Story Battle Dialogues - Guide for Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection

Scroll down to read our guide named "Story Battle Dialogues" for Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection on PlayStation 3 (PS3), or click the above links for more cheats.

* Updated to include Tekken: Dark Resurrection on the PSP!

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                  TEKKEN 5: Story Battle Dialogues (US ver.)

                             v. 3.00  |  2007.03.20
            by Triple Lei 
                           formats: PlayStation2, PSP

This document / FAQ _may_ be reproduced electronically, as long as it remains 
in its unaltered form.  You may also print it, but, of course, you _may not_ 
make money off of this - even if you _do_ give credit!  That doesn't make it 
any more moral (or legal), folks!

      I want to take this time to humiliate EGM and Game Cave once more:
                               "This means you!"

This document Copyright 2007 by Justin Sison. This is dedicated to Kao Megura.

Current versions of this FAQ can be found at:



 1.  INTRODUCTION  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892e5
      - 1.1   Story Chart (T5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1b556
      - 1.2   Story Chart (TDR)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53f69
      - 1.3   Jinpachi Mishima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4850d
 2.  CHARACTERS (T5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1dd06
      - 2.1   Anna Williams  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8c6d0
      - 2.2   Asuka Kazama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454fe
      - 2.3   Baek Doo San . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6fdf4
      - 2.4   Bruce Irvin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3101c
      - 2.5   Bryan Fury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2d44b
      - 2.6   Christie Monteiro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2df16
      - 2.7   Devil Jin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ca717
      - 2.8   Eddy Gordo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58e2f
      - 2.9   Feng Wei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2db62
      - 2.10  Ganryu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70511
      - 2.11  Heihachi Mishima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9404d
      - 2.12  Hwoarang . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bdbc1
      - 2.13  Jack-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . afe7b
      - 2.14  Jin Kazama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . eedfb
      - 2.15  Julia Chang  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03f1b
      - 2.16  Kazuya Mishima . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2631e
      - 2.17  King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9a4ed
      - 2.18  Kuma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . af660
      - 2.19  Marshall Law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cf4c6
      - 2.20  Lee Chaolan  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836d6
      - 2.21  Lei Wulong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4467a
      - 2.22  Craig Marduk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4137a
      - 2.23  Mokujin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6cfb4
      - 2.24  Nina Williams  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76bfd
      - 2.25  Panda  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506a4
      - 2.26  Paul Phoenix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f884a
      - 2.27  Raven  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57d3c
      - 2.28  Roger Jr.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cafe7
      - 2.29  Steve Fox  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33231
      - 2.30  Wang Jinrei  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c1352
      - 2.31  Ling Xiaoyu  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94135
      - 2.32  Yoshimitsu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f0bef
 3.  CHARACTERS (TDR)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6bc59
      - 3.1   Armor King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0603c
      - 3.2   Sergei Dragunov  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a9c4f
      - 3.3   Lili Rochefort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6ac93
 4.  MISCELLANEOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3c388
      - 4.1   Things To Do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0adea
      - 4.2   Rantings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ae0b2
 5.  LINKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . decc5
 6.  THANKS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . d77fa
 7.  VERSION HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70433

As of v. 3.00, this FAQ comes with a handy search function.  Simply copy the 
5-digit code of the section you want to go to and use your browser's search
function!  More info in the Links section (decc5). 

 1.  I N T R O D U C T I O N                                            892e5

I have a Japanese PS2, which means I was "stuck" waiting for the Japanese
version of Tekken 5!  That's certainly unfair... I had the Japanese Tekken 2
a good 9 (nine) months before the rest of you suckers in the US, and I
enjoyed similar early release dates for Tekken 3, Tekken Tag, and Tekken 4.

The Japanese version, as you all know, was released not just "a little" later,
but a whole MONTH later, with improved ghost AI being the only enhancement.
As I played, I realized I wouldn't be able to fully enjoy the Story Battle, 
since I only had a rather limited command of Japanese.

Luckily, my cousin got Tekken 5 as well, so on the weekends I would transcribe
about a dozen of the characters' dialogues.  The slightly annoying part was
losing on purpose just for the sake of not missing any "losing" dialogues. 
The VERY annoying part was trying to beat Jinpachi with characters I don't 
even use, because most of the time there wasn't a point in going on past the
2nd rival!

Still, it wasn't as bad as Devil Within!  I'm not sure I'll ever get around
to finishing that last stage... bleh...

I'm also planning on doing this entire thing for the Japanese version too.
I've already noticed a few small differences.  For example, in the US
version, Baek says "Why don't you join in on one of my sessions?", while he
says something like "You'll become strong" in the Japanese version.  Of
course, I don't know Korean, so I can't say which is the more correct
translation.  Ultimately, this is to improve my Japanese, and what better
way than with phrases like "isoidahoo ga ii... shinitaku nakereba na" ("You
should hurry, if you don't want to die...") and "ano toki no bakudan robotto
no nakama da na" ("You're one of those exploding robots from before, huh?")

 :: 1.1  Story Chart (T5) ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1b556

Not all characters have a 4th or 7th rival.  Some do not fight Devil Jin on
the 8th stage, and sometimes the dialogues with Jinpachi are different.  And 
only some have "losing" dialogues (and not as many as I would have hoped).  
This chart lets you see it all at a glance:

|            | 4th stage | 7th stage | 8th stage | Other Jinpachi | Hidden |
|            |   rival   |   rival   |   rival   |    dialogue    |  loss  |
| Anna       |    Lee    |   Nina    |         no|              no|  Lee   |
| Asuka      |   Feng    |         no|         no|       yes      |      no|
| Baek       |    Law    | Hwoarang  |         no|              no|      no|
| Bruce      |   Steve   |  Kazuya   |         no|              no|      no|
| Bryan      |    Lei    |   Yoshi   |         no|              no|      no|
| Christie   |   Bruce   |   Eddy    |         no|              no|      no|
| Devil Jin  |         no|         no|   Asuka   |       yes      |      no|
| Eddy       | Christie  |  Kazuya   |         no|              no|      no|
| Feng       |    Lei    |   Asuka   |         no|       yes      |      no|
| Ganryu     |   Julia   |         no|         no|       yes      |      no|
| Heihachi   |  Jack-5   |         no|  Kazuya   |       yes      |      no|
| Hwoarang   |   Baek    |         no|        Jin|              no|      no|
| Jack-5     | Heihachi  |         no|         no|       yes      |      no|
| Jin        | Hwoarang  |         no|         no|       yes      |      no|
| Julia      |  Ganryu   |         no|         no|       yes      |      no|
| Kazuya     |   Raven   |         no| Heihachi  |       yes      |      no|
| King       |   Julia   |  Marduk   |         no|              no|      no|
| Kuma       |  Xiaoyu   |   Paul    |         no|              no|      no|
| Law        |   Paul    |         no|         no|       yes      |  Paul  |
| Lee        |  Kazuya   | Heihachi  |         no|              no|      no|
| Lei        |   Wang    |   Feng    |         no|       yes      |      no|
| Marduk     |   Anna    |   King    |         no|              no|      no|
| Mokujin    | Roger Jr. |         no|         no|              no|      no|
| Nina       |   Raven   |   Anna    |         no|              no|      no|
| Panda      |   Kuma    |         no|         no|              no|      no|
| Paul       |   Kuma    |         no|         no|       yes      |      no|
| Raven      |         no|         no| Heihachi  |       yes      |      no|
| Roger Jr.  |  Mokujin  |         no|         no|              no|      no|
| Steve      |    Lei    |  Heihachi |         no|              no|      no|
| Wang       |  Xiaoyu   |   Feng    | Heihachi  |       yes      |      no|
| Xiaoyu     |    Jin    |         no|         no|       yes      |      no|
| Yoshimitsu |   Raven   |   Bryan   |         no|              no| Raven  |

 :: 1.2  Story Chart (TDR) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 53f69

I've been assured that all the text, dialogue, and endings for the T5
characters are the same in the PSP Tekken: Dark Resurrection.  Even if 
they're slightly different, though, I wouldn't feel like typing them down
again, and I'm sure you wouldn't bother to read them just to check anyway.

|            | 4th stage | 7th stage | 8th stage | Other Jinpachi | Hidden |
|            |   rival   |   rival   |   rival   |    dialogue    |  loss  |
| Armor King |  Marduk   |         no|         no|              no|      no|
|  Dragunov  |   Raven   |         no| Devil Jin |              no|      no|
|    Lili    |  Ganryu   |         no|         no|       yes      |      no|

 :: 1.3  Jinpachi Mishima ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4850d

The arcade mode (I mean the actual arcade version of Tekken 5, if you can
find it) had the same Jinpachi dialogue for all characters... I think.  I
only played Hwoarang back then, and that was when I was exclusively playing 
shooters like Strikers 1945 III.  

