Walkthrough And FAQ - Guide for LEGO The Hobbit
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****************************************************************************** LEGO: The Hobbit (PC Version) A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ Version 1.0 E-mail: cyricz42 at yahoo.com ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. FAQ 3. Basics 3A. Controls 3B. Menus/Displays 3C. Hints/Tips 3D. Abilities and Weapons 4. Story Walkthrough 4A. Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth 4B. An Unexpected Party 4C. Azog the Defiler 4D. Roast Mutton 4E. The Troll Hoard 4F. Over Hill and Under Hill 4G. Goblin-town 4H. Out of the Frying Pan... 4I. Queer Lodgings 4J. Flies and Spiders 4K. Barrels Out Of Bond 4L. A Warm Welcome 4M. Looking For Proof 4N. The Necromancer 4O. On the Doorstep 4P. Inside Information 5. Free Play Runthroughs (Minikits/Treasures/Designs) 5A. Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth 5B. An Unexpected Party 5C. Azog the Defiler 5D. Roast Mutton 5E. The Troll Hoard 5F. Over Hill and Under Hill 5G. Goblin-town 5H. Out of the Frying Pan... 5I. Queer Lodgings 5J. Flies and Spiders 5K. Barrels Out Of Bond 5L. A Warm Welcome 5M. Looking For Proof 5N. The Necromancer 5O. On the Doorstep 5P. Inside Information 6. Middle-earth Exploration 6A. White Quests A-J 6B. White Quests K-R 6C. White Quests S-Z 6D. Red Quests 6E. Mithril Bricks - The Shire and Bree 6F. Mithril Bricks - The Misty Mountains 6G. Mithril Bricks - The Forests 6H. Mithril Bricks - The Eastern Reaches 6I. Blacksmith Designs 6J. Characters 6K. Bonus Level 7. Characters 7A. Story Characters 7B. Other Characters 8. Secrets/Unlockables 8A. How To Get 100% 8B. Treasure Trove 8C. Red Brick Extras 8D. Trophies/Achievements 8E. Secret Codes 9. Standard Guide Stuff 9A. Legal 9B. E-mail Guidelines 9C. Credits 9D. Version Updates 9E. The Final Word ****************************************************************************** 1. INTRODUCTION ****************************************************************************** Hello, everyone, and welcome back to Middle-earth! I'm CyricZ and this is my guide for LEGO Hobbit, the video game, in particular the PC version. In this guide, I walk you through the story missions and describe to you how to find all the collectibles you may be missing in the game. While this guide was made with the PC version in mind, it should also work just fine for the PS3, PS4, XBOX 360, XBOX One, and Wii U versions as well. ****************************************************************************** 2. FAQ ****************************************************************************** Q: What is LEGO The Hobbit? A: This is a LEGO-styled action game released in 2014 based around JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit book, and the Peter Jackson movies that were made from said book. Q: What is the ESRB rating of this game? A: This game is rated E10+, with the added descriptors of Cartoon Violence and Comic Mischief. Q: Would this game be good for my kids? A: If they enjoy Lord of the Rings, I'm sure they'd like this. All violence is done to LEGO bricks, so there's no blood. Anything that was a little too scary about the movies has been toned down. As far as positive aspects of the game towards kids, the gameplay is focused on exploration, discovery, and critical thinking. The co-operative gameplay style and forgiving difficulty are also a plus. Q: Is this game voiced? A: Yes, the game features lines from the Hobbit films, delivered as they were in the movies by their original actors. It also features some original voice acting by non-Hobbit actors on a smaller scale. Q: How many people can play? Is there online play? A: Two, and no. Q: What's new about this game compared to the recent LEGO games? A: Much is the same as it was in LEGO Lord of the Rings. Characters travel through Middle-earth between story missions and will find many side quests as well. Characters will also still have inventories. New things added to this game are craft plates (which also appeared in LEGO Movie) and the concept of loot, which you get in addition to studs and is used towards crafting. Q: Can I save in the middle of a Story Mission? A: You can. At certain special points in missions, you'll see what are called Save Statues. They allow you to stop the mission and quit, then start the game up again in the same spot. Q: I'm lost! How do I find where I'm supposed to go? A: The next story mission is always marked by a faint blue stud trail on the ground. Follow it to where you need to go. This can also be used in conjunction with the map to track any other object that's marked. Select the marker on the map and select "Set Destination" and you'll get a trail of yellow studs to it. Q: Can I get quickly around Middle-earth? A: Once you complete the story mission "Out of the Frying Pan", you can go to the map and select Eagle Markers and Gwahir will fly you to that spot. Q: How can I pull open orange handles? No one in the game can! A: There are two ways. One is via a large character like a troll. Tom the Troll is probably the easiest to pick up. The other way is by picking up an item that gives strength, like the Stone-giant Gloves found in "Over Hill and Under Hill". You can also just make and use a custom Troll character. Q: How can I get rid of shiny mithril bricks blocking the path? A: You need some form of explosives. Items such as the Pine Cone Bomb, Mithril Bomb Blade, and Mithril Firework Bow will all work. Q: How can I deal with bricks that emit black smoke? My characters just seize up near them. A: You need a Morgul weapon. Characters such as Sauron and the Wytch-king carry these weapons. Q: How can I change the time of day? A: Once you complete the story mission "Flies and Spiders", you can use campsites dotted around Middle-earth to change the time. Certain quests are only available at certain times. ****************************************************************************** 3. BASICS ****************************************************************************** ============== 3A. Controls = ============== These controls are based around using an XBOX 360 controller on the PC. Most other consoles have similar controls based on button positioning. Left Thumbstick: Move your character. Right Thumbstick: Move the camera. A Button: Jump. - Most characters will dive-roll if you press A in midair. - Elf characters can jump extra high. X Button: Attack. - If a character is holding a projectile weapon, like a bow, hold down X, and you can target the throw. B Button: Action. - Hold down B to perform a super attack, such as a spinning sword or slamming hammer. - Hold B near LEGO piles to build them. - B is also used for switches, cranks, and other character-specific actions. Y Button: Shift Focus. - Tap Y to switch to the nearest playable character. - Hold down Y to the character menu to easily pick a character to select. Also on this menu are your loot, inventory, and the full character menu in certain situations. LB and RB Buttons: Used during Free Play to change characters on the fly. RB Button: Centers the camera behind your character when exploring Middle-earth. LT and RT Buttons: Switch the current weapon that your character is holding. Back Button: Brings up the map of Middle-earth while in the hub. Start Button: Brings up Pause Menu. ==================== 3B. Menus/Displays = ==================== Main Menu New Game: Start a new game. Load Game: Load a previously saved game. Options: View the Options Menu. Quit to Windows: Brings you back to Windows --- Pause Menu Resume: Get back to the game. Options: Opens Options Menu. View Map: Used in Middle-earth to view the map. Can also be accessed by pressing the Back button. Extras: Opens Extras menu, where you can select any extras you've purchased as well as enter secret codes. Quit: Return to the Main Menu or exit missions depending on where you are. --- Options Menu Vibration: Sets the vibration on the controller. Audio Volume: Adjust the general volume of the audio, if you can't be bothered to find your TV remote. Music: Toggle music on/off. Hint Icons: With this on, little prompts will appear above your head when a context sensitive situation comes up. Subtitles: Turns the cutscene subtitles on/off. Minimap Rotation: With this on, the minimap in the lower corner will rotate as you turn the camera. With it off, it always has north at the top. Splitscreen Mode: "Dynamic" changes the splitscreen as the two characters get closer. "Fixed Vertical" means they will always be separated by a vertical line. Controller Settings: Allows you to change the camera and Y-axis settings. Safe Zone Settings: Allows you to adjust how the game is displayed on your monitor. Control Setup: Allows you to adjust the button inputs for commands on your controller. Video Settings: Allows you to change your graphics settings for performance. Effect Settings: Allows you to change effects for performance. ================ 3C. Hints/Tips = ================ My first advice is to go through the story before you seriously attempt to collect objects. The game kinda railroads you and cuts you off from important characters while going through the story, so just relax and enjoy and worry about collecting stuff later. Smash freakin' everything. Lay waste to any LEGO objects in the area and rack up that stud total. Use special attacks holding down B to demolish clusters of objects quickly. Keep collecting studs. Collecting a specified number in each mission will give you "Master Burglar" status at the conclusion of it. Once you hit the threshold, you cannot lose it, no matter how low your studs gets afterwards. Explore everywhere. Run into walls and behind them to look for any areas you might be missing. Big value studs are hidden in places where you can't normally see them. Look out for visual cues to see how you can progress in a mission. Look for soft glows next to dirt piles where Fili can dig, for example, or floating leaves for where elves are expected to jump. Collect Minikit Chests to assemble a little piece of Middle-earth. While you can't use these, they can be viewed in a special room in Rivendell. For completing a Minikit, you'll get 50,000 studs, except for the last one, which gives you 500,000. There are many things around Middle-earth for you to find, including Mithril Bricks, Side Quests, and Blacksmith Designs. Keep an eye on the map for things to look for and don't be discouraged if you can't get to them right away. You'll be able to later. =========================== 3D. Abilities and Weapons = =========================== Like every other LEGO game, each character will have a specific set of skills that they can use throughout the game. Some of these skills will be tied to innate abilites, others to the items they carry. Here's a breakdown of what you can use in this game. Crawlspace - Dwarves and hobbits can crawl through specially marked little tunnels, which connect to other tunnels elsewhere in the area. Taller characters can't use them. Examples: Bilbo, all dwarves Axe Smash - All dwarves are armed with axes that allow them to smash cracked blocks. Similarly, anyone who picks up an axe can do the same. Examples: All dwarves Buddy Moves - While controlling a dwarf or hobbit, press B to pair up with another dwarf or hobbit and move together. Pressing X will allow the two to do a Buddy Attack. Buddy Attacks can smash larger cracked blocks and can also be used against boss enemies. Examples: Bilbo, all dwarves Hammer Pound - A character with a warhammer can use it to push large square items that sit on smooth tiled flooring. Examples: Dwalin, Thráin Flail Grab - A character armed with a flail can attach to gold hooks, and either pull on them with B or swing from them with X. Also, the swinging can be targeted by holding down X. Examples: Dori Mining - A character armed with a pickaxe can mine from ore deposits in missions or in Middle-earth. There's a minigame where you need to hit between the two markers to successfully mine loot from them. If you hit square in the middle on the small colored section, you'll finish the deposit and get maximum return from it. Examples: Bofur Fishing With a fishing pole, a character can fish off marked wooden piers. A small minigame requires button pressing in order to pull up your prize. An extra stud reward is granted if the buttons are pressed at the right time. Examples: Bilbo Bow and Arrows - A character with a bow can, in addition to shooting far off targets, hit circular red and yellow targets to affect the area. Examples: Kili, Legolas Digging - A character with a shovel and dig on brown LEGO dirt piles to unearth what's beneath, and they can also plant green seedlings that sit on dirt piles to grow them. Examples: Fili, Sam Firestarter - A character with a tinderbox or a similar item can light fires at certain brown panels. Oftentimes in missions you'll be given a torch that will serve the same purpose. Examples: Sam Dwarf Stack - A dwarf with a pole weapon can stand on small green spots, and other small characters can climb up them to reach higher ledges. Multiple dwarves can be stacked if each has the ability. Examples: Ãin, Nori, Bifur Sling - A character with a slingshot can fire at diamond-shaped red and yellow targets, either to fill up a bag to weigh down, or to turn a colored wheel to input a code. Examples: Ori Belly Bounce - Bombur has the unique ability to lay on picnic blankets. Another character can then give him food loot items and he will expand, allowing bouncing up to a higher ledge. Examples: Bombur Light - Some characters can light up a dark cave once they enter it. Any wizard will light up a cave with their staff. Torches and other items can also be used in this manner. Examples: Gandalf, Radagast Wizard's Staff - A wizard can shoot magical blasts out of their staff. These blasts can destroy blue brick objects. Examples: Gandalf, Radagast Climbing - Goblins and similar creatures can climb on walls marked with nets by jumping into them. Examples: Goblin (Confused) Wraith Bricks - By wearing the Ring, Bilbo can turn invisible and interact with faded "wraith" objects in the area, either by smashing them or assembling them. Examples: Bilbo (once he gets the Ring) Elf Agility - Elves have the natural talent for higher jumps than men. They can also swing from poles in the wall, and they can balance on ropes, allowing them to jump from them. Examples: Legolas, Tauriel Animal Healing - Radagast the Brown has the ability to heal animals taken by a dark sickness with the crystal on his staff. Look for animals with purple and black bubbles coming out of them, then press B near them. Examples: Radagast Strength - Large characters can grab big orange handles and pull them apart. Examples: Any large character, any character with Stone-giant Gloves Explosives - Certain items cause objects made out of shiny white mithril to break through explosives. Examples: Mithril Bomb Blade, Mithril Firework Bow Morgul - Certain evil characters are armed with Morgul weapons that can destroy Morgul bricks: objects that emit a black smoke that repels most characters. ****************************************************************************** 4. STORY WALKTHROUGH ****************************************************************************** Like most LEGO games recently, the game begins right in the first mission, so let's get going! ====================================== 4A. Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth = ====================================== Master Burglar at 130,000 Characters: Thorin (Young), Thráin, Armoured Dwarf Guard, Balin (Young), Dori (Young) --- Walkthrough - Erebor! - We begin our tale in the throne hall of the Mountain King. You are in control of young Thorin and an unamed guard Dwarf. Head down the stairs to find Thorin's father, Thráin. Smash the statues flanking the closed door to make pieces. Hold B to assemble these pieces into an unassuming block. Now, hold Y to access the Character Wheel and switch to Thráin. Press X next to the block as Thráin and he'll mash it with his hammer, sending it into the wall. This will open the door and let you proceed. Head down the stairs to the end. Smash the wheel switches next to the closed door to find a rock. Pick up the rock with X, then hold X and throw the rock at the statue above. You'll be able to proceed through the next door. You're now in the appraisal room. The task is to pull on two levers to open the back door. Hit the block on the left with Thráin, then have each character climb up on either lever to open the door. Next is the forge. Bofur just finished a nice pickaxe and has just left, slamming the door behind him. You'll need to forge something to follow him. For this, you'll need to gather some "loot". Smash everything in this room to pick up diamonds, sapphires, rubies, emeralds. Also, behind the ruby cart is a crawlspace. Press B next to it to crawl through. Mash B to turn the crank on the ledge and you can now access the box of gold. You should now have all you need to go to the anvil and press B. Follow the prompts for the forging mini-game (remember those for later) and you'll make a Gem-Forged Key. Go over to the lock and press B to open the door. You're now in the mine area. Bifur is here, looking for his flute. Of course, it's pretty obviously on a table nearby, but humor him and grab it, then hand it to him by standing in the glowing ring and pressing B. He'll now be on your team, along with his pickaxe. Use it to smash the ore deposits to the left. To get the most loot out of the ore, hit the first strike on the colored part in the very middle. You can also just hit between the yellow lines and you'll be fine. Once you're done with the ore, smash other objects in the room until you have some rope, wood, and stone, then assemble the pieces under the ore to make a Craft Plate. On these, you'll have to use loot to make Super Builds. To perform a Build, you'll have to select the next object that it prompts you to select. If you do it fast, you'll get the most studs. If you screw it up or take too long, you'll get fewer studs. You first have to match two pieces, then three, then four. This will create a mining rig. Lower yourself on the rig and smash some ore deposits to move the story along. A Fire Drake from the North - Oh no! It's Smaug! You now have control of young Thorin, Balin, and Dori. First, switch to Dori and press B in front of the fallen pillar to attach his flail to it. Mash B to pull it apart, then proceed to the right. Next, you'll smash a cracked block, which any of the dwarves can do, then to smash the bigger cracked block, press B near any of the dwarves to buddy up. Press X with the pair in front of the block to do a Buddy Attack which will smash it. Next, pull down the wreckage with the flail, then move on down the stairs. Buddy up again and smash the large cracked block on the ground, then proceed down the stairs to where the amassed dwarf forces are waiting Oh, that could have gone better. Now you need to chase after the king. To open the door, first assemble the pieces for the gold hook so Dori can pull that rock down, then assemble those pieces. Head over to the obvious warhammer on the left and use it to slam the block into the door. In this shiny shiny room, head to the back and flail down the giant gold statue. Climb it, then smash the two gold boxes to find pieces to finish the bridge on the right. Cross it, then note the hanging gold hook. Hold X (or press X) to target the hook and have Dori grab onto it. Switch characters with Y and use your other character to jump onto Dori, then have each jump off on the far side. Climb up the ramp and have both characters jump onto the hanging chandelier to pull it and the king down. Erebor Was Lost - Not much here except running. Watch for studs and minikits as you go, though. --- New Characters: Thorin (Young), Thráin, Balin (Young), Thrór, Armoured Dwarf Guard Available for Purchase: Bilbo (Old) --- Middle-earth Interlude: New Characters: Frodo, Sam Well, bet you didn't expect these guys to make an appearance! Head right up to Bag End to start the next mission. ========================= 4B. An Unexpected Party = ========================= Master Burglar at 70,000 Characters: Bilbo (Hobbiton), Dwalin, Kili, Fili --- Walkthrough - At Your Service - Having thoroughly enjoyed the great Christopher Lee on the narration, we can now pay attention to this party here. Smash the chest in the back right to find the key to the back door. Through the door, smash the shelf on the right, then assemble the pieces of the tile floor so Dwalin can smash the hutch to the right. Head further back and the bell will ring again. Balin now joins the squad. Head to the left and smash open the cracked block on the door to open the way to the dining room on the far left. Smash the back left shelf to find the pieces to finish the Craft Plate so you can build the dining room table. Oh, there's the door again! With Fili and Kili, you can now go back to the pantry. Your task is to grab three food items and bring them to the table. First, the sausage is easy if you switch to Kili and shoot the nearby target. Next, the cheese is on the shelf on the left further back. Lastly, the wine is on the very back shelf, so smash the cracked block. That's What Bilbo Baggins Hates! - This is just a fun little rhythm game where you match the button when it fills the circle. You can hit the button at any time after it appears, but you get a bigger stud bonus if you hit it just right. --- New Characters: Bilbo (Hobbiton), Bilbo, Gandalf Available for Purchase: Tom Bombadil --- Middle-earth Interlude: Bilbo and Gandalf are off on an adventure! Follow the stud trail to the edge of Hobbiton. Use Gandalf's staff to shoot a magic blast at the blue sparkly cart to move it out of the way, then continue through Bywater, and then to the north of Bree. You can't enter the town yet, but keep moving along the road to join the company. ====================== 4C. Azog the Defiler = ====================== Master Burglar at 25,000 Characters: Bilbo, Ãin, Nori, Bifur, Thorin (Young), Dori (Young), Dwalin (Young), Balin (Young) --- Walkthrough - The Tale of Azog - Before we jump into the gritty tale of Azog, let's first find an apple for one of our ponies. Also, Ãin is with you for this. First, go to the little green pad in the back. Press B when controlling Ãin and he'll stand on it to start a Dwarf Stack. Switch to Bilbo and run into Ãin to hop onto his head, then jump off him to the next ledge. Here you'll find Nori, but you'll also need to get Ãin up to this level, so head to the right and start smashing stuff to find pieces for a ladder. With both dwarves up here, stack both of them together, then have Bilbo hop off the top. Smash the rock to the right to open the crawlspace so the other two dwarves can join you, then axe smash the cracked block. Assemble the ladder and have two characters pick up each end, then head to the left so it can be placed. Cross the ladder and you'll find Bifur, who can also stack. Stack all three dwarves so Bilbo can get up to the tree with the apple. Carry it back down to the pony. The Battle of Azanulbizar - Well, this is a change of pace! You now have control of Young Thorin, Dori, Balin, and Dwalin. Smash ten orcs to begin with, then the line of dwarves will part, allowing you to pass to the next area. In this area, beat up five silver-armored orcs. Next, an Orc Berserker will come out with a siege tower. Buddy up and use Buddy Attacks on the Berserker to defeat him. After that, buddy smash the wall on the siege tower and two orcs with gold armor will pop out. Beat them, then assemble the gold hook onto the top of the tower. Use Dori to pull it open, which will release two green-armored orcs with bows, so deal with them. A second siege tower will come out, so deal with it the same way, only this time there are three of each type of smaller orc. Once they're all in pieces, head through the gap in the lines to the back-right. Now it's time to face Azog himself. Engage him in a button mashing fight, then he'll hop up to the left ledge. Smash the broken pillars, then use Dwalin to push the rock towards the back. Hop up and fight Azog again. He'll hop to the back now, so go to the right and have Dori pull down the gold hook so he can hop up. Smash the rocks and assemble another hook so Dori can swing