Walkthrough - Guide for Harvest Moon: Back to Nature
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____ ____ ____ ________ ___ ___ ________ _______ _________ | | | | / \ | _____ \ \ \ / / | _____| / __| |___ __| | |___| | / /\ \ | |____| | \ \ / / | |___ \ \ | | | ___ || __ || ___ / \ \/ / | ___| \ \ | | | | | || || || | \ \ \ / | |____ ____\ \ | | |__| |__||___||___||_| \_\ \_/ |______| |______/ |_| _____ _____ ________ ________ ______ ____ | \/ | / ____ \ / ____ \ | \| | | |\ /| || | | || | | | | |\ | | | \_/ | | \ ____ / \ ____ / | | \ | |__| |__| \______/ \______/ |__| \__| Harvest Moon Back to Nature For Playstation By: Steven Strato2123 Contents: 1:Introduction 2:Legal Stuff 3:Story A. Controls 4.Mineral Village 5.Characters 6.New Stuff 7.Crop Guide A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter 8.All Tools 9.Upgrades 10.Tool Upgrades 11.Livestock 12.Walkthrough A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter E. 2ND Year Spring F. Summer G. Autumn * H. Winter * 13. Secrets # 14. Marriage 15. Recipes 16. Birthdays 17. Tips # 18. Dangerous Weather 19. What They Like 20. FAQ # 21. Cheats # 22. Credits # *=Not Started #=Not Finished ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 11/13/00 – Just have the basic structure of this Walkthrough. Version 1.1 11/16/00 – Just added recipe section, 2 more expansions, a secret, Summer walkthrough is almost complete, and Summer crop guide. Also added a complete character list. Version 1.2 11/21/00 – I finished summer walkthrough added 2 more power berries a weird special power berry and crop guide for fall. Version 1.3 11/25/00 – Winter walkthrough winter crop guide more details about the mines. New special crops for spring summer and autumn. Upgraded Marriage section. Upgraded recipe section. More Power Berries too. Version 1.4 11/27/00 – Finished Marriage, and Upgrade sections. Added Birthdays section. Upgraded Secrets section, and Recipes. Also added tips section. Finally finished planning out the amount of money made by each crop, and added controls of the game in the story section. Version 1.5 11/28/00 – Finished Spring 2nd year. Added to Mineral Village section what every building sells if it sells anything. Added credits section. Small updates here and there. Updated recipes section 4 new recipes, one donated by pikapurple thank you. Found the 6 Legendary fish! A very, very big thank you goes out to Jarril for his contribution to the tips and completing the birthday section! Version 1.6 11/30/00 – Well I added 20 new recipes. I also fixed many little things here and there I also added the cheats section and Tools section. Version 1.7 12/7/00 – All 100 recipes completed boy it took me a day to finish them all and 27 restarts. Whew and that's not it I finished the 2nd summer, and added a Dangerous Weather section. Version 1.8 1/2/00 – Sorry for the delay this update is not that big but still important. 5 more tips, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th year finished, made recipes somewhat easier to read. Made a What They Like section includes everyone some more tips and that's all for now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction I've been playing Harvest Moon 64 for a while and when I heard a Harvest Moon for Playstation was coming out I got excited. I decided to write this Walkthrough because I am a big fan of this game. I hope you enjoy this Walkthrough and please email me with any questions or comments about it. Also I got this game a week before it is coming out so that's how I have the FAQ up so early. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Legal Stuff Basically you cannot distribute this walkthrough without my authorization. If you want to post this walkthrough on your site please email me at Strato2123@aol.com. Copyright 2000 Steven Monafis. Never Ever change anything on this Walkthrough. You cannot print or sell this walkthrough for own personal expense. This is walkthrough made for personal use. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. The Story The Story is very short and not very detailed. Basically you have visited this town and farm 10 years ago when you were young. Now you want to fix the farm back up after your Grandfathers passing, because you enjoyed your previous visits. The only way to stay on your farm is if the mayor says that you have been a help to the village, but the game goes past the 3-year mark. You also played with a girl 10 years ago you promise that you will come back, that girl is whoever you date and/or marry later in the game. A. Controls: /\(Triangle)- Look in your rucksack. |_|(Square)- Use tool that is selected. (_)(Circle)- Run and cancels menu related options. X (x)- Harvest, pick up, talk, enter letters, numbers, and excepting menu options. R1- Switch between tools in your rucksack. R2- Put or take out an item from your rucksack. L1- Call your dog. L2- Call your horse. Select- Show Map. Start- Pause. Use the Analog Stick or Buttons to move around. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Mineral Village Mineral Village consists of 19 different sections. They are: Your Farm: This is where you will raise animals plant crops and live your entire life, or 3 year visit to Mineral Village. It used to be you Grandfathers. Blacksmith: (10:00-4:00) No Thursdays. This shop is where you upgrade your tools. Saibara and his grandson Gray run it. Brush 800 Clippers 1800 Jewelry 1000+Orichalc Ore Milker 2000 Mayonnaise Maker 20000+Adamantite Ore Cheese Maker 20000+Adamantite Ore Yarn Maker 20000+Adamantite Ore Tool Upgrades 1000-5000 Copper, Silver, Gold, or Mystrile Ore AJA Winery: (9:00-12:00) No Saturdays. Duke and Manna run this winery. You can bye grape juice and Wine here. Mary's House/Library: (LIBRARY: 10:00-4:00) No Mondays. Mary, Basil, and Anna live here they are all very nice. Basil is a Botanist and Mary runs the library. (Mary was Maria in Harvest Moon 64) The library is close to Mary's house. Ellen's House: Ellen, Elli, and Stu live here. Ellen is Elli and Stu grandmother. Elli works at the Clinic. Mayor's House: Mayor Thomas, Harris, and Kano live here. Mayor Thomas is the mayor of Mineral Village, Harris is the local law enforcement, and Kano is photographer who wants to show photos of people and animals living together. Karen's House: Karen lives here she also works at the supermarket next door. Supermarket: (9:00-5:00) No Tuesdays and Sundays. Jeff and Sasha live and own the supermarket and Karen works here. There are a variety of items sold. Basket: 5000 Rice Balls: 100 Blue Feather: 1000 Rucksack Medium: 3000 Bread: 100 Wrapping Center: 100 Curry Powder: 50 Fish Food: 20 Flour: 50 Oil: 50 Clinic: (9:00-4:00) No Wednesdays. Doctor and Elli work here. Doctor is a bit serious, but Elli is very sweet. Exam-10 Bodigizer-500 Bodigizer XL-1000 Turbojolt-1000 Turbojolt XL-2000 Church: (9:00-8:00) Pastor Carter lives here. He is also the Pastor. Harvest Sprites Home: There are seven sprites that live here, Aqua, Bold, Chef, Hoggy, Nappy, Staid, and