Splinter Cell Walkthrough - Guide for Splinter Cell

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           S T E A L T H    A C T I O N    R E D E F I N E D

[ PLAYERS      ]      ONE
[ CONTECT DL   ]      YES       
[ FAQ VERSION  ]      v1.10
[ AUTHOR       ]      Siggenis - Nick Francis 
[ E-MAIL       ]      Siggenis@yahoo.com
[ CREATED      ]      November 23, 2002
[ LAST UPDATED ]      November 25, 2002 

I.	Introduction 
a.	Story   
b.	Controls 
c.	Movements 
II.	The Walkthrough 
a.	Training
b.	Police Station 
c.	Defense Ministry 
d.	Oil Refinery
e. 	CIA Headquarters 
f. 	Kalinatek
g. 	Chinese Embassy
h.	Mission 7 (TBA)
i.	Mission 8 (TBA)
j.	Mission 9 (TBA)
III.	General Tips, Hints, & Strategies   
a.	Terrorists Profiles 
b.	Weapons/Gadgets 
c.	Gameplay Hints 
IV.	Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
V.	Downloads via Xbox Live 
VI.	Updates
VII.	Legal Junk & Acknowledgements  


I. Introduction -

Story - 

It is the year 2003. 

In response to the growing use of sophisticated digital encryption to 
conceal potential threats to the national security of the United 
States, the NSA (National Security Agency) has ushered forth a new dawn 
of intelligence-gathering techniques. The top-secret initiative, dubbed 
Third Echelon, marks a return to classical methods of espionage, 
enhanced with leading-edge surveillance and combat technology for the 
aggressive collection of stored data in hostile territories. When 
intelligence deemed critical to national security cannot be obtained by 
traditional means, Third Echelon is granted clearance to conduct 
physical operations.

Denied to exist by the U.S. government, Third Echelon deploys units 
known as Splinter Cells: elite intelligence-gathering forces consisting 
of a lone field operative supported by a remote team. Like a sliver of 
glass, a Splinter Cell is small, sharp, and nearly invisible.

March 10, 2004: The CIA contacted NSA officials regarding the loss of 
contact with Agent Alison Madison, a CIA operative monitoring 
widespread communication shortages plaguing the former Soviet Republic 
of Georgia. A second operative, Agent Blaustein, was inserted into the 
Georgian capital T'bilisi to locate Agent Madison, only to drop from 
contact seven days later. Fearing for the lives of American agents 
compromised at the hands of a suspected terrorist effort, Third Echelon 
has activated Splinter Cell operative Sam Fisher to locate the missing 
agents and evaluate the situation.

You are Sam Fisher. You must leave no trace on the physical or 
political map. Remember:  Although killing may compromise secrecy, the 
choice between leaving a witness or a corpse is no choice at all. You 
do not exist. You are a Splinter Cell. 
B. Controls -

Right Trigger		Primary Fire
Left Trigger 		Secondary Fire/Holding breath in sniper mode
Right Thumbstick        Free camera control/Quick turn (press)
Left Thumbstick 	      Move/Rate of fire (press)
Right Thumbstick Click  Default Camera
Left Thumbstick Click 	N/A
Black Button 		Quick Inventory
White Button 		Back to Wall/Reload in shooting mode
Back Button		      Controls map
Start Button 		OPSAT
D-pad 			Night vision (left)/Thermal vision (right)
X			      Target/Equip selected firearm 
Y			      Jump/Split Jump (double tap)
A 			      Interact
B			      Crouch 
C. Basic Movement -

The thumbstick is very sensitive meaning if you thrust forward onto it, 
Sam will start running forward, however if you gently push onto it, Sam 
will walk lightfully. That is the main rule of stealth - walk 
lightfully. Also, please remember to NEVER run in an area you didn't 
explore or don't already know about, even if you've secured it. Enemies 
are everywhere. Stay in the shadows, and move only while crouched! This 
allows Sam greater stealth rather then by moving, or running. It also 
creates and makes Sam the ghost's shadow. 

Crouching -
Press the B button to crouch. Sam will walk more lightly, and will be 
less visible while crouched.

Mantling -
Press the Y button to mantle near an object such as a wall or dumpster.

Climbing -
To climb anything vertical such as a pipe, ladder, or fence, simply 
walk in front of it, and press the Y button.

Close Attack - 
Whenever you're out of ammo, and an enemy lurks nearby, put your gun 
away, get into a shadow, and crouch down. While until your enemy is 
less then 3 steps away from you, charge him and quickly press the right 
trigger when you're in range to knock him out. It usually takes 2 hits 
for guards, 1 for civilianizes.

Back to Wall - 
Press the White button when you're standing and near a wall, to put 
Sam's back to a wall. Sam is less visible this way, and can see the 
next pathway without being spotted.

Shimmying -
Jump by pressing Y onto a ledge, and hang from that ledge. Sam can now 
shimmy to the left or right and can only pull himself up when he has 
room to. 

Hand-over-Hand -
Jump by pressing Y onto a horizontal pipe or rope. Push forward to 
climb forward, and back to climb back. Press B to bring up Sam's legs 
to clear obstacles in your path.

Zip Line -
Jump by pressing Y onto a Zip line. Sam will automatically slide all 
the way down. Press B to once again bring up Sam's legs. 

---Advanced Moves---
Advanced movements are the same as basic movements but require more 
skill to apply in in-game use. Mastering these movements will allow Sam 
to become enemies' greatest fears. Many of these movements are either 
combinations of basic movements or new ones themselves. Without further 
Rolling -
While moving, press the B button to do a roll. 

Wall Jump -
When near a wall, jump towards that wall by pressing Y, and pressing Y 
again when near that wall to get maximum height. This works as a tool 
to get past walls, which are higher, then Sam can jumping. 

Split Jump -
While in a narrow corridor, press Y to jump. Press Y to jump again, at 
the height of Sam's first jump. Press Y one more time, which will allow 
Sam to get in his Split Jump position. 

Drop Attack - 
While in Split Jump position, if you spot an enemy that approaches 
directly underneath you, press Y to drop down, and Sam will 
automatically knock that enemy out. 

Quiet Landing -
When falling, press B to quietly land, to not make such a loud noise. 

Door Peek -
To peek through a door before actually opening it, press the A button 
near an unlock door, quickly followed by pulling back on the left 
thumbstick before releasing the A button. Next, release the A button 
and there you go! If you spot an enemy, pull back on the RIGHT 
thumbstick to close the door, or push forward on the RIGHT thumbstick 
to open that door. 

Rappelling -
To rappel from a small chimney, or wall, stand near it and select the 
Rappel interaction. Sam will now move up and down the rope. Press Y 
button to kick of the wall. 

Rappel Shooting -
While rappelling, press the X button for Sam to equip his selected 
firearm. Press X for him to put it away.

Hanging Shooting - 
Same exact thing. Press the X button while hanging for Sam to equip his 
selected firearm. X again for Sam to put it away. 

Split Jump Shooting -
You guessed it! Same exact rule. While in Split Jump position, press 
the X button for Sam to equip his selected firearm. 

Back to Wall Shooting -
Same exact rule? Almost, just a little difference. While in wall mode, 
walk to the EDGE for Sam to peek around the corner. Press the X button 
while peeking for Sam to equip his selected firearm, so Sam can shoot 
around the corner!

---None-Playable Characters (NPCs) Interactions--- 
Sam also has a few special tricks up his sleeve this time, interactions 
with enemies or friendly civilizes. 

Move Body - 
Sam needs to hide all the bodies he either knocked out or killed. NO 
EXCEPTIONS. Select A from the interactions menu to carry a body. Press 
the A button to put him down gently, or press the X buttons to equip a 
weapon to drop the body in a hurry. 

Conversations -
Simple. Just walk up to a 'friendly' NPC and press the A button to 

Grabbing - 
Sneak up quietly to an enemy and press the A button when the 'Grab 
Enemy' Interaction icon appears. 

Human Shield -
While holding an enemy, simply press the X button to draw your firearm 
in the direction of another enemy. 

Interrogation -
Some enemies will have some rather interesting things to say. Press the 
A button while holding them, to make the baddies tell you everything 
they know. 

Forced Cooperation - 
Unfortunately, Sam can't do everything in the game such as hacking into 
a computer, eye scan, the works. But, we have a solution. Simply grab 
an enemy and pull him over to the computer/eye scan/ect... and press 
A button to Force Cooperate interaction. 

