Walkthrough - Guide for The Sims 2: Castaway
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![The Sims 2: Castaway](/images/covers/9742.jpg)
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Walkthrough a)Washed Ashore b)First Castaway - Dr. Feelgood c)Second Castaway - Ms. Weeder d)Third Castaway - Chef Butcher e) Ms. Weeder and Her Mangoes f) A Whole New World I - The Third Island g) Finishing the Chef's Firepit h) Fourth Castaway: Suzy McDress i) A Whole New World II - Across the Bridge j) Errands for the Seamstress k) One Quest Down, One Curry to Go l) The End 5. Characters 6. Collection 7. Minigames i) Bug Hunting a) Location of bugs ii) Spear fishing iii) Painting iv) Pole Fishing v) Musical Duet 8. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Contact and Personal Information ------------------- 1a. Introduction ------------------- I personally am an avid fan of survival games (having played and finally beaten Lost in Blue and Lost in Blue 2). Once this one came out I got began to play and got addicted. It's probably about time I contributed to the walkthrough scene anyway. It'll take some time for this FAQ to be completed though, seeing as I have exams and common tests still coming up for me. So please bear with the constant missing gaps here and there, and feel free to e-mail me should you think I've missed out anything here. Note that GameFAQs will have the most updated version of my walkthrough at all times, as I'm mainly operatin from there. Should you wish to find anything, use Ctrl+F and search for the titles or keywords, as this guide is pretty long. ------------------- b. Copyright ------------------- This belongs to Christie Chiu (c) 2008. Users who want to use this guide and post something up from anything belonging to it, please give me some credit. I have authorized GameFAQ and her sister sites, Neoseeker, Super Cheats, Cheat Happens, Cheat Code Central, Game Revolution & Cheat Codes to post up this FAQ on their websites. Unfortunately, I shall no longer be accepting any more requests to post this walkthrough up on websites. I do believe I have enough websites to update, and I am kind of forgetful. I do apologize for this latest development. Still, I do not allow anyone to post this up on their websites or even quote it without citing its source (aka ME). I'd most likely blow up like a volcano when I'll see this. The Sims 2: Castaway belongs to EA Games and in no way do I own it or did I ever create it. ---------------------- 2. History and Updates ---------------------- 4/11/2007: V. 0.17 written up; Sections 1 - 4a completed 6/11/2007: V. 0.22 written up; Sections 4b - 4d completed Added gameplay section Modified Introduction 8/11/2007: V. 30 written up: Changed Table of Contents 13/11/2007: v. 1.0 is written up; changed table of contents; filled in parts 1 - 3 of collection 14/11/2007: v. 1.001; Added list of authorized websites and amended pole fishing section of FAQ. Credit for Collection also added (even though I haven't updated it yet. It'll be coming soon) 16/11/2007: v. 1.002; Added Super Cheats to list of authorized websites 17/11/2007: v. 1.101; amended a few areas which were repeated and also changed some grammar mistakes; added a bit of the collection list in "Grains and Herbs" 18/11/2007: v. 1.32; added the entire fish and bug section and changed the quest about the green cure. Added tradeable items section to the character's area. 20/11/2007: v. 1.4; added two more sections to the collection area and changed the gameplay controls. 07/12/2007: Considering FAQ section, even though yours truly is not meant to be on the computer and STUDYING HER BUTT OFF FOR THE EXAMS. 08/12/2007: v. 1.41; added the FAQ section as the e-mails I've been receiving all concern quite a few questions which I'm answering over and over again... hope that helps a bit. 10/12/2007: v. 1.45; added some likes and dislikes for the castaways and clarified the green cure for Ms. Weeder. 14/12/2007: v. 1.5; added two more sections to the collection, and also added the FAQ section. You can now find your missing map piece location there too. 28/12/2007: v. 1.55; whoa, you people write a lot to me! Just came back from Tokyo. Added two more sections and updated the FAQ section. Also modified how the pufferfish looks - it's brown with teeth. 28/12/2007: Browsed the boards and found an error which somebody rather kindly pointed out. At work on the lists on collections as well, and proof read my entire thing. *chuckles* Well, I do go on GameFAQS most of the time peoples and "lurk" there. Modified the error - check "Errands for the Seamstress" for more details. 29/12/2007: v. 1.6; Very nearly the end of this year! Added one more section to the collection area. 02/01/2008: Added questions to the FAQ section and finally completed a few sections, even though I have yet to add the stats 05/01/2008: v. 1.8; added the summary section to the walkthrough to clear things up. Added Chef Butcher's story. 11/01/2008: v. 2.2; Added remaining sections except "Objects" and added a few more questions to the FAQ section. Also edited ASCII title a bit. The wavy lines down there are meant to represent waves and an island. I do apologize for its odd look - I'm not experienced in ASCII graphic making. 12/01/2008: v. 2.21; permitted Game Revolution to post my FAQ up. 13/01/2008: v. 2.5; Added one entire section purely dedicated to the bugs' colours and where you find them. Also changed layout of "Tops" and bottoms AND format of collection to make it more clear and NOT appear as an entire block of text. Finally finished the collection, and will add the stats and the areas later. 16/01/2008: v. 2.5 with minor updates; edited Personal Information and added another FAQ question. 31/01/2008: v. 2.5 with minor updates. Sorry I haven't been active lately as I have a lot of work. Changed the Copyright section - please take a look. It does concern you. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== --------------- 3. Gameplay --------------- The gameplay in The Sims 2: Castaway is simple: you have a total of six different motive bars: hunger, energy, social, comfort, hygiene and bladder. Yes, bladder. Well, your Sims ARE human, and this is a typical Sims game we're talking about... You also have a survival guide at the top left of your screen. It's the little pale blue book with a cool-looking logo on it. Tap on it to eat (it brings up the eat screen pretty automatically) The tabs are all pretty self explanatory, including food, objects, templates, clothes, relationships, inspiration and ideas, and the map. Out of all of them, the most useful one is the map tab - the one with a compass icon on it. It brings up a map of all the places you've visited. Tap the orange icon on where you want to visit and voila! You're there. Very handy thing, and I spent the entire first few weeks walking about like an idiot. Can you believe it? ********* Controls: ********* D-Pad: Shifts/toggles the screen around Touch screen: Make your Sim do a certain action L/R Button: Speeds up time/Part of the musical duet A Button: Play a musical duet B Button: Play a musical duet X Button: Play a musical duet/Bring up Map Y Button: Play a musical duet Start: Pause game Select: Open survival guide =============================================================================== =============================================================================== --------------- 4. Walkthrough --------------- Note: This guide is a general one, and you don't strictly need to actually adhere to what this guide says and does. This is not something like a set of rules and laws, but a guide for you to follow. But if you feel more comfortable following the guide, then by all means do so. The directions of left and right are more or less like the way you face the DS screen, not you with your back to the DS screen. Just bear that in mind as you read this guide. **************** a) Washed Ashore **************** After having chosen your character's appearance, you'll be immediately greeted with the cutscene of your character blown backwards by the bellow of the leaving ferry - or what looks like to be one, anyway. The screen changes to blue (ah, glorious blue) and you are entertained with a visual diary of how exactly our poor protagonist ended up on the deserted island. Quite unpleasant, but now the task falls on us to keep him/her alive. Upon the start of the game, we seen a blinking lightbulb at the very top of the screen. You may tap on it and check out on what our game has to say. Turns out it's teaching us how to walk and move about. Head a bit to the left of the screen and you'll see our first ever fruit - a watermelon, which originated from Africa. But that's not the point of this, so we'll move on. Feed your poor Sim and they'll have restored around 50 pts of your hunger. Oh, joy. You won't see these for a while. See the arrow on the floor? Tap it, and you'll be transported to another screen with bits of debris and stuff. Pick them up and build a shelter with them. It's simple, nothing fancy, made of palm and driftwood. You don't get much sleep with them either, but we'll have to make do. After taking a brief nap,tap the left arrow at the furthest part of the screen and you should be able to see a coconut tree. The game then proceeds to instruct you to shake it. This little beauty fills up 13 pts of your hunger meter. Not much, but as you move around on the island, you'll find waaay more coconuts and soon you'll start to appreciate how much coconuts