north of
Pokemon Mart. You will see a girl in there, standing. Ingnore her and just
go straight north. You'll be inside the Rusturf Tunnel in which connects to 
Rustboro City.

Rusturf Tunnel

 Once you get in there, you'll see a man just standing. Talk to him and fight

Trainer: Hiker Mike
Pokemon Used: Geodude 16 (2x), Machop 16
Strategy: In order to beat rock type pokemons, use Fighting type pokemons such
 as Marshtomp, Combusken, or Makuhita.

 Now that you beat him, go north to get Max Ether. and go west. You'll see a
guy from the other side of the rock and a woman from the other site of the 
rock. Go beside her and use rock smash to the rock. Once you've done it, the
guy from the other side will give you HM Stregth. Now go back to Mauville City
and head north from there. Once you head north you'll see a guy standing in 
front of him so you can batte him. Battle Him 4 times in a row.

Trainer: Winstrate Victor	
Pokemon Used: Taillow 16, Zigzagoon 16
Strategy: Use fighting type attacks on Taillow and normal attacks on Zigzagoon
Trainer: Vivi
Pokemon Used: Marill 15, Shroomish 15, Numel 15
Strategy: Use normal attacks.
Trainer: Victoria
Pokemon Used: Roselia 16
Strategy: Use Swellow or any bird type pokemon.
Trainer: Vicky
Pokemon Used: Meditite 18
Strategy: Use bird type pokemon.

 Once you beat them all, go inside of the house and talk to the family. They
will give you Macho Brace. Now go outside of that house and head north.
You'll see a rock in there so use Rock Smash.

Route 111

 In these place there's a lot of trainers in here. Be sure to fight them. 

Trainer: Interviewer Gabby and Ty
Pokemon Used: Magnemite 19, Whismur 19
Strategy: Use ground type when fighting Magnemite.
Trainer: Picnicker Irene
Pokemon Used:Shroomish 18, Marill 18
Strategy: Use poison pokemon when fighting Shroomish and grass type when 
 fighting Marill.
Trainer: Camper Travis
Pokemon Used: Sandshrew, level 19 
Strategy: Use water type pokemon
Trainer: Camper Larry
Pokemon Used:Zigzagoon 18, Nuzleaf 18
Strategy: Use normal attacks.

*forgot the rest of the trainers*

 Once you beat all the trainers, you'll can have to go north and head west.
You cannnot go north because there's a sand storm in there so just head west.
By going west, you'll have to go north to the stairs. You'll see a trainer
if you go east. you don't have to get there by now but instead head west and
head to the cave.

Fiery Path

 You have nothing to do here so head outside the cave by going north. Once you
go outside 

ROute 112

 I won't tell you how to get to the next town. I want you to go to Fallabar
Town to test your strength. 

Fallabar Town

 Fallabar Town is a town that is near in the volcano. Once you reach 
Fallabar, go first to Pokemon Center and heal your pokemons. Right after 
you heal you'll see a girl near the PC talk to her and you'll find out it's 
Lannett. She is making the Pokemon Storage box *no more billy :(* Anyways 
once you talk to her she'll invite you to go to her house. Now go outside 
of Pokemon Center and head west. On you way there you'll see an old man 
with a pokemon, Poochyena with him, talk to him and he'll give you TM. Now
head south. Note: you'll fight many trainers here.

X. Item

Used for Health

Items:          Effect:                            Location
Potion          Restores Pokemon HP by 20      Pokemart (every town)
Super Potion    Restores Pokemon HP by 50      Pokemart (every town)
Soda Pop        Restores Pokemon HP by 60      Lilycove Dept. Store. 
Revive          Revives fainted pokemon by 1/2 Pokemon Mart and Lilycove
Max Potion      Restores all HP                Lilycove Dept. Store
Max Revive      Revive pokemon with full HP    Lilycove Dept. Store
Max Ether       Restores all PP                Lilycove Dept. Store
Full Heal       Restores abnormal conditions   Lilycove Dept. Store
Fresh Water     Restores some HP               Lilycove Dept. Store
Yellow Flute    Cures Pokemon Confuse status   Route 113
Red Flute       Disrupts Pokemon attraction    Route 113

Comming soon...
XI. Pokemon/ Pokedex

Pokemon Number: 1
Pokemon Name: Treecko
Evolve to: Grovyle
Type: Wood Gecko Pokemon
Height: 1'01"
Weight: 11.0 lbs.
Description: Treecko has small hooks on the bottom of its feet that enable it
 to scale vertical walls. This Pokemon attacks by slamming foes with its 
 thick tail.
Location: Beginning of the game (choose from the three)