Knocking a Grabbed Enemy Out -
Can't let go of the enemy? Is the enemy of no use to you? Simply press 
the Right Trigger for Sam to pistol wipe the enemy. He should now be 
knocked out... Permanently... 


II. The Walkthrough -

A. Training -
Mission Overview: Prove that you are the right man for the job.
Mission difficulty rating: 2.5/10.  

---Basic Assault Course --- 
After that lovely cutscene I must say, you find yourself in a training 
program. Start the game out by looking left with the right thumbstick, 
as Lombard requires you to do. Then do the same to the right. Now look 
up at that distant light. And once more to the light in front of you. 
Now we're ready to move. Get a feel for Fisher's movements, and the 
controls - Jumping, crouching, running, rolling, the whole nine yards. 
When your ready, run forward where you originally started and jump up. 
Fisher should grab the ledge automatically, and you should shimmy 
yourself over to where you could pull yourself up. Do it, and drop down 
to this next section. Notice to the ladder to your upper right corner. 
Run over there, and climb it. Once you're at the top, you should find 
the Zip line. Move close to the edge, and press Y to jump onto the zip 
line, and Fisher should slide down. 

In this next area, find the ladder to the right of the zip line and 
climb down it. Press B to crouch, and walk forward under the bared 
wire. Now stand back up once you've passed it and look left. A narrow 
corridor! You know what this means! The Split Jump! Run over there, and 
jump once into the right (or left) wall. Jump once more to the opposite 
wall, to reach maximum height. And the last time, press Y to make 
Fisher do his Split Jump. Once you're up there, drop back down. Notice 
the loud sound that occurs?  Let's fix that. Repeat the Split Jump. 
Once you're at the top again, drop down, and press B right before 
hitting the ground for a silence drop. Cool, huh? Make sure to remember 
this for future references. Around the corner you should find a 
horizontal pipe. Press Y to jump onto it, and climb all the way down. 
Can't fit? Press the B button for Fisher to bring up his legs, and 
climb on through. You should now find yourself in a small area. 

Look over to the right to find a fence. Climb over it and onto the 
other side. In this area, you should find 2 very narrow corridors. Too 
narrow so that Fisher can't fit through. Oh no! But wait! Press the 
White button to go into wall mode near that corridor and walk on 
through. Keep walking, and you should happen to come across another 
wall in your path. That's ok. Go out of wall mode by pressing the White 
button, and go into Wall mode again, this time to the opposite wall, 
and walk on down into this next big open area. Why it's a vertical 
pipe! Let's climb it. At the top, you should see another ladder a 
little further ahead. Climb down it. Now, it's time to put your skills 
to the test. First walk over to the gate (you can't reach it the top of 
it, by jumping). So, solution? Walk over to the corner of the gate, and 
another wall (doesn't matter which one). Jump up, and jump up again, 
this time pushing yourself to the right grabbing the ledge and pulling 
your self up! Problem solved... for most of us. If you can't do this, 
keep trying. It'll come soon enough. It took me over 10 attempts heh 
heh. Now drop down and enter the garage-like gate. Save at this 

---Covert Ops Training---
Things will become a bit harder this time, since you will be working 
with real people. Start out by going to the top right of the room and 
opening the door. Walk a couple of feet to come across our first locked 
door of the game! Press the black button to go into Sam's gadgets menu. 
Scroll across to the gadgets selection, and scroll up to the lockpicks. 
Pick it. Now press the right trigger in front of the locked door. 
Basically, what you have to do is slowly turn the left thumbstick 
counter-clockwise, slowly. Now, the second that your controller starts 
vibrating, turn the left thumbstick 2-3 times even slower. Trust me on 
this. Most people mess up and never figure this out because they don't 
turn it slow enough. Once you get the first lock to stick up, repeat 
this method 2 more times. Success! Now open the door. 

See the guard/teacher? Press the B button to crouch, and make your way 
around the back of the room, and sneak up on the guard/teacher. Press 
the A button (once the interaction menu pops up) to grab him. Force him 
to tell you the code, then knock him out with the Right Trigger. Enter 
the code, and enter this next part. See the guard down there? This time 
we have to sneak up on him, even more quietly. Do it. Now grab the 
guard, and drag him over to the eye-scanner, near the gate's exit. When 
the A button/interaction menu pops up, press A, and Fisher will thrust 
his heard forward into the eye-scanner unlock the gate. Knock the guard 
out and continue. Open this door, and you should see a camera down the 
hallway. You have 2 options - Pull out your gun through the black 
button menu, and blow the lights out, or simply run down the hallway 
when the camera is facing all the way to your right. Either way is 
fine. Open this door. 

You're in another area with another camera patrolling. Go into wall 
mode, pull out your gun, and destroy the camera when it's facing to 
your right.  Now enter the door to the right of the camera. We find 
ourselves in a dark, dark room with a bulletproof camera, behind a 
fence patrolling the area. Go into crouch mode, and when the camera is 
all the way to your left, run behind the big box. Wait for the camera 
to turn all the way to the right, and run all the way to the door. Open 
it and walk in. Don't worry, we're almost done this. Look to your 
right, there's a guard! Let's sneak up on him in crouch mode and press 
A to grab him. We don't want to knock him out just yet... There should 
a dark hallway, just next to the hallway the guard was in. Drag him in 
there, and knock him out. Stayed crouched. Another guard should come in 
to inspect your work. Don't move. Once the coast is clear, the guard 
will get back into his room. Let's go back to the same hallway the 
first guard you knocked out, and hid was in. Open that door. 

My, my, what is this? A sound testing area. If you make a single peek, 
Lombard will hear you through the sound mics he set up. Let's not do 
thus. Crouch down if you already haven't, and move all the way to the 
edge. Drop down, and quickly press B before you actually hit the floor 
(if you remember, this is what we originally did back in the Split Jump 
narrow hallway). So anyways, move forward (un-crouch), and press the Y 
button to step up on this other platform. Look to your right, press Y 
to pull yourself up, and press B again to crouch. Move forward very 
slowly, oh, and do mind the chains. If you touch them Lombart will hear 
it and you'll have to restart. Once you get pass the chains, move 
forward, and even 2 times slower, for you are on glass and a single 
mess up shall create a sound... Walk over to the door. Holy Christmas! 
Mission Accomplished! Well, not quite yet... Simply open that door and 
you find yourself in the last hallway. Open the door to your right. Now 
Mission IS Accomplished! Feels good, no? 

B. Police Station -
Mission Overview - Find the two missing CIA Agents - Madison, and 
Mission difficulty rating: 4.5/10.

You start out in the ally of a small hallway. In back of you is a gate. 
In front of you is a house will 2 patrolling guards - one on the 
balcony, on further down behind another gate. Take out your gun, and go 
for a headshot to the guy on the balcony. Now, while staying in 
shadows, go into crouch mode, and slowly walk down the pathway to your 
right. Go up the stairs and onto a deck. Now climb up the ladder to the 
top. Find the trapdoor directly across the ladder you've climbed, open 
it, and drop down. You're in a narrow pathway. Go into crouch mode, and 
walk all the way down. Find the vertical pipe, and climb up on it. Wow, 
look at that - a building is on fire. Guess where we have to go? 
Walk over to the Zip Line, press Y for jump, and slide down. 

We don't have much time. Do as she says and go across into the next 
room. Get ready, and boom! The floor directly above the one your on 
will fall down, completely destroying your path. But don't worry. Go 
back into the hallway and run down towards the fire. There should be a 
room on your left just before the fire. Enter it, and run down that 
room and back out into the hallway through the next door. Run all the 
way down to the stairs. Things are really getting hot now. Walk down to 
the level below (its okay, the fire won't hurt you as long you rush 
through, and don't get close to it). Once you're on the level below, 
enter the hallway. Wow, there's fire in our way. Solution? Look up. 
There's a horizontal pipe you can use to climb past. Do it. After 
you've passed the fire, look over to your left and enter the room. You 
will now hear the moans of the wounded man. Quickly run over to him, 
and check to see how he is doing. He tells you of Pandra's Black Box 
before passing away. Now, the fire is really going, and we have to haul 
ass out of here. Turn around to find a door, open it. Across from it is 
another room full of smoke, which is a no, no. Take out your firearm 
and shoot the sky top. Wait a couple of seconds for the smoke to clear 
and now enter that room. Head to the right of that room and open that 
door. Checkpoint. 

