Strategy Guide - Guide for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters
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Then type in the name of the section you're looking for - for example, [CONTC] for the Contact Information. =============================================================================== Introduction [INTRO] =============================================================================== Hello, friends! While it's rare that I write guides these days, I still make time to type up an FAQ on rare occasions. And this is one of those occasions! As you might know, I like playing golf games - I've relished all of the Mario Golf titles, some of which I've written guides for, and I spent a lot of time playing two of the GameCube-era Tiger games. I recently got the latest entry in the Tiger series, and it's been quite a bit of fun. This guide isn't extremely verbose or detailed, but it's my hope that it'll help point you in the right direction by providing guidance on the topics that are most likely to be problematic or confusing to beginning and intermediate players. If anyone wants to help me expand on this, such as by adding detailed course guides, tips for side games like disc golf, or support for other versions of the game, just shoot me an e-mail. EA Sports has often been criticized for churning out generic games year after year while offering little in the way of innovation, unless your definition of "innovation" means things like updated rosters and incremental tweaks to the graphics and game engines. However, I'm pleased to say that Tiger 12 offers quite a bit of new content. Besides the fact that it's the first game in the series where you can play at the semi-sacred grounds of Augusta National, I like the way the career mode has a focus - building your career towards the climax of winning The Masters and slipping on the Green Jacket (which I was crushed to find you're not able to wear in game). And while the Tiger Woods name is still technically on the game, EA has - perhaps not unwisely - distanced itself to a certain extent from Tiger in the aftermath of his recent scandals. Other than the Tiger at the Masters mode (which is quite a bit of fun, incidentally), Tiger 12 feels less like a Tiger game and more like a Masters game that happens to include Tiger as one of the characters in it. The game's controls are generally sharp and responsive, although the learning curve was a bit steeper than I expected at first, since the last Tiger game I've played was for the GameCube. If you haven't played a Tiger game for the Wii yet, expect to see some ugly scores during the first few rounds. The game's visuals are quite nice, with nicely-rendered settings that look as perfect as The Masters looks on TV. There are a few minor imperfections in the graphics, however - flagpoles, as well as ground on the border of water hazards, sometimes look jagged, and certain holes seem to lag. More worrisome is the fact that the game has sometimes frozen up on me at random times. Usually this problem corrects itself quickly, but one time I was stuck in midflight for around 30 seconds until the problem rectified itself, and another time I was forced to look at the beautiful (but stuck) surroundings of Augusta National until I gave up and hit the reset button. Other glitches seem to rear their ugly heads from time to time, ranging from minor (several holes' introductions don't work) to very irritating (the pre-tournament challenges frequently glitch up, and sometimes the game will stop letting you press A to zoom into the landing area before the shot, and this often won't fix itself until the end of the round) to simply baffling (once I chipped into the hole, but the game said the cup was out of bounds, and the hole ended with me getting slapped with a one-stroke penalty). The music is pretty satisfactory. Some songs feel like a "Jimmy Hart Version" of the sappy but universally-recognized theme song that has come to be associated so closely with The Masters, while other tunes almost sound like the town themes in Pokemon games. Either way, that's not a bad thing, and the music is good-quality and fits with the vibe of a golf game. Sound effects are satisfactory, and the ever-gentlemanly Jim Nantz provides a good addition to the commentary team along with the more flamboyant David Faerty. On the other hand, the caddie's tips are often repetitive, not to mention frequently inaccurate. Thanks to the wide assortment of courses, there's huge variety in this game. There's also a good variety of playable golfers in the game, although the lack of Masters champion (at the time of release) Phil Mickelson is a glaring omission, and the random fantasy characters are rather pointless. It's not a big deal, though, since chances are you'll spend most of the time playing as your own Road to the Masters golfer, whose appearance and attire can be customized freely. Career mode can get tedious after a while, since most tournaments are four rounds by default. However, if you get impatient, it's possible to skip events, and you also have the option of changing the number of rounds in a tournament. Overall, Tiger 12 offers a very satisfactory experience, despite the multitude of glitches. If you haven't played a golf game in a while, it's worth picking up. Note: I played the Wii version, which includes more courses than the other versions, in addition to different controls. Most, but not all, of the tips herein are applicable to those playing on the Xbox 360 or