Also notice that the girls... well, TURN AROUND DIFFERENTLY from the guys!
Fire up that VCR and get to Jinpachi with both Eddy and Christie - it'll
blow your mind!!!!1  

(UPDATE: You can also see the standard Jinpachi dialogue for all characters 
by just playing through the Time Attack mode.  Shows how much I paid 
attention to that...)

About the CG Ending: You can see this ending by losing to Jinpachi in
Story Battle and NOT continuing, though apparently if you beat the game
with Jinpachi (who is ONLY playable with some cheat device), you can get
it that way as well.

When I borrowed my friend's PSP to update this FAQ, I forgot to check for
any Time Attack differences.  Oh well... maybe next time.

   Final Stage: Jinpachi

I'm impressed that you've made it this far. 

I am Jinpachi Mishima. My goal...

My goal is to destroy all existence!



This was meant to be...

   CG Ending                                                    Jinpachi

It looks like nobody was able to stop me.

Jinpachi's mind is consumed by the devil
as he reaches his final transformation.
The world will never be the same.

 2.  C H A R A C T E R S  ( T 5 )                                       1dd06

::: 2.1  Anna Williams :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8c6d0

   Prologue                                                         Anna

Anna Williams.
A woman who always fought with her sister, Nina.

Nina vanished a few years ago
and Anna felt something was missing in her life.

Then she got a call - from Nina.


Anna met Nina a few days later
and the moment Nina saw her sister, shots were fired.

The ensuing fight lasted for days.


In the end, the agreed to settle things
in The King of the Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Anna screams, "That bitch! This time, she's dead!"

   Stage 4: Lee                                                     Anna

[Anna]'s certainly an honor
to meet you, Mr. Lee Chaolan.

The pleasure is all mine,
lovely lady Williams.

Oh...when I imagine your beautiful face
straining in pain, I just get chills.


What's the matter princess?
Where's that attitude of yours now?


Squeal like the little piggy
you are! Come on!

   Stage 7: Nina                                                    Anna

It's really a shame. This is the last time
I'm going to see your face.

So you've finally decided to show up.
This time, I will kill you!


What are you waiting for, kill me.

Nina, you're pathetic. That didn't
satisfy me at all. I refuse to kill you.

You bitch!

That look is priceless.

   Epilogue                                                         Anna

After being inspired by their sibling rivalry, a movie director
insists on casting them in an upcoming film.


"With that witch?"

Despite her deep hatred for her sister, she knows that this
is a chance she can't pass up.

:: 2.2  Asuka Kazama :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 454fe

   Prologue                                                        Asuka

Asuka Kazama.
She was taught Kazama-style Martial
Arts by her father. She was known as a
nosy kid who liked to fix other people's
problems, usually by knockout.


Asuka came home one day to find that an
unknown man had destroyed the dojo and
put her father in the hospital.


A detective from Hong Kong tells her the
man will be in The King of Iron Fist
Tournament 5. This one's personal...

   Stage 4: Feng                                                   Asuka

Hey, you haven't seen a strange Chinese
Kenpo fighter around here, have you?

He's muscular...and looks like a...

Hey! It's you!

Yes. My name is Feng Wei.

You're my father's 
sworn enemy! You're mine!


You're pretty strong! Now I see why my
father had such a hard time with you.

But you are still no match for me.

Well, now that I've avenged my father,
it's time to have some fun!

   Before the Final Stage...                                       Asuka

[Devil Jin]
I will...

I'll take everything!

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                           Asuka

Who is that? Whoever it is,
things don't look too promising.

You won't escape!

Well, I guess running won't
do me any good.

Let's go, you monster!

   CG Ending                                                       Asuka

Hey you, what happened?

Come on!
Snap out of it!

Isn't anyone around?

I can't even get reception here...

But the again, I forgot my cell.

And...I don't see any buses or cars.

What should I do?!

This place!

What do you think you're doing?!

What's going on?
What am I doing?...

Don't play dumb with me!

You pervert!

I give up!

What was that about?...

:: 2.3  Baek Doo San :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 6fdf4

   Prologue                                                         Baek

Baek Doo San.
A master of Tae Kwon Do.
On his way home from training,
Baek was attacked and knocked unconscious.


He woke up in a military hospital.
According to the Defense Minister,
he had been in a coma for over a year.

The minister asked Baek to help train
soldiers, and he hesitantly accepted.


A year later, Baek writes to Hwoarang
asking him to return to the military.

Hwoarang goes with his mentor.

Now, the two enter The King of Iron Fist
Tournament 5 as master and pupil.

   Stage 4: Law                                                     Baek

Would you mind letting me
test out my Tae Kwon Do skills?


I hold instructional sessions on Sundays
at my dojo.

Why don't you join in on one
of my sessions?

   Stage 7: Hwoarang                                                Baek

Master! Please
take it easy! I'll...

I'm fine. We haven't
sparred in a while. Come!


You still have a lot to learn.
Go train some more.

Now to take care of the real business.

I have to see what's going on here
with my own eyes.

   CG Ending                                                        Baek


Still up to no good.

Who the hell are you?

Get out of here!

Stop, you bastard!

:: 2.4  Bruce Irvin ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 3101c

   Prologue                                                        Bruce

Bruce Irvin.
Once a mercenary for Kazuya.
Bruce left Kazuya's militia 21 years ago
and wound up at a survival school.
A few years later, he heard Kazuya died.


Then one day, he heard Kazuya fought in
The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

He also learned that the Zaibatsu would soon
hold The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.


The seasoned veteran sensed something
was going on behind the scenes.
He wondered who or what it could be.

"I need some action. Maybe I'll go
have some fun with the Mishima Zaibatsu." says Bruce.

   Stage 4: Steve                                                  Bruce

Go home, pops.
I have no time for old-timers.

Don't judge me by my age,
you little twit.

And show some respect for your elders,
pretty boy.

You're a kickboxer, right?

Wanna see how long your kicks
stand up to my punches?


This strong!

You're lucky I didn't
break your arm, kid!

Kazuya still hasn't shown his face.
Where is he?

   Stage 7: Kazuya                                                 Bruce

It's you, Bruce.
It's been a while.

Unlike 20 years ago, there's no
difference between us now.

You're a challenger just like me.

You won't be
saying that for long.


I was gonna go along with Zaibatsu's
charade, but this is pathetic.

   CG Ending                                                       Bruce

Hey kid! Who said you could be here?

Yo, this place ain't free. You'd better pay up.

This place don't belong to nobody.


What are you doing? Stop!

This is how you throw a punch...

Hey, these gloves look pretty good.

They're mine now, kid.