Open the door in front of you, and walk forward only to find yourself 
on a balcony. Run to the right, and at the end of it, run to the left. 
Now, look over, see the balcony across the one your on? We need to get 
there. Take a running start, and jump with the Y button. Whoa, that was 
close. Now walk a little to your right, and then automatically to your 
left in a narrow pathway. You should hear a conversation between two 
guards. Wait until the first one leaves. Now, go into crouch mode, walk 
onto the garden and drop down. Remember to press B for a light jump. 
While still in crouch mode, sneak up on that guard, press A to grab 
him, and press X to use him as a human shield. Move towards the door 
where the second guard walked into. He should hear you by now and open 
the door himself. Shoot to kill. And knock out your human shield. Enter 
the apartment now. Don't worry, the coast is clear. Remember to hide 
the corpses before advancing. Anyways go forward, and take a left. Pass 
the kitchen, and down the corridor, take another left. The room all the 
way on the right contains the Black Box behind the painting, which is 
located exactly left through the doorway you entered. Now get the code 
from the Box (and a data stick), and head over to the keypad door. 
Enter the code to unlock the door.

Now you appear on yet another balcony. See the Zip line? Jump onto it, 
and you should slide down to another roof. Go through that door. Now 
you're in a room above the elevator. Jump forward and grab the rope, 
and slide all the way down. Here's where Lombart usually calls in to 
tell you if there were any spotted bodies. If not, head forward, and 
lock pick the door to your left. Open it. Now walk a little forward for 
a checkpoint!

Hear the conversation down below? Two guards found a drunk, and they've 
called police. But since of the fire, the police can't reach them. The 
guards said they'd kindly keep their post until the police come. Oh 
great. Anyways, go into crouch mode and down the stairs... slowly... 
Make a U-Turn and go near a dumpster. Grab a bottle, or whatever you 
can find and go back to the base of the stairs. Now throw the bottle in 
front of you (make sure your in the shadows), and quickly equip your 
firearm. Deliver a head shoot for the first guard that comes across 
searching for the sound! And the same for the next one. But wait just a 
second... There's a civilian on the balcony. Please don't shoot him... 
Anyways, grab one guard and directly across from the drunk is a store. 
Go down the steps to it, crouch down, and move below the steps. Place 
the corpse there. Do the same with the second one. Now equip your 
firearm once more, and move down the ally. Take a left only to see 
another guard. Kill him and place him with the others. Now run down 
that ally and make another U-Turn. You should walk up some stairs. Take 
a right to find a big area. 

In this area, you should spot a fountain and a locked gate directly 
across it. Move towards the gate, and notice that nice garden. WOW. 
Crouch down and explore it. What's this? A hidden pathway. Let's go in! 
Checkpoint. You should now enter 'a cell' along with a computer, 2 
(maybe 3) health kits and some ammo! Collect it all and walk up to the 
computer. Unlock the gate with computer's help and go back out into the 
garden. Don't move. You should hear a guard lurking in this area. How 
you want to 'rid' him is up to you. Remember to hide his corpse in the 
garden. Anyways, move toward to the gate he came from, which you 
originally unlocked. In front of you are a guard and a civilian walking 
past. It's hard to tell whose whom, but however, we still can. Just 
show them your face with your gun ready. The civilian runs off, and the 
guard draws his gun. Rid the guard, and hide his corpse. 

Now take a left where the civilian ran off. There may be a guard or two 
patrolling the area as well. Rid of them, and destroy the lights with 
your gun. Equip your heat vision goggles, blasting every light and 
enemy you come across (remember to hide the bodies). At the end of this 
long ally, take a right onto a wooden deck. Slowly walk down, and check 
to see if the coast is clear. Take a left and run all the way down to 
find a dumpster. Jump onto it, and the wall above it too. Once on top 
of it, jump down into this next area. Walk forward, and walk down the 
steps. Enter the key code you got from the computer with the health 
kits and ammo (If you forgot it, check your OPSAT). And open the 

Look familiar? Why it's the demo from the December OXM (Official Xbox 
Magazine). Anyways, start out by slowing walking forward. See the 
guard? Wait for him to leave his post. Now take out your firearm and 
blast the two spotlights. Crouch down, and wait for the guard to wonder 
over to see what's wrong. From here you can - go for a headshot, or 
simply knock the guard out. Either way is fine. Now, pick up the 
guard's body, and walk all the way down the hallway, and take a left to 
enter his station. Drop the guard, and shoot out the lights. Remember 
to collect the data stick from the computer. Exit back out, and go into 
crouch mode. Slowly walk down the hallway, and to the right. Take the 
first (and only) glass door to your left. Sneak up behind the guard, 
and grab him. Interrogate him, then knock him out. Collect some more 
data sticks from the computers, and draw out your gun. Look around the 
room to find another door (its across from where you came in), and 
enter it. Why it's the morgue! But what's a gun for in the morgue? 
Notice the camera. It's NOT bulletproof so I think you know what to do. 
Now walk over to the bodies to receive a message from Lombard. We now 
need to recover the security tape, so exit the morgue, and the previous 
room you where in. Once you're back outside the hallway, run to your 
left from the room you were previously in. Open it and go up the 
stairs. Checkpoint.  

Open to door, crouch down, and *slowly* move forward to hear a rather 
funny conversation between a guard and a civilian, which I won't spoil 
for you. Now take out your firearm, and make some noise (which 
shouldn't be hard to do). The civilian should run away, and the guard 
will go to see what it is. Go for a headshot. If you're out of ammo, 
try knocking him out. Now pick the corpse up, and enter the guard's 
station. Drop the guard, and shoot the lights out if you still have 
ammo. If your out of ammo, find another dark hiding place for the 
guard. Remember the data stick. Now exit the guard's station. You 
should now be in a 'waiting room' of some sort with a double door in 
front, the door which you came in, and another door to the opposite end 
of the room. Enter that door. Walk up the stairs for a checkpoint. By 
now, a body should be discovered. If it hasn't then, kudos for you! 
Crouch down, turn on your thermal goggles, and *slowly* walk over to 
the first guard sitting typing up a paper of some sort. Grab him (don't 
worry the other guard won't see), and knock him out. Repeat this 
process for the second guard. Now turn on the lights in the room. Don't 
worry about hiding the guards' bodies since the mission is almost over. 
Okay, there are 4 rooms in this big room. The room all the way to the 
left is locked but contains a data stick, and some ammo. The room right 
of it is locked as well, but contains a knocked out suspect which we 
don't need. The room all the way to the right contains a data stick, 
and the room to the left of that contains a baddy with the security 
tapes. Grab the ammo, and data sticks and enter the room with the 
guard. Equip your firearm, crouch down, and make your move. If you're 
lucky, the guard won't hear you, but for some mysterious reason the 
guard always heard me. If that is the case, the first time he peeks his 
head out, you kill him. If you miss the chance, he will sound the 
alarm. After you've killed the guard, grab security tapes, and wait for 
Lombard to call you. That's it, we've aced this mission, and all we 
have to do is leave. Simply head back down to the 'waiting room' and 
open the double doors. A van will drive and crash into the gate in 
front of you. Run to it for a Mission Accomplished! 

C. Defense Ministry -
Mission Overview - Find out Nikoladze's secret. 
Mission difficulty rating: 6.5/10.
What a view. It should be from 7 stories in the air. Anyways, start out 
by dropping down to the balcony in front of you. Face the courtyard and 
turn right. See that vertical pipe? Grab onto it, and slide down to the 
balcony below. Open the doors and equip your firearm. Look to the 
northwest of the room. See that camera? Destroy it. The guard now is 
curious. He draws his firearm and checks to see what it is. Knock him 
out or kill him and hide his body behind the bookshelves. Destroy the 
light; grab the data stick from the computer, and head out. You are now 
in a hallway with two patrolling guards. Move into the shadows and 
crouch. Equip your firearm and go for a headshot. Do this to the second 
guard (this may take a couple of attempts since the guard is right next 
to the alarm). Now hide the guards' body in either the previous room or 
in this hallway's shadows. Examine the room. We should come to the 
conclusion that there are 3 doors - one where you came from, one at the 
opposite side of it, and another all the way down the hallway. Take the 
door in the middle, next to the alarm, and head up to the top floor. 
Grab the health kit, and head all the way down. Destroy each camera 
along the way (there should be about 3). You don't need to destroy the 
lights. At the bottom-most floor, a checkpoint occurs...