Timid. Have them work for you. Mineral Beach: Kai lives here during the summer when he opens up his Seaside Lodge. Zach the deliveryman lives on a beautiful house on the shore, but does not spend a lot of time there. Greg is the fisherman, get a fishing rod from him. Yodel Farm: (9:00-3:00) No Mondays. Barley, and May live here. Barley is Mays' grandfather. They have a dog named Hana. This farm will be where you get Cows and Sheep. NOT CHICKENS! Medicine-1000 Bell-500 Cow-6000 Cow Pregenency-3000 Fodder-20(apiece) Sheep-4000 Sheep Pregenency-3000 Poultry Farm: (12:00-4:00) No Sundays. Popuri, Lilia, and Rick live here. Lilias' husband is away getting her special medicine for her leg. Rick is Popuris' brother. They sell chickens. Medicine-1000 Chicken-1500 Chicken(SELL)-500 Feed-10 Inn: (8:00-9:00) Doug and Ann live here. Won and Cliff stay here too. Won sells rare and exotic seeds and items, but is he for real. Apple Pie-300 Cheesecake-250 Cookie-200 Salad-300 Full Meal-500 Water-Free Gotz's House: Gotz and Louis live here. Gotz can extend your house if you have the lumber and the money. Louis is looking for a rare bee. Hot Spring: You can regain your stamina fully if you stay there one hour. Mother Hill: The mountainside where you can forage. Mother Hill Peak: The peak of Mother Hill you can see the whole village. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.Characters Lillia- She is very friendly, she also works at the Poultry Farm. Rick- He is Popuris' brother and doesn't appreciate Kai's liking to her. Popuri- She is a lovely pink-haired girl who helps her mother at the Poultry Farm, but you will probably find her at the hot spring more often than the Poultry Farm. Barley- The owner of Yodel Farm he has his hands full with Animals, and a young granddaughter to care for. May- She is a young girl who likes to help out on the farm. She wishes she had friends to play with though. Saibara- Owner of the Blacksmith. He makes jewelry, upgrades your tools, and even makes a cheese, yarn, and mayonnaise maker………with a price. Gray- He lives with his grandfather, but thinks that he doesn't respect his work. Duke- he is a wine fanatic. Manna- a regular housewife who likes to gossip at Rose square. Jeff- He is an overly nice person, and is often taken advantage of. Sasha- She yells at Jeff for being so nice, and likes to gossip at Rose Square. Karen- the girl with a little edge. Karen is a great person, but doesn't expect to find her in one place all the time. Basil- after he moved his family to here he started to write books on various plants. Anna- Another gossiper, but she is extremely nice. Mary- Works at the library, and only person I know who likes poisonous mushrooms. Pastor Carter- The odd village clergyman with a soft spot for kids. Doug- His wife passed away, but raised his daughter, Ann, very well. Ann- Ann is a tomboy, but with a great cooking sense. Impress her with your own recipes. Won- A mysterious salesman who sells exotic seeds and items. Cliff- A traveler who needs work. Befriend him and he'll stay at the village. Kai- He comes only in the summer, and has a crush on Pouri Zach- He is the deliveryman who is always on the run. Greg- The local fisherman. He will hive you a fishing rod. Gotz- He is a good carpenter and will upgrade your house. Louis- He is looking for rare bees. See the secrets section on how to find those bees. Mayor Thomas- He is the mayor, and decides if you will stay in Mineral Village. Harris- The local law enforcement. Kano- A world class photographer. Ellen- She takes care of Stu and Elli. Stu- He is very young and does not have many friends to play with. Harvest Sprites- Befriend them and they will work for you. Elli- She is a lovely girl who is very into her work at the Clinic Doctor- He is very serious and will take a while to warm up to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.New Stuff When I describe the "New Stuff" I am comparing it to Harvest Moon 64. Some new things are the families and how they are arranged. On 64 Rick wasn't sister to Popuri and Lilias' husband was Basil. Others are the way things look, and the complete village itself. On your farm you have a Fishing pond, a mill, and even an apple tree. Also festivals and events, and some characters were removed from this game like Ken. There are also tons of new recipes, and secrets, and a ton of new things to explore. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.Crop Guide There are many new crops to plant here are some. The crops cost follow this pattern: Number of plants X cost of each = amount – cost of seeds X number of harvest = Total worth of season. A. Spring The crops from the supermarket are: Cucumbers 200 for seeds sell for 100 each takes 10 days to grow harvest it every 5 days. 8x60=480x5=2400-200=2200 Potatoes 150 for seeds sell for 80 each takes 8 days to grow only harvest once. 8x80=640x3=1920-150=1770 Turnips 120 for seed sell for60 each takes 5 days to grow only harvest once. 8x60=480x6=2880-120=2760 Grass 500 for seed cannot sell 30 days to grow harvest every 10 days. (ALSO SUMMER AND FALL^) The crops from the salesmen (Won) during spring are: Cabbage 500 for seeds sell for 250 each takes 15 days to grow only harvest once. 8x250=2000x2=4000-500=3500 Moon Drop Flower 500 for seeds cannot sell takes 6 days to grow only harvest once. Toy Flower 400 for seed cannot sell takes 13 to grow only harvest once. Strawberry 150 for seeds sell for 30 each takes 9 days to grow harvest every 2 days. Best crop – Cabbages B. Summer The crops in the Supermarket are: Corn 300 for seeds sell for 100 each takes 15 days to grow harvest every 3 days. 8x100=800x6=4800-300=4500 Onion 150 for seeds sell for 80 each take 8 days to grow harvest only once 8x80=640x3=1920-150=1770 Tomato 200 for seeds sell for 60 each takes 10 days to grow harvest every 3 days. 8x60=480x7=3360-200=3160 The Crops from the Salesman (Won) during summer are: Pineapple 1000 for seeds sell for 500 each takes 21 days to grow harvest every 5 days. 8x500=4000x2=800-1000=7000 Pink Cat Flower 300 for seeds cannot sell takes 6 days to grow harvest once. Pumpkin 500 for seeds sells for 250 each takes 15 days to grow only harvest once. 8x250=2000x2=4000-500=3500 Best crop- Pineapples C. Autumn The crops in the Supermarket are: Carrot 300 for seeds sell for 120 each takes 8 days to grow only harvest once. 8x120=960x3=2880-300=2580 Eggplant 120 for seeds sell for 80 each takes 10 days to grow harvest every 3 days. 8x80=640x7=4480-120=4360 Green Pepper 150 for seeds sell for 40 each takes 8 days to grow harvest every 2 days. 8x40=320x12=3840-150=3690 Sweet Potato 300 for seeds sell for 120 each takes 6 days to grow harvest every 3 days. 8x120=960x9=8640-300=8340 Spinach 200 for seeds sells for 80 each takes 6 days to grow only harvest once. 8x80=640x4=2560-200=2360 Best Crop Sweet Potatoes D. Winter There are no crops to grow in winter, but if you have a hothouse you can grow anything in any season. There is one crop you can only grow in the hothouse it is the orange cup. Orange Cup 1000 for seeds sells for 60 each takes 9 days to grow only harvest once (For below lets say the amount in one season grown.) As you can see orange cup is only good for recipes and gifts not for making money. 