Traits Guide - Guide for Medieval II: Total War
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Medieval 2: Total War Traits Guide -by Salisian (So I didn't want to make an ascii macro. Sue me.) Table of Contents: --- If you want information on a specific trait, it will be a lot easier to just search for it by the name that appears under your character/agent's portrait. But if you would just rather read a ton of pseudocode interpretation, by all means, use the table of contents! Intro (mtgi) Disclaimers (mtgii) Generals (mtgiii) Admirals (mtgiv) Merchants (mtgv) Priests (mtgvi) Spies (mtgvii) Assassins/Hashashin (mtgviii) Diplomats (mtgix) Princesses (mtgx) Inquisitors (mtgxi) Heretics (mtgxii) Witches (mtgxiii) Version History (mtgxiv) Copyright (mtgxv) --- Intro (mtgi) --- This guide has been exhaustively researched by me, spending many hours poring over game documentation and secrets, and then applying these traits to my poor King Vlasios the Cunning to get the full text behind them. As of version 1.2 the mechanics and descriptions are correct- after that, I can promise nothing. If you want to access the list of traits and triggers yourself (though it won't be nearly as organized as this one), you can use the unpacking tools that came with the 1.1 upgrade or later, unpack the entire thing (~7 GB) and look through the export_descr_character_traits.txt file. But since you came onto a faq site looking for help, you obviously don't want to go to all that effort, so I have gone to that effort for you! In each trait description, I will include the trait's name; the trait class it belongs to (i.e. the name you will want to type into the command shell if you want to give this traits); the level of the trait within its class; its effects on your agent; the description that the trait gives in-game when you hover over it; and in a few cases, the superlative that it appends to their name once you max the trait. For example: Abhors Drink (Sobriety 3)- +1 Command, -2 Troop Morale, +2 Personal Security, -2 Popularity, upgrade after 8 points of Sobriety "Abhors Drink" is the trait name that will show up in your commander's trait list beneath his portrait on the right side. If you wish to give this trait to the commander, you open the command shell with the ~ key, and type, without the brackets, [give_trait "Name" Sobriety 3]. The way this game handles characters with multiple names is, frankly, pretty retarded, so it's easier to just select the character and use [give_trait "this" Sobriety 3] instead. Keep in mind that there is a difference between "points" and "levels" in a trait. If you see a trait that has a listed antitrait, it means that the general cannot have both of those traits simultaneously- instead, points in one trait will detract from the other, or points in one will completely forbid the other in some cases. If a trait has a "no going back" level, then that means that once you are at or past that level (not that many points, that level), then antitrait points will never drop you below that level. Also, keep in mind that the game has quite a few bugs in it, and some oversights on the part of the programmers- none of these make it unplayable, but, for instance, StrategyDread is obtained a -whole- lot more often than StrategyChivalry, which is bad when you're trying to build up a good guy. You may notice that I have written the guide in a manner that seems somewhat redundant. I noticed it too, and felt silly after a while, but I'd already started doing it in that manner before I got organized. If you don't notice it, well, don't try to. You'll only hurt your head. --- Disclaimer (mtgii): --- Don't come yelling at me if I got something wrong, or if a patch fixes something and I don't update. I made this guide primarily for my own reference, and I am sharing with the world because I have been asked to numerous times. If you want to email me to say thanks or to send money (ha.), you can reach me at sal/ (without the / in the middle). Please don't email me asking to play multiplayer (I don't do that for many games), to complain, or to ask about other game dynamics. I may soon share a guilds guide (much simpler) or a factions guide, and I am planning on making an ancillaries guide after this one in the same vein, but I don't want to have to extract and share, say, the precise equation used to decide how much the tin mine in the London region is worth to your faction. That's even beyond my obsession. Disclaimer again: I will be distributing this FAQ only to, because they have been my free source for gaming knowledge forever now. If this is at any other site, it is not there officially or legally. But it's not like I'm making money off this thing anyways, so as long as I get credit and proper praise, I will not release the lawyers on you. --- Generals (mtgxiii) Please note the difference between a general and a family member. If there are multiple family members in an army, only one is the general. Most traits gained post-battle are only given to the general, with a few exceptions. For those exceptions, in the triggers they are labelled "family members" to show that any family member that fulfills the requirements can gain points in that trait. The same goes for governors when there are multiple family members in a city. Some triggers will only apply to the governor of the city, but some will apply to all family members/generals in the city. When I mention an epithet as part of a trait's characteristics, that epithet becomes part of the character's name. For instance, when my King Vlasios of Ezova gained level 3 of DeceiverVirtue, he became King Vlasios the Cunning. Also, "Normal battle" refers to a battle that is not ambush or siege. And, the difference between an adoption and a "lesser adoption" is that a lesser adoption is a general that is adopted through the "Man of the Hour" event. When I refer to multiple triggers affecting the same thing, they do not stack. If I say a general gains a point of a trait with 50% and 80%, that means that it is rolled twice, once for each percentage, so they can gain 0, 1, or 2. Or if I say that a general gains a trait on coming of age with 4% probability, then if Islamic with 10%. That does not mean that the 10%-if- Islamic replaces the natural 4%. It means that the Islamic general can gain the 4% as well as the 10%. With a very low probability, but still. Please note that all "self-perpetuating" triggers are checked last, so any of the other conditions can gain the level necessary for a trait to self- perpetuate. Despite the fact that the notes, and my guide, say corn exchange, they appear to have correctly implemented it for the grain exchange. --- Promising Commander (GoodCommander 1)- +1 Command, gained after 1 point of GoodCommander Aspiring Commander (GoodCommander 2)- +2 Command, upgrade after 2 points of GoodCommander Proven Commander (GoodCommander 3)- +3 Command, upgrade after 4 points of GoodCommander Great Commander (GoodCommander 4)- +4 Command, upgrade after 8 points of GoodCommander Legendary Commander (GoodCommander 5)- +5 Command, epithet "the Mighty", upgrade after 16 points of GoodCommander GoodCommander has BadCommander as an antitrait. There are a whole slew of ways to gain points in GoodCommander. When you "lesser adopt" a general, he gains a point in GoodCommander. Then, he may gain one more point with 80% and then another with 50% probability. If you acquire a family member in the natural way, coming of age, they gain a point in GoodCommander with 4% probability. If you acquire a family member through marriage, the general can gain 3 points of GoodCommander with 33% probability, and then one point of GoodCommander with 50% probability. If you adopt a general normally, he can gain 3 points of GoodCommander with 33% probability, and then one point with 80% probability. A general gains a point in GoodCommander any time he wins a battle with odds less than 2.25. --- Unproven Commander (BadCommander 1)- -1 Command, gained after 2 points of BadCommander Incompetent Commander (BadCommander 2)- -2 Command, upgrade after 4 points of BadCommander Pathetic Commander (BadCommander 3)- -3 Command, upgrade after 6 points of BadCommander Useless Commander (BadCommander 4)- -5 Command, epithet "the Inept" upgrade after 8 points of BadCommander BadCommander has GoodCommander as an antitrait. A general gains a point in BadCommander on coming of age with 4% probability. Any time a general loses a battle with odds greater than 1.5, he gains a point of BadCommander with 50% probability. --- Promising Attacker (GoodAttacker 1)- +1 Command when attacking, gained after 1 point of GoodAttacker Confidenet Attacker (GoodAttacker 2)- +2 Command when attacking, upgrade after 2 points of GoodAttacker Strong Attacker (GoodAttacker 3)- +3 Command when attacking, upgrade after 4 points of GoodAttacker Excellent Attacker (GoodAttacker 4)- +4 Command when attacking, upgrade after 8 points of GoodAttacker Heroic Attacker (GoodAttacker 5)- +5 Command when attacking, epithet "the Attacker", upgrade after 16 points of GoodAttacker GoodAttacker has BadAttacker as an antitrait. A general gains 2 points in GoodAttacker with 17% odds when he is adopted or lesser adopted. When a general comes of age, he gains a point in GoodAttacker with 4% probability. When a general marries into the faction, he gains two points of GoodAttacker with 17% probability. If a general wins a normal battle in which the odds were greater than or equal to .5, but less than 1.5, and he was the attacker in the battle; he gains 2 points in GoodAttacker if the victory was crushing, or 1 point if the victory was clear. --- Flawed Attacker (BadAttacker 1)- -1 Command when attacking, gained after 2 points of BadAttacker Incompetent Attacker (BadAttacker 2)- -2 Command when attacking, upgrade after 4 points of BadAttacker Pathetic Attacker (BadAttacker 3) -3 Command when attacking, upgrade after 6 points of BadAttacker Useless Attacker (BadAttacker 4) -4 Command when attacking, epithet "the Foolhardy", upgrade after 8 points of BadAttacker BadAttacker has GoodAttacker as an antitrait. A general gains a point of BadAttacker on coming of age with 4% probability. If a general loses a normal battle in which the odds were greater than or equal to .5, and he was the attacker in that battle; he gains 2 points in BadAttacker if the defeat was crushing, or 1 point if the defeat was clear, both with 50% probability. --- Promising Defender (GoodDefender 1)- +1 Command when defending, gained after 1 point of GoodDefender Confident Defender (GoodDefender 2)- +2 Command when defending, upgrade after 2 points of GoodDefender Strong Defender (GoodDefender 3)- +3 Command when defending, upgrade after 4 points of GoodDefender Excellent Defender (GoodDefender 4)- +4 Command when defending, upgrade after 8 points of GoodDefender Heroic Defender (GoodDefender 5)- +5 Command when defending, epithet "the Bastion", upgrade after 16 points of GoodDefender GoodDefender has BadDefender as an antitrait. An adopted or lesser adopted general gains two points of GoodDefender with 17% probability, as does a general offered for marriage. A general gains one point of GoodDefender with 4% probability when they come of age. If a general wins a normal battle in which the odds were greater than or equal to .5 but less than 1.5, and he was the defender in that