across, then --- New Characters: Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Glóin, Noir, Ãin, Ori, Thorin, Dori (Young), Dwalin (Young) Available for Purchase: Bombur (Young), Thrór (Armoured), Orc Berserker --- Middle-earth Interlude: So you now have access to the entire Dwarven Company. You can hold Y to bring up "Extra Characters" and switch between any of the fifteen members of the company. Head along the trail and down the hill. Have Dwalin knock down the pillar so you can proceed to Weathertop, then head south to a carpenter. You'll engage in a side quest here and will have to build a bridge to cross. You'll need some wood, rope, and stone to do so, so I hope you've been collecting a bit at least. Cross the bridge once you're done and you'll start the next mission. ================== 4D. Roast Mutton = ================== Master Burglar at 50,000 Characters: Bilbo, Ori, Fili, Kili, Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Bombur, Bifur, Bofur, Ãin, Dori --- Walkthrough - Official Burglar - Note that you're moving slowly for this section. Head up the path and over the log. One of the trolls will note something amiss, so shoot an arrow with Kili at the nearby target to distract him. Head to the right and over the log, then switch to Bilbo and have him fish at the pier to distract the second troll (hit the button prompts as they appear, or wait until the hook line covers the circle for a bonus). He'll pull up a crab, so grab it and toss it at the trolls' pot. Continue back to the corral and smash nearby objects to find pieces for a sling target for Ori. Switch to him and hit the sling target three times to open the corral door. You will free one of the ponies, so head back to the left and over the logs, past the now broken barrier. Switch to Fili so he can dig at the pile of dirt, then take the rock and throw it at the pot. Now, continue to the back, smash all the objects and assemble the sling target, then switch back to Ori and sling it. Troll Fight - Things just got exciting. Although you seem to have just Thorin and Kili, you've basically got just about everyone who's in this scene. You can just switch to them on the wheel and they'll hop of the troll they're pounding on. Anyway, for the first troll, head to the right and smash up the objects until you uncover pieces for a catapult. Shoot the target on the catapult to stun the troll, then do a Buddy Attack on him. You'll immediately engage the second troll in a button mash. Once you win, you'll stun him for another Buddy Attack. The last troll will jump back behind the fence, so shoot the target above him when he's under it to drop the nest on him. Playing For Time - You're now controlling Fili and Bombur. First, smash the table to free Dori. You'll also grab his flail, so use it on the left hook and pull down the crates. Head further lift and dig Thorin out of the ground, as well as a crank. Use the crank on the cage to free Kili and you'll get his bow as well. Go to the far right of the area and shoot the target on the boxes to free Glóin. Assemble the pieces to make a craft plate, then use it to make a series of slides to free Ãin. Finally, switch to Gandalf and hold B to use his super attack. --- Available for Purchase: Tom (Troll), Bert (Troll), William (Troll), Mrs. Troll --- Middle-earth Interlude: Now, take the Company and head north to the indicated spot. Shouldn't be difficult. There's a craft plate that you'll need gold, copper, iron, and wood to assemble a key, so get searching through the area if you don't have enough. Buddy up to carry the key to the door. ===================== 4E. The Troll Hoard = ===================== Master Burglar at 65,000 Characters: Bilbo, Gandalf, Thorin, Bombur, Ori, Dori, Radagast, Dwalin, Bofur, Fili, Kili --- Walkthrough - Blades and Borrowed Things - The idea in this area is to find the three super great weapons for your main characters. We'll take them in turn. Glamdring - Near the entrance, smash a box to find pieces for a ceiling hook. Have Dori attach to it, then have another dwarf jump onto him. This will uncover a cracked block, so axe smash it to knock the chest down. Have Gandalf open it. Orcrist - Head to the far right and switch to Bombur. Press B on the picnic blanket and he'll plop down onto it. Change to another character and press B near Bombur to feed him, then have Dori bounce off his belly to reach the upper ledge. Climb up the ladder and smash the objects to find pieces of a hook. Assemble it and pull the stalactite down to uncover another hook. Swing across to the left and smash the objects in front of the crawlspace. Have Thorin crawl up and open the chest. Sting - Have Gandalf enter the darkened back part of the cave. He'll use his staff to light the way. Smash the area to find pieces for a sling target. Switch to Ori and have him hit the target to drop a bunch of pieces. Assemble them into stairs, then have Bilbo climb the stairs and open the chest. Being Hunted - Radagast has joined you, as well as several warg scouts. You cannot defeat the wargs themselves, only chase them off momentarily. What you need to do is take Radagast to each of the five rabbits in the area and press B to use his magic crystal on them to suck the darkness magic out of them. #1 - Right in the middle of the area. #2 - The front right of the area, near a stump. #3 - In dirt on the left side of the area. Use Fili to dig it up. #4 - In the back left of the area on a ledge. Go to the back and clear up the tiles, then hammer pound the rock to the left and climb up on it. Chase the warg that's up there around the area, then smack him to make him drop the rabbit. #5 - Up a tree in the back right. Have Dori pull down the gold hook, then assemble the craft plate. Find the copper, rope, and wood in the area and assemble the platform, then push the rotator switch to raise up the platform and lower the rabbit. The Hidden Pass - Okay, this might be a little weird, but this part is split up. If you're playing co-op, one of you will be Radagast on the sled, the other will be the rest of the crew. If not, you'll have the option of switching between the two groups, but you may as well stay on Radagast for the time being. Ride to the orcs and press X to fight them. Mash the button prompts to de-warg them, and do so for three of the riders. Going back to Gandalf and the boys, blast the hanging blue rock and axe smash the cracked block. Go up the ramp and buddy smash the cracked wall at the end, then head further right. Have Kili shoot the two targets to drop a gold hook. Assemble it onto the rock and pull it down, then hop over to the far side. You're now fighting a rider with a rather obvious standard on his back. --- New Characters: Radagast Available for Purchase: Gundabad Orc, Barrow-wight, Saruman, Elrond (Gown) --- Middle-earth Interlude: Head down the path and turn right into Rivendell. After the cutscene, follow the trail through Rivendell, under the waterfall, and up to where Elrond is. After that cutscene, follow the path east and up the High Pass. ============================== 4F. Over Hill and Under Hill = ============================== Master Burglar at 80,000 Characters: Bilbo, Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Bifur, Bofur, Ãin, Glóin, Ori, Nori, Dori, Fili, Kili, Bombur --- Walkthrough - High Pass - You have access to the entire Company in this mission, but at the moment, you're split into two teams. The point of this section is to reunite them. First, on the upper path, head to the right and axe smash the rocks, then smash the objects to find a crank. Use a dwarf stack beneath the platform and climb up and use the crank to lower a package to the lower team. On the lower team, head to the right and use Dori to flail open the package. Assemble the plank and cross. Smash up some rocks and assemble an anvil to clear the rocks on the upper path. With the upper team, head right and watch out for falling rocks. Assemble the pieces into a cracked block and smash it. Switch back. Head across the fallen rock and continue to the right. Buddy smash the back wall and climb up the rock that falls. Continue all the way to the right and smash all the wooden items to make pieces for a box hanging from a rope. Switch back. Continue on the right with the upper team and use Dwalin to hammer the minecart out of the way. then move forward along the cliff. Dwarf stack at the green spot and turn the crank at the top to wheel up the package. Assemble it into a craft plate, which will allow you to make a lightning rod with gems I hope you were collecting on the way here. When it's complete, head to the right. A Thunder-battle - Man, things are just so complicated on this adventure! Climb up the leg and move to the left. Smash one of the big rocks to find a smaller rock that you can throw at the green to find pieces for a railing that will let you climb up. Continue up and to the left. Hammer pound a minecart out of the way, then axe smash a cracked block. Continue to the left. At the ledge, have Dori grab onto the hook and have another person hang from him to pull down the box. Use it to assemble the ladder, then smash a nearby rock to find a small rock. Carry it up the ladder and toss it at the greenery to get pieces for railings again. Climb up, and then move to the right when the giant's arm connects to you. Keep going right until the giant moves its arm again and smash the cracked block that appears. For the last part, simply follow the button prompts. --- Middle-earth Interlude: Head up the path. Dwarf stack up the arm of the giant and buddy smash when you reach the top. The arm will crumble away and you can enter the cave. ================= 4G. Goblin-town = ================= Master Burglar at 135,000 Characters: Bilbo, Goblin (Confused), Balin, Thorin, Kili, Bombur, Gandalf, Dori, Dwalin, Fili, Bofur, Ori, Glóin, Bifur, Ãin, Nori --- Walkthrough - Riddles in the Dark - One of the fun things about these adaptations is trying to force ways for two characters to be on screen when the original work says one character is alone. In this case, you've got a confused Goblin on your side apparently willing to help. So smash down the barricade and head to the back. Uncover the crawlspace on the left, head through and smack the weight to drop the skeleton. Pick up the skull and throw it at the indicated point on the rocks, then assemble each set of rocks into a ledge. Climb up and head further back. Switch to the Goblin and use him to climb up the netted wall, then hop down the back side of that ledge and smash the fence so you can assemble a plank bridge for Bilbo. Continue further into the back. Smash everything at the end, grab a skull off the bones and throw it at the hanging box, then assemble everything into a craft plate. Build the catapult, then hop in with one character and have the other hit the catapult to launch him into the barrier, allowing you into the back. Now, you're dealing riddles with Gollum. First, smash everything in the area until you can build a mountain. Second, assemble the broken pieces into a wall and have the Goblin climb it, then have it smash the objects on the ledge so you can assemble a wind propeller. Attach the crank and turn it to solve that riddle. Lastly, take the rock and use it on the left to knock down pieces of a crawlspace. Crawl through it and smash the bones to make a ladder so the Goblin can climb up. Have both characters hang from the chains to dump pieces for a craft plate. Assemble it into an hourglass for the last riddle. The Great Goblin - Now back to our friends the dwarves and a boss fight with the Great Goblin. For the first part, defeat ten orcs and then switch to Gandalf when he shows up and do his super attack. For the next part, you'll need to damage the Great Goblin. Wait for him to get a box and raise it over his head with an obvious target on it. Shoot it as Kili, then buddy attack the GG. For the second phase, the box will have a gold hook on it for Dori to pull. For the last phase, the box will have blue sparkles on it for Gandalf to blast. Escaping the Goblin Tunnels - This next part has you running through paths and switching teams on the fly. Move to the right and hop across the gaps in the bridge. At the end, hammer pound the cart, then move further along the bridges. Blast the blue piece of wood with Gandalf, then use two dwarves to grab the wood and charge through the goblins. At the end, turn the crank to raise the bridge and run across. You're now with a different team. Go to the right and down the ramp. You'll now see three sling targets with colors on them. You'll need to set the colors to green-red-blue, the same colors that are on the flags above, then cross the platforms. Smash the cracked block near the barrels, then move down and use a flail to pull the bridge back down. Continue down the bridge and cut the ropes holding the nearby platform up, then grab the ladder with two dwarves and move it into place. Cross the ladder, then climb up the next one. Back to the first team, head right and grab the torch. Set the ropes on fire to release the swinging platform. Jump on and fire arrows at the two targets to lower the barrier, then jump off and continue right. At the end, pick up a crank and assemble the mechanism, then use both to raise the bridge and move on. You're on a third team now. Head to the right and Dwarf stack Bombur up to the ledge. Fight off the goblins that grab you and you'll end up underneath a platform. Smash the barrels on the left to get the other team access to the right, then use the craft plate to make a crank mechanism. Turn it to turn a platform, then push through the goblins to the right. Now back to the first team. Head right and magic blast the boulder above the goblins, then axe smash the crack to set it rolling. Run after it and all the way to the end. Now, it's time for one final face-off against Double G. This is pretty simple, though. Wait out his attacks until he stuns himself, then buddy attack him three times. --- New Characters: Goblin (Confused) Available for Purchase: Lindir, Yazneg, Grinnah, Goblin (Scribe), Gollum, The Great Goblin --- Middle-earth Interlude: Simply head further into the forest to proceed. ============================== 4H. Out of the Frying Pan... = ============================== Master Burglar at 40,000 Characters: Ãin, Bifur, Bilbo, Dori, Bombur, Dwalin, Bifur, Fili, Kili, Glóin, Thorin, Balin --- Walkthrough - A Clifftop Attack - For this part, all you need to do is run and collect stuff on the way. Climb the Trees - Go to the back left and axe smash the tree to find gold hook pieces. Use them to pull down the rock on the right to uncover a crawlspace. Crawl up and use Dori to swing from the hook, then get Dwalin to grab onto him and jump across. Hammer pound the rock to create the way forward and a way for those behind to catch up. Smash up rocks in the second area to find a small stone, then throw it at the nearby tree to dislodge pieces for a railing. Start climbing up the tree. Once you reach the top, the tree will tip and you'll switch teams. Use Kili to shoot the targets as you climb, then have Bifur stack at the end so you can reach the top. You'll then crash into the last team of Ãin and Glóin. Throw bombs at the wargs to chase them off. Take one set of four, then another set of four. ...Into the Fire - Now to face Azog. First, press X near his warg to latch on and use button prompts to knock him off. Once Azog is off his warg, chase after him until you can use button prompts to fight him like you did in the mission prior. --- Available for Purchase: Barliman Butterbur, Goblin Brute --- Middle-earth Interlude: You're now on the Carrock south of the Pine Forest. Note that the game has pointed out to you the Eagle Marker. You can now fast travel to any Eagle Marker you've discovered by selecting it on the map. Good if you want to go back and explore, but I suggest we forge ahead for now. Head down the rocks and along the forest path. ==================== 4I. Queer Lodgings = ==================== Master Burglar at 30,000 Characters: Dori, Kili, Bilbo, Gandalf, Bombur --- Walkthrough - Something Else Out There - This part is a simple chase. Run from your pursuer and collect stuff on the way. Friend or Foe? - You need to get the house open. Head to the right and you'll find that the bees have taken the key. Go to the right and smash the three hives and they'll fly off. Smash the flower pot near the side door to get the key moving, then go to the hive on the left side of the house, assemble the hook, then pull the flower pot down with Dori. Fire a magic bolt at the now blue hive to destroy it. Head to the right and swing from the branch with Dori, then have another dwarf jump onto him to toss the key onto the roof. To get up to the roof, assemble the red parts of the fallen hive into a picnic blanket and have Bombur sit on it. Feed him, then bounce up to the railing, which will pull down a ladder. Climb up and walk over to the key, then drop down and use it on the lock. Quick mission. --- Available for Purchase: Beorn --- Middle-earth Interlude: Yay, horsies! You can now call in mounts from your Character Wheel. While not particularly useful, they are fast and better than walking for getting places. Head north along the path into Mirkwood. ======================= 4J. Flies and Spiders = ======================= Master Burglar at 85,000 Characters: Bilbo, Bifur, Dwalin, Nori, Ori, Legolas Greenleaf, Tauriel --- Walkthrough - Stay on the Path - Head to the back and smash objects to find a green pad for Nori and Bifur to stack on. Send Dwalin to the top and have him hit the rock to dislodge a platform up and to the right. Head along the trunk and down the path. Continue down and to the right until you reach a barricade. Shoot Ori's sling to the right two targets to flip them, then cross with Bilbo. Have him fish off the pier, then light the torch at the fire, then light the barricade. Head up and smash the objects around the statue to find wraith pieces. Have Bilbo use the Ring and put them together to put tiles on the floor, then have Dwalin slam the statue to the right. Have Ori sling the platform on the water to rotate it, then hop onto it and rotate it again so you can hop over to the next platform. Use the Ring to put together the pieces, then sling this platform to rotate it, allowing you to go right and join the rest of the Company. It Stings! - So things got a little hairy just now, but you've got an advantage in the Ring. Put it on and stab the first spider. The next spider has a gold hook on him. Switch to Dori and tap X to get out, then flail the spider to pull it down, as well as a bridge. Head across and cut Bofur and Thorin loose, then assemble the gold hook and pull it down off the wall to open a crawlspace. Crawl through and head to the right, swinging across the gap. Stab the next two spiders, then cut Ori and Fili loose to lower a spider with a hook. Attach to it and swing, then have Bilbo jump on as well so both make it to the other side. Stab the spider as Bilbo, then crawl up the crawlspace and free Kili. Oh yay. The Elves are here. The objective here is to get up and save Fili, Kili, and Bombur, and you'll need the elves for all three. First, jump up the back at the leafy marker to find Bombur and a spider to deal with. Second, go to the right, smash stuff to find pieces for a gold hook, then pull it down with Dori. Climb up with an elf and cross the rope to find another spider and Kili. Lastly, use Bilbo to smash the wraith statue on the left, then assemble the socket on the tree. Fire an arrow at the socket, then flip up as an elf to Fili and the last spider. --- New Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Tauriel Available for Purchase: Mirkwood Elf (Archer), Mirkwood Elf (Guard) --- Middle-earth Interlude: At this moment, you only have Bilbo and Bifur. Also, the elves won't let you into Thranduil's realm, not during daylight anyway. It's time to use a new feature that just cropped up. Go to the nearby campsite and press B to use it, making the time now night. You can now head into the kingdom. ========================= 4K. Barrels Out Of Bond = ========================= Master Burglar at 80,000 Characters: Bilbo, Bombur, Glóin, Ori, Fili, Kili, Dwalin, Thorin, Bombur (Barrel), Bifur, Dori, Legolas Greenleaf, Tauriel --- Walkthrough - Escaping the Woodland Realm - First thing you need to do is find three more barrels for the remaining dwarves. Head to the left and smash the table, then assemble it into a craft plate. Use it to make a weapons rack, then take a bow off it. Now, go to the right and find a switch you can hang from to release a barrel with a target. Shoot it. Next, smash the keg to the left to knock the gold spigot off it. Toss the spigot at the gold winch in the background to drop the second barel. Lastly, go the dining area in the back and make a mess to uncover a bunch of wraith pieces. Assemble them as Bilbo, and then grab a nearby torch and light them on fire to release the last barrel. Roll all three to the other barrels. The Elven Gate - Go to the nearby pier and jump out the barrel. You're weaponless at the moment, so start punching orcs and one will drop a Goblin Axe for your troubles. Head up the stairs and beat up all the armored orcs, then a second set of armored orcs. Lastly, axe smash the cracked block to knock down the archer and get a bow. Use the bow to shoot the target above the gate itself, which will clear the aisles. Head to the lever for the gate and have press B to pull it. The Hunt for Dwarves - In this next area, simply wait for orcs to attack, then use the button prompts to defeat them. The following area sees you with Bombur in a whirling death barrel. Head along the path to the blockage, then axe smash it. The final area has you take control of the elves and shoot down twenty orcs as you ride downriver. --- New Characters: Bombur (Barrel) Available for Purchase: Bolg, Mirkwood Elf (Chief Guard), Elros, Thranduil, Narzug, Elf (Sentry), Elf (Worker) --- Middle-earth Interlude: So you've escaped the orcs and Thranduil, but now you need to get to Lake-town. Bard has been hired to smuggle you in, so guide his boat to the town. At the gate, you'll be turned away unless you have fish, so sail to the southwest to find a platform with fish near it. Grab the shovel and scoop fish into the barrels, then head back to town. ==================== 4L. A Warm Welcome = ==================== Master Burglar at 60,000 Characters: Dwalin, Nori, Bifur, Ãin, Dori, Kili, Ori, Fili (Lake-town), Bofur (Lake-town), Legolas Greenleaf, Tauriel --- Walkthrough - The Lake-town Armoury - You'll start outside. Go to the left and smash the boxes, assemble the green pad, then stack all the dwarves with Dwalin at the top and head inside. You'll need to find five weapons in here. First, smash the barrows nearby and assemble the rest of the tile floor. Use Dwalin to knock the large fire pit over to the crank, then turn it to light it up. Grab the nearby torch, ignite it, then head to the dark area. Light the torch in that area, then smash the weapons rack to get a sword. Next, you need a way to get up to the top. Go to the right and smash stuff to assemble a craft plate. Use it to make a catapult, then set a dwarf in the basket and use another dwarf to launch it, giving you a ladder to the upper area. From here, you'll need to find the other four weapons. Here they are in turn: Spear: Have two dwarves pull either rope at the back, near the top of the ladder. Bow: Buddy Smash the cracked wall, assemble the ladder, climb up and pull the gold hook off the wall with Dori. Shield: Go to the right and use Ori to open the door with the sling target. Sword: Go the left and push the rotator to turn the windlance, then pull the gold hook to fire it, cross the rope, and use Kili to shoot the switches on either side of the door. Kili Is Sick! - You'll need to chase down the pig with the Athelas. Head to the right to find three animal pens. Spoiler alert: the pig is always in the last one you check. To open the left pen, go to the boat in the foreground and smash up stuff to find pieces for a ladder. Carry it to the green pad, then climb up and push the rotator. For the center pen, use Fili to dig up the crank, then place it on the mechanism and use it. For the right pen, grab a rock from the basket and throw it at both cages of fish on either side of the pen. Now you must fight the