Who the hell are you?

Keep it up, kid.

:: 2.5  Bryan Fury :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2d44b

   Prologue                                                        Bryan

Bryan Fury.
A cyborg made by Dr. Abel.

Bryan entrusted Dr. Boskonovich with
giving him a perfect body. However...


Bryan's body was too complex.
He installed a perpetual generator instead.

Bryan yells, "Endless power? This is perfect!"

Bryan attacked the doctor and Manji
Clan members and left the lab in ruins.


Bryan learns of the King of Iron Fist
Tournament 5. He feels it's time for a
real test of his new abilities.

   Stage 4: Lei                                                    Bryan

Bryan Fury.

Who the hell are you?

Lei Wulong of the Hong Kong Police.

I'm placing you under arrest for
the murder of Manji Clan members.


Some super cop you are!

   Stage 7: Yoshimitsu                                             Bryan

You'll not get away now
that I've finally found you!

I'll have to thank you
for giving me power!

My blade shall teach you the errors of
your way. Prepare yourself!


Fate is decided by the heavens.
Do as you will.

Don't worry, I won't kill you here...

I'm going to take my time
and let you savor your death.

You heinous scoundrel!

You lost to me once! Now try and
squirm your way out of here!

Let the hunt begin...

:: 2.6  Christie Monteiro ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2df16

   Prologue                                                     Christie

Christie Monteiro.
The granddaughter of a legendary Capoeira master.

Her grandfather was finally released
from prison, but he had become very weak.
This was not the grandfather she knew.


She rushed him to a hospital.
She was told that he was terminally ill,
but a cure might be possible with technology
from the Mishima Zaibatsu.


A week later, Christie enters The King
of Iron Fist Tournament 5 to find a
cure for her grandfather.

   Stage 4: Bruce                                               Christie

Well! The competition certainly
has gotten easier on the eyes.

I doubt you'll think of me that way
after I'm through with you.

You wanna see how long your
Capoeira stands up to my kicks?



Pretty tough!

You have no rhythm.
You'll never be able to beat me.

   Stage 7: Eddy                                                Christie

Christie, it's too dangerous.
I want you to go home!

No! How do you expect me to not do
anything after I've seen what happened

to my grandpa!

Then I don't have a choice.


Wait for me Eddy.
I promise I'll come back.

   CG Ending                                                    Christie


:: 2.7  Devil Jin ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ca717

   Prologue                                                    Devil Jin

When the devil gene takes over Jin Kazama...


Jinpachi was able to escape captivity as Honmaru fell.

This triggered the evil that had been
building up inside Jin.


Two months later...

Evil has utterly consumed Jin's mind
and a deadly force has awakened...

   Before Stage 8...                                           Devil Jin

[Devil Jin]
...give it to me...

Such bad manners...
you deserve to die!

   Stage 8: Jinpachi                                           Devil Jin

Hold on a sec!
What are you guys doing?

Hey hey!
Don't ignore me.

Hey buddy, listen to what I have to say,
would ya?

[Devil Jin]
Shut up you insignificant girl!
Do you think you can stop me?

I don't know what's going on
but you're a bit too cocky.

I hate cocky people!
I'll put you back in your place!

[Devil Jin]
Very well, you'll be
the first to feel my wrath!


[Devil Jin]
You have no right to interfere
with our plans!

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                       Devil Jin

You fool...You cannot defeat me
after giving in to the Devil.

[Devil Jin]
Give in? You don't understand.
I have taken full control of the Devil!

If that is the case,
that power must become part of me.

Prepare to be assimilated!

:: 2.8  Eddy Gordo :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 58e2f

   Prologue                                                         Eddy

Eddy Gordo.
A legendary Capoeira prodigy.
Eddy's master was set to be free after
a long prison sentence. However,
his master had become a frail old man.
This was not the master he once knew.


Eddy had his master hospitalized.
He was told that his master was terminally ill,
but a cure might be possible with
technology from the Mishima Zaibatsu.


A week later, Eddy enters The King of
Iron Fist Tournament 5 to find a cure
for his master.

   Stage 4: Christie                                                Eddy

Eddy, leave this to me.

No. Let me handle this.
I need you to stay out of this.

Eddy, why won't
you understand?!


Wait for me, Christie.
I will come back.

   Stage 7: Kazuya                                                  Eddy

Hey, I remember your face!

I don't know what
you're talking about.

Figures. You framed me for the
murder of my parents.

Does that ring a bell?

I see. You're the son of
those rich Brazilians.

I'm gonna kill you
for what you've done!


I did it father...
I've avenged you.

All right, now I just need to get
the money for the master's medical bills.

:: 2.9  Feng Wei :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2db62

   Prologue                                                         Feng

Feng Wei.
A Chinese Kenpo master.
As a disciple of the "God Fist" style,
by 20, he was the top student in his dojo.


When his master scolded him for fighting
outside the school, Feng killed him.


To retrieve the "Secrets of God Fist"
scrolls stolen by the Mishimas,
he joins The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

   Stage 4: Lei                                                     Feng

I finally found you.

Who are you?

Detective Lei Wulong of the Hong Kong
Police. I'm placing you under arrest.

Lei Wulong? The master
of the 5 Form Kung Fu...Interesting.

Come and fight me!


Your 5 Form Kung Fu
is no match against me!

   Stage 7: Asuka                                                   Feng

I finally found you! You're the Chinese
guy that took out my dad, aren't you?

The weak don't deserve to live!

Then that means you're going to die
after I'm through with you, you jerk!


Hey, don't you know
how to treat a girl?

Not fighting seriously
would be disrespectful.

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                            Feng


Are you a Mishima?

Of course.

Then are you the one that stole
the Shinken scrolls?

That wasn't me.
I don't know anything about that.

Don't play dumb.
I'll make you talk.

Come on!

   CG Ending                                                        Feng

This is?!...

(Secret Principles of the Dragon Fist)

:: 2.10  Ganryu ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 70511

   Prologue                                                       Ganryu

The youngest sumo wrestler ever.
Once Ganryu retired, he opened his own
sumo stable to forget about his love, Michelle Chang.


One day, while Ganryu was watching the
previous tournament, he saw a girl just
like his old love, Julia Chang.

Julia was trying to reclaim her research
on forests from the Mishima Zaibatsu.


Then Ganryu learned The King of Iron
Fist Tournament 5.

Ganryu filled with hope says, "What a coincidence!
Someone must like me up there. If I get the
research files, I'll win the lovely Julia's heart!"
Ganryu, now 55, enters the tournament.

   Stage 4: Julia                                                 Ganryu

Uh-oh! So, in order to get the Forest
Rejuvenation Data I will need to defeat

my dear Julia...oh, but if I lose to
Julia here and if she wins the tournament,

that's good as well...but there's no
guarantee that Julia will win...Ohhhh...

What should I do?

Sir, could you stop babbling
so we can get this over with?

My dear Julia,
your wish is my command.



I'm sorry, my dear Julia, but this is the
only way to save you, my love.

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                          Ganryu

Are you the one that has
the Forest Rejuvenation Data?

What are you talking about?
Go away!

Not so fast. I'll make you understand why
in the 300 years of sumo history,

there's been only 68 Rikishi's
that achieved the Yokozuna rank!

*Not like Ganryu is a Yokozuna Rank.


42 years of being a Rikishi,
finally my first championship!

Oh, how sweet it is!

Wow, I didn't know it felt so good to be

Wait a minute, I have
a strange feeling that I forgot something.

Oh, oh no!
I forgot the Forest Rejuvenation Data.

   CG Ending                                                      Ganryu

Ganryu wins and is successful in
retrieving the Forest Rejuvenation Data.
He will now give Julia the data and confess his love.

Here, take this...