Open the door in front and take out the camera in view. Now head down 
the garage and make a U-turn into a new section. You see 2 cars, 1 guy, 
and one camera. Hamlet's car is the black one, and the camera is a 
little higher and to the right of his car. Now, if you're a pistol 
expert, take out the camera. Hamlet will check to see what this is. 
Stay in the shadows, crouched, and he shouldn't find you. Hamlet 
convicts himself no one is there, and goes right in front of his car to 
'lose some weight'. Sneak up on him when he is. Interrogate him, and 
knock him out. Hide his body in the shadows, and return to the hallway 
with the 3 doors. 

Open the last door, and STOP! A camera is directly above you. Equip 
your firearm, and one bullet should do it. Grab the data stick; turn 
off the lights, and lock pick the next door. Checkpoint. 

Now you should see a cook open his window. Sneak out to the balcony, 
facing the courtyard and turn left. Jump up on the balcony, and face 
the wall. Jump up again for Sam to grab the gutter pipe. Climb all the 
way to the cook's window. Once you're over the window, press Y to let 
go and land on the table. Move forward and fall down to the floor 
(REMEMBER TO PRESS B FOR A SILENT FALL), and hide behind the box. Watch 
this funny cut scene. Now after the guard leaves, crouch down if you 
haven't already and move to the further-most cook through the right 
side of the kitchen (no I'm not crazy). The first cook shouldn't see 
you, so knock out (KO) the one in the corner (its only takes one hit). 
Now quickly run over to the alarm (next to the door the guard left 
through). The other cook should run over to the alarm, about 70% of the 
time. That's where you KO him. The other 30% he should run into the 
freezer. You can also KO him as well in there. Anyways, carry the cooks 
into the freezer and shoot the lights out in there. 

ALTERNATE STRATEGY for taking out the cooks - from m-ko@terra.com 
(Alex): When you drop in through window wait for cutscene to pass, and 
grab a bottle, run in freezer, turn off light, go back to the window, 
throw bottle in freezer. The cooks will come to investigate, circle 
around and trap them inside and knock them out.

Moving on, turn the lights out in the whole kitchen, and open the door. 
See the patrolling guard? Go for a headshot on him, and carry him into 
the freezer as well. Now go out into the 'main room' where the double-
doors lead you, and quickly run into the left path. Dead end? Yes. Wait 
for the other guard to come check out what the noise was. KO out 
(remember, make the first move when he's close to you), and carry him 
in the freezer with the others.

If you have at least 2 bullets (I had 5), you're in good condition. Go 
back to the kitchen and grab a bottle from the window you came in, and 
then lower yourself to the floor right above the ground one in 'the 
main room'. Toss the bottle, and the first guard checks to see what it 
is. If you have 2 bullets or more, go for a headshot on him. If not, KO 
out. Then sneak behind the other guard, and KO him as well. Carry them 
into the darkest place you can find (you don't have to carry them into 
the kitchen's freezer, I just carried their bodies under the stairs), 
and check out the computer. Grab the data stick, and Lombert will call 
in to tell you a colonel is on his way, so hide under the stairs 
(doesn't matter which one). The colonel wants to play some solitaire on 
his computer, so when he does, sneak up on him (DON'T KNOCK HIM OUT), 
and grab him. Now facing the computer, make your way to the 
southwestern part still on the ground floor. Toss his head into the Eye 
scanner (stand next to the eye scanner with him and press A), and KO 
him. Hide his body, and enter that room you opened. Checkpoint... 

You should have one or more bullets, destroy that camera, and open that 
door to the courtyard. A cut scene emerges with Nikoladze, and Philip 
Masse - the computer expert. Race over to the elevator and wipe out 
your Laser Mic. Press X to get it out, and point it to the elevator. 
Once your done, Lombard calls in and requests that you gather data from 
his computer. But wait, 3 guards exit... with guns! Shouldn't be a 
problem for you, just hide crouched down. Knock out whatever guard 
comes close to you, and then the second. Repeat this for the third. If 
you still have some ammo, try and go for headshots, and enter the door 
they were in. Grab the health pack on the wall and exit back into the 
courtyard. There are 2 more doors. One of these doors should contain 
some vines to the right of them that you can climb. Go there and do so. 
And drop down for the loading zone and checkpoint. 

Wow, we have seconds before the elevator reaches the bottom. Run into 
the janitor room, left of the elevator, and crouch down (make sure that 
light in that room are turned off). Several seconds later, footsteps 
are heard. There are a total of 2 guards. If you open the door midway 
(A+down on the left trigger), you can see the first guard all the way 
down the hallway. The second guard is walking around the area, so open 
the door, and go for a headshot to him when he comes into view, or 
knock him out in case you're out of ammo. Sneak up on the second one, 
and repeat this process. Hide their bodies in the janitor's closet, and 
take the elevator up to the top floor. Here's checkpoint!

We have seconds before a guard comes around and finds your there. Run 
out of the elevator and to the left (the camera won't spot you so don't 
worry). Lockpick the first door you come across (on the left), and jump 
inside. If a guard follows you, deliver him a headshot. I admit, I was 
out of ammo so we'd have to fight. Anyways, hide his body in the exact 
same room, and turn off the lights. See the computer for a data stick, 
and jump up on the desk the computer is on. Face the door, and jump up 
once more to your left. Climb into the air ducts, and drop down at the 
end, and quickly hide behind the plants. Now, here comes the hard part. 
Run out and quickly into the first room on the left you find. The 
camera would have seen you by now, but we have a good 5 seconds before 
the guards come. Take the two health kits on the wall, and climb up the 
ladder, opening the trap down as you go. Once your up they're, run to 
your right for a checkpoint, and a rappel object. Heal your wounds (if 
any) with the health kits, and rappel down. 

See the guard? Go for a headshot if you have any ammo. If not, press 
the Y button for Sam to jump into the windows, breaking it. Knock the 
guard out. Turn the lights off, and grab the guard's... FRAG GRENADE!!! 
Head over to the computer farthest from when you entered. Grab the data 
stick there, and now head over to the other computer. Get your frag 
grenade ready, and press A next to the computer. The information will 
be downloaded and sent to Lombard, but Grinko will detect this and send 
3 guards after you. Hide in the corner, equip your frag grenade and 
throw the grenade as soon as the door opens. The grenade will knock out 
2 guards, and the third will check the room. If you're in a fairly good 
hiding place, the guard won't find you and he'll walk over and look at 
the broken window. Now's your chance. After you've knocked him out, 
send the rest of the information to Lombard. Mission Accomplished! 

We need to get the heck out of here, now. Open the door the guards come 
from. See the camera to the left of you? It's the one that spotted you 
a couple minutes ago. Anyways, run out to the hallway to your left, and 
enter the first door on the left. By now the camera should have 
detected you (I could never get past it undetected), and 3 guards will 
be sent after you. If you want to fight them, do so, but our main 
concern is getting away. So after you've entered the first door on the 
left run down the stairs and make a U-turn. To the right of the door is 
a health kit. If you want it, grab it, but we don't have any more 
enemies to fight, so run out the door. Run down this next set of 
stairs; followed by a right. See what looks like an opened office door? 
It's an elevator. Take a running start and jump into it and grab the 
vertical pipe. Slide down it. 

Look familiar? It's the garage where we took care of Hamlet. Anyways, 
go back to where Hamlet's car was and there's our getaway ride. Talk to 
our friend to end the mission.  

