Walkthrough - Guide for Homefront

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|                                  Homefront                                  |
|                       Walkthrough By: redapocalypse04                       |
|                  Contact: snapzilla2050@stewiesminions.com                  |
|                                Version: 1.00                                |

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                           ||  Table of Contents  ||
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I. Walkthrough

  Chapter 1______________________[W1]

  Chapter 2______________________[W2]

  Chapter 3______________________[W3]

  Chapter 4______________________[W4]

  Chapter 5______________________[W5]

  Chapter 6______________________[W6]

  Chapter 7______________________[W7]

II. News Pickups

  Chapter 1______________________[N1]

  Chapter 2______________________[N2]

  Chapter 3______________________[N3]

  Chapter 4______________________[N4]

  Chapter 5______________________[N5]

  Chapter 6______________________[N6]

  Chapter 7______________________[N7]

III. Technical___________________[TECH]

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                              ||  Walkthrough  ||
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                                 | ========= |
                                 |           |
                                 | Chapter 1 |                             [W1]
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-Objective: Answer the door.

Use the left thumbstick to move around and the right thumbstick to look around.
When you're familiar with the controls, move to the door.

-Objective: Pick up the gun/Exit the bus.

Hold X to grab the pistol on the ground, then move forward and hold X to exit
the bus.

-Objective: Follow Connor.

Before you move into the White Castle just ahead of you, go around to the 
left side. You'll find a Newspaper on the ground there. Now follow Connor 
into the building and out the back door. Two enemy soldiers will enter the 
alley further down. Hold the Left Trigger to aim down sights and press the 
Right Trigger to fire your pistol. Press X to reload.

-Objective: Pick up the Assault Rifle/Follow Connor.

Grab the gun on the ground and follow Connor into the building. There will be 
three enemies in here to deal with. Press B to crouch and use the cover to 
your advantage. They drop SMG's when they die. Move outside and take down 
the enemies by the bus. Move forward and jump using A to get over the low 

-Objective: Survive the ambush.

There will be a few enemies in the next building, along with a lot more 
enemies just outside. Transports will continue to drop them off for a while, 
so you'll have to hold the building. There are grenades near the exit that 
you can pick up. Press Right Bumper to throw one. Hold it down to cook the 
grenade first.

-Objective: Escape through suburbs.

Move through the busted walls. To your left you will see a caravan. Just 
ahead of it, on the ground, there is another Newspaper. Move forward, up the 
hill and over a ramp.

-Objective: Crawl into house.

Before you actually crawl in, look to the right of the hole. A Newspaper is 
laying on the ground in front of the window. Now, go back to the hole and hold
down B to go prone and then crawl through.

-Objective: Sprint across the street.

When Connor tells you to, start running. Hold down the Left Thumbstick to 
sprint. Once you go over the fence, go left, around the back of the blue 
house. A Newspaper is propped up on the window sill.

-Objective: Escape through suburbs.

Continue to follow Connor. When you enter the next house, look in the fireplace
for a Newspaper. Before you leave the house, look on the stairs for another
Newspaper. Climb into the treehouse and you'll see a lot of Koreans on the 
other side. You'll also eventually be shot with a rocket.

-Objective: Fight through the KPA patrol zone.

You'll have to fight off a bunch of enemies near the wrecked plane. A lot of 
them come over the wing. There are a couple of soldiers on the other side of 
the fuselage when you get over there, and two more come from inside the plane
itself. There are more soldiers in the next open area, along with a machine
gunner in the house. Take him out first. The soldiers will continue to climb
over the fence until you move behind the first piece of cover. At that point,
an APC barrels over the fence. You'll need to move behind the destroyed house
to your left before the APC can start shooting at you.

-Objective: Flank the LAV.

There's a box filled with weapons on the other side of the destroyed house.
From here, move forward, up the ladder. A soldier will climb out of the 
window, and you'll also find LMGs up here, if you want them. Climb into the 
window and pick up some C4 from the open crate. Throw a couple of bricks onto
the APC using the Left Bumper and hit the Right Trigger to blow it away.

-Objective: Head to civilian neighborhood.

After you jump out of the window, you should notice a yellow house up a bit
and to your left. Go to the right side of the house and you'll find a 
Newspaper next to some debris. Two houses down, on the other side of the 
cul-de-sac, there's another yellow house. There's another Newspaper on the 
porch of this house. Now follow Connor into a white house. As soon as you get 
inside, you should spot another Newspaper laying on the ground in the garage.
In the next room, before you leave the house, look in the left corner for 
yet another Newspaper. From here, follow Connor a short ways.