I...I can't thank you enough.

With this, I'll be able to bring back the forest.

That aside, I have something to tell you...

I...I really like...

I'm in love with you!


:: 2.11  Heihachi Mishima ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 9404d

   Prologue                                                     Heihachi

Heihachi Mishima.
The head of the Mishima Zaibatsu
and the sponsor of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4.

A squadron of JACKs cornered Heihachi after
his loss to Jin Kazama in Honmaru.


At first, Heihachi and Kazuya fought the
JACKs together. But Kazuya fled, leaving
Heihachi to battle the JACKs alone.

The fight would have killed an ordinary
human. But Heihachi, no ordinary man, held
off the JACKs and survived the ambush.


One month later, he learns someone has
taken control of Mishima Zaibatsu and
opened The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.
Heihachi prepares to fight again.

"I don't know who's behind this, but the
Mishima Zaibatsu is mine!" says Heihachi.

   Stage 4: Jack-5                                              Heihachi

You! You're one of those
things that tried to kill me!

So you do not have the ability to speak...

No matter. I will send you back to
the scrap heap from which you came!


I'll show you what it means
to battle with me!

I feel much better now!


   Stage 8: Kazuya                                              Heihachi

How dare you double cross me!

You don't think I would send those stupid
robot bombs to eliminate you, do you?

It appears you've been
betrayed by your own minions as well.

I didn't join this tournament to hear your ramblings...
do you even know who is really behind all of this?

What are you implying?

You just don't get it. This from
the bastard who's been tricking me all this time...

Don't you realize what came from beneath
the rubble of the Honmaru after that explosion?

Beneath...the Honmaru?!
I see...


I suppose he...will be
waiting for me now.

I am going to crush those who
stand before me, just as I did before.

   Before the Final Stage...                                    Heihachi

It's been a long time, Father.

So, you finally decided
to show yourself.

Looks like time
hasn't been too good to you.

We'll see if you could repeat the same
words after seeing this!

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                        Heihachi


Devil's blood or no Devil's blood,
you cannot defeat me...

So the Mishima bloodline ends here...
Do with me as you wish.

Not so fast.

Now, get up!

   CG Ending                                                    Heihachi

This place...


Kazuya! Jin!

:: 2.12  Hwoarang ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: bdbc1

   Prologue                                                     Hwoarang

Jin Kazama's rival.

Near the end of the previous touranment,
the Korean Military arrested Hwoarang.


At the Korean embassy, a man claiming to
be the ambassador passed him a letter.

"I've received this letter for you from the military.
Take a look."

Hwoarang couldn't believe his eyes.


"Get me out of here now," says Hwoarang.

Next day, Hwoarang flew to Korea to complete his training.

Now done with his military service,
Hwoarang is ready to finish Jin Kazama!

   Stage 4: Baek                                                Hwoarang

Hwoarang, you went out by 
yourself again without my permission...

Master! There is someone 
who I must defeat!

Before you can worry about defeating 
others, you must be able to defeat me!


I am sorry Master but I must go. 

I promise you that I will continue 
my training upon my return.

   Stage 8: Jin                                                 Hwoarang

Hey Kazama, looks like this is it.

There are other things that I must do... 
but I will deal with you first.

That's what I like to hear! 
Let's go!


[Jin] win...

That's right, I'm strong! 
Much stronger than you!

That's enough. 
I have to get going.

Hey, wait up! 
Why are you giving up so easily? 

Aren't you ashamed of losing to me?

I don't have time to be swayed by 

I must go to fulfill the destiny of my 
cursed blood.

What...this is so boring! 
This sucks! 

   Epilogue                                                     Hwoarang

Hwoarang finally defeats his rival, Jin Kazama.

What is up next for Hwoarang?

   CG Ending                                                    Hwoarang

This sucks!

You stupid...Come on!

:: 2.13  Jack-5 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: afe7b

   Prologue                                                       Jack-5

A beloved weapon.
GUNJACK protected the physicist Jane
when Tekken fighters attacked her inside
Mishima Zaibatsu Heavy Industries.


The next day, Jane was saved by a
G Corporation freighter. She became an
engineer for G Corporation, developing
JACK-4 and it's successor, JACK-5.


They decided to use The King of Iron
Fist Tournament 5 for field testing.

   Stage 4: Heihachi                                              Jack-5

You! You're one of those
things that tried to kill me!


So you do not have the ability to speak...

No matter. I will send you back to
the scrap heap from which you came!



   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                          Jack-5





   CG Ending                                                      Jack-5

JACK-5 wins while Jane successfully
retrieves JACK-5's memories and data
from Mishima Heavy Industries.

This should do it...
and my dear Jack will awaken again...



:: 2.14  Jin Kazama ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: eedfb

   Prologue                                                          Jin

Jin Kazama.
A child of destiny.
After fighting Kazuya and Heihachi,
an evil spirit welled up within Jin.


Awakened by an unknown voice, Jin looked
around at a forest completely destroyed.

And he knew he was the one who did it.


Returning to Yakushima, Jin was plagued by
nightmares triggering the devil gene.

"If this keeps eating away at me,
I don't know how long I can hold on," says Jin.

Jin sets out on a journey to end this
evil, with destiny as his only guide.

   Stage 4: Hwoarang                                                 Jin

I'm sorry, I can't keep our promise.
Things are a bit different now.

What?! Are you saying there's somebody
out there stronger than me?

That's not what I'm saying. I have
family problems I have to deal with.

Deal with that later!
Let's go!

You give me no choice.


I apologize. I have a duty to complete
this Tournament. No matter what the cost.

I will not accept defeat!

Don't worry.
I'll be back...


   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                             Jin

And who might you be?

I am Jin Kazama.
Heir of the Cursed Blood!

I see. This might explain why my blood is destroy you!

I will deal with this evil presence
once and for all!

You honestly think you can fight me?
Let alone defeat me?

   CG Ending                                                         Jin

(Mishima Zaibatsu Throne Room)

:: 2.15  Julia Chang :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 03f1b

   Prologue                                                        Julia

Julia Chang.
A researcher trying to save the world's forests.

She failed to retrieve her lost data in
the previous tournament. As hard as she
tried to continue her research,
she still needed her old data.


Then, Julia received a mysterious letter
with an invitation to The King of Iron
Fist Tournament 5.


Julia joins the fight with her dreams on the line.

   Stage 4: Ganryu                                                 Julia

Uh-oh! So, in order to get the Forest
Rejuvenation Data I will need to defeat

my dear Julia...oh, but if I lose to
Julia here and if she wins the tournament,

that's good as well...but there's no
guarantee that Julia will win...Ohhhh...

What should I do?

Sir, could you stop babbling
so we can get this over with?

My dear Julia,
your wish is my command.



Ju...Julia! I'm sorry!
I was too weak...

I've gotta go.

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                           Julia

You! Hand over the Forest
Rejuvenation data right now!

What are you talking about?
Get lost!

Not a chance. I'll just
take it from you by force!

   Epilogue                                                        Julia

After she successfully retrieved the "Forest Rejuvenation
Data," Julia built a lab in Arizona so she could devote
herself to her research.


The Arizona desert was not the ideal place for her
research. Her research was a failure.

   CG Ending                                                       Julia

It was... It was all just a dream...

:: 2.16  Kazuya Mishima ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2631e

   Prologue                                                       Kazuya

Kazuya Mishima.
Knocked unconscious by Jin in the battle of Honmaru.

As he came to, he was attacked by JACKs.


"Damn! Are they after me too?!" says Kazuya.

For a while, Kazuya and Heihachi fought
as father and son. But Devil Kazuya flew
away, leaving Heihachi to die alone.


Kazuya enters The King of Iron Fist
Tournament 5 to make the traitors pay.