PS3. =============================================================================== Controls and Basics [BASIC] =============================================================================== First of all, I'm writing this guide under the assumption you're using the default controls as I did, playing with the plain old Wiimote. It's also possible to add a Wii Balance Board or the Motion Plus, or to play the game with the Nunchuk. If you do that, you're on your own. And while playing Wii golf isn't the most strenuous task in the world, it doesn't hurt to take a warmup swing or two at the beginning of play. And while I've personally never lost control of a Wiimote before, this is definitely a game where you'd be wise to use the wrist strap at all times. Your 52-inch TV will thank you for heeding those annoying warning messages, and so will Grandma's flower vase. ---------------------- Taking a Shot ---------------------- To take a shot, point the Wiimote towards the ground and hold down the B button. Pull back your "club," and then swing it back forward just as if you were swinging an actual golf club. You don't have to swing with all the might of John Daly, nor must you obsess over all the fine points preached by club pros and other golf gurus - a smooth, clean, full swing is all you need. Be careful to avoid a crooked swing, however, unless you're trying to hit a draw or a fade on purpose. A draw, fade, or straight shot is indicated by the graphic that appears after each shot. By default, the aiming cursor approximates the distance you'd hit the ball with a full swing under standard conditions. If you move the cursor backwards to, say, 90%, the marker will show the ball's landing area if you swing at 90% power. Moving the cursor has no effect on your actual shot, however, unless you change clubs, of course. It's often useful to hit shots at less than 100% power, especially on approach shots for longer hitters. To do this, shorten the length of your backswing and/or swing less quickly than you normally would. It's wise to take a practice shot when doing this, though, to make sure you're getting the desired power level. To take a practice shot, just hold A while swinging. This is useful when you want to hit a shot at less than 100% power or an intentional draw or fade, or when gauging the strength needed to sink a tricky putt. ---------------------- Sizing Up Your Shot ---------------------- Every time you take a shot, there are a few factors to consider that will affect your club selection, the type of shot you choose, and where you aim. It may sound like there are a lot of things to consider every time you hit the ball, but eventually it'll become second nature for you: 1. Distance to the hole: This one's obvious enough! Generally you want to get the ball as close to the hole as possible, but there are some places where it's safer to club down to avoid getting too close to a water hazard, bunker, tree, or other obstacle. 2. Wind. Even wind of 2-3 MPH will have a slight affect on shots (except for putts and chips), and strong gusts can really affect the ball's trajectory. When there's a tailwind, you can hit the ball farther, while the opposite effect occurs when the wind is in your face. Either way, wind frequently requires you to club up or down by a club or more, and a lateral wind requires you to shift your aim. 3. Lie. Always check the lie indicator in the bottom-right corner of the screen before taking a shot. This percentage indicates what percentage of your club's maximum range you can expect to achieve based on the current lie. This number will be 100% when shooting from a tee, and 99% on a pristine fairway. If the number's any lower than that, you may have to club up a bit, and if the lie is really bad (like when the ball is embedded in a fairway bunker), you might have to take a cautious approach by hitting a wedge back to terra firma. 4. Slope. The aiming marker indicates how far downhill or uphill the target area is. Hitting steeply downhill will increase the distance of your shots and may require you to club down, while hitting uphill (like at the 18th hole at Augusta National) has the exact opposite effect. 5. Skewed position. Be careful when hitting the ball when you're standing on a steep slope - if there's a diagonal line on the ballspin graphic, the ball will tend to hook or slice, sometimes strongly, so take that into account. 6. Ideal setup. Always consider where the ideal spot to aim the ball is. Obviously, you want to keep the ball away from water hazards at all costs, and if your accuracy is going to be a bit off, it's better that your ball ends up in the second cut than in a bunker. Moreover, when aiming for the green, try to aim for the part of the green that makes for the easiest putt - generally, you'd rather end up putting uphill than downhill. 7. Ball position. On the tee, you can click on the tee icon to adjust the ball spot. Generally, you want the ball placed in the center of the box, but sometimes you might want to adjust this if there's a risk a ball might glance off of a tree. This is especially problematic with courses with narrow, tree- lined fairways, like Bethpage Black or TPC Sawgrass. 