D. Oil Refinery
Mission Overview: Trail the mercenary technician.
Mission difficulty rating: 4.5/10. 

Now this mission is extremely easy (and short for that matter). The 
only hard part is the first part where you have to navigate around the 
Rig. Also, I have a good thing and a bad thing facing to tell you. The 
good thing is that you don't have to hide a single body. The bad thing 
is if you fall in the water, Mission Over (yes Sam cannot swim). 
Always, you find yourself on a wooden platform just above the ocean, 
and your also looking at the main part of the Oil Rig (our 
destination). Start out by turning right and climbing the ladder to the 
very top. Now face right and walk all the way until you reach the bared 
wires. See those pipes at your left? Walk onto them and pass the bared 
wires. Now walk on to the big pipe, or what I call the 'main pipe'. 
Keep walking all the way down until you reach some more bared wires and 
drop down to the right, which so happens to contain some more set of 
pipes. Crouch, and walk to the end. Un-crouch, face left and jump back 
onto the main pipe. Keep walking forward until you cannot no further. 
Solution? Look right. See that pipe? That's where we have to be. Take a 
few steps back, and run forward, making a sharp right turn and a leap 
to that pipe. Shimmy over until you reach the main pipe just right 
under your feet. Jump down onto it. Now crouch, and walk until you 
reach, yet another set of bared wires. 
Look right again. This time, there's a zip line. Walk back and find 
where the Zip line begins (it should be over a platform you can stand 
on), and jump up on it. BOOM! A huge section of the pipes should now 
explode, causing Sam to let go of the Zip lines, but lucky he grabs 
ahold of the platform in front. Pull yourself up, crouch down, and turn 
left. Move under the main pipe, and turn right. Move a few steps 
forward, and jump up onto a vertical pipe. Pull yourself up, and onto 
the main pipe (just let go over it). Take just a few steps forward, and 
you should come across a big section of the pipe missing. Jump down 
INTO THE PIPE, and then crouch. Walk forward until the loading zone, 
and checkpoint. 
You find yourself in a small dark section. Walk over to the ladder, 
climb it, open the trap door and watch the cut scene, of 2 guards 
escorting the technician. Turn around, and wait 10 seconds for the 
guards to pass. Walk all the way forward until reaching a walkway. Sam 
can't pull himself up onto it since its too high so look left. See 
those pipes? Take a few steps back and get on the left side of them. 
Now left once more, and you should see a small pipe over the ocean. 
Take a running start, and grab onto it. Pull your self up and face 
left. Now, this may get a little tricky. Crouch down (so you have less 
chances of falling), and keep waking all the way over to the walkway. 
How do you do that? Simple, every intersection you come across, simply 
take the right pipe and you should reach the walkway. When you do reach 
the walkway, pull yourself up and crouch down. 
There's a guard patrolling the walkway over you. Stayed crouched, equip 
your gun, walk up the stairs, and do him in. Remember, you don't have 
to hide his body. Walk a little further, and up a different set of 
stairs. Walk the cutscene of 3 American warships (or F-18s is what I'll 
call them) start a battle with the Oil Rig. Regardless of what Lombard 
says, you have all the time in the world. Finish walking up the stairs, 
and wait for the technician and guards to turn the corner, and all of a 
sudden, boom. An F-18 hits a big section of the Oil Rig. Continue on.
Take the guard in front of you out, and turn the corner (to the left) 
where the technician just did. Take a few steps, and turn right. Take a 
few more steps and turn left. If your quick, you'll see a guard in 
front of you - don't take him out, let him follow the technician. If 
you're slow, you shouldn't see a guard. Either way, a checkpoint 
Creep around the corner, and wait for the technician and guards to 
enter the room. Headshot the guard whose standing there, and kill the 
other one whose patrolling just a little bit further ahead of your 
first victim. Walk over to the first guard you killed, and you should 
hear the guards wine about how your Oil Rig is broken. They decide to 
take a different route since the first door is broken. Go into wall 
mode the left side of the door they entered. After they pass you, wait 
about five more seconds (don't go after them), and an explosion should 
occur, locking the door they entered. No biggie. Now, go out of wall 
mode, and enter that door. Take the left route all the way around to 
enter the kitchen. Walk over to that locked door to find a health kit, 
and exit back out to where you killed the second guard. 
Around the corner should be a big fire. Stay on the left side, and run 
through it (a checkpoint pops up just as you are). After you passed the 
fire, looking over a little to the right. See that big box thingy? Jump 
up onto it, and also a pipe over your head. Press B to bring Sam's legs 
up and climb into the room through the window. Suddenly, something 
occurs, a guard goes crazy would be my best guess. So anyways, bring 
Sam into the room, drop his legs, take out your gun (still hanging on 
the pipe), and go for a headshot. Somewhere in this room should also be 
some ammo. Grab it, and follow the technician. 
Run up the stairs for another cutscene of the F-18's taking out the 
helicopter of where the technician should have ran to. Now he is really 
screwed. Take out the guard in front of you, and look to your 2 
o'clock. You should see a small building, under the helicopter-pad. 
There's a health kit inside. Also, there should be another guard 
shooting at you. He should be to your 9 o'clock of the base of the 
stairs, on top of a platform. Take him out as well. Now continue 
following the technician. He ran just left of that small building with 
the health kit inside. So run left of that building and to your right 
is a set of stairs. Go down them.
Wow, we've already been here (we came just up the stairs to your left. 
Anyways, a guard lurks around the area. Waste all your bullets into him 
(he'll be your last foe you meet in this level), and enter the building 
to your 9 o'clock of the base of the stairs. Health kit if you need it 
just behind the door. Now, there are 3 doors here - one where you 
entered, and 2 more. Take the door that's left of the right door of 
your right. Whoa, hard to understand? Just take the door furthest away 
from you (the door that's left of that machine thingy in the middle of 
the two). An explosion occurs, DON'T MOVE, or you WILL catch on fire. 
Sam is still in good condition (if you remembered to use the health 
kits). Open that door, and make a U-turn to the left. Run down this 
ally, and turn left. There's an opened gate, and we've already been 
here, twice! 
The technician ran back to his boat. Simply take the stairs back down 
to where we originally saw the first cutscene of the three F-18s. 
Continue further on, down the stairs, down more stairs, to reach a 
technician who got the heck scared out of him. Walk all the way behind 
him, interrogate him a couple of times, and then KO him. Grab his 
briefcase and we're all set. Just sit back and watch that well made 

Mission Overview: Trace down the mole in the CIA.  
Mission difficulty rating: 9.5/10.

[Even before we start] I've received several emails about random people 
claming that this level is too hard. I've also received emails about 
people who demand door codes. I'll give, in particular, all the door 
codes for this level. That's right... all. But if you're a person who 
likes to follow walkthroughs from start to finish, or want to find them 
on your own, simply skip this next part, and go to '[Starting]'. 
Anyways, here are the door codes: 
Main Server Room - '2019'
Technical Services Room - '7687'
Backup Battery Power Room - '110598'
Weapons Testing Department - '110700'
Informal Retrieval Service Room - '0614'.

[Overlooking] You will find yourself in the front yard of the CIA 
building on a rainy night. You have no guns, but you do have 'thermal 
vision' (D-pad right). Check it out. Cool, huh? It will come pretty 
useful in the CIA building. Remember, you cannot kill a single guard, 
however you can still KO them. Hiding bodies in here are essential, 
shooting out lights is recommend, and dodging cameras will be required. 
Now, I finished this level with barely any health (about 1/10), and 10 
bullets. I thought the last part was amazingly hard if your not well 
prepared, and searching around the CIA building for health on your own 
is strongly recommend as well (I only found 3 health kits). Oh, and 
here's one last hint: Use up all 3 of your saved files (make sure to 
put one with bad health/ammo/ect... on a new one). 

[Starting] We have a limited amount of time before the fans turn on 
(just over a minute), and there are some agents searching the area as 
well. Anyways, turn your 'heat vision' (d-pad left) on, and face left. 
Quickly run across the road to the left side, and run all the way 
forward towards the CIA building dodging guards (don't brother knocking 
them out, it's a waste of time) until you reach a fence. The fence 
contains a section of its bared wires ripped off (the front left), so 
climb over it and into it. Jump onto that platform thingy, and looking 
at the building. There's 2 shafts, one to the left, one to the right 
(doesn't matter which on to take), so jump to the platform in the 
middle of it (over the light), and then, either to the left or right (I 
went left) platforms. Explore around the ledge of it until an 
interaction button occurs - that would be to open the shafts. Do it, 
and climb inside. Checkpoint. 

Time to use your thermal vision. Turn it on (d-pad right). See the 
patrolling guard, or janitor I should say? He won't do anything, except 
trigger the alarm. So take the janitor out (or simply jump on him, 
right trigger in mid air, knocking him out) and place him in a dark 
corner. Now, take a turn around the corner, while staying in the 
shadows, crouched. Take another turn, this time left, into a long 
hallway with a camera just down the end of it. Follow my advice 
(staying in shadows, crouched), and walk down until the camera. Wait 
until it turns left, and quickly walk over to the base of stairs. SLOW 
DOWN and look up. See that guard? Wait until he leaves his post and 
then walk up the stairs. The guard is looking into the middle of 
nowhere (he must really hate his job), surprise him there. If you made 
a loud noise another guard should come and check what just happened. KO 
him as well. Hide their bodies under the stairwell and progress after 
the base of this next set of stairs. 

See that camera? Be careful, and enter the first door on your right in 
the hallway. You're in a conference room. Check the computer for a data 
stick and head out through the other door. Now this may be a little 
hard, and take a few attempts, but here it goes. The guard is 
patrolling on your left. We have to go to the far right as soon as you 
open your door, but there's a different guard in his booth, just right 
in front of the door we have to go into. Pass him, slowly (he shouldn't 
see you) and run through the metal detector, and into that door. Turn 
right, and run down for a checkpoint.