pig! Defending Esgaroth - Now for a proper battle! Take out eight orcs, then fight off Bolg with button prompts. Next, climb up to the ledges, cross the ropes and the poles, and start chasing Bolg to the right. Set arrows in poles and flip across them, sliding down the roof, going further right. Beat up some more orcs, then fight Bolg again. He'll escape, leaving ice floes behind, so cross them to the boat and have each elf grab part of the sail so you can chase him. After landing, fight the remaining orcs, then fight Bolg once more. --- New Characters: Tauriel (Lake-town), Balin (Lake-town), Bilbo (Lake-town), Dwalin (Lake-town), Dori (Lake-town), Glóin (Lake-town), Nori (Lake-town), Bofur (Lake-town), Thorin (Lake-town), Bifur (Lake-town), Bombur (Lake-town), Bard Available for Purchase: Master of Lake-town, Alfrid, Braga, Lake-town Man (Guard), Lake-town Man (Archer), Percy, Tilda, Sigrid, Bain, Fimbul --- Middle-earth Interlude: We've now switched focus to Gandalf and Radagast, out west near the Trollshaws. Head down towards the gap and heal the bird. This will drop the drawbridge, allowing you access to the High Fells. ======================= 4M. Looking For Proof = ======================= Master Burglar at 85,000 Characters: Gandalf, Radagast --- Walkthrough - The High Fells - Head up the stairs and have each wizard grab the green ropes to drop the pieces for the railing. Climb up and blast the blue rock to reach the first landing. Blast the blue rock wall, then grab the switch and zap the blue orb in the statue's hand. You can now climb up the stairs to the left. Blast the hanging blue rock to clear the rocks from the stairs to the second landing. Here, have Radagast heal the bird, then assemble the planks that pop out to get a bridge up. At the top, blast the door to enter. Finding the Tombs - Head down the stairs, then at the end, hop onto the railings to the left and climb up to the top one to reveal an orb that will open the door when hit with magic. This next area is a bit of a maze. Head right at the first junction, up at the second junction, then blast the wall, then head left at the next junction to reach the end. The Nine, Summoned - Head to the back and blast the two torches on either side of the slab to remove it. Continue down the tunnel and heal the bat at the end so you can start up a light sequence. Hit the lights in order, 1-2-3-4, then hit them again, 4-2-1-3. The door will open and you can proceed through the tunnel. At the end, you'll need to light three blue torches. The middle one is easy enough, but to get the left and right torches, you'll climb up on either side and stand on a button, then fire a blast at the orb that appears. To get up the right side, you'll have to find pieces for a ladder. Hit the three torches and the door opens, then head to the back through all the wind. Edge along the walls in this room, knocking away blockages and jumping over gaps when you need to. Blast the tomb at the end to drop down to the next level. Head out on the edge and go around this side, then at the end, grab the switches on either side to drop a torch, then blast it to open the door. --- Available for Purchase: Witch-king --- Middle-earth Interlude: You're now back in the eastern area, north of Dol Guldur, but south of the gate separating the area from the north. Blast the orb if you wish, but your destination is to the south, across that nasty-looking bridge. ===================== 4N. The Necromancer = ===================== Master Burglar at 30,000 Characters: Gandalf, Radagast --- Walkthrough - The Hill of Sorcery - Head to the right and blast the rubble blocking the entry. Your progress forward is blocked by a shadowy doorway with an eye above it. You'll need to direct a blue laser into it. Smash up the area and assemble a blue statue, then fire a bolt at it to open the way. The next area has three statues to blast to remove the shadows. First, heal two birds on the ground floor with Radagast to uncover parts for the middle statue. Second, smash the wood on the right to make a ladder, then climb up and blast open the door for pieces for the second statue. For the last, blast the blue cage on the left, then bounce off it to reach the upper area where the last statue is, then assemble the rotator and push it to turn the statue around. Blast all three. Hidden Evil - You'll need to open that gate on the back wall, and for that, you'll need two cranks turned. For the left one, smash the stone slab to find pieces for a rotator, then use it to reveal stairs. Climb up and smash the cage to find the crank, then attach it and turn the mechanism. Now, go to the center of the room and take the axe, then use it to axe smash the block on the right. Assemble the ledge, then climb up and along the railing in the back to the second crank. Head through the open gate. Wait, no. We have to fight Azog first. You should be familiar with these kinds of fights by now. Focus on button prompts to wear him down. The Enemy Has Returned - For the first part, simply run. At the end, you'll have to fight a rather familiar looking mass of blackness. It should be noted that your "B" move is now a shield. Avoid the "purple" attacks. When a "blue" attack is prepared, be ready to use your shield to repel it. Once you do so, assemble the pieces into a statue, then blast it to fire a laser at the enemy. You'll do this twice more to finish the mission. --- Available for Purchase: Azog (Claw), Necromancer, Sauron --- Middle-earth Interlude: Back to our Company. Follow the trail through Dale and up to Erebor. The trail leads you away from the main door and up a path. I will say at the outset that it is in your interest to smash down the main door of Erebor to find a Loot Dispenser. Here, you can buy any kind of loot you want for a price of studs, rather than having to find it in the field. Anyway, head along the side path to the back side of the mountain. ===================== 4O. On the Doorstep = ===================== Master Burglar at 80,000 Characters: Bilbo (Lake-town), Thorin (Lake-town), Bifur (Lake-town), Bombur (Lake-town), Glóin (Lake-town), Ori (Lake-town), Nori (Lake-town), Dori (Lake-town), Dwalin (Lake-town), Balin (Lake-town) --- Walkthrough - Finding the Hidden Door - Smash up the objects near you to find wraith pieces that Bilbo can assemble a gold hook for Dori to pull. Climb up the steps, then use Bifur and Nori to stack, then knock the ladder down at the top. Climb up the ladder as Dwalin and smash the rock on the track to the right, then hop down and assemble the pieces into another stacking pad. Stack Bifur and Nori, then knock down a rope. Climb up to the crawlspace, then crawl through and axe smash the cracked block. Everyone can now climb up to the next major landing. Continue to the left from this landing and find a gold hook for Dori to hang from. Toss another dwarf onto it to pull open a crawlspace. Head through as Ori and set the sling targets to red-blue-green. You can now cross the stone pillar to the left. Smash the cracked block at the end, then hammer smash it to the right. Climb up to the next level. The Last Light of Durin's Day - Now we need to find the keyhole. Go all the way to the left and smash some rocks to find pieces for a rotator. Have the other dwarf stand on the lift, then push the rotator to lift him up. Now, switch to the upper dwarf and hop across to the right until you reach a tilted platform, then switch to the lower dwarf and grab the switch beneath the platforms to change them. Continue in this way to the right, and use the crank above the tree to reveal the door. --- Available for Purchase: Dale Soldier --- Middle-earth Interlude: I'm going to make this as complicated as possible: walk up. ======================== 4P. Inside Information = ======================== Master Burglar at 100,000 Characters: Bilbo (Lake-town), Balin (Lake-town), Dori (Lake-town), Dwalin (Lake-town), Nori (Lake-town), Ori (Lake-town) --- Walkthrough - Thief in the Shadows - But forget that stuff, here comes Smaug! Head to the right and smash up stuff to build a ladder, then climb up and over, then continue to the right. Watch out for Smaug's gaze or he'll light you up. At the end, you'll get knocked down to the next level. Continue to the right. Smash the block with Balin's axe, then smash a box to find a flail. Use it to pull down the statue blocking your path, then move right and you'll slide down again. Move to the right and smash another cracked block with your axe, then assemble the pieces so you can climb up the pillar and move right. At the end, smash a box to find pieces for a hook to pull down. On the next level, move right, smash the shield, then grab the bow from the weapons rack and shoot down the target to proceed, then avoid Smaug's gaze and move towards the Arkenstone. On the last level, simply move towards the Arkenstone. Thorin's Plan - First up, Dori and Dwalin need to make a bellows. Use Dori to pull down the gold hook up the stairs, and Dwalin to hammer pound the rock on the tiles. Assemble both into a craft plate, and use it to make bellows. Next, you'll switch to Nori and Bilbo. Have Nori stack on the green pad so Bilbo can hop up, then smash your way through to drop a box that Nori can use to make a ladder. Further up the stairs, smash stuff to find wraith pieces for Bilbo to make another green pad. Stack Bilbo up to the next level so he can inch around the pillar to the switch. Now, Balin and Ori can make a flash-flame. To do this, first smash up the barrel in back to get pieces to make the code for the sling targets, red-blue-red. Have Balin grab the ropes near the targets to uncover them so Ori can shoot. Once you match the code, assemble the table and press B. Next, you'll have to throw flash-flames at Smaug. Aim for the upper part of his head and you'll likely hit him even if he moves. Revenge! - Smash up the area to find pieces for a sling target and use Ori to knock down a ladder. Climb up and use Dori to pull down the hook so you can cross, then have Dori help Bombur pull. This puts him out of commission, so use Ori now to climb up and smash all the objects to find a crank. Place it on the mechanism to move the hanging container to the right so you can cross. Have Ori help Balin pull. Now, have Nori stand on the green pad and have Bilbo climb up. Knock down a barrel to make pieces for railings so Nori can join Bilbo, then smash the cracked block and have Nori help Dwalin. Mash the X button to put Thorin's plan into action. --- Available for Purchase: Elrond (Armoured), Galadriel, Rosie Cotton, Fili (Lake-town), Kili (Lake-town), Ãin (Lake-town), Bofur (Lake-town) --- Middle-earth Interlude: Congratulations! You've completed the story thus far! What's that? You want more? Well, seems like the final chapter of this story will be DLC. Don't rightly know what form it's going to take, but when it happens, I'll be here, ready to fill in the blanks. Until then! ****************************************************************************** 5. FREE PLAY RUNTHROUGHS ****************************************************************************** Okay, in this section we go mission by mission and list all fifteen objects you can pick up during the Free Play run. Like in so many past LEGO games, how Free Play works is that you select your characters from whoever you've unlocked, and then you're given several more from your stable so you can access all the secrets. Also, if you don't get the character you need in the selection that is picked for you, you can always hold down Y and access the full menu whenever you want. Anyway, you can select Free Play of any completed mission from anywhere on the map. You don't have to walk up to the mission's banner in the world. Just bring up the map, find the banner on it, then select it. So, with each item, I may note that you need something in particular. Here's a list of what they mean, when they're not specific characters: Free Play - You'll need to do it on Free Play, most likely because you'll have the characters already in your stable, just not access to them in the Story mode, or you'll need to be able to hot switch on the fly. NOTE: A lot of the following qualifiers will become obsolete once the character types enter your main party. For instance, "Wizard" won't be mentioned after the first couple of missions because you'll have Gandalf in your party and will be able to use him on Free Play whenever. Flail - You need Dori's Flail to pull down a gold hook. Arrows - You'll need Kili or another archer character for arrows shooting. Sling - You'll need Ori's slingshot to hit a sling target. Elf - You'll need an elf's agility for high-jumping or for flipping on poles. Wizard - You'll need a wizard's staff to fire a shot at a blue object. Light - You'll need light (such as from a wizard's staff) to enter a dark area. Climb - You'll need a goblin or a simliar creature to climb up a netted wall. You get one for free after "Goblin-town". Ring - You need Bilbo to get the One Ring after "Goblin-town", which will allow him to interact with wraith pieces. Strength - You'll need a character or item with super strength. Easiest one to get is Tom (Troll) in Bywater. Explosives - You'll need an explosive item like the Mithril Firework Bow. Morgul - You'll need a Morgul weapon to destroy black smoky bricks, such as the ones the Wytch-king and Sauron carry. ====================================== 5A. Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth = ====================================== Erebor! - Treasure #1 - Jester's Cane (Flail) In the throne room, use a flail on the treasure chest behind the throne. Minikit #1 - (Arrows) In the throne room, on the large dwarf statues in the background are five nesting birds. Use a ranged weapon to hit all five of them. Treasure #2 - Glowing Hammer (Explosives) In the staircase area, blast the mithril statue holding this hammer. Minikit #2 - (Free Play) In the appraisal room, go to the back right and smash a minecart to find parts for a platform where you can use a tinderbox. Light the crates. Minikit #3 - In the forge, go to the left and smash the cabinet aside with a warhammer. Minikit #4 - (Arrows) In the forge, shoot down the five hanging cauldrons of molten metal hanging from the ceiling. Minikit #5 - (Morgul) In the forge, shoot the targets on the cage, then smash the Morgul chest. Minikit #6 - (Free Play) In the mine, use a spade on the dirt pile in the lower-right corner to find pieces for a rotator switch, which will winch up a minikit. Treasure #3 - Mining Hat (Light) In the mine, climb down the rope at the front wall and use a light to enter the dark cave and get the hat. Blacksmith Design - Mithril Mirror Armour (Elf) In the mine, use an elf to shoot arrows at the holes on the wall and flip up to the upper platform. A Fire Drake From the North - Minikit #7 - (Explosives) On the walkway in front of the windows, use explosives on the mithril gate on the right end. Minikit #8 - (Wizard) After Smaug enters, use a wizard to blast the blue object on the left. Minikit #9 - In the treasure room, climb onto the golden beam at the beginning, then walk to the left and smash the cracked block. Treasure #4 - Shield of Song (Sling) In the treasure room, before swinging across the hook, hop to the right across some boxes to a platform across from a sling target. Fire rocks at the target to extend the bridge, then cross and fish off the back platform. Erebor Was Lost - Minikit #10 - As you escape, keep to the center to find this in your path. ========================= 5B. An Unexpected Party = ========================= At Your Service - Treasure #1 - Pumpkin Crown (Flail) Go to the back of the entryway near the mithril lock and smash some boxes to find pieces for a gold hook. Assemble it, then pull it down. Minikit #1 - Find three maps. One is next to the fireplace, the second is in the kitchen to the left, and the third is in the back of the pantry. Minikit #2 - (Flail) In the middle of the living room, pull down the chandelier, then dig up the dirt underneath the floor. Minikit #3 - (Explosives) Blast the grill of the fireplace. NOTE: The next several items are all found in the back garden. To get there, you need Explosives to blow up the mithril lock in the back of the first area. Minikit #4 - Once in the back garden, find and smash five garden gnomes. Minikit #5 - In the back garden, use Radagast on the sick goat. Treasure #2 - Gaffer's Trowel In the back garden, fish at the pond. Minikit #6 - Using a spade (or the Gaffer's Trowel) dig up the dirt in the center of the back garden to find a crank. Use it on the well. Blacksmith Design - Mithril Tornado Axe In the back garden, have Bombur use the picnic blanket and bounce off him. Treasure #3 - Window Shield In the back garden, use a wizard to blast the back window of the house. NOTE: Now the next items afterwards are found in the basement of Bag End. To get there, go from the back garden to the lower door. Minikit #7 - In the basement, use a goblin to climb up the wall on the left. Minikit #8 - In the basement, use a sling on the two targets until they're green and red, respectively, then pull on the gold hook that appears. Minikit #9 - In the basement assemble three wine racks. One is ready for you to build as you enter. The second is in the wall rack in the back right, and the third is in the wraith pieces in the right end of the room. Treasure #4 - Tea Hat In the basement, shoot an arrow at the target on the right wall. Minikit #10 - (Morgul) In the basement, smash the Morgul chest beneath the stairs in the back right. ====================== 5C. Azog the Defiler = ====================== The Tale of Azog - Treasure #1 - Chamomile Teapot (Free Play) Dig up the dirt near the campfire and take the key to the chest on the right. Treasure #2 - Beehive Gloves (Sling) Use a sling on the beehive on the left to find these. Minikit #1 - (Elf) At the top of the rock ledge, use an elf to flip up the poles in the wall to the minikit. NOTE: The next several of these are found in a cave at the top of the rock ledge, which you'll need Explosives to blow up the mithril gate. Minikit #2 - Just inside the cave, head up the stairs to this minikit. Minikit #3 - In the cave, smash three statues, one on the right, one on the left, and one in the back left. Minikit #4 - In the cave, to get to the back left, you need to smash the cracked block, then assemble the wraith pieces with Bilbo. Climb up the back wall with a goblin to get this minikit. Minikit #5 - In the cave, go to the right and shoot the holes in the wall so you can elf-flip up to the upper area and this minikit. Treasure #3 - The Yodelling Shield In the cave, turn both cranks on the left and right, then pull the two chains near the pillar in the middle. Minikit #6 - (Morgul) In the cave, go the back right and smash the Morgul gate. The Battle of Azanulbizar - Minikit #7 - (Free Play) During the big battle, use a tinderbox to burn the blue banner on the left. Treasure #4 - The Boomerhammer (Explosives) During the big battle, use explosives on the mithril crate on the right. Minikit #8 - During the fight with Azog, axe smash the cracked block in the back left. Minikit #9 - (Free Play) During the fight with Azog, smash five egg-shaped rocks in the area. Two are at ground level, and the other three are high up on the walls, so you'll need projectiles. Minikit #10 - (Free Play) During the fight with Azog, dig up the dirt on the right and assemble the target for the supply drop. Blacksmith Design - Mithril Warhammer (Morgul) During the fight with Azog, go to the back and smash the Morgul chest. ================== 5D. Roast Mutton = ================== Official Burglar - Minikit #1 - Smash five skull piles in the first area. One is to the left of where you start. The second is just past the second log to hop over. The third is in the first pony corral. The fourth is on the right side of the water, which you can walk through to get to. The last is a little ways in front of the second pony corral. Treasure #1 - Dragon Egg (Ring) In the beginning is a tree with the egg in it. Wear the ring and assemble the wraith pieces to lower it. Blacksmith Design - Mithril Fishing Pole (Morgul) Just after the first log, smash the Morgul chest on the right. Minikit #2 - (Explosives) At the right end of the clearing, use explosives on the mithril cage in the water. Minikit #3 - (Free Play) After rescuing the first pony, use a flail to pull open the gold hook on the cart. NOTE: Several items are found in a treehouse at the beginning. To get there, use a Wizard on a blue object in the upper left to lower a vine. Climb up it. Minikit #4 - In the treehouse, use projectiles to hit the five balloons arranged around the perimeter. Minikit #5 - In the treehouse, use a staff on the treasure chest on the right to open it. Minikit #6 - In the treehouse, smash the objects on the right side of the house until you can assemble a rotator switch, which will lower a pinata for you to smash. Minikit #7 - In the treehouse, light the fireplace with a tinderbox. Treasure #2 - Make-up Stick (Ring) In the treehouse, go to the back left and use the Ring to assemble the wraith pieces under the objects into a birdbath. Troll Fight - Treasure #3 - The Baffling Beaker (Free Play) During the fight, go to the back right and smash objects to find the pieces for a gold hook. Assemble and pull. Minikit #8 - (Free Play) During the fight, go to the very back of the fight (hard to see behind William) and take someone with a light into the dark cave beneath the big rock. Minikit #9 - (Free Play) During the fight, shoot the branches of the trees on the right until you find a target. Playing For Time - Minikit #10 - Once you get Kili's Bow, shoot the target on the stack of crates on the left. Treasure #4 - Snotty Armour (Free Play) Before assembling the last build, shoot the sling target to lift the cage over this armour. ===================== 5E. The Troll Hoard = ===================== Blades and Borrowed Things - Minikit #1 - Beneath the pile where you find Glamdring. Treasure #1 - Archaeologist's Pick (Explosives) Blast the mithril gate near the entrance to the cave. Minikit #2 - (Explosives) Blast the mithril bucket, use the Ring to assemble the wraith pieces, then pull down the gold hook. Minikit #3 - (Explosives) Blast the mithril boards in the dark area in the back. Minikit #4 - (Climb) In the dark area, climb up the wall. Blacksmith Design - Mithril Skeleton Crank (Free Play) Dig up the dirt near the picnic blanket on the right. Being Hunted - Minikit #5 - Although not easy to get to, this one on the left side of the area beneath some leaves can be grabbed by anyone if you swing your weapon at it. Treasure #2 - Trophy Mallet (Free Play) Fire an arrow at the target on the left side of the area. Minikit #6 - (Free Play) Fire arrows at all five sunflowers on the back wall. Treasure #3 - Bananarang (Ring) On the upper ledge, put together the wraith pieces. The Hidden Pass - Minikit #7 - During the chase in the field, pick this up on the road. Minikit #8 - There are five brown flags in the chase. Knock them all over. Minikit #9 - As soon as you open the hidden pass, go straight back and have Gandalf enter the darkness. Treasure #4 - Paint Bow (Elf) Fire arrows into the holes, then flip up to knock the bow down. Minikit #10 - (Explosives) Up the pass, blast the mithril rock, then light the wood behind it on fire, then set the sling targets to red and blue. This will cause targets to pop up above them, so fire arrows at all five targets. ============================== 5F. Over Hill and Under Hill = ============================== High Pass - Blacksmith Design - Mithril Flail (Elf) At the very beginning, fire an arrow at the hole above you, then flip to the left. Minikit #1 - Smash five bone piles. The first is just to the right of the beginning. The second is on the lower path to the right of the anvil you build, near a sapphire deposit. The third is on the upper path, where the falling rocks are. The fourth is also on the upper path, just past the minecart that Dwalin needs to hammer. The last is on the lower path, at the right end near the hanging hook. Minikit #2 - (Free Play) On the upper path, just past the first cracked wall is a dark cave. Enter it with a light. Treasure #1 - Yo-yo (Explosives) At the left end of the lower path, blast the mithril rock and turn the crank. Minikit #3 - In the lower path, smash down