Pokemon Number: 2
Pokemon Name: Grovyle 
Evolve to: Sceptile
Type: Wood Gecko Pokemon
Height: 2'11"
Weight: 47.6 lbs
Description: The leaves growing out of Grovyle's body are convinient for 
 camouflaging it from enemy in the forest. This Pokemon is a master at 
 climbing trees in jungles.
Location: Evolve of Treecko at Level 16


XII. About the Author

Hello Guys!. My name is Mark David Fajardo 
and I'm 14 years old. I'm glad I'm graduating this year in MIDDLE SCHOOL!!
I'm a Filipino. If you like to contact me, contact me in these
following email address:

You have to begin your subject with, POKEMON RUBY/ SAPPHIRE FAQS. 
If Comments and Suggestion begin with subject: Pokemon Ruby/ Sapphire COM
just begin with POKEMON RUBY/ SAPPHIRE


XIII. Trainer's Strategy
How to use my Trainers Strategy Guide: Using this is easy as 1, 2, 3. 
Press Ctrl+F and find the trainer's name you want to look at. Once you see
it, look at the strategies you should use and I want you to know what kind
of pokemon they'll use against you. EASY HUH?

Trainer: Youngster Calvin
 Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon LVL 5
 Strategies: This is easy, just use POUND if your using Treecko or use 
  scratch. Use a normal attack and you will beat this Youngster! 
 Location: Route 102	
Trainer: Bugcatcher Rick
 Pokemon Used: Wurmple LVL 4, Wurmple LVL 4
 Strategies: Do the same thing you did on Youngster Calvin and MAY
 Location: Route 102
Trainer: Youngster Allen
 Pokemon Used: Poochyena LVL 5, Taillow LVL 3
 Strategies: Do the same thing you did on Youngster Calvin, Bug Catch Rick,
  and MAY
 Location: Route 102
Trainer: Lass Tiana
 Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon LVL 4, Zigzagoon LVL 4
 Strategies: Use the same strategies you did in 4 trainers. Beware of
  Zigzagoons GROWL. It will lowers your Attack!
 Location: Route 102
Trainer: Richboy Winston
 Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon LVL 6
 Strategies: Just use normal attack on him and don't forget to use
  you other pokemon cause it will level up too. 
 Location: Route 104
Trainer: Bugcatcher Lyle
 Pokemon Used: Wurmple LVL 3 (6x)
 Strategies: Use Wingull on Wurmple. All of his pokemon are Wurmple so It's
  easily to beat him. Just use normal attacks on him and you will beat him 
  in no time.
Location: Petalburg Woods
Trainer: Team Magma Grunt
 Pokemon Used: Poochyena LVL 9
 Strategies: Poochyena is a little bit hard if your pokemon's level is 
  below 10. I will suggest if you use Treecko use QUICK ATTACK. Be careful
  on his attack because it will use SAND-ATTACK that makes your POKEMON's 
  accuracy fell. Once you beat him, YOU WIN...
Location: Petalburg Woods
Trainer: Bugcatcher James
 Pokemon Used: Nincader LVL 8
 Strategies: This battle is a little bit to hard because he pokemon always
  use HARDEN in which makes his POKEMOn increase its defense. Just use normal
  attack on him and you'll beat him
Location: Petalburg Woods
Trainer: Lady Cindy
 Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon LVL 7
 Strategies: Just use your normal attack.
Location: Route 104
Trainer: Lass Haley
 Pokemon Used: Lotad LVL 7, Shroomish LVL 8
 Strategies: TO defeat her pokemon easily, just use Taillow's PECK and you
 should beat them in not time.
Location: Route 104
Trainer: Twin Mia and Gina
 Pokemon Used: Lotad LVL 8, Seedot LVL 8
 Strategies: This battle is easy. If you use Treecko and Waillowl at LVL
  12 you should beat them easily. Use PECK and POUND on her pokemon!
Location: Route 104
Trainer: Fisherman Ivan 
 Pokemon Used: Magikarp LVL 6 (3x)
 Strategies: This battle is easy because all he use is Magikarp w/ level 6.
  Just use normal attacks.
Location: Route 104
Trainer: Youngster JOSH
 Pokemon Used: Geodude LVL 10, Geodude LVL 8, Geodude LVL 6
 Strategies: This battle be easy if you choose Treecko. If you choose Treecko
  you have to use ABSORB. If you don't pick it TREECKO as your starter, be 
  sure to catch Shroomish so you can use ABSORB on Geodude. Remember that 