Tense music? If so, await the guard (if your lucky, he won't pass the 
metal detector). If not, listen to this conversation of another CIA 
agent talking on his cell phone. Wait for him to enter the elevator and 
enter (literally) this next section. There's on guard on station. If 
you want to avoid him like I did, make some noise (i.e. jump) and wait 
for him to come and see what the fuss is about. He should walk around 
slowly, and go into the previous room of where you've just been, but on 
the way, he should pass on either the left or right side of this big 
sign. You be on the opposite side. Once he leaves or is a good distance 
away, call the elevator, walk into it, press the button, and take it 

Is it hard already? Well, it's just beginning. Lombert calls in, and 
tells you that you need to fetch your SC-20ks! Yea baby! Anyways, start 
this brand new section out by turning around the corner, and walking 
down this hallway slowly. Shortly after, a sleepy agent/reporter opens 
his office door, and walks over to the scanner room across his office. 
KO him for safety reasons. Now await this patrolling guard, and KO him 
as well so he doesn't get in our way. Take a right at this 
intersection, and a left shortly followed. 

Down this hallway, we have a guard on station to your left, and further 
down another agent in his room across the keypad door we have to go 
into. Oh, and there's a janitor room where you can hide your bodies, 
heh. Now, sneak pass this security guard to your left, this agent in 
his room, and run into the janitor's closet. Turn off the lights in it, 
and await the janitor. Now, this janitor is going to scream one way or 
another when you KO him, so be prepared for another guard to come 
running.  After you KO the janitor, run into this agent's room, and KO 
him as well (you MUST KO him). Quickly turn off the lights in his room 
and await the guard. KO him, and hide all their bodies in the janitor's 
closet. Check the guard/agent's slouch for a data stick (or door code 
for that keypad door). Enter the code and enter this next room. 

Wow, a janitor who may run to trigger the alarm or an agent who may 
kill you. Who to take out first? The janitor! Sneak to him when his 
back is turned, grab him, and KO him. If you're lucky (I already did 
this twice, and it worked), the agent won't here it. Now sneak towards 
the agent's back through the right side of this equipment. KO him as 
well. Hide their bodies behind the equipment or the place that's most 
clever to you. This room located after contains a health kit. Use it 
wisely, and a computer in which a data stick remains in for the door 
code of the door to the right of the computer. Freaky, huh? Enter the 
door for a checkpoint. 

Heh, this next section contains 2 janitors, an alarm, and a guard with 
a gun. It will be a piece of cake with the excellent strategy I tell 
you. Quietly, crouch and walk down the stairs. There's a janitor who 
will hear you, and be brave enough to explore to find out what that is. 
The second he sees you he will run, KO him around the corner. Now you 
see yet another janitor run right to you, and cry in front of you (what 
a bum). KO him as well. Here comes the real superman! The guard 
explores to see what happened, and on the way he will see the knocked 
out janitor. He will crouch, put his gun on the floor, and check to see 
if his OK. The funny thing is, he will have his back to you the whole 
time. KO him and proceed into this long hallway.

Walk down the hallway, and make a left. Walk up the stairs, and turn 
left. A checkpoint should occur. Now look forward. IT'S YOUR SC-20K... 
not to mention, a 'Ring Airfoil Projectile', a 'Sticky Shocker', and a 
'Sticky Camera'. Ain't life grand?  Anyways, turn off the lights in 
this room, and walk out. 

Creep down this hallway, and take a turn left. See this guy on his cell 
phone? You have seconds before he hangs up, so KO him, and hide his 
body in a dark corner of the hallway. Walk back into the 'snack room' 
he was in, and grab the health hit on the table, and one diet Pepsi. 
Exit this room, and make a turn to the left. Quickly, walk down in this 
hallway, and face right, and await this hard part to come. Two guards, 
maybe three, if I remember correctly, and two reporters. One reporter 
shall go back into his booth, while another is already there. Once a 
guard comes close to you, KO him. The next guard should come running. 
Get behind the corpse of the first guard, and suddenly the second guard 
will check up on him. Here's your chance, BOOM! Hide their bodies in a 
dark corner of the hallway if you haven't already done so. Now, gaze to 
the left. That's the main server room, but before we enter it, look at 
the right. Reporters in the CIA? Yea, right. KO both them out (they 
should be in their cubical), and gather data sticks from the 4 
computers. Now enter the main server room, and save. 

Take the door on the right, enter the keycode, and slowly walk into 
this section. There are two janitors in all. Walk forward and down the 
stairs, and to the right. After a while, the janitor should come into 
this room. KO him, and enter the bright door on your left. Quickly run 
and KO this other janitor. See that glass window? That's the agent that 
would have seen you, but you knocked him out, thanks to my superb 
walkthrough. Anyways, wait forward to the main server computer (doesn't 
look a thing like from the movie Mission: Impossible), and press A next 
to it. Lombert should call you in and tell you we now have to find the 
mole's (also known as Mitchell Dougherty) computer. Backtrack 
completely out of the server room. 

Take a left from the exit of the main server room, and around the 
corner you come across a checkpoint. See the metal detectors? That's a 
no-no. The guard's station to the left contains a guard inside. Make 
some noise (i.e. jump), and the guard should leave his booth. That's 
where you come in. Enter his booth through the empty 'window', and 
shoot the lights out with your SC-20k. Now shoot the TV screens out as 
well. The guard will be dazed by what happened. Pop him with your fists 
when he comes in. Exit his room through the corridor he returned 
through. Shoot the lights out in the corridor as well and open the 

Wow, sure are a lot of lights in this big room. Hehe, destroy them all 
with the SC-20k's zoom feature. If you miss, a guard will come and 
check the noise. Now, after the room is as dark as a rat's cave, slowly 
proceed forward (don't go up the stairs but into the next corridor), KO 
the janitor, and run into the next hallway. See the guard? KO him as 
soon as he reaches this big room. Enter the hallway now, and take a 
left. If you took the janitor out already, then there shouldn't be 
anyone here. If you didn't take him out, KO him and hide him in a dark 
corner. Now run down this hallway, and take a left. Walk down the 
stairs, and take the lights out with your SC-20k. The cameras don't 
have night vision, but they sure have motion sensors, so walk slowly. 
You already should have the keycode, if not backtrack, or scroll up to 
where I give them to you. Open the door and mind the agent.

Taking on his cell phone, he is. Walking over to the food machine, he 
goes. Knock him out Yoda style, and destroy all the lights in this 
room. Enter the next room, that's to the left of the food machines. 
Visit the computer for a data stick, and a flare. There are 2 more 
flares next to the gun turret. And for some fun, switch the IFF system 
of the gun turret off >:^) 

Now run in front of the gun turret and destroy it in a duel... Just a 
joke! Anyways, lock pick the door in back of the turret, and then enter 
the elevator and take it up.  

Whoa, talk about a long mission; our most difficult part awaits us. 
Getting off the elevator, turn right. Open this door for 2 agents 
talking about and analyzing Nikoladze's speech. Anyways, crouch down 
and walk right behind the operations computer their working on. Walk 
all the way to the end of it. In front you see a CIA editor copying his 
papers, and another CIA agent (one from the previous convo), pass just 
right in front of you. Follow him, silently. Don't brother knocking him 
out; let him walk his lazy ass down the hallway. Now, we need to find 
Mitchell Dougherty's office. His office number is 508. It's to the 
right, of that long hallway. Enter it, and check out his computer. 
Lombert now wants you to bag him. So leave this room, and start walking 
down the hallway. 

At first, this seems impossible - 2 guards, and a camera, and keep in 
mind we need a good amount of health for the last part. But don't worry 
- cameras can't see the dark, and one guard wants his break now, heh, 
heh - fun time. At the base of the hallway, if the coast's clear shoot 
out the first 3 lights leading into the hallway, and later the last one 
(he heard me right). The guard walks down the hallway to check out what 
happened. You know what to do now :^) - KO him, and hide him in 
Mitchell's office. Now shoot out the last light(s) left in the hallway, 
and turn left at the end. 

This next part has several ways of being done: One you can alarm the 
guards, and speed up the progress by making Mitchell run outside, or if 
you have patience, wait for Mitchell to walk outside (which might take 
awhile), and surprise him there. Anyways, there's Mitchell at the 
coffee machine getting some decaf. Wait until he moves on. 