can save your life. There's something called a crafting rock there, and at that place you'll be able to craft whatever you like. Very handy. Tap the next arrow to take yourself to the next area. You'll see a big rock there. Tap on it, and it should bring up two options: "Examine" or "Hunt for Bugs". Yes, bugs. Tap on the "Hunt for Bugs" option and immediately you shall come across the very first mini-game in Castaway. Relatively straightforward and simple: squish as many escaping bugs as possible with your stylus, which in turn become coloured splatches once you have successfully squished them. In fact, if you do manage to squish all the bugs, a few rather rare ones will come up, such as the fuschia, jade and blue bug. All of these are essential in later stages, so I suggest that you try your best and squish all of them. For now, they are just food. Really icky food that takes off some 15 or 10 points off your hygiene and comfort meter, so it's not really recommended for you to feed them this foodstuff unless absolutely necessary. Of course, it's your choice. There's also a stream in the same area where you can take a bath in and fill up your hygiene meter. The sea also serves more of less the same purpose, but you won't really fill up that much until you see the real bathing area. But that's for later. Once you've had your fill of bug-squishing fun, go another few screens across until you reach a dead end with a rock. Tap on the rock and choose "Examine". At this point, you're stuck with just the coastline, but never fear, there's a lot more to be found around the coast. Go back to the area where your shelter is. Preferably, bring up the surivival guide and tap the compass. You'll be given an entire map, marked with the locations which you've visited. Tap the green square and instantly you'll be taken to your shelter. We call this island teleportation. There's an arrow to the north which you might have already discovered. There you'll find sticks and... a wall of vines blocking your path. So that area's cordoned off for now. There's a stone or two that you can pick up too. Head back to your shelter and start a little fire, though fortunately, even if it goes out, you'll still be able to sleep. Throughout the entire journey, feel free to take as many naps as you like. I must warn you, sometimes sleeping doesn't necessarily fill up your energy meter all the time though. Keep eating your way all this time. By the 2nd or 3rd day, you'll see bushes with fruit on them. Tap on them to bring up mainly three options for now: "Examine", "Forage" or "Use". For some plants, you can only examine them, as they are withered and don't produce, and hence you can't "forage" them. That will be taken care of later. Tap on "Use", and you'll find that your Sim uses these bushes as a toilet. This will fill up your "Bladder" meter - but your "Hygiene" meter will drop drastically. Very drastically. Head to the freshwater stream and wash immediately, or risk one very pessimistic and gloomy sim. Now, head to the second-last area to the right of the coastline. You'll see some gnarled wood and another coconut tree. Shake it should there be any fruit. The gnarled wood is very useful for an easel later on where you paint with crushed beetles. There's another arrow down there at the very edge at the south of the beach. Tap that area and you'll find your Sim swimming in a sea. Here, you can dive, OR alternatively, click on the other arrow to head to the remains of your poor sunken ship and pick up an anchor there. You're done with the ship for now. Later on, once you obtain a small metal pole, you can use it to craft a crowbar and open the door (tap around at the gray door with two circles on it. You should get "Examine" first. After you've gotten the crowbar, you can "Open" the door). There's a crate inside containing all sorts of festive goodies. You can open it three times to complete your collection. Back to the place where you Sim was swimming. At this diving spot you can find Pink Murex, which is essential for later quests, and coral and shells. But that's all up to you. Look hard on the beach once you get back. See the three rocks? You'll need around five per rock to make an SOS signal. Unfortunately, instead of doing the logical thing and dropping down to rescue your stranded sim on the island, the people who pass by drop all sorts of stuff at the area, including a nice slab of meat. That's handy, and remember to check back to the area everyday. But that's for later. Now, remember where you were washed up? You can head there every day to find crates/boxes/palm leaves/driftwood washed up, and that is essential to future item crafting and shelter upgrading. Head to the to the right of the beach and find a water bottle there. Pick it up, and feel free to fill it up at the freshwater stream. Rest up, eat up, and get ready for your next adventure. ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Crafted your shelter b) Found the bug rocks c) Found the gnarled wood - possibly craft the easel d) Found the sunken ship e) Obtained the water bottle f) Filled it up with fresh water And later on in the game: a) Craft the SOS signal in the very south of the coast b) Get the crowbar to open the sunken ship's door ******************************* b)First Castaway - Dr. Feelgood ******************************* Head back to the dead end with the bush. You should see red fruit on it. Forage for some funny looking red fruit called Sparkleberry. Your sim will also notice that a rock's fallen down, and now you can officially explore a new area. Climb up the rock face and come to... another rather blank looking area. Pick up the twigs on the left of the screen and forage for some more food, aka tomatoes. Proceed to the other area with the arrow. In the next screen, you'll see a woman lying on her very well made shelter (I'm seeing green here) with a pestle next to her. Tap her and select "Greet". You'll see what exactly went wrong with her - she's a doctor and she's too ill to go out and grab the medicine. So the task falls to you, au naturelle. She'll ask for a catfish, and give you your harpoon. Head back down the cliff face and tap the sea. This time, you'll see a third item come up: namely spear fishing. Tap that option and you'll see play your first bout of spearing. This game is straightforward, but tricky when it comes to spearing the fish. My advice to you is that you better aim for the head of the fish, and watch their swimming pattern. The catfish is very recognizable. It's got white funny looking tusks protruding out of it's mouth and looks like a green carp. Get a few of them, and you shouldn't really go wrong with it. Go back to the doctor (the survival guide map is faster) and give her the catfish with the option "deliver items". She'll mash up the carp. Tap "Offer help" yet again and this time, she'll ask for some berries. Now remember the berries you picked off from below the cliff face? Those are the berries she wants. If you don't have them, backtrack down and forage for them. Give her what she wants and she'll crush the berries all over again. Offer help again and she'll want... a bottle of water. Yes, the bottle that you refilled at the freshwater stream? That's the one. So give her the bottle, and she'll mix it up with her catfish-sparkleberry paste... and she's all up and running, with a completely full relationship bar. From this point onwards, you'll be able to trade with her, and as time goes by, more and more items will be added to her trading list. Dr. Feelgood also has the hammer handle that you need to make a hammer. You'll also receive a piece of metal. Now that is essential for the hatchet you'll be crafting soon. After performing the good deed, go back to where you were washed up and open the crate. At some point, you will receive a stick with a loop. That should be the handle for your hatchet. Craft your hatchet at the crafting rock, rest and eat, and you're ready for the next area... ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Found Dr Feelgood and: i) Gotten her the cat fish ii) Gotten her the berries along the coast (Sparkleberries) iii) Given her the water bottle with water b) Obtained the fishing spear from Dr. Feelgood c) Gotten the hatchet head *NOTE!