Strategy Guide - Guide for Ganbare Goemon: Mononoke Sugoroku
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The Mystical Web Site of Goemon Presents The Walkthrough for Ganbare Goemon - Mononoke Douchuu Tobidase Nabe-Bugyou! (Game Boy Color - Version 1.0) Brought to you by Super Saiyan Goemon Of The Mystical Team of Goemon *Contents 1: Introduction and Disclaimer 2: Characters 3: Monsters / Monster Weakness Table 4: The Options and Battle Menus 5: How to Capture a Monster 6: Walkthrough 7: Special Thanks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read this disclaimer please! YOU ARE NOT TO SELL OR MAKE ANY MONEY FROM THIS GUIDE. YOU MAY NOT COPY THIS GUIDE, OR CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN. IF YOU WISH TO POST THIS GUIDE AT YOUR SITE, E-MAIL ME FOR PERMISSION. THIS GUIDE ALSO APPEARS AT, 1: Introduction Hello I am S.S. Goemon and this is my first guide so bear with me! 2: Characters GOEMON -Magic spells FLAME WHIP (Effects one enemy: strong attack spell. ~Fire Type~) REPEATED COIN ATTACK (Effects entire enemy group: weak attack spell. ~Normal Type~) -Attack: GOOD -Defense: GOOD -Speed: GOOD -Magic: VERY GOOD -Health: MEDIUM Goemon is probably best at fighting bosses or major enemies. EBISUMARU -Magic spells POISON ATTACK (Effects one enemy: lowers enemy defense, also starts draining enemy health. ~Normal Type~) CANCEL ATTACK (Effects one enemy: ruins opponents next attack, but not always. ~Normal Type~) -Attack: POOR -Defense: VERY GOOD -Speed: VERY POOR -Magic: MEDIUM -Health: VERY GOOD Ebisumaru is good for battling monsters that you want to catch. SASUKE -Magic spells SASUKE BLAST (Effects entire enemy group: strong attack spell. ~Metal Type~) FOCUS POWER (Effects Sasuke: Raises attack power in battle. ~Normal Type~) -Attack: VERY GOOD -Defense: POOR -Speed: GOOD -Magic: MEDIUM -Health: VERY POOR FIREWALKING: Sasuke can walk on lava. Sasuke is best for boss battles, or major enemies (like Goemon). YAE -Magic Spells RECOVER (Effects one ally: Recovers some health. ~Normal Type~) DEFENCE RAISE (Effects one ally: Raises defense power in battle. ~Normal Type~) -Attack: VERY POOR -Defense: MEDIUM -Speed: VERY GOOD -Magic: GOOD -Health: GOOD MERMAID: Yae can swim underwater. As with Ebisumaru, she is best used to catch monsters. You get Yae in the second town. Other Characters OMITSU (Goemon's Girlfriend) - Saves game for you. WISE MAN (Sasuke's Creator) - Saves game and gives you certain important items. GOEMON IMPACT (Goemon's Giant Robot Counterpart) - Once you have IMPACT'S CONCH SHELL, you can summon him in battle for a super attack. {HOWEVER YOU MUST BE POWERED UP TO A CERTAIN DEGREE BEFORE HE CAN BE CALLED} *HYPER IMPACT BEAM : Effects entire enemy group: EXTREMELY STRONG ATTACK - VERY EFFECTIVE AGAINST ANY ENEMY!) MONSTER GUARDIAN(An old man who trains monsters) - Keeps your monsters in a pot for you, and also saves your game. KING OF EDO - Saves your game. HUSKY TRAINER - Lets Yae enter Husky race bonus game, also saves game. KORYUTA (The son of the Dragon god) - A young boy who can turn into a dragon, fought as a boss, takes you to water shrine and tropical island village. 3: Monsters and Monster Weakness Table (This isn't quite finished, so expect some mistakes in this!) *Monster Types FIRE Weakness : Water, Metal, Fire, Rock Strengths : Ice, Plant, Insect WATER Weakness : Ice, Water, Metal, Plant Strengths : Fire, Rock ROCK Weakness : Water, Ice, Plant, Rock Strengths : Insect, Normal, Fire PLANT Weakness : Ice, Fire, Plant, Insect Strengths : Rock, Water AIR Weakness : Human, Air, Ice, Metal Strengths : Insect, Plant ICE Weakness : Ice, Fire, Ghost Strengths : Metal, Rock, Plant HUMAN Weakness : Ghost, Human Strengths : None METAL Weakness : Metal, Ice, Ghost Strengths : Insect, Fire GHOST Weakness : Normal, Ghost Strengths : None NORMAL Weakness : Ghost, Rock, Metal Strengths : None INSECT Weakness : Fire, Rock, Ice, Insect Strengths : Plant MONSTER LIST : There are 146 monsters total! I haven't caught them all but I will post it when I do! 4: Options and Battle Menu What The Options Say *STATUS ITEMS : You can use items, equip items and such when you click here. YAE'S HEALING CHARACTER SWITCH LEAVE LEVEL OPTIONS SAVE *BATTLE MENU ATTACK-----SWITCH CHARACTERS-----RUN! If you select attack then you will open up another menu whch says: ATTACK! press >(Right) on the D-pad for CAPTURE MAGIC USE ITEM 5: How to Capture a Monster You'll need to complete the first action stage, then go back to OEDO TOWN, and head to the temple in the north of the town. Go up into the grounds, and if there is an old man blocking the door, go to OEDO castle, then come back here. Now go inside the building an speak to the old man (The Monster Guardian). Now you can catch monsters. To do this, you need to wear down the beast's health. Once it's low enough, put you cursor over attack, then press Right on the D-pad for the capture option. Your character should then "Suck" them in and capture them. Return to the Guardian to attach the monster to a character and other stuff (he won't let you attach monsters until you've caught at least 3 monsters!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6: Walkthrough 1.1: OEDO TOWN (Town) You begin just outside of Omitsu's coffee shop, so go up over the bridge and then head left over the next bridge and onto the next area (OEDO castle). Make you way up the steps and talk to the King, then talk to Wiseman. It seems that Edo Castle has vanished into thin air! Well, Wiseman will give you 200 coins, then leave OEDO castle back to just outside, talk to the man on the left and he will let you out of town. As you leave, then you will see that 3 strange people are spying on Wiseman. (Before you leave town I suggest that you visit the shop; the owner will offer you a handy starting kit wih healing armor and some weaponry, but it costs 195 coins. Equip the stuff and leave town.) 1.2: KAI HIGHWAY (Action) You can't catch any monsters yet I'm afraid, so just fight baddies for experience and make you way through the level. Return here when you have the capture ability and catch some monsters (The Bunny-robot thing is a good choice!) 1.3: MT FUJI (Action) Go up to the big stone head. You will be joined by a strange little devil-monster, Sigura. He will fill you in on some info, thrn you should go back to OEDO town. 1.4: OEDO TOWN AGAIN!(Town) Quickly go back to OEDO castle, AND Wiseman will then tell you that he was approached by a strange elf-woman. Then the elf-woman and other two villians will appear, and they will do their Team-rocket wannabe pose. Then the large burly member of the trio (BOSS 1) Imari will take on Goemon in a one on one battle! Once the fight is over, go back to the top of town and find the Monster guardian in the temple, and he will give you the ability to capture monsters. BOSS 1: IMARI You can't beat this steroid enhanced freak I'm afraid, so just use up your flame whip and wait for him to knock you out. 1.5: KEGON (Action) This is Tricky but catch as many monsters as possible here, this is the first level you encounter Plant-type enemies! Explore the level for chests and basically raid everything. DUNGEON 1: WIND TOWER (Boss Level) BIG TIP: When you are outdoors in this level, immediatly change to Ebisumaru. Since he's so horizontally challenged he'll keep you on the castle wall. Goemon and Sasuke are too light and they get blown off as soon as they take 2 steps forward! Follow the paths around, and soon you'll have to fight Miroku and Takeru as a mid-boss as soon as you let Sasuke and Goemon into the tower by pushing the blue. Just keep heading up after the fight and you'll eventually get to a yellow crystal, then you'll have to fight the boss! MID-BOSS: MIROKU and TAKERU (Minor Bosses) BOSS2: PLASMA MAN (Main Boss) 2.1: NORTHERN TOWN (Town) Yae joins your party as you walk into town. SAVE AS SOON AS YOU GET IN FOR THERE IS A DIFFICULT BOSS IN THIS TOWN. BOSS 3: WEREWOLF (Major enemy; appears later as a standard enemy!) Ok this guys kinda tricky, so you must first just survive as Goemon in the first part, then when the other team members join in, switch to Sasuke and keep slashing him with your Kunais. Heal when needed, then once you've defeated the beast, he'll get upset and run away. 2.2: GALLEON STAGE (Challenge : Complete level in 15 minutes or die!) I suggest you be around level 15 to 20 for this level. You have about 15 minutes to complete it, and every five minutes you will hear a strange noise (a warning noise)! There are three warning noises, after the third, the boat sinks and you are food for the fish! (in other words, YOU DIE)! You may need to come back to this stage, because there are some monsters that can only be caught from this stage! Just explore around and try to find the exit, then quickly defeat the boss and you're out of the level! MID-BOSS: BLOB and WINGED MONSTER The Blob will turn up in the water shrine as an opponent, so just keep blasting away with Goemon and Sasuke's magic powers, and if you run out, just resort to normal attacks. 