Strategy Guide - Guide for Mechwarrior 2
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Kung Fu Gecko's Unofficial Strategy Guide for MECHWARRIOR 2 v1.0 by Kung Fu Gecko (Garett Choy) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction a Preface b Spoiler warning c Background d Disclaimer e Copyright f Where to get this FAQ z Version history 2 Clans 3 Mechs a Mech chassis b Weapons c Equipment 4 Single Player Mission Guide a Jade Falcon Missions b Wolf Missions 5 Combat Tips 1 INTRODUCTION 1a PREFACE MechWarrior 2 (MW2) is an older game by now, but it is still a very high quality game. I finally got the game when I bought a Monster3D card and loved the game. The problem was, even though MW2 has been around a long time, even though several people have written their own FAQ's and mech design recommendations, and although there are many fan groups and web pages; for some reason no one has written a complete mission guide for the single player missions! So that's why I've written this strategy guide. 1b SPOILER WARNING This mission guide contains information and tips which may spoil your experience and enjoyment of the game MechWarrior 2 since it reveals information before you experience it for yourself. I recommend that you only use this if you've played it to completion by yourself, or you are stuck and need some hints to move forward. 1c BACKGROUND 1d DISCLAIMER This document is meant for unofficial informational purposes only, and is not for profit. It is not endorsed by Activision. Company names, logos and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. 1e COPYRIGHT This document is copyright April 1998, Garett Choy. Permission is granted to reproduce, provided it remains whole and intact. No modifications, deletions, or additions may be made without the expressed written permission of the author. 1f WHERE TO GET THIS FAQ This FAQ is available and is most up to date at my MechWarrior 2 home page located at: 1z VERSION HISTORY v1.0 First published draft of this guide. 2 CLANS The amount of background story available for the player to read in MW2 is astounding. You may find the stories interesting, as they tell the history of the formation of the Clans, the history of two of the clans since the formation, the societies, weapons, and goals. However, if you have no interest in reading these stories, then this explanation should suffice. While wars ravaged the Earth, a society of humans in another part of the galaxy was formed by one man, Nicholas Kerensky. He created a warrior society which upholds honor above all else. Several clans exist within the society, all at competition with each other for the final return to Earth. In MW2, you have the chance to play as a mechwarrior pilot for two different clans: Jade Falcon Clan or the Lone Wolf Clan. 3 MECHS The vehicle you pilot in MW2 is the evolution of the military tank, called the "battle mech" or "mech" for short. Best described as giant robots, they are huge, tough, and carry powerful weapons; unlike the fast, agile armor suits you may have seen in Japanese Anime cartoons. Mechs are modeled after animal-like physiology; particularly in the design of its mobility mechanisms. The mech moves itself by walking or running with its robot legs. Weapons are mounted to any available part of the body, but primarily in the arms or torso areas. To keep balance, they have an internal gyro system, removing the need for the pilot to worry about keeping the robot standing upright. In MW2 (not so in MW2: Mercenaries) the gyro system is able to keep a mech standing upright even when one leg has been blown off the mech. Even more amazing, the one-legged mech will still be able to rotate it's position! The pilot of the mech sits in the "head" of the mech. This area is often well protected and difficult to hit since destroy this area will kill the pilot inside, rendering the mech disabled. Jump jets can sometimes be added to mechs to give them low flight capabilities and increased maneuverability. 3a MECH CHASSIS Here is a quick reference chart of all the available mech chassis' in MW2. Cruise Max Heat MechName Tonnage Speed Speed Armor Sinks Legs -------- ------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ---- Firemoth 20 108 162 2 10d man Kit Fox 30 64.8 97.2 4 10d bird Jenner II-C 35 97.2 151.2 4 10d man Nova 50 54 86.4 10 18d bird Storm Crow 55 64.8 97.2 9.5 22d bird Mad Dog 60 54 86.4 8.5 12d bird Hellbringer 65 54 86.4 8 13d man Rifleman II-C 65 32.4 54 11 20d man Summoner 70 54 86.4 9.5 14d man Timber Wolf 75 54 86.4 12 16d bird Gargoyle 80 54 86.4 11 16d man Warhammer IIC 80 43.2 64.8 12 20d man Warhawk 85 43.2 64.8 13.5 20d bird Marauder IIC 85 43.2 64.8 11.5 21d bird Dire Wolf 100 32.4 54 19 19d bird Special Note: The Nova mech design has its legs attached to the head at the position of the ears so it has no ability to perform a torso twist. It can angle the leg orientation to give a very narrow arc approximation of torso twist. But with this drawback, it gains the advantage of being the fastest mech available with several available locations for weapons. 