-Objective: Defend front of house.

After the shooting starts, make your way into the house and start taking out 
Koreans. You'll have to shoot quite a few of these guys before you finish the
objective. Grenades are very effective here. Soon they'll gas the house and 
you'll have to exit via a door in the garage. Follow Boone into the next 

-Objective: Target enemy vehicles.

Grab the Goliath targeting system on the ground and press Up on the D-Pad to 
bring it up. Use it to target several vehicles outside. When you target and 
fire on a vehicle, the car that drove through the house will shoot a bunch of 
rockets at it. Keep doing this until all vehicles are destroyed, and watch out
for foot soldiers. Once they're gone, the chapter ends.

                                 | ========= |
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                                 | Chapter 2 |                             [W2]
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-Objective: Follow Boone.

Follow Boone into the next house. You can talk to everyone you come across, 
and there's an achievement for it. In the house, go to the left into a room 
behind the woman laying on the couch. You'll find a Newspaper in here. Once 
you get outside, Boone will wait for you by a house on the other side of the 
yard. Talk to everyone around here, and head towards the house. Before you 
meet up with Boone, look on the right side of the porch for a Newspaper.

-Objective: Recon the area.

Follow Boone into the house, grab an assault rifle, and descend into the 
tunnel. When you exit the tunnel, go around to the front of the house on your 
left. There's a small tree here with a Newspaper behind it. Just after that 
you'll have to go around a white shed. The shed is open on the other side, 
and there's another Newspaper in here.

-Objective: Use a grenade to destroy the sentry tower.

Follow Boone into the house. You'll have to move along the street while 
avoiding the sentry's spotlight. If it sees you, it'll start firing. Your 
first challenge will be picking up a Newspaper on the other side of the street
from the house you're in. There's a trash can/dumpster just outside the 
house. Move around to it, wait until the spotlight is gone, and dash over to 
the Newspaper, then dash back to the trash can, then up to Boone. You'll have
to dart from cover to cover to avoid the sentry gun. When you finally get 
close to it, toss a grenade towards the blinking red light on the back to 
blow it away.

-Objective: Clear the backyard.

Follow Boone into the house. After the three men get into position, look out
of the window and start shooting baddies. You'll have to clear out a lot of 
soldiers in the backyard here. Use cover and grenades effectively to make 
short work of them. Enter the house and be prepared for a lingering soldier
to come out and hit you in the face. Click in the Right Thumbstick to melee.

-Objective: Meet up with Rianna.

When you exit the house, go to the right. On the side of the house you'll find
a Newspaper. As you follow Boone, keep an eye out for a Flag pole in the area.
There's another Newspaper beneath it. There's also another bus on the left side
of the area. You'll find yet another Newspaper inside it. Follow Boone into 
the school and the basketball court. Look on the walls of the court and you 
should see a beaver. Go over to it to find another Newspaper laying on the 

-Objective: Recon the labor camp.

You'll come to a room filled with weapons, so pick a couple you like and 
stock up on grenades. When you exit into the playground, head left and go 
back into the "alley" thing here. A Newspaper is at the end. Head back into 
the playground, and this time go to the right side. There's a thing over here
that kids can play on with a couple of slides and you can climb on it. Another
Newspaper is on it. Move towards the house. In front of it there's a blue 
kiddie pool/bowl type thing with another Newspaper in it. Move through the 
garage and start taking out soldiers on the other side. Watch for one on the
roof of a house across the street.

-Objective: Flank the sentry tower.

Once all the soldiers are down, move up the street, using cover to avoid 
the sentry's spotlight. Watch out for an enemy in the second floor window of 
the house at the end, on the left side. Move through the house or the alley 
next to it and take out more soldiers in the yard back here. Watch out for a 
guy upstairs in the next house, he'll try to shoot at you from the window.
When it's clear, go upstairs and lob a grenade down at the sentry turret to 
take it down. Now follow Connor into a tunnel.

-Objective: Find Arnie.

You'll have to give up every weapon except for a pistol when you exit the 
tunnel. Start talking to people on your way forward to get some information
on the whereabouts of Arnie. When you hit the street, turn right and look to 
the right. You should see a blue house. Go up the steps and go to the right of
the house. There's a blue canopy and some clotheslines here, along with a 
Newspaper. Now go across the street, but not up the stairs. On the sidewalk 
you should see a sleeping man and a Newspaper near him that's pretty hard to 
miss. From here, just follow Connor until you meet up with Arnie.

-Objective: Follow Arnie.

Before you head through the first turnstile, turn around and move down the
"alley" behind you to find a Newspaper. From here, just follow Arnie through
the other turnstiles.