   Stage 4: Raven                                                 Kazuya

You're the coward that
ran away from danger.

How do you know about that?!
Who are you?

I have no need to explain
anything to you.

You'll be talking soon enough.


There's nothing you 
could do even if I told you.

Start talking!

We were just...we were just observing.
You were betrayed by G Corporation.

That's all.

I already know that!

There has got to be
something else that's kept you around!

We don't know yet, we're still
investigating...but you must know.

What was under the temple?

Under the temple?
So that's it. That damn Heihachi!

   Stage 8: Heihachi                                              Kazuya

How could you betray me?!

As usual, you don't know anything.

Do you really think I would
use such crude tactics?

What? I guess that
means you were tricked as well.

Shut up!
Those bastards are not the problem.

The real question is, who is the one
running this tournament.

What are you implying?

You just don't get it, do you?

This...coming from the bastard
whose been tricking me all this time....

Don't you realize what
came up from beneath

the rubble of Honmaru
after that explosion?


I see...


How many years has it been?...

At least the level of competition
will be better than what I got from him.

I can't wait.

   Before the Final Stage...                                      Kazuya

Are you...Jinpachi?


Yes. I am honored
to meet you again.


   CG Ending                                                      Kazuya

Grandpa... Grandpa!



:: 2.17  King ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 9a4ed

   Prologue                                                         King

A wrestler with the spirit of two champions.

After beating Craig Marduk, he followed
Marduk to the hospital to kill him.
Then he realized revenge was not the answer.


Later, King heard Marduk challenged him
to a rematch wearing the black jaguar's mask.


"I won't let him disgrace my master!" says King.

They will settle their score in The King
of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

   Stage 4: Julia                                                   King

King, please stop!
It's pointless to fight!

You're strong enough.
Don't let Marduk's words get to you!

You leave me with no choice. Okay.
I won't let you go on.


Hold on, Marduk!
After I'm through here, you're next!

   Stage 7: Marduk                                                  King

So, you showed up.

I've changed my ways.
I'll take you down fair and square!


You win...

:: 2.18  Kuma ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: af660

   Prologue                                                         Kuma

Heihachi Mishima's ever-loyal pet.

Kuma finally defeated Paul in The King
of Iron Fist Tournament 4. However...

Heihachi was dead.


Kuma was lost without Heihachi.
Then he learned that the Mishima Zaibatsu
was in chaos. He knew what he had to do.

"Grr grr! (I'll save the Zaibatsu!)"


By the time Kuma reached headquarters,
someone had already taken control.


Kuma was forced back to the mountains.
For Heihachi and the Zaibatsu,
he enters The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5. Grr!

   Stage 4: Xiaoyu                                                  Kuma

You never stop, do you?
You need to move on, Bear.

(I'll follow her to
the end of the world!)

Well, it looks like I'll just have to
make you move on!


(The power of love
led me to victory!)

(But for now, I have to
save the Mishima Zaibatsu.)

   Stage 7: Paul                                                    Kuma

Let's settle this once and for all!

(But I always win anyway.)

Shut it! My goal is to become
the toughest in the universe!

(This tournament isn't as it seems.
Go home while you can.)

Shut your bear trap! I gotta be
the toughest in the universe!

(You're the dumbest
in the universe.)


(Man, you really are weak.)

I can't believe I lost again! Why?!

   CG Ending                                                        Kuma


Heihachi Mishima wishes to see you,
how would you like to proceed?

(Bring him here.)

Right away.


You protected the Zaibatsu for me!
You've done well.

Damn Kuma and his worthless hide...

As long as there's a breath left in my
body, I won't let you do as you please!

:: 2.19  Marshall Law ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cf4c6

   Prologue                                                          Law

Marshall Law.
The Fighting Chef.
After his restaurant failed, Law tried
to revive his career in the previous
tournament. He failed at that, too.


Law, now penniless, stayed in Japan to
work as a dishwasher.

A month later, his wife called him.
Their runaway son was in an accident
riding around on Paul Phoenix's bike.


Faced with his son's mountain of medical
bills, Law prepares to enter The King
of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

   Stage 4: Paul                                                     Law

Paul, Forrest was in an accident.
I really need that prize money.

You gotta let me win.

Marshall, I'm sorry buddy,

but I gotta be the
toughest in the Universe.

You know Forrest!
I'm begging you.

Shut it!

I'm gonna be number 1
and that's final!

Damn you!

You'll be eating fried rice through
a straw when I'm done with you!


Sorry buddy.

I hope you'll still make me
your famous fried rice.


Don't sweat it.
When I win, the prize money is yours.

I'm gonna prove I'm the
toughest in the universe!

That's all I care about!



Sorry Paul.

I'll make it up to you with some
dim sum after I win the tournament.

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                             Law


Are you a Mishima?


Then I'll get the prize money
after I defeat you, right?

Yes. That is correct.

...All right.

Come on!

   Epilogue                                                          Law

Marshall returns to America after his success at the
tournament. He meets with a lawyer to discuss how to
repay his debt.

   CG Ending                                                         Law

Broke again.


Come on man... pay the bill already...

Round 1! Fight!

:: 2.20  Lee Chaolan :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 836d6

   Prologue                                                          Lee

Lee Chaolan.
Heihachi's adopted son and Kazuya's rival.

Lee faced Kazuya in the previous
tournament. Surprised by Kazuya's existence,
Lee lost his focus and the fight.


With Heihachi's death, Lee planned to
take the Zaibatsu. But he was too late.

Lee mutters, "Kazuya's always getting in the way..."


One month later, The King of Iron Fist
Tournament 5 is announced.

Lee says, "Kazuya, this time I'll finish you.
The Mishima Zaibatsu is mine!"

   Stage 4: Kazuya                                                   Lee

Why do you always get in my way?

You're the one who won't
stay put, you maggot.

You stole the position in
the Mishima Zaibatsu from me!

Now, it's time to take back
what's rightfully mine.

You have no idea what's going on.
It's a shame how stupid you are.

Shut up! Quit your
rambling and fight.

Come on.


I did it. I finally did it.
I took out Kazuya!

How could I be so clumsy...

   Stage 7: Heihachi                                                 Lee

It's not possible.
You're supposed to be dead!

You thought that little explosion was
enough to do me in?

You're pathetic!


Well, well. How cocky are you now, father?

   CG Ending                                                         Lee

May I be of service, Master Lee?

Two fingers!

Yes Sir!

Damn that bastard...

You should hurry,
If you don't want to die...

Right away Sir.


:: 2.21  Lei Wulong ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4467a

   Prologue                                                          Lei

Lei Wulong.
A Hong Kong police detective.
Lei became famous after breaking up the
Syndicate in the previous tournament.

Once home, Lei begins looking into who
is destroying dojos throughout China.


Many of Lei's close friends had been
attacked, so he had to do something.

He devoted himself to finding the person
responsible, but the suspect disappeared.


Lei hears of similar crimes in Japan.
The next likely target: The King of Iron
Fist Tournament 5. Now's his chance...

   Stage 4: Wang                                                     Lei

Let me apologize in advance,
Master Wang.

For what?

Please, forgive me for defeating you.

I'll be the one to apologize for that.


Master Wang, you must be familiar
with the incident in China.

I've received information that
he is here and came to investigate.

There is a reason why I came here as well.
I want to know what is happening here...

Please, tell me about it.

   Stage 7: Feng                                                     Lei

So, you're the one
causing all the trouble.

And just who the hell are you?

Detective Lei Wulong of the Hong Kong
Police. I'm placing you under arrest.

Lei Wulong, the master of the
5 Form Kung Fu...interesting.

Come and fight me!


What are you trying to accomplish?

Now, talk!