3b WEAPONS MW2 makes a variety of weapons available for you to use. Each weapon has its strengths and weaknesses; you'll find that outfitting your mech with a variety of weapons will be crucial for your success. The energy weapons, the lasers, are the only weapons which do not require ammunition, and will most likely be standard weapons for all your mechs to use. Range Ammo WEAPON TYPE HEAT DAMAGE (In Meters) TONNAGE CRITICAL (per ton) ----------- ---- ------ ----------- ------- -------- --------- ER Laser (Lg) 12 10 1019 4 1 - ER Laser (Med) 5 7 510 1 1 - ER Laser (Sm) 2 5 255 0.5 1 - ER PPC 15 15 746 6 2 - Pulse Laser (Lg) 10 10 815 6 2 - Pulse Laser (Med) 4 7 408 2 1 - Pulse Laser (Sm) 2 3 204 1 1 - Gauss Rifle 1 15 1820 12 6 8 LB 2-X AC 1 2 800 5 8 45 LB 5-X AC 1 5 700 7 4 20 LB 10-X AC 2 10 600 10 5 10 LB 20-X AC 6 20 450 12 9 5 Machine Gun 0 2 175 0.25 1 200 Ultra AC/2 1 2 700 5 2 45 Ultra AC/5 1 5 600 7 3 20 Ultra AC/10 3 10 500 10 4 10 Ultra AC/20 7 20 400 12 8 5 SRM-2 2 2/missile 497 0.5 1 50 SRM-4 3 2/missile 497 1 1 25 SRM-6 4 2/missile 497 1.5 1 15 Streak SRM-2 2 * 497 1 1 50 Streak SRM-4 3 * 497 2 1 25 Streak SRM-6 4 * 497 3 2 15 LRM-5 2 1/missile 1000 1 1 24 LRM-10 4 1/missile 1000 2.5 1 12 LRM-15 5 1/missile 1000 3.5 1 8 LRM-20 6 1/missile 1000 5 4 6 Extended-Range Lasers - These are your standard laser weapons. There are no "regular range lasers" in this game, so these lasers are as basic as it gets. When firing a laser, the lasers will require a second or two to recharge before you can fire them again; so they are by no means a "rapid fire" weapon. However, when grouped together and fired sequential (chain fire), they can be very formidable weapons to your victim. Long range lasers are great for sniping your opponent from a far distance, especially if he has no long range weapons! Just remember that lasers build up heat quickly. Extended-Range PPC - This energy weapons fires a big ball of energy which causes the most damage per shot of any energy weapon. PPC's are great for delivering hit and run damage when you only have enough time to fire a few shots before you're taking cover again. PPC's shots have a huge range, but travel very slowly, so lead your target as necessary. Also, they generate an enormous amount of heat. Pulse Lasers - These are essential rapid fire versions of the ER lasers. They have about 20% shorter range than the ER lasers as well. They are great for close combat, where you need to deliver as much damage as quickly as possible. The drawback is that they generate heat as rapidly as they fire. Gauss Rifle - Lb-X Autocannon - Machine Gun - This weapon has very short range and doesn't deliver a lot of damage. However, since it generates no heat, they are great for use in those close combat situations where you need to cool down but can't afford to or don't want to give the enemy a break from your punishment. Ultra Autocannon - Short-Range Missiles - These missiles deliver short range death to your enemy. They do twice the amount of damage per missile over the long-range variety and reload quicker. They come in several varieties; firing 2, 4, or 6 missiles at a time depending upon the type of weapon used. For example, SRM2 will fire 2 missiles at a time, while a SRM6 will fire 6 at a time. This model of SRM does not lock on to your target, so aim a fire when you are ready. Streak Short-Range Missles - These are basically the same as the standard SRM's, but with computer control added on. You can now lock onto your opponent and fire the missiles. The missiles will guide themselves to your locked target. Long-Range Missles - These missiles are great for taking out an enemy before he even knows you are there. Within 1000 km, the computer guided missiles can lock on to you opponent. These are particularly effective when used to lob the missiles over a hill that your target is behind, damaging or destroying him without him even being able to see you! LRM's also cause "splash damage", the damage caused be the explosion of the missile to anything in the near vicinity of it's place of impact. The splash damage effect is particularly useful when enemies are bunched closely together. However, at the same time this is the exact reason why you don't want to shoot LRM's at an opponent who is very near your own mech. 3c EQUIPMENT Jump Jets - These are extremely useful jet propulsion options for mechs. They can be used for low altitude flying or hovering, reaching high platforms, slowing the fall off a high platform, jumping over your opponent (and possibly landing on him), spinning your mech for sharp turns, and moving in a direction quickly. Jump jet power is limited to a limited, but rechargable energy source, giving you limited jet time. When not in use, the jet energy source will automatically (slowly) recharge. The manual isn't very clear about control of the jets. To jet vertically, use the 'J' key. For level-forward or level-backwards jetting, use the 'HOME' and 'END' keys. 'INSERT' and 'PAGEUP' keys will jet you level forward, while turning left or right. Finally, the 'DELETE' and 'PAGEDOWN' keys spin your mech right or left very quickly. Heat Sinks - You need these to increase your rate of cooling down. The more heat sinks you have, the more often you can fire your weapons (like lasers) without having to wait for your mech to cool down. 4 SINGLE PLAYER MISSION GUIDE Supposedly there are 16 missions per clan allegiance (there are two allegiances). However, 4 of the 16 missions on both sides are "trials of rank" where you go against one mech of your own clan in a closed arena to try and increase your rank. Will have the choice during the trial to challenge a second mech for extra rank. These so called "missions" are very short, don't require a lot of thought, and don't bring you to new and exciting places. There really are only 12 real missions for each allegiance, most of which are very good ones. 4A JADE FALCON MISSIONS Jade Falcon Mission 1: Silent Thunder Primary: DESTROY the HPG UPLINK at NAV ALPHA Secondary: DESTROY the COMMUNICATIONS ARRAY at NAV BETA Tertiary: DESTROY all ENEMY MECHS in the area Return: Dustoff site: NAV GAMMA Head on over to nav