-Objective: Clear the administrative building.

You'll be caught in an ambush here, with soldiers in front of you and up high
on the sides. Go up the stairs by you and start clearing out the upper areas.
There are better weapons up here too. Also take down the machine gunners 
below, in the building's windows. When the building is clear, head downstairs
and pick up the beacons.

-Objective: Cut through the baseball field.

Follow Connor until he kicks down a piece of metal. Shortly after this, you'll
find a Newspaper right in your path on the ground. When you get to the baseball
field, you'll find it occupied with bad guys and sentry towers.

-Objective: Destroy the sentry towers.

You'll have to make your way around the outside of the baseball field, taking
out scores of enemies and avoiding the spotlights of the sentry guns. Take 
out both guns, then jump into the mass grave to end the chapter.

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                                 | Chapter 3 |                             [W3]
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-Objective: Follow Rianna.

After you get over the low wall, look left. You should see a partial wall over
there. Go past it to find a Newspaper. Follow Rianna to the door. Just before
you get there, look at one of the handicapped parking spaces in front of the
building. A Newspaper is resting on a pile of rubble in front of it. Follow
Rianna into and through the building. When you exit it, you'll drop down onto
a balcony. Look on a box to your right for another Newspaper.

After the white phosphorous has been launched, you can get one of two 
achievements. If you don't kill anyone you get an achievement, and if you kill
everyone you get an achievement. Either way, there will still be a group of 
enemies on the left, along with soldiers in the watchtowers, so take them all
down. Once you get blown off of the roof, follow Rianna some more.

-Objective: Eliminate the EMP soldiers.

When you finally get your gun back, you'll be squaring off against a bunch of
enemies. You will have the Goliath targeting system with you, but an EMP 
soldier on the roof keeps shooting the Goliath vehicle with EMP rockets, so 
take him out, then using the targeter to start laying waste to the infantry.
After a bit, another EMP soldier pops up on the roof. Take him out and start
firing on the ground troops again. One last EMP soldier pops up, and after you
take him down, a Humvee rolls in. Blow it away using the Goliath and regroup.

-Objective: Follow Goliath.

Almost immediately after getting the objective you'll get hammered by a 
helicopter. Target it using the Goliath and shut it down. After this, you'll
move forward and face a bunch of foot soldiers. Most will be directly in 
front of you and in the Hooters to your left, but also watch for a couple of 
EMP soldiers in the watchtower to the right. Around the same time that the 
EMP soldiers come out, APCs will roll in, so you'll need to take out the 
soldiers quickly to keep the Goliath online. Once they're all down, head into
the Hooters and look behind one of the counters for a Newspaper. Now head back
and crawl through the hole. Before you enter the building, look to the right of
the door. Another Newspaper is resting near a vending machine.

-Objective: Follow Connor.

Once inside the building, you'll have to move through it, taking out enemy
soldiers all over the place. There's a shotgun as you enter that's very handy
for this sort of thing. Near the beginning, a helicopter will drop in troops,
and is promptly shot down. Another helicopter will drop in more troops later
on. After this second insertion, make your way to the left as you move 
forward. You'll eventually come to the Games section of the store. There's a 
sign hanging from the ceiling above it that says DVD. A Newspaper is behind 
the counter here. You're near the end, but watch out for enemies on a ledge 
above you. Clear the rest of the soldiers out and make your way up on that 

-Objective: Attach the tracking device.

You'll need to quickly run around the outside of this area. There are only a 
few enemies to deal with. As the tanker pulls away, run up to it and hold X to
toss a tracking device on the back of it. After you do this, head left. You'll
have to head through an open gate here with two signs above it. One says Halt,
and the other says Warning: Show Identification. Before you go through that,
look inside the guard shack to the right of the gate. There is a Newspaper 

-Objective: Follow Connor.

After you regroup and enter the building, more soldiers will start shooting at
you. Watch out for the enemies on the ledge above you. You'll now have to run
through a burning store filled with enemies. Some of them shoot at you, but 
most of them are on fire or running away. If they hide behind something, 
chances are you can shoot it and make it explode. Follow Connor to the exit.
Before you go up the fire escape stairs, look under them for a Newspaper.

Once you get outside the building and to the sandbags, you can start shooting
at the soldiers below, though it's not necessary. It can be hard to tell 
friend from foe at this distance. Vault off of the roof when you get the 
chance and sprint towards the moving truck. Once you're in, bring out the 
Goliath targeter. You'll have to take out a few Humvees and a helicopter that
give chase. Once they're down, the chapter ends.