I'm sure you've heard about
the stolen scroll...

So that's why you are after the
Mishima Zaibatsu...

(Is it releated to what the
Master talked about?)

I guess Jinpachi Mishima
holds the answers...

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                             Lei

Jinpachi, I'm placing you under arrest!

I will destroy all...

This is Jinpachi, Master Wang
talked about?

Why did you send a letter to
Master Wang?

Answer me!

Fight me and you'll
find out the truth!


Now talk!
What are your true intentions?!

It was 40 years ago...
I was confined in the basement of

the Mishima estate after
I was betrayed by my son.

I survived for a while but I eventually

But...even though I died, this "thing"
took over my body and revived me

to my present state. It has denied
me of my right to die on my own terms.

This "thing" tells me to destroy the world
and eliminate anyone who gets in the way.

I have no choice
but to follow its orders.

With my last act of human consciousness,
I sent the letter to Wang.

Then you stole the scroll
from China as well?

That was my son, Heihachi.
I will return it now.

My time has come to an end....

   Epilogue                                                          Lei

Before Lei is able to enjoy his victory at the tournament, he
returns to Hong Kong for a new investigation.

   CG Ending                                                         Lei

Dispatch, this is Detective Lei Wulong.
I have the suspect in custody.

That's gonna leave a mark...

:: 2.22  Craig Marduk ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4137a

   Prologue                                                       Marduk

Craig Marduk.
The once-undefeated Vale Tudo fighter.

Unable to accept his loss to King in the
previous tournament, Marduk transformed
himself into the ultimate weapon.


One day, Marduk, in a black jaguar mask,
beat everyone in a Vale Tudo tournament
to a bloody pulp. "King! You're next!"


The stage is set for a rematch at
The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5!

   Stage 4: Anna                                                  Marduk

Oooh, yeah baby, that's what I'm talking
about. You need to get with me girl.

I am not into Neanderthals.
Go back to your cage.


I ALWAYS get what I want.

   Stage 7: King                                                  Marduk

It's been a while, King.

I've changed my ways.
I'll take you down fair and square!


See that?! I AM the true king!
Numero uno, baby!

   Epilogue                                                       Marduk

Marduk wins the Tournament and is crowned the new

For Marduk, being champion was not enough. He attacked
various martial art champions to show his superiority.

   CG Ending                                                      Marduk

And today's target is...

Come and get some!

Come on! I'll take you both on.
Get out of my face!

Put that camera on me!
No one can stop me!

No one!

:: 2.23  Mokujin :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 6cfb4

   Prologue                                                      Mokujin

Mokujin - cut from a 2000-year-old oak.


Mokujin sprang to life two years ago
when Jin fought Ogre.

With Jin's win, Mokujin ceased to move,
but he had a smile on his wooden face.


Now, a powerful entity forces Mokujin to
take action once again.

Will Mokujin ever be free?

   Stage 4: Roger Jr.                                            Mokujin

(Do you know
where my children are?)

[Roger Jr.]
(I don't know. But if you beat me,
I'll help you find them.)

(You can't even talk!
How can you be of any help?)

[Roger Jr.]
(I'm the one that wears
the pants in my family!)


(I had no choice. A sad and painful result
awaits at the end of this tournament.)

(A future much worse than
you could ever imagine. I can tell.)

:: 2.24  Nina Williams :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 76bfd

   Prologue                                                         Nina

Nina Williams.
An assassin with no memory of her past.

The Syndicate told Nina that Steve Fox
was her own son, but Nina felt nothing.


Later, the Syndicate fell and left Nina
with no purpose. She decided to meet her
sister, Anna, to try to recover her past.


But the moment she saw Anna,
everything came rushing back. Now it's on!


They fought for days. In the end,
the sisters agreed to settle their rivalry
in The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

   Stage 4: Raven                                                   Nina

So, who do you work for?

I have no client at the moment.
Who are you?

I have no name. Some call me Raven,
the dark talon of death.

I'm Nina.
No one who finds out my name lives.


I told you.
No one who finds out my name lives.

No one.

   Stage 7: Anna                                                    Nina

This time...this time
I will kill you!

You don't learn, do you?
Well, come on then.


Do as you wish.

Anna, you're pathetic.

That didn't satisfy me at all.
I refuse to kill you.

You bitch!

That look is priceless.

   Epilogue                                                         Nina

After being inspired by the sibling battle, a movie director
insists on starring them in an upcoming film.


"A movie? I don't think so."

At first, Nina turned down the offer. However, after she
finds out Anna has accepted, she has no choice but to
accept as well.

:: 2.25  Panda :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 506a4

   Prologue                                                        Panda

Ling Xiaoyu's pet bodyguard.
Xiaoyu was very depressed after The King
of Iron Fist Tournament 4.
Panda thought long and hard about
how she could make her happy again.


Panda figured that if she could find Jin
Kazama, Xiaoyu would be happy again.
She searched high and low for Jin...

But to no avail.


One day, Xiaoyu came to her excited.
"I'm entering The King of Iron Fist
Tournament 5. Will you help me again?"
Panda doesn't have a clue why,
but she would do anything for Xiaoyu.

   Stage 4: Kuma                                                   Panda

(Please understand how I feel
and take these flowers.)

(I already told you, I'm too old
for you and I don't feel that way.)

(If you won't be my wife,
then at least accept this!)


(Please save
the Mishima Zaibatsu...)

(If I win, come see me
in the Master's Office.)

   CG Ending                                                       Panda


Kuma wishes to see you,
how would you like to proceed?

(Bring him here.)

Right away.

(My lovely honey!)

(My feelings for you
finally got through you!)

Hiya, Panda!

How ya been?

What's this button do?

We'll find out!


:: 2.26  Paul Phoenix ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: f884a

   Prologue                                                         Paul

Paul Phoenix.
The self-proclaimed toughest fighter in the Universe.

Paul entered the previous tournament to
go head-to-head with Kazuya Mishima,
someone he hadn't fought in 20 years.


But he had to get through someone first.

"Not Kuma again!"

Kuma was tough. Paul got careless for
one instant and Kuma floored him.


"It's time to start all over again," says Paul.

Two months later, Paul is ready for The
King of Iron First Tournament 5.

"I am the toughest fighter in the Universe!" screams Paul.

   Stage 4: Kuma                                                    Paul

What the!...

You again?

(This tournament isn't as it seems.)

(Go home while you can!)

I'm gonna prove
I'm the toughest in the universe.

I don't give a crap
about anything else!

(They're not concerned about you.)

(You're going to get yourself killed
if you stay in this tournament.)

Shut your bear trap!

I'm gonna be the toughest
in the universe!

(Toughest in the universe, huh?
Well you're certainly not the brightest.)


(I'm begging you,
please save the Zaibatsu.)

Yeah baby! Yeah!

I finally mopped the floor
with your bear hide!

No one can stop me from becoming
the toughest in the universe!

(There's no way this idiot would be
able to save Mishima Zaibatsu.)

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                            Paul

My main objective is to destroy all.

While you mortals enjoyed your peaceful,
prosperous existence, I sat imprisoned,

waiting for the day when I would be freed.

For what felt like an eternity, I endured.
I endured all this time,

letting my hatred for humanity fester
inside, growing stronger each day.

I got your freakin' point.

Either way, I'll be the toughest guy on
Earth as soon as I kick your ass, right?

Ten seconds. Ten seconds
and I'll be number one.


I'm the best there is on Earth!
...Watch out universe, 'cause here I come!

...Now how the hell am I supposed
to get to outer space?

   CG Ending                                                        Paul

Any time!  Any place!

Bring it on ya aliens!

:: 2.27  Raven :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 57d3c

   Prologue                                                        Raven

Codename: Raven.
A ruthless member of an international spy
Little is known about him other than the
X on his face.