Alpha. An enemy helicopter will circle over head; destroy it. Two enemy mechs are guarding the HPG uplink just past the hill. Take them out using LRM's or long range fire first then move in for the kill. The HPG uplink is that strange building which keeps shooting green energy pulses into the air. Destroy this structure with an energy weapon. Head to nav Beta. On the way there, you'll see a mining complex with a moving bar on a track which you can destroy. Continue on to nav Beta where another mech and two turrets are. Destroy the communications array there. Mission 2: Arkham Bridge Primary: DESTROY all ENEMY UNITS in the area Secondary: DEFEND the INDUSTRIAL PLANT at NAV KAPPA Tertiary: DESTROY any TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return Dustoff site: NAV LAMBDA Immediately after touch down, head to nav Theta which is a mountain path. A huge mountain is between you and the cities and this path is the only way you'll make it there in time. At nav Iota, two enemy mechs are waiting around a ruined city. You can take out one of the mechs with your LRM's, but the other mech is behind the buildings. At least disable both of these mechs then head straight for the industrial plant at nav Kappa. It will be attacked by two enemy mechs about the time you reached the first city so take these two out with LRM's and rush at them to take them out. Now you can go back and destroy any mechs you disabled. Mission 3: Mirror Cage Primary: DESTROY the DROPSHIP at NAV ZETA Secondary: DESTROY all DEFENDING MECH UNITS Return: Dustoff site: NAV ETA The default mech has two batteries of LRM's and they come in handy. Head towards nav Zeta. The ground is very hilly in this area, so use them to your advantage. Get up on a hill. A mech will begin to head towards your direction. The hill that he is near will prevent him from firing at you as he climbs it. Just as he reaching the top of the hill, launch your LRM's to give him a nasty welcome. Continue towards the drop ship where you'll encounter three enemy mechs guarding the drop ship. They don't seem to notice you immediately, so stand on the nearby hill top and launch LRM's at them until they do, then engage them. Another mech out in the distance will come to their aid, so lay waste to him as well. Finally, just stop and blow up the drop ship. Mission 4: Bone Machine Primary: DEFEND the FIREBASE Secondary: DESTROY all ATTACKING UNITS Return: Base: NAV GAMMA LRM's are incredibly valuable on this mission. Fortunately the default mech has them. You are the lone mech defending the firebase. There are a few turrets, but they don't seem to help you much. Stay where you are until the first enemy mech approaches. Go just outside the base and shoot LRM's at him. Then continue your patrol. The enemy has the gall to send one of their drop ships flying over head, pause very near the base, and release two enemy mechs. Fire LRM's at the arrogant bastards as the mechs jump off the hovering drop ship. As you take out both mechs, two groups of two mechs each will approach from other sides of the base. Disable and destroy them as quickly as you can. Trial 1: Fight for Honor and Rank Mission 5: Bouk Obelisk Primary: DESTROY any/all OPPOSITION encountered Return: ISOTOPE PROCESSOR: NAV PHI There are several nav points, but you'll only have to worry about two. You will receive a distress call from a friendly mech at nav Upsilon. A friendly really is there, but it's also a trap. Two groups of three mechs each are surrounding nav Upsilon so head at an angle to attack one of the groups. The friendly will help you fight, but don't depend on him too much. He will eventually bug out and head to nav Phi, where you started, and that's exactly what you want because escorting him safely there becomes part of your objectives. After defeating the mechs at Upsilon, head back to Phi where two more enemy mechs are showing up. Kill them. Mission 6: Umber Wall Primary: ESCORT HOVER TRAIN to PROCESSING UNIT at NAV OMICRON Secondary: DESTROY any/all ATTACKING UNITS Return: Dustoff site: NAV PI You must escort a train to a mining station. Before it leaves the station, 2 gunships will be flying in at 2 o'clock. Go take them out, trying to use long range lasers to knock 'em down before they get close. Then turn around and jet back towards the train. Don't turn, and keep going past the train to find 4 more gunships flying in. After taking them out, 2 more gunships will fly in from the same direction. The train should have already left the station by now and be heading through a valley pass to a tunnel in a tall mountain. An enemy Jenner will be high on the left cliffs. He'll jump the high distance and take some damage (he'll die on easy mode) so take him out quickly. You can't fit in the tunnel so go around the right side of the mountain using your jets to move fast. 2 more enemy mechs will be waiting to ambush the train as it leaves the tunnel so attack them before they get a chance to. Mission 7: Rogue Chariot Primary: DESTROY CORE HEAT SINK ARRAY at NAV SIGMA Secondary: DESTROY all DEFENDING UNITS Tertiary: DESTROY any TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return You need to destroy the Core Heat Sink Array. Go forward till you can just make out a bridge in the distance to the left. On top of it are two enemy mechs. Once you can see them, stop. Zoom in and stick to your long range laser to take them out. Move closer to the bridge and two tanks will be hiding near the bridge around the mountain, so take them out at a distance also. Set your nav towards the array and start going at full speed, but keep alert for two enemy mechs guarding