8. Ball spin. Hold B over the ball icon on the bottom right to change the impact point of your shot. Hit the ball low for a high shot with more backspin, such as when hitting the ball over trees. Aim for the top of the ball to achieve a lower shot with more roll, which is useful for such situations as when you need to scoot the ball under a tree. 9. After the shot. Once the ball is in the air, you can still affect the ball spin by holding the Control Pad in the direction you want to move the ball and shaking the Wiimote. The harder you shake, the more manual spin there will be (although shaking the Wiimote REALLY hard isn't necessary, thanks to the law of limited returns). Use manual ball spin to increase the length of your drives, steer the ball away from rough, create a better setup for your next shot, and get the ball closer to the hole. ---------------------- Types of Shots ---------------------- There are several different shots you can select. 1. Full. This is your standard shot, the option you'll use most of the time. 2. Punch. Punch shots are hit so the ball is hit low while rolling a much greater distance than usual. They won't go as far as a standard shot, however, and are impractical when hitting over unstable terrain (rough, bunkers, or even a bumpy fairway that might have unpredictable results). While you won't select this option very often, punch shots are valuable in certain situations, like when hitting the ball under low-hanging trees. For some reason the caddie sometimes recommends a punch shot when approaching onto an elevated green, although this often isn't the best course of action. 3. Pitch. Pitch shots are wedge shots that provide a bit of additional loft at the cost of distance. These are often used for approach shots or when trying to get out of rough or a greenside bunker. You can also use them on the green in situations where it's too far to get a putt close to the cup. 4. Flop. Similar to pitch shots, but more extreme and slightly less accurate. Flop shots tend to "stick" to the green with little roll, but it's also possible to get a lot of very precise manual ball spin on a flop shot if so desired. 5. Chip. Chip shots are hit using wedges from near the green. Usually you'll select this when you're 5-15 yards from the pin and off the green. Chips are the most accurate shots around, so when putting is impractical and you have a chance to use them, a chip is one of the most reliable shots around. Chip shots roll a long way, however, and thus may not a viable option when hitting over a large area of rough near the green. And while you rarely need to do this, it's very tricky to hit a chip at less than 100% power. 6. Putt. Typically the last shot you select on a hole, putting is generally done on the green. However, you can putt from the green edge, fairway, or even light rough if there's a clear line to the hole. ---------------------- The Perils of Putting ---------------------- Putting is a whole different ballgame, and it takes quite a bit of practice to get the hang of it. There are two different control methods for putting, but Precision Putting is recommended because it gives you more control over your putt, because with that setting, the power level of both the backswing and followthrough affects the distance the putt travels. With Precision Putting, if your backswing is a bit stronger or weaker than what you intended, you can compensate on your followthrough. The putting motion isn't that different from a regular swing - point the Wiimote down, hold B, then make your swing. However, you obvious don't pull back as far, and your swing needs to be MUCH softer when putting - if your backswing is as hard as it would be on a drive, you'll probably putt the ball with 100% power and send it flying off the green. Instead, putt with a soft but decisive motion. To obtain a power level of 50%, for example, pull back until the bar on the left fills to about the halfway mark, then make your followthrough proportionate to the power level you want to achieve. Different people prefer different methods for putting - I use a smooth backswing, but some people favor a slow, jerky backswing, which is OK as long as you can gauge the power of your followthrough correctly. As with regular shots, the aiming cursor indicates where the ball will stop when hit at the specified power level under flat, average-speed greens and optimal conditions. These "optimal" conditions rarely occur. Chances are you'll want to hit the ball a bit harder than the cursor indicate on short putts (since you obviously don't want to come up short, a mistake that makes you feel rather stupid when it happens), but don't hit it too hard or the ball might skip over the cup. And on long putts where you're expected a two-putt, it's usually best not to hit the ball too hard, or else a miss might give you another tricky second putt. On hard, fast greens like at The Masters, you'll have to hit the ball much more softly (maybe even half as hard as you normally would), and you'll need to adjust a bit more for slopes, both downhill/uphill slopes and lateral breaks. On slow, soft greens, you'll have a much more comfortable margin for error. Rain rarely occurs in this game (I've only had it for a few holes at Augusta National). However, when it does happen, the greens will be significantly slower, so you'll have to hit the ball much harder. ---------------------- Heart-Stopping Moments ---------------------- Sometimes, the view will narrow and a "heart-pumping" effect will begin. This can appear for a number of reasons - an opportunity to reach a par five green in two or break a putting record. It also occurs when you're making a putt with a tournament victory on the line. Sometimes, however, this effect will start when you hit the ball. When that happens, you know your shot is going to wind up within a few feet of the hole. Do NOT use extensive postshot ball spin when your heart