8x60=4803=1440-1000=440 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Tools These are all the tools in the game: Hammer- Break rocks (can be upgraded) Watering Can- Water crops/plants (can be upgraded) Ax- Breaks branches/stumps (can be upgraded) Sickle- Cuts grass/weeds (can be upgraded) Hoe- tills soil (can be upgraded) Bell- Calls all barn animals to you Milker- Get milk from cows 2000 Clippers- Get wool from sheep 1800 Brush- Brush barn animals/horse with it 800 Animal Medicine- Cure sick animals with it 1000 Cow Pregnancy Potion- Impregnate a cow with it 3000 Sheep Pregnancy Potion- Impregnate a sheep with it 3000 Blue Feather- Propose with it to your girl 1000 Fishing Rod- Fish with it get from Greg between 7-10AM at the pier in Spring. Fishing Pole- Fish with it to catch regular or legendary fish get from Greg after having 50 fish in pond. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Upgrades The only house upgrades are the Chicken Coop, House upgrade 1, Barn, House Upgrade 2, and The Hothouse. There are no additional upgrades. You must upgrade your chicken coop to upgrade anything else. You need a large sum of money and lumber to upgrade. Chicken coop – 420 lumber+5000 - 5 more chicken areas one more incubator and feeder. House upgrade 1 – 370 lumber+4700 - Kitchen House upgrade 2 – 750 lumber+10000 – Separate bedroom at back of house NEED TO MARRY Barn – 500 lumber+6800 – 10 more areas to raise animals. Hothouse- 580 lumber+30000 – Grow any crops all year round' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Tool upgrades Hoe: When normal tills 1 square 1000+Copper Ore = Copper Hoe – tills 2 squares in front of you. Can upgrade when meter is 100% 2000+Silver Ore = Silver Hoe – tills 3 squares in front of you. Can upgrade when meter is 200% 3000+Gold Ore = Gold Hoe – tills 4 squares in front of you. Can upgrade when meter is 300% 5000+Mystrile Ore = Mystrile Hoe tills 6 squares in front of you. Can upgrade when meter 400% The hammer, axe, sickle, and watering can are upgraded this way the only differences are. Hammer: Normal – can only break stones Copper – 3 hits to a big rock cannot break huge rock Silver – 2 hits to a big rock 5 hits to a huge rock Gold – 1 hit to a big rock 3 to a huge rock Mystrile – 1 hit to big rock 2 hits to huge rock Axe: Normal – cuts only branches Copper – 6 hits to a stump Silver – 3 hits to a stump Gold – 2 hits to a stump Mystrile – 1 hit to a stump Sickle: Normal – cuts 1 square in front of you Copper – cuts 1x3 area Silver – cuts 2x3 area Gold – cuts 3x3 area Mystrile – cuts 5x5 area Watering Can: Normal - 1 square in front of you Copper – 1x3 Silver – 2x3 Gold – 3x3 Mystrile – 3x5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. Livestock The many animals you can raise on your farm create a new perspective on this game. The animals are: Cows – They make milk you need a milker and a brush for these animals to like you. 0-3 Hearts 3000 Milk (S) 100 4-6 Hearts 4500 Milk (M) 150 7-10 Hearts 5000 Milk (L) 200 Champion Cow 8000 Milk (G) 300 Sheep – You also need a brush and the shears for their happiness. 0-3 Hearts 2000 Wool (S) 100 4-6 Hearts 3000 Wool (M) 400 7-10 Hearts 3500 Wool (L) 500 Champion Sheep 6000 Wool (G) 600 Chickens – All you need is chicken feed and these animals will be happy. 500 Always Egg 50 Gold Egg 150 (CHAMPION) ** Bringing your animals outside greatly makes your animals happy. Also picking up your chickens makes them happy. ** Dog – Many don't consider the dog as an animal to care for, but if you train him he can win you the dog race. To train your dog purchase the dog ball from Won when your puppy grows up. In the beginning of the game your do is a puppy. Hugging your puppy makes it happy. (Press X by your puppy) Horse – Your horse can win you the horse race when it becomes of a horse. You need a brush, and to talk to it everyday. When it grows be sure to ride a little. In the game to get the pony visit the Yodel Farm in the first days of spring. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. Walkthrough This walkthrough will tell you events, festivals, seasonally goals for the season and other information. This is not a day by day walkthrough! For any newbies to the game I will explain Spring in a little more detail than the other seasons. These goals are hard to meet especially for new people. In the future I will right a variety of Walkthroughs for this game to get a good (not perfect) score. A FEW NOTES I EXPECT YOU TO FORAGE, AND MINE IN EVERY SEASON YOU ARE ALSO WXPECTED TO CHOP LUMBER EVERYDAY. ALSO YOU ARE EXPECTED TO TRY OUT NEW RECIPES IN WINTER SEE RECIPE SECTION FOR MORE. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS PLANT GRASS EVERY SEASON TO SUPPORT THE ANIMALS YOU WILL BUY. The Waterfall Mine: The Waterfall mine is open all year here is what you can find in it, and what you can sell them for. Basically the only good these ores are for is for upgrading your tools. The winter mine open only in winter is in the winter walkthrough section. Junk Ore: 1 Copper Ore: 15 Silver Ore: 20 Gold Ore: 25 Mystrile Ore : 40 Spring: Spring what a beautiful time of year, filled with pretty flowers of many kinds, too bad you can't stop to smell them because we've got work to do. Spring 1st year is single handedly the busiest season in the game! Goals: Meet all your neighbors Plant at least 5 fields of Cucumbers Get fishing Rod Get Horse Upgrade Chicken Coop Grow 3 fields of Grass Buy a chicken Start to mingle with your future wife Buy Medium Rucksack (optional) Amount predicted to be spent – 8750+420 lumber (11750 if rucksack included) Forage: Blue grass– Hot Spring, and Gotz House Bamboo Shoot– Hot Spring Well, it is your first day on the farm, and when observing your fields you see strife. Overgrown weeds branches stones all in your way. There is only one thing to do and it is called SPRING-CLEANING. In your rucksack put your axe and hammer. Exit the building and clear those fields pick up grass and throw it, and cut branches, and break stones. (You want experience with your tools so upgrade is possible.) Buy one potato seed package, and then forage. Forage everyday in Spring it helps. With a part of the land cleared hoe a 3x3 square with a space in the middle. (You can't water this space, and we want to make a lot of money so not to waste a field while 1 crop grows.) Then go to sleep. That's you first day. Throughout the week buy more seeds and plant them. Buy More Make more. Forage all the time. Give your girl a present. Make friends with the Harvest sprites and they will work for YOU. Get your horse at Yodel Farm, and hug your dog everyday. Get your fishing rod. 3rd of Spring: Harris is looking for a suspicious man, go to Gotz house and see him. He stays at the Inn and will sell you exotic, but expensive seeds and items. 