the facility. Stop, and snipe at them from long range. This won't last long so you'll have to switch back to unzoomed view and fight them. A third mech will join the fray while you're fighting the first two, so be careful. Take out the array and immediately begin to retrace your steps as the core begins to melt down. Run full speed back to your drop point. Two more tanks will be waiting for you at the bridge. Take them out without slowing, or else you'll be caught in the meltdown blast. Trial 2: Fight for Honor and Rank Mission 8: Plum Wine Primary: DESTROY all VEHICLES CONTAINING HIGH COMMAND PERSONNEL Secondary: INSPECT likely structures for ENEMY MUNITIONS Tertiary: DESTROY all ENEMY UNITS ENCOUNTERED Tertiary: DESTROY any TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return You must move fast for this one. On touch down, head straight for the two mechs coming at you using long range weapons until they get close for the standard short range brawl. Then go to nav Alpha, then towards nav Beta. At nav Gamma, a mech is protecting a convoy. Take him out but don't let the convoy get too far away. Take them out quickly and head towards nav Delta where another mech is protecting another convoy. Take out the mech, then the convoy, and start heading towards nav Delta. There a several buildings here which you'll have to inspect to look for munitions. When you start to see a couple mechs hanging around, you know you are near the right buildings. Take out the mechs, and inspect the buildings for munitions. The nav points form a square pattern, so head outwards from the pattern for the rest of the munition buildings. Again, you'll meet more mechs guarding the places. If you want to take the time, you can take out the buildings. As you head back to your drop ship, another mech will be waiting to challenge you. Mission 9: Rust Heart Primary: ESCORT CONVOY to FIREBASE at NAV EPSILON Secondary: DESTROY any ENEMY UNITS encountered Tertiary: DESTROY any TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return Go meet the convoy at nav Delta and relieve the friendly Falcon escort mech. Escort the convoy to nav Epsilon. Two mechs will attach from 2 o'clock (if you are following the convoy). Take them out, of course, and then watch for the two mechs attacking from the 10 o'clock direction. Go meet the drop ship at nav Zeta. Trial 3: Fight for Honor and Rank Mission 10: Armor Veil Primary: DEFEND the AIRBASE Secondary: DESTROY all ATTACKING MECHS Return In this mission, you have one friendly mech to lead and in order to complete the mission successfully, you're going to have to learn how to direct him. The airbase has a control tower, go near it and wait while readying the first LRM weapon. Be patient, the enemy will show up soon enough. Two mechs in the distance will be coming at you. Avoid the short mech and attack the other taller mech since he's the one with long range weapons. Let your LRM's lock, and fire both salvos; remembering that since they've locked, you can aim up a little over the hill. Needless to say, don't waste your SRM's. Fire the slow PPC's straight at the enemy. The short mech is going to run away trying to lead you away from the base. Don't let him. Instead, direct the 2nd unit to attack him. Head back to the base. Several waves of two mechs will attack one at a time. Always take out the taller mech first as he's the one most likely to have the long range weapons. Whenever the 2nd unit report destroying the mech, send him to attack another mech. Don't double up on a mech unless he's the only one there because his friend will take the opportunity to shoot at the base. Mission 11: Iron Piston Primary: DESTROY all ENEMY MECHS Return You're the lone mech against several enemy mechs in a city. However, you advantage is the element of surprise; none of the enemy mechs are aware of your presence. Target the nearest enemy mech 'E' and hug the wall to your left as you approach him using buildings for cover, but avoid getting near the other mechs. Almost everything is short range hear since buildings block your way. Get you SRM's ready. When you get near enough, the enemy will start moving towards you. Position yourself so a building corner is between you and your opponent. Just as he is about to walk from around the corner, unload the SRM's and repeat PPC blasts at him then take cover. Keep using the target nearest enemy key 'E' and take them out one by one. Mission 12: Bronze Anvil Primary: IDENTIFY and DESTROY RADICK'S MECH Primary: IDENTIFY and DESTROY STAFF VEHICLES Secondary: DESTROY all DEFENDING UNITS Tertiary: Return This is a huge battle. The mission starts with you, one friendly mech, and several helicoptors racing towards the enemy. There are several tanks coming at you, but you can't waste time hiding around the mountains so engage them immediately. Don't worry about scanning the tanks and coptors because they aren't part of your objective. Next, kill the helicopters. There will be several enemy mechs which you'll have to battle with. Wound them from a distance as you can, but make sure you get within 200 km to be able to scan them to identify the pilots. Once scanned, take them out. Follow the convoy vehicles targeting the nearest vehicle and inspecting it before blowing it up. Do this to the entire convoy from rear to front sweeping them of the important staff carrying vehicles. Watch out for a few gun turrets on the ground as you approach the enemy drop ship, and watch out for another enemy mech. Trial 4: Fight for Honor and Rank 4B LONE WOLF MISSIONS Mission 1: Pyre Light Primary: DESTROY CHEMICAL PLANT at NAV EPSILON Primary: INSPECT FIREBASE WRECKAGE at NAV ZETA Secondary: DESTROY all SURVIVING MECHS Tertiary: DESTROY any TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return I recommend outfitting your mech with LRM's for this mission. Head over towards nav Epsilon. Two enemy mechs will be guarding the chemical plant, unaware of your presence. Climb the nearest hill until they are in range, then switch to LRM and stop. Target the nearest mech and wait for your LRM to lock. Fire one salvo at a time of LRM to take out the mech, then do the same for the next mech. Go to the chemical plant and take it out with energy weapons. Head over towards nav Zeta where a mech is just behind the hill at the firebase wreckage. Climb up his nearest hill and attack him. The tall burning building is the firebase wreckage which you must inspect. Mission 2: Flame Tongue Primary: DESTROY PUMPING STATION at NAV ALPHA Primary: DESTROY HARDENED HQ at NAV BETA Secondary: DESTROY all DEFENDING UNITS Tertiary: TAKE OUT any TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return Head over to the pumping station at nav Alpha where 3 enemy mechs are guarding. Attack them immediately, and 2 will bug out and run away. You can take them out now if you want, but you don't have to. Destroy the pumping station, then head for the next nav point (Beta) and take out the guarding mechs. Destroy the four surrounding sections of the HQ, then the center HQ itself. Head for your drop ship but get ready. Another mech is guarding a remote radar installation. Take him out and the things there, especially the tent. Mission 3: Blade Splint Primary: RECON POWER CONVERTER Primary: DESTROY POWER CONVERTER if active Return This can be an extremely tough mission if you don't know what you're doing. Choose a mech that's fast and has jump jets. Equip it with some LRM's, then go off on the mission. You'll start in a city, with three enemy mechs unaware of your presence. Target the nearest one, then go at a 45 degree angle from where you started, between a building to your left, and a burning pile to your right. After passing the fire, arm your LRM's and wait for a lock on the enemy. Fire LRM's at him from a distance till he dies. Target the next guy and turn to your right and cross the road. Lock and kill him. Do the same to the third. Head over to nav Alpha. On your way to nav Beta, there will be more enemy mechs. Again, take them out from a distance with your LRM's. Go right up to nav Beta. It should be a T- intersection in the road where you can choose to turn left or right (nav Gamma is to your left). But don't. The power center is right behind and a little to the right of the buildings at nav Beta on top of the T- intersection. It looks like a 2-story high building with black-metal rib cage design. Inside it's glowing blue. Inspect it and then destroy it. Head back towards nav Alpha. The drop ship is at nav Delta, just past nav Gamma where a half a dozen enemy mechs will ambush you. You have almost no hope of surviving a direct encounter with them, but luckily you have jump jets. (You did bring them, didn't you?) Target nav Delta and try to do a long sweep around Gamma to Delta, but don't use the jets just yet. The enemies will spot you. Fire your last salvos of missiles and keep running to Delta. Use the jets to put distance between you and them, and keep zig zagging to avoid their slow PPC shots. If you're really a hot shot, try and lead them into a line of one another so they "accidentally" kill each other with friendly fire. Mission 4: Temper Edge Primary: DEFEND then ESCORT the T-5 RECON UNIT to NAV SIGMA Primary: DEFEND REPAIR VEHICLE until repairs are complete Secondary: DESTROY all ENEMY MECHS Secondary: ESCORT REPAIR VEHICLE to dustoff site Return Make sure your mech has at least two batteries of LRM's. You'll start the mission off with the repair vehicle heading to nav Rho. In the midst of some wreckage of a ruined camp, the four-legged T5 unit sits and waits. The T5 looks like a four-legged spider. The repair unit will immediate run up to it and begin repairs (which take several minutes). Get ready, because 3 enemy mechs will approach from beyond the small hills. Get a little past the wreckage but don't pass the hill. Use your LRM's in the meantime to take out whatever you can of the enemy. One or two will inevitably reach the camp so fight them to the death. Then wait. And wait and wait. Another three enemy mechs approach so go to the edge of the camp and take 'em out with LRM's. Luckily, these are the last enemies on the level. Then wait and wait and wait. Check your mission time; the T5 unit won't start moving towards nav Sigma until the last minutes. It's pretty stupid so you can watch the dumb thing bump into several pieces of wreckage, damaging itself, before it finally figures out how to get out. Once it reaches nav Sigma, the repair truck will join you and the drop ship will arrive. Trial 1: Fight for Honor and Rank Mission 5: Sable Flame Primary: CAPTURE and SECURE the SENSOR ARRAY DOME Secondary: DESTROY all DEFENDING MECHS Tertiary: DESTROY and TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return: Dustoff site: NAV IOTA Head on over to nav Eta and get your LRM's ready. At nav Theta, you can see in the distance a domed camp. This is the sensor array. Three enemy mechs are behind the dome, but don't shoot them yet. The dome is fragile and too much damage will breach the dome, making capture impossible, and thus your mission a failure. Target the left-most enemy and head towards nav Theta until the mechs start walking to you. For some reason, they all take the counter clockwise path around