On the left side of this new hallway is a locked door (don't brother). 
On the right section is a movie of Good Burger and later ahead another 
door with one guard inside. Now, since the guards totally love the 
movie Good Burger, they won't even see you run by, but let's just 
crouch and walk slowly for obvious reasons... Follow Mitchell to the 
door, and wait until he opens it (which might take awhile). If you 
chose the alarm path, simply lure the guards back down the dark 
hallway, where you can pick them off one by one (sorta like Pitch Black 
the movie). Anyways, if you need the door code, it's to the right of 
the door Mitchell ran too. There's a guard inside. Take him out, get 
the code, enter it on the keypad, and walk through. Take a right, 
through some doors for a checkpoint. 

See the patrolling guard, KO him and now find Mitchell. He should be 
crying by now, so sneak up him and bag him. Wait for Lambert to call 
in, and then knock Mitchell out, and carry his body the rest off the 
way. Start walking to the left side of the fence in front of you. Take 
a couple of steps and turn left down this walkway. Turn left at the 
intersection, and later right at the end. Checkpoint. 

There ain't gonna be a single checkpoint until the end, and we have a 
long wait to go. If you have anywhere over 1/2 health, then you won't 
have much trouble, but your warned, this part is hard. Anyways, open 
the door in front and carry Mitchell's body down the stairs, slowly, 
while crouched. Look around the corner to the right of these two doors, 
and wait for the janitor to leave his post. Drop Mitchell's body in 
front of the door, and run out and jump onto the first platform thingy. 
Now, one of two things should happen. The janitor should continue his 
normal route, whom you could jump on top of (right trigger with no 
firearm equipped, in the air). Or the janitor will race of and see what 
happened to Mitchell. Either way, surprise him, and KO him (watch out, 
one wrong move and he could pull the alarm). Now, if you didn't use a 
sticky shocker, now would be the time too. Find the other patrolling 
guard, and KO him or use a sticky shocker on him (equip it, take out 
your SC-20K, and left trigger to fire). Now grab another sticky shocker 
on the shelves right of this new door, and equip it. 

Peek out and fire the sticky stocker into the patrolling guard (which 
could have been your third patrolling guard around this area). Grab 
Mitchell's body and slowly creep down the stairs. Make a U-turn and 
another right when you reach the corner. See that patrolling guard. 
Wait for him to leave his post, and rush forward and dump Mitchell's 
body next to the air ducts (where you have some hiding space). Destroy 
a over head light to the left of the walkway, and the patrolling guard 
gets into his 'explore' stage. He comes to check out what happen, and 
finds Mitchell. He checks to see if his okay, now's your chance, pop 
out, and KO him. YAY! The hard parts over! But there's still one more 

Grab Mitchell's body and head down the stairs the guard whom you 
knocked out a second ago, was patrolling. Let go of Mitchell's body, 
and slowly, while crouched, creep up to the ONE security guard talking 
to your friends. He shouldn't be too hard to spot, he is the one with 
the 'security' t-shirt. KO him, and go back for Mitchell's body. Grab 
him, and dump him in front of your friends. Mission Accomplished (now 
would be a very good time to scream "HECK YES"). 

E. Kalinatek 
Mission Overview: Recover Encryption Key.
Mission difficulty rating: ??/10.  

...Coming Soon...


III. General Tips, Hints, & Strategies  -


A. Terrorists Profiles -

Using his political, technological, and financial influence, Nikoladze 
has become the newly elected President of Georiga. His ambition is 
matched only by his industriousness. 

Ex-Spetsnaz (Russian Special Forces), Grinko is now Nikoldze's 
"lieutenant" of the Russian Mafia.

Grinko's personal driver. 

The leadership for Nikoladze's worldwide military/mercenary forces. 
Several colonels can be found in each cell of the Georgian mercenary 
army. They also have security clearance areas that normal soldiers 
don't have. 

Hired for his vast computer knowledge, Philip Masse is the man directly 
responsible for the Georgian information crisis. 

The leadership behind the People's Liberation Army of China. These 
officers can use to accomplish his missions. Eliminations might be the 
best option when first encountering them. 
B. Weapons/Gadgets 

1. SC-20K M.A.W.S. (Modular Assault Weapon System) - 
The bullpup configuration of this assault rifle makes it light and 
compact without sacrificing firepower (5.56x45mm ss109). Its modular 
configuration allows it to be customized to fit any mission profile. 
Equipped with a flask/sound suppresser and combined with a multipurpose 
launcher, the SC-20K  becomes the obvious choice for Sam when 
infiltrating enemy territory.  

Sniper Mode: Sniper Mode is only available with the SC-20K!
-Equip SC-20K.
-Press Y button to enter Sniper Mode.
-Press the left trigger to hold Sam's breath and steady his aim (for a 
limited time, around 10 seconds).
-Right trigger to fire.

Manual Reload: Pressing the white button with the SC-20K equipped, will 
make Sam reload his weapon. Sam also automatically reloads his weapon 
when he runs out of ammo. 

SC-20K's Multipurpose Launcher: Pull the Left Trigger to fire with the 
launcher. The Launcher cannot be used in Sniper Mode.
NOTE: Sam does not receive this firearm only until further into the 

2. Ring Airfoil Projectile -
A high-impact, zero penetration projectile designed to incapacitate 
rather than kill. 
Note: The Ring Airfoil is much more effective if it hits the head. 

3. Sticky Camera -
A miniature camera with full pan and zoom functionality, plus night and 
thermal vision modes. The sticky camera feels its image directly to 
Sam's OPSAT. Ideal for advance scouting and intelligence gathering. 
Sticky Cams are reusable.

4. Sticky Shocker -
A high-voltage discharge device coated in adhesive resin. The Sticky 
Shocker will adhere to an enemy and give him an incapacitation shock. 
Hint: Fired into pools of water, the Sticky Shocker can neutralize 
multiple opponents.  

5. Gas Grenade -
Standard CS (0-chlorobenzalmalononitrile) gas canister grenade can 
incapacitate groups of enemies. Exposure to CS gas causes violent 
respiratory seizures. Prolonged exposures causes unconsciousness. 

6. Distraction Camera -
An adaptation of the Sticky Camera. The Distraction Camera has had its 
pan and zoom motors as well as its vision enhancement apparatus 
replaced with a noisemaker and a CO2 gas canister. The device can be 
triggered to attract enemies with sound and then dispense a cloud of 
incapacitating gas when they are nearby. 

7. SC Pistol -
The SC Pistol tactical model with single-action trigger and a 20-round 
magazine comes equipped with a silencer/flash suppressor. Its 5.72x28mm 
rounds offer good penetration against modern body armor, while keeping 
the weapon's weight, dimensions, and recoil at reasonable levels. 

8. Camera Jammer -
The Camera Jammer emits microwave pulses that disrupt the 
characteristic signals used in the microcircuitry of surveillance 
cameras. The Camera Jammer operates off of a capacitor that must be 
allowed to recharge from its battery after a short time.   

9. Optic Cable -
This flexible cable/camera can easily be slipped under doors to view 
the other side. Complete with Night Vision enhancement.

10. Disposable Pick -
Unconventional lock picks, these microexplosive-shaped charges, deliver 
a quick impact to any standard lock cylinder that will shatter the pins 
and unlock the door. 

11. Night Vision -
Night Vision goggles amplify very low existing light, especially lights 
at the lower end of the infrared spectrum.

12. Thermal Vision Headset -
Similar to Night Vision, Thermal vision is an essential tool in low 
light situations. This technology differs from Night Vision in that is 
captures the upper level of the infrared light spectrum, which is 
emitted as heat rather than reflected as light. 
NOTE: Thermal Vision is not available in the first few missions. 

13. Wall Mine -
The Wall Mine is a motion-sensitive explosive device that can be 
attached to almost any surface. To deactivate and pick up a wall mine, 
wait for the green light.  

14. Chemical Flare -
Chemical Flares are lightweight plastic sticks filled with a binary 
chemical agent. When the inner containers are cracked, the chemical 
agents mix, causing the stick to glow. Useful for attracting and 
distracting enemies. 

15. Emergency Flare -
Similar to Chemical Flare, these standard road flares also emit a great 
deal of heat, making them useful for distracting heat sensors such as 
those found on automated turrets. 

16. Frag Grenade -
The 14-oz M67 fragmentation grenade consists of a 2.5" steel sphere 
surrounding 6.5 ounces of high explosive. Upon detonation, the steel 
sphere shatters, emitting a burst of high-velocity shrapnel. 