battle, then he gains 2 points in GoodDefender if the victory was crushing, or 1 point if the victory was clear. --- Flawed Defender (BadDefender 1)- -1 Command when defending, gained after 2 points of BadDefender Incompetent Defender (BadDefender 2)- -2 Command when defending, upgrade after 4 points of BadDefender Pathetic Defender (BadDefender 3)- -3 Command when defending, upgrade after 6 points of BadDefender Useless Defender (BadDefender 4)- -4 Command when defending, upgrade after 8 points of BadDefender BadDefender has GoodDefender as an antitrait. A general gains a point of BadDefender on coming of age with 4% probability. If a general loses a normal battle in which the odds were greater than or equal to .5, and he was the attacker in that battle; he gains 2 points in BadDefender if the defeat was crushing, or 1 point if the defeat was clear, both with 50% probability. --- Social Drinker (Drink 1)- +1 Command, +1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of Drink Gets Merry (Drink 2)- +1 Popularity, upgrade after 2 points of Drink Steady Drinker (Drink 3)- -1 Command, +1 Popularity, upgrade after 4 points of Drink Drunken Heathen (Drink 4)- -2 Command, -1 Authority, -2% Tax Income, upgrade after 8 points of Drink Alcoholic (Drink 5)- -3 Command, -3 Authority, -5% Tax Income, upgrade after 16 points of Drink Paralytic (Drink 6)- -5 Command, -5 Authority, -10% Tax Income, epithet "the Drunkard", upgrade after 32 points of Drink Drink has Sobriety as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 5 (there is no AA in medieval times). Drink is not available to Middle Eastern cultures (the Quran is apparently just that good, and there is no "Shisha" trait). A general gains a point of drink on adoption or lesser adoption with 8% probability, or when offered for marriage with 6% probability. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Drink with 4% probability, and if a general's father had one or more levels of drink, he gains a point of Drink with 30% probability. A general belonging to the France or Denmark factions also has on additional 4% probability to gain a point on coming of age. Also, when a character marries or becomes a father, they have a 5% chance to gain a point of Drink. When a general suffers an assassination attempt, they have a 20% chance to gain a point of Drink. Drink is also self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, if a general has a level of Drink, they can gain a point of Drink with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general is in a settlement with a brothel or better and has 100% of his movement points remaining, he gains a point of Drink with 5% probability, plus an additional chance at 5% probability if that building is a pleasure palace. If he is at sea at the end of the turn, he gains a point of Drink with 3% probability. Also, at the end of the turn in any settlement, if the general has 100% of his movement points, the game takes a random percent- if that percent is greater than 90, the general has a 1% chance to gain a point in Drink, Gambling, Arse, or Girls. In other words, do not leave your generals in town with 100% movement points. --- Strong Language (Feck 1)- -1 Piety, +1 Command, +1 Troop Morale, gained after 2 points of Feck Foul Mouthed (Feck 2)- +1 Dread, -2 Piety, +1 Comman,d +2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 4 points of Feck Spits Venom (Feck 3)- +2 Dread, -4 Piety, -1 Loyalty, -1 Authority, +3 Troop Morale, upgrade after 6 points of Feck Utterly Profane (Feck 4)- +4 Dread, -6 Piety, -2 Loyalty, -2 Authority, +4 Troop Morale, epithet "the Profane", upgrade after 8 points of Feck Feck has Prim and RhetoricSkill as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. A general has 3% chance to gain a point of Feck when offered for adoption or marriage. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Feck with 4% probability, and if the general's father had one or more levels in Prim, he can gain a point of Feck with 10% probability. A general born to Scotland has an extra chance to gain a point with 10% probability. Feck is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, if a general has one or more levels of Feck, he gains a point of Feck with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general has 100% of his movement points remaining and he is not in any settlement, he gains a point of Feck with 5% probability. --- Uninhibited (Arse 1)- -1 Authority, gained after 1 point of Arse Shameful (Arse 2)- -2 Authority, upgrade after 4 points of Arse Too Well Groomed (Arse 3)- -1 Command, -3 Authority, upgrade after 8 points of Arse Shameless Queen (Arse 4)- -3 Command, -5 Authority, epithet "the Queen", upgrade after 16 points of Arse Arse has Girls and Prim as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general has 4% chance to gain a point of Arse. If the faction adopts a general who becomes the brother of an existing general on the family tree (i.e. he has the first general's father as his benefactor), the general who was already in the family has a 1% chance to gain a point of Arse. Arse is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, if a general has one or more levels in Arse, he gains a point of Arse with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if the general is in a settlement with 100% of his movement points, the game takes a random percent- if that percent is greater than 90, the general has a 1% chance to gain a point in Drink, Gambling, Arse, or Girls. If the general is at sea at the end of his turn, he gains a point of Arse with 3% probability. --- Red Blooded (Girls 1)- +2 Troop Morale, gained after 2 points of Girls Womaniser (Girls 2)- +1 Troop Morale, upgrade after 4 points of Girls Adulterer (Girls 3)- -1 Popularity, upgrade after 8 points of Girls Lecherous Fiend (Girls 4)- +1 Dread, -2 Popularity, upgrade after 16 points of Girls Sexual Predator (Girls 5)- +2 Dread, -3 Popularity, epithet "the Womaniser", upgrade after 36 points of Girls Girls has Prim, Uptight, and Arse as antitraits. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Girls with 4% probability. If a general's father had two or more levels of Arse, a general gains a point of Girls with 35% probability. If the general's father had one or more levels of Girls, he gains a point of Girls with 20% probability. If a faction adopts a general who becomes the brother of an existing general on the family tree, the original general gains a point of Girls with 5% probability. In addition, when a general marries, he gains a point with 2% probability, or when he becomes a father, with 5% probability. When a general suffers an assassination attempt, he gains a point of Girls with 20% probability. Girls is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels in Girls gains a point of Girls with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general is in a settlement with a brothel or better and has 100% of his movement points remaining, he gains a point of Girls with 3% probability, plus an additional chance at 3% probability if that building is a coaching house or at 7% probability if it is a pleasure palace. If the settlement has public baths or better, he gains a point at 3% probability. At the end of any turn, if the general is in a settlement with 100% of his movement points, the game takes a random percent- if that percent is greater than 90, the general has a 1% chance to gain a point in Drink, Gambling, Arse, or Girls. --- Sensible Drinker (Sobriety 1)- +1 Command, gained after 1 point of Sobriety Sober (Sobriety 2)- +1 Command, -1 Troop Morale, +1 Personal Security, -1 Popularity, upgrade after 4 points of Sobriety Abhors Drink (Sobriety 3)- +1 Command, -2 Troop Morale, +2 Personal Security, -2 Popularity, upgrade after 8 points of Sobriety Sobriety has Drink as an antitrait, and is not available to Middle Eastern cultures. A general offered for adoption or marriage has a 12% chance to gain a point of Sobriety. When a general comes of age, if the dad had 1 or 2 points of Drink, the general gains 3 points of Sobriety with 50% probability. If the dad had 3 or 4 points of Drink, the character gains 9 points of Sobriety with 75% probability. If the dad had 5 or 6 points of Drink, the character gains 18 points of Sobriety with 90% probability. When a general marries or becomes a father, he gains 1 point of Sobriety with 5% probability. If a general with 2 or more levels of Drink marries or becomes a father, he gains 1 point of Sobriety with 80% probability. If the general has 3 or more levels, he can gain an additional 2 points with 60% probability. If the general has 4 or more levels, he can gain an additional 4 points with 40% probability. If 5 or more levels, he gains 8 points with 20% probability. Sobriety is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with 1 or more levels of Sobriety gains a point of Sobriety with 4% probability. --- Effective Ambusher (GoodAmbusher 1)- +1 Command when ambushing, gained after 1 point of GoodAmbusher Cunning Ambusher (GoodAmbusher 2)- +2 Command when ambushing, upgrade after 2 points of GoodAmbusher Great Ambusher (GoodAmbusher 3)- +3 Command when ambushing, upgrade after 4 points of GoodAmbusher Stalks his Prey (GoodAmbusher 4)- +4 Command when ambushing, epithet "the Cunning", upgrade after 8 points of GoodAmbusher GoodAmbusher has BadAmbusher as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodAmbusher with 4% probability. An aztec general has an additional 25% chance to gain 2 points. A general gains a point of GoodAmbusher if he wins a successful ambush battle with odds less than or equal to 2.0, if he wins with a success rating of clear or better. --- Poor Ambusher (BadAmbusher 1)- -1 Command when ambushing, gained after 1 point of BadAmbusher Clumsy Ambusher (BadAmbusher 2)- -2 Command when ambushing, upgrade after 4 points of BadAmbusher Brutally Obvious (BadAmbusher 3)- -3 Command when ambushing, upgrade after 8 points of BadAmbusher BadAmbusher has GoodAmbusher as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadAmbusher with 4% probability. A general gains a point of BadAmbusher if he loses a failed ambush battle with odds greater than .4, if he loses with a rating of clear or better. --- Conscientious Trainer (Disciplinarian 1)- +1 Troop Morale, +10% Movement, gained after 1 point of Disciplinarian Drillmaster (Disciplinarian 2)- -1 Troop Morale, +15% Movement, upgrade after 2 points of Disciplinarian Harsh Taskmaster (Disciplinarian 3)- +1 Command, +1 Authority, -2 Troop Morale, +20% Morale, +1 Law, upgrade after 4 points of Disciplinarian Disciplinarian has BadDisciplinarian as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. A general offered for adoption or marriage can gain two points of Disciplinarian with 17% probability. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Disciplinarian with 4% probability. A general gains a point of Disciplinarian with 10% probability when his city riots, and with 15% probability when his city rebels. --- Poor Disciplinarian (BadDisciplinarian 1)- +1 Troop Morale, -10% Movement, gained after 2 points of BadDisciplinarian Easy on the Men (BadDisciplinarian 2)- +2 Troop Morale, -15% Movement, upgrade after 4 points of BadDisciplinarian Way too Lenient (BadDisciplinarian 3)- -1 Command, -1 Authority, +3 Troop Morale, -20% Movement, -1 Law, upgrade after 8 points of BadDisciplinarian BadDisciplinarian has Disciplinarian as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadDisciplinarian with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general ends his turn outside a settlement with 100% of his movement points remaining, he gains a point of BadDisciplinarian with 4% probability. If a general has one or more levels in BadDisciplinarian, and ends their turn with 100% of their movement points remaining, they gain a point of BadDisciplinarian with 4% probability. --- Wall Taker (GoodSiegeAttacker 1)- +1 Command when assaulting walls, gained after 1 point of GoodSiegeAttacker Siege Expert (GoodSiegeAttacker 2)- +2 Command when assaulting walls, upgrade after 2 points of GoodSiegeAttacker Siege Master (GoodSiegeAttacker 3)- +3 Command when assaulting walls, upgrade after 4 points of GoodSiegeAttacker Unstoppable in Siege (GoodSiegeAttacker 4)- +4 Command when assaulting walls, epithet "the Unstoppable", upgrade after 8 points of GoodSiegeAttacker GoodSiegeAttacker has BadSiegeAttacker as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodSiegeAttacker with 4% probability. On offer of adoption, a general gains 2 points of GoodSiegeAttacker with 17% probability. Any time an attacking general wins a siege battle with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were less than 2, he gains a point of GoodSiegeAttacker. --- Poor Besieger (BadSiegeAttacker 1)- -1 Command when assaulting walls, gained after 2 points of BadSiegeAttacker Pathetic Besieger (BadSiegeAttacker 2)- -2 Command when assaulting walls, upgrade after 4 points of BadSiegeAttacker Beaten by Walls (BadSiegeAttacker 3)- -3 Command when assaulting walls, upgrade after 8 points of BadSiegeAttacker BadSiegeAttacker has GoodSiegeAttacker as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadSiegeAttacker with 4% probability. Any time an attacking general loses a siege battle with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were better than or equal to 1.2, he gains a point of BadSiegeAttacker. --- Good at the Walls (GoodSiegeDefender 1)- +1 Command when defending walls, gained after 1 point of GoodSiegeDefender Strong at the Walls (GoodSiegeDefender 2)- +2 Command when defending walls, upgrade after 2 points of GoodSiegeDefender Urban Protector (GoodSiegeDefender 3)- +3 Command when defending walls, upgrade after 4 points of GoodSiegeDefender Savior of Cities (GoodSiegeDefender 4)- +4 Command when defending walls, epithet "the Defender", upgrade after 8 points of GoodSiegeDefender GoodSiegeDefender has BadSiegeDefender as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodSiegeDefender with 4% probability. Any time a defending general wins a siege battle with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were less than 1.7, he gains a point of GoodSiegeDefender. --- Poor at the Walls (BadSiegeDefender 1)- -1 Command when defending walls, gained after 2 points of BadSiegeDefender Pathetic at the Walls (BadSiegeDefender 2)- -2 Command when defending walls, upgrade after 4 points of BadSiegeDefender Liability in Defence (BadSiegeDefender 3)- -3 Command when defending walls, upgrade after 8 points of BadSiegeDefender BadSiegeDefender has GoodSiegeDefender as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadSiegeDefender with 4% probability. Any time a defending general loses a siege battle with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were greater than or equal to 1, he gains a point of BadSiegeDefender. --- Brave (Brave 1)- +1 Troop Morale, gained after 1 point of Brave Dauntless (Brave 2)- +2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of Brave Courageous (Brave 3)- +3 Troop Morale, upgrade after 4 points of Brave Inspirationally Brave (Brave 4)- +1 Authority, +4 Troop Morale, epithet "the Brave", upgrade after 8 points of Brave Has no Fear (Brave 5)- +2 Authority, +2 Troop Morale, epithet "the Fearless", upgrade after 16 points of Brave Brave has Coward and Haemophobic as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 4. A general offered for adoption or marriage gains a point in Brave with 17% probability. A general offered for lesser adoption gains 3 points of Brave with 17% probability. When a general comes of age, he gains a point in Brave with 8% probability. If his father had one or more levels in Coward, he can gain a point in Brave with 20% probability. An English or French general has an additional point at 4% probability, Any family member gains a point in brave with 20% probability if he loses more than 30% of his hit points in a battle. He also can gain a point with 60% probability if he loses more than 50% of his hit points and kills more than 6 enemies. --- Faltering Courage (Coward 1)- -1 Troop Morale, gained after 2 points of Coward Fears Conflict (Coward 2)- -2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 4 points of Coward Cowardly (Coward 3)- -3 Troop Morale, upgrade after 6 points of Coward Slave to Fear (Coward 4)- -4 Troop Morale, epithet "the Coward", upgrade after 8 points of Coward Coward has Brave as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general can gain 2 points of Coward with 3% probability. Any family member in a battle gains a point in Coward if he loses the battle, does not personally fight in combat, and his army kills 0% of the enemy. He also can gain a point in Coward with 25% probability if he routs. --- Eager (Energetic 1)- +10% Movement, gained after 1 point of Energetic Energetic (Energetic 2)- +15% Movement, upgrade after 2 points of Energetic Driven (Energetic 3)- +1 Authority, +20% Movement, upgrade after 4 points of Energetic Blessed with Vigor (Energetic 4)- +2 Authority, +25% Movement, upgrade after 8 points of Energetic Energetic has Slothful as an antitrait. When a general is offered for adoption of marriage, he gains a point of Energetic with 3% probability. On coming of age, a general gains a point in Energetic with 4% probability. If a general's father has one or more levels in Energetic, he gains a point in Energetic with 20% probability, or if his father has one or more levels in Slothful, he gains a point in Energetic with 10% probability. If a general with one or more levels in Energetic ends his turn with less than 10 percent of his movement points remaining, he gains a point in Energetic with 4% probability. --- Lazy (Slothful 1)- -5% Movement, -2% Tax Income, gained after 1 point of Slothful Too Comfortable (Slothful 2)- -10% Movement, -5% Tax Income, upgrade after 2 points of Slothful Slothful (Slothful 3)- -1 Authority, -15% Movement, -10% Tax Income, upgrade after 4 points of Slothful Indolent Lump (Slothful 4)- -2 Authority, -20% Movement, -15% Tax Income, epithet "the Fat", upgrade after 8 points of Slothful Slothful has Energetic as an antitrait. When a general is adopted, he gains a point of Slothful with 4% probability. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Slothful with 4% probability. If a general's father has one or more levels in Energetic, he gains a point in Slothful with 10% probability, or if his father has one or more levels in Slothful, he gains a point with 20% probability. Slothful is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, if a general has one or more levels in Slothful, he gains a point in Slothful with 4% probability. --- Fierce in Battle (Berserker 1)- +1 Dread, +1 Troop Morale, +1 Command when attacking, -1 Command when defending, gained after 1 point of Berserker Crazy in Battle (Berserker 2)- +2 Dread, +2 Troop Morale, +2 Command when attacking, -2 Command when defending, +2 Hit Points, upgrade after 4 points of Berserker Berserker (Berserker 3)- +4 Dread, +3 Troop Morale, +3 Command when attacking, -3 Command when defending, +4 Hit Points, epithet "the Bloody", upgrade after 8 points of Berserker Berserker has a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general can gain a point in Berserker. If he is from Denmark, with 3% probability; if he is from Hungary, with 5% probability; if he is from Spain, with 6% probability. If a family member loses more than 30% of his hit points and gets more than ten kills in a battle, and has less than one level of BattleChivalry and less than one level of Berserker, he gains a point of Berserker. If a family member with one or more levels of Berserker and less than one level of BattleChivalry loses more than 30% of his hit points and gets more than six kills in a battle, he gains a point in Berserker with 33% probability. If a family member with more than zero levels of Berserker does not personally participate in a battle, he loses a point of Berserker with 33% probability. --- Nervous of Outsiders (Xenophobia 1)- +1 Public Security, gained after 2 points of Xenophobia Distrusts Foreigners (Xenophobia 2)- +2 Public Security, upgrade after 6 points of Xenophobia Total Bigot (Xenophobia 3)- +3 Public Security, upgrade after 12 points of Xenophobia Xenophobia has Xenophilia as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a character gains a point of Xenophobia with 3% probability. If the character's father had one or more levels of Xenophobia, they gain a point with 20% probability. Xenophobia is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Xenophobia gains a point of Xenophobia with 4% probability. A general gains a point of Xenophobia with 8% probability when they suffer an assassination attempt. --- Tolerant to Foreigners (Xenophilia 1)- -1 Public Security, gained after 2 points of Xenophilia Welcomes Outlanders (Xenophilia 2)- -2 Public Security, upgrade after 6 points of Xenophilia Fascinated by Foreigners (Xenophilia 3)- -3 Public Security, upgrade after 12 points of Xenophilia Xenophilia has Xenophobia as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Xenophilia with 3% probability. A Sicilian general gains a point with 10% probability. If the character's father had one or more levels of Xenophilia, they gain a point with 20% probability. Xenophilia is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Xenophilia gains a point of Xenophilia with 4% probability. If a general accepts a bribe, they gain a point of Xenophilia with 10% probability. If, at the end of any turn, a general ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with a port or better, they gain a point of Xenophilia with 2% probability. --- Religiously Improper (PublicAtheism 1)- -2 Piety, +1 Unrest, gained after 2 points of PublicAtheism Humanist (PublicAtheism 2)- -4 Piety, +4 Unrest, upgrade after 5 points of PublicAtheism Athiest (PublicAtheism 3)- -6 Piety, +6 Unrest, upgrade after 12 points of PublicAtheism Despises Religion (PublicAtheism 4)- -8 Piety, +8 Unrest, epithet "the Faithless", upgrade after 20 points of PublicAtheism Please note that in the game code they misspelled "atheist" as "athiest"- this is not a typo on my part. The trait is still spelled "PublicAtheism" PublicAtheism has PublicFaith as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. It is not available to Middle Eastern cultures. On coming of age, a character gains a point of PublicAtheism with 3% probability. If a character's father had one or more levels of PublicAtheism, the character gains a point of PublicAtheism with 20% probability. A mongol character has an additional chance to gain one point at 20% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general with one