                                 | ========= |
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                                 | Chapter 4 |                             [W4]
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-Objective: Follow Connor.

After you find all the bodies, you'll leave this area. Connor will knock over 
a fridge to get out. Shortly after this, look to the left to find a Newspaper.
After you cross the street and bust open another gate, look on the other side
of the swimming pool in the yard here for another Newspaper.

-Objective: Survive the ambush.

Soon you'll come to a yard littered with debris/cover. Enemies will start 
pouring out from the house across the way. Take out the RPG soldier in the 
second floor window, then start putting the others down. Eventually a 
Humvee rolls in. Use the Goliath targeter on it. When the Goliath takes it out,
you'll have to deal with an RPG soldier on a rooftop. The Goliath will then
bust out of the cul-de-sac and you'll have to continue to protect it from 
RPG soldiers as it moves down the street. You will also have plenty of regular
enemies to worry about, so use cover wisely. The Goliath will bust through 
another barricade. Before you follow it, check an open garage on the right
side of the street for a Newspaper. Keep fighting off RPG soldiers and 
regular troops until a tank comes through the barricade at the end of the 

-Objective: Follow Goliath.

Move through the house and follow Rianna. All you have to do here is target
the tank once when it comes through. One volley of missiles is enough to take
it out. Before you move on, look behind you, at the barricade of fencing and 
debris. A Newspaper is here, next to something that looks like a water heater.

-Objective: Follow Connor.

After you drop down into the canal, move forward to the far right corner and 
grab the Newspaper laying amongst some grass. When the man opens the gate for
you and you meet up with some more people, look in the far left corner, next
to the dumpster, for another Newspaper. When you move out, you'll have to deal
with a ton of soldiers on the ground and up high. You need to move into the 
guard post and press and hold X until the barricade is lowered. Before you 
move on, look to the right. There's a place here called Votypka Foot Massage.
To the right of that building there is a dumpster. A Newspaper is hidden next
to it.

Through the barricade you'll find more troops. Keep pushing them back and 
eventually you'll have to follow Connor through the White Castle. Kick open 
the door when you get to it and take out the enemies in the room in this 
slow-motion sequence. There are explosive barrels against the far wall that
will make this easy. There are a lot more soldiers to take care of after you
clear the room, so take cover. There's another room to the right of the one
you're in. Go in here and look behind the counter for a Newspaper.

When you're ready, start taking out the RPG soldiers up high and the regular
soldiers on the street. Lower the next barricade when it's clear.

-Objective: Follow Rianna.

Regroup and follow Rianna up to the roof. Grab the RPG and shoot the Goliath
with it when it's at the wall to blow a hole in it. Head back down and get in
the Humvee. You'll be manning the turret here, so start cutting enemies down
as soon as you get through the wall. The priority should be other vehicles.
After several seconds of driving, the chapter ends.

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                                 | Chapter 5 |                             [W5]
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-Objective: Eliminate the survivalists.

You'll be thrown into a firefight right at the start, so get ready to take 
down a bunch of enemies. There are a few on the street, but a lot of them are 
concentrated in the house to your right. There's an RPG soldier up high in a 
"crow's nest" of sorts with a windmill on it. Clear the house out and then 
move to the left side of the house. At the back here you'll find a Newspaper.
Now, before you regroup and move on, go to the other side of the street. You
may notice an old wooden building off the road a bit with an American flag on
it. There's a Newspaper in here. There's another, slightly larger wooden 
building behind this one with another Newspaper in it.

-Objective: Remain undetected.

Regroup and Connor will hand you a silenced sniper rifle. Move up the dirt 
path. When the red barn is to your left, look on the left side of the path.
A Newspaper is near the hay bale. Follow Connor a bit further. He should stop
and crouch next to a wooden shack of sorts. There's a Newspaper in here. 
Keep following Connor and stay close so that you aren't spotted. Eventually 
you'll have to snipe one of the survivalist snipers. Aim and click in the 
Right Thumbstick to zoom in and out, then put him down.

Keep following Connor until he has Rianna knife an unsuspecting enemy. At that
point you'll need to snipe an RPG soldier above you. Move on and you'll come to
a house. As you circle around it, you'll need to take out two sentries posted
in the second floor windows. Eventually you'll have to enter the house and 
knife a guy inside. At this point, examine the shelves to the left for some 
weapons and a Newspaper.

Before you exit the house you'll have to take out another RPG soldier. Now 
move down towards the river. After you drop down, look to the right of the 
blue cars. A Newspaper is in some grass over here.

-Objective: Eliminate the survivalists.