the cracked wall to find this. Minikit #4 - (Free Play) On the upper path, after pushing the minecart out of the way, use a flail on it. Treasure #2 - Workman's Axe (Free Play) On the lower path, about halfway down, smash rocks on the wall to uncover blue boards on a crawlspace. Use a wizard to blast them, then crawl through. Minikit #5 - (Explosives) At the right end of the lower path, blast the mithril chest, assemble the hammer cart, then use it to smash all three gray rocks on the back wall. A Thunder-battle - NOTE: A number of these are in a small cave in the giant, and you enter that by blasting a mithril rock with Explosives. Minikit #6 - In the cave, smash the objects to the right of the map, then assemble the wraith pieces into a ladder. Climb it, then push the rotator switch. Minikit #7 - In the cave, smash the tables and assemble them into buttons. Have each character step on a button. Treasure #3 - Misty Mountain Shield In the cave, go to the water on the right, then smash objects to assemble pieces for a dock. Fish off it. Treasure #4 - Stone-giant Gloves In the cave, go to the back right and use the sling targets until you get green-red-blue. Minikit #8 - In the cave, dig up the dirt in front of the spinning wheel, then smash the cracked block. NOTE: Cave stuff ends here. Minikit #9 - About halfway up the side of the stone giant, there's a cracked block on its left side. Smash it. Minikit #10 - (Morgul) Just after the giant smashes its right arm into its left (there's a buddy smash block), go back down the arm and you'll find a Morgul statue. Smash it. ================= 5G. Goblin-town = ================= Riddles in the Dark - Minikit #1 - Find and smash five glowing mushrooms. The first is right at the beginning. The second is after the first crawl space. The third is high on the left wall near the end of the area. The fourth and fifth are in the area with Gollum, on the high walls. You'll need a ranged weapon to hit a couple of them. Minikit #2 - (Free Play) After the first climb up a wall, use a flail on the gold hook hanging from above. Treasure #1 - Crystal Goblin Crown (Free Play) At the end of the first part of the cave, use a dwarf axe to smash the cracked block on the right. Minikit #3 - (Free Play) To the right of Gollum is a boat in the water with a gold hook. Use a flail on it. Treasure #2 - Happy Mallet (Free Play) In the Gollum area, dig up the dirt on the left. The Great Goblin - Minikit #4 - (Explosives) During the second phase of the Great Goblin fight, blast the mithril rock on the throne. Escaping the Goblin Tunnels - Blacksmith Design - Mithril Claws (Free Play) Look to the left at the beginning and shoot down the sling target. Treasure #3 - Goblin Hat (Free Play) After the first "party switch", and before the sling targets, shoot this hat hanging from a rope. Treasure #4 - Pixel Pickaxe (Free Play) After using a flail to pull down the bridge, look up for a target and shoot it to drop a rope. Climb the rope and go to the right to find this tool for minecrafting. Minikit #5 - (Morgul) Right next to Treasure #4, smash the Morgul chest. Minikit #6 - (Free Play) After crossing the swinging bridge, hit the sling target in the background three times to raise up five targets for arrows. Hit all of them. Minikit #7 - (Free Play) There's an obvious floating wraith minikit on a lower platform. Take it by putting on the Ring as Bilbo. Minikit #8 - (Free Play) After rolling a giant boulder at the goblins, climb up the wall to this minikit. Minikit #9 - (Elf) During the final Great Goblin fight, jump up at the marker on the left to grab a rope, then climb up. Minikit #10 - (Explosives) During the final Great Goblin fight, blast the crate on the right. ============================== 5H. Out of the Frying Pan... = ============================== A Clifftop Attack - Minikit #1 - Halfway down the hill, on the left is this Minikit. Climb the Trees - Treasure #1 - Bug Net Use the Ring to put together the wraith pieces on the left, then smash the cracked block. Blacksmith Design - Mithril Music Kit (Free Play) In the front left is a pile of dirt to dig, which has a key beneath it. Go to the right and smash the cracked block to find a dark cave. Use a light to enter to find a chest for the key. Minikit #2 - (Free Play) Build a fire panel beneath the tree with the wood pieces around it, then use a tinderbox to reveal the minikit. Minikit #3 - (Explosives) In the first clearing, blast the mithril rocks on the right wall, then assemble the wraith pieces. Minikit #4 - In the first clearing, go to the right and hang on the rails. Head to the right and you'll see a small cave. You should be able to smash the rocks on the left and get to the minikit behind. Treasure #2 - Pine Cone Bomb (Morgul) Right next to Minikit #4 is this black chest. Smash it open with a Morgul weapon. Treasure #3 - Tuning Fork (Free Play) In the first area, go up to the left ledge and fire a magical shot at the blue branch. Minikit #5 - In the upper right area of the clearing, with the rock you have to hammer, climb up onto it and leap to the Minikit behind the branch. Minikit #6 - (Free Play) Shoot three hanging spiders. The first to the left of the rock you hammer to leave the first clearing. The second is just as you enter the second clearing. The last is hanging in the trees to the right near ground level. Minikit #7 - (Free Play) Just after you hop over to the second clearing, shoot the hanging target in the trees to drop this obvious minikit. Minikit #8 - (Free Play) In the second clearing, use Radagast on the sick badger. Treasure #4 - Goblin Feet (Explosives) At the right end of the second clearing, blast the mithril rocks. Minikit #9 - (Free Play) When throwing Pine Cone Bombs, only in Free Play will three purple flowers appear. Throw cones into them. ...Into the Fire - Minikit #10 - (Free Play) During the fight, look up to the trees and fire arrows at three Orc archers. ==================== 5I. Queer Lodgings = ==================== Something Else Out There - Minikit #1 - Hold to the right on the first leg of the chase. Minikit #2 - Once the camera shifts so you're running to the right, keep to the back of the path. Minikit #3 - Once you start sliding down a hill, hold to the left. Friend or Foe? - Blacksmith Design - Mithril Multi-Bow (Free Play) Use Radagast on the sick squirrel to the left of the house. Treasure #1 - Kite of Fancy (Elf) Shoot arrows at the holes on the tree on the left side of the house and flip up to the upper branch where this is stuck. Minikit #4 - On the right side of the yard, near the hives, smash up the plants to find pieces to make a trampoline to bounce up to the visible Minikit. NOTE: Several items are in the east garden. To get there, you need to be on Free Play. On the right side of the house, dig up some dirt to find some wraith pieces. Assemble them as Bilbo, then pull the hook off with a flail. Minikit #5 - In the east garden, smash the objects on the right near the outhouse, then assemble the sling target. Shoot it three times. Minikit #6 - In the east garden, smash the flowers around the buried minikit, then dig it up. Minikit #7 - In the east garden, smash the three bear statues. Treasure #2 - Farmer's Flight Fleece In the east garden, use a buddy attack on the back shed, then smash all the stuff inside to find this. Treasure #3 - Chicken Hat (Morgul) In the east garden, go to the far right and smash the Morgul block to drop the chicken and the hat. NOTE: Several items are in the basement. To get there, use Explosives on the mithril axe holding the door closed on the left of the house. Minikit #8 - Under the basement stairs is a little cubby hole with this one. Minikit #9 - Shoot down the three orc placards on the walls of the basement. Minikit #10 - Use magic on the bottle holding this minikit in the basement. Treasure #4 - Cooking Apron Take the torch on the left wall of the basement and set the wood on fire on the right, then smash the chest. ======================= 5J. Flies and Spiders = ======================= Stay on the Path - Minikit #1 - (Free Play) Use Radagast to heal the mole at the beginning. Minikit #2 - (Free Play) Shoot down five owls. The first above the first block you have to hammer. The second is past the first log bridge. The third is just before the rotating platforms in the water. The fourth is to the right of the platforms. The last is in the back of the area, behind the blue growth that you'll have to magic away. Minikit #3 - (Free Play) This is floating on the water below the first log bridge. To get there, you need to go down to the right and find a dirt pile. Dig up a crank, then turn it to bring up a dock. Ride the boat to the minikit. Treasure #1 - Mirkwood Phial (Free Play) In the back left of the area is a blue growth. Magic it away, then hop on the mushrooms in front of the colored sign to match the shrooms with the sign in colors. It Stings! - Minikit #4 - (Free Play) Shoot at five spiders with red targets on their backs. Two are easily shot at in the beginning. The third and fourth can be shot at from the second spider attack, and the last is near the second crawlspace. Minikit #5 - (Free Play) After passing through the first crawlspace, switch to an Elf and shoot at the hole on the tree, then flip up to the minikit. Treasure #2 - Spider Bomb (Morgul) After defeating the second batch of spiders, go to the right and smash the Morgul chest. Minikit #6 - (Free Play) At the end where Kili is, climb up the wall with a Goblin. The Elves of Mirkwood - Minikit #7 - (Free Play) Use magic on the blue growth in the back to free two sick flies. Heal then with Radagast. Now, spiders coming down will be red. Defeat ten using the flies or conventionally. Minikit #8 - Go up to the right. After dealing with the spider, swing across the web ropes to the left to grab this floating minikit. Make sure this spider isn't the last one. Blacksmith Design - Mithril Bomb Blade (Free Play) Go up to the back and deal with the spider, then smash the cracked block behind it. Make sure this isn't the last spider you defeat. NOTE: There's a spot in the back left of this area that is blocked by mithril pillars. Blast them with Explosives to reach a ruined area. Treasure #3 - Staff of Wisdom In the ruined area, place a dwarf stack on the green pad in the back and climb up the vine to the nest where you can take the staff. Minikit #9 - In the ruined area, bounce on the bouncy castle up to the minikit. Minikit #10 - In the ruined area, take the crank in the back left and use it on the gramaphone in the center fire pit. One of the skeletons will get off the minikit, so grab it. Treasure #4 - Dazzle Wig In the ruined area, smash the tables on the right side and assemble them into a dock. Fish off the dock. ========================= 5K. Barrels Out Of Bond = ========================= Escaping the Woodland Realm - Blacksmith Design - Mithril Pickaxe (Explosives) The barrel with the gold spigot has a mithril cover. Blast it. Minikit #1 - (Free Play) Climb up the wall on the left side. Treasure #1 - Firefly Jar (Free Play) Use a flail on the gold hook on the barrel to get a key. Use the key on the chest behind the barrel. Treasure #2 - Elk Mallet (Free Play) After pulling down the handle to get a barrel and shooting it down, pull the handle a second time to drop a cart full of stuff. Blast it with magic, then smash it up. The Elven Gate - Minikit #2 - (Explosives) There are three bells to smash in this area. One is on the left side. The second is above the gate itself. The third is on the far right, and you'll need to blast the mithril rock to get there. Treasure #3 - Eggapult (Explosives) Blast the mithril rock on the right, then hop over and climb up the railings to the top branch, then smash the egg. Minikit #3 - (Explosives) Blast the mithril rock on the right, then hop over and use a flail on the gold hook. Head up the stairs. Minikit #4 - (Free Play) Head up the stairs to the left and dig up the minikit. Minikit #5 - (Free Play) The winch holding the barrel has a blue section. Magic it. The Hunt for Dwarves - Minikit #6 - There are four sunflowers to smash. The first is next to where Bombur starts. The second is further down the path. The latter two are on the left side of the river, so don't smash the gate until you get to them. Minikit #7 - While yukking it up as Barrel Bombur, switch back to the other characters and beat up three orcs that want to hop on the barrels. Minikit #8 - (Free Play) Switch to a normal dwarf and take down the vine-overgrown cave on the right side of the area. Enter the cave to find this. Treasure #4 - Traveller's Tool (Free Play) Before smashing the wood blocking the way, go to the left and use a flail on the wall to pull this out. Minikit #9 - As you float down the river with the Elves, shoot five beehives above the river. Minikit #10 - As you float down the river with the Elves, hop onto the right-hand barrel to pass a minikit held by a fishing Orc. ==================== 5L. A Warm Welcome = ==================== The Lake-town Armoury - Minikit #1 - (Free Play) Outside the armoury, shoot the target on the left, then hop over the boat to this one. Minikit #2 - (Explosives) Outside the armoury, blast the mithril crane, then assemble the pier and fish off it. Minikit #3 - (Free Play) Inside the armoury, magic the blue cell door and take the minikit inside. Minikit #4 - (Free Play) Destroy four wooden mannequins in the armory. There are two on the left side and two on the right side behind the blue door that needs a magic blast. Treasure #1 - Sir Moustaff (Explosives) Inside the armoury, use magic on the blue cell door, then blast the mithril box inside. Blacksmith Design - Mithril Booty Blade (Free Play) In the upper floor of the armoury, grab the black rope and climb up to the rafters. Hop across the railing and rafters to reach the design. Kili Is Sick! - Minikit #5 - Smash five crab crates in the harbor area. Two are at the left end of the docks where you start. The third not much further east beneath a blue object. The fourth is on the boat where you assemble the ladder. The last is on the far right end. Treasure #2 - Singing Fish Blade (Free Play) At the start of the pier is a gold hook on a barrel. Pull it off. Minikit #6 - (Free Play) A little ways down the pier is a blue object. Magic it. Minikit #7 - This is found inside the center animal stall. Enter and go behind the wall to the left. Treasure #3 - Duck Cap (Free Play) Between the center and right-hand stall is a spot to light a fire. This will draw the ducks in. Defending Esgaroth - Minikit #8 - (Free Play) As soon as this part starts, crawl into the crawlspace on the left. Treasure #4 - Loot Rod During the fight with Bolg, you'll see an owl on the roofs with something in its claws. Shoot it three times, chasing it along the roofs as you do, until it drops the rod. Minikit #9 - (Free Play) After sliding down the roof, switch to a goblin and climb along the walls to the left. Minikit #10 - (Free Play) After the second fight with Bolg, you'll see a boat on the water with a sling target on it. Fire rocks at it until it sinks. ======================= 5M. Looking For Proof = ======================= NOTE: Ignore the Free Play menu's numbers for each section. For some reason, the first part of "The Nine, Summoned" is counted in "Finding the Tombs". The High Fells - Treasure #1 - Wraith Snorkle (Explosives) At the very beginning, blast the mithril rock. Minikit #1 - (Free Play) At the right edge of the stairs are some holes in the wall. Shoot arrows into them and flip up with an Elf. Treasure #2 - Po-tay-to (Free Play) At the part with the sick crow, crawl into the crawlspace and then flail the gold hook. Minikit #2 - (Free Play) Go past the entrance to the tombs and smash objects to find pieces for the floor. Assemble them and smash the box to open it. Finding the Tombs - Blacksmith Design - Mithril Giddy-up Staff (Free Play) Shortly down the stairs, climb the wall to the design. Minikit #3 - Just before opening the door to the causeway maze, hop on the railings to the left, then hop further left to find this one. Minikit #4 - In the causeway maze, activate three blue spheres. One is on the right side near the torch area, the second is on the left side, near Minikit #5, and the third is in the far upper end, near the exit. Minikit #5 - In the causeway maze, go to the right side, take the torch, and light the nearby woodpile. Minikit #6 - In the causeway maze, go to the left and step on the lower of two large squares to start the minikit bouncing. Jump attack it to free it. Treasure #3 - Troll's Bane (Morgul) In the causeway maze, go to the back right and smash the Morgul chest. The Nine, Summoned - Minikit #7 - (Free Play) From the beginning of this area, go down to find a wraith minikit. Wear the Ring to get it. Minikit #8 - (Free Play) After opening the big stone door, buddy smash the cracked wall on the right. Minikit #9 - (Free Play) In the room with the big blue torches, shoot the target on the left to dislodge ropes. Use and Elf to swing up the ropes. Treasure #4 - Glowstick (Free Play) In the room with the big blue torches, dig up the dirt on the right and assemble the skeleton, then smash him. Minikit #10 - (Free Play) About halfway down the dark shaft, you'll drop down a hole. Pull down the gold hook at the bottom. ===================== 5N. The Necromancer = ===================== The Hill of Sorcery - Blacksmith Design - Mithril Wraith Armour (Free Play) Go to the left at the beginning and shoot arrows at the holes in the tree, then flip up. Minikit #1 - (Free Play) There are five skeletons that you need to shoot with arrows. The first is to the left of the main gate. The next two are just before the first black door. The last two are in the large courtyard, on either side of the door leaving. Minikit #2 - (Free Play) Just before the first black door, use a flail to pull down the gold hook above. Minikit #3 - (Free Play) In the area with the three eyes, go to the upper left area and climb up the wall to this one. Minikit #4 - In the area with the three eyes, go to the upper right area and enter the darkness behind the blue door to find this. Minikit #5 - (Free Play) In the area with the three eyes, go to the upper right area and buddy smash the wall. Treasure #1 - Hot Dog Shield (Free Play) In the area with the three eyes, go to the upper right and smash the objects in the right corner. Assemble the wraith pieces. Hidden Evil - Minikit #6 - As you enter this area, look to the left to find this hanging over some railings over the pit. Minikit #7 - (Free Play) Go to the right side of this area and dig up the wraith pieces. Assemble them into a minikit. Treasure #2 - Morgul Blade (Morgul) There's a Morgul chest on the right side of this area. NOTE: The next few are found in a side tomb that can be accessed by blasting the mithril gate on the right side of this area with Explosives. Treasure #3 - Marching Baton In the side tomb, hit the sling targets in order: red-green-blue. Minikit #8 - In the side tomb, use an Elf to jump up to the left and cross the little obstacle course to the right. Minikit #9 - In the side tomb, take the torch and light the shrine on the right. The Enemy Has Returned - Minikit #10 - Once your chase turns to the right, hold to the back of the path to stumble over this. Treasure #4 - Whistling Flail (Free Play) During the fight with Sauron, dig up the dirt on the right, pick up the rock underneath, and throw it at the skeleton hanging from the tree on the right. ===================== 5O. On the Doorstep = ===================== Finding the Hidden Door - NOTE: A good number of items will be found in a cave to the right of the beginning. You'll need a Morgul blade to knock down the shadowy gate. Minikit #1 - In the Morgul cave, use an Elf to climb up the railings near the door to reach the minikit above the door. Minikit #2 - In the Morgul cave, go to the front and smash the dresser. Assemble the pieces into a plank to this minikit. Treasure #1 - Breaduchet In the Morgul cave, smash the boxes on the right, then assemble them into a fireplace and light it. Minikit #3 - In the Morgul cave, go to the far right front corner and pull the gold hook on the rock with a flail. Treasure #2 - Pom Poms In the Morgul cave, use magic to blast down the blue door and you'll find these behind it. Minikit #4 - In the Morgul cave, behind the blue door is a skeleton holding a key to the safe on the left. NOTE: Morgul cave ends here. Minikit #5 - As you climb up the rock stairs, you'll see a wraith minikit. Have Bilbo wear the Ring to grab it. Minikit #6 - Smash five golden statues of Thror. The first is to the right of the starting point, and can be reached by dropping down from the stair ledge. The second is on the first upper landing after the stair ledge. The third is up the stairs to the left of the second. The fourth is up on the ledge with the slingshot targets. The last is across the rotating stone bridge. Treasure #3 - Dragon Kite (Free Play) After the first climb, you'll see a climb wall at the back. Dig up the nearby dirt to find the last few pieces of the wall, then climb up it. Walk out onto the branch and knock the flail off it. Minikit #7 - Before raising the stone pillar bridge, drop onto it and head left. Use a buddy smash at the end to knock the wall down. Minikit #8 - (Explosives) Go through the crawlspace near the stone pillar bridge to find a mithril-sealed wall. Blast it, then enter the cave with light to get the minikit. Minikit #9 - (Free Play) After crossing the stone pillar bridge, shoot arrows into the holes and flip back over to the ledge with this minikit. The Last Light of Durin's Day - Minikit #10 - At the front of this area, smash some rocks to find pieces for a plank bridge. Walk out to the end of it. Treasure #4 - Friendship Slippers (Free Play) This is in the back above the tree that covers the door. Enter the dark area with a light to get this. Blacksmith Design - Mithril Hammerhands (Free Play) This is above the tree that covers the door. Shoot arrows into the holes and use an Elf to flip up to it. ======================== 5P. Inside Information = ======================== Thief in the Shadows - Treasure #1 - Dale Standard (Free Play) Use a flail to pull down a gold hook at the beginning. Minikit #1 - (Morgul) After climbing the first ladder, go to the back and smash the Morgul wall. Minikit #2 - (Free Play) In the second path, go to the left and climb up the wall. Minikit #3 - (Free Play) In the third path, hit the sling target to move the scales. Minikit #4 - (Free Play) In the third path, dig up the key at the beginning, then carry it up to the chest. Minikit #5 - (Free Play) On the fifth path, shoot magic at the blue catapult. Thorin's Plan - Minikit #6 - Aim Dori's flail up above at the gold hook, then have Dwalin grab him to pull down the minikit. Minikit #7 - (Free Play) In the "lever pull" section, head to the back left dark cave and find this one. Treasure #2 - Cluckarang (Free Play) Just before pulling said lever, fire an arrow at the target above. Treasure #3 - Doily Shield (Free Play) In the flash flame section, use magic on the blue vent in the back. Minikit #8 - After getting all the pieces for the flash flame bench, the sling targets will reset. Set them again for red-blue-red. Revenge! - Blacksmith Design - Mithril Firework Bow In the last area, smash the table with the papers on it and use the Ring to pick up the plans. Treasure #4 - Dragon Hat (Explosives) In the last area, blast the mithril egg on the right. Minikit #9 - (Free Play) You need to shoot three rolled-up banners in this area. One is on either side on the ground level, further out from where you can walk. The last is above the cracked block near the top. Minikit #10 - (Free Play) Near the top of the area, shoot arrows into the holes and flip up to the ledge. ****************************************************************************** 6. MIDDLE-EARTH EXPLORATION ****************************************************************************** Once again, like in LEGO: Lord of the Rings, Middle-earth has a veritable hobbit-load of stuff to do out in scenic Middle-earth. First things first: I make the pre-assumption that you're not doing this until you've completed the story, which unlocks Middle-earth Free Play, meaning you can switch characters on the fly. That will also give you the majority of the character types