starts beating hard - wait until the ball is about to land, and then feel free to use very mild spin if you're sure it would be expedient. =============================================================================== Road to the Masters [ROADM] =============================================================================== Once you've played a couple of full rounds and become reasonably comfortable with the way the game plays, you'll want to begin the Road to the Masters, which is a career mode where your primary objective is to win all the major tournaments, especially, of course, The Masters. You'll also try to achieve some other objectives, which will unlock new sponsorships, allow you to enter new tournaments, and advance your career by earning promotions to higher tours with more money and more prestige. You'll start play in the lowly Hometown Charity Open, and as you attain various objectives you'll make your way up to the Amateur Tour, the Nationwide Tour, and eventually the PGA Tour itself. Besides the standard tournaments, the Road to the Masters also includes some special challenges which allow you to unlock new goodies in the Pro Shop. While these challenge are optional, most are pretty easy to win, and they tend to reward you with a generous amount of money and experience points. ---------------------- Character Creation ---------------------- In the Road to the Masters, you'll get to create your own character with the attributes of your choice. While physical attributes like age, gender, and weight don't affect the way your character plays, choose carefully because you can't change these attributes after you've started the game, and some elements of your appearance can't be tweaked in the golfer customization screen. When you start your Road to the Masters game, you can create a balanced golfer with a rating of 5 in every category, or you can create a specialist who has a rating of 8 in the category of your choice and 4 in the other areas. While this choice doesn't matter too much, as each subsequent upgrade has the same "marginal cost" (it takes the same number of experience points to upgrade a 4 rating to a 5 as it would a 9 to a 10), I strongly recommend the balanced option. ---------------------- EXP Points ---------------------- Like other Tiger games, you'll earn experience points for practically everything you do - making it an RPG of sorts, minus the swords, dungeons, random battles, and armor-clad adolescents with funny hair colors. EXP points can be used to upgrade your player's abilities in four different categories: Power - This one's pretty obvious - the more power you have, the longer you can hit the ball. Each upgrade to your golfer's power rating will increase your distance off the tee by approximately 10 yards. I'll be the first to admit that getting more oomph on your shots helps a lot, especially early on, but it's certainly not everything, or else John Daly would be winning majors and Michelle Wie would be the biggest star on the LGPA Tour and probably the PGA too. Having more power does have a drawback, in that it increases the distance between each club. As your power increases, you'll find yourself having to hit more shots at below 100% power, although you can compensate to some extent by replacing one of your medium irons with a fourth wedge. Since increasing power comes with that loss in precision, don't let your Power rating outpace Accuracy development by more than a point or so. It's also worth noting that Power is more economical and practical to increase than others using the Focus Attributes screen. Accuracy - Increasing your Accuracy rating decreases the size of the aiming cursor, thus reducing the risk of a good shot randomly edging towards a hook or a slice. Low accuracy can be mitigated to a certain extent by increasing the Spin rating, although that won't do you much good in a spin-free tournament environment like The Masters. High Accuracy can even boost your drive to a certain extent, since if you have to spin a shot out of the rough, you'll probably end up sacrificing some distance when you have to do that. Higher Accuracy doesn't make it any easier to build experience points, though, since your caddie's targeted area decreases as you boost this rating, although you still get full points for target shots even as you attain higher levels. Recovery - A high Recovery rating decreases the variation in the lie percentages that appear on the lower-right corner of the screen. In other words, high Recovery makes it easier to estimate the effect a bad lie will have on your shot. Obviously, it's easier to tell how much you should club up or club down when the lie is listed at 70-75% than 55-85%. Recovery helps a lot at brutal courses like the Highlands course, but you'll experience diminishing marginal returns on this rating, since you can just as easily boost Accuracy to keep your shots out of the rough and bunkers in the first place. Spin - The Spin attribute determines the amount of ball spin you can get on your shots. Tiger games are different from real life in that you can change the angle and degree of your spin even when the ball is in mid-air. The higher your Spin rating, the stronger the amount of spin you'll be able to achieve, which is most useful for steering approach shots closer to the hole, but it can also boost your distance off the tee. Spin isn't as important as some ratings, though, because strong spin is rarely necessary if you have decent Accuracy and Recovery. Level ups occur pretty regularly - generally