There will be no need for stealth anymore as you tackle a wave of enemies.
When they're all down, move up the hill and look left for two white plastic 
chairs. A Newspaper is behind one of them. Keep moving forward until you 
encounter both survivalists and Koreans by a wrecked helicopter. Take them 
out, then move to the left of the crashed chopper. There's a Newspaper by a 
trailer and the border fencing.

As you move forward, you'll have to deal with a lot of survivalists. Watch out
for enemies on top of trailers as well as the ones on the ground. At the end 
of this little stretch of hell, you'll have to take out one last RPG soldier
on a windmill platform. Before you move on, look to your right. You should see
a trailer that's black with a red stripe going around it. There's a Newspaper
next to it, next to the sandbags.

As you make your way up to the church, keep an eye out for a cemetery on your
left. There's a Newspaper in there. Keep going and you'll have to split up 
with the other three. Go up to the church but be careful. The two guys in 
front aren't alone. There's another guy on the left side, one on the 
scaffolding on the right side, and more will come out of the front door. When
they're all dead, go to the right side of the church, near the scaffolding, 
to find a Newspaper. When you get up to the scaffolding inside the church, 
be careful. Enemies on both your level and the bottom floor will be shooting
you from everywhere, so keep your distance and clear them out one at a time.
At the top, before you turn right to get to the bell tower, go left into a room
and grab the silenced sniper rifle here.

-Objective: Shoot only marked targets.

This is relatively simple. Go prone on the bell tower platform and just 
hit the targets that Connor marks for you. Make sure you don't shoot until 
the Wait turns to Eliminate. When they're all down, Connor pushes towards the
helicopter and you'll be hit by an RPG. Press X to jump down, then just hop 
down the scaffolding and make your way towards the chopper. Before you get 
too far, look to your right. You should see a red semi, and if you keep going
right up here, there's a red pickup truck. A Newspaper is next to it.

There are a lot of survivalists between you and the chopper, and Connor won't
shut up about how they're being overrun. Those three will be fine, but the 
enemies won't stop coming, so don't linger around too long or you'll run out
of ammo. Make it to the chopper to end this chapter.

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                                 | Chapter 6 |                             [W6]
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-Objective: Catch up to the convoy.

You'll be in control of a helicopter here. Use the left thumbstick to move 
the helicopter around and the right thumbstick to move the aiming reticule, 
much like on foot. Left Trigger fires rockets and Right Trigger fires a 
machine gun. You'll be tasked with taking out APCs on the ground as you move 
along the road. Soon you'll be asked to put on your thermal vision, which you
can do by clicking in the Right Thumbstick. This makes bad guys glow red! 
Shortly after, take out the tank and press the Left Bumper to descend, so you
can fly through the tunnel.

Press the Right Bumper to ascend again if you get too low. When you exit the 
tunnel, ascend and start taking out the APC escorts that surround the convoy
of tankers. The APCs will be throwing rockets at you all over the place, so 
stay in motion. Once they're down, start flying low on the tankers' left side.
You'll need to be flying right next to them. When prompted, push X and one of
your comrades will jump onto the tanker. Do this for all three.

-Objective: Protect the tankers.

Don't get too far ahead of the tankers or you'll be told to turn back. As you
cruise along the road, you'll have to deal with multiple SAM sites. They 
launch heat-seeking missiles, so push A when prompted to deploy chaffe. You'll
eventually come to a checkpoint with SAM sites and other personnel that you 
must soften up. Shortly after this you'll have to deal with multiple vehicles
on an overpass ahead. Hurry up and take them out before they take Connor out.

The overpass is destroyed, so the tankers detour through a neighborhood. 
Make sure you keep thermal vision on, because there will be a load of threats
floating around here, including APCs, Humvees, tanks, RPG soldiers, and 
regular infantry. They'll plague you until the tankers get back on the highway.
When that happens, you'll only have to deal with more RPG soldiers, a 
helicopter, and a bunch of SAM turrets. After they're down, the tankers move
onto the bridge, but Connor's tanker stalls. While you wait for them to get it
started and rig the bridge with explosives, you'll have to hold off wave after
wave of vehicles coming from the rear. After a minute or two, the tankers 
proceed forward and the chapter ends.

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                                 | Chapter 7 |                             [W7]
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-Objective: Board the helicopter.

At the beginning, head to the right. You should see two helicopters parked 
under some canopies. When you get to them, turn right again. You'll be going
backwards now, relative to where you started the chapter. Head back to a 
table with a Newspaper on it. Now hop inside the helicopter. When you get to
the scaffolding under the Golden Gate Bridge, switch to your grenade launcher.
You get infinite rounds, so let loose on the RPG and regular soldiers here.