8th of Spring: The Spring Goddess Festival. If you're already on a VERY good foot with your girl on the seventh you can ask them to the festival, but you will probably have to go alone this year. 9th – 17th: During this time you should have 3000 – 5000 buy a chicken if you do. Remember the chicken feed 10 a bag! Harvest your cucumbers when the are ready and as soon as you can, upgrade your axe. Also Mine in the cave so you can save some precious metals for tool upgrades, and make a profit. If you upgraded your axe cut stumps everyday. Plant some grass too. 14th of Spring: Spring Thanksgiving. It's a time of giving, and you have no kitchen to make those gifts. Don't bother giving anything to your girl. 15th of Spring: The mayor asks for three vegetables for him by the 21st these vegetables can vary. If you get the vegetables to him by that date he becomes easier to make your friend. 18th of Spring: Horse Race. You can't participate because your horse hasn't grown. If you want place some bets. 19th – 21st: You should have enough lumber, and money to upgrade your coop. 1 field or more of grass, and 5 potato fields or more. You should also have more than 2 chickens. Tomorrow will be the last time to plant potatoes. 22nd of Spring: Cooking Festival. Bring an egg from your chicken, but you definitely won't win. Get there before 1 hour after a festival begins if you want to participate. If it starts at 10 be there by 11 if you want to enter something) 23rd – End of Spring: Go to the mine and get some ore everyday. Keep on foraging and harvesting your crops. CHOP WOOD. Make friends with the sprites. Get that chicken coop if you don't have it. (You want to get it out of the way.) If you want update your rucksack for 3000. You should have at least 2000 – 5000 at the end of this season. Date Variable: May and Barley from the Yodel Farm come by your farm they ask you where May could stay and play if you lead them to the church Pastor Carter will invite Stu and they will play. Barley Pastor Carter and May all become more friendly if you do this. Summer: Ah, the wondrous dog days of summer filled with laughter, beach parties, and some of the most amusing festivals in the game. This is my favorite season! Goals: Buy a Cow Plant some flowers Remodel your chicken Coop (If you haven't) Remodel your kitchen Buy Medium Rucksack (If you haven't) Buy some onions and some tomatoes Buy at least 2 pineapple seeds from Won Amount predicted to be spent- 13700+370 16700+370 (Rucksack included) 18700+990 (chicken coop) 21700+990 (chicken coop and rucksack) Forage- Honey your farm 50/60 (see secrets) Pink Cat Flower- Gotz House/Mother Hill cannot sell Red Grass- Gotz House/Hot Spring 100 WARNING DO NOT EAT!!!!!! 1st of Summer- Well what better way to start off a season with a festival! The swimming festival is held at the beach, but it's a little more complicated than the 64 version. Press X to swim forward, but every time you press X make sure you press /\ (Triangle) right after. If you don't you will stop and take a rest. The only way to win is to never stop and rest. 2nd – 11th – You should have 5- 7 chickens all laying eggs. You should buy a cow ASAP. Also if you can plant more grass. You lose and gain the most money this season. Pineapple onion and tomato seeds are your best bet this season. Pineapples are expensive, but you get tremendous amount of moola for them. Onions and tomatoes should fill the rest of your fields. Grow one field of Corn for Kai. 7th of Summer- Chicken Festival. Remember that chicken you got in spring well if you picked him up everyday, and took him outside occasionally you might win. Take a chicken to Rose Square at 10 to participate. 12th of Summer- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA The best festival THE TOMATO FESTIVAL. The controls are X pick up tomato X throw tomato and /\ (Triangle) duck. When you win your friendship goes up with everyone on your team. 13th – 19th- Normal Workdays chop lumber a lot and take care of your plants. 20th of Summer- Cow Festival. You may and may not be able to participate in this festival. You probably won't win. 21st – 23rd- WOW! Your pineapples grew if you planted them. Don't plant anymore crops, but you will get good money in the next couple of days that's for sure. 24th of Summer- Fireworks. Go to the beach, and watch the fireworks with your girl. 25th - End of Summer- Get those crops harvested chop some wood, and upgrade your house if you can this summer. Date Variable- In the morning the mayor comes and asks for a favor. You have to get a piece of cake at the inn and give it to Ellen at the Mayors House. Agree. Don't go right away go around 12:00. Go to the Inn and then give the Cake to Ellen at the Mayors house. Turn her down when she offers a tip. Elli will then come in with another piece of cake. She will be happy and will give it to you. Next day the Mayor will give you a cake. The pay off is the cake (they are expensive). 17th of Summer- Ann's birthday. If you are friends with Ann she will invite you to her party. Go to the supermarket and get a present for 100 at the wrapping center. On the day of your first corn harvest- Kai will come and ask for corn and how much it is, if you say its 50 (half the price) he will become friends with you. Date variable- May has run away. Barley shows up in the morning and ask you to find May. Don't go looking for her till 6PM she will be at the dock. You make a lot of people friends with you after that event. Autumn: It's getting colder so you would expect the number of crops to grow to diminish, but they don't. So you have some work to do this fall. Goals: Get a lot of lumber Fill up you chicken coop Get another cow (buy) Upgrade your house (kitchen if you haven't) Upgrade barn (if you upgraded kitchen) Get large rucksack Catch some fish to get fishing pole Amount- 15700+370 - With Kitchen Upgrade 17800+500- With Barn (Without Kitchen) (Chickens are not included.) Forage- Apples 50 found at your farm by Apple tree. Green Grass 100 Hot Spring/Gotz's House Honey 50/60 Farm Mushroom 70 Hot Springs/Gotz's House/Mother Hill Poisonous Mushroom 100 Gotz's House Don't EAT!!!!!!! Truffle 500 Mother's Hill Wild Grapes 50 Mothers Hill 1st of Autumn- Well you got to run over to the salesman and get some Green Peppers sure they are cheap at 40 a piece but you harvest them every 2 days! Get mostly carrots and a lot of sweet potatoes when you can. 2nd of Autumn- Upgrade you rucksack its up to you. I recommend the cow. Pastor Carte comes by in the morning and asks if you can participate in the Music Festival tomorrow at the church. 3rd of Autumn- The Music Festival is today go to the church to listen or play at this festival. 4th – 7th- Get Lumber and continue daily routines. Your sweet potatoes grew on the 6th or seventh depending when you bought them. 8th of Autumn- Save that Green Pepper for tomorrow. 