the dome. Use LRM's on the mechs and then engage them. Once they are destroyed, watch for another set of three enemy mechs to attack from a distance. Use LRM's as you can, and engage. Be careful around the dome, don't shoot at it. The enemies try to take cover by walking around the dome, and since the dome is transparent, you can see them but not hit them. They aren't that smart since you can just switch directions and go around the dome the other way and meet up with the enemy and blow him to bits. Just as you finish the second wave, a third wave will come, some of which will try shooting at the dome. Destroy these guys as quickly as possible; concentrate fire on anyone shooting at the dome first. Mission 6: Burning Chrome (recommend: long range laser) Primary: DESTROY SOLAR ARRAY at NAV TAU Secondary: DESTROY all ENEMY UNITS in the rift Tertiary: DESTROY any TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return: dustoff site: NAV UPSILON You start in a snowy canyon. Three enemy aerospace fighters will fly over you, but you can ignore them. Around the large mountain corner is the solar array. Head over to nav Rho where two enemy mechs will attack you from a canyon cove on the right. You didn't sense them before because they were shut down. Destroy them and start heading to nav Sigma. Again, another previously shut down enemy mech will attack you from another canyon cove on the right. Take him out. The solar array is on raised ground and is also protected by several turrets. The three rightmost turrets will be seen first, even though the aren't the closest targets. Use your long range laser and zoom in to snipe them from afar. You may have to move closer to nav Sigma to be able to shoot the third turret. As you reach Sigma, another mech can be sensed from around the mountain corner to the right. Destroy him, then go back and take out the rest of the turrets at the solar array with long range lasers. You have a target of opportunity back where the last mech came from: an enemy drop ship is hovering there. Use long range lasers to attack the drop ship. The ship is hardly defenseless as it has PPC's, lasers, and missiles; so make sure you approach it from an angle at full speed. (The computer isn't that good at leading its target.) Once you reach the drop ship (don't bump into the canyon walls), perform the circle of death attack with all weapons. It will take awhile to kill the heavily armored ship. The drop ship apparently has an outer shell which is used for flight. Once this is destroyed, the hull will fall, and you'll have to destroy this as well. Again, it takes awhile. Be careful not to overheat. Once destroyed, go back to the solar array and walk up the ramp on the left side. Stop, and shoot out all the solar arrays. Mission 7: Scorching Sand Primary: CAPTURE AND SECURE enemy COMMAND VEHICLE Secondary: DESTROY all DEFENDING UNITS Tertiary: DESTROY any TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return: Dustoff site: COMMAND VEHICLE site You start off on the top of a cliff. Two enemy mechs are on top of a nearby cliff and will sense you as soon as you enter the scenario. They will immediately jump off the cliff (taking some damage) and attack you. Take care of these two. Head to nav Alpha, then to nav Beta. Two small and quick mechs will attack. Then head to nav Gamma, and finally to nav Delta. As you approach Delta which is around a mountain, a laser turret will be the first thing you'll encounter. Take this turret out before turning the corner to expose yourself to the rest of the enemies. Continue to nav delta and take out another turret, then two assault vehicles parked right next to the command vehicle, then finally take out the last turret; the area will then be secure and a drop ship will begin to make it's way to you and the command vehicle. Keep alert because another enemy mech high atop a mountain opposite the command vehicle is jumping down to attack. Take cover at the base of the mountain until he jumps down to ground level. Then take him out. Trial 2: Fight for Honor and Rank Mission 8: Silver Staff Primary: DESTROY the CHEMICAL PLANT at NAV PHI Primary: DESTROY the AIRBASE at NAV CHI Secondary: DESTROY the INDUSTRIAL PLANT at NAV PSI Secondary: DESTROY the HPG PROCESSOR at NAV OMEGA Secondary: INSPECT likely structures for MUNITIONS Tertiary: DESTROY all ENEMY UNITS in the city Return: Dustoff site: NAV ALPHA The default mech has the LRM's that are very helpful for this mission. A huge enemy mech is in the not-too-far distance at nav Phi. Target him, turn your torso and start walking a circle. Fire both batteries of LRM's because this guy is really tough. He also has a buddy with him, who isn't quite so tough, who you'll also have to take care of. A chemical plant is near nav Phi; destroy it then search around nav Phi for a bunch of buildings. In this bunch are two buildings which look like a big house and a little house connected together. When you target them, they come up as "warehouse" and upon inspection reveal they carry the munitions you were searching for. Head on over to nav Chi where two more enemy mechs are waiting. LRM them if you can. This isn't always successful as the mechs hide behind structures. Take them out, and look for the airbase hanger and tower. Destroy these. Off in the distance towards the other navs, some friendly mechs are hunting down a couple of enemy mechs. Use LRM's to aid them and engage any enemies surviving the onslaught of your comrades. In some cases, the friendly mechs will get the secondary missions done for you. If they don't, go to nav Phi and destroy to industrial plant, and