-Objective: Fight to the bridge tower.

When you are let off, there will be enemies to fight, including RPG soldiers
on a small tower on the left. Keep fighting up to the gate.

-Objective: Follow Connor.

On the other side, a tank busts through a wall and wipes out most of the 
soldier with you. Follow Connor into the first trailer. Take out the enemies
here (grenades work well) and move on to the next trailer. There are more 
enemies here, plus an RPG. Pick it up and hit the tank with three shots to 
put it down. When it's all clear, go back to the wall that got destroyed when
the tank came through it. There's a trailer behind it, and a Newspaper is in 
front of that trailer.

-Objective: Climb to the deck of the bridge.

Follow Connor around and you'll encounter a small group of enemies. A couple
also rappel down from the deck above, so take them all up and continue up the
stairs. On the next level you'll deal with a few more soldiers. Inside, be 
prepared for close quarters combat as you ascend up to the next level. There
are a couple of rooms with a few enemies each. Back outside, make your way 
around the support and take out more soldiers on the deck.

When you come back to an indoors portion, toss a grenade inside to clear out
a few enemies. There's bound to be one or two more as you climb up the stairs.
As you climb up, keep an eye out for a shelf to the left of a set of stairs 
that you need to ascend. There's a Newspaper on it. When you exit, you'll have
to take out more enemies on the catwalks before you can finally climb up to 
the top of the bridge.

-Objective: Secure the checkpoint.

At the top, there are, of course, more enemies. Take them all out, then move
to the other side of the bridge from where you climbed up. Between the semi 
and the guard rails there are two boxes. A Newspaper is on one of them. 
When the tank rolls through the gate and gets blown up, you'll need to deal 
with RPG soldiers, along with a lot of regular enemies as you progress. Keep 
pushing them back, and keep an eye out for places where you can climb up on 
top of the vehicles. Soon you'll get blown off the bridge and onto a lower 

-Objective: Get back to the deck.

Watch out for the chopper fire and take down two enemies in front of you. 
Keep going and two more enemies will pop up before you ascend the first ramp.
Before you go up it, jump over the blue blocks to the left of the ramp. There's
a Newspaper on the broken walkway piece. Keep climbing around until you run 
out of catwalks. At this point, you'll need to drop down onto the red beams 
and go from there. Be careful, because two more enemies will come out shortly
after this.

When you finally get back up top, take cover, because you'll be in the middle
of a bunch of enemies. Grenade the two sentry towers when you get a chance 
and clear it all out, then grab the Stinger missile and hit the chopper twice
with it to take it down. Regroup with Connor, but when the gate opens, do NOT
be standing in front of it. There are a shit load of enemies out there, and 
half of them are holding RPGs. Slowly work your way up to the AA platform.

-Objective: Defend Hopper.

When you're on the AA platform, climb up to the guard tower for the last 
Newspaper. While you're up here you can grab a sniper rifle. You'll need to 
hold off a lot of enemies while Hopper does his thing. After a minute or so 
of this, go back to Hopper and use the UCAV to wipe out enemies as they head 
towards your position.

-Objective: Get in Humvee.

You'll be in the turret. Mow down all the infantry and other Humvees until you
get to the gate. At this point, an enemy Goliath will come out and you'll have
to play cat and mouse with the thing for a while. Keep shooting it, but you
won't actually be able to kill it until it crashes next to a tanker. Press A
to launch countermeasures from time to time so you don't get pummeled by 
missiles. When it's gone, you've beaten the game.

                              ||                ||
                              ||  News Pickups  ||
                              ||                ||

                                 | ========= |
                                 |           |
                                 | Chapter 1 |                             [N1]
                                 |           |
                                 | ========= |

1. After the bus is hit by a semi, you'll exit it. Before you enter the 
   White Castle building ahead of you, go around to the left side and look on
   the ground.

2. You'll come to a part where you have to fight off a bunch of enemies. 
   After the gas tanks explode and you survive the ambush, you'll move through
   two broken walls. You should see a caravan to your left. The Newspaper is
   on the ground just ahead of it.

3. Just after the last Newspaper, you'll be tasked with crawling into a 
   house. Before you do that, look to the right of the hole. This Newspaper is
   on the ground in front of a window.

4. After you have to sprint across the street and get over the fence, go left, 
   around the back of the blue house. The Newspaper is propped up on the 
   window sill back here.