  ROCKY type and WEAK in GRASS TYPE.
Location: Rostboro City GYM
Trainer: Youngster Tony
 Pokemon Used: Geodude LVL 11
 Strategies: Use the same strategy you did to Younster JOSH.
Location: Rostboro City GYM
Trainer: Bug Catcher Jose
 Pokemon Used: Wurple 8, Silcoon 8, Nincada 8
 Strategies: To beat his POkemon be sure you have a bird type pokemon. Use
  Wing Attack if you have Waillow.
Location: Route 116
Trainer: Youngster Joey
 Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon 8, Machop 10
 Strategies: Use the same strategy as you did in Bug Catcher Jose.
Location: Route 116
Trainer: Lass Jamie
 Pokemon Used: Maill 10
 Strategies: Just use Bird type pokemon.
Location: Route 116
Trainer: Lass Jamie
 Pokemon Used: Maill 10
 Strategies: Just use Bird type pokemon.
Location: Route 116
Trainer: Hiker Clark
 Pokemon Used: Geodude 8 (3x)
 Strategies: Use Treecko or Shroomish GRASS TYPE ATTACK.
Location: Route 116
Trainer: School Kid Jerry
 Pokemon Used: Raltz LVL 10
 Strategies: Just use WINGATTACK of Taillow and you'll beat his pokemon.
Location: Route 116
Trainer: School Kid Karen
 Pokemon Used: Shroomish 8, Wishmur 9
 Strategies: Use the same strategy you did to School Kid Jerry
Location: Route 116
Trainer: Team Magma Grunt
 Pokemon Used: Poochyena 11
 Strategies: If your using Treecko use Fury Attack. If not, use either normal
  attacks or Quick Attack.
Location: Runturf Cave
Trainer: Battle Girl Lana
 Pokemon Used: Meditite 14
 Strategiy: Do you know that FIGHTING type POKEMON is weak against bird
  type pokemon? If you use WINGULL or TAILLOW and use PECK or WING ATTACKED,
  you will beat this trainer.
Location: Dewford City GYM
Trainer: Blackbelt Hideki (i think)
 Pokemon Used: Meditite 14
 Strategy: Use the same strategy used on Battle Girl Lana.
Location: Dewford City GYM
Trainer: Battle Girl Tessa
 Pokemon used: Meditite 12 (2x) Machop 12
 Strategy: Used the same strategy used to Battle Girl Lana.
Location: Dewford City GYM 
Trainer: Fisherman Elliot
 Pokemon used: Magikarp 11 (2x), Tentacool
 Strategy: This battle is easy, just use normal attacks or any grass type 
Location: Route 106
Trainer: Fisherman Nad or Ned 
 Pokemon used: Tentacool
 Strategy: Just use the same strategy you did to Fisherman Elliot
Location: Route 106
Trainer: Sailor Houey
Pokemon used: Machop LVL 14
Strategy: Be sure you have BIRD type POKEMON. Once you had it, beat it with
Location: Slateport Beach
Trainer: Turby Rick	
Pokemon used: Zigzagoon 14
Strategy: Use PURSUIT if you have one, or just use normal attacks.
 I recommend you are at least level 17-18.
Location: Slateport Beach
Trainer: Sailor Edmond
Pokemon used: Wingull 12, Machop 14, Wingull 12
Strategy: If you battle Wingull don't use Grass Type pokemon or Fighting type 
 Pokemon because he's going to wipe you out faster. Just use BIRD TYPE POKEMON
 and use NORMAL ATTACKS. Be aware that Wingull is going to make your POkemon 
 Confused. After you beat WIngull, you will fight Machop. Beating Machop is 
 easy. Just use BIRD TYPE POkemon.
Location: Slateport Beach
Trainer: Tuber LOLA
Pokemon used: Azurill 13, Azurill 13
Strategy: If you have Makuhita, use him and use ARM THRUST. It's very
 effective on Water Type Pokemon.
Location: Slateport Beach 
Trainer: Sailor Dwayne 
 Pokemon used: Wingull 11 (2x) Machop About level 12
 Strategy: When fighting Wingull, don't use fighting type pokemon, instead
  use Dark type. After fighting Wingull, you will battle Machop, use Bird
  type pokemon to beat Machop easily.
Location: Inside of the house in Slateport Beach
Trainer: Beauty Johnson
Pokemon used: Goldeen 13
Strategy: To defeat it, use Plulse and have hum use Thunderwave. Once Goldeen
 is paralized just use Quick attack.
Location: Inside of the house in Slateport Beach
Trainer: Tuber Simon
 Pokemon Used: Azurill 12, Marill 12
 Strategy: Use Makuhita to defeat them easily. Use also Makuhita's ARM THRUST.
Location: Inside of the house in Slateport Beach
Trainer: Team Magma Grunt
 Pokemon Used: Numel 15