nav Omega to destroy the HPG processor. Mission 9: Aquiline Fire Primary: INSPECT the DROPSHIP WRECKAGE to download data Secondary: DESTROY the DROPSHIP WRECKAGE after inspection Tertiary: DESTROY all ENEMY UNITS in the area Return: Dustoff site: NAV KAPPA This is another perfect mission for LRM's. Head over towards nav Phi to begin your sweep of the area, looking for the crashed dropship. Two enemy mechs are at Zeta, so take them out. Two more are at Eta, and again two more at Theta. The crashed drop ship is easy to miss because it's not close by any of the nav points. However, it is about 250 km away from nav Theta. This is where MechWarrior 2's draw-in graphics gets annoying. The drop ship *should* be within sight distance, but it doesn't get drawn. So to find it, go to nav Theta and keep targeting under reticle 'Q' until the drop ship is found. Another clue is that the nav points Zeta, Eta, and Theta form an arc, and the drop ship is outwards of the arc. Go to the drop ship, inspect it and wait for the complete download of information. Then destroy it and head back to Kappa to meet your drop ship. Trial 3: Fight for Honor and Rank Mission 10: Cold Crescent Primary: DESTROY the MAIN TERRAFORMER UNIT CORE Return: Dustoff site: NAV NU A covert operation! You are posing as a Falcon in a stolen Falcon mech. Head over to Lambda to meet the Falcon you are going to impersonate. He's not happy about that so you will have to take him out. Luckily, the nav is far from the Falcon camp, so no one else will hear the Falcon's screams as you blow him to bits. Head on over to nav Mu where the enemy camp is and several enemy mechs are. It's an uneasy feeling, but such is the life of a spy. They will check your stolen IFF code and it will be good. To the left of the camp is a monorail track. Follow it down to the terraformer unit. It's protected by an impenetrable fence. A few fences to the left of the monorail track is the door to the compound. An enemy mech is outside the door guarding it, but he thinks you're a friendly. Head right for the door. You don't need to shoot it because your IFF code will grant you access. As the door opens, you'll see the huge terraformer unit structure just to the left. Get ready though because the two mechs inside the compound don't think you should be in there and attack you immediately after their brief check of your IFF (which fails). Take them out quickly because they will be joined by the mech that was guarding the door. Deal with the guard as well then circle the big dome (the main terraformer unit). There dome is also impenetrable, but there is a vent on the side of the unit opposite the side facing the door you entered the compound. You'll have to destroy two long access tunnel structures which block your path as you walk around the unit. Eventually, you'll come to the vent. Turn your mech around to get ready to circle back the way you came, rotate your torso to aim at the unit, and use energy weapons to blow it up. Then haul your butt back around and out the fence door heading for nav Nu. Go at full speed until you hear the computer tell you you've reached the minimum safe distance. There may be enemy mechs around and they are faster than you have devastating LRM's which will plug you in the back as you run away so if they get within range, take them out. Mission 11: Velvet Hammer Primary: RENDEZVOUS with HOVER LIMOUSINE at NAV XI Secondary: ESCORT the HOVER LIMOUSINE to the OPERA-PLEX Tertiary: DESTROY all ENEMY UNITS in the area Return: Base: NAV PI This can be an extremely frustrating mission, but can also be very basic if a little trick is done. The problem is not that the enemy is tough, rather the vehicle you are escorting is so weak that splash damage (from enemy mechs exploding) and it bumping into things (like you or the enemy) easily destroy it. First, I present it the was probably intended to be played. Head to nav Xi and meet up with the hover limousine. Turn around 180 degrees because the hover limo will start to go down the street the way you came. A hidden (shut down) enemy mech will activate. If you are going the direction of the limo, the enemy will be on the next street over on your right. He's trying to ambush the limo at the next block so meet him there instead and waste him. At that same intersection that the enemy was coming from the right, the limo will make a left turn. Follow it. The next block will be barricaded, forcing the limo to turn left. Guess who barricaded it. Yup, the Falcons. Follow the limo to the next block which is also barricaded, this time forcing the limo to turn right. At the next block, the limo will pass between two buildings. Inside each building is an enemy mech who will blow the wall of his building out when someone gets near (you or the limo). This causes tunnels to form through the buildings. Take out the right mech first, then turn around and take out the other mech. Now turn around again; you'll find that the limo was heading towards the right tunnel's direction. Go that way but go around the left side of the building. As you go down the street, angle left to meet up with another enemy mech who is behind the building waiting for the limo. At this point, the limo gets destroyed very easily by splash damage so be careful. Take out the enemy mech. The limo will take a couple of lefts, then head down a street which goes straight towards nav Omicron, where the opera-plex is. A few block just before the opera house, two enemy tanks will ambush the limo from both sides. Take them out, then head towards the complex where two more enemy tanks will try an ambush. Limousine keeps