speaking, you'll earn one attribute point per two rounds - so the best approach is to raise your numbers depending on the course you're currently playing. Power helps a lot on the easier courses and at places that have a lot of tricky doglegs or chasms, like the Highlands course. Accuracy is definitely your biggest priority at The Masters and other tournaments where you're not able to use manual spin. Recovery makes life easier anywhere you're missing the fairways a lot. Spin is arguably the least important rating, since you rarely want to spin the ball as hard as possible, so feel free to let it lag behind the others by a couple of points. Of course, these ratings have no impact at all on the shot that accounts for about half of the strokes you'll make in a given round: putts. Improving any of these ratings can help get you closer to the green, but once you're putting, you're forced to rely on your own ability - or lack thereof! ---------------------- Focusing Abilities ---------------------- Before each round in career mode, you'll have the opportunity to "focus" a particular rating. This can be quite helpful if you have cash to spare. The stat boost (and cost) is proportional to the "level" of each club. Generally, you'll find it most useful to raise power (especially early on) and accuracy. ---------------------- Caddie Knows Best ---------------------- In Road to the Masters, don't take a shot (other than short putts) without first pressing the - Button to get a piece of advice from your caddie. Most of the time, he'll offer two different ways to approach the hole - a "Safe" route that emphasizes avoiding hazards and usually prescribes a fairway wood off the tee, and an "Aggressive" style that encourages risk-taking and may get you closer to the hole if your shots are accurate. To choose between the two options, use the Wiimote's cursor to highlight your choice, and press A. After making your selection, a blue or yellow circle (depending on whether you picked the "Safe" or "Aggressive" option) will appear in the approximate area the ball will land. If your shot comes to rest within that circle, you'll earn some bonus experience points - sometimes 500 or even more, at least if you chose the Aggressive option, which is worth more points than Safe. That's why you always want to ask the caddie for advice in Road to the Masters mode - because hitting the target regularly is the fastest and surest way to level up. Sometimes, the caddie's advice won't be available. When that happens, you know you've probably got a very tricky shot ahead with a variety of forces affecting your shot, so you may be wise to club down and play it safe. Lastly, the caddie sometimes offers questionable advice, so feel free to ignore his tips whenever you find a better way to go. ---------------------- Play It Safe! ---------------------- On harder courses like the Highlands or Predator courses, avoid taking risky shots, especially at lower levels. You're much more likely to end up losing strokes by hitting the ball someplace yucky than you are to cut a stroke by shortening the distance of your upcoming approach shot. ---------------------- Sponsorships ---------------------- In Road to the Masters mode, you'll unlock sponsorships for reaching various career objectives. These sponsorships allow you to access new equipment and apparel in the Pro Shop. As you advance in your career, you'll be able to upgrade your sponsorships to a higher "tier" to access better items from that sponsor. The game does a lousy job of explaining how this works, but you technically have all sponsors at once, but only the current sponsor's achievements will count towards reaching the next tier. You can change sponsors at any time, and you won't lose any achievements progress except for the current sponsor's tier. For example, if you've reached Tier 3 for the Ping sponsorship, change to Nike, and then return to the Ping sponsorship, your Ping sponsorship will still be at Tier 3 - although you'll have to redo any achievements that count towards reaching Ping's fourth tier. =============================================================================== Frequently Asked Questions [QUEST] =============================================================================== Q: If I resume a saved round in progress and fail to finish the round, will my game's progress be wiped out? A: No - the only progress you'll lose is you'll have to start the current round from the beginning. You won't have to restart the entire tournament or - gasp - your entire career. While the warning message sounds ominous, this restriction is simply to prevent players from cheating the system by being able to change clubs at will or to use mulligans in tournament play (if you're familiar with Mario Golf 64, you'll know why they did that). Q: Why do I stop earning experience points after Level 25? A: I don't know. It seems stupid, because once you pass Level 21, all of your abilities will be maxed out. The last four level-ups are useless. Q: How do I change sponsors? A: On the Sponsorship screen, use the Control Pad to highlight the sponsor you want to change to, and press 1. Use the Wiimote cursor to the sponsor icon in the upper-right sponsor and press the A button to view the achievements list for each tier for the highlighted sponsor. Q: Is it possible to master all the courses? A: I'm not sure, at least not without cheating in some way. Some of the achievements listed on the Course Mastery screen would be EXTREMELY difficult to attain. For example, I've played