or more levels in PublicAtheism and 100% of his movement points is in a settlement without a small church, chapel, or better, he gains a point of PublicAtheism with 4% probability. --- Religiously Proper (PublicFaith 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of PublicFaith Religiously Minded (PublicFaith 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of PublicFaith Religiously Devout (PublicFaith 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 8 points of PublicFaith Pious Ruler (PublicFaith 4)- +4 Piety, epithet "the Pious", upgrade after 16 points of PublicFaith PublicFaith has PublicAtheism as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a character gains a point of PublicFaith with 4% probability. If the character's father had one or more levels of PublicFaith, he gains a point of PublicFaith with 20% probability. If the general is from certain factions, he gains another: from HRE, Spain or Sicily with 25% probability, from Milan, Poland, or Hungary with 20% probability, from any Islamic faction with 100% probability. If the town in which the general comes of age has a cathedral, he gains a point with 35% probability. If it has a huge cathedral, with 65% probability. If it has an orthodox cathedral, with 50% probability. If it has a huge orthodox cathedral, with 75% probability. If it has a jama, with 75% probability. If it has a great jama, with 100% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general with 100% movement points remaining is in a settlement with a church or better, chapel or better, or masjid or better, he gains a point of PublicFaith with 15% probability. --- Budding Bureaucrat (GoodAdministrator 1)- +3% Trade Income, +1 Law, gained after 1 point of GoodAdministrator Skilled Bureaucrat (GoodAdministrator 2)- +5% Trade Income, +2 Law, upgrade after 6 points of GoodAdministrator Superb Administrator (GoodAdministrator 3)- +10% Trade Income, +3 Law, upgrade after 12 points of GoodAdministrator GoodAdministrator has BadAdministrator as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodAdministrator with 4% probability. If born to an Islamic faction, they gain a point with 10% probability. If born to Egypt, Milan, or Venice, they gain a point with 10%, A general offered for adoption, lesser adoption or marriage gains 6 points of GoodAdministrator with 17% probability. Every time a unit is trained in a city with a tax level greater than high, the city's governor gains a point of GoodAdministrator with 3% probability. Every time a building is completed in a city with a tax level greater than high, the city's governor gains a point of GoodAdministrator with 7% probability. If a building is completed in a city with tax level greater than high and the loyalty is equal to disillusioned, the general gains a point of GoodAdministrator with 5% probability. At the end of any turn, if a city has a tax rate of extortionate, and a loyalty greater than the baseline for happy, and the general has been in the region for more than 3 turns, they gain a point of GoodAdministrator with 7% probability. --- Poor Administrator (BadAdministrator 1)- -3% Trade Income, gained after 2 points of BadAdministrator Inefficient Administrator (BadAdministrator 2)- -5% Trade Income, upgrade after 4 points of BadAdministrator Total Incompetence (BadAdministrator 3)- -10% Trade Income, upgrade after 6 points of BadAdministrator BadAdministrator has GoodAdministrator as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadAdministrator with 4% probability. If a city riots while the tax level is greater than low, its governor gains a point of BadAdministrator with 50% probability. If the city rebels, with 100% probability. If a governor completes a building in a settlement with a wooden pallisade or greater, a tax level lower than high, and a loyalty greater than disillusioned, the governor gains a point of BadAdministrator with 5% probability. --- Can Tell a Tale (InspiringSpeaker 1)- +1 Law, gained after 1 point of InspiringSpeaker Great Speaker (InspiringSpeaker 2)- +1 Law, upgrade after 2 points of InspiringSpeaker Inspirational Speaker (InspiringSpeaker 3)- +2 Law, epithet "the Saint", upgrade after 4 points of InspiringSpeaker InspiringSpeaker has BoringSpeaker as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of InspiringSpeaker with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of RhetoricSkill gains a point of InspiringSpeaker with with 20% probability. If his father has one or more levels of InspiringSpeaker, he gains a point with 20% probability. If a general wins a battle with odds less than 1.2 and does not have more than one level of Ignorance; if he has no levels in InspiringSpeaker, he gains a point with 75% probability, if he has one or more levels of InspiringSpeaker, he gains a point with 10% probability. --- Poor Speaker (BoringSpeaker 1)- -1 Authority, gained after 1 point of BoringSpeaker Awkward Speaker (BoringSpeaker 2)- -1 Authority, -1 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of BoringSpeaker Incredibly Boring (BoringSpeaker 3)- -2 Authority, -2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 6 points of BoringSpeaker BoringSpeaker has InspiringSpeaker and RhetoricSkill as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BoringSpeaker with 4% probability. BoringSpeaker is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of BoringSpeaker gains a point of BoringSpeaker with 4% probability. --- Well Spoken (RhetoricSkill 1)- +1 Authority, gained after 1 point of RhetoricSkill Stylish Debater (RhetoricSkill 2)- +2 Authority, upgrade after 2 points of RhetoricSkill Prone to Rhetoric (RhetoricSkill 3)- -1 Authority, upgrade after 4 points of RhetoricSkill RhetoricSkill has Ignorance and BoringSpeaker as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a general gains a point of RhetoricSkill with 6% probability. If his father has one or more levels of RhetoricSkill, he gains a point with 20% probability. If he is created while the faction controls a library, he gains a point with 5% probability, and if the faction controls an academy, he gains a point with 5% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general has 100% of his movement points remaining and ends his turn in a settlement with an alchemist's lab or better, he gains a point of RhetoricSkill with 5% probability. If he ends his turn with 100% movement points in a town with a city hall or better, he gains a point with 10% probability. --- Promising Strategist (StrategicSkill 1)- +1 Command, gained after 1 point of StrategicSkill Strategically Sound (StrategicSkill 2)- +2 Command, upgrade after 3 points of StrategicSkill Strategist (StrategicSkill 3)- +3 Command, upgrade after 6 points of StrategicSkill StrategicSkill has Ignorance as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a general gains a point of StrategicSkill with 6% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels in StrategicSkill gains a point of StrategicSkill with 20% probability. If a general wins a normal battle with odds less than or equal to .16 with a victory rating of crushing, whether attacking or defending, he gains a point of StrategicSkill with 25% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with a drill square or better, he gains a point with 4% probability. If he ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with a library or better, he gains a point with 4% probability. --- Promising Tactician (TacticalSkill 1)- +2 Command when ambushing, +1 Line of Sight, gained after 1 point of TacticalSkill Tactically Sound (TacticalSkill 2)- +3 Command when ambushing, +2 Line of Sight, upgrade after 2 points of TacticalSkill Tactician (TacticalSkill 3)- +4 Command when ambushing, +3 Line of Sight, upgrade after 4 points of TacticalSkill TacticalSkill has Ignorance as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a general gains a point of TacticalSkill with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of TacticalSkill gains a point with 20% probability. If a general wins a normal battle with odds greater than or equal to .5 and less than 1.5 with a victory rating of crushing, whether or attacking or defending, he gains a point of TacticalSkill with 10% probability. If a general wins a battle with a successful ambush and odds less than or equal to 2.0 with a victory rating of clear or better, he gains a point with 10% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general who has 100% of his movement points and ends his turn in a settlement with a military academy or better, he gains a point with 5% probability. --- Talent with Numbers (MathematicsSkill 1)- +10 Build Points, +5% Trade Income, gained after 1 point of MathematicsSkill Good at Math (MathematicsSkill 2)- +1 Command when assaulting walls, +20 Build Points, +10% Trade Income, upgrade after 2 points of MathematicsSkill Mathematician (MathematicsSkill 3)- +2 Command when assaulting walls, +30 Build Points, +15% Trade Income, upgrade after 4 points of MathematicsSkill MathematicsSkill has Ignorance as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a general gains a point of MathematicsSkill with 4% probability. A general born to Denmark gains a point with 4% probability. A general born to an Islamic faction or the Byzantine Empire gains a point with 10% probability. If the faction controls a university, the general gains a point with 10% probability. If the faction controls an academy, he gains a point with 10% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general who has 100% of his movement points ends his turn in a settlement with a university, he gains a point of MathematicsSkill with 10% probability. If he ends his turn in a settlement with a library or better, he gains a point with 5% probability. --- Political Promise (PoliticsSkill 1)- +1 Authority, gained after 5 points of PoliticsSkill Political Animal (PoliticsSkill 2)- -1 Loyalty, +1 Authority, upgrade after 10 points of PoliticsSkill Perfect Politician (PoliticsSkill 3)- -2 Loyalty, +2 Authority, upgrade after 15 points of PoliticsSkill PoliticsSkill has a NoGoingBack level of 1 (but is, notably, the only "Skill" trait that does not have Ignorance as an antitrait). A general offered for marriage gains a point of PoliticsSkill with 17% probability. On coming of age, a general whose father has two or more levels of PoliticsSkill gains 5 points with 20% probability. A faction leader who orders a bribery gains 5 points of PoliticsSkill with 50% probability. A faction leader who orders a diplomatic mission, he gains a point with 20% probability. --- Understands Logistics (LogisticalSkill 1)- +1 Troop Morale, +10% Movement, gained after 1 point of LogisticalSkill Logistics Expert (LogisticalSkill 2)- +2 Troop Morale, +15% Movement, upgrade after 2 points of LogisticalSkill Logistician (LogisticalSkill 3)- +3 Troop Morale, +20% Movement, upgrade after 4 points of LogisticalSkill LogisticalSkill has Ignorance as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a general gains a point of LogisticalSkill with 6% probability. A family member who ends his turn with less than 5% of his movement points, and is not in a settlement gains a point of LogisticalSkill with 5% probability. --- Instigator (Rabblerouser 1)- +1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of Rabblerouser Agitator (Rabblerouser 2)- +2 Popularity, upgrade