 Strategy: If you have a pokemon that is LVL 20, you should beat him easily.
  Just use normal attacks.
Location: Oceanic Museum
Trainer: Team Magma Grunt
 Pokemon Used: Zubat 14, Numel 14
 Strategy: Use the same strategy above.
Location: Oceanic Museum
Trainer: Pokefun Isabel
 Pokemon Used: Plulse 15, Minun 15
 Strategy: To defeat this pokemon, use Ground type Pokemon or use Ground
 type attacks such as Mud-Slap.
Location: Route 110
Trainer: Youngsters Eddie
 Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon 14, Zigzagoon 16
 Strategy: Use fighting type pokemon.
Location: Trickmaster's House
Trainer: Lass Robin
 Pokemon Used: Skitty 14, Shroomish 15, Marill 14
 Strategy: If your pokemon's level is above 20, just use normal attacks.
Location: Trickmaster's House
Trainer: Youngster Timmy
 Pokemon Used: Poochyena 12, Aron 14, Electrike 16
 Strategy: To defeat Poochyena, use Furry Cutter if you have one or just
  use your normal attacks. On Aron, use Makuhita or any other Fighting Type
  Pokemon. On Electrike, use normal attacks.
Location: Route 110
Trainer: May/ Brandon
 Pokemon Used: If you choose Treeko you'll fight these pokemon:
                Level 18 Wailmer
                Level 18 Shroomish
                Level 20 Combusken
               If you choose Torchic you'll fight thses pokemon:
                Level 18 Shroomish 
                Level 18 Numel
                Level 20 Mudkip
               If you shoose Mudkip you'll fight these pokemon:
                Level 18 Wailmer
                Level 18 Numel
                Level 20 Grovyle
 Strategies: Figure it out!
Location: Route 110
Trainer: Wally
 Pokemon Used: Ralts 16
 Strategy: Since Ralts is Grass Type use, FIRE type.
Location: Outside of Mauvill City GYM
Trainer: Guitarist Kirk
 Pokemon Used: Electrike 18, Magnemite 18
 Strategy: Use FIGHTING type pokemon or use normal attacks if you have a pokemon
  that is LEVEL 20-25. 
Location: Mauvill City GYM
Trainer: Youngster Ben
 Pokemon Used: Zigzagoon 19
 Strategy:Use normal attacks.
Location: Mauvill City GYM
Trainer: Guitarist Vivian
 Pokemon Used: Meditite 13
 Strategy: Use the strategy used on Guitarist Kirk.
Location: Mauvill City GYM
Trainer: Guitarist Shawn
 Pokemon Used: Voltorb 17 (3x)
 Strategy: Use the strategy used on Guitarist Kirk.
Location: Mauvill City GYM
Trainer: Pokemon Breeder Isaac
 Pokemon Used: Whismur 12, Taillow 12, Aron 12
 Strategy: I expect that your pokemon is above LVL 20. Just use normal attack
  on them.
Location: Route 117
Trainer: Triathlete Maria
 Pokemon Used: Dudou 18
 Strategy: Use fire type pokemons.
Location: Route 117
Trainer: Hiker Mike
 Pokemon Used: Geodude 16 (2x), Machop 16
 Strategy: In order to beat rock type pokemons, use Fighting type pokemons 
  such as Marshtomp, Combusken, or Makuhita.
Location: Rusturf Tunnel
Trainer: Winstrate Victor	
 Pokemon Used: Taillow 16, Zigzagoon 16
 Strategy: Use fighting type attacks on Taillow and normal attacks on 
Location: Winstrate House, located north of Mauville
Trainer: Vivi
 Pokemon Used: Marill 15, Shroomish 15, Numel 15
 Strategy: Use normal attacks.
Location: Winstrate House, located north of Mauville
Trainer: Victoria
 Pokemon Used: Roselia 16
 Strategy: Use Swellow or any bird type pokemon.
Location: Winstrate House, located north of Mauville
Trainer: Vicky
 Pokemon Used: Meditite 18
 Strategy: Use bird type pokemon.
Location: Winstrate House, located north of Mauville
Trainer: Interviewer Gabby and Ty
 Pokemon Used: Magnemite 19, Whismur 19
 Strategy: Use ground type when fighting Magnemite.
Location: Route 111
Trainer: Picnicker Irene
 Pokemon Used:Shroomish 18, Marill 18
 Strategy: Use poison pokemon when fighting Shroomish and grass type when 
  fighting Marill.
Location: Route 111
Trainer: Camper Travis
 Pokemon Used: Sandshrew, level 19 
 Strategy: Use water type pokemon
Location: Route 111
Trainer: Camper Larry
 Pokemon Used:Zigzagoon 18, Nuzleaf 18
 Strategy: Use normal attacks.
Location: Route 111
XIV. Pokemon Moves/ Abilities