On a mission to look into the Mishima
Zaibatsu and G Corporation,
he witnessed Heihachi Mishima swarmed by JACKs.


Later, he hears that someone would hold
The King of Iron Fist Tournament 5.

Raven infiltrates the tournament to find out more.

   Stage 8: Heihachi                                               Raven

So you're my opponent.

What?! You died in that explosion!

Me, die? The Mishimas are invincible!

That explosion blew me several miles...

and I found myself in a base
in the middle of the forest.

I must have been on the verge of death
for several weeks...

but I don't have any recollection
of anything that happened.

After I recovered,
I came here...

to... break the neck of the fool that
started this ridiculous tournament!

This is Raven. An unexpected situation
has arisen. What are my orders?

Remain calm. We've confirmed the
situation. Eliminated him. Over.



I have new orders. Your target is the
tournament sponsor, Jinpachi Mishima.

Eliminate him. Over.

Jinpachi? What should
I do with Heihachi?

Let him go.


There's been a change of plans.
Lucky you.

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                           Raven

So you're the one trying
to prevent my resurrection.

Raven here.
Who is this guy?

Jinpachi Mishima. Mankind will be
exterminated if he is fully awakened.

Kill him.

You're kidding!
He's not even human!

We'll debrief you later.
We're counting on you.

Now what?

   CG Ending                                                       Raven

Mission complete.  Returning to HQ.

:: 2.28  Roger Jr. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: cafe7

   Prologue                                                    Roger Jr.

Roger Jr.
A transgenic military kangaroo.
Kazuya and the Mishima Zaibatsu labs
created the first military animal, Roger.


Roger (Daddy) lived in peace after
The King of Iron Fist Tournament 2.

But he was abducted one day,
leaving behind his beloved wife and son.


Roger Jr. enters The King of Iron Fist
Tournament 5 to save his Daddy. Tucked in
Mama's pouch, he gets ready for a fight.

   Stage 4: Mokujin                                            Roger Jr.

[Roger Jr.]
(Hey you, do you know
where my husband is?)

(I don't know. But if you beat me,
I'll help you find him.)

[Roger Jr.]
(You can't even talk!
How can you be of any help?)

(Look who's talking,
Mrs. Kangaroo!)


[Roger Jr.]
(I apologize. I have a duty to complete
this tournament. No matter what the cost.)

(I will not accept defeat!)

[Roger Jr.]
(Don't worry. I'll be back.)

(Roger Jr....)

:: 2.29  Steve Fox :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 33231

   Prologue                                                        Steve

Steve Fox.
A boxing prodigy striving to be the world champion.

Steve entered the previous tournament to
look into the mystery of his birth.


Lei Wulong helped Steve discover that he
was actually a creation of the Mishima
Zaibatsu. Steve vowed revenge.


Just then, Steve learned of The King of
Iron Fist Tournament 5.
The world champion enters without a
second thought.

A determined Steve says, "The Mishima Zaibatsu
will never make another monster like me!"

   Stage 4: Lei                                                    Steve

Steve! You're in the tournament?

Yeah. You here about the guy
who trashed that dojo?

Yes. He's a very dangerous fighter.
I need to warm up.

You up for some sparring?

You're on.


You sure are strong.

I'll take care of that guy
if I run into him.

Thanks. I'll be counting on you.

   Stage 7: Heihachi                                               Steve

So you're the one
behind all of this!

You're grossly mistaken.

Quit playing dumb!
You're gonna tell me everything!


Looks like your research
is a complete failure.

You think this
tournament ends with me?

What do you mean?
Who else is behind this?

Go to ground zero.
That is the last stage of the tournament.

   CG Ending                                                       Steve

After gaining control of the Mishima
Zaibatsu, Steve heads to a certain location.

:: 2.30  Wang Jinrei :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: c1352

   Prologue                                                         Wang

Wang Jinrei.
A relentless merchant.
Jinpachi, his childhood friend, once
told Wang, "To preserve peace, I must
put an end to the Mishima bloodline."
These were Jinpachi's last words to him.


30 years after Wang heard of Jinpachi's death,
he received an invitation to The King of Iron Fist
Tournament 5.

"I need your help. Come see me, Jinrei."

The letter was signed "Jinpachi Mishima".


A confused Jinrei says, "What? Jinpachi is alive?"

Wang enters the tournament to see if his
long lost friend still lives.

   Stage 4: Xiaoyu                                                  Wang

Here we go!

What?! Grandpa?!
What are you doing here?

Oh, Xiaoyu. I'm sorry but I'm a bit busy
at the moment. I can't discuss specifics.

Hey! I have reasons too.
I have to win!

Go away! I don't have
time to explain.

I hate you Grandpa!


I had no choice. A sad and painful result
awaits the end of this tournament.

A future much worse than you
could ever imagine. I can tell.

   Stage 7: Feng                                                    Wang

I don't know what your intentions are,
but get out of here.

I have my own
troubles to worry about.

Young people nowadays...
Come on...


You see? This is as far as you can go.
What do you have to say for yourself?


Well, at least you accept defeat.

Practice, young one, practice. That is all
you need to do. I wish you the best.

   Stage 8: Heihachi                                                Wang

Heihachi?! How did you
survive the explosion?

Wang, Jinpachi was in charge of
this tournament, was he not?

I can't say for certain...
but it is very likely.

I'll be the one to stop him.
Once and for all!

Not so fast. I won't
let you fool me again!


Wang Jinrei,
how can you?...

Power is not the same as strength.

Until you understand this, you will
not be able to defeat me.

Will things ever change?

Why do I have to hurt my
friends to do the right thing?...

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                            Wang

My friend...
I'm surprised you made it...

What...happened to you?
What caused you to turn into this?


I will not harm
my friend ever again!

My consciousness is almost gone...

Don't let this monster take full
control. It will be the end of humanity...

There must be another way!

   CG Ending                                                        Wang

Jinpachi, are you ok?

I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble...

Don't say such things!

We've been through so much
and have always been like brothers.



I wish we could have
had one last drink together...

but I'm afraid my time has come...

Good bye, my dear friend...

It was fun...



It's the curse of the Mishima bloodline!...

it appears that my time has yet to come!

:: 2.31  Ling Xiaoyu :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 94135

   Prologue                                                       Xiaoyu

Ling Xiaoyu.
Out to save the Mishima Zaibatsu.
She learned the Zaibatsu's troubled
history after Yoshimitsu rescued her.


Xiaoyu felt it all began when Heihachi
threw Kazuya into a ravine.

She cried when she heard of Heihachi's death.
"If only I could turn back time..." says Xiaoyu.


Around then, a scientist told her he
could create a time machine...for a price.

She opens her invitation to The King of
Iron Fist Tournament 5. With the prize
money, she could make everything right.

   Stage 4: Jin                                                   Xiaoyu


this tournament is dangerous!

Leave at once!

No! If certain things in the past didn't
happen, then Grandpa Heihachi

wouldn't have had to die like he did.
I'm going to turn back the hands of time!

Time can't be reversed.
Heihachi is dead.

Whatever is in charge of the Zaibatsu is
something far more dangerous than him!

I'll make everything like it was!
All of it!


I'm sorry, Jin. I had to...

But wait...
If I win the tournament,

we can go back to the good times,
the way things used to be...

I know it!

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                          Xiaoyu


If I can take this guy down, the prize
money and time machine will be mine.

I have to win!


Thank you, and goodbye...

What do you mean "Thank you?" Who am I
supposed to get the prize money from?!

   CG Ending                                                      Xiaoyu

If I'm successful,
maybe everybody will be happy...


So, are you scared?

Dammit, you old fart!

Let me go!