you need, although there are still a couple of things to account for: - Explosives: You'll need an item that can blow up mithril objects. The easiest one to get I feel is the Mithril Fireworks Bow in "Inside Information". - Super Strength: You'll need a character who is large enough to pull on orange handles OR you need an item to give a normal character such strength. Tom (Troll) is pretty easy to get in the Bywater area, so go for him. - Morgul: You'll need a character with a weapon that can break Morgul objects (smoky black). Sauron's the easiest to get to and is relatively inexpensive compared to others. Whereas the last game had Map Stones that made quests and items appear, now events get added to the map simply through story progression, and it all appears on the map at once. There are several types of markers you're going to see on the map. Here are the markers that are NOT events: Cave - These are marked with a brown door and a white arrow going into it. Caves are basically doors that separate the main area from small enclosed areas. While they don't themselves represent events, they might *contain* events, but those events will also be marked on the map. Banner - These green banners with pictures on them mark Story Missions. You can select these at any time to replay the mission, either in Story or Free Play. Eagle Marker - These gray stones shaped like an eagle function as fast travel. After completing "Out of the Frying Pan", you'll have access to these to call the eagles to take you to whichever marker you select. Campsite - These brown tents show up after "Flies and Spiders" and you can use them to change the time between day and night. Many events in the game require you to be in one of the two times. If you look at the map and see a sun marker, that's an event that requires it to be daytime, if you see a moon, that's an event that requires it to be nighttime. The rest of the markers are all events: White Quest - These are white question marks. You will speak to a person in Middle-earth and they will give you a task. These tasks could be beating up some enemies, finding a friend, building something, dressing up a certain way, bringing them an item, or something unique. Your reward will be a Mithril Brick. Red Quest - These are red question marks. They operate very similarly to White Quests except on two key grounds. One, the person in question will always ask you for a mithril forged item, and two, the reward is always the ability to purchase a Red Brick. Character - They will appear on the map as character portraits. Simply walk up to the character and press B next to them and you'll be given the option to purchase them. Not all characters are easy, though. Some are placed at the ends of minor obstacle courses. Others, bad guys specifically, will require some punching to subdue them. Blacksmith Design - They appear as white envelopes with a red seal, and there are sixteen of them in Middle-earth, as there are sixteen also in the Story Missions. Once you collect the design, you can bring it to the Blacksmith in Bree and you'll be able to forge them if you have the proper loot to make the item. Mithril Brick - The shiny white bricks that appear on the map are bricks that you can get rather simply, whether it's through running a small obstacle course, solving a puzzle, or completing a race. The point is, you won't have to talk to anyone to get the quest started. --- Good news is that all quests are "named", so I plan to order White and Red Quests alphabetically. If you're having trouble on a quest, just search through the list alphabetically by name to find it. That said, if you're having trouble getting TO a quest marker I suggest you get in the habit of setting it as a "destination" by selecting it on the map. You'll get a stud trail leading you to it taking the land into account. VERY handy. Lastly, before we get started and just to make sure things are nice and confusing, there are some events that won't appear until you complete other events, as in you complete one White Quest and a new one will appear, sometimes right in the same neighborhood, sometimes clear across the other side of the map. Make sure to take a look at the map again after clearing a bunch of quests to see what else has popped up. I try to make note of what the prerequisites are for quests, but some I haven't even picked up on. ====================== 6A. White Quests A-J = ====================== Just to explain before you go poring through this: I operate under the convention that articles ("A" and "The") don't count for alphabetizing, so look at the first non-article word for where I'll put the quest. "Ancient Armoury" Location: Near the last two Story Missions. To get here, you'll need to take the path to the Bonus Level, which starts at the square structure southwest of the Eagle Marker, then has you climb up using the Ring and a sling. Once you cross from the structure to the area, head inside the cave and build the armoury for the dwarf. "Arachnid Aggravation" Location: North of Mirkwood Eagle Marker, in a cave Talk to the dwarf and beat up all the spiders. "Armless Fun" Location: On road south of Beorn's Homestead Time: Night Follow the orc and watch her back for spiders. "Back on the Menu" Location: Southeast of "The Necromancer" Time: Night Give the orc 50 Meat. "Bad to Verse" Location: Northwest of Beorn's Homestead Time: Night Follow the stud trail to the two other goblins and bring them back to the first. "Ballista Assistance" Location: Southeast part of Lake-town, up a ladder Help the guy on the platform build a ballista. "Bats Entertainment" Location: Northeast of "The Necromancer" in a cave. Talk to the Elf and swat thirty bats. "Bed and Break Fast" Location: Just south of Bag End, in a house Time: Day Build the bed for the Hobbit inside. "The Borrowed Brew" Location: In a cave west of the Hobbiton Eagle Marker Item Needed: Tea Hat (Found in "An Unexpected Party") "Brain-freeze" Location: Southwest corner of Erebor region, near path You can access this one by leaving Dale by its southwest gate and following the pat over the bridge. Enter the cave and speak to the dwarf, then start setting fires. The order is mountain on the right, forest on the left, near the dwarf statues in the back, and the elf statues in the front. "Breaking Camp" Location: Just northeast of Weathertop Time: Night Prerequisite: Orc Expedition Talk to the guy, then run up to Weathertop and smash fifteen orcs. "Bridge Over Water Trouble" Location: East of Weathertop by the water. You need to do this one to progress the story. Talk to the carpenter and build the bridge. "Carpenter's Quandry" Location: Just west of bridge to Trollshaws Time: Night You need to complete Bridge Over Water Trouble. Simply escort the carpenter back to Bree. "Cart Departed" Location: North gate of Bree Time: Night Prerequisite: Punctual Pumpkins Follow the stud trail to find the cart, then hop in and ride it back to Bree, avoiding the enemies. "Cavern of Illusion" Location: Near main gate of Rivendell Prerequisite: Murky Waters Follow the trail provided down to the boat, then to the cave. Talk to the Elf and she'll slowly follow you to the boat and back to the other Elf. "Combat Quota" Location: Northest of Moria Eagle Marker Time: Night Enter the cave with the yellow and gray owl, then talk to the dwarf, then smash thirty orcs. "A Cosy Cave" Location: Southwest of Trollshaws Eagle Marker You'll need a tinderbox to light all the fires in this cave for the dwarf. "Crown in the Dumps" Location: West of Pine Forest Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Crystal Goblin Crown (Found in "Goblin-town") Prerequisite: Goblin-in-law "Culinary Curiosity" Location: Next to Rivendell Eagle Marker Item Needed: Po-tay-to (Found in "Looking For Proof") "Don't Sing When You're Swinging" Location: Eastern shore of Long Lake, east of "ESGAROTH" Time: Night Land the boat nearby and speak to the goblin. Build the swing he requests. "Dragon Attack...?" Location: West of Dale Eagle Marker Time: Day Talk to the person, and then fight off the "dragons" that show up. "The Dragonslayer" Location: East of Erebor Eagle Marker Prerequisite: A Kite For Life Talk to the man. Go to the Character Customizer in Lake-town and make a character with a dragon hat and body. "The Elven Assault Course" Location: Far west of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Enter the cave and speak to the lady Elf. Use an Elf to cross her course. "Everyone Loves Gorillas" Location: East of Caradhras Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: Bop 'Til You Drop Mark this quest on your map so you know how to get up to it (go east from the campsite), then speak to the troll, who wants you to dress as a gorilla. Use the Customizer in Lake-town to make a gorilla hat and body. "Farmyard Fiasco" Location: South of Hobbiton Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: Sentient Scarecrow Speak to the farmer and fight off fifteen wolves. "Feline Fishy" Location: East of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Place 99 Fish in the pot next to the Elf in the treehouse. "Fireplace Replaced" Location: Southwest corner of Bree Enter the southwest house and speak to the man. Build him a fireplace. "Fishy Business" Location: South of Rivendell Eagle Marker Prerequisite: Culinary Curiosity Give the Elf 25 Fish. "For Orcs' Eyes Only" Location: North of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: A Light In Dark Places Talk to the troll, then go to the character customizer in Lake-town and make a character with orc helmet and orc armor. "Forging a Forge" Location: Northeast part of Rivendell, on stone platform This is in Elrond's home up on the platform. Go beneath the platform and use an Elf character to climb up the ropes to it. Build a forge for the Elf. "Fright Night" Location: Southeast of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: A Light In Dark Places Build the campsite for the man. "Gandalf the Great" Location: North end of Bywater Speak to the young lady, then assemble the craft plate. Careful, you'll need a considerable amount of stone. "Getting My Goat" Location: Southwest part of Hobbiton Time: Day Follow the stud trail to each of the goats and ride back all five to the pen. One requires you to go through a crawlspace. "Ghost Hunting" Location: West of Dale Eagle Marker Time: Night Talk to the dwarf, then follow the trail to his wife. Fight off the ghosts and take her back to the dwarf. "The Ghost of the Dwarf King" Location: Right on top of "The Necromancer" Time: Night Talk to the guy, then follow him into the cave. The ghost will mirror your movements, so he'll move up when you move down. You'll need to steer him into the fire without him touching you. The good news is he still moves if you're running into a wall, so take advantage of that. "Goblin Drop" Location: Far southeast of High Pass Eagle Marker Time: Night To get here, go to the stone giant, then drop down its lower arm to find a gold hook to swing across. Inside the nearby cave is a goblin. Use the Character Customizer in Lake-town to make a character with a goblin head and body. "Goblin Gatecrashers" Location: North of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: For Orcs' Eyes Only Enter the club and speak to the bouncer troll. Beat up twelve goblins. "Goblin Gauntlet" Location: West of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: A Golbin In Training Race up this new wall course with a Goblin character. "The Goblin King's Head" Location: The road north of Bree Time: Night Follow the dwarf to the Barrow-downs, defending him along the way. "Goblin-in-law" Location: North of Pine Forest Eagle Marker Time: Night Follow the Elf into the cave and fight the Great Goblin's mother-in-law. Wait until she stuns herself, or make her crash into a rock when she charges, then buddy attack her. "A Goblin In Training" Location: West of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Race up the nearby wall with a Goblin character. "Gruesome Conclusion" Location: North of Pine Forest Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: The Price of Insubordination Head up the trail and inside the cave and beat the big goblin at dancing, then smash everyone else. "Head in the Clouds" Location: Northeast part of Rivendell, on road to High Pass Time: Night Follow the lady to the High Pass and up the stone giant, defending her at any point from bad guys. "Heavy Lifting" Location: West part of Lake-town Item Needed: Stone-giant Gloves (Found in "Over Hill and Under Hill") Prerequisite: Timber Traversal "Hide and Seek" Location: Northwest part of Bree Time: Day You need to find three people hiding in Bree, then bring each one back to the girl who gave you the quest. The first is in the southwest corner, behind the tree and house. The second can be found on the roof of the northwest building. To get up there, smash some objects so you can build a platform that will let you climb up to the roofs. The last is in the northeast corner of town. The tree in that corner has a little branch that you can shoot, which drops the third person. "Hide and Seek Once More" Location: West part of Lake-town Prerequisite: Hide and Seek Talk to the girl and she'll send out three people. One is just northeast in front of a ladder. The second is at the south gate of town. The third is in the northwest part of town near the Timber Traversal area. "Home Away From Home" Location: North end of Elven Forest area Enter the cave and use the craft plate to build a building. It requires quite a few emeralds, as well as diamonds and wood. "Horse and Carrot" Location: Just north of "Flies and Spiders" Give the lady 50 carrots. "Icy Expedition" Location: East of Caradhras Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Dragon Helm Prerequisite: Goblin Drop "In the Bark" Location: North of Trollshaws Eagle Marker Prerequistie: Stone Not-so-giants Make an Ent character in the Customizer and talk to the person here. ====================== 6B. White Quests K-R = ====================== "A Kite For Life" Location: East of Dale Eagle Marker Prerequisite: What Goes Around Go back to the dwarf's wife and build a kite for her. "Lake-town Shakedown" Location: Southeast part of Lake-town Prerequisite: Ballista Assistance Hop in the ballista and blast ten goblins in boats. "Let's Go Find a Kite" Location: East of Dale Eagle Marker Item Needed: Dragon Kite Prerequisite: Ghost Hunting Climb up onto the east walls to find this dwarf. "A Light In Dark Places" Location: North of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Enter the cave and find the hobbit inside with a light. Lead him out of the cave. "Little Orc Lost" Location: Southern tip of Trollshaws area Time: Night To get to this tip, you need to follow the road from north of the Eagle Marker, then back southeast up the hillside to find a bridge. Use a sling to make the targets green-red-green to extend the bridge, then cross to find a cave at the far end. Inside, talk to the Orc and lead him back out of the cave using buttons, pushing switches, and turning cranks. "The Longest Expedition" Location: Outside north gate of Bree Time: Night Prerequisite: The Goblin King's Head Go back to where you left the dwarf and defeat all the orcs, then bring him back to his cousin. "The Lost Fireflies" Location: East side of Lake-town Item Needed: Firefly Jar (Found in "Barrels Out of Bound") Prerequisite: Sunken Spirits "Macabre Makeover" Location: North of Trollshaws Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: Motherly Loss To decorate the trolls, assemble the nearby pieces, dig up the plant, and shoot an arrow at the beehive above. "Make Mine a Minecart" Location: Southwest of Moria Eagle Marker Enter the nearby cave and move to the front of the area to find the dwarf. Put together a minecart for him. Note that you need a considerable amount of copper, iron, and wood. "The Memory Arena" Location: North end of Erebor Time: Night Prerequisites: The Speeder, Goblin-in-law, Mother of All Evil, Trolling The cave here contains a boss rush of sorts. You'll need to fight Azog's mother, the Speeder and the Spider Queen, and the Great Goblin's mother-in- law. "Miner on the Move" Location: Southwest of Moria Eagle Maker Prerequisite: Make Mine a Minecart Talk to the dwarf again. Ride the minecart in the loop through all the circles, jumping if they're above you. "Miner's Heirloom" Location: Northeast part of Bree Item Needed: Mining Hat (Found in "Greatest Kingdom...") You can find this guy inside the Prancing Pony. "Miner's Night Delight" Location: Just west of High Pass Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: Smithy in Peril Follow the dwarf to the mining spot, fending off bad guys. "Mining For Riches" Location: North end of Caradhras region, near bridge Item Needed: Archaeologist's Pick (Found in "The Troll Hoard") "More Bunny Than Sense" Location: Just east of Radagast's House Prerequisite: Horse and Carrot You'll want to use a horse for this one. Ride around and find each of the five bunnies to bring back to the lady. "The Mother of All Evil" Location: North of Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: Armless Fun Enter the cave and defeat Azog's mom. "Motherly Loss" Location: North of Trollshaws Eagle Marker Item Needed: Cooking Apron (Found in "Queer Lodgings") Prerequisite: Suspicious Statues "Murky Waters" Location: Northwest of Rivendell Eagle Marker Item Needed: Mirkwood Phial (Found in "Flies and Spiders") "Orc Expedition" Location: At Weathertop Time: Night Go to the Character Customizer in Lake-town and make a character with an orc head and body. "Patch Job" Location: Southeast part of Rivendell, east on road from main gate Give the dwarf 25 stone to patch the rock. "Peacock's Prize" Location: Next to Mirkwood Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: Cavern of Illusion Go to the Character Customizer in Lake-town and make a character with a blue feathered head and body. "Pie in Peril" Location: West of Bywater Eagle Marker, in a house Time: Day You'll need fifty Bread for this pie, which is no mean task. "Pine Fresh" Location: Next to Eagle Marker Item Needed: Pine Cone Bomb (Found in "Out of the Frying Pan") "Poor Orc's Lost Warg" Location: Southern end of Trollshaws area Time: Night Prerequisite: Little Orc Lost Talk to the Orc then follow the trail to the Warg. Ride it back. "Poultry Persuasion" Location: West of "An Unexpected Party" Prerequisite: To Live Among the Chickens For this quest, go to the Character Customizer in Lake-town and make a character with a chicken head and chicken body. "The Price of Insubordination" Location: Near the Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: Crown in the Dumps Talk to the goblin, then beat up seven other goblins. "Punctual Pumpkins" Location: West of Bywater Eagle Marker Time: Night Speak to the lady with the pumpkin cart and escort her along the trail, taking care of any goblins that get in your way. "A Room Without a View" Location: Directly east of Weathertop Eagle Marker Build a catapult for the Elf. ====================== 6C. White Quests S-Z = ====================== "Sentient Scarecrow" Location: South of Hobbiton Eagle Marker Time: Day Prerequisite: Getting My Goat Go to the Character Customizer in Lake-town and make a character with a Scarecrow head and Scarecrow body. "Sing For a King" Location: South part of Lake-town Find the singer's two partners. The trail will lead right to each and back. "A Sinister Weapon" Location: Northwest of Bywater Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Morgul Blade (Found in "The Necromancer") "Smithy in Peril" Location: Southeast part of Bree This one's kind of important since you'll need it to forge mithril items. Speak to the smith's wife and follow the stud trail to the cave in Weathertop. Drop down to where the smith is and speak to him so he starts following you. Buddy smash the wall, then fire Ori's sling at the sling target, then have Fili plant the seed at the dirt, then bounce up on the mushroom and push the rotator switch. Now, lead the smith back to Bree. "Sound of the Underground" Location: North end of Erebor Time: Day Enter the cave and talk to the lady, then assemble the organ for her. "The Speeder" Location: Cave southwest of Mirkwood Eagle Marker Prerequisite: Spiteful Spiders Talk to the Elf outside this cave and head inside. Defeat the Speeder and its minions. "The Spider Queen" Location: Cave northeast of Mirkwood Eagle Marker Prerequisit: Arachnid Aggravation Go to the cave further to the east and you'll find the dwarf again. Fight the Spider Queen by beating the prompts and squashing other spiders in the interim. "Spiteful Spiders" Location: Southwest part of Lake-town Prerequisite: The Spider Queen Talk to the dwarf, then follow the trail to the other dwarf and bring him back. "Staff and Nonsense" Location: Northeast of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Item Needed: Sir Moustaff (Found in "A Warm Welcome") This is found in a cave at the bottom of the treehouses. "Stone-not-so-giants" Location: South of "Over Hill and Under Hill" Use the Character Customizer in Lake-town to make a character with a stone head and body. "A Stroll For a Troll" Location: Next to Caradhras Eagle Marker Time: Day Prerequisite: Sunscreen Head down the Pass of Caradhras until you find the big horse, then ride it back to the cave. "Sunken Spirits" Location: West part of Lake-town Item Needed: Yodelling Shield (Found in "Azog the Defiler") "Sunscreen" Location: Next to Caradhras Eagle Marker Prerequisite: A Troll in the Dark Talk to the troll again and build his little sun protection device. "The Supremely Difficult Elven Assault Course" Location: Far west of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Prequisite: Elven Assault Course This is roughly the same as the pre-req, only harder. "Suspicious Statues" Location: North of Trollshaws Eagle Marker Talk to the guy outside of the cave, then follow him inside to find the Mother Troll. Wait for her to stun herself, then Buddy Attack her three times. "Timber Traversal" Location: West side of Lake-town Prerequisite: Lost Fireflies This is an interesting puzzle that has you knocking the crate of timbers over to the lady, but you must not drop it through the holes. Smack the ice blocks nearby to make barriers. "To Live Among the Chickens" Location: West of "An Unexpected Party" Item Needed: Chicken Hat (Found in "Queer Lodgings") "Treehouse Trouble" Location: North of Mirkwood Eagle Marker, at the end of a road Assemble the treehouse for the lady. "A Troll in the Dark" Location: Next to Caradhras Eagle Marker Talk to the troll, then use a tinderbox to light all four fires in this cave. You'll need to use a dwarf stack to get to one of them. "Trolling" Location: East of Trollshaws campsite Prerequisite: Farmyard Fiasco Talk to the man, then head inside and take out the three trolls using buddy attacks. "Wandering Wargs" Location: Next to High Fells Eagle Marker After talking to the Elf, defeat six Wargs. "Warehouse of Wonders" Location: Southeast of Erebor Eagle Marker Prerequisite: Brain-freeze Enter the house and speak to the dwarf. Hit the Hint Stone to get the riddle. Set a fire on the top-most torch, and on the bottom-right torch to light them all. "Waterwheel Wallop" Location: Next to Hobbiton Eagle Marker Time: Day Go up to the marked point and use a warhammer to knock the box down, then shoot it out of the tree with an arrow, then knock it one more time. "Well, Well, Well" Location: Southeast of Bywater Eagle Marker Enter the cave and speak to the woman, then build the well for her at the craft plate. "What Goes Around" Location: North of Dale Eagle Marker Prerequisite: Let's Go Find a Kite Build a merry-go-round here. "Wheel Good Time" Location: Next to Hobbiton Eagle Marker Time: Day Prerequisite: Waterwheel Wallop Build the waterwheel at the craft plate. "Wizard Walls" Location: Northeast of "The Necromancer" Prerequisite: Bats Entertainment Talk to the lady to build a door. After it's done, you can smash it open to find some loot. ================ 6D. Red Quests = ================ As I said above, every Red Quest requires you to bring a forged Mithril item to the character in question. They will give you a Red Brick, but you must still purchase it to be able to use it, and some are rather pricey. I detail the effects of each brick in the "Extras" section. "The Art of Combat" Location: Northwest area, near Bonus Level Item Needed: Mithril Tornado Axe (Design in "An Unexpected Party") Reward: Always Loot Silver Prerequisite: World's Strongest Dwarf "Back-To-Roots Boots" Location: Southeast part of Rivendell, east on road from main gate Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Slippers (Design found in Elven Forest) Reward: Treasure Item Detector "Bilbo and the Beanstalk" Location: Northeast of the Barrow-downs Eagle Marker Item Needed: Mithril Beanstalk (Design found in Moria) Reward: Studs x8 Prerequisite: Weighting For a Stranger "Bird of Pay" Location: East of Rivendell Eagle Marker Item Needed: Mithril Falcon (Design found in Erebor) Reward: Invincibility "Booty From the Beasts" Location: Platforms southwest of Lake-town Item Needed: Mithril Booty Blade (Design in "A Warm Welcome") Reward: Boss Disguises Prerequisite: Lake-town Shakedown "Bop 'Til You Drop" Location: North of Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Rhythm Stick (Design found in Rivendell) Reward: Always Loot Gold Prerequisite: Goblin Gatecrashers "Build Day" Location: West of Moria Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Construction Hat (Design near Radagast's House) Reward: Studs x6 "Candle With Care" Location: East of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Item Needed: Mithril Candle Staff (Design in Dol Guldur) Reward: Studs x10 Prerequisite: Staff and Nonsense "Cranks Very Much" Location: At the end of the road southeast of Radagast's House Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Skeleton Crank (Design found in "The Troll Hoard") Reward: Middle-earth Carnival "Digger's Delight" Location: Northwest of Bywater Eagle Marker Item Needed: Mithril Stud Spade (Design in ...) Reward: Regenerate Hearts Prerequisite: Miner's Night Delight "Drama Bomb" Location: Northeast of Dale Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Bomb Blade (Design in "Flies and Spiders") Reward: 8-Bit Music Prerequisite: Gruesome Conclusion "Dual Wielding" Location: Far southeast of High Pass Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Shadow Blade Reward: Studs x4 To get here, you need to start from the Stone Giant. Go down its arm and swing across a gold hook, then climb up the cave inside. "Express Delivery" Location: Northeast of Bree town Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Horseshoes (Design found in Rivendell) Reward: Double Loot Prerequisite: Cart Departed "Fireworks of Art" Location: East of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Item Needed: Mithril Fireworks Bow (Design in "Inside Information") Reward: Always Loot Emeralds Prerequisite: Feline Fishy "A Flail of a Time" Location: Northwest of "An Unexpected Party" Time: Day Item Needed: Mithril Flail (Design in "Over Hill and Under Hill") Reward: Studs x2 "The Goblin Who Lost Her Climb" Location: West of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Claws (Design found in "Goblin-town") Reward: Fall Rescue Prerequisite: Goblin Gauntlet "Heirloom in the Making" Locaton: Northeast of Bree Item Needed: Mithril Mushroom Crown (Design found in Bree area) Reward: Super Slap To get inside this cave, you'll need to smash wraith bricks. The ones you need to smash are the ones directly above the door to the cave. You'll find pieces for a crank mechanism, so assemble them and turn the crank to get inside. "Helping Hands" Location: West part of Lake-town Item Needed: Mithril Hammerhands (Design in "On the Doorstep") Reward: Always Loot Diamonds Prerequisite: Heavy Lifting "Manic Mining" Location: Southwest part of Hobbiton. Time: Day Item Needed: Mithril Pickaxe (Design in "Barrels Out Of Bond") Reward: Perfect Forging Prerequisite: Trolling "Mouthy Mallet" Location: West of Bywater Eagle Marker Item Needed: Mithril Catchphrase Mallet (Design found in The High Pass) Reward: Always Loot Sapphires Prerequisite: Two Left Feet "No Harm in Armour" Location: Northeast part of Lake-town Item Needed: Mithril Mirror Armour (Design in "Greatest Kingdom...") Reward: Attract Studs "A One-Orc Band" Location: Northwest of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Music Kit (Design in "Out of the Frying Pan") Reward: Mithril Brick Detector Prerequisite: Wandering Wargs "The Orc Within" Location: North of "The Necromancer" near the campsite. Time: Night Item Needed: Mithril Skull Cap (Design in Trollshaws) Reward: Mithril Hearts Prerequisite: Back on the Menu "Otherworldly Ambition" Location: South of "The Necromancer" mission Item Needed: Mithril Wraith Armour (Design in "The Necromancer") Reward: Always Loot Rubies Prerequisite: Bats Entertainment "Snow and Fire" Location: On larger island due west of Caradhras Eagle Marker Time: Day Item Needed: Mithril Snowapult (Design in Dale) Reward: Miniature Characters Prerequisite: ??? "Spoils of War" Location: Northwest of "Barrels Out of Bond" Item Needed: Mithril Bandit Gloves (Design in Lake-town) Reward: Minikit Detector "That's No Slow Bow" Location: Above the gate to Thranduil's Kingdom Item Needed: Mithril Multi-Bow (Design found in "Queer Lodgings") Reward: Snake Flails To get to this guy, you need to enter the kingdom, then look left to find holes to put arrows so you can flip across, cross ropes, then make your way through a tunnel. "Trader's Turmoil" Location: Southwest of Weathertop, at a shack Item Needed: Mithril Giddy-up Staff (Design found in "Looking For Proof") Reward: Poo Studs "Two Left Feet" Location: West of Bywater Eagle Marker, in house Time: Day Item Needed: Mithril Dance Boots (Design found in Rivendell) Reward: Character Studs Prerequisite: Pie in Peril "Weighting For a Stranger" Location: Road just north of Barrow-downs entrance Time: Day Item Needed: Mithril Megapult (Design in Bywater area) Reward: Attract Loot Prerequisite: Heirloom in the Making "A Wish To Catch a Fish" Location: Southeast of Bywater Eagle Marker Item Needed: Mithril Fishing Pole (Design found in "Roast Mutton") Reward: Fast Build Prerequisite: Digger's Delight "World's Strongest Dwarf" Location: Southwest part of Erebor on the walls Item Needed: Mithril Warhammer (Design found in "Azog the Defiler") Reward: Disguises ========================================= 6E. Mithril Bricks - The Shire and Bree = ========================================= Unlike the quests, these don't have names attached to them, so the best I can do is location-based. This first area is the entire west up to the large black line of a river that splits the Weathertop area from the Trollshaws, so in effect this area covers Elven Port, Hobbiton, Bywater, Bree, the Barrow-downs, Weathertop, and the High Fells. Location: West edge of Elven Port This is on a plant out on the water. Go out to the stone pier and hop across the sinking stones to the rope, then drop down onto the brick. Location: Northeast of Elven Port Eagle Marker, up river Get in the boat either in the Port or back in Hobbiton and go through the water cave. There's a path in the cave bearing north that leads to the brick. Location: South of Elven Port Eagle Marker Required: Strength Access to this one is actually just outside the Elven Port. Walk out the main area and pull on the big orange handle on the right. Climb the hill and use Bombur on the blanket to bounce up. Location: Due west of the Hobbiton campsite, past the trees. Go to the cave furthest west of Hobbiton, south of the brick marker. Inside are two blue blocks on pillars, one of which has the brick. Blast the blocks, then use a spade on the dirt piles so you can bounce up to the ropes and get to the brick. Location: Cave east of the campsite near Elven Port Use a tinderbox to remove the growth on the cave. Inside, time your jumps across the gaps to the brick. Location: West of Bywater Eagle Marker Required: Explosives Blast the chest with the mithril lock on the little island in the water. Location: East of Bywater Eagle Marker, north of campfire You'll need an Elf to hop on the ropes and reach the brick above. Location: South end of Bywater, in Old Forest, west of Bombadil Required: Strength This one's behind a large door that needs strength to open. Location: Northeast of Barrow-downs Eagle Marker Required: Strength Beneath the purple owl is a cave. Use strength on the door to wrench it open, then use Radagast to heal the animal. Location: Cave in Barrow-downs Prerequisite: The Longest Expedition Head back to the "golf" cave and you'll need to get three pigs into the pen. Hit all the sling switches in the area and be sure to use the plant to get up to the higher platforms. Location: South end of Barrow-downs This is on top of the large hill in the center of the Downs. Use the picnic blanket to feed Bombur to get some pillars up, then go to the green stack pad and stack a dwarf up to the other button to complete the path. Head up the pillars to the brick. Location: Center of Bree Time: Night This is on top of the center house. To get there, you need to climb up the wall near the blacksmith, then follow the rope, go through the crawlspace, climb up the ladder, cross the roof, and then the other rope. Location: Just next to "Azog the Defiler" mission Required: Strength Pull open the box next to the mission banner. Location: South of "Azog the Defiler" mission Required: Explosives This may seem complicated, but the idea (which you know if you hit the Hint Stone) is to flip each of the arrows. The only thing is that it takes some doing to get to some arrows. Location: At Weathertop Enter the cave beneath Weathertop. Press the button to lower the spears, then quickly run over and hit the second button. Run to the chest and grab the crank, then use it on the mechanism to extend some ledges. Climb up to the brick. Location: Northeast end of Weathertop area Go northeast for Weathertop to find a cave with a river in front of it. Pull off the gold hook and hop onto the button to create platforms to get to the cave. Inside, use a hammer to push the blocks into the proper holes. The pattern is easy, so when done, climb up the rocks in the corner to the surface. Location: Northwest of High Fells Eagle Marker Required: Explosives Right next to the entrance to the tombs, blast the mithril rock on the wall, then shoot an arrow into the hole behind it. Flip up to the brick. ========================================== 6F. Mithril Bricks - The Misty Mountains = ========================================== This section covers the area between the long vertical river that separates Weathertop from the Trollshaws, and it ends at the vertical river that separates the mountains from the forests. This covers Trollshaws, Caradhras, Moria, Rivendell, and the Elven Forest. I've also included the High Pass in here since it's mountainous, but NOT the Pine Forest. Had to draw that line somewhere, right? Location: South end of Trollshaws area This is roughly in the same area as Little Orc Lost. Hit the stone button to raise up some pillars and create a race gate. Start the race as an Elf and hop across the pillars and jump up through the last circle. Location: Just north of Trollshaws Eagle Marker Hit one of the moles, then hit a bunch more within the time limit. Location: North end of Trollshaws, near High Fells Eagle Marker Enter the cave to find five sling targets. You'll have to uncover a couple of them. Set them red-green-red-green-blue (as the Hint Stone suggests). Location: Northeast of Caradhras campsite This is in a ruin on the hillside. Climb up using the flag-marked path, then hop up the branch trampolines to the planks. Walk around them to reach the brick. Location: West of Caradhras Eagle Marker This race is won via flail. Go to the south side of the course and climb up the rocks so you can flail into the starting point, then continue to jump and swing to the left. Once you reach the end, you'll have to go back to the right, then back to the left again, so stay awake. Location: Southwest of Moria Eagle Marker Prerequisite: Miner on the Move Return to the mine and hop in the minecart for a harder trial. Location: South of Moria Eagle Marker Go to the water in front of the main gate of Moria and hit the target on the wall. Move onto one of the solid pillars and start shooting at the seven statues in the area. You can also melee them, but I find it easier to just shoot them repeatedly to get it done quickly. Location: North end of Elven Forest area Time: Night Required: Morgul There's a structure in this area with wraith bricks nearby. Assemble them as Bilbo and turn the crank to open the door, then smash the Morgul chest inside. Location: A ways west of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Time: Day Go to the picnic blanket and feed Bombur to bounce up to a little obstacle course which leads to a chest holding the brick. Location: West of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Time: Night Required: Morgul This is a Morgul chest that you'll need a Morgul Blade to destroy. Use Radagast on the animal inside. Location: Northeast of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Time: Day This is visible beneath one of the stair bridges to the treehouses. To get to it, go below it and look for dirt to plant with, then bounce up the plants to the brick. Location: Far west part of Rivendell, west side of lake After entering the main gate, go down to the water level to find a boat. Row it to the west to find a spot to flip up using arrow poles. Shoot the chest at the top. Location: North of Rivendell Eagle Marker This is a race that requires an Elf. Hop up the walls to reach the start marker, then press B to begin. This race will lead you all around Rivendell, including up to the roofs, but the path is pretty obvious. Location: Northeast of Rivendell Eagle Marker First, pull the gold hook off the crawlspace. Go through and push the button to uncover the left crawlspace. Go through and hop around the rafters to grab a crank and attach it to the mechanism. Turning it will raise platforms to go to the center crawlspace, which leads to the brick. Location: Deep southeast part of Rivendell in mountains Required: Explosives Set this as a target then follow the path (because it's a bit confusing). You'll end up going through a waterfall to a hidden refuge. You'll need to set three blocks to get up to the brick. The first is on the ground level and needs to have the mithril rocks blown up. The second is up the climbing wall on the right. The third is up a slope in the back and then requires a magic staff to remove the blue rock. Push all the blocks with a hammer. Location: Northeast part of Rivendell, on stone platform Required: Explosives This is in Elrond's home up on the platform. To get there, go down to the water and Elf-hop onto the ropes until you get up to the top. Use Explosives on all the mithril statues in the area quickly to get the brick. The first nine are easy to find. The tenth is on the roof, so climb up the nearby ladder to get there. Location: Northeast part of Rivendell, in southern water Enter the cave in this area. You can open the other heads for loot, but what you need for the brick is to pull the gold hook on the right head, then magic blast the blue orb inside. Location: Northeast of High Pass Eagle Marker In the cave next to the Eagle Marker, enter and run the spike gauntlet to reach the brick. Location: Right on top of "Goblin-town" To get to the brick, you need to enter a nearby cave which is on the Stone Giant. Mark it as a destination to find it. Inside, use hammer pounds to move the block around until you hit the switch in the center. ================================== 6G. Mithril Bricks - The Forests = ================================== This section covers the area between the long vertical river that separates the mountains and forests, and the west shore of the Long Lake (Esgaroth). It contains the Pine Forest, Beorn's Homestead, Mirkwood, Thranduil's Kingdom, Radagast's House, and Dol Guldur. Location: West of Pine Forest Eagle Marker Enter the cave and hit seven arrows to point towards the statue. Some are behind hooks, targets, etc. Location: Next to Carrock Eagle Marker This is a race that will require an Elf. Run down the hill and across several ropes to the end. Location: Northwest of Beorn's Homestead Slap one of the moles poking their head out and then slap a whole bunch more in the time limit. Location: South of "Flies and Spiders" Use Radagast on the sick mole. Location: Next to Mirkwood Eagle Marker Nearby are several purple mushrooms that lead up. Bounce up to the brick. Location: North of Mirkwood Eagle Marker There's a sick owl on the path. Heal it with Radagast. Location: Further left of "Barrels Out of Bond" This is hanging in the middle of space above the main bridge. Walk up to the bridge northwest and use Dori to flail-swing over to it. Location: Near left of "Barrels Out of Bond" Using an Elf, head into the kingdom and make your way to the jumping walls. Hop up three sets to the top to get this brick. Location: Next to Radagast's House Eagle Marker Just east of the marker is a cave. Go inside and participate on the bouncy race to get the Brick. Location: Southeast of Radagast's House Eagle Marker Required: Strength Enter the cave. You'll need Strength to pull the two orange handles to clear the path. Hop across the pillars and swing on the gold hook, then smash the top of the stone with a buddy attack. Location: Far east of Radagast's House Eagle Marker Use a flail to attach to the owls and swing up to the tree where the Brick is. Location: Under bridge to Dol Guldur fortress Beneath the bridge, take an Elf and hop up the marked walls to the brick. Location: Right on top of "The Necromancer" Prerequisite: The Ghost of the Dwarf King Return to the cave and you'll have another ghost-guiding course. This time, the ghost will match your movements vertically, so you'll need to use the pillar in the middle to get around him. Location: Just east of "The Necromancer" Required: Morgul You need a Morgul weapon to smash eight Morgul objects in the area. You'll have to walk about a bit to find them all. There's some up stairs, one out on a plank, and another on top of a small structure. Location: Further east of "The Necromancer" Further into the fortress is a wall to climb with a brick at the top. ========================================== 6H. Mithril Bricks - The Eastern Reaches = ========================================== This section covers the areas east of the western shore of the Long Lake. It covers Lake-town, Dale, and Erebor. Location: South end of Long Lake, directly south of "T" in "ESGAROTH" Required: Explosives Sail the boat to the spot and get off at the dock. Blast the mithril chest. Location: South part of Long Lake, directly south of "G" in "ESGAROTH" Take the boat west of the brick marker to land (at the stone dock, not the wooden dock) and follow the path to the wooden dock. Fish off it and take the key you get to the rotator switch so you can adjust the platforms to reach the top. Location: West part of Lake-town There's a small jumping wall that an Elf can use to get to the roofs. Shoot arrows at the bridge to put it in place so you can cross to the planks and ropes to get to the brick. Location: Southeast part of Lake-town Enter the house south of the Eagle Marker. Press the button inside to lower some of the spears. Quickly run through the path to the brick. Location: North part of Lake-town Enter the house in the north part. Hit the Hint Stone for the riddle, then put 100 Fish in the fourth pot. Location: Southwest of Dale walls To get here, you need to start at Erebor and start walking south towards Lake-town. You'll reach a craft plate to make a bridge. Not only does this get you a brick, but also a convenient way to get back to Lake-town. Location: South part of Dale on cave Enter the cave and light fires near each of the captives to free them. Location: Directly south of Dale Eagle Marker This is on the rooftops. To get there, go south and shoot down the wood blocking the sling target. Fill it up, then climb up and cross to the roof. Under the rubble is a sick owl, so use Radagast on it. Location: West of Dale Eagle Marker Go to the staircase that leads up to the northwest wall, then find a wall that you can buddy smash. Once inside, dwarf stack up to the attic, then smash the wooden chest. Location: East of Dale Eagle Marker Enter the door at the east part of Dale. In this basement, you'll need to avoid the spears and smash the six statues quickly. I suggest using the Pine Cone Bomb as it destroys them quickly and from long range. Location: Northeast of Dale Eagle Marker within walls Required: Explosives There's a ladder on the keep on the east side of Dale leading up to the upper keep. Find a mithril statue and blast it to find a crawlspace behind it. On the next level, find another statue to the left covering another crawlspace, which leads to the brick. Location: East of Erebor Eagle Marker Use the craft plate near the water to build a boat, then row the boat out to the pier and take the brick. Location: West of Erebor Eagle Marker Time: Day Use Dori to pull the gold hook on the wall, then climb up to the crawlspace, then jump out to the hanging gold hook to swing into the brick. Location: Square structure southwest of Erebor Eagle Marker This is near the Red Quest "World's Strongest Dwarf". Use the Ring and a sling to climb this structure. The brick is at the top. ======================== 6I. Blacksmith Designs = ======================== There are sixteen designs to be found in the wilds. I've organized them alphabetically here, as they're all labelled on the map. Mithril Bandit Gloves Location: West part of Lake-town Enter the house in the west. First, pull the gold hook off the chest to get a crank for the mechanism on the left. Step on the button and shoot an arrow at the target, then fire at the sling target. Then set the colored targets to red and blue, then take the key and open the chest. Mithril Beanstalk Location: Northeast of Moria Eagle Marker Required: Explosives Blast the mithril rocks on the wall. Mithril Candle Staff Location: South of "The Necromancer" mission Use Bilbo to smash the wraith planks blocking the cave, then enter and find three keys. One's in the upper target. One's in the tent in the lower left, and one's in the dirt on the right. Mithril Catchphrase Mallet Location: Just north of the High Pass Eagle Marker Required: Explosives This is at a camp up some stone steps. Use Explosives to blast the mithril lock on the chest. Mithril Construction Hat Location: A ways north of Radagast's House Eagle Marker, in the mountains Required: Explosives Best way to get to this one is to ride east from Radagast's House, then turn north and follow the road back west. You'll need to climb up a wall, then you'll hop up some rock ledges to a dirt pile which makes a flower you can use to bounce up. At the end of the mountain path is a cave with the design inside. Use Explosives to blow up the mithril rocks, then hammer pound the rock over to the right and use a tinderbox at the top. Mithril Dance Boots Location: East part of Rivendell in woods Enter the cave near the design with an Elf. In here, you'll need to pull three switches to unlock the design. On the right are spots where you need to shoot arrows to flip up. On the left is a rope course with two of the switches. Mithril Falcon Location: South of Erebor Eagle Marker Go to the structure and set a dwarf stack. Jump up and pull the handle to extend ledges, then use a flail to swing around the front side of the structure, then hop up to the roof. The design is in a box on the top of the roof. Mithril Horseshoes Location: Northeast part of Rivendell Beneath the stone platform is a cave. Inside, you'll have to solve the riddle. First, hit 12, then 4, then 6, then hit the one hiding behind the tree, then the stone on top, then the one behind the bush to the right, then the green stone and you're done! Mithril Megapult Location: Northeast of Bywater Eagle Marker The obvious door and sling targets mean you have to put the colors in order, but what order? The Hint Stone nearby mentions a stone lion. You can follow the path to the lion, which you can sit on to see three owls in order: green-blue-red. Set the targets for those colors and go inside. NOTE: On the PC version, this is kinda bugged, as it won't let you hit the targets with your sling. I know of no foolproof way to fix this; just keep leaving and returning to the area. If you see Hint Stones, that's