* The hatchet stick is washed ashore shortly after the quest. Once you've gotten that then you can craft your hatchet. d) Crafted the hatchet ******************************* c) Second Castaway - Ms. Weeder ******************************* When you wake up at your shelter, fill up your stats first, and pick up a coconut. Hopefully you haven't used the twigs from last time's adventure, because you'll be needing it for this time. Remember the thick vines that hung like a tapestry? Well, it's time to chop it down. Go all the way to the end of the path and tap on the tapestry. You should see another new option called "Remove". Tap on the option and your sim should automatically start hacking away at the growth. This will open up a new area. Tap on the arrow. Well, what do we have here? Another castaway. This one's called Ms. Weeder. Be a good and kind citizen - cough - I mean fellow castaway and offer your help to her. She wants to revive the banana plant close to her shelter, and needs your help. Feeling like the Island Superman/Supergirl/Batman/Batwoman/Hero/Heroine now, eh? At this, you'll receive another template - this time for a water carrier that acts like a watering can. If you like, you can hang around a bit and you'll see... Ms. Weeder whipping out a watering can and watering her plots of plants. Oh, the irony. Anyway, you should see the poor neglected plant. It's to the left of her shelter. Tap on it, and examine it to confirm it's the banana plant. Now, see the arrow next to the banana plant? Tap that to go to the next area and... voila! What do you have? A sparkling pure water pool with running water and COCONUTS! Ah, paradise! Just to let you know, this pool restores THE highest hygiene I've ever seen so far, so you might want to keep your map out and tap there for the quickest way to get to keep your hygiene up... Check out the stone at the northern part of the screen, and you'll acquire the ability to make a grappling hook. Remember the anchor you got? Once you get the rope template (refer to the FAQ section), you'll be able to craft a grappling hook, and yet again another area comes up. That area, once you climb up, doesn't really have much to it. Just a coconut tree and a tuning fork. There's also a funny little stick there, and the description reads something involving a rescue team. Hmm, is that a hint? Head back to the crafting rock via map. Tap on it, and you'll see a funny looking halved coconut on a stick. That, my friend, is your water carrier. Craft it out of small sticks and a coconut, and fill it up at the closest FRESHWATER stream/pond/pool. Sea water doesn't work. Now go back to the banana plant and water it, doing so every day, until it finally yields and gives fruit. Shake the banana off the tree and hand it over to Ms. Weeder. That's one quest done. Head over to Chef Butcher's area (elaborated in the next section) and finish his chilli and Peach Quest. Once you're done, go back to Ms. Weeder and offer help to her again. This time, she'll complain about her plants dying and needing a cure. Oh, goodie, time to be Superman again. Trek back to Dr. Feelgood (hopefully, you've kept up a good relationship) and tap on her. Tap the option "Ask for help" and you'll explain to her what Ms. Weeder needs. Dr. Feelgood will then agree to help you out, but she needs some bugs. Crushed bugs. You should have most of them, but there's a slightly tricky coloured bug you need to get. That's the blue bug. Head to any bug hunting rock and you'll be required to squish ALL THE PRESENT BUGS before the blue bugs crawl out. Smash them up to, and take it back Dr. Feelgood. Now she'll ask for three different fish: salmon, black carp and cowcod. The first two originate from the lake; the cowcod comes from the ocean. Once you've got them, head back to the doctor and give it all to her. She'll give you a green cure in return. Trek back to Ms. Weeder and give her the cure. You'll receive the shovel handle and the shovel head. Go to the crafting block and craft a shovel. One thing I need to clarify here - the green cure for Ms. Weeder is the one with the TEST TUBE. It's called Plant Nutrients, if my memory serves me correctly. It's different from the one that Dr. Feelgood has on offer (the one in a green, round-bottomed flask), so bear that in mind, peoples! Once you've done with these two quests, DON'T OFFER HELP TO HER YET. You need to complete another quest to get what she wants for another person. Instead, head to the far right of the screen and explore. There, you'll see another coconut tree and two bushes - one large and tall, and the other short and small. Forage them both to find yams and vines. Vines are essential to make rope AND to craft your new shelter, so I suggest checking back on this area frequently to grab some new materials. Continue right to find a cave. Sparkly, isn't it? You'll see a skeleton wearing a pirate's hat. Creepy. Don't worry, it won't suddenly spring back to life and scare the crap out of you. Take it's pirate hat and if you want, feel free to converse with the guy. You'll gain social points for that, quite bizzarely. Pick up the mushrooms and continue right. Past the cave with the skeleton, you'll find coconuts once again, and two withered plants, a pineapple plant and a rice plant respectively. Feel free to water them. You'll get tasty pineapple and be able to harvest rice once watered. Trek next and get ready to continue to the next area... only to find a broken bridge. Killjoy. On the bright side, you get the bridge and the rope template, which is also needed to make a grappling hook. You're done with this area for now. If you like and want to get on the game really quickly, you can grab two pieces of driftwood and make some rope with three vines. Head back to the broken bridge and tap "repair bridge". It'll bring up another menu. Once you've done that you can now go across the bridge, and that'll lead you to the second island on the right of the screen. However, that area will be covered later on in the other section when suddenly, this island becomes essential for a quest. ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Met Ms. Weeder b) Completed her banana quest c) Obtained the water carrier d) Found the pool which restores the highest hygiene e) Found the cliff and obtained the grappling hook template f) Found the broken bridge in the area right of the sparkly cave g) Gotten the rope and the bridge template; the rope template is a question mark template, while the bridge can be reconstructed when you go back to the broken bridge; there should be an option "Repair Bridge". ******************************** d) Third castaway - Chef Butcher ******************************** Chef Butcher is definitely NOT on my favourites list on castaways. Go to Dr. Feelgood and tap on the vine overgrowth and remove it with your hatchet. A new area should open up. Tap the arrow and head to the new area. By now, you should have enough material to craft youself a far superior shelter. Once you have the time, go back to your shelter and tap it, and select "Craft Shelter". It requires two dried overgrowths, vines and two driftwood. Once you have all you need, you'll have the log shelter. Now this one fully restores your energy and comfort meter, and that's a good thing. First thing you'll see is another rocky outcrop. There's a withered avacado plant and a bird's nest. Water the avacado if you like and then collect an egg from the bird's nest. Feel sorry for the mother bird, but for some odd reason, the egg keeps respawning, around one egg per day. Continue to the northern arrow and see a guy hopping up and down in front of a very pretty cherry blossom. Once you (the player) have stopped laughing, go to the guy and offer help. He'll want the peaches but he can't reach them. Now what has past experience taught us? We don't get fruit by hopping up and down like rabbits (sorry to all rabbit fans here), we SHAKE them. So do a demo to the chef and shake the peach tree. Give him a peach and he'll be ever so happy. Offer help again and this time he'll complain about the food being too bland. He wants some chilli peppers. So trek back to Ms Weeder using your survival guide, and you'll see a mysterious plant right next to her. That's the chilli plant. At this juncture, the "Offer Help" option should be available once again. Now, I wonder how the plant got there...? The red chilli plant grows up on its, own. After it's fully grown, forage it when you see red chillies on them. Feel free to water the raspberry plant too for some raspberries. Take the chillies back to Chef Butcher and he'll rejoice and eat them. O.o. Talk to him one more time and he'll ask for a FIRE PIT. Yes, a fire pit. This one needs stones, a shovel and small sticks. The stones can be obtained by a)digging or b) picking up from the shore line. Now comes the tricky part. Head back to the chef once you have all the items and tap on his fireplace. You'll get "craft fire" and then you'll upgrade his fireplace. Once you've done that, light a fire and automatically he ends up next to you. Offer help again and he starts to whinge about wanting to cook something on his new grill, the recipe including lime and sardines. You'll also obtain a chisel. Head to the next screen and you'll see a fallen trunk. This is the basis of a canoe. Remember the hammer handle from Dr. Feelgood? Well, trade in some pufferfish, a green bug, a jade bug and a fuschia bug and you'll get it. The jade and fuschia bug, like the blue bug, can only be obtained once you squish all the present bugs in the rock. The pufferfish can be found in the bay you were washed up in the noon time, as in, when the sun is fully up. You can't miss it. It's got teeth snapping at the top of its head and is brown in colour. The sardines are the smaller fishies, and they are tricky to spear, but in the end, you'll manage it. Your lime, however, comes a lot later as you need to grab some mangoes for Ms. Weeder before you can actually trade with her - read as: "Finish all her quests". Once you have the hammer and the chisel, go to the trunk and make the canoe. It drains a lot of your energy, so sleep between rounds, or you'll faint and chimps will carry you back and nick some of your stuff. Once you've finished (you need to make it three times), sleep and go back to Ms. Weeder. Time to get on with another task. ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Found the bird's nest and the avacado tree b) Done the Chef's Peach Quest c) Done the Chef's Chilli Quest *Note: At this juncture, you can do Ms. Weeder's dying plant quest* d) Crafted the fire pit for Chef Butcher. *REMEMBER YOU CAN'T FINISH THE QUEST IF YOU DON'T LIGHT THE FIRE!