9th of Autumn – Go to the festival at 10 and toss in that green pepper you saved. Talk to every one after and inquire about the stew. 10th – 12th- Get a cow or upgrade your rucksack these days. Get lumber. 13th of Autumn- Moon Viewing today. Who likes you the most find out when you go to Mother's Hill at 6PM to watch the Moon. 14th – 20th of Autumn- Duke comes by and asks you to help harvest the grapes in the vineyard say yes. He also asks to bring someone to help. Bring Cliff. Run your farm regularly and get to the vineyard before noon. To get all the grapes every day you must rum past Cliff and get the grapes at the end of the middle row before he blocks it off. The most grapes you can get are 16. 16th of Autumn- Do you have 5 chickens and a big chicken coop if so Rick will ask you to take care of 5 more for him. No money from him but you do get any money the chickens make if they lay eggs. 21st – End of Autumn- Harvest anymore crops and say hello to the winter months. Make sure you have enough grass to support your cows. 1st of Autumn- Bye Bye to Kai. Kai is leaving and will come back next summer. 5th of Autumn- Doug is at Mother's Hill grieving for his wife. Date Variable- Puppy Toy. Your puppy has grown, and it can participate in the winter dog race, but it needs to train. Buy a dog ball from Won to start training. Date Variable- Gray comes and asks to use your mill for tool making. Say yes and he will weed your field as gratitude. When he asks you to try out the hammer it shatters and he goes home. Winter: Those cold days are settling in. There in Mother's Hill a lake even froze up, good thing because now you have the access to the winter mine. Lumber is what you will be cutting this season, and a lot of it look out for blizzards if your building you hothouse. Goals: Get more cows (buy) Upgrade your house (bedroom Lumber Befriend more people Catch more fish Amount- 16,000-28,000+750 (The amount depends on amount of cows bought) Forage: Nothing! 1st – 9th- Well get the dog ball if Won did not show up in Autumn. Start practicing your recipes in your kitchen chop wood everyday, and hire the Harvest sprites to watch over your animals. If there is a blizzard predicted hire the sprites for 2-3 days since storms can last a while. Mine all this season in both mines. 10th of Winter- The dog race is today race your dog by running in front of it. If you did not train your dog with the dog ball well enough it will stop and do something. Do not run to far ahead or your dog will stop. 11th – 23rd- As you see Winter is not very extortionate do the same things mostly everyday. Have at least 5 cows and 10 chickens. You will get 5 more cows in the first 2 seasons, and the sheep in the last part of the game. Upgrade your tools too. 24th of Winter- Starry Night festival. Go to your girl's house on this night at 6PM. This will raise her affection toward you. 25th – 29th- The same thing applies her do the same thing. 30th of Winter- End of Year. Go up to Mother's Hill at midnight to watch the sun with the other villagers. Date Variable- Stop be Ellen's house one day to find out about a white flower. If you go to Mother's Hill on a snowy night after speaking with her you will see it. If you tell Ellen and Basil they will be happy. Date Variable- At 10AM on a snowy day at Rose Square Cliff will pass out in the snow. Search the area he was to find a photo, give it back to him. 30th of Winter- If you didn't inform Cliff about the AJA winery job in Autumn Cliff will leave this day. End of Year 1: You should have: Large rucksack 10 chickens All upgrades except hothouse 5 cows 30 or more fish in fishing pond All tools at least on Silver Girls heart at least on yellow Have a Horse Have at least 10 recipes 2nd Spring Well this time stop and smell the flowers they are beautiful aren't they relax, relax, relax, not much to do here, except… build a hothouse and make your potential wife on red. Don't forget about buying at least 3 more cows. Buy as much grass to fill half the field. Purchase the cheese maker from Saibara. Goals: Purchase Cheese Maker Buy grass Make hothouse Get that wife on red heart don't marry her though Catch 1 legendary fish Give lots of stuff to villagers Amount- 50,000-? (Depends on amount of grass grown) +580 lumber The goals say it all do all these things by the end of spring. Fill the hothouse with all sweet potatoes when you get it, and fill your field with grass after buying the hothouse. If you saved some Orchialc Ore from winter make a jewelry piece for 100 with the ore and give it to your girl. The only special event in spring is Karen's dance. On the 1st of spring she comes by between 12 and 3PM she wants to practice dancing with you. At the spring goddess festival talk with Karen and she will dance with you. 2nd Summer Well it's that time again this time you will have some time to relax. This season is good for making friends and even marrying! Goals: Get Married Make friends Catch 1 more legendary fish Have all 10 cows Buy grass Fill hothouse with sweet potatoes. Amount: Varies + Lumber 1st through End of Summer- These days just spend time making friends you can tell when you make a friend. Usually a villager, besides potential wives, has a total of 3 levels of conversation. 1st just met, 2nd friendly, and 3rd good friends. You should have the fishing pole so catch one or more legendary fish. (See secrets) If you already have 10 cows start buying sheep and always plant more grass. Your hothouse should be filled with sweet potatoes. Ask Kai to watch fireworks the 23rd and go to Mother's Hill on 24th to watch with Kai. 2nd Fall Make more Friends Catch legendary fish Win sheep festival Have all tools upgraded Rack in the dough Get Married Amount: Varies + Lumber Well just do stuff this season its not super exciting. Don't expect anything to special. Expect to be married towards the beginning of the season. 2nd Winter Make more Friends Catch more legendary fish Win dog festival Get power berries Amount: Varies + Lumber More of the same just go with the flow. Keep that girl happy she should start to say "I'm hungry, but I don't feel like doing anything." That's the sign of a baby on the way. 3rd year and Beyond Your goals are as follows: Have Baby Make all friends Win all contests Get all recipes Get secret crops Strawberries, Pumpkins, and Spinach Get all power berries Baby should be born in summer give it stuff anything your girl likes will do. Having all neighbors is hard so are the power berries. Use my recipe guide to help you with the recipes. Events: 4th Year- Flashing thing is seen at the church on a sunny day in winter after 5PM. 5th Year- Buffet is ruined can you solve the case? Between 6-9th day of Fall. *Note* I WILL not reveal buffet answer so don't email me about it! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13.Secrets Power Berries: 1:In the Ocean. 2:In the Mine dig. 3:In the Winter Mine dig. 4:On the outside of the Winter Mine In the corner. 5.TV Shopping Network buy for 5000. 6.Horse Race get for amount of medals. 