the sign you can do it. If not, try changing the time of day, the place from which you walk, and even turning down your graphics quality. Hopefully an update will solve this. Mithril Mushroom Crown Location: At the end of the road north of Bree Enter the cave and you'll find a bunch of crawlspaces. The trick is to match them up. Enter the one with blue flowers to reach the key, then enter the one on the back wall with a sloped top to reach the chest with the design locked in it. Mithril Rhythm Stick Location: South end of Rivendell in water Required: Explosives From the main gate of Rivendell, go down to the water level to find a boat. Row to the design marker and blast the chest on the rock. Mithril Shadow Blade Location: A considerable way south of Weathertop There's a Hint Stone next to a locked door south of Weathertop. It suggest to follow yellow arrows and turn away from purple ones. So, follow the signs. Go exactly in the direction of yellows, and go the opposite of purples. At the end is a dirt pile to dig the key up. Inside the cave, shoot arrows to create blocks in the water to cross, then give twenty each of emerald, sapphire, and ruby to the proper statues to open up the rock to find the design. Mithril Skull Cap Location: Northeast of the Trollshaws Eagle Marker Go east along the road from the Eagle Marker to find a locked cave. Use a wizard to smash the blue stone to find a button underneath, which will start platforms moving above. Climb up to the top of the cave with an Elf to reach the crank to unlock the cave. Inside, use a light to reach the end of the cave, and magic-blast each of the blue orbs that pop up. Mithril Slippers Location: South of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Required: Explosives First, fish off the pier to get a crank and use it to raise some pillars, then smash the lowest pillar with a hammer to move it, then hop up as an Elf, then use explosives on the mithril chest. Mithril Snowapult Location: South part of Dale First, you need to get to the roofs. Go to the west gate of Dale and you'll find a climbing wall. At the top, switch to Dori and start hitting red flags. You need to hit all eight within the time to get the design to appear, and they're all over the rooftops, although not particularly difficult to find. Mithril Stud Spade Location: Northwest of Hobbiton Eagle Marker This is found in a little shack, but to open it, you'll need a crank. There's a pier in the stream just to the east. Fish off it as Bilbo to get the crank. ================ 6J. Characters = ================ This might seem kind of redundant given I have a Characters section later, but the idea is that here is where I describe how to get the characters, and some you have to go through a bit of a mess to get to them. They're all alphabetical in this list. Alfrid Location: Platforms southwest of main Lake-town area Azog (Claw) Location: South of "The Necromancer" mission Time: Night You'll have to fight off several orcs before Azog will show up, so be warned. Bain Location: South of Bywater Eagle Marker You need to enter this southern area via Hobbiton. There's a gate with a gold hook that can be pulled down in the southeast part of Hobbiton. Barliman Butterbur Location: Center of Bree, inside Prancing Pony Barrow-wight Location: Southeast of Barrow-downs Eagle Marker Time: Night Beorn Location: At his Homestead Bert (Troll) Location: Cave northeast of Mirkwood Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: Spider Queen Bilbo (Old) Location: Southwest of Elven Port Eagle Marker Bofur (Lake-town) Location: Southwest part of Bywater This is close to Farmer Maggot's Farm in the water. Bofur's on a platform in the middle of the water. Shoot arrows at the target to adjust the platforms, then hop up. Bolg Location: On small island due west of the Caradhras Eagle Marker Time: Night Bombur (Young) Location: In the swamp west of Weathertop Braga Location: Southeast part of Lake-town Bree Peasant Location: South part of Bree To get this guy out of his house, you need to hit the Hint Stone and drop a whopping five hundred Carrots into the bucket. Best way to get those is just to buy them from the Loot Generator in Erebor. Dale Soldier Location: Northwest of Dale Eagle Marker Time: Day Elf (Sentry) Location: North end of the Elven Forest area Elf (Worker) Location: East of Elven Forest Eagle Marker Elrond (Armoured) Location: South of Erebor Eagle Marker Elrond (Gown) Location: North of Rivendell Eagle Marker Elros Location: South of Rivendell Eagle Marker Fili (Lake-town) Location: North end of Caradhras region, near bridge Get in a boat on the east bank of the Trollshaws and row out to Fili. Fimbul Location: Next to the campsite in Caradhras Time: Night Galadriel Location: Northeast of Elven Forest Eagle Marker, in the treehouse Time: Day Goblin Brute Location: On the larger island due west of the Caradhras Eagle Marker Time: Night Goblin (Scribe) Location: North of Pine Forest Eagle Marker Deposit 25 gold in the nearby bucket to make him appear. Gollum Location: Next to "Goblin-town" banner Time: Night The Great Goblin Location: At Weathertop Time: Night He's in the cave directly beneath Weathertop. Grinnah Location: South of High Pass Eagle Marker Down the hill from the stone giant. Gundabad Orc Location: North of Moria Eagle Marker Time: Night Jimli the Blacksmith Location: Blacksmith Forge all the mithril items and Jimli will be purchaseable. Kili (Lake-town) Location: Southwest part of the Elven Forest You'll need to perform a couple of flail swings to get across the gold hooks leading to Kili. Lake-town Man (Archer) Location: North edge of Lake-town To get up here, you need to start from the east side of the town and find some planks going out over to the water, which will get you to ladders that get you up to the roof. Follow the roof path to this guy. Lake-town Man (Guard) Location: Southwest of Dale walls Leave by the southwest gate and go along the path towards the stone bridge. Lindir Location: Northeast of High Pass Eagle Marker, at a camp. Master of Lake-town Location: Center of Lake-town Time: Day Mirkwood Elf (Archer) Location: Southeast of Radagast's House Eagle Marker Mirkwood Elf (Chief Guard) Location: Just west of "Barrels Out of Bond" in Thranduil's Kingdom Mirkwood Elf (Guard) Location: A ways east of Mirkwood Eagle Marker Mrs. Troll Location: North of Trollshaws Eagle Marker in the cave Prerequisite: Macabre Makeover Narzug Location: On the southwest shore of the Long Lake Time: Night Necromancer Location: Northeast of "The Necromancer" mission in a cave Prerequisite: Wizard Walls Ãin (Lake-town) Location: Eastern shore of Long Lake Orc Berserker Location: Next to Caradhras Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: A Stroll For a Troll Percy Location: Inside the "O" in "ESGAROTH" Park your boat just north of the character and cross the planks to him. Rosie Cotton Location: North of Hobbiton Eagle Marker, in house with green door Saruman Location: West end of Rivendell Sauron Location: On road south of Beorn's Homestead Time: Night Sigrid Location: North part of Lake-town, in the house Thranduil Location: In the northwest part of kingdom, near his throne Thrór (Armoured) Location: Northeast end of Weathertop area Go northeast from Weathertop to find a cave with a river in front of it. Pull off the gold hook and hop onto the button to create platforms to get to the cave. Inside, use a hammer to push the blocks into the proper holes. The pattern is easy, so when done, climb up the rocks in the corner to the surface. Tilda Location: North of Bywater Eagle Marker She's found inside the house with the yellow door. Tom (Troll) Location: Southeast of Bywater Eagle Marker Time: Night He's found inside the cave with its entrance to the east. Tom Bombadil Location: South end of Bywater, in Old Forest To get Tom out of his house, plant the plant out back of his house, then bounce up to his roof and start the race, which is a bouncy race along flowers. Troll Bouncer Location: North of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Prerequisite: Everyone Loves Gorillas William (Troll) Location: North of Mirkwood Eagle Marker, in a cave Time: Night Prerequisite: Arachnid Aggravation Wytch-king Location: Northwest of High Fells Eagle Marker Time: Night Yazneg Location: Northeast of High Pass Eagle Marker, in the cave Time: Night ================= 6K. Bonus Level = ================= Once you complete the game, you can access the Bonus Level. Getting there is the trickiest part. From the gate of Erebor, go up the stone path to the square tower (where the "World's Strongest Dwarf" is) and climb up by assembling a wraith ladder and by hitting sling targets. You'll cross a rope over to a ledge where the banner is. The actual mission is a snap. You have five minutes to tromp around a miniature Middle-earth as a stone giant, smashing everything and getting a million studs. You'll hit the million long before everything is rubble, so just have fun with it. ****************************************************************************** 7. CHARACTERS ****************************************************************************** This game has 96 characters: 42 are given to you in the course of the story and the other 54 you need to unlock. You also have access to eight custom characters, as well as two custom troll characters later in the game. To adjust your custom characters, go to the Character Customizer in Lake-town. To adjust the custom trolls, go to Beorn's Homestead. To purchase new characters, you'll need to find them in Middle-earth. Some will only appear after completing certain side quests. Check Section 6J for info on how to find each character. This section is for biographies as well as info on abilities. ====================== 7A. Story Characters = ====================== Thorin (Young) - After Mission 1 Thorin - After Mission 3 Thorin (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 Thorin II of the line of Durin is the leader of the company of dwarves aiming to take back the Lonely Mountain from Smaug. His exile from Erebor has soured his mood and he often seems moody and detached from his company. He earned the name "Oakenshield" after fighting off Azog the Defiler with nothing but an oak branch on his arm. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash --- Thráin - After Mission 1 Thorin's father is Thráin II, a prince of the dwarves. After the exile from Erebor and the death of Thrór, his father, he became withdrawn and detached. He had forgotten his own name when he gave Gandalf the key and map to Erebor. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Hammer Pound --- Balin (Young) - After Mission 1 Balin - After Mission 3 Balin (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 A member of the dwarven company, Balin is one of the oldest and wisest. He takes a quick liking to Bilbo and serves as a mentor figure to the hobbit. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash --- Thrór - After Mission 1 Thrór (Armoured) - After Mission 3 (40,000) The deposed King of the Dwarves, Thrór became obsessed with gold in his late years. His desire for wealth would lead him to Moria, where he would die in battle against Azog the Defiler. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash --- Armoured Dwarf Guard - After Mission 1 This is one of many dwarf guards in Erebor. He is armed with a spear instead of a typical axe. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Dwarf Stack --- Frodo - After Mission 1 Son of Drogo, Frodo Baggins is nephew to Bilbo Baggins. He is yet to be born at the time of this game, but through some flashback working, you are allowed to play as him. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace --- Sam - After Mission 1 Samwise Gamgee is Frodo's gardener and has also yet to be born at the time of this game, but he can still be useful, as he is one of the few characters that comes equipped with a tinderbox. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Digging, Firestarter --- Bilbo (Hobbiton) - After Mission 2 Bilbo - After Mission 2 Bilbo (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 Bilbo (Old) - After Mission 1 (20,000) The main character of this game, Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit of no particular renown except for being a member of the prestigious Baggins family. He is hired by Thorin's company as a burglar on their journey to the Lonely Mountain, as the dragon Smaug is not used to the smell of a hobbit. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Fishing, Wraith Bricks (after Mission 7) --- Gandalf - After Mission 2 One of the great Istari, Gandalf the Grey is the mentor and guide of Thorin's company through much of their journey. He seems mostly affable and sometimes grumpy, but he has great magical ability and manages to save the company from danger on more than one occasion. Abilities: Light, Wizard's Staff --- Bifur - After Mission 3 Bifur (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 Cousin to Bofur and Bombur, Bifur is a member of Thorin's company. He has a small bit of orc axe stuck in his head, which doesn't make him very articulate, but he remains by Thorin's side throughout the journey. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Dwarf Stack --- Bofur - After Mission 3 Bofur (Lake-town) - After Mission 16 (25,000) Brother to Bombur and cousin to Bifur, Bofur is a member of Thorin's company. He descends from a family of miners, and he's also a musician in his spare time. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Mining --- Bombur - After Mission 3 Bombur (Young) - After Mission 3 (20,000) Bombur (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 By far the most rotund of Thorin's company, Bombur is also the company's cook. Despite his girth, he's still a capable fighter. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Belly Bounce --- Dori - After Mission 3 Dori (Young) - After Mission 3 Dori (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 One of the strongest of the dwarves in Thorin's company, Dori is a distant relative of Thorin and eldest brother to Ori and Nori. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Flail Grab --- Dwalin - After Mission 3 Dwalin (Young) - After Mission 3 Dwalin (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 Thorin's staunchest supporter, Dwalin is a brawler in Thorin's company. He is Balin's younger brother. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Hammer Pound --- Fili - After Mission 3 Fili (Lake-town) - After Mission 16 (25,000) One of the younger dwarves of the Company, Fili is older brother to Kili and a nephew of Thorin. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash --- Kili - After Mission 3 Kili (Lake-town) - After Mission 16 (25,000) The youngest of Thorin's company, Kili is Fili's younger brother and the company's most able archer. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Bow and Arrows --- Glóin - After Mission 3 Glóin (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 One of the greediest dwarves of Thorin's company, Glóin is father to Gimli and brother to Ãin. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash --- Nori - After Mission 3 Nori (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 The middle of brothers with Dori and Ori, Nori is the most troublesome of Thorin's company, often running afoul of the law. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Dwarf Stack --- Ãin - After Mission 3 Ãin (Lake-town) - After Mission 16 (25,000) Older brother of Glóin and the company's medic, Ãin is unfortunately plagued with poor hearing and often carries a horn in order to be heard. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Dwarf Stack --- Ori - After Mission 3 Ori (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 Youngest of the three brothers with Dori and Nori, Ori is a member of Thorin's company and often the most likely to get into trouble. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash, Sling --- Radagast - After Mission 5 Radagast the Brown is also a member of the Istari, one of the five Wizards that roam Middle-earth. Whereas Gandalf and Saruman involve themselves in the matters of sentient beings, Radagast tends to deal more with plants and animals. Abilities: Light, Wizard's Staff, Animal Healing --- Goblin (Confused) - After Mission 7 This citizen of Goblin-town is unique to this game, and required due to Bilbo being alone in the Misty Mountains for a time. He helps Bilbo due to a knock on the head. Abilities: Climb --- Legolas Greenleaf - After Mission 10 Prince of the Elves of Mirkwood, Legolas is one of his peoples' most skilled archers. At the time of this story, he doesn't think much of other races or their troubles. Abilities: Elf Agility, Bow and Arrows --- Tauriel - After Mission 10 Tauriel (Lake-town) - After Mission 12 Captain of Thranduil's guard, Tauriel takes a greater interest in the worries of the world than her companion, Leoglas. Abilities: Elf Agility, Bow and Arrows --- Bombur (Barrel) - After Mission 11 Woe betide the foe who gets caught up in Bombur's whirling dervish of barrel death. Abilities: Crawlspace --- Bard - After Mission 12 Descendant of the lords of Dale, Bard the Bowman is a man of Lake-town. He comes across Thorin's company and smuggles them into the town. Abilities: Bow and Arrows ====================== 7B. Other Characters = ====================== Tom Bombadil - After Mission 2 (30,000) One of the oldest creatures on Middle-earth, Tom appears to be just a normal man living in the woods, but he has great knowledge of nature. Abilities: Digging --- Gundabad Orc - After Mission 5 (50,000) Gundabad is a mountain in the Misty Mountains. While sacred to the dwarves, it was overrun by orcs in the Second Age. Tough breed of orcs come from there. --- Barrow-wight - After Mission 5 (100,000) Undead creatures that haunt the Barrow-downs, wights attack the heart and will. While not depicted in the films, they appear in the first Lord of the Rings book. Abilities: Morgul --- Saruman - After Mission 5 (50,000) Saruman the White is the leader of the Istari and resides in Isengard. He is also the leader of the White Council, a group of beings in Middle-earth seeking to keep darkness from overtaking it. Abilities: Light, Wizard's Staff, Explosives --- Elrond (Gown) - After Mission 5 (30,000) Elrond (Armoured) - After Mission 16 (40,000) Lord Elrond Halfelven is the ruler of Rivendell. He takes in Thorin's company and provides them with a translation of the map they carry. Abilites: Elf Agility --- Lindir - After Mission 7 (30,000) Lindir was Elrond's right hand in Rivendell when Thorin's company visited. Abilities: Elf Agility --- Yazneg - After Mission 7 (45,000) This orc was captain of Azog's warg riders as they chased Thorin's company. He was made an example of when he failed to stop to them. Abilities: Axe Smash --- Goblin (Scribe) - After Mission 7 (30,000) This miniature goblin serves as scribe to the Great Goblin. He is rather weak otherwise. Abilities: Crawlspace, Climb --- Grinnah - After Mission 7 (30,000) The chief interrogator of Goblin-town. Grinnah is the one who makes sure that the dwarves are brought before the Great Goblin. Abilities: Climb --- Gollum - After Mission 7 (50,000) Once known as Sméagol, Gollum is a creature corrupted by the Ring he carries. At the time of this adventure, he lives in the Misty Mountains, hiding from everyone. Abilities: Climb, Fishing --- Barliman Butterbur - After Mission 8 (15,000) The proprietor of the Prancing Pony, but this is mostly during the Lord of the Rings adventure. This is a much younger version of him during Bilbo's quest. --- Beorn - After Mission 9 (45,000) One of the last skinchangers in Middle-earth, Beorn lives far away from most other people and seldom gets involved. He does end up helping the dwarven company, mostly due to his hatred of orcs. Abilities: Axe Smash, Skin Changer (hold down B to turn into a bear) --- Mirkwood Elf (Archer) - After Mission 10 (30,000) Mirkwood Elf (Guard) - After Mission 10 (30,000) Mirkwood Elf (Chief Guard) - After Mission 11 (35,000) Elf (Sentry) - After Mission 11 (30,000) Elf (Worker) - After Mission 11 (35,000) Elves are long-lived creatures and tend to allow conflicts to resolve themselves rather than get involved, as a hundred years is but a blink in their lives. Abilities: Elf Agility, Bow and Arrows (Archer, Chief Guard, Sentry), Axe Smash (Worker) --- Bolg - After Mission 11 (45,000) Son of Azog, Bolg is a giant orc like his father. He commanded the orcs in Dol Guldur and was tasked with hunting down the dwarven company after Azog was recalled to the fortress. Abilites: Axe Smash, Hammer Pound --- Thranduil - After Mission 11 (35,000) The king of the Mirkwood Elves, Thranduil's reign has driven him to be isolationist, and he refuses to get involved with more mundane matters, to the point of imprisoning the dwarven company to prevent them from rousing Smaug's wrath. Abilities: Elf Agility --- Narzug - After Mission 11 (45,000) An orc lieutenant, Narzug is the orc captured by the Elves following their attack on the kingdom. Abilities: Axe Smash --- Elros - After Mission 11 (25,000) Elros is a Mirkwood Elf and the master of keys in Thranduil's stronghold. Abilities: Elf Agility --- Master of Lake-town - 12 After Mission (15,000) This unnamed human is the leader of Lake-town. He initially balks at the idea of dwarves in his town, but sends them on their way gladly when they promise to share their riches. --- Alfrid - After Mission 12 (20,000) A counselor to the Master of Lake-town, Alfrid Lickspittle is a conniving jerk who bullies Bard about bringing fish into the town. --- Braga - After Mission 12 (25,000) The captain of the Lake-town guard, Braga is in charge of keeping the Master's peace in the town. Abilities: Bow and Arrows --- Lake-town Man (Guard) - After Mission 12 (15,000) Lake-town Man (Archer) - After Mission 12 (25,000) Guards of Lake-town are in place more to follow the Master's tyrannical orders than keep the peace. Abilities: Dwarf Stack (Guard), Bow and Arrows (Archer) --- Percy - After Mission 12 (10,000) A man of Lake-town, Percy worked as a porter. Abilities: Fishing --- Tilda - After Mission 12 (15,000) Sigrid - After Mission 12 (20,000) Bain - After Mission 12 (15,000) The children of Bard, feisty young folk who are often complicit in Bard's less legal doings. Abilities: Buddy Moves (Tilda and Bain), Crawlspace (Tilda and Bain) --- Fimbul - After Mission 12 (30,000) Fimbul the Hunter is one of Azog's warg-riders, and became their commander after Azog killed Yazneg. Abilities: Axe Smash --- Witch-king - After Mission 13 (80,000) One of the Nine Men who took Rings of Power from Sauron, the Witch-king of Angmar. He was buried in the High Fells after his death. Abilities: Morgul --- Azog (Claw) - After Mission 14 (90,000) Azog the Defiler is a giant orc and the commander of the forces looking to stop Thorin's company. He acts under direct orders from his Lord at Dol Guldur. Abilites: Axe Smash, Hammer Pound --- Necromancer - After Mission 14 (66,666) This creature appeared in Dol Guldur not long ago and has begun to corrupt the surrounding lands. Gandalf takes it upon himself to discover his true purpose and identity. Abilities: Morgul --- Sauron - After Mission 14 (70,000) The Enemy of the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. At this point in the story, Sauron is but a memory of a darker time, but it is believed he is attempting to regain his power. Abilities: Hammer Pound, Morgul --- Dale Soldier - After Mission 15 (20,000) A soldier of the lost Human city of Dale. Abilities: Bow and Arrows --- Galadriel - After Mission 16 (40,000) Lady Galadriel is a powerful Elf and one of the bearers of the great Rings. She is also a member of the White Council and advises Gandalf on his journey with the dwarves. Abilities: Elf Agility --- Rosie Cotton - After Mission 16 (35,000) A hobbit who has not been born at the time of this story, Rosie is a proprietress of the Green Dragon and is the future wife of Samwise Gamgee. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace --- Bree Peasant - After Mission 16 (35,000) This resident of Bree really loves his carrots. Abilities: Axe Smash --- Jimli the Blacksmith - After forging all Mithril Items (50,000) The resident blacksmith of Bree. Come to him for all your forging needs. Abilities: Buddy Moves, Crawlspace, Axe Smash --- Orc Berserker - After Mission 3 (15,000) A giant orc who can pull siege towers. Abilities: Strength --- The Great Goblin - After Mission 7 (15,000) The chieftain of Misty Mountains goblin tribe, mostly by virtue of being the largest. He stymies the dwarven company when they run across his domain. Abilities: Strength --- Goblin Brute - After Mission 8 (15,000) Who knew goblins could get so big? Abilities: Strength --- Bert (Troll) - After Mission 4 (15,000) Tom (Troll) - After Mission 4 (15,000) William (Troll) - After Mission 4 (15,000) These three trolls had wandered rather far south. Thorin's company ran afoul of them early in their journey as they passed through the Trollshaws, and nearly ended up their dinner. Abilities: Strength --- Mrs. Troll - After Mission 4 (15,000) What? Trolls have moms, too! Abilities: Strength --- Troll Bouncer - After Mission 13 (15,000) What? Trolls have jobs, too! Abilities: Strength ****************************************************************************** 8. SECRETS/UNLOCKABLES ****************************************************************************** ===================== 8A. How To Get 100% = ===================== As is usual, getting 100% in this game requires you get everything: all minikits, Red Bricks, characters, Mithril Bricks, items, and Master Burglar rankings. First priority is always the stud multipliers. Once you can rack up an astounding stud count, everything is easy by comparison. So, to get the x2 multiplier, you'll need to do one of two things: progress the story up to "Barrels Out of Bound" and get elves for free, or just buy one of the elves like Elrond. Either way, go into "Over Hill and Under Hill" and get the Blacksmith Design for the Mithril Flail, forge it, and give it to the guy in Hobbiton for "A Flail of a Time". That will get you Studs x2. Next step is x4, which you get for completing "Dual Wielding" in the High Pass area. The next multiplier requires you to be on Free Play with the story completed, so wait until then, but make it the next priority. It also might be worth your time to invest in "Attract Studs" in Lake-town to make collecting a bit faster. Once you've got all the multipliers, make your way through the missions. The big bonus you get for minikit completion will be really good with all the multipliers applied, especially the last one. At that point, you can buy any Red Bricks you want, and any Loot can be picked up at the Loot Dispenser in Erebor. It's all cleanup after that. ==================== 8B. Treasure Trove = ==================== Here follows a list of all the items in your Treasure Trove, which you either pick up from missions or forge at the Blacksmith. --- Normal Treasures - Pixel Pickaxe - Found: "Goblin-town" Effect: Mining Tool, when you mine you will have three chances to hit the colored spot instead of the usual one. Archaeologist's Pick - Found: "The Troll Hoard" Effect: Mining Tool, you will get more loot from mining ore than normal. Traveller's Tool - Found: "Barrels Out of Bond" Effect: Mining Tool Morgul Blade - Found: "The Necromancer" Effect: Morgul Weapon Bug Net - Found: "Out of the Frying Pan..." Effect: Weapon, will knock loot out of enemies Baffling Beaker - Found: "Roast Mutton" Effect: Weapon, will stun enemies Make-up Stick - Found: "Roast Mutton" Effect: Weapon, will change the hair color of enemies Singing Fish Blade - Found: "A Warm Welcome" Effect: Weapon, will "sing" when swung Chamomille Teapot - Found: "Azog the Defiler" Effect: Weapon, will put enemies to sleep Workman's Axe - Found: "Over Hill and Under Hill" Effect: Axe Smash Boomer Hammer - Found: "Azog the Defiler" Effect: Boomerang Weapon, Hammer Pound, Axe Smash Glowing Hammer - Found: "Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth" Effect: Light, Hammer Pound Trophy Mallet - Found: "The Troll Hoard" Effect: Hammer Pound Happy Mallet - Found: "Goblin-town" Effect: Hammer Pound, will squeak when it hits something Elk Mallet - Found: "Barrels Out of Bond" Effect: Hammer Pound, will elk grunt when it hits something Glowstick - Found: "Looking For Proof" Effect: Pole Weapon, Light Dale Standard - Found: "Inside Information" Effect: Pole Weapon Marching Baton - Found: "The Necromancer" Effect: Pole Weapon Dragon Kite - Found: "On the Doorstep" Effect: Flail Weapon Whistling Flail - Found: "The Necromancer" Effect: Flail Weapon that makes a whistling noise Yo-yo - Found: "Over Hill and Under Hill" Effect: Flail Weapon, enemies will drop loot Kite of Fancy - Found: "Queer Lodgings" Effect: Flail Weapon Sir Moustaff - Found: "A Warm Welcome" Effect: Wizard's Staff Jester's Cane - Found: "Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth" Effect: Wizard's Staff, foes laugh when hit Staff of Wisdom - Found: "Flies and Spiders" Effect: Wizard's Staff, hoots when used Tuning Fork - Found: "Out of the Frying Pan..." Effect: Wizard's Staff, makes a musical noise on contact Troll's Bane - Found: "Looking For Proof" Effect: Bow and Arrows, foes freeze when hit Paint Bow - Found: "The Troll Hoard" Effect: Bow and Arrows, foes turn different colors when hit Eggapult - Found: "Barrels Out of Bond" Effect: Sling Breaduchet - Found: "On the Doorstep" Effect: Sling Bananarang - Found: "The Troll Hoard" Effect: Boomerang Weapon Cluckarang - Found: "Inside Information" Effect: Boomerang Weapon Yodelling Shield - Found: "Azog the Defiler" Effect: Shield, sings when used Mountain Shield - Found: "Over Hill and Under Hill" Effect: Shield, emits mist Doily Shield - Found: "Inside Information" Effect: Shield Window Shield - Found: "An Unexpected Party" Effect: Shield Shield of Song - Found: "Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth" Effect: Shield, plays dwarf music Hot Dog Shield - Found: "The Necromancer" Effect: Shield Goblin Hat - Found: "Goblin-town" Effect: Hat, goblins are friendly to you Dazzle Wig - Found: "Flies and Spiders" Effect: Hat Mining Hat - Found: "Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth" Effect: Hat, Light Duck Hat - Found: "A Warm Welcome" Effect: Hat Tea Hat - Found: "An Unexpected Party" Effect: Hat Chicken Hat - Found: "Queer Lodgings" Effect: Hat Wraith Snorkle - Found: "Looking For Proof" Effect: Hat, allows building of wraith pieces Pumpkin Hat - Found: "An Unexpected Party" Effect: Hat Dragon Hat - Found: "Inside Information" Effect: Hat, Firestarter Crystal Goblin Crown - Found: "Goblin-town" Effect: Hat Cooking Apron - Found: "Queer Lodgings" Effect: Body Armor, produces more food-related loot Snotty Armour - Found: "Roast Mutton" Effect: Body Armor, emits green slime Farmer's Flight Fleece - Found: "Queer Lodgings" Effect: Body Armor, eagle fast travel turns into a flying pig Pom Poms - Found: "On the Doorstep" Effect: Fist Weapon Beehive Gloves - Found: "Azog the Defiler" Effect: Fist Weapon, causes head swelling in enemies Stone-giant Gloves - Found: "Over Hill and Under Hill" Effect: Fist Weapon, Strength Firefly Jar - Found: "Barrels Out of Bond" Effect: Light Mirkwood Phial - Found: "Flies and Spiders" Effect: Light, causes enemies to become confused when hit Dragon Egg - Found: "Roast Mutton" Effect: Light, Firestarter Loot Rod - Found: "A Warm Welcome" Effect: Fishing Rod Friendship Slippers - Found: "On the Doorstep" Effect: Footwear, causes Buddy-ups to hug instead of attack Goblin Feet - Found: "Out of the Frying Pan..." Effect: Footwear, Climb Gaffer's Trowel - Found: "An Unexpected Party" Effect: Digging Spider Bomb - Found: "Flies and Spiders" Effect: Thrown Weapon, explodes into spiders Pine Cone Bomb - Found: "Out of the Frying Pan..." Effect: Thrown Weapon, Light, Firestarter, Explosive Po-tay-to - Found: "Looking For Proof" Effect: Thrown Weapon, Explosive --- Mithril Treasures - These are all listed in order of design in the Blacksmith instead of the list in the treasures menu. Mithril Mirror Armour - Design Found: "Greatest Kingdom in Middle-earth" Materials: 5 Mithril Bricks, 10 Sapphire, 20 Leather, 20 Stone, 20 Silver Effect: Body Armor, all projectiles ricochet Mithril Tornado Axe - Design Found: "An Unexpected Party" Materials: 5 Mithril Bricks, 10 Emerald, 20 Fish, 20 Stone, 15 Silver Effect: Weapon, all attacks are spin attacks Mithril Warhammer - Design Found: "Azog the Defiler" Materials: 5 Mithril Bricks, 10 Meat, 20 Stone, 30 Wood, 20 Copper Effect: Hammer Pound Mithril Fishing Pole - Design Found: "Roast Mutton" Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 5 Sapphire, 30 Fish, 35 Wood, 25 Iron Effect: Fishing, eliminates fishing mini-game Mithril Skeleton Crank - Design Found: "The Troll Hoard" Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 10 Meat, 20 Wood, 25 Gold Effect: Can replace any crank you need to find Mithril Flail - Design Found: "Over Hill and Under Hill" Materials: 6 Mithril Bricks, 5 Emerald, 5 Sapphire, 20 Rope Effect: Flail Weapon Mithril Claws - Design Found: "Goblin-town" Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 10 Ruby, 30 Copper, 20 Iron Effect: Fist Weapon, Climb, instantly defeats enemies Mithril Music Kit - Design Found: "Out of the Frying Pan..." Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 15 Leather, 10 Carrots, 10 Copper, 15 Silver Effect: Body Armor, causes those around you to dance Mithril Multi-Bow - Design Found: "Queer Lodgings" Materials: 5 Mithril Bricks, 20 Rope, 10 Meat, 15 Wood Effect: Bow and Arrows, fires three arrows in one shot Mithril Bomb Blade - Design Found: "Flies and Spiders" Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 20 Ruby, 10 Stone, 30 Iron Effect: Weapon, Explosive Mithril Pickaxe - Design Found: "Barrels Out of Bound" Materials: 12 Mithril Bricks, 20 Diamond, 30 Iron, 20 Silver, 20 Gold Effect: Mining Tool, gets loot from ore without mini-game Mithril Booty Blade - Design Found: "A Warm Welcome" Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 10 Sapphire, 15 Fish, 30 Wood Effect: Weapon, causes foes to drop studs when hit Mithril Giddy-up Staff - Design Found: "Looking For Proof" Materials: 5 Mithril Bricks, 20 Carrots, 10 Bread, 25 Wood Effect: Wizard's Staff, hold B to summon a ghost horse Mithril Wraith Armour - Design Found: "The Necromancer" Materials: 12 Mithril Bricks, 30 Ruby, 30 Sapphire, 30 Leather, 30 Iron, 30 Gold Effect: Body Armor, allows wearer to use wraith bricks Mithril Hammerhands - Design Found: "On the Doorstep" Materials: 12 Mithril Bricks, 20 Sapphire, 20 Diamond, 30 Meat, 30 Stone Effect: Fist Weapon, Strength Mithril Firework Bow - Design Found: "Inside Information" Materials: 12 Mithril Bricks, 20 Ruby, 30 Rope, 20 Fish, 20 Silver Effect: Bow and Arrows, Explosive Mithril Stud Spade - Design Found: Hobbiton area Materials: 5 Mithril Bricks, 10 Emerald, 20 Carrots, 20Stone, 35 Wood Effect: Digging, digs up studs when digging Mithril Megapult - Design Found: Bywater area Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 25 Stone, 20 Silver Effect: Sling, fires big rocks Mithril Mushroom Crown - Design Found: Bree area Materials: 5 Mithril Bricks, 10 Leather, 20 Fish, 15 Meat, 10 Bread Effect: Hat Mithril Shadow Blade - Design Found: Weathertop area Materials: 5 Mithril Bricks, 25 Carrots, 10 Meat, 10 Silver Effect: Weapon, causes a shadow to appear next to you which also does damage Mithril Skull Cap - Design Found: Trollshaws Area Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 10 Diamond, 30 Silver Effect: Hat, causes everyone to appear as skeletons Mithril Rhythm Stick - Design Found: Rivendell area Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 30 Sapphire, 20 Fish, 10 Gold Effect: Pole Weapon, plays music and causes those hit to dance Mithril Catchphrase Mallet - Design Found: High Pass area Materials: 12 Mithril Bricks, 30 Ruby, 20 Emerald, 10 Sapphire, 20 Carrots, 20 Iron Effect: Hammer Pound, makes Christopher Lee say stuff when you hit someone Mithril Horseshoes - Design Found: Rivendell area Materials: 12 Mithril Bricks, 20 Emerald, 30 Carrots, 10 Bread, 25 Iron Effect: Footwear, causes you to run faster in the hub area Mithril Construction Hat - Design Found: Radagast's House area Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 10 Diamond, 10 Copper, 5 Gold Effect: Hat, gives you more time on craft plates before docking studs Mithril Candle Staff - Design Found: Dol Guldur area Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 15 Ruby, 50 Wood, 20 Copper, 15 Silver, 10 Gold Effect: Wizard's Staff, Light, Animal Healing Mithril Bandit Gloves - Design Found: Lake-town area Materials: 12 Mithril Bricks, 20 Diamond, 20 Leather, 25 Rope, 25 Copper Effect: Fist Weapon, causes foes to drop twice as much loot Mithril Snowapult - Design Found: Dale area Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 20 Sapphire, 20 Silver Effect: Sling, fires snowballs Mithril Beanstalk - Design Found: Moria area Materials: 7 Mithril Bricks, 30 Emerald, 10 Diamond, 25 Carrots, 10 Bread, 30 Wood Effect: Pole Weapon, enemies hit turn green and sprout flowers Mithril Slippers - Design Found: Elven Forest area Materials: 12 Mithril Bricks, 20 Ruby, 10 Sapphire, 10 Diamond, 30 Leather Effect: Footwear, Elf Agility Mithril Dance Boots - Design Found: Rivendell area Materials: 5 Mithril Bricks, 10 Ruby, 10 Leather, 30 Carrots Effect: Footwear, when you buddy up, you and your partner dance Mithril Falcon - Design Found: Erebor area Materials: 12 Mithril Bricks, 25 Emerald, 20 Bread, 25 Copper Effect: Boomerang Weapon, causes any object hit to drop loot ====================== 8C. Red Brick Extras = ====================== In order to find Red Bricks, you need to earn them through Red Quests, which involves giving a person a Mithril-forged item, after which they'll make a Red Brick appear, which you'll have to purchase. Here's a quick list of the bricks, which quest you'll find them in, and which item you need, as well as their effects. Studs x2 - Cost: 500,000 Quest: A Flail of a Time Item Needed: Mithril Flail Effect: Studs collected multiply by 2. All multiplier bricks stack, potentially giving you a multiplier of 3840. Studs x4 - Cost: 1,500,000 Quest: Dual Wielding Item Needed: Mithril Shadow Blade Effect: Studs collected multiply by 4. Studs x6 - Cost: 4,500,000 Quest: Build Day Item Needed: Mithril Construction Hat Effect: Studs collected multiply by 6. Studs x8 - Cost: 10,000,000 Quest: Bilbo and the Beanstalk Item Needed: Mithril Beanstalk Effect: Studs collected multiply by 8. Studs x10 - Cost: 20,000,000 Quest: Candle With Care Item Needed: Mithril Candle Staff Effect: Studs collected multiply by 10. Disguises - Cost: 50,000 Quest: World's Strongest Dwarf Item Needed: Mithril Warhammer Effect: All normal sized characters will be wearing funny disguises. Boss Disguises - Cost: 100,000 Quest: Booty From the Beasts Item Needed: Mithril Booty Blade Effect: Boss enemies will be wearing funny disguises. Minikit Detector - Cost: 150,000 Quest: Spoils of War Item Needed: Mithril Bandit Gloves Effect: In missions, you'll see arrows pointing you towards minikits. Miniature Characters - Cost: 300,000 Quest: Snow and Fire Item Needed: Mithril Snowapult Effect: Turns all characters tiny Fast Build - Cost: 100,000 Quest: A Wish To Catch a Fish Item Needed: Mithril Fishing Pole Effect: Makes building much faster. Attract Studs - Cost: 175,000 Quest: No Harm in Armour Item Needed: Mithril Mirror Armour Effect: Studs will now be collected from further away Regenerate Hearts - Cost: 100,000 Quest: Digger's Delight Item Needed: Mithril Stud Spade Effect: Hearts will restore themselves over time. Character Studs - Cost: 85,000 Quest: Two Left Feet Item Needed: Mithril Dance Boots Effect: Causes defeated enemies to drop studs. Invincibility - Cost: 500,000 Quest: Bird of Pay Item Needed: Mithril Falcon Effect: You will not take damage from enemies. Mithril Hearts - Cost: 75,000 Quest: The Orc Within Item Needed: Mithril Skull Cap Effect: You will take half damage from enemies. Poo Studs - Cost: 25,000 Quest: Trader's Turmoil Item Needed: Mithril Giddy-Up Stick Effect: When riding animals, press B and they'll poop studs. 8-Bit Music - Cost: 200,000 Quest: Drama Bomb Item Needed: Mithril Bomb Blade Effect: Causes cool retro music to play. Middle-earth Carnival - Cost: 75,000 Quest: Cranks Very Much Item Needed: Mithril Skeleton Crank Effect: Causes a sweet rave to happen in Middle-earth. Snake Flails - Cost: 25,000 Quest: That's No Slow Bow Item Needed: Mithril Multi-Bow Effect: Turns flails into snakes Super Slap - Cost: 50,000 Quest: Heirloom in the Making Item Needed: Mithril Mushroom Crown Effect: All enemies go down in one hit Fall Rescue - Cost: 25,000 Quest: The Goblin Who Lost Her Climb Item Needed: Mithril Claws Effect: Whenever you fall, you'll immediately bounce back. Mithril Brick Detector - Cost: 175,000 Quest: A One-Orc Band Item Needed: Mithril Brick Detector Effect: In Middle-earth, having this on will make arrows appear that lead to bricks. Attract Loot - Cost: 100,000 Quest: Weighting For a Stranger Item Needed: Mithril Megapult Effect: Loot will now be collected from further away Double Loot - Cost: 750,000 Quest: Express Delivery Item Needed: Mithril Horseshoes Effect: All loot is multiplied by 2 Perfect Forging - Cost: 5,000,000 Quest: Manic Mining Item Needed: Mithril Pickaxe Effect: This removes the circle that doesn't give you perfect forging, and you'll only earn perfect credit. Treasure Item Detector - Cost: 250,000 Quest: Back-To-Roots Boots Item Needed: Mithril Slippers Effect: With this turned on, you'll see arrows in missions pointing towards treasures that you can find. Always Loot Rubies - Cost: 250,000 Quest: Otherworldly Ambition Item Needed: Mithril Wraith Armour Effect: Whenever you knock loot out, it will always be ruby. This applies to ore, bushes, enemies, whatever. Note that you can only have one of the following six turned on at a time. Always Loot Diamonds - Cost: 1,000,000 Quest: Helping Hands Item Needed: Mithril Hammerhands Effect: Whenever you knock loot out, it will always be diamonds. Always Loot Gold - Cost: 1,000,000 Quest: Bop 'Til You Drop Item Needed: Mithril Rhythm Stick Effect: Whenever you knock loot out, it will always be gold. Always Loot Emeralds - Cost: 500,000 Quest: Fireworks of Art Item Needed: Mithril Fireworks Bow Effect: Whenever you knock loot out, it will always be emeralds. Always Loot Sapphires - Cost: 600,000 Quest: Mouthy Mallet Item Needed: Mithril Catchphrase Mallet Effect: Whenever you knock loot out, it will always be sapphire. Always Loot Silver - Cost: 750,000 Quest: The Art of Combat Item Needed: Mithril Tornado Axe Effect: Whenever you knock loot out, it will always be silver. =========================== 8D. Trophies/Achievements = =========================== The first sixteen achievements are for completing the missions in order, so I won't bother listing those, as they're easy. Ever "The People's Champion" - Complete all the quests in Middle-earth The greed of Dwarves - Collect all Mithril Bricks Labouring in the villages of Men - Collect all Schematics NOTE: By which they mean Blacksmith Designs. Doilies and your mother's dishes - Collect all Treasure Items in levels Objects of great beauty - Forge all the Mithril Treasure Items Unequalled skill of the Dwarves - Forge all the Perfect Mithril Treasure Items NOTE: To make perfect items, you need to fill in the inner circle when forging. The Unassessably Wealth - Collect 10,000,000,000 studs NOTE: This is the most difficult one to do. The best one-time gain is your last minikit, which gives you one million, turned to 3.8 billion if you have all multipliers on. If you haven't hit the threshold then, your best bet is to go to Inside Information, and the "Revenge!" part. Go to the left on the ground floor and in the back to find a dwarf statue. Smash it and it will continuously drop studs without being destroyed. Use a polearm wielder and hold down B so they spin their weapon and keep racking up studs. It will take a while, but it's the fastest way. That's why we need a burglar! - Obtain all Master Burglar titles Stone Giant Stomp - Complete the Bonus Level To Be Continued... - Achieve 100% completion Hardly burglar material - Collect 99 of any loot NOTE: Stone is easy enough to get 99 of Wealth lies in the Earth - Complete the mining game perfectly 50 times NOTE: Which means hitting the colored center of the arc on the first hit. Bro's before Gold - Use 50 Buddy-Up attacks NOTE: Go to the Battle of Azanulbizar in Azog the Defiler and continually beat on orcs with buddy attacks. It only counts if you make a kill. Team Building - Use every Dwarf from Thorin's Company in a Buddy-Up attack NOTE: Go again to the Battle of Azanulbizar in Free Play. You need to use each of the thirteen dwarves: Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Bombur, Bifur, Bofur, Fili, Kili, Ãin, Glóin, Ori, Dori, and Nori. You need to control each dwarf, buddy-up with whoever, and then successfully kill an enemy with the buddy-up attack. Conjurer of Cheap Tricks - Use Gandalf's starte ability to dazzle 50 enemies NOTE: This is Gandalf's B charge attack. Hit fifty unique enemies with it. Lord of the Prance - Equip yourself with the Dazzle Wig, Mithril Rhythm Stick, and Mithril Dance Boots Dawn of the Mushroom King - Equip Thorin with the Mithril Mushroom Crown Master Builder - Obtain 150,000 studs from Instruction Builds bonuses NOTE: By which they mean craft plates Someone to share in an adventure - Play a level in co-op NOTE: Hope you have a second controller Quite a merry gathering - Collect all characters Our Long Forgotten Gold - Collect all Minikits Beorn Again - Transform into Beorn's bear form NOTE: Hold down B as Beorn to transform Who is this horrid creature? - Create a custom character ================== 8E. Secret Codes = ================== As I usually do, I collected these from GameFAQs, and haven't checked each and every one, so use them at your discretion: Unlock Characters: FAVZTR - Alfrid 84ZZSI - Azog (Claw) W5Z6AC - Bain UER3JG - Bard XTVM8C - Barliman Butterbur 555R9C - Barrow-wight KEID2V - Beorn ZIBYHO - Bolg MXUXKO - Braga H2CAID - Elros THAVRM - Fimbul 00TE7J - Galadriel 3CE37P - Gollum TPD7YW - Grinnah V4Y5HZ - Lindir 9NOK35 - Master of Lake-town 4FYKKB - Narzug NM3I2O - Necromancer 74KN31 - Percy TB4S6J - Rosie Cotton OARA3D - Sauron SYKSXF - Thrór 4Y95TJ - Tom Bombadil V8AHMJ - Witch-king S6VV33 - Yazneg ****************************************************************************** 9. STANDARD GUIDE STUFF ****************************************************************************** =========== 9A. Legal = ========== This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright © 2014 Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format. Please donât post this on your site unless you have express consent by me. Iâve put a lot of time into this. Give me some credit. Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamewinners.com www.ign.com www.cheatcc.com www.cheatplanet.com www.neoseeker.com I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ. They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the LEGO guides, but, trying to keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I trust. ======================= 9B. E-mail Guidelines = ======================= If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines... - Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide. - Make sure it has something to do with the LEGO Hobbit game. I don't want spam, chain letters, offers for friendship. Compliment me on the FAQ all you want, though. - Make sure you say LEGO Hobbit at one point in your e-mail. I have more than one LEGO FAQ, and asking a generic question such as "How do I beat the last level?" doesn't tell me much. - Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile. ============= 9C. Credits = ============= CJayC, SBAllen, and all respective webmasters for having this on their sites. LEGO, for their world of imagination. JRR Tolkien for his world of fantasy, and Peter Jackson, for making that fantasy come to life. ===================== 9D. Version Updates = ===================== Version 1.0 - 5/15/2014 - Should be largely done. ==================== 9E. The Final Word = ==================== So, no word on the next LEGO game. That said, there is word that this game will have DLC in the form of the last movie. Don't quote me on that; it seems to be just a rumor that hasn't been substantiated, but I'll be back to update this guide if it comes true. See you all again!