XV. Secrets

1.Once you beat the Elite Four, you can go to BATTLE TOWER so you can be a
Pokemon Leage Champion. 
2.After you beat the game, you can now hunt Latios if you're playing 
Sapphire or Latias if you're playing RUBY.

In Pokemon Contest houses, you may enter your Pokemon into a contest for a 
chance to win a medal. However if you enter without any Porok level ups, 
you will have a very low chance of winning. The way to raise this is to go 
out and find the trees with berries on them, then press A. You will then 
receive 1 to 4 berries. If you now go to a Pokemon House, you will see small 
gray machines on the right. The empty one on the top is for multi-player. 
For now, find a house in a city that only has a man at the bottom. 
Go to the other side of the machine and press A. You will then be asked to 
pick a Porok (berry) and throw it in. The spinner will come down and start 
moving. The objective is to press A just when the spinner hits your arrow: 

Circle Within A Circle: Direct hit (much faster)
Circle: Near hit (slightly faster)
X: Miss (slower: 
The faster you (and your opponent) get the spinner moving, the better. 
Once the meter at the top hits the end, it is over and the results and the 
fastest RPM the spinner was moving will appear. You will then receive a 
Blended Porok. The level of it depends on how fast you got the machine 
going. The average appears to be 11. Next, open your Special Items 
Pocket and go to your "Pez dispenser" type item (which you must have to play 
the game -- it is obtained from the girl in the first contest house). 
You will then pick a Blended Porok and feed it to a pet, making one of his 
Pokemon Contest stats (viewable in the Poke-Navi) go up. Some can even raise 
multiple stats. The more you do this, the better chance you have of winning.

Hint: Recommended starting Pokemon:
The best type of starting Pokemon (in order) are: Water, Grass, and Fire.
Information in this section was contributed by Omar Field-Rahman. 

Torchic proves to be the best as you get farther in the game, but proves to 
be difficult in the beginning. Mudkip is strong in the beginning, but 
weaker against the Elite Four. Mudkip is a good choice if playing 
Pokemon Ruby. Treeko is somewhat neutral, but is best to choose if 
playing Pokemon Sapphire because of Team Aqua.

Hint: Blaziken or Cumbusken: Recommended moves:
if you have a Combusken or Blaziken, the best moves for it are Ember 
(can replace with Flare Kick if desired), Double Kick, and since it is able 
to learn a Bird type move, Steel Wing or any other powerful TM flying based 
move. Also give it an HM (preferably Cut).

Hint: Regis:
Use the following steps to capture the three mysterious Pokemon called the 
Regis. Go to the southeast part of Route 134 and dive into the water. 
It is difficult to get to due to the currents, and it is the only deep part 
of that route. You will find a cave. At a part of the cave, there are some 
Brail writing on the wall. At that point, float to the top of the water, 
where you will end up in a cavern. Go into the last room by going forward, 
use Dig, and in the next room you must do something strange. 
Put a Relicanth in the front of your party, and a Wailord at the last place. 
Walk to the top of the room and read the Brail . You will trigger an earthquake, 
which will unlock the Regis. You can fish up a Wailmer to evolve at level 40 
at Route 122, and find a Relicanth outside Sootopolis in the underwater 
grass (rarely, but it is there). 

 Hint: Defeating your Rival:
When facing your rival at the start that has Treecko, use a level 6 Wurmple; 
Mudkip use a level 7 Silccoon or Cascoon; Torchic use a level 5 to 6 Wingull. 
Wingull can be found in Route 103. Wurmple can be found in Route103. 
To get Cascoon or Silccoon, evolve Wurmple at level 7.

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XV. Cedits
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