* e) Gotten the chisel f) Crafted the hammer (if you haven't done so already) g) Accepted the lime-and-sardines quest - but not completed it yet h) Crafted the canoe thoroughly ****************************** e) Ms. Weeder and her Mangoes ****************************** Offer your help to Ms. Weeder (it's getting a bit tedious, isn't it?) and find out that she needs mangoes. Oh, god. Mangoes. Head back to your now finished craft (if you haven't, refer to the above) and tap on it to travel to a new area on in our Castaway world. But before that, you can actually go and fill up your water carrier in preparation for your next major adventure... ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Offered your help to Ms. Weeder on the mangoes. Uh, yeah. That's about it. *************************************** f) A Whole New World - The Third Island *************************************** Excuse the pun with the Disney Song (you know, A Whole New World in Aladdin?) Once you arrive, you can water the poor withered peach plant for some tasty and filling peaches. Once you're done with that, tap the arrow on the north and head upwards to the next area. Once you're in the area, you'll immediately notice two things: firstly, the lake's a PLUS SHAPE. Now where in geography did that manage to happen? But then, this is the Sims world we're talking about. Now, can you see the mango tree? Not really. It took me a few tries to get to it. But that aside, tap around the area where you should be standing. At the veeery left of the screen, you should see a tree. Tap on it, and it brings up "Shake tree". Now that is a mango tree. Grab some of the fruit. Wait! You're not done yet. Take a look at the "Clothes" section of your survival guide. Tap on tops and check out your outfit. Hello? Cleanliness at 0%???? No wonder your Sim's sometimes bothered. Okay, and maybe you're bored of the colour of your top. Right. Swim in the lake, and dive around for fun if you like. Here, you'll get some pretty awesome items, like yellow slugs and broken bottles, which you'll need for the telescope. Continue north and tap on the north arrow yet again. You'll come out in an area with a completely wrecked and broken crashed plane. Okay. Seriously, that is scary. Wonder which unlucky soul ended up on this island? Pick up the metal pole that is shining on the floor in the dazzlingly blinding sunlight, and you'll get the template for the crowbar. I suggest crafting the crow bar for later uses. Alright, now do you see the trunk with water filled in it? Tap on it, and take your time is scrubbing your Sim's clothes clean - or alternatively, dye them a different colour. Anyway, it's your choice. Go back to Ms. Weeder and hand her the mangoes, and finally you finish her quests, and get to trade with her. ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Found the third island b) Found the plus-shaped lake c) Watered the peach plant (optional) d) Found the dying/washing basin e) Found the small metal bar for the crowbar f) Obtained the crowbar template g) Picked the mangoes for Ms. Weeder h) Given the mangoes to Ms. Weedder and unlocked the Trade option ******************************* g) Finishing the Chef's Firepit ******************************* Ms. Weeder has a host of seeds waiting for you, the lime seed and the brazil nut seed being the most important. For the time being, I suggest you pick up the lime seed to finish the chef's quest (hopefully you'd have speared a sardine or two) - aka the recipe of the fire pit. Plant the lime seed and water it regularly, as you do with most plants. While we wait, we can probably go back to the third island, and help the fourth and last castaway we'll find on this island. Go back to the third island via canoe - or just teleport there via your map. Your choice. Go to the plus-shaped lake and toggle your screen to the very right. Do you see another arrow? Tap on it, and head into the new area, where we'll meet the most unfortunate castaway of them all. ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Traded the lime seed and the brazil nut seed ******************************** h) Fourth Castaway: Suzy McDress ******************************** Well, what do we have here? An enviable looking tent made out of cloth, pretty blue flowers and dandelions floating about it the air. There's even a bush but... hang on a second. No castaway? Nyah. Appearances are, as we all know, deceiving at times. Tap on the bush. It brings up "Examine" and "Greet". Okay, greet the bush. Yes, sounds mental, but trust me, it works. Eventually, you'll come face to face with a redhead. Welcome Suzy McDress into the castaway scene. Apparently, her clothes got stolen by chimps and she's got no clothes to wear. Now look closely, and realize she's wearing a blue t-shirt. Or maybe it's the new "blur" in the Castaway world. But never mind that much. Chat to her a bit, and she'll want two coconuts and some vines to make a top for herself to wear. We've seen enough coconuts for the time being, and hopefully you've kept at least two with you at all times, not to mention the single vine. Once you've got them, deliver them to Suzie McDress. She'll be thrilled. Offer your help to her, and this time she wants a grass skirt. That'll require palm fronds and tall grass. You've seen enough palm fronds around the area, but what about the tall grass? Time to finish the chef's recipe. Has your lime tree grown tall enough? If you haven't even planted them, do pick up the seeds and water and plant them. Also, remember to alsways keep up the relationship with is mainly Chef Butcher and Ms. Weeder, as they drop pretty easily if you neglect them for too long. After around four to five days of constant care for your plant, you'll find a green fruit hanging around the branches of the tree. Shake that and head to the chef. Deliver your goods and he'll be completely thrilled and hand over a knife. Ooh, shiny. Rest up, and we'll go material gathering after that. ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Found and seen Suzy McDress b) Finished her top c) Checked on your lime tree - and harvested them d) Obtained the knife from Chef Butcher ******************************************** i) A Whole New World II - Across the Bridge ******************************************** I'm betting that most of you actually have gone and went to the other side of the bridge before even I got to it, but since I haven' really introduced the area yet, I'll make it end up here. Once you head across the bridge, you'll be greeted with a massive whacking stone door with a pirate's skull on it. Looks something like the danger sign. Head up the north arrow and you'll find a place with fallen statue heads and pillars. Shift your entire screen to the left and you'll see a very dark doorway. Tap on it and it brings up "Explore Temple". This place is very useful if you want to complete your collection, as this place is a host to many different things, such as topaz, rubies, crystals, silver skulls, gold coins, jade elephants... the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, you cannot actually wander about inside, and it's all up to your Sim to find the item. Ah, well. Exit back to the area with a pirate door, and this time tap on the arrow on the right side of the screen. This brings you to a very jungle-like growth with a bug rock, a stone and... a particular patch of tall grass? Tap on it and select "chop down", now that you have the knife. The new rock (not the bug rock) is the rock for crafting new clothes. Bear that in mind if you want some more exotic, island-like new threads. If you like, you can also tap to the other arrow further right of the screen to reach a rocky outcrop similar to the one to the left of Dr. Feelgood's area. There's not much unless you want to find some stuff in the temple. You can dig around as well to grab a piece of flint and another stone throughout the island, and you'll get another template for an axehead. Hm, now that's handy... ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Mended the bridge b) Found the skull doors c) Found the abandoned temple d) Found the grass - and cut it down e) Found the clothing station ***************************** j) Errands for the Seamstress ***************************** *I was flipping through the boards the other day and a user called Detroit222 pointed out that it was not pufferfish put striped bass. I have rectified that error, and would like to thank them for pointing it out on the boards.