5. After the previous Newspaper, you'll enter a house. Look in the fireplace
   for this Newspaper.

6. In the same house as the previous Newspaper. Before you leave, look on the
   stairs for another Newspaper.

7. After you destroy the APC and jump out of the window, go forward a bit and
   look left. You should see a yellow house. Go to the right of it and look
   on a small mound for the Newspaper.

8. From the previous Newspaper, go two houses to the right and you'll find 
   another yellow house. This Newspaper is on the porch of the house, near the
   back fence.

9. After getting the previous Newspaper, you'll have to follow Connor into a 
   white house. The Newspaper is on the ground in the garage as soon as you 
   enter. Very hard to miss.

10. In the same house as the previous Newspaper. Before you exit, look in the
    left corner for this Newspaper.

                                 | ========= |
                                 |           |
                                 | Chapter 2 |                             [N2]
                                 |           |
                                 | ========= |

1. Inside the first house that Boone leads you into. Go into a room behind the 
   woman laying on the couch to find this Newspaper laying on the floor.

2. After talking to the people in the yard, you'll have to regroup with Boone,
   who is standing on the porch of a house. Before you do that, look to the 
   right of the porch for this Newspaper.

3. After you exit the tunnel, go left around the front of the house. The 
   Newspaper is behind a small tree here.

4. From the previous Newspaper, you'll have to go between a house and a white
   shed. When you're between them, look at the shed and you'll see that it's
   open. The Newspaper is inside.

5. After the previous Newspaper, you'll enter a house. From here you'll have 
   to navigate a street guarded by a sentry gun. If the gun's spotlight falls
   on you, it'll start shooting. The Newspaper is across the street from the
   house you're in. There's a trash can just outside of the house that you 
   can use for cover.

6. After you clear the backyard and exit the next house, you should see a 
   bus in front of you. Go right and to the side of the house you just came 
   out of. The Newspaper is on the ground.

7. In the same area as the previous Newspaper, you should see a Flag pole.
   This Newspaper is right by it.

8. In the same area as the previous two Newspapers, you'll find a second bus 
   on the left side. Go inside it to find the Newspaper.

9. When you get inside the basketball court, find the beaver painted on the 
   wall. Look on the ground underneath it for a Newspaper.

10. When you exit into the playground, go left and then head back into an 
    alley of sorts. The Newspaper is at the very end.

11. In the playground, on the right side, there's a thing that you can climb
    on with a couple of slides on it. The Newspaper is on it.

12. Just after the previous two Newspapers, you'll come to a house. There's a
    big blue bowl or kiddie pool type thing in front of the house. The 
    Newspaper is in it.

13. After you enter the labor camp. When you hit the street, turn right, then 
    look right. You'll see a blue house. To the right of that house, by some
    clotheslines and a blue canopy, you'll find the Newspaper.

14. Across the street from the previous Newspaper, on the sidewalk, near a 
    sleeping man.

15. After you meet Arnie, he'll lead you through a turnstile. Before you 
    go through, turn around and head back, down the "alley" to find this 

16. After you pick up the beacons, follow Connor until he kicks down a piece of
    metal. Shortly after this, you'll find the Newspaper laying on the ground
    in your path.

                                 | ========= |
                                 |           |
                                 | Chapter 3 |                             [N3]
                                 |           |
                                 | ========= |

1. At the very beginning, you'll go over a low wall. Turn left and you should
   see a partial wall/fence over there. Go past it to find the Newspaper.

2. After the previous Newspaper, follow Rianna to the door of the building.
   Just before you get there, look at one of the handicapped parking spots.
   The Newspaper is on a pile of rubble here.

3. After you exit the first building, you'll drop down onto a balcony. Look on
   a box to your right for this Newspaper.

4. After you use the Goliath to blow away a helicopter and two APCs, enter the
   Hooters building and look behind one of the counters for this Newspaper.

5. After the previous Newspaper, you'll crawl through a hole. Before entering
   the next building, look to the right of the door. This Newspaper is next to
   a vending machine.

6. Inside the store, you'll come across a Games section. The hanging sign 
   above it says DVD. Look behind the counter here for the Newspaper.

7. After you stick the tracking device onto the tanker, head left. You'll have
   to go through an open gate that has two signs above it. One says Halt and 
   the other says Warning: Show Identification. Look in the guard shack thing
   to the right of the gate for this Newspaper.

8. After you run through the burning store, you'll have to go up some stairs.
   Before you do that, look under the stairs for the Newspaper.

                                 | ========= |
                                 |           |
                                 | Chapter 4 |                             [N4]
                                 |           |
                                 | ========= |

1. Near the beginning, after Connor knocks over a fridge to get out of the 
   yard, look on the ground to the left for this Newspaper.