7. Swimming festival win. 8. Tree on Mother's Hill try to cut it down stop when it pleads you not to. 9. Plant more than 90 flowers say that Anna can pick as many as she wants when she comes by. 10. Goddess give her harvested crops for 5 straight days to receive this. Another is If you plant flowers in summer some bees will make a nest in your apple tree. These are the special bees Louis was looking for. Take a sample of the honey with the bottle, and then give it to him. The honey you sell now is 60 instead of 50. Not a major increase, but you need the money early on. Special Berry: Toss 3 cucumbers into the lake on Mother Hill you must stand in front of the 2 trees on the left of the lake. Kappa will give you a berry, which halves the amount of energy loss during the day making you work twice as long! The 6 legendary fish: Squid- throw a small fish in the ocean as bait (good for one day) Only summer. Catfish- in lake in winter mine Angler- in ocean in winter between 10PM and 8AM Char- must have sashimi grilled fish and sushi recipes in waterfall or river Sea bream- had to sell more than 200 fish in ocean spring fall or winter Carp- in the lake at mother's hill must have all previous fish prints. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14.Marriage Marriage is another unique factor in Harvest Moon. You marry a girl when she has a red heart you can also have a baby these aspects also increase your score at the 3 year mark, but don't stop there you child will grow bigger and bigger. I will discuss the girls in this section. All rivals will marry a girl 4 years after you come to the village. Hearts: Black- Just Met Purple- Friends Blue- Good Friends Green- Interested Yellow- Flirting Orange- Dating Red- LOVE Popuri- My personal favorite, Popuri, is an easily wooed girl who likes a variety of things. Give her flowers, but that isn't the only thing she likes. Birthday- 3rd of Summer 7:30-10:00AM – Hot Spring (not rainy days) 10:00-6:00PM – Her House Sundays 9:30-1PM – Church (not summer) Sundays 8:30-10AM – Beach (not rainy days, only summer) Sundays 1:30-4PM – Rose Square (on rainy days at church) Rival- Kai Karen- Karen is another easily wooed girl. She likes flowers, truffles, and lots of junk food. She is very unpredictable, but I got her schedule down. Birthday- 15th of Autumn 8:00-10:00AM – In front of supermarket (on rainy days in Supermarket) 10:00-1:00AM – Her House 1:00-6:00PM- Supermarket 7:30-10:00PM Beach (not rainy days) 8:00-10:00PM – Inn (Sundays and Tuesdays) 1:30-4:00PM – Hot Spring (Tuesdays if not raining) 1:30-4:00PM – Gotz's House (Tuesdays if it is raining) Rival- Rick Mary- Mary is not the prettiest girl, and considering that she runs the library doesn't help, but if Mary is your love you will be happy to know that she likes all the things that other people don't. Like poisonous mushrooms etc. Birthday- 20th of Winter 10:00-6:00PM – Library 7:30-10:00AM – Mothers Hill (not rainy days) 1:00-4:00PM – Supermarket (when library closed) Rival- Gray Elli- Lives with her grandmother but can be found at the clinic more often than her house. She likes what all the other girls like (except for Mary). Birthday- 16th of Spring 9:00-7:00PM – Clinic 9:30-1:00,4:30 7:00PM – Her House (when Clinic closed or on holiday/festival) 1:30-4:00PM – Supermarket (when Clinic closed) Rival- Doctor Ann- She likes so many things she is very easy to woo. If your heart with her is Purple by the 17 of any summer you can go to her birthday. Birthday- 17th of Summer 7:00-10:00AM – Hot Spring (not rainy days) 10:00-1:00PM – Inn 2nd floor 1:00-7:00PM – Inn 1st floor 7:00-10:00PM – Inn 2nd floor Rival- Cliff After marrying give your wife presents everyday. Soon she will become pregnant. When you baby arrives be sure to give him presents also. You must love your wife and your child to have a better score at the end of three years. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15. Recipes There are a lot of recipes in this game, and after you get the kitchen you can cook them. You get them from TV, neighbors, or make them up yourself. To cook them you need equipment get them on the home shopping network every Saturday. Name Ingredients Equipment Seasonings _______________________________________________________________________ Butter- Milk Need Mixer Ketchup- Tomato Need Mixer Salt and Sugar Onion Mayonnaise(S) Egg Whisk Vinegar Oil Strawberry Jam Strawberry Pot Sugar Grape Jam Wild Grape Pot Sugar Apple Jam Apples Pot Sugar Cookies Flour Rolling pin Sugar Butter Oven Egg Greens Spinach Pot Soy Sauce Hot Milk Milk Pot Fruit Juice Apple Pineapple Strawberry Mixer Sugar Or wild grapes Miso Soup Pot Miso Tempura Flour, egg, Oil Frying Pan Pickled Turnips Turnip Knife Vinegar Pickles Cucumber Salt Popcorn Corn Frying pan Sushi Rice Balls Sashimi Vinegar Sashimi Medium or Large Knife Fish Grilled Fish Medium Fish Frying Pan French Fries Potato Frying Pan Oil Fried Rice Rice Balls Frying Pan Eggs Oil Salad Cucumber Cabbage Knife Carrot Tomato Scrambled eggs Egg Oil Frying Pan Truffle Rice Rice Ball Truffle Happy Egplant Eggplant Frying Pan Miso Soy Sauce Sugar Mushroom Mushroom Rice Ball Noodles Flour Knife Pot Rolling Pin Boiled Egg Egg Pot Tomato Juice Tomato Mixer Vegetable Juice Cabbage Cucumber Mixer Carrot Strawberry Milk Milk Mixer Strawberry Ice Cream Milk Whisk Sugar Egg Pot Stew Flour Milk Pot Salt Raisin Bread Bread Wild Grapes Chocolate Cookies1 Flour Rolling Pin Sugar Butter Oven Chocolate Egg Chocolate Cookies2 Flour Rolling Pin Sugar Butter Oven Chocolate Egg Curry Curry Powder Pot Rice Balls Bamboo Rice Bamboo Shoot Rice Balls Fruit Latte1 Milk Apple Mixer Pineapple Wild grapes Fruit Latte2 Fruit Juice Milk Mixer Veggie Latte1 Milk Cabbage Mixer Carrot Cucumber Veggie Latte2 Vegetable Juice Mixer Milk Dinner Role Bread Butter Jam Bun Bread Apple Jam Grape Jam Cheese Fondue Cheese Pot Bread Pizza Cheese Flour Oven Ketchup Rolling Pin Sweet Potato Sweet Potato Oven Salt Stone Sugar Cake Flour Salt Oven Sugar Butter Egg Stir Fry Oil Knife Soy Sauce Cabbage Frying Pan Sandwich Bread Cucumber Knife Tomato Boiled Egg Veggie Pancake Flour Frying Pan Egg Knife Oil Omelet Egg Milk Frying Pan Oil Chirashi Sushi Scrambled Eggs Rice Balls Knife Vinegar Sashimi Pumpkin Pudding Milk Pumpkin Oven Sugar Egg Apple Pie Butter Pot Egg Oven Flour Knife Sugar Apple Rolling Pin Cheese Cake Cheese Whisk Milk Pot Sugar Egg Oven Mixed Juice1 Apple Carrot Pineapple Mixer Strawberry Wild Grapes Mixed Juice2 Apple Cabbage Carrot Cucumber Mixer Pineapple Strawberry Wild Grapes Mixed Juice3 Fruit Juice Vegetable Juice Mixer Curry Noodles Curry Powder Noodles Pot Tempura Noodles Tempura Noodles Pot Fried Noodles Noodles Oil Frying Pan Mixed Latte Add milk To Mixed Juice123 Omelet Rice Egg Milk Oil Frying Pan Rice Balls Chocolate Cake Chocolate Egg Whisk Sugar Butter Oven Flour Relaxation Tea Relax Tea Leaves Pot 16.Birthdays Spring: Louis- 2nd of Spring Bold (purple Harvest Sprite)- 4th of Spring Saibara- 11th of Spring Staid (blue sprite)- 15th of Spring Elli- 16 of Spring 20th of Spring (IF