* Go back to estranged Suzy McDress and give her the items. Finally she has something to wear at the bottom and she'll come out of the bush. Offer your help to her yet again, and she'll want a different type of material which looks like cloth. Oh, gee. Never mind that much. The cloth can be obtained from Dr. Feelgood, in return of a striped bass. The striped bass is speared in freshwater areas around the island. It's usually caught in dusk, if my memory serves me correctly, and isn't too much of a challenge to spear. Just wait for the fish to stop, then stab down and hope it doesn't move at all. Yeah. Then trade with Dr. Feelgood for the material and bring it back to Suzy. This time, she'll head back into the bushes and come out with a rather unappealing gray top. Well, we need to change that. Give her your help and she'll want red bugs. Again, the bugs you need are obtained by getting the perfect score. Whoopee. By now, you should have mastered the art of bug squishing and this should be a piece of cake. Bring her the bugs and she'll dye her top red. At this, finally the game brings up that you can dye stuff on the island. Kinda late, isn't it, when you've already found out AND probably dyed your clothes different colours. Between all these quests, go back to all your previous areas and rest, wash, use the toilet, forage keep, up relationships and stuff in between if you feel like it. Once you're ready, go back Suzy and offer your help to her. She'll want a flagpole, and give you an axe handle. Did you craft an axehead yet? If you did, then head to the crafting rock and make an axe. Chop two or three coconut trees (they're replaceable, don't worry, and you won't starve. You'll get palm fronds as an extra bonus) and a vine. Craft the flagpole at the crafting station and deliver it to Suzy. She'll be thrilled. Joy. Offer your help to her again and she'll want fuschia bugs to dye the flag. Simple enough. So grab the bugs and hand them over. She'll dye the flag pink. Now look at the flag. The flag's actually a pirate's flag. *speechless* Now for the final task. Offer your help to Suzy McDress and she'll have something about doing a duet with a musical instrument. And the instrument she's referring to is... the ocarina. No, not the Ocarina of Time from Zelda. Just a plain old Castaway style Ocarina. Make it out of a hollowed piece of wood, nails and a stone. Once you've made it, go back to her and play a musical duet. It's simple. Whatever she plays, it comes up on the screen as a button. Remember the button, hold it down and blow, note by note, and you'll have finished the quests for Suzy McDress. She'll give you a metal pole. Now that's for the Chef. Rest up, and get ready to finish the Chef's tasks. ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Finished her funny skirt b) Gotten the cloth material for Suzy c) Gotten the flagpole template - and finished the flagpole quest d) Found out about dying and washing your clothes e) Gotten the pink pirate flag at Suzy's place f) Played the ocarina with Suzy g) Finished all her quests. h) Gotten the metal pole which you need for the next quest. ********************************** k) One Quest Down, One Curry to Go ********************************** Well, thanks must go to Suzy McDress for helping us out with the pole. Before you head to this quest, I suggest you trade some bamboo seeds, sugar cane, brazil nuts and eggplant seeds. Water and plant them in earth mounds. They'll come in handy later on. Go to the Chef and he's really happy with his fire pit. However, he's got only a bit of a complaint: he wants to improve his cooking fire a second time. And guess what we need? A metal pole, a length of bamboo and an axe. You should have gotten this from Suzy McDress. Just head off to him and if you have all the items, just craft the fire automatically. And when you're done with that, talk to him. He'll be thrilled, and you'll open up the option to be able to trade recipes with him. Now go to Dr. Feelgood and tap on her. Ask for help...? And I thought we were done with her. Never mind that much. Head over to her and offer help yet again. And what does she want? Green curry! Well, that's a bit of a hard thing, but we'll manage it. Now remember when I asked you to plant sugar cane, brazil nuts and eggplants? Well, you need to visit your brazil nut tree for two days to get the two brazil nuts for the green curry recipe and trade it with Chef Butcher. It's the pot of overflowing green liquid. The recipe requires sugar cane, eggplant, chilli and a knife. You shouldn't really have much difficulty if you've planted the items that I suggested above. But if you haven't, you'd better do so now. Anyway, once you've harvested the sugar cane and foraged the chilli and eggplant, cook it at your fire pit and then give it to Dr. Feelgood. Now that takes care of everything. Dr. Feelgood will give you the last piece of the map that hopefully you've been collecting all over the island at various stages. They're the little pieces of paper all over the island. There's one piece of map that I need to point out though, as these map pieces usually look out of place in their area, with their pale brown, parchment colour. The one that most people don't actually find is the one in front of the skull doors. Now that the map's completed, I wonder what comes next...? ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Gotten the bamboo, sugar cane, brazil nut and eggplant seeds b) Finished the Chef's fire spit - and all his quests. c) Gotten the green curry recipe from Chef Butcher d) Finished the Green Curry quest for Dr. Feelgood - and finished her quests e) Most likely completed the map (if not refer to the FAQ section below) ********** l) The End ********** I was actually rather tempted to put "End of the World" as the title for this section taken after the Pirates of Carribean. After all, we have seen pirate traces all around this island. So where does the map lead, eh? Look at it hard. Really hard. I'll leave it to you to find out where the "X" is supposed to be. **** ****** **O**O** ******** *||||* **** ** ** ** ** ** ** *** ** ** ** ** ** ** What? You just want me to tell you? Ah, well, alright then. I was just hoping to let you enjoy the hunt. It took me a total of a few hours of poring over the map and back to find it, but in the end, I managed. Remember the area next to the clothing station? Well, if you visit the place, toggle the screen just a bit upwards with your D-Pad. And you'll notice something new. Another arrow...? Alright then. Tap the arrow, and it'll save "Dive into the Sea". Okay, this is creepy. Anybody does jetty jumping? Well, here it's more or less the same. Tap on the arrow. You'll be faced with a cutscene of your sim falling down a rocky cliff, and down and down and down and down and down and down and down and down and down and down they go... And SPLASH They end up in another area. This one is an underground cavern with a ship in it. And no, it's intact. Tap on the treasure chest and select "Search". You'll come up with a template. Tap on the middle arrow which reads "Enter the Ship". Congradulations! That's it of the Castaway game. You've managed to finish the game completely. However, most likely you haven't really completed the entire collection yet. Some people have managed to finish off the entire collection to 100%. So you can stay and collect stuff, or alternatively, get off the island. I suggest you stay and collect the stuff. The sense of achievement you get is awesome. ======== Summary ======== By now, you should have: a) Found the underwater cave and the pirate ship. b) Finished the entire storyline of the Sims 2: Castaway. Congrats! =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------- 5. Characters ------------- There are a total of four castaways on this island, excluding yourself. All of them have different likes and dislikes, and also different items to trade and quests to complete. This section basically gives a rundown on what quest is what, who likes what and what person can trade what for what. These people are: i)Dr. Feelgood ii)Ms. Weeder iii)Chef Butcher iv)Suzy McDress Note: I have managed to piece together a few background stories for our characters here, but I don't know all their ornaments and likes and dislikes. For the ones with "n/a", it doesn't mean that they don't have any likes or dislikes - it just means I haven't really found out about it yet. If you have any idea, feel free to e-mail me. My e-mail's in the contact section. The trading section works like this: *Item of Interest* = *Items that you need to complete trade* -------- Credits: -------- Alyssa Ngo Betty Foreman Zach Dulin Amber Leah Konishi Mark Jaske Claudia Lo Brooke Au *A lot of people have sent in Chef Butcher's story. If I missed any of you please write in so I can put your name down as well.* ************ Dr. Feelgood ************ This is the first castaway you'll find on the island, and the quests are the easiest to complete. Alright, except for the curry quest anyway. She has a stock of cures, materials (leather, driftwood, palm fronds). The Background Story: Dr. Feelgood was in a hot air balloon and was heading to the moon when a lightning struck her down and she fell onto the island. Yeah. Likes: Not much. She is always happy - just don't neglect her too much. Decorative items: Relaxation Crystal Items that can be traded: Vine = Black Carp x1 Leather = Swordfish x1 Green Seaweed = Sparkleberry x4 Brown Seaweed = Striped Bass x2 Red Seaweed = Dag Dag x2 Material = Catfish x1 + Striped Bass x1 Hammer Handle = Pufferfish x1 + Green Bug x1 + Jade Bug x1 + Fuschia Bug x1 Palm Frond = Nails x1 Driftwood = Small Sticks x2 Yellow Cure = Brown Seaweed x1 + Yellow Slug x1 + Guppy x1 + Mullet x1 + Kingfish x1 Green Cure = Red Seaweed x1 + Red Mushroom x1 + Goatfish x1 + Dag Dag x1 Red Cure = Raspberry x1 + Coconut x1 + Egg x1 + Barracuda x1 + Sting Ray x1 Blue Cure = Green Seaweed x1 + Salmon x1 + Snowberry x1 + Gray Birchir x1 ********** Ms. Weeder ********** The second castaway that you'll find on the island. She's a gardner and what I think can be qualified as a biologist. Her quests are a bit daunting, and require days and days of waiting, not to mention actually paddling in a canoe. She stocks different types of seeds waiting for you to trade and grow and use in recipes. Background Story: She was living on a farm whena tornado picked her up and carried her to the island while she was farming. Likes: Coconuts, fruits, vegetables (particularly LONG BEANS), Guacamole, Veggie Burger Decorative Items: Scarecrow Items