getting blown up? Try this instead. When you start up, *don't* go to nav Xi. Instead, patrol the path that I described above *without* the limo, starting with the barricades avoiding nav Xi. To do this, leave your starting point and go forward. Make the right turn at the intersection and you should see the barricades forcing you to turn left. Follow the path described above, taking out all the enemies. They will be activated by your presence. Once you reach the opera house, target nav Xi. Head towards it for a little while till you can't pass some buildings. You can go around the buildings to the right and meet up with the limo on the opposite end of the street you started on. Escort the limo. There's one last enemy we didn't kill by using this method, and that's the first mech we would have encountered. Again, meet him around the right corner and blast him. Then just follow the limo to the opera house while enjoying the scenery and MechWarrior 2's great soundtrack. Mission 12: Golden Spade Primary: INSPECT the PALACE COMPLEX Primary: DESTROY the PLACE COMPLEX if in use as a COMMSTATION Primary: DESTROY the ROAD BLOCK and TURRETS at NAV OMEGA Secondary: DESTROY all DEFENDING UNITS Tertiary: DESTROY any TARGETS OF OPPORTUNITY Return: Dustoff site: NAV ALPHA This is a really tough mission because the enemy mechs are so tough. I recommend a very tough mech for this one. Your drop point starts you right next to three enemy mechs so you have no choice but to battle it out. Try using the pagoda structures as cover; walk behind them and cool down during that time. After a rough battle with the mechs, destroy the two gun turrets and the crossbar barricades near nav Omega. The blue dome is impenetrable so, like the comm link says, you'll have to destroy the shield generator first. But before that, there is another mech lurking around the left side. Take note that he is also near what looks like a path leading from the shielding complex out to somewhere in the open. You'll come back to this later. Start circling the complex and targeting and inspecting the pagodas. You are looking for two munitions and two bunkers. Also destroy the 6 stone obelisks. Head back to the path heading away from the complex and take notice that there is a patch of ground away from the complex that looks the same as the ground of the complex area. Head out to the distance where this patch of ground is and keep targeting nearest enemy 'E' until you lock to another enemy mech. Try taking him out from a distance but keep going out that direction. That mech was guarding the shield generator which was cleverly built sunken into the ground. You won't be able to actually see the generator until you are almost right on top of it. It looks like a set of horizontal bars glowing bright red. Destroy this, and head back to the complex where the shields are down and three more mechs inside the complex walls are waiting for you. Stay outside the walls. Missiles that lock and sometimes the PPC's are able to hit the enemies *over* the wall. Before you kill all the enemies, make sure you've targeted and inspected the complex in the center, as it's easy to destroy the building with stray shots as you are fighting the mechs. Destroy all the mechs and the complex, then head to nav Alpha for dustoff. Trial 4: Fight for Honor and Rank 5 COMBAT TIPS Circle of Death - This is the most common maneuver in mech warrior combat. It is accomplish by running an approximate circle pattern around your target while having your mech's torso turned inward the circle towards the target. This allows you to keep the enemy in your sights (firing away), while staying mobile to make it harder for your opponent to track you. You would be well advised to keep modifying the angle of the circle (or more appropriately the ellipse), to make it even harder for your opponent to track. Also, when you are circling the back side of your opponent, slow down a bit to stab him in the back a little longer. Watch out for obstacles in your path. DFA: Death From Above - This maneuver is accomplish by landing your mech on top of your opponent's, usually by the use of jump jets. The top armor of a mech is considerably weaker than the armor of the feet. This is a tough maneuver to get right; turning on your down camera view may help. Chunking - Mechs can have it's arms, legs, pieces of it's torso, and even it's head shot off. (The latter is fatal to the pilot.) This is known as "chunking". Many times the weapons are mounted to the arms of the mech. The arms also happen to be the easiest to chunk off. Chunking a leg will immobilize an opponent, letting you tend to his two-legged comrades. Be careful though, an immobile opponent can still fire his weapons. Lobbing - This is done with long range missiles. When an opponent is past a hill or short structure, you can lock on to him with LRMs, then aim up (make sure the reticule is still red) and fire, effectively "lobbing" the missiles at him. Around the Corner Surprise - The AI of MW2 isn't sophisticated enough to know that you are waiting for it to round a corner (of a building or such) so you can unload (like an alpha strike) you most devastating blow on him, so use this to your advantage. Lucky for you your targeting system can see right through structures. Pillar Run - Use the structures in the battlefield to your advantage by running behind them for cover. To do this, run a big circle of death around your target, making sure that the obstacles you pass are between you and your opponent. Between obstacles, fire rapid shots at your target. As you pass an obstacle, use that time to let your mech cool.