BIRTHDAY ON 16TH) Barley- 17th of Spring Lillia- 19th of Spring Aqua (Aqua sprite)- 26 of Spring Greg- 29th of Spring Sasha- 30th of Spring Summer: Popuri: 3rd----10th if your birthday is on the 3rd Harris: 4th Cliff: 6th Basil: 11th Timid: 16th Ann: 17th---22nd if your birthday is on the 17th Kai: 22nd Mayor Thomas: 25th Zack the Shipment Guy: 29th Autumn Gotz: 2nd Stu: 5th Hoggy: 10th Manna: 11th Chef: 14th Karen: 15th---Will be on the 23rd if your birthday is on the 15th Doctor: 17th Priest: 20th Anna: 23rd Rick: 27th WINTER Kano, the Photographer: 2nd Gray: 6th Ellen: 13th Duke: 15th Won: 19th Mary: 20th---Will be the 24th if your birthday is the 20th May: 26th Jeff: 29th ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 17.Tips Make lots of friends they can help you, give you recipes and trigger special events. Also making friends is important towards your score at the 3 years. Plant lots of grass. With 10+ animals you need plenty of grass. Although you can purchase fodder, I recommend growing it. The hot springs are good for energy recovery use them well at only one hour to fully recover it is pretty good. Get married after the first year to experience life without a wife, and with one. During Winter, Be sure to stock up on wood and befriend the Harvest Sprites! Their heart ratings will go down if you ignore them, even if they don't work for you. During the fall season, grow as many Sweet Potatoes as you can! They sell for $120 a piece, and they regrow every few days! TAKE CARE OF YOUR HORSE! One year after you get it, Barley will check to see if it is happy. If it isn't, he'll take it away! So brush it, whistle for it, and talk to it every day. You only need the Gold Watering Can to water a 3x3 area. The Gold ore can be found in the mine, and if you befriended the Harvest Sprites, ask them to water your crops for the three days it takes to upgrade. The Hothouse in BTN is much smaller than the 64 version. It has enough for four 3x3-crop circles. You can plant some crops between the crop circles, and you can just hop over them to get around. Be sure to get the Hive in the summer from planting some flowers. It doesn't sell for much, but you can get honey from it once a day, all year round. During Winter, if you haven't already bought the Mayonnaise, Yarn, and Cheese maker, save three pieces of Adamantine from the Winter Mine for these, otherwise, you may have to wait until the next winter to have these made. Winning the appropriate Festivals, your livestock can produce Golden Eggs, Wool, or Milk. Make sure to choose your hen, sheep, or cow with the most hearts that hasn't already won the festival. The more hearts, the better.During certain events, be sure to choose your responses wisely. For Example, when Popuri asks you what you think of her wanting to leave would be, if you say she should stay, she'll get mad at you, and her heart rating could go down. When you give gifts, when they only say "Thank you." that doesn't necessarily mean they like the gift they have. I gave something to Ann, she said "Thank you." and her heart rating went down. If you have your Kitchen, watch the TV Shopping show every Saturday. Use the Inn to call and order. Your purchase will arrive Tuesday, the same day that "The Delicious Hour" is on, which gives some recipes. During winter, you can't feed your fish (don't worry, they won't die.), but you can still stock up on fish for the upcoming spring, by storing them in your Icebox, that comes with House Upgrade 1. After you receive the powerberry from the Waterfall Goddess, keep giving her harvested veg/fruit. After the next 10 she will ask you if you have a sweetheart. This triggers a scene. After the next 10, she gives you a log, and then Gotz comes to get it and pays you (1000g) I think. This is as far as I have gotten with her. Also, you can give her more than 1 in a day, (the most I have done so far is 20), but, she doesn't come when it rains or on a festival day. Fall season. Date variable? Only happens if married to Elli? Stu appears at your door with a cricket in his hands, saying Elli wanted to see a cricket. Talking to him again makes him want you to show it to her, saying you found it. Elli will come out and ask what is going on and if she just heard Stu just then. Talking to her again with the cricket in hand scares her. Talking to her without it in hand, she realizes Stu wanted to play a joke on her. I just found out that you can bring you bin into mine when you are mining for minerals. So that means that you can carry up to 38 mineral but you must be careful not to faint in there or you will have to go down there again to find it and you must carry you bin down with you when you go down. This is very useful in the winter mine. Just though that I should tell you this. In summer grow A LOT of pineapple. It's expensive but it sells for 500 a piece! and you can harvest it twice if you grow it early. *Note*- The following is an updated version of this cheat but not from the same person it may be easier or harder for you. If you use 2 memory cards and start at least 2 games this is an interesting cheat. Start your first game and buy a chicken and a cow. build your animals happiness to 10 hearts. If you win the chicken festival your chicken will be worth 2000G. No don't sell it save your game ( I have not been able to win the cow festival but if you can it will help ). Start your 2nd game and exchange your chicken from the 1st game after you buy chicken feed save your game. exchange your chicken to your first game and read your diary exchange your chicken to the first game and read your diary. Repeat until your first game has 5 or 10 chickens, you should also do the same with your adult cows. Load your first game and exchange all the animals to the second game then load your second game. sell all your animals then exchange from the first game. save and exchange back then load your second game (If you have six games you can sell up to 20 cows for 5 shots of 5000G a piece or more for a champion cow (that's 500000G for a minor bit of boring work.) Following these lines it may be possible to sell enough chickens to buy the wood you need to be able to upgrade your chicken coop on day 1. If you can pull it off you might be able to win the cooking festival in the first year( you have to get to the chicken ranch as soon as it opens but before Popuri gets in the door at least two or three times. ) Work as long as you like even up to 5.50 a.m. Go back to home latest by 5.50 a.m. And drink a bottle of Turbojolt. And get up by 6 a.m. Save stuff from all seasons when you get a kitchen cooking is an important part in this game. You can save energy when you chop wood with a gold axe. You just charge up until his face turns red then charge up until he closes his eyes (one level before he turns red). You don't save much but it adds up when you are mining and chopping wood on the same day. *Send in more Tips to me at Strato2123@aol.com 18.Dangerous Weather There are not many weather effects in