that can be traded: Snowberry Seed = Date Seed x1 Wheat Seed = Koi x1 Blackberry Seed = Tarpon x1 Watermelon Seed = Clown Loach x1 Peach Seed = Yellowfin Tuna x1 Potato Seed = Date Seeds x1 Rice Seed = Unleavened Bread x1 + Egg x1 Mango Seed = Small sticks x4 + Starfish x1 Longbean Seed = Yellow Cichlid x1 + Reedfish x1 Eggplant Seed = Red Mushroom x1 + Brown Mushroom x1 + White Mushroom x1 Corn Seed = Starfish x1 + Soda (NOT the Soda Can) x1 + Chocolate Bar x1 Sugar Cane Seed = Watermelon x1 Lemongrass Seed = Cuttlefish Bone x1 + Murex Alabaster x1 + Fruit Cocktail x1 Zucchini Seed = Pirate Dubloon x1 Tomato Seed = Blue Seahorse x1 + Urchin Shell x1 Raspberry Seed = Terebra Turritella x1 + Yellow Slug x1 Pokeberry Seed = Purple Cay Cay Shell x2 + Blue Coral x1 Sparkleberry Seed = Nautilus Shell x2 Avacado Seed = Pink Coral x1 + Trumpet Shell x3 Chilli Seed = Driftwood Pole x1 + Matchsticks x1 Brazil Nut Seed = Red Cameo Shell x1 + Broken Bottle x1 Pineapple Seed = Blue Coral x1 + Red Coral x3 Guava Seed = Winkle x1 + Turquoise Coral x1 Lime Seed = Pink Murex x1 Bamboo Seed = Flint x1 + Palm Frond x1 Banana Seed = Urchin Shell x1 + Purple Cay Cay Shell x1 + Trumpet Shell x1 Coconut Seed = Cuttlefish Bone x1 + Driftwood x1 ************ Chef Butcher ************ The third castaway found on the island. As his name implies, he's a pretty good cook, but at the same time, a bit dimwitted, no offence here. I mean, remember in the peach tree quest? He's hopping up and down constantly but doesn't really consider shaking the tree. He gives you two different items though, both which are important in the story line. He stocks all sorts of recipes, some which are also essential in the story line. *Note: I have traded some items with the chef already hence and this list is rather incomplete. Help would be greatly appreciated* Background Story: He was travelling on a cruise ship when he stepped on a banana skin, dropped a person's food, got kicked off the boat and left him behind on an island. Sad. Likes: Peaches, Eggs, Cheese, Cooked Food, Guacamole, Fruit Salad, Long Beans, Potatoes, Brown Mushroom and White Mushroom (+6 for each mushroom) Dislikes: Red Mushrooms (-6 for each mushroom) Decorative Items: Waiter Board, Golden Garden Gnome (possibly) Items That Can Be raded: Waiter Menu Board Design = Carrot x1 Vegetable Taco Recipe = Rock x5 Spiced Mushrooms Recipe = Oranges x2 Veggie Burger Recipe = Yam x1 Shish Kebab Recipe = Rice x1 Spiced Fish Risotto = Tomato x1 Fish Casserole Recipe = Potato x1 Driftwood Pole = Vine x1 Sweet And Sour Beans = Corn x1 GingerSim Recipe = Sugar Cane x1 ************ Suzy McDress ************ The fourth and final castaway that is found on the island. She's a young student who's talented at sewing, and is probably one of the hardest ones in the game. Once you finish her quests, you can trade with her for various different clothing. *Note: I have traded some items with Suzy already and hence this list is rather incomplete. Help would be greatly appreciated* Background: (From what I pieced together) She was on the island and was waving to a ship to pick her up when chimps stole her clothes. So she'd rather stay than go on the ship on in her birthday suit. Yeah. Likes: Guacamole, Soda, Chocolate Bar, Eggs and Cheese Decorative Items: Red Radio, Teeth on Stick Items that can be traded: Watermelon = Root x3 + Yellow Slug x1 Leather Shoes Design = Yellow Coral x1 3D Glasses = Fire Sushi x1 + Sweet Chili Veggies x1 + Green Cure x1 Wraparound Sunglasses = Seafood Sticks x1 Pilot Sunglasses = Veggie Burger x1 Pineapple Hat Design = Hot and Sour Soup x1 Palm Frond Hat Design = Low Fat Bug Omelets x1 Happy Coconut Mask Design = Pineapple Slices x1 Palm Frond Shorts Recipe = Island Burger x1 Cowboy Trousers Recipe = Chocolate Bar x1 Coconut Husk Trunks = Yellow Slug x2 Cuttlebone Strapless Top = Blue Cure x1 =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------- 6. Collection ------------- This area of mine isn't really finished yet, so check back for updates. The entire collection is divided up into different sections, like template, food, recipes, upgrade, objects, gadgets and stuff. I'll be slowly completing this section as I trawl around for information and gather some of my own. So yeah. Also, note the difference between some sections which don't have an explanation. Those are the ones which I most likely haven't put up or haven't found yet, so bear with me please. ----------- Credits ----------- Lord Blade Shenniko Curtis Intravia Darc (Screen name: dmgirls) Summer Daie Katrina Kloepper jpdrew1 *************************************************************************** To find what you want, just press Ctrl+F and type the item in. If you don't find it, most likely I haven't found it, and if you have something that I don't have, you can e-mail it in. Note that a few sections are actually missing from the collection list. I will be adding them on eventually as I work my way through the game. *************************************************************************** --------- 1. Fruits --------- i) Dates Obtained by growing the seeds which are washed ashore ii) Brazil Nut Obtained by growing brazil nut seed from Ms. Weeder iii)Pokeberry Obtained by growing Pokeberry seed from Ms. Weeder iv) Banana Obtained by shaking banana tree near Ms. Weeder's home OR grown from Banana seed. v) Avacado Obtained from the area north of Dr. Feelgood after watering the avacado plant vi) Sparkleberry Forage in bushes along the shore - the food prep area and the area at the very east of the coast vii) Blackberry Obtained by growing Blackberry seed from Ms. Weeder. viii) Pineapple In the very left of the bridge area right after the coconut tree after watering. iv )Lime Grow from seeds obtained from Ms. Weeder x)Tomato Forage in first rocky outcrop - the area before Dr. Feelgood OR grown from tomato plant seed from Ms. Weeder. xi) Peach Shake peach trees in Chef Butcher's area and the area where you first get off onto the last island with Suzy McDress on it. xii) Watermelon It's either washed ashore or grown from the watermelon seeds you trade with from Ms. Weeder. xiii) Snowberry Water the withered bush next to the raw food preparation rock and a few days later you'll be able to forage snowberries. xiv) Gurana Berry xv) Guava Obtain by growing the seeds from Ms. Weeder. xvi) Coconut Found all over the islands, shake any coconut/palm tree that you come across. Mercilessly. xvii) Orange The seeds are found trading with Ms. Weeder or digging around. Plant and water them. xviii) Raspberry Foraged from the bushes from Ms. Weeder's area. Also, you could water the bushes in the area north of the food preparation rock. xix) Mango Foraged from tree in the last island. Alternatively, trade with Ms. Weeder for the seeds and water and grow them. ------------- 2. Vegetables ------------- i) Potato The seeds are obtained by trading a packet of date seeds. After that, plant and water them until they're ready to be harvested. ii) Long Bean The seeds are obtained from Ms. Weeder. You then water and plant them. iii) Yam Foraging in the same area where you forage the vines. iv) Zucchini Water the withered bush in the area north of the food prep rock and forage a few days later. v) White Mushroom Pick from the sparkly cave with the dead skeleton. vi) Red Mushroom Pick from the sparkly cave with the dead skeleton. vii) Eggplant Grow from seeds obtained from Ms. Weeder. viii) Carrot Grown from the carrot seeds that are found by digging or trading with Ms. Weeder. ix) Brown Seaweed This is usually washed ashore. Alternatively, trade with Dr. Feelgood. x) Corn Grown from the corn seeds which are obtained by trading with Ms. Weeder. xi) Chilli Water the chilli plant next to Ms Weeder, which suddenly pops out of a virtual plothole after you finish the banana quest. That's how I got mine anyway. xii) Red Seaweed This is usually washed ashore. Alternatively, trade it from Dr. Feelgood. xiii)Green Seaweed This is usually washed ashore. Alternatively, trade it from Dr. Feelgood. xiv) Truffle Dig it up on the island. Gosh, truffle on the island? I'm jealous. xv) Brown Mushroom Not to be confused with the truffle. Pick from the sparkly cave with the dead skeleton. ------------------- 3. Grains and Herbs ------------------- i) Sugar Cane Grow from seeds obtained from Ms. Weeder and harvest as soon as they're mature. ii)Lemongrass Grow from seeds obtained from Ms. Weeder, plant and water. iii) Wheat First obtain the seed from Ms. Weeder in return for a koi, then plant, water, and chop it down. iv) Rice Water the withered rice plant and harvest once it's ready. Also can be obtained from Ms. Weeder and grown. v) Ginger Seed either dug up or obtained from Ms. Weeder, then plant, water and forage. 