close to a hundred rounds, and only once have I eagled every par-five on a course. Q: What's the hardest course in the game? A: The Predator and The Highlands are both really nasty fantasy courses. Wolf Creek is quite challenging with its diabolical greens and big OB sections, although it also boasts some great opportunities for birdies thanks to some par-four holes where you can easily hit green in one. Augusta National is very difficult under tournament conditions, and the ultra-slick greens will definitely take some getting used to. Q: What's the easiest course in the game? A: The Greenbrier is pretty simple thanks to its wide, straight fairways and relatively low number of holes where things can go wrong. Q: What happens if I tie for the lead at the end of a tournament? A: It goes to a playoff, just like in real life! You don't see the other opponent (or opponents) in the tournament. The only time I made a playoff, I won as soon as I scored a birdie on a playoff hole. I assume you win the tournament with a birdie or better and lose when you shoot bogey or worse, but this is unconfirmed. Q: Are the other golfers in tournaments real? A: Yes, for the major tournaments and PGA Tour events. For the Amateur and Nationwide tours, I'm pretty sure the other participants are fictional. And since I have a strange fascination with tournament filler players in Mario Golf, I don't know if the outcomes are randomly-generated, but it seems like Stiles, Broadaway, Beverly, and Erb are consistently near the top on the Amateur Tour, while the Nationwide Tour tends to have more parity. Q: Do you do anything online besides write FAQs? A: You can follow my Twitter feed at, and I'm now a moderator on, a fairly popular site for those who like making Mario fangames, indie games, and video game music. I also run a forum of my own at Both of them are nice places with a positive community and a friendly, helpful administration. I spent a bunch of hours writing this guide, so now I'm entitled to a paragraph or two of self- promotion. If you don't like it, deal with it - or go write your own guide so you can include your own self-promotion! =============================================================================== Version History [VERSN] =============================================================================== I still keep logs of my progress. Some things don't change. Date | Version | Size | --------|---------|------|----------------------------------------------------- 1-13-12 | 0.1 | 4KB | Started guide. 1-19-12 | 0.3 | 12KB | Worked on the review and career mode strategies. 1-24-12 | 0.4 | 15KB | Did a little bit of work. 1-25-12 | 0.5 | 16KB | Did some more stuff. 2-14-12 | 0.7 | 25KB | Finished up the review. Made a lot of progress in | | | general. Added ASCII title art. 2-17-12 | 0.9 | 36KB | Made significant progress throughout. Began | | | formatting and proof-reading guide. 2-18-12 | 1.0 | 37KB | Finished up Version 1.0. =============================================================================== Copyright [COPYR] =============================================================================== (c) 2012 VinnyVideo. All rights reserved. All copyrights mentioned in this guide are property of their respective holders. You can print this guide out for your personal use. You can download this guide to your computer for your personal use. You can post this guide on your Web site as long as you give proper credit AND you don't change a single letter, number, or symbol (not even a semicolon). The latest version will always be available at, but don't count on there being frequent (if any) updates. You can translate this guide into a foreign language as long as you ask permission first. You can't post this guide on your Web site if you're going to change anything in this guide that took me so many hours to write. You can't post this guide on your Web site and then say you wrote the guide yourself. You can't post this guide on Web sites that contain (or have links to sites that contain) explicit depictions of unclothed humans (also known as pornography), racism, or flattery of totalitarian regimes. If you don't comply with these guidelines, your hard drive will be reformatted inexplicably and you will suffer from hemorrhoids for the rest of your life. Heed this warning. =============================================================================== Contact Information [CONTC] =============================================================================== If you have any questions or comments about this guide, please send an e-mail to That's zero-zero-two, by the way. Remember that not all e-mail messages will be read. Please follow these guidelines: Do include "Tiger 12" in the subject line. Do send polite suggestions for ways to make this walkthrough better. Do tell me about any errors or omissions you find in this guide. Do send information about any glitches, tricks, or codes you discover. Do ask any questions you have about gameplay. I will respond eventually if you follow all of these rules. Do make a reasonable effort to use decent spelling, grammar, usage, punctuation, and capitalization so I can understand what you're trying to say. Do use patience. I respond to my e-mail quite sporadically. Do not send spam, pornography, flaming, chain letters, or anything that contains profanity or vulgarity. Junk like that gets deleted on sight. And lastly, a public service message: Say no to anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. No one's likely going to read this, anyway.