(Well, if he's going to have a chance as
my successor, he must have no fear.)

Looks like it didn't work...
I guess you just can't change the past...

No matter what happened in the past,
it's impossible to rewrite history.

The best you can hope for
are minor improvements!

:: 2.32  Yoshimitsu ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: f0bef

   Prologue                                                   Yoshimitsu

A ninja helping the poor.
While breaking into the Mishima
Zaibatsu's vault, he found an injured
Bryan Fury and helped him escape.


A month later, when Yoshimitsu visited
Dr. Boskonovich's lab, he found his
comrades dead. This was Bryan's thanks.


"He'll pay for what he's done," says Yoshimitsu.

Learning Bryan will fight in The King of
Iron Fist Tournament 5, Yoshimitsu
sharpens his sword and enters the fray.

   Stage 4: Raven                                             Yoshimitsu

Fight with all you have!

You...a ninja?
There's no way!

This...coming from
a wannabe ninja.

This isn't part of my main objective,
but I will not lose this fight!


Rin Pyoh Toh Sha...

You've got it all wrong!

Sha like this! Sha, Sha.
There! Now, ready?

Kai Jin Retsu Zai Zen!

No, you're hopeless!

   Stage 7: Bryan                                             Yoshimitsu

I've found you at last!

You're gonna wish you
never found me!

Mortal enemy...
Prepare for your death!


It's over. Sit down.
I will deliver the final blow.

Insolent bastard! Stop!

   CG Ending                                                  Yoshimitsu


 3.  C H A R A C T E R S  ( T D R )                                     6bc59

::: 3.1  Armor King ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0603c

   Prologue                                                   Armor King

The mysterious masked wrestler, Armor King...


Just who is behind the steel armor and black jaguar mask
and what do they seek?

The answer is veiled in mystery.

   Stage 4: Marduk                                            Armor King


I don't know who you are
but you'll pay for messing with me!


Who...who the hell are you?

:: 3.2  Sergei Dragunov ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a9c4f

   Prologue                                                     Dragunov

A frozen land buried in dense sub arctic forests.
While undergoing geological research in preparation
for the development of natural resources, an anomalous
object is discovered below the permafrost.

The military quickly calls special forces into action
and the entire area is completely sealed off.
The mysterious object is then transferred under absolute
secrecy to a research facility for further study.


A month later, military headquarters receive
an investigative report regarding the mysterious
object and decides to order one of the men working
at the dig on a clandestine mission.

That man is Dragunov, a member of an elite special
forces team who is feared in battlefronts throughout
the world as the White Angel of Death.

He acknowledges the mission with a silent nod
and leaves for Japan.

   Stage 4: Raven                                               Dragunov

So, you're...

I'm on to you and your organization.
Give up and go back to Russia.

Prepare to die.


(no dialogue)

   Stage 8: Devil Jin                                           Dragunov

[Devil Jin]
You insolent fool...

Leave now!


(no dialogue)

::: 3.3  Lili Rochefort ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 6ac93

   Prologue                                                         Lili

Lili, the only daughter of a wealthy oil magnate in Monaco.
Four years ago, she was captured and held ransom for that
very reason.
While in captivity, she struggled violently to
free herself, taking out one of her captors.
That fight triggered her hunger for battle.


However, Lili's father was a good hearted man
who hated conflict.

"I don't want father to be upset with me...
but I also want to fight."

Lili could no longer control her urge to fight.
Under the guise of a simple vacation, she used
the family's private jet to take part
in street fighting tournaments around the world.


One day, she receives an invitation to a certain
fighting tournament from an opponent she defeated
in San Francisco.

Lili soon realizes that the host of this tournament
was none other than the Mishima Zaibatsu, the main
sources of her father's problems.

She decides to enter the tournament and put an end
to her father's troubles.

   Stage 4: Ganryu                                                  Lili

This place is breathtaking.

I really like it here.

I can never find my way around
this place. Heh heh.

Miss, can you take a look at this?

Do you know this place?

Wow, such robust eyebrows!

Just like my father's!

No, I can't...

I must remain focused until 
I've defeated Mishima!


You have a strapping face

but you're not very good, are you?

Ha ha ha.

   Final Stage: Jinpachi                                            Lili

So you're Mishima!


My name is Jinpachi Mishima!

I must eliminate you....
for my father's sake!

   CG Ending                                                        Lili

Now that I have taken care of the Mishima
Zaibatsu for my father, I'm sure he would
be thrilled.

Truly splendid, miss Lili...

Sebastian, you're too much!
I only did what any daughter would do.
Ha ha ha...

[TV news reporter]
"Rochefort enterprises, a world-famous
oil company, has filed for bankruptcy.
Industry analysts speculate it is due
to the split-up of the Mishima Zaibatsu,
a major business partner.

Ha ha ha...

 4.  M I S C E L L A N E O U S                                          3c388

 :: 4.1  Things To Do ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 0adea

1) Devil Within?

2) finish the FAQ for the Japanese version

3) Upload my video captures of the Story Battle to Maxi's FTP

 :: 4.2  Rantings ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ae0b2

- Anyone who thinks Tekken 5 needs wall tech is an idiot!

- I can't believe people are complaining about the "no language barriers" in
  the Story Battle!  Would you rather have all the "Asians" speak Japanese 
  and "non-Asians" speak English (like Soul Blade), or have EVERYONE speak 
  Japanese (like Soul Calibur), or listen to forced and unintentionally
  hilarious English (like Tekken 4)?  If you can't appreciate the Baek, 
  Hwoarang, Feng, and Wang voiceovers (among others), you're an idiot!  
  Spoken Korean is absolutely beautiful (if spoken by a pretty girl), and 
  Chinese is (last time I checked) still exotic in video games.  Exotic
  means "cool."

- Baek IS better than Hwoarang!  I'm absolutely convinced that a well played
  Baek is better AND flashier than Hwoarang ever could be!  And stop calling
  Hwoarang "Bob"!  Look how many damn "Who is Bob?" threads there are in the
  TZ forums!  And where the hell did "Boy On Bike" come from?  That's the
  stupidest thing I've ever heard... and I've heard A LOT of stupid things!

- Hurry up and put Tekken online, Namco!  I don't care if you have to create
  the technology yourself, just DO IT!  And what's with the people saying
  "I'd rather have no online play than bad online play"?  IF YOU DON'T WANT

 5.  L I N K S                                                          decc5

The FAQ's search function was made possible by using MD5.  I just copied each
line of the table of contents and pasted it into an online JavaScript MDS
converter.  I then used the first five digits as the code for the search
function.  Pretty clever, eh!?

 6.  T H A N K S                                                        d77fa

Thanks to my cousin and his "questionably obtained" Tekken 5...  but I have to
thank the makers of the Swap Magic even more!  That thing is simply INSPIRED.
It works great and tells everyone both "I'm too cool for my PS2 front cover"
and "I can play imports and 'backups'".  Also, thanks to Leadtek, the makers
of WinFast TV 2000, the best video capture card out there (second to whatever
the heck Castel uses).  You don't think I recorded all these dialogues on a
videotape and pressed the Pause button like an animal, do you?

Oh, and thanks to everyone who e-mailed about the FAQ!  Glad to know I wasn't
just amusing myself by writing this.

More people to thank (as of v. 3.00)...

- Boris17
- Tony2Times
- Sean Bailey
- Andrew Skoric

 7.  V E R S I O N  H I S T O R Y                                       70433

- v. 3.00 [2007.03.20]
  Added the stories for the DR characters, fixed more errors, and added an
  even better search function. 

- v. 2.00 [2005.07.15]
  Added the story prologues, epilogues and CG endings, and fixed a few small 
  errors here and there.

- v. 1.00 [2005.05.01]
  First release.


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