the game of harvest moon back to nature. They are sunny clear day, rain, snow, blizzard, and typhoon. Sunny- On this day do work until you drop its ok just don't over do it. These days you must water your plants, and you may take your animals outside. Everyone will usually be outside. On these days I recommend chopping food, although you have to water your plants you really can't get sick unless you really overwork. Rain- Well these days you should forage and/or mine both are good options. Remember many of the people in Mineral Village will seek shelter when it rains. Snow- Since you have no crops and nothing to forage you should mine in the any of the to mines. Since its winter many will still be indoors. Remember to save up fodder in winter! Typhoon/Blizzard- Or hurricane when these occurs you can't leave your house, your animals can't get fed, and your hothouse could be destroyed. Always hire the harvest sprites the day before the storm also hire them for 2-4 days since storms can last longer than one day. Hopefully your chickens aren't outside because they can be blown away and any livestock can be killed. Your dog and horse will probably have 0 hearts when the storm is over and they are outside so be careful. 19.What They Like Lillia - wine Rick - Wine Barley – Spa-Boiled Eggs May - Grape Juice Gray - Ore Saibara - Ore Duke - Wine Manna - honey Jeff - Bodigizer Sasha - Wild Grapes Karen -wine Popuri – Toy Flower Basil- Poisonous Mushrooms, and grass Anna - Flowers Mary - Veggie Latte Doctor - Wine Elli - Strawberries Pastor Carter - Wine Doug - Mushrooms Ann - Veggie Pancakes Won - Fish Cliff - Spa-Boiled Egg Kai - Oil Zack - Large Fish Greg - Large Fish Gotz - yarn Louis - honey Mayor - Wine Kano - Wine Harris - Wine Ellen - Spa-Boiled Eggs Stu - Yarn Harvest Sprites - Flour 20.FAQ Send in questions and I will post them here I won't include your name if you don't want me to. Q: Is there pocketstation support for Harvest Moon Back to Nature? A: Yes Q. How do I empty the basket? A. Press square next to the shipping bin. Q. Where's the fishing rod? A. It can be found on the pier in spring between 7 and 10am Greg will give it to you. Answer yes when he asks if you like fishing and want to try. Q. These Harvest Sprites don't do anything! What is wrong? A. Are you paying them every time they work? Do they like you? Although not proven there names may have something to do with their job performance in certain jobs. Q. Where is Won? A. After the event with Harris and Won, Won can be found at the Inn. Q. Can I have more than one baby. A. No Q. The 3 year mark is coming up I don't want it to end! A. Luckily the game continues after three years. Q. Where are these Harvest Sprites? A. They are located behind the church. Q. How do I get seasonings? A. Buy the spice rack from the Home Shopping Network that airs every Saturday. Q. Where do I get chocolate? A. Get from a girl who likes you on thanksgiving a nd spring thanksgiving. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 21. Cheats So far these are the only Gameshark codes I know. Japanese: Infinite money: 80071DE4967F 80071DE60098 Infinite Strength 30071D9A00B4 All item in tool box B01E0006 00000001 3007127E 001A B01E0006 00000000 30071282 0063 Max all coroboccle relation B00700F4 00000000 3007A92E 00FF B00700F4 00000000 3007A9C6 00FF B00700FA 00000000 3007A9C8 00FF B00700F4 00000000 3007A9CA 00FF Unlimited water 80071E10 0063 Start time L1 Stop time L2 D005FFC4 0004 800C1B0C 0000 D005FFC4 0004 800C1B0E 0000 D005FFC4 0004 800C1B2E 0000 D005FFC4 0004 800C1B2C 0000 D005FFC4 0001 800C1B0C 0002 D005FFC4 0001 800C1B0E A642 D005FFC4 0001 800C1B2E A603 D005FFC4 0001 800C1B2C 44CA English: Infinite Lumber 80070D38 03E7 Infinite Watering Can 80071A88 0064 Infinite Chicken Feed 80070D40 03E7 Infinite Fodder 80070D3A 03E7 Infinite Fish Feed 80070D3E 03E7 Infinite Gold 80071A5C 967F 80071A5E 0098 Gold Earned 800711FC 967F 800711FE 0098 Gold Used 80071200 0000 800573E8 0000 Stamina 80071A12 003C 0 Dead Animals 80127232 0000 10 Hearts For Dog 8012724C 000A 10 Hearts For Horse 80127258 000A Popuri Has Red Heart 800786B4 FFFF Elli Has Red Heart 80077298 FFFF Karen Has Red Heart 800767A0 FFFF Ann Has Red Heart 80076EF0 FFFF Mary Has Red Heart 80077BBC FFFF Tools at 400% 80071A40 FFFF 80071A42 FFFF 80071A44 FFFF 80071A46 FFFF 80071A48 FFFF All Item Shipped 800711C4 03E7 800711C6 03E7 800711C8 03E7 800711CA 03E7 800711CC 03E7 800711CE 03E7 800711D0 03E7 800711D2 03E7 800711D4 03E7 800711D6 03E7 800711D8 03E7 800711DA 03E7 800711DC 03E7 800711DE 03E7 800711E0 03E7 800711E2 03E7 800711E4 03E7 800711E6 03E7 800711E8 03E7 800711EA 03E7 800711EC 03E7 1 Max Lumber 80070D38 03E7 2 Max Fodder 80070D3A 03E7 3 Max Fish Food 80070D3E 03E7 4 Max Chicken Feed 80070D40 03E7 5 Have Maxed Power Fruit 800712BC 000A 6 Max rucksack Storage 80071A1E 0002 7 Max Level Sickle 80071A40 FFFF 8 Max Level Hoe 80071A42 FFFF 9 Max Level Ax 80071A44 FFFF 10 Max Level Hammer 80071A46 FFFF 11 Max Level Watering Can 80071A48 FFFF 12 Infinite Money 80071A5C FFFF 13 Max Money 80071A5C 967F 80071A5E 0098 14 Infinite Medals 80071A60 FFFF 15 Max Medals 80071A60 967F 80071A62 0098 16 Max Earnings 800711FC 967F 800711FE 0098 17 Zero Reduction Expenses 80071200 0000 18 Max Amount Shipped (GS 2.2 Or Higher Needed! 50001502 0000 800711C4 03E7 19 Max Amount Shipped All (Cattle Only) B0150002 0000 800711C4 03E7 This is not a Gameshark cheat. For those who do not have a Gameshark cartridge, here is a hint. This will work only if you have two memory cards. One of the memory cards is a spare for editing the cheat. First, you must save your game in the first memory card. <*Of course, you must have some animals in your save*> Next, for the second memory card, copy the saved from the first memory card to the second memory card. After you have completed, you can start the game with the previous saved in either memory card. After the game loaded, go to the diary where you can save the game. Select the option "Exchange for Animals". Both memory cards should be inside the memory slot and do not remove them. Now you can transfer the animals from your second memory card to your first memory card. To make money, just sold the animals that have been transferred. To increase the money, just follow the above methods. That will do. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 22.Credits Thank you to SliCkpNoy3 for donating Ellis and Mary's rivals. Also to pikapurple with his recipe for popcorn. Also to Jarril with many tips and the summer fall and winter birthdays, he also discovered the possibility of another horse. Also to Jnc_2000 for his French-fries. One more goes to Serpentarius for his Gameshark codes. Same to Hammerhead for his various recipes. A big thanks goes to Freemail_65 with his Gameshark codes for English version, and his recipes. Tips were brought in also by Carbunclestone, Blaze_scarf, wilmotc, eternalwaltz, peminat_mu, and p-corrie. Thanks to "rex" for his idea of the What They Like section. Thanks Spyder_32 for his tip.