4. Meat i) Crab Meat Dive for a crab in the plus-shaped lake, then prepare it at the food preparation rock ii) Egg Obtain by collecting egg from nest in the area north of Dr. Feelgood. iii) Sea slug Obtain by diving or can be washed ashore. iv)Raw Steak Obtain by checking parachute point - at random. v) Sea Urchin Obtain by diving. ------- 5. Fish ------- i) Mangrove Snapper ii) Eel iii) Freshwater Puffer Fish iv) Pencil Fish v) Salmon vi) Jackfish vii) Neon Tetra viii) Skate ix) Largemouth Bass xi) Mullet xi) Gray Birchir xii) Red Snapper xiii) Flying Fish xiv) Grouper xv) Bat Ray xvi) Kingfish xvii) Sea Chub xviii) Moonfish xiv) Tuna xx) Pompano xxi) Barracuda xxii) Marlin xxiii) Monkeyface Prickleback xxiv) Reedfish xxv) Black Carp xxvi) Turkeyfish xxvii) Tarpon xxviii) Bocaccio xxix) Goatfish xxx) Koi xxxi) Arowana xxxii) Striped Bass xxxiii) Grunts xxxiv) Sculpin xxxv) Wahoo xxxvi) Yellow Cichlid xxxvii) Black Rockfish xxxviii) Dag Dag xxxix) Bream xL) Dolphin Fish xLi) Tiher Barb xLii) Sting Ray xLiii) Cowcod xLiv) Pufferfish xLv) Sardine xLvi) Fugu xLvii) Clown Loach xLviii) Butterflyfish xLix) Piranha L) Smallmouth Bass Li) Flounder Lii) Yellowfin Tuna Liii) Sea Bass Liv) Arapaima Lv) Common Hatchetfish Lvi) Guppy Lvii) Redfish Lviii) Rainbow Trout Lvix) Catfish Lx) Freshwater Eel ------- 6. Bugs ------- *Note: All these can be found under bug rocks* i) Azure Bug ii) Orange Bug iii) Turquoise Bug iv) Green Bug v) White Bug vi) Brown Bug vii) Red Bug viii) Tan Bug ix) Yellow Bug x) Purple Bug xi) Fuchsia Bug xii) Black Bug xiii) Pink Bug xiv) Blue Bug xv) Jade Bug --------- 7. Dishes --------- i) Sweet Chili Veggies ii) Fire Sushi iii) Gingerbread Sim iv) Ginger Brazil Nuts v) Yellow Cure vi) Fajita vii) Spiced Lime Meat viii) Shish Kebab ix) Roach Surprise x) Sweet and Spicy Fish xi) Low Fat Bug Omelets xii) Veggie Burger xiii) Soda xiv) Cheese Bug Fondue xv) Carrot Juice xvi) Blue Cure xvii) Vegetable Taco xviii) Unleavened Bread xix) Sweet and Sour Beans xx) Spiced Mushrooms xxi) Spicy Green Curry xxii) Paella xxiii) Eye of Beetle Salad xxiv) Surf and Turf xxv) Cheese xxvi) Spiced Steak xxvii) Sugared Dates xxviii) Ocean Pie xxix) Cooked Steak xxx) Mushroom Risotto xxxi) Green Cure xxxii) Spiced Fish Risotto xxxiii) Sushi xxxiv) Guava Juice xxxv) Fish Casserole xxxvi) Fish Soup xxxvii) Nut-room Roost xxxviii) Pinapple Slices xxxix) Seafood Sticks xL) Red Cure xLi) Mashed Carrot Potato xLii) Fruit Salad xLiii) Hot and Sour Soup xLiv) Sardines with Salsa xLv) Chocolate Bar xLvi) Bug Crawl Sandwich xLvii) Tomato Soup xLviii) Guacamole xLix) Fruit Cocktail xL) Mint Cake xLi) Island Burger ----------- 9. Headwear ----------- i) Angry Coconut Mask ii) Arctic Hat iii) Baseball Hat iv) Pilot Sunglasses v) Beret vi) Pirates Hat vii) Crab Shell Hat viii) Baseball Cap vix) Pineapple Hat x) Happy Coconut Mask xi) Sombrero xii) Whipped Hat xiii) Horse Mask xiv) Wraparound Sunglasses xv) Blowfish Mask xvi) Oink Mask xvii) Top Hat xviii) Monkey Mask xix) 3D Specs xx) Palm Frond Hat xxi) Metallic Hat -------- 10. Tops -------- *Summer Daie also pointed out that the male and feamle lists were in different order for Tops and Bottoms. Thanks!* Order: Male//Female i) Sleeveless Top//Ball Gown ii) Palm Frond Top iii) Metallic Shell Top iv) White Jacket//Shell Suit Top v) Banana Leaf Top// Surfer T-Shirt vi) Reed Jacket//Off the Shoulder Top vii) Flower T Shirt//Tie Dye T-Shirt viii) Seaweed T-Shirt//Island Wear Tank Top ix) Star Top//Banana Leaf Top x) Shell Suit Top//Palm Frond Top xi) Linen Shirt xii) Cuttlebone Waistcoat//Cuttlebone Strapless Top xiii) Tie Dye T-Shirt//Flower Top xiv) Tuxedo Top//Seaweed T-Shirt xv) Island Wear Tank Top//Linen Shirt xvi) Off the Shoulder Top//Reed Jacket xvii) Surfer's T-Shirt//Leather Jacket xviii) Office Shirt with Tie//Star Top xix) Hawaiian Shirt//Metallic Shell Top xx) Leather Jacket//Sleeveless Top ----------- 11. Bottoms ----------- Order: Male//Female i) Light Trousers//Ball Gown Shirt ii) Coconut Husk Trunks//Root Dress iii) Cowboy Trousers//Leggings iv) Pale Slacks//Grass Skirt v) Cloth and Grass Trousers//Casual Skirt vi) Tux Trousers//Banana Leaf Pants vii) Banana Leaf Pants//Shell Mini-Skirt viii) Seaweed Trousers// ix) Jeans//Banana Leaf Dress x) Shell Shorts//Survival Shorts xi) Bermuda Shorts// xii) Red Cameo Trousers//Shell Suit Slacks xiii) Root Pants//Linen Trousers xiv) Shell Shorts//Shell Mini Skirt xv) Grass Shorts//Cuttlebone Miniskirt xvi) Shorts//Coconut Husk Trunks xvii) Frond Short Shorts//Red Cameo Trousers xviii) Cuttlebone Shorts//Palm Frond Kilt xix) Shell Suit Slacks//Shorts xx) Survival Shorts//Cowboy Trousers xxi) Linen Trousers//Cloth and Grass Trousers xxii) Palm Frond Shorts//Seaweed Trousers --------- 12. Shoes --------- i) Snake Skin Shoes ii) Beetle Shoes iii) Coral Sandals iv) Basketball Sneakers v) Crab Shoes vi) Picked Winkle Shoes vii) Leather Shoes viii) ix) x) Smart Black Shoes xi) Shell Sea Boots xii) White Sneakers xiii) Watermelon Shoes xiv) Pink Shoes --------- 13. Tools --------- i) Drinking Bottle You get this baby when it's washed ashore on the third game day. ii) Fishing Spear When you first meet Dr. Feelgood, she'll ask you for a catfish. Then you get her harpoon/fishing spear. iii) Hammer Trade with Dr. Feelgood for the hammer handle first, then go to the crafting rock and craft the hammer template - you should see it once you've gotten the hammer handle. iv) Watering Can v) Axe Suzy McDress will give you the axe handle for the flag pole quest. If you've done all of Ms. Weeder's quests, you should be able to trade the axe head recipe with her. Once you have crafted the axe head you can craft the axe. vi) Plant Nutrients Note: this is NOT the green cure that Dr. Feelgood has available for trade. This is the one with a test tube. Once you get that quest, ask Dr. Feelgood for help and you'll be send into another mini quest to get the ingredients for the plant nutrients. vii) Grappling Hook Go and get the anchor on the sunken cargo ship, then check out the broken bridge (if you haven't checked it out yet). You should get the rope template, which appears in the shape of a question mark. It's the one which requires three vines. Once you've crafted your rope, you can craft the grappling hook, whose template should be available once you get the anchor. viii) Knife Finish Chef Butcher's lime-and-sardines quest after his fire pit quest and he'll hand over the knife. ix) Water Carrier You'll get this template once you accept Ms. Weeder's first quest. x) Chisel Finish Chef Butcher's fire pit quest and you'll get the chisel. xi) Needle You need to craft the needle from a sea urchin, the hatchet and a bead. xii) Crowbar Get the small crowbar from the plane crash area and then head to the crafting rock to see a metal pole with a bent end. That is the crowbar. xiii) Spade Finish Ms. Weeder's plant nutrient quest and you should get the head of a shovel and the handle of the shovel. You will also get the shovel template. Head to the crafting rock and craft the shovel. xiv) Hatchet Once you've finished and successfully cured Dr. Feelgood, she'll give you the hatchet head. A few days later the hatchet handle should wash ashore. Go to the crafting rock and craft the hatchet. xv) Fishing Pole You need to grow bamboo for this. Once you've done so, check out if you have the fishing pole template and if you do, check if you have all the items - the thread, the nails and the two bamboo. Once you do, craft the fishing rod. --------------- 14. Instruments --------------- i) Basic Ocarina ii) Ultimate Ocarina iii) Conch Shell iv) Spider Conch Shell --------- 15. Seeds --------- i) Bamboo Seed ii) Lime Seed iii) Sugar Cane Seed iv) Tomato Seed v) Mango Seed vi) Guarana Seed vii) Brazil Nut Seed viii) Pineapple Seed ix) Yam Seed x) Coconut Seed xi) Watermelon Seed xii) Orange Seed xiii) Longbean Seed xiv) Wheat Seed xv) Pokeberry Seed xvi) Zucchini Seed xvii) Snowberry Seed xviii) Sparkleberry Seed xix) Avocado Seed xx) Carrot Seed xxi) Ginger Seed xxii) Blackberry Seed xxiii) Eggplant Seed xxiv) Chili Pepper Seed xxv) Lemongrass Seed xxvi) Date Seed xxvii) Guava Seed xxviii) Rice Seed xxix) Peach Seed xxx) Banana Seed xxxi) Raspberry Seed xxxii) Corn Seed xxxiii) Potato Seed xxxiv) Grass Seed ----------- 16. Objects ----------- i) Driftwood ii) White Tiki Torch iii) Sun Dial iv) Red Flare v) Birthday Cake vi) Blowfish Lamp vii) Old Canvas viii) Metal Pole ix) Blue Flare x) Rope xi) Teeth on a Stick xii) Stool xiii) Sea Urchin xiv) Log xv) Manhole Cover xvi) Chair xvii) Palm Fronds xviii) Axe Head xix) Driftwood Pole xx) Thread xi) Bamboo xii) Anchor xiii) Metal Tube xiv)Bead xv) Spade Head xvi) Red Tiki Torch xvii) Long Grass xviii) False Teeth xix) Blue Tiki Torch xxx) Spade Handle xxxi) Gong xxxii) Coconut Fountain xxxiii) Hatchet Handle xxxiv) Halloween Lantern xxxv) Empty Soda Can xxxvi) Telescope xxxvii) Support Beam xxxviii) Boomerang xxxix) Flamingo xL) Hollow Wood xLi) Large Stick xLii) Sharp Metal Piece xLiii) Matches xLiv) Torch xLv) Pirate's Wooden Leg xLvi) Flag Pole xLvii) Green Tiki Torch xLviii) Scarecrow xLix) Cooking Pan L) Crab Li) Festive Tree Lii) Dry Undergrowth Liii) Gum Globule Liv) Small Metal Bar Lv) Small Sticks Lvi) Nails Lvii) Tuning Fork Lviii) Banana Leaf Lix) Vine Lx) Buoy Lxi) Leafy Bed Lxii) Ruined Canvas Lxiii) Root Lxiv) Hammer Handle Lxv) Leather Lxvi) Waiter Menu Board Lxvii) Green Flare Lxviii) Broken Bottle Lxix) Swing Chair Lxx) Monolith Lxxi) Plastic Gas Can Lxxii) Material Lxxiii) White Flare ----------- 17. Gadgets ----------- i) Tonal Generator ii) Solar Panel iii) Night Light iv) Bulb v) Alien Artifact vi) Magnetic Tape vii) Yottawatt: Power Up! viii) Radio ix) Punk Sim Sidewinder x) Alarm Beacon xi) Audio Pole xii) Magnetic Apparatus xiii) Support Pole xiv) Gramophone xv) Disco De-Lite xvi) Seahorse Lights xvii) Fan Blade (1) xviii) Fan Blade (2) xix) Fan Blade (3) xx) Wind Turbine xxi) Plastic Reel xxii) Awakening Chimp xxiii) Compass xxiv) Tape Machine xxv) Speaker xxvi) Ballroom ThrowDown ------------- 18. Treasures ------------- i) Giant Emerald ii) Silver Bar iii) Giant Ruby iv) Gold Monkey Statue v) Golden Coconut vi) Gold Doubloon vii) Topaz Orb viii) Crystal Skull ix) Gold Gnome Statue x) Gold Flamingo Statue xi) Gold