17. Medical Kits -
Standard field first-aid kit.

18. Bullet Box -
Find it to retrieve some ammo.

19. Alarm Panel -
Standard alarm switches that can be triggered by enemies to alert 
nearby comrades. Because of the extremely covert mature of Sam's 
operations, indiscretion with alarms can lead to Third Echelon aborting 
a mission.  

20. Automated Turret -
Heat and motion sensing turrets with an Independent  Friendly Fire 
(IFF) recognition system. Turrets can be hacked from their attached 
control computer. Either deactivate a turret entirely, or disable its 
IFF system. With IFF disabled, it will still attack Sam, but it will 
also attack enemies. Use the D-pad to navigate in the attached control 

21. Surveillance Camera -
Standard, off-the-shelf surveillance cameras that detect movement and 
have the ability to directly trigger alarms. This type of camera is 
fragile and can be destroyed. 

22. Armored Camera -
Except for the bulletproof casing, these cameras are identical to the 
standard surveillance camera. 

23. Key Pad Lock -
Standard push-button security pads linked to electromagnetic locking 
systems in a door. Only the correct code will allow a keypad locked 
door to be opened. Multiple failed attempts to enter a code will sound 
an alarm. Select the numbers with the left thumbstick.
IMPORTANT: Once you find a keypad code, it will automatically appear in 
your inventory in the Notes section.  

24. Retinal Scanner -
A locking device that reads the unique imprint of a person's retina 
before unlocking a door. No one without access can open a retinal 
scanner-locked door, but those with the correct retinas can sometimes 
be "convinced" to open them for you. An incorrect retinal scan 
automatically triggers an alarm. 
C. Gameplay Hints -

...Coming Soon...


IV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Some basic questions that I've spotted over the board these past few 

Q: Alarms go off, and I failed the mission! What is wrong?
A: You didn't hide a body(s). ALL bodies you killed/knock out must be 

Q: I hid a body, but alarms still go off!
A: I'm guessing you hid the body in a dark room. The first thing guards 
do is turn on the lights when they enter a room, so you must destroy 
all lights in that room.

Q: Okay, I hid ALL the bodies I've killed, and destroyed the light in 
that room. Alarms still go off.
A: I'm guessing you did everything right, but cameras spot you, and 
alarms go off from there.

Q: I can't destroy this camera! What the heck?
A: It's a bullet-proof camera. Don't even brother. Your best bet is to 
sneak by or to take a different route.    

Q: How do you throw bottles/cans/ect?
A: Press the A button to pick it up, followed by the X button for aim. 
Right Trigger to throw it.

Q: I need to sneak past this guy, but he sees me!
A: Remember to crouch! People often forget this. Crouch down, and walk 

A: You have more then enough ammo for a level. You will rarely get 
ammo, around 2, 3 times in a level. You only need your gun to shoot out 
lights and cameras. Use your weapon only as a last resort, stick to the 
shadows crouched down, and when baddies get near, charge them and knock 
them out.

Q: I heard you could play custom-music from the Xbox's harddrive?
A: Sorry, you can't. 

Q: When can I download additional levels and is it ONLY with Xbox Live? 
A: Yup, you can only get it on Xbox Live. Currently there's no new news 
on downloading any additional levels, but when they go up for grabs, 
I'll make a level walkthrough for them too. Be patience, and beat the 
game on hard mode. 

Q: In Defense Ministry, when I was climbing over the gutter pipe, 
alarms go off, and I hid all the bodies...
A: Except the driver, Hamlet, which I'm sure you left laying around the 
middle of the garage. Thank m-ko@terra.com (Alex) for this major 

Q: In Defense Ministry, alarms go off alarm I get the colonel to the 
retinal scanner... 
A: Hide the cooks, and the guards body. It's not that hard! 

Q: The dogs sniff me out in the Chinese mission level...
A: You can trying killing them or wear your scent off, by finding a 
water source...

Q: Help in CIA building...
A: Be more detailed.

Q: I have another question...
A: Email me - link21k@hotmail.com


V. Downloads via Xbox Live 

Alright, since a couple of people emailed me with this (even though 
there are no downloadable levels available as of now), I'll give you 
the 411 of how to go Live with your Xbox . Remember, modded 
Xboxes WILL NOT work. 

Step 1: Connecting
       We have two ways of going about the first step: 

       The first way is to go through a 'direct connect' with Xbox to a 
broadband modem. This is done by connecting an Ethernet cable (The RJ-
45) required, from our Cable or DSL modem to the outlet of out Xbox 
(bottom right). Now, obviously, if you have no more outlets in your 
Cable or DSL modem, the second way would be for you. 

	The second way is to simply connect our Cable or DSL modem to our 
Cable/DSL router. Now this router has 3 (or more) LAN ports - one for 
the Cable/DSL modem, the other for our PC, and the third is free 
(you'll want the third one to connect to Xbox). An Ethernet cable (The 
RJ-45) is required to connect Xbox to the Cable/DSL router.  

Step 2: Go Live
       Before we continue on with this, you'll need 'The Xbox Live 
Starter Kit' which can be found at any major electronics store for 
$49.95 (plus tax). You'll also need a subscription code to set up an 
Xbox Live account. If you want more information on this, visit 
Here's how to step up your Xbox Live account:

1.	Insert your Xbox Live Start Kit disc into your Xbox DVD tray. 
2.	Within this disc, select the option for Xbox Live. 

Here's the moment of truth. If everything works, your Xbox will 
officially be online. Party. Now, create your Xbox Live account, and 
wait until there's downloadable levels for Splinter Cell. 

If your Xbox did not connect, go on to Step 3.

Step 3: Configure (if needed)
	If you can't go online, obviously something is wrong. Remember, 
modded Xboxes do NOT work. So first use Network Setup in the Xbox 
dashboard for network settings. You may need to enter some information 
such as a host name, a MAC address, or an ISP user name and password. 
If at this point, Xbox still does not connect or you may need 
additional information in network settings, contact your broadband 
service provider. Once you obtain the information, enter it in the Xbox 
dashboard and keep your fingers crossed!

For additional assistance see www.xbox.com/live or call (United States 
and Canada): 1-800-4MY-XBOX (1-800-469-9269). 


VI. Updates  

Pretty easy to understand what this section is about ... My FAQ 

Version 1.15 - As promised I deliver, the CIA level, and all door codes 
for it as well! Sorry for the delay, Windows kind of froze on me, 
deleting half the CIA level. I also got my email box stuffed with 
questions, which I'll bring over to the FAQs. Expect the next FAQ 
version in a couple of days with the next two missions, and a major 
grammar/spelling check for I'm going to take a long break.   

Version 1.10 - Completed missions 2 and 3 (Defense Ministry, and Oil 
Rig). CVXFreak helped out with the ASCII art you just saw, and I 
completed the 'Downloads via Xbox Live' section. Work on mission 4 (CIA 
HQ) is being conducted as we speak, and I hope to get that posted by 
Wednesday at the latest, for a number of people are having trouble with 
it at the boards, and that's my main concern as of now. Expect just 
that in my next version (1.15).  

Version 1.00 - Started the FAQ guide. First level - Training is 
complete. I also completed the weapons/gadgets part, basic movements, 
controls, terrorist profiles, and FAQs. My next update will focus 100% 
on the walkthrough only in which I hope to accomplish mission 2, and 3 
possibly even 4, but since the demand for mission 2, and 3 on the 
boards are high, I will try to get that in as soon as possible (around 
2 days).


VII. Legal Junk & Acknowledgements  

Legal Junk -
Let me quickly skip forward to 411.

Things you CAN do with my guide:
-Read it (obviously),
-Print it,
-Save it on your HDD,
-Give it to friends,
-Recommend it,
-Link to it.

Things you CANNOT do with my guide:
-Save it on your HDD, and turn it in to ANY website under your name,
-Copy & Paste it, and put it on your site (Just email me, I'll agree if 
you link me to it),
-Go around saying you made it.

If any of these special requests - 'Things you CANNOT do' by me are 
broken, actions will be taken place. Please don't make me do this. If 
your not sure of what you can/cannot do, just email me. 

Acknowledgements -
I'd just like to thank the following people who made this guide 
possible here today: 
CJayC - For making GameFAQs and accepting my guide,
CVXFREAK - for the ASCII and the formatting
Myself - For making ...myself convict me to make this guide,
Ubi Soft - For making one of the best damn games ever,
Ubi Soft manual - Whom I'd borrowed the story, weapons, and terrorist 
profile section from.
You - For reading this guide. 

                      A guide by Nick Francis - Siggenis
                                 Copyright (c) 2002. All Rights Reserved. 

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