3.1: SNOW VILLAGE (Town) 3.2: MT.FEAR (Action) I suggest you try to catch the cat fire thing here. DUNGEON 2: ICE CASTLE (Boss Level) This castle is just a big maze, but here's a tip: When you get to a room that goes left, up or right you should go up; the right way is just a bunch of monsters with a treasure box. BOSS 4: DRILL (Main Boss) You should definitely save here and heal yourself at the statue before you fight this guy. 3.3: SNOW VILLAGE (Town) 3.4: HUSKY RACE (Bonus Mission) Just whack the A and B buttons one after the other as fast as you can to win the first round, then re-try and you will be racing one of the bad guys, Miroku. Defeat her in the race to get the Cannon pass. If you go visit the Husky Trainer in his house, challenge him and beat him again. He will give you the DOGSPEAK ability (you may now talk to the dogs). Go up to the fun-fair and talk to the guy at the cannon. Watch the funny cut-scene and then make your way to Port Town. 4.1: PORT TOWN (Town) You should buy the blade things, armor,etc., and equip your party with them. Stock up on healing items. BOSS 5: AQUA-BEAST (Boss) With healing items, these guy shouldn't be that hard. MID-BOSS: KORYUTA (Minor Boss) Just keep fight him and he will lead you to the water temple. DUNGEON 3: WATER SHRINE (Boss Level) I think this probably the most confusing castle, so I suggest you be around level 25 before you come here. BOSS 6: THAISAMBA 5, GUARDIAN OF THE SHRINE (Main Boss) This Thaisamba is a lot smaller than the other ones but it's a lot harder than them to, so just use Goemon and Sasuke's magic. That will get his HP down, then attack with normal attacks. Make sure you have healing items with you! 5.1: HIDDEN VILLAGE (Town) 5.2: THE MISSING GIRL (Mission) Go to the top left corner of town you will see a building thing. Go to the house you woke up in and a guy will come in. Then go back to that place, and soon you'll see a girl with a tiger. BOSS 7: TIGER BEAST (Major enemy; appears afterward as a standard enemy.) This guy is pretty tough but you should be able to handle him. 5.3: THE LAVA FIELDS (Action) Switch to Sasuke (because he can walk on lava), and eventually you will run into Imari, Miroku, and Takeru. They seem to be searching for something, so go up a little, then to the left and get a treasure box. DUNGEON 4: FIRE TEMPLE (Boss Level) When you get there the trio pushes you out of the way and goes in first. This temple is kinda weird; you must push these things that look like levers to move the floor to go to the next room. BOSS 8: MASTER OF FIRE (Main Boss) This guy is a really hard boss, especially when there isn't a road guard there to save and heal. 6.6: THE SECRET DOJO - PART 1 (Boss Level) When you get there I suggest you pay the guy 2000 ryo because you wrecked the guys temple and all, plus I think he builds it faster if you do. This guy also pits you against these monsters before you can get to the next floor. BOSS 9: THE WHITE TIGER (Main Boss) BOSS 10: BIG TURTLE (Main Boss) 6.7: KORYUTA RETURNS (Mission) 7.1: TROPICAL ISLAND VILLAGE (Town) be continued! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7: Special Thanks Gerimon Impact: For helping me write this guide. Black Dragon Sasuke: For helping me get through levels when I got stuck. The Mystic Ninja: For postponing the due dates on this strategy guide. {No problem! ~The Mystic Ninja~} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS HAS BEEN A PRESENTATION OF THE MYSTICAL WEB SITE OF GOEMON AUTHORED BY SUPER SAIYAN GOEMON ( ) IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THIS WALKTHROUGH, PLEASE E-MAIL THE MAIN AUTHO