2. After you cross the street and bust open a gate, look on the other side 
   of the swimming pool. The Newspaper is laying next to some debris right 
   next to the pool.

3. After the Goliath breaks out of the cul-de-sac and you have to protect it 
   from RPG soldiers on the street. In that first section, look for an open 
   garage on the right side of the street. The Newspaper is kind of hidden in
   the corner next to the open garage door.

4. After you destroy the tank with the Goliath, look behind you, at the 
   barricade of fencing and debris. The Newspaper is there, next to something
   that looks like a water heater.

5. After you drop down into a canal, move forward to the far right corner. 
   The newspaper is laying on a mound with grass on it.

6. A man will open a gate for you and there will be a bunch of people on the
   other side. Go to the far left corner. The Newspaper is laying on the 
   ground next to a dumpster.

7. After you lower the first barricade, turn right and locate the Votypka Foot
   Massage building. There is a dumpster to the right of that building. This 
   Newspaper is hidden next to it.

8. After the slow-motion part where you clear a room, enter the room to the 
   right of it and look behind the semi-circular counter for the Newspaper.

                                 | ========= |
                                 |           |
                                 | Chapter 5 |                             [N5]
                                 |           |
                                 | ========= |

1. After you clear the first house, go to the left side of it and move to the 
   back. The Newspaper is laying back here.

2. From the previous Newspaper, go across the street to the old wooden building
   with an American flag on it. This Newspaper is in here.

3. There is another old wooden building behind the one with the previous
   Newspaper. This Newspaper is in it, on the floor.

4. After Connor gives you a silenced sniper rifle, you'll move up a dirt path.
   When the red barn is to your left, look on the left side of the dirt path,
   near a hay bale, for the Newspaper.

5. Just after the previous Newspaper, Connor will reach a wooden shack of 
   sorts and crouch down next to it. The Newspaper is in this shack.

6. After doing some stealth work, you will enter a house and knife a guy. 
   Look on a shelf on the left wall for this Newspaper. It's next to a table
   with weapons on it.

7. After getting the previous Newspaper, you'll move down towards the river.
   When you drop down, look to the right of the blue car. The Newspaper is in
   some grass.

8. When you break the stealth routine and have to fight a group of 
   survivalists, move up the hill and to the left. There are two white plastic
   chairs up here, and the Newspaper is behind one of them.

9. You'll come to a crashed helicopter and be forced to fight off Koreans and
   survivalists. Go to the left of the chopper, past a white shed, and look on
   the ground near the border fencing and a trailer for this Newspaper.

10. After you take out the last RPG soldier in the windmill, look to your 
    right. There's a black trailer with a red stripe going around it. This 
    Newspaper is next to it, by the sandbags.

11. As you make your way up towards the church, there's a cemetery to your 
    left. The Newspaper is just inside it, by a portion of fencing that's been
    laid down.

12. In front of the church, go to the right side and look by the scaffolding.
    The Newspaper is on the ground.

13. After you drop down from the bell tower, look to your right and you will 
    see a red semi. Keep going right and you should spot a red pickup truck.
    The Newspaper is next to it.

                                 | ========= |
                                 |           |
                                 | Chapter 6 |                             [N6]
                                 |           |
                                 | ========= |


                                 | ========= |
                                 |           |
                                 | Chapter 7 |                             [N7]
                                 |           |
                                 | ========= |

1. At the very beginning, turn right and move towards two helicopters 
   parked under some canopies. Now turn right again and head back to a table
   with the Newspaper on it.

2. After you deal with the tank, go through the wall it came through. Look in
   front of the trailer for this Newspaper.

3. When climbing up the bridge. The second time you go indoors, keep an eye out
   for a shelf to the left of some stairs that you need to ascend. It's after
   the first flight of stairs. The Newspaper is on this shelf.

4. After you climb up to the top, go to the opposite side of the bridge. 
   Between the semi and the guard rail you'll find two boxes sitting next to 
   the rail. The Newspaper is on one of them.

5. You'll get knocked off of the bridge and land on a lower level. Just before
   you ascend the first ramp, look to the left of it and you'll see some blue
   blocks on the ground. Jump over them and you'll find the Newspaper on the
   broken piece of walkway.

6. When you get on the AA platform where you're supposed to defend Hopper, 
   climb up the guard tower to find the last Newspaper.

                               ||             ||
                               ||  Technical  ||                         [TECH]
                               ||             ||

Any website may use this guide, as long as it is kept intact and proper credit 
is given. Contact me at snapzilla2050@stewiesminions.com if you have any
questions about the guide or the game.

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