Bar xii) Jade Elephant xiii) Silver Skull ---------- 19. Shells ---------- i) Seahorse ii) Nautilus Shell iii) Red Cameo Shell iv) Purple Cay Cay Shell v) Urchin Lamp vi) Trochus Shell vii) Cuttlefish Shell viii) Murex Albaster ix) Crab Shell x) Starfish xi) Winkle xii) Trumpet Shell xiii) Pink Murex xiv) Green Trochus Shell xv) Yellow Helmet Shell xvi) Terebra Shell xvii) Melon Shell xviii) Urchin Shell -------------------- 20. Geological Finds -------------------- i) Black Onyx ii) Flat Stone iii) Rock iv) Coal v) Flint vi) Giant Amethyst vii) Giant Geode viii) Crystal ix) Glowing Quartz x) Split Geode xi) Relaxation Crystal xii) Giant Ammonite xiii) Quartz Lamp xiv) Clay Tube xv) Large Quartz Crystal ---------- 21. Corals ---------- i) Red Coral ii) Pink Coral Lamp iii) Sponge iv) Coral Bush v) Orange Coral vi) Blue Coral vii) Turquoise Coral viii) Pink Coral ix) Orange Coral Ornament =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ------------ 7. Minigames ------------ There are quite a few minigames in Castaway. Here's a complete list of them, in order of appearance: i)Bug hunting (Bug rock) ii)Spear fishing (Any body of water w/ harpoon) iii)Painting (Easel on gnarled wood) iv)Pole fishing (Any body of water w/ fishing pole) v)Musical duet (Available only with Suzy McDress) *************** i) Bug Hunting *************** This game is relatively straightforward, as I have said in the guide. Just smash up all the bugs/as many bugs as possible. If you smash all the bugs, you'll get some extra rare ones and you'll be able to use them to paint, as bait, as dye and trading items. Hint: Squish all the small bugs first as fast as you can. My DS Screen is more or less slightly less responsive, and I find that the best way is to jab at the screen. The long ones are easier to squish - as long as no less than 1/5 of them is sticking out at the edge of the screen and you can succesfully squish them. *************** a) Bug Colours *************** This section is purely for those who need to find a bug but can't seem to find it. The colours are all listed - just Ctrl+F and look for your colour. These are listed in alphabetical order. Azure Bug: Area w/ food prep rock and area left of sparkly cave Black Bug: Area w/ rainbow and peach tree, area w/ food prep rock, area left of sparkly cave and area with easel/gnarled wood Blue Bug: (Perfect Score) Area w/ food prep rock and area w/ rainbow and peach tree Brown Bug: Area w/ clothing station Fuschia Bug: (Perfect Score) Area left of sparkly cave Green Bug: (Perfect Score) Area left of sparkly cave and area w/ easel/gnarled wood Jade Bug: (Perfect Score) Area w/ easel/gnarled wood Orange Bug: Area w/ clothing station and area w/ easel/ gnarled wood Pink Bug: Area left of sparkly cave Purple Bug: (Perfect Score) Area w/ rainbow and peach tree Red Bug: Area w/ rainbow and peach tree Tan Bug: (Perfect Score) Area w/ clothing station Turquoise Bug: (Perfect Score) Area w/ clothing station White Bug: Area w/ food prep rock and area w/ rainbow and peach tree Yellow Bug: Area w/ clothing station and area w/ easel/ gnarled wood **************** ii)Spear fishing **************** Spear fishing is harder than in its Japanese counterpart, Lost in Blue, as I found out. Yes, the fish is more colourful and you can distinguish what fish you're spearing, but the reaction time is reeeeally slow. Hint: Observe the pattern and aim for the head of the fish. Alternatively, wait for our little fishie to stop and stab it with your stylus. Reserve around 1 second of reaction time. ************ iii)Painting ************ This is relatively straightforward. Just obtain the easel using a blank canvas and craft it on the gnarled wood. Once you get the coloured bugs, you immediately add to your palette and scribble all over the canvas. It boosts some stats too. **************** iv)Pole fishing **************** Obtain the fishing pole by crafting it at the crafting rock with bamboo and vines. Once you've done so, head to any big rock and fish there. Choose a coloured bug and drop it into the water. Once in the water, slooowly drag it over to the fish, and a thought bubble with a question mark will appear over it. Sometimes, there will be another bubble with a coloured bug in it. That indicates what coloured bait the fish likes. To switch, tap on it and cast the bait again. It takes a looooooong time for the fish to actually take the bait - you'll know when it's attracted when the heart shape appears, but it still won't take the bait. Sometimes, it'll just dart off with a "!" over its head. But when it does take the bait, the net appears and you drag the poor fishie to the net. While you start jumping in joy. That's about it for this mini-game. **************** v)Musical duet **************** *NOTE: THIS IS ONLY AVAILABLE AFTER YOU FINISH SUZY MCDRESS' QUESTS.* Sorry about the caps lock. That's the only way I can express my italics/bold format in. The game is relatively simple. Grab an ocarina crafted out of some wood, nails and a stone and bring it to Suzy McDress. She'll be thrilled, and not only do you get to trade with her, but it launches you to your very first musical duet with her. Watch her as she plays notes. Later on in the game, all you need to do is to play with her and press the keys A,B,X,Y,L,R and blow as she plays her tune. It'll give you more relationship points with her as well. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== -------------------------------- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -------------------------------- Q) I've just crafted the canoe and I can only seem to "Examine" the canoe whenever I tap on it and want to go to a new place. A) After you've correctly crafted your canoe, there should be an arrow at the very far right end of your canoe. Tap on that, though it is a bit tricky. So my advice to you is that you toggle the screen to the right, before you zoom out using the down arrow on the D-Pad until you can easily tap on the body of the arrow. Q) Where are the map pieces at the (position) of the entire map? A) You can check out these places: Flower Patch (above the area with a crafting rock): Lower right hand corner Sparkly cave w/ skeleton: Upper left hand corner By the pirate doors: Lower left hand corner Dr. Feelgood's map piece: Upper right hand corner Suzy McDress's map piece: Upper centre piece *For Dr. Feelgood and Suzy McDress' map pieces, you need to finish all their quests* Q) Where is the rope template? A) The rope template is available once you get to the broken bridge and examine it. Then it should turn up as a question mark template, which requires three vines. Head to the crafting rock and then hunt for that template, and craft. Q) I can't seem to give *item* to *person*. I've given them gifts but they don't seem to like it. What went wrong? A) I can safely tell you that nothing is wrong. Once that happens, keep talking to them. Yes, talking to them, even though gets you some feet stamping and whatnot, will allow for your relationship bar to recover. Keep talking until you're at 50% or more! Q) I can't find the chisel! What happened? A) You need to craft the chef's first fire pit and light it before you go anywhere further. Then, talk to the chef again and tap "Offer Help". You should get the chisel without any problems by then. Q) I can't get the rice and the wheat seeds. Do I need to restart? A) Ehh, to all those who got an e-mail saying you had to get your stuff at 32%, I have to apologize: you need to finish your game, find the boat, get on it, sail off the island, AND THEN go back to the island. Only then do your precious wheat and rice seeds turn up in the inventory. Maybe Ms. Weeder got a shipment of them when we got back onto the island? Q) What is the use of the map? A) It's to find the pirate ship and to get off the island. That's about it. Q) I can't get the chair! Now what? A) First, you need to craft the stool from the stool template. Decorate a rock with it, and then choose "Sit" or "Use" - I don't remember which. Then after a few moments of standing up, you should receive a new template. =============================================================================== =============================================================================== ----------------------------------- Contact and Personal Information ----------------------------------- Well, a little bit about myself... I'm a teenager (Gender: F) from Hong Kong and I'm completely obsessed with: 1) Within Temptation, Evanescence, Cradle of Filth, Nightwish, Story of the Year 2) Death Note, Yu-Gi-Oh, Princess Princess, Naruto 3) Bishounen (translated: Beautiful men.) 4) Computers 5) Writing 6) Games (non-violent types, I'm afraid) 7) Murder stories (The irony) 8) Murder cases and mysteries across history (Even more irony) 9) Swimming and ice-skating I regularly write fanfiction across the Internet, have an teddy bear called Cherie and keep a LiveJournal. I also have a tendency to be called odd nicknames, such as Calypso Carol (no clue) and CT (*blinks*). If you have any questions regarding the game or the walkthrough, or even errors that you found/amendments that need to made/stuff that I missed, feel free to contact me at nieva.zafira@gmail.com. No, I don't just operate that e-mail, but this one is strictly for my more "formal" work and questions. =============================================================================== End of Walkthrough/FAQ ===============================================================================