after 2 points of Rabblerouser Provoker (Rabblerouser 3)- +1 Authority, +3 Popularity, +1 Unrest, upgrade after 4 points of Rabblerouser Leader of the Mob (Rabblerouser 4)- +2 Authority, +4 Popularity, +2 Unrest, upgrade after 8 points of Rabblerouser RabbleRouser has a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a Scottish general gains a point of Rabblerouser with 4% probability. A governor whose city riots gains a point of Rabblerouser with 10% probability. If it rebels, he gains a point with 20% probability. --- Renowned Victor (VictorVirtue 1)- +1 Authority, -1 Personal Security, +1 Popularity, gained after 5 points of VictorVirtue Famous Victor (VictorVirtue 2)- +2 Authority, -1 Personal Security, +2 Popularity, upgrade after 10 points of VictorVirtue Conquering Hero (VictorVirtue 3)- +3 Authority, -2 Personal Security, +3 Popularity, epithet "the Conqueror", upgrade after 15 points of VictorVirtue A general gains a point of VictorVirtue if he wins a siege battle with odds less than or equal to 1.0 if the success rating is clear or better and he personally kills more than 6 enemies in the battle. --- Refined Tastes (Epicurean 1)- +2% Trade Income, -10% Cost to Bribe, gained after 1 point of Epicurean Expensive Tastes (Epicurean 2)- +5% Trade Income, -20% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 2 points of Epicurean Exotic Tastes (Epicurean 3)- +10% Trade Income, -30% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 4 points of Epicurean Epicurean has Stoic as an antitrait (so any philosopher would tell you), and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Epicurean with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels in Epicurean gains a point of Epicurean with 25% probability. If a governor completes a public baths or better, he gains a point with 20% probability. Epicurean is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels in Epicurean gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, a character who ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with a theatre or better gains a point of Epicurean with 5% probability. If he ends it in a settlement with public baths or better, he gains a point with 3% probability. If he ends it in a settlement with a pleasure palace, he gains a point with 5% probability. If he ends it in a settlement with a merchant's quarter or better, he gains a point with 6% probability. If he ends it in a settlement with an artist's studio or better, he gains a point with 5% probability. If a general ends his turn in a settlement and the treasury is greater than 50000, he gains a point with 3% probability. If the treasury is greater than 100000, he gains another point with 3% probability. If it is greater than 150000, he gains another point with 3% probability. --- Reserved (Stoic 1)- +100% Cost to Bribe, gained after 1 point of Stoic Stone Faced (Stoic 2)- +1 Loyalty, +200% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 2 points of Stoic Utterly Stoic (Stoic 3)- +2 Loyalty, +300% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 4 points of Stoic Stoic has Epicurean as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Stoic with 4% probability. A general born to the Holy Roman Empire gains a point with 10% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Epicurean gains a point with 10% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Stoic gains a point with 20% probability. Stoic is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Stoic gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if the faction treasury is less than 0, a general gains a point of Stoic with 3% probability. If a general ends his turn in enemy lands, he gains a point with 1% probability. --- Severe (Austere 1)- +100% Cost to Bribe, +2% Tax Income, gained after 1 point of Austere Austere (Austere 2)- +1 Loyalty, +200% Cost to Bribe, +5% Tax Income, upgrade after 2 points of Austere Severely Austere (Austere 3)- +2 Loyalty, +300% Cost to Bribe, +10% Tax Income, upgrade after 4 points of Austere Austere has ExpensiveTastes and Aesthetic as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Austere with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Austere gains a point with 20% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Aesthetic gains a point with 15% probability. Austere is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Austere gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general ends his turn in enemy lands, he gains a point with 2% probability. --- An Eye for Beauty (Aesthetic 1)- -1 Command, gained after 2 points of Aesthetic Admirer of Beauty (Aesthetic 2)- -2 Command, -10% Cost to Bribe, -1 Squalor, upgrade after 4 points of Aesthetic Aesthete (Aesthetic 3)- -3 Command, -20% Cost to Bribe, -2 Squalor, upgrade after 8 points of Aesthetic Aesthetic has Austere as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Aesthetic with 4% probability. A general whose dad has one or more levels of Austere gains a point with 20% probability. A general whose dad has one or more levels of Aesthetic gains a point with 15% probability. A Byzantine general gains a point with 6% probability. When a governor completes an artist studio or better, he gains a point with 20% probability. Aesthetic is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Aesthetic gains a point with 4% probability. A general who ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with an ikoner studio or better gains a point of Aesthetic with 3% probability. If the settlement has a coaching house, he gains a point with 3% probability. If the settlement has a theatre or better, he gains a point with 3% probability. If it has a merchant's quarter or better, he gains a point with 3% probability. If it has an artist studio or better, with 5% probability. At the end of any turn, if the faction's treasury is greater than 50000, each general can gain a point of Aesthetic with 3% probability. If it is over 100000, they get another chance with 3%. If it is over 150000, they get another chance with 3%. --- Ignorant (Ignorance 1)- -1 Authority, -2% Trade Income, -2% Tax Income, gained after 2 points of Ignorance Sadly Ignorant (Ignorance 2)- -1 Authority, -5% Trade Income, -5% Tax Income, upgrade after 4 points of Ignorance Blissfully Ignorant (Ignorance 3)- -2 Authority, -10% Trade Income, -10% Tax Income, upgrade after 8 points of Ignorance Ignorance has RhetoricSkill, StrategicSkill, TacticalSkill, MathematicsSkill, and LogisticalSkill as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. A general offered for adoption or marriage gains a point of Ignorance with 3% probability. On coming of age, a general gains a point with 4% probability. Ignorance is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general who has one or more levels of Ignorance gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, a general who ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement without a library or better, alchemists lab or better, or city hall or better gains a point with 4% probability. If the general ends his turn in enemy lands, he gains a point with 5% probability. --- Enjoys a Wager (Gambling 1)- -5% Trade Income, -10% Cost to Bribe, gained after 2 points of Gambling Gambler (Gambling 2)- -10% Trade Income, -20% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 4 points of Gambling Problem Gambler (Gambling 3)- -15% Trade Income, -30% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 8 points of Gambling Slave to Luck (Gambling 4)- -20% Trade Income, -40% Cost to Bribe, epithet "the Gambler", upgrade after 12 points of Gambling On coming of age, a general gains a point of Gambling with 4% probability. When your faction adopts a general, any of that general's brothers gains a point of Gambling with 5% probability. When a general suffers an assassination attempt, they gain a point with 15% probability. Gambling is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Gambling gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if the general is in a settlement with 100% of his movement points, the game takes a random percent- if that percent is greater than 90, the general has a 1% chance to gain a point in Drink, Gambling, Arse, or Girls. If a general is in a settlement with a brothel or better, he gains a point with 2% probability. If he is in a settlement with a coaching house, with 3% probability. If a pleasure palace, 5% probability. If the settlement has a merchant's quarter or better, with 2% probability. If an artist's studio or better, with 3% probability. --- Espionage (SpyMaster 1)- -10% Agent training costs, gained after 8 points of SpyMaster Espionage Expert (SpyMaster 2)- +1 Public Security, -20% Agent training costs, upgrade after 16 points of SpyMaster Master of Espionage (SpyMaster 3)- +1 Dread, +2 Public Security, -30% Agent training costs, epithet "the Watcher", upgrade after 24 points of SpyMaster The faction leader gains a point of SpyMaster on any successful spy mission. --- Open to Murder (AssassinMaster 1)- +1 Dread, -10% Agent training costs, gained after 5 points of AssassinMaster Mixes with Killers (AssassinMaster 2)- +2 Dread, +1 Personal Security, +20% Agent training costs, upgrade after 10 points of AssassinMaster Master of Assassins (AssassinMaster 3)- +3 Dread, +2 Personal Security, +25% Agent training costs, epithet "the Killer", upgrade after 15 points of AssassinMaster The faction leader gains a point of AssassinMaster on any successful assassination mission. If the mission does not succeed, he gains a point with 10% probability. --- Counter-Spy (CounterSpy 1)- +2 Public Security, gained after 2 points of CounterSpy Counter-Espionage (CounterSpy 2)- +3 Public Security, upgrade after 4 points of CounterSpy Spycatcher (CounterSpy 3)- +1 Chivalry, +1 Line of Sight, +4 Public Security, upgrade after 6 points of CounterSpy A general gains a point of CounterSpy every time they execute a spy on a mission. --- Survivor (AssassinCatcher 1)- +1 Chivalry, +2 Personal Security, gained after 2 points of AssassinCatcher Blessed Survivor (AssassinCatcher 2)- +1 Chivalry, +3 Personal Security, upgrade after 4 points of AssassinCatcher Instinctive Survivor (AssassinCatcher 3)- +2 Chivalry, +1 Line of Sight, +4 Personal Security, epithet "the Fortunate", upgrade after 8 points of AssassinCatcher A general gains a point of AssassinCatcher every time they execute an assassin on a mission. --- Naive (Trusting 1)- -1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of Trusting Trusting (Trusting 2)- -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of Trusting Overly Trusting (Trusting 3)- -3 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of Trusting Trusting has Paranoia as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Trusting with 4% probability. Trusting is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels in Trusting gains a point with 4% probability. --- Slow to Trust (Paranoia 1)- +1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of Paranoia Overly Suspicious (Paranoia 2)- +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of Paranoia Paranoid (Paranoia 3)- -1 Command, -1 Authority, +3 Personal Security, upgrade after 4 points of Paranoia Completely Paranoid (Paranoia 4)- -2 Command, -2 Authority, +4 Personal Security, upgrade after 8 points of Paranoia Paranoia has Trusting and LaxPersonalSecurity as antitraits. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Paranoia with 4% probability. A general whose father has two or more levels of Paranoia gains a point with 20% probability. When a general has a brother adopted into the family, he gains a point with 5% probability. Each time a general suffers an assassination attempt, they gain a point with 33% probability. Paranoia is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels in Paranoia gains a point with 4% probability. --- Avoids the Truth (Liar 1)- +1 Authority, gained after 1 point of Liar Bends the Truth (Liar 2)- -1 Authority, upgrade after 2 points of Liar Liar (Liar 3)- -2 Authority, upgrade after 4 points of Liar Pathological Liar (Liar 4)- -3 Authority, epithet "the Liar", upgrade after 8 points of Liar Liar has Upright as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Liar with 4% probability. Liar is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Liar gains a point with 4% probability. --- Deep Pockets (Embezzler 1)- -10% Tax Income, gained after 1 point of Embezzler Fraudulent (Embezzler 2)- -20% Tax Income, upgrade after 3 points of Embezzler Embezzler (Embezzler 3)- -30% Tax Income, upgrade after 6 points of Embezzler Embezzler has Upright as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Embezzler with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if the treasury is greater than 50000, and your general is in a settlement, he gains a point of Embezzler with 3% probability. If the treasury is greater than 100000, he gains a point with 5% probability. And if it is greater than 150000, he gains one with 8% probability. --- Convincing (DeceiverVirtue 1)- -1 Loyalty, +1 Authority, gained after 2 points of DeceiverVirtue Deceptive (DeceiverVirtue 2)- -2 Loyalty, +2 Authority, upgrade after 4 points of DeceiverVirtue Total Deceiver (DeceiverVirtue 3)- -3 Loyalty, +3 Authority, epithet "the Cunning", upgrade after 8 points of DeceiverVirtue DeceiverVirtue has Upright as an antitrait. On coming of age, a character gains a point of Deceivervirtue with 4% probability, and then another point with 4% probability. If the character's father has two or more levels of PoliticsSkill, he gains a point with 5% probability. A faction leader who orders a successful spying mission gains a point with 2% probability. A faction leader who orders a successful assassination mission gains a point with 5% probability. If the mission is unsuccessful, he gains a point with 10% probability. A leader who orders a sabotage mission gains a point with 5% probability. A leader who orders a bribery mission gains a point with 10% probability. --- Honest (Upright 1)- +1 Loyalty, +100% Cost to bribe, +2 Law, gained after 1 point of Upright Trustworthy (Upright 2)- +2 Loyalty, +200% Cost to bribe, +4 Law, upgrade after 2 points of Upright Utterly Immaculate (Upright 3)- +3 Loyalty, +300% Cost to bribe, +6 Law, epithet "the Just", upgrade after 4 points of Upright Upright has Corrupt, Embezzler, Liar, and Disloyal as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Upright with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Corrupt gains a point with 15% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Upright gains a point with 25% probability. A general gains a point of Upright with 50% probability when he refuses a bribe. A governor who finishes a small church or better, small chapel or better, or a small masjid or better gains a point with 10% probability. At the end of any turn, a general with 100% of his movement points who ends his turn in a settlement with a church or better, or masjid or better gains a point with 5% probability. --- Dubious (Corrupt 1)- -20% Cost to bribe, -10% Tax Income, -1 Law, gained after 1 point of Dubious Underhanded (Corrupt 2)- -1 Loyalty, -40% Cost to bribe, -20% Tax Income, -2 Law, upgrade after 3 points of Dubious Corrupt (Corrupt 3)- -2 Loyalty, -60% Cost to bribe, -30% Tax Income, -3 Law, upgrade after 6 points of Dubious Corrupt has Upright and Loyal as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Corrupt with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Corrupt gains a point with 15% probability. A Byzantine general gains a point with 10% probability. When a general has a brother adopted, he gains a point with 5% probability. A governor builds a brothel or better, he gains a point with 4% probability. Corrupt is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Corrupt gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, a general who ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with a pleasure palace gains a point with 5% probability. If the settlement has a merchant bank or better, with 1% probability. At the end of any turn, if the treasury is greater than 50000, and your general is in a settlement, he gains a point of Corrupt with 3% probability. If the treasury is greater than 100000, he gains a point with 3% probability. And if it is greater than 150000, he gains one with 5% probability. --- Firm Ruler (Authoritarian 1)- +1 Unrest, +2 Law, gained after 1 point of Authoritarian Strict Ruler (Authoritarian 2)- +1 Authority, +2 Unrest, +4 Law, upgrade after 3 points of Authoritarian Total Authoritarian (Authoritarian 3)- +2 Authority, +3 Unrest, +6 Law, epithet "the Harsh", upgrade after 8 points of Authoritarian Authoritarian has NonAuthoritarian as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Authoritarian with 4% probability. When a governor's city riots, he gains a point of Authoritarian with 20% probability. When it rebels, with 50% probability. If a governor with no levels of StrategyChivalry or StrategyDread completes a town hall or better, he gains a point with 7% probability. If a governor with one or more levels of StrategyChivalry completes a town hall or better, he gains a point with 5% probability. If he has one or more levels of StrategyDread, he gains a point with 10% probability. A general who exterminates a conquered city gains a point with 3% probability. Authoritarian is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Authoritarian gains a point with 4% probability. --- Fair Ruler (NonAuthoritarian 1)- -2 Unrest, -1 Law, gained after 3 points of NonAuthoritarian Understanding Ruler (NonAuthoritarian 2)- -1 Authority, -4 Unrest, -2 Law, upgrade after 4 points of NonAuthoritarian Liberal Leader (NonAuthoritarian 3)- -2 Authority, -6 Unrest, -3 Law, epithet "the Kind", upgrade after 6 points of NonAuthoritarian NonAuthoritarian has Authoritarian as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a general whose father has one or more levels of Authoritarian gains a point of NonAuthoritarian with 50% probability. When a governor completes a brothel or better, or a jousting lists or better, he gains a point with 5% probability. When a general occupies a settlement, he gains a point with 3% probability. A general with any levels in StrategyChivalry gains a point with 3% probability. NonAuthoritarian is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of NonAuthoritarian gains a point with 4% probability. --- Generally Loyal (Loyal 1)- +1 Loyalty, gained after 1 point of Loyal Loyal (Loyal 2)- +1 Chivalry, +2 Loyalty, upgrade after 2 points of Loyal Very Loyal (Loyal 3)- +2 Chivalry, +3 Loyalty, upgrade after 4 points of Loyal Loyal Beyond Question (Loyal 4)- +3 Chivalry, +4 Loyalty, upgrade after 6 points of Loyal Loyal has Disloyal and Corrupt as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. A general offered for marriage gains a point of Loyal with 17% probability. Then, a general offered for adoption, lesser adoption or marriage gains a point of Loyal with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he gains another point with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he gains two points with 50% probability. If he gains those points, he gains two more points with 25% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(25%), 2(12.5%), 4(9.4%), 6(3.1%). A general offered for marriage gains a point with 17% probability. On coming of age, a general gainns a point of Loyal with 4% probability. When a general refuses a bribe, he gains a point of Loyal. --- Speaks of Loyalty (Disloyal 1)- -1 Loyalty, gained after 1 point of Disloyal Mixed Loyalties (Disloyal 2)- +1 Dread, -2 Loyalty, upgrade after 2 points of Disloyal Disloyal (Disloyal 3)- +2 Dread, -3 Loyalty, upgrade after 3 points of Disloyal Actively Disloyal (Disloyal 4)- +3 Dread, -4 Loyalty, upgrade after 4 points of Disloyal Disloyal has Loyal and Upright as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. A general offered for adoption or lesser adoption who has less than one level of Loyal gains a point of Disloyal with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he gains another point with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he gains another point with 25% probability. A general offered for marriage who has less than one level of Loyal gains a point of Disloyal with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he gains another with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he gains two points with 50% probability. Then, if he has three or more levels of Disloyal, he gains two points with 25% probability. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Disloyal with 4% probability. When a general has a brother adopted, he gains a point of Disloyal with 8% probability. When a general accepts a bribe, he gains a point with 50% probability. --- Trouble at Home (Cuckold 1)- -1 Authority, gained after 2 points of Cuckold Cuckold (Cuckold 2)- -2 Authority, upgrade after 3 points of Cuckold Laughing Stock (Cuckold 3)- -3 Authority, upgrade after 4 points of Cuckold Lacks Manhood (Cuckold 4)- -4 Authority, epithet "the Cuckold", upgrade after 5 points of Cuckold Cuckold has a NoGoingBack level of 1 (no marital counseling in medieval times). When a character marries a princess who has one or more levels of UnchasteWoman, he gains two points of Cuckold. If a married general in enemy lands ends his turn with 100% of his movement points, and has less than two levels of WifeIsNoble, he gains a point of Cuckold with 3% probability. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Cuckold who does not have an ancillary with the "sex" type gains a point of Cuckold with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, a married general with one or more levels of arse gains a point of Cuckold with 4% probability. --- Farming Knowledge (GoodFarmer 1)- +1 Farming output, gained after 3 points of GoodFarmer Rural Expert (GoodFarmer 2)- +2 Farming output, upgrade after 6 points of GoodFarmer Agriculturalist (GoodFarmer 3)- +3 Farming output, upgrade after 12 points of GoodFarmer GoodFarmer has a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodFarmer with 3% probability. An egyptian character gains a point with 25% probability. When a governor completes a farm or better, he gains 2 points of GoodFarmer. --- Mining Knowledge (GoodMiner 1)- +10% Income from Mining, gained after 1 point of GoodMiner Mining Expert (GoodMiner 2)- +20% Income from Mining, upgrade after 3 points of GoodMiner Geologist (GoodMiner 3)- +30% Income from Mining, upgrade after 5 points of GoodMiner GoodMiner has a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodMiner with 3% probability. When a governor completes mines or better, he gains a point of GoodMiner. --- Admires Technology (GoodEngineer 1)- +20 Build Points, gained after 1 point of GoodEngineer Mechanically Minded (GoodEngineer 2)- +1 Command when assaulting walls, +40 Build Points, upgrade after 3 points of GoodEngineer Engineer (GoodEngineer 3)- +2 Command when assaulting walls, +60 Build Points, epithet "the Engineer", upgrade after 6 points of GoodEngineer GoodEngineer has BadEngineer as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodEngineer with 2% probability. At the start of any turn, a general who is besieging, and has more than two siege weapons, gains a point of GoodEngineer with 20% probability. At the end of any turn, a general who ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with a siege works gains a point of GoodEngineer with 4% probability. --- Understands Trade (GoodTrader 1)- +10% Trade Income, gained after 12 points of GoodTrader Trader (GoodTrader 2)- +20% Trade Income, upgrade after 24 points of GoodTrader Master Trader (GoodTrader 3)- +30% Trade Income, upgrade after 48 points of GoodTrader GoodTrader has BadTrader as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains 12 points of GoodTrader with 4% probability. A Milanese or Venetian general gains 12 points with 10% probability. A Portuguese general gains 12 points with 5% probability. A governor gains 2 points of GoodTrader each time he creates a merchant, finishes a corn exchange or better. A governor gains 3 points of GoodTrader when he finishes a port or better, a caravan stop or better, or a merchant bank or better. A governor gains a point of GoodTrader when he finishes roads or better. A governor gains a point of GoodTrader with 80% probability when he finishes a merchant's wharf or better. --- Questions Technology (BadEngineer 1)- -1 Command when assaulting walls, gained after 1 point of BadEngineer Befuddled by Machines (BadEngineer 2)- -2 Command when assaulting walls, upgrade after 3 points of BadEngineer Distrusts Evil Machinery! (BadEngineer 3)- -3 Command when assaulting walls, upgrade after 6 points of BadEngineer BadEngineer has GoodEngineer as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadEngineer with 4% probability. At the start of any turn, a general who is besieging and has fewer than two siege weapons gains a point of BadEngineer with 20% probability. --- Fiscally Challenged (BadTrader 1)- -10% Trade Income, gained after 1 point of BadTrader Incompetent Trader (BadTrader 2)- -20% Trade Income, upgrade after 3 points of BadTrader Trading Liability (BadTrader 3)- -30% Trade Income, upgrade after 5 points of BadTrader BadTrader has GoodTrader as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadTrader with 4% probability. When a governor completes a building, and the settlement has a wooden wall or better, but not a corn exchange or better, he gains a point of BadTrader. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of BadTrader who ends his turn in a settlement gains a point of BadTrader with 4% probability. --- A Sense of Justice (Just 1)- +1 Chivalry, +1 Law, gained after 1 point of Just Just (Just 2)- +2 Chivalry, +2 Law, upgrade after 3 points of Just Serves Justice (Just 3)- +3 Chivalry, +3 Law, epithet "the Just", upgrade after 7 points of Just Just has Unjust, HarshJustice, and LenientJustice as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Just with 4% probability. Just is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Just gains a point with 4% probability. When a governor who has no levels of StrategyChivalry or StrategyDread finishes a town hall or better, he gains a point of Just with 50% probability. When a governor with one or more levels of StrategyChivalry finishes a town hall or better, he gains a point with 100% probability. --- Swift to Judge (Unjust 1)- +1 Unrest, gained after 1 point of Unjust Lacks Justice (Unjust 2)- +1 Dread, +2 Unrest, upgrade after 3 points of Unjust Unjust (Unjust 3)- +3 Dread, +3 Unrest, upgrade after 7 points of Unjust Unjust has Just and LenientJustice as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Unjust with 4% probability. If a general has a brother adopted, he gains a point of Unjust with 10% probability. If a general with less than one level in StrategyChivalry destroys a building while the faction treasury is greater than 10000, he gains a point of Unjust with 20% probability. Unjust is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Unjust gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if a general with less than one level in StrategyChivalry is in a settlement with 100% movement points and the settlement has a wooden wall or better but not a town hall or better, he gains a point of Unjust with 6% probability. --- Hard Justice (HarshJustice 1)- +1 Unrest, +2 Law, gained after 1 point of HarshJustice Harsh Justice (HarshJustice 2)- +2 Unrest, +4 Law, upgrade after 3 points of HarshJustice Severe Justice (HarshJustice 3)- +1 Dread, +3 Unrest, +6 Law, upgrade after 7 points of HarshJustice HarshJustice has Just and LenientJustice as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a general gains a point of HarshJustice with 4% probability. A general born to the Holy Roman Empire gains a point with 4% probability, and another point with 4% probability. When a governor's city riots, he gains a point of HarshJustice with 5% probability. If it rebels, with 10% probability. When a general exterminates the population, he gains a point with 20% probability. When a governor with one or more levels of StrategyDread finishes a town hall or better, he gains a point of HarshJustice. HarshJustice is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of HarshJustice gains a point with 4% probability. --- Soft Judge (LenientJustice 1)- +1 Chivalry, -1 Law, gained after 1 point of LenientJustice Merciful Judge (LenientJustice 2)- +2 Chivalry, -2 Law, upgrade after 3 points of LenientJustice Kind Judge (LenientJustice 3)- +1 Chivalry, -3 Law, upgrade after 5 points of LenientJustice LenientJustice has HarshJustice, Just, and Unjust as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general gains a point of LenientJustice with 4% probability. When a general who has one or more levels of StrategyChivalry occupies a settlement, he gains a point of LenientJustice with 20% probability. LenientJustice is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of LenientJustice gains a point with 4% probability. --- Iron Fisted (HarshRuler 1)- +1 Dread, +1 Law, gained after 1 point of HarshRuler Harsh Ruler (HarshRuler 2)- +2 Dread, -1 Personal Security, +1 Squalor, +2 Law, upgrade after 3 points of HarshRuler Cruel Ruler (HarshRuler 3)- +3 Dread, -2 Personal Security, +2 Squalor, +3 Law, epithet "the Cruel", upgrade after 6 points of HarshRuler HarshRuler has KindRuler and NonAuthoritarian as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of HarshRuler with 4% probability. If his father has one or more levels of KindRuler, he gains a point with 50% probability. When a general has a brother adopted, he gains a point with 10% probability. HarshRuler is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of HarshRuler gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, a governor who has been in the region for more than three turns, has a tax level of extortionate, a loyalty level less than happy, and the faction treasury is greater than 10000 gains a point of HarshRuler with 8% probability. --- Reasonable Ruler (KindRuler 1)- +1 Chivalry, -1 Squalor, gained after 1 point of KindRuler Kind Ruler (KindRuler 2)- +2 Chivalry, -2 Squalor, upgrade after 3 points of KindRuler Benevolent Ruler (KindRuler 3)- +3 Chivalry, -3 Squalor, epithet "the Good", upgrade after 7 points of KindRuler KindRuler has HarshRuler and Authoritarian as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, if a general's father has one or more levels of KindRuler, he gains a point with 50% probability. If his father has one or more levels of Authoritarian, he gains a point with 20% probability. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Trusting gains a point of KindRuler with 4% probability. A general with one or more levels of NonAuthoritarian gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, a governor who has been in the region for more than three turns, has a tax level of low, a loyalty level greater than disillusioned, and the faction treasury is less than 0 gains a point of KindRuler with 8% probability. --- Active Builder (GoodBuilder 1)- -5% Construction costs, -1 Squalor, gained after 12 points of GoodBuilder Urban Planner (GoodBuilder 2)- -10% Construction costs, -2 Squalor, upgrade after 24 points of GoodBuilder Great Builder (GoodBuilder 3)- -15% Construction costs, -3 Squalor, epithet "the Builder", upgrade after 36 points of GoodBuilder GoodBuilder has BadBuilder as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains 12 points of GoodBuilder with 4% probability. Whenever a governor completes a building, he gains a point of GoodBuilder. If that building is a small church or better, small chapel or better, small masjid or better, port or better, town hall or better, wooden palisade or better, or wooden castle or better, he gains a point with 25% probability. If the building is roads or better, he gains a point with 50% probability. If the building is public baths or better, he gains a point with 100% probability. --- Not Constructive (BadBuilder 1)- +5% Construction costs, +1 Squalor, gained after 2 points of BadBuilder Sloppy Builder (BadBuilder 2)- +10% Construction costs, +2 Squalor, upgrade after 4 points of BadBuilder Abhors Construction (BadBuilder 3)- +15% Construction costs, +3 Squalor, upgrade after 6 points of BadBuilder BadBuilder has GoodBuilder as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains 2 points of BadBuilder with 4% probability. Fortunately, they seem to have forgotten to put in any more triggers for this. --- Generous (Generous 1)- -2% Tax Income, gained after 3 points of Generous Openly Giving (Generous 2)- -2% Trade Income, -5% Tax Income, upgrade after 4 points of Generous Overly Generous (Generous 3)- -5% Trade Income, -10% Tax income, upgrade after 8 points of Generous Generous has Miserly as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Generous with 4% probability. A general whose dad has one or more levels of Generous gains a point with 10% probability. A general whose dad has one or more levels of Miserly gains a point with 15% probability. A general born to the Holy Roman Empire gains a point with 5% probability. Generous is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Generous gains a point with 4% probability. --- Mean with Money (Miserly 1)- +2% Tax Income, +1 Squalor, gained after 1 point of Miserly Hoarder of Wealth (Miserly 2)- +2% Trade Income, +5% Tax Income, +2 Squalor, upgrade after 2 points of Miserly Miserly (Miserly 3)- +5% Trade Income, +10% Tax Income, +3 Squalor, epithet "the Mean", upgrade after 4 points of Miserly Miserly has Generous as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. A general whose dad has one or more levels of Generous gains a point with 50% probability. A general whose dad has one or more levels of Miserly gains a point with 25% probability. A Scottish general gains a point with 4% probability. Miserly is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Miserly gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if the treasury is less than 0, a general gains a point of Miserly with 4% probability. At the end of a general's turn, if he is under siege, he gains a point with 20% probability. --- Spooked at Night (Noctophobia 1)- -1 Command when fighting at night, gained after 2 points of Noctophobia Fear of the Dark (Noctophobia 2)- -2 Command when fighting at night, +1 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of Noctophobia Noctophobic (Noctophobia 3)- -3 Comamnd when fighting at night, +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 5 points of Noctophobia Noctophobia has Noctophilia as an antitrait. If a general loses a night battle with a rating of clear or better; if he was attacking and the odds were greater than or equal to .8, he gains a point of Noctophobia with 50% probbaility; if he was defending and the odds were less than 1.5, he gains a point with 50% probability. --- Likes the Dark (Noctophilia 1)- +1 Command when fighting at night, gained after 2 points of Noctophilia Effective at Night (Noctophilia 2)- +2 Command when fighting at night, upgrade after 3 points of Noctophilia Nocturnal (Noctophilia 3)- +3 Command when fighting at night, upgrade after 5 points of Noctophilia Noctophilia has Noctophobia as an antitrait. If a general wins a night battle with a rating of clear or better, and the battle odds were greater than or equal to .5 but less than 2, he gains a point of Noctophilia. --- Sexually Liberated (Perverted 1)- +1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of Perverted Sexually Eccentric (Perverted 2)- -1 Popularity, upgrade after 2 points of Perverted Sexually Debauched (Perverted 3)- -1 Piety, -2 Popularity, upgrade after 4 points of Perverted Sexually Perverse (Perverted 4)- -2 Piety, -3 Popularity, upgrade after 7 points of Perverted Sexually Corrupt (Perverted 5)- -3 Piety, -1 Authority, -4 Popularity, upgrade after 10 points of Perverted Diabolically Degenerate (Perverted 6)- -4 Piety, -2 Authority, -5 Popularity, epithet "the Foul", upgrade after 12 points of Perverted Perverted has Prim as an antitrait. A general offered for adoption or marriage gains a point of Perverted with 3% probability. A general offered for marriage has an extra chance to gain a point with 3% probability. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Perverted with 4% probability. A general whose dad has two or more levels of Perverted gains a point with 20% probability. Perverted is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Perverted gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, a general with 100% of his movement points in a settlement with a pleasure palace gains a point of Perverted with 5% probability. --- Adopts Scouting (Scout 1)- +1 Line of Sight, gained after 2 points of Scout Adept Scout (Scout 2)- +2 Line of Sight, upgrade after 4 points of Scout Reconnaissance Expert (Scout 3)- +3 Line of Sight, upgrade after 6 points of Scout On coming of age, a Sicilian general gains two points of Scout with 4% probability. A mongol general gains 2 points with 20% probability. At the end of any turn, a general with 100% of his movement points who is not in a settlement gains a point of Scout with 5% probability. --- Marks of War (BattleScarred 1)- +1 Authority, +2 Hit Points, gained after 1 point of BattleScarred Scarred (BattleScarred 2)- +1 Authority, +4 Hit Points, upgrade after 2 points of BattleScarred Terribly Scarred (BattleScarred 3)- +2 Authority, +6 Hit Points, upgrade after 3 points of BattleScarred Brutally Scarred (BattleScarred 4)- +2 Authority, +8 Hit Points, epithet "the Scarred", upgrade after 4 points of BattleScarred A general offered for adoption, lesser adoption or marriage gains a point of BattleScarred with 17% probability. If a family member loses more than 30% of his hit points in a battle, he gains a point of BattleScarred with 30% probability. --- Good with Infantry (GoodInfantryGeneral 1)- +1 Command when commanding infantry, gained after 2 points of GoodInfantryGeneral Skilled with Infantry (GoodInfantryGeneral 2)- +2 Comamnd when commanding infantry, upgrade after 4 points of GoodInfantryGeneral Infantry Master (GoodInfantryGeneral 3)- +3 Command when commanding infantry, epithet "the Infantryman" upgrade after 6 points of GoodInfantryGeneral GoodInfantryGeneral has BadInfantryGeneral as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodInfantryGeneral with 3% probability. A Spanish general gains a point with 10% probability. A Portuguese general gains a point with 5% probability. An Aztec general gains two points with 25% probability. If a general wins any battle with a success rating of crushing and more than 80% of his army is infantry, he gains a point of GoodInfantryGeneral. --- Poor with Infantry (BadInfantryGeneral 1)- -1 Command when commanding infantry, gained after 2 points of BadInfantryGeneral Inept with Infantry (BadInfantryGeneral 2)- -2 Command when commanding infantry, upgrade after 4 points of BadInfantryGeneral Confused with Infantry (BadInfantryGeneral 3)- -3 Command when commanding infantry, upgrade after 6 points of BadInfantryGeneral BadInfantryGeneral has GoodInfantryGeneral as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadInfantryGeneral with 4% probability. If a general loses any battle with a success rating of crushing and more than 80% of his army is infantry, he gains a point of BadInfantryGeneral with 50% probability. --- Good with Cavalry (GoodCavalryGeneral 1)- +1 Command when commanding cavalry, gained after 2 points of GoodCavalryGeneral Dangerous with Cavalry (GoodCavalryGeneral 2)- +2 Command when commanding cavalry, upgrade after 4 points of GoodCavalryGeneral Great Cavalry Commander (GoodCavalryGeneral 3)- +3 Command when commanding cavalry, epithet "the Horseman", upgrade after 6 points of GoodCavalryGeneral GoodCavalryGeneral has BadCavalryGeneral as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodCavalryGeneral with 3% probability. An Islamic or Hungarian general gains a point with 20% probability. A Mongolian or Timurid general gains a point with 50% probability. If a general wins any battle with a success rating of crushing and more than 50% of his army is cavalry, he gains a point of GoodCavalryGeneral. --- Poor with Cavalry (BadCavalryGeneral 1)- -1 Command when commanding cavalry, gained after 2 points of BadCavalryGeneral Inept with Cavalry (BadCavalryGeneral 2)- -2 Command when commanding cavalry, upgrade after 4 points of BadCavalryGeneral Shameful with Cavalry (BadCavalryGeneral 3)- -3 Command when commanding cavalry, upgrade after 6 points of BadCavalryGeneral BadCavalryGeneral has GoodCavalryGeneral as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadCavalryGeneral with 4% probability. If a general loses any battle with a success rating of crushing and more than 50% of his army is cavalry, he gains a point of BadCavalryGeneral with 50% probability. --- Good with Artillery (GoodArtilleryCommander 1)- +1 Command when commanding artillery, gained after 1 point of GoodArtilleryCommander Adept with Artillery (GoodArtilleryCommander 2)- +2 Command when commanding artillery, upgrade after 2 points of GoodArtilleryCommander Expert with Artillery (GoodArtilleryCommander 3)- +3 Command when commanding artillery, upgrade after 3 points of GoodArtilleryCommander Masterful with Artillery (GoodArtilleryCommander 4)- +4 Command when commanding artillery, upgrade after 4 points of GoodArtilleryCommander GoodArtilleryCommander has BadArtilleryCommander as an antitrait. But they seem to have forgotten to put in triggers for this. --- Poor with Artillery (BadArtilleryCommander 1)- -1 Command when commanding artillery, gained after 1 point of BadArtilleryCommander Awful with Artillery (BadArtilleryCommander 2)- -2 Command when commanding artillery, upgrade after 2 points of BadArtilleryCommander Diabolical with Artillery (BadArtilleryCommander 3)- -3 Command when commanding artillery, upgrade after 3 points of BadArtilleryCommander BadArtilleryCommander has GoodArtilleryCommander as an antitrait. But they seem to have forgotten to put in triggers for this. --- Good with Guns (GoodGunpowderCommander 1)- +1 Command when commanding guns, gained after 1 point of GoodGunpowderCommander Adept with Guns (GoodGunpowderCommander 2)- +2 Command when commanding guns, upgrade after 2 points of GoodGunpowderCommander Expert with Guns (GoodGunpowderCommander 3)- +3 Command when commanding guns, upgrade after 3 points of GoodGunpowderCommander Masterful with Guns (GoodGunpowderCommander 4)- +4 Command when commanding guns, upgrade after 4 points of GoodGunpowderCommander GoodGunpowderCommander has BadArtilleryCommander as an antitrait. But they seem to have forgotten to put in triggers for this. --- Poor with Guns (BadGunpowderCommander 1)- -1 Command when commanding guns, gained after 1 point of BadGunpowderCommander Awful with Guns (BadGunpowderCommander 2)- -2 Command when commanding guns, upgrade after 2 points of BadGunpowderCommander Useless with Guns (BadGunpowderCommander 3)- -3 Command when commanding guns, upgrade after 3 points of BadGunpowderCommander BadGunpowderCommander has GoodArtilleryCommander as an antitrait. But they seem to have forgotten to put in triggers for this. --- A Bit Odd (Inbred 1)- -1 Fertility, gained after 1 point of Inbred Of Dubious Lineage (Inbred 2)- -2 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of Inbred Inbred (Inbred 3)- -1 Command, -2% Tax Income, -3 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of Inbred Woefully Inbred (Inbred 4)- -1 Command, -1 Authority, -5% Tax Income, -4 Fertility, upgrade after 4 points of Inbred Spawn of Incest (Inbred 5)- -2 Command, -2 Authority, -10% Tax Income, -5 Fertility, upgrade after 5 points of Inbred Betrothed to Mother (Inbred 6)- -3 Command, -3 Authority, -15% Tax Income, epithet "the Idiot", upgrade after 6 points of Inbred Inbred has a NoGoingBack level of 1. On coming of age, a character gains a point of Inbred with 1% probability. A character whose father has one or more levels of Inbred gains a point with 50% and then with 25% probability. A character whose father has two or more levels of Inbred gains a point with 50% and then with 25% probability. A character whose father has three or more levels of Inbred, and then four or more levels, and then five or more levels of Inbred, same deal. This trait is awful. Do not let inbred people marry. --- Handsome (Handsome 1)- +1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of Handsome Physically Attractive (Handsome 2)- +2 Popularity, upgrade after 2 points of Handsome Striking to Behold (Handsome 3)- +1 Authority, +3 Popularity, upgrade after 3 points of Handsome Physically Flawless (Handsome 4)- -1 Command, +1 Authority, +4 Popularity, epithet "the Handsome", upgrade after 4 points of Handsome Handsome has Ugly as an antitrait and a NoGoingBack level of 1. A general offered for adoption gains a point of Handsome with 10% probability. On coming of age, a general has a 4% chance to gain a point of handsome. A general whose father has one or more levels of Handsome gains a point with 50% and then 25% probability. A general whose father has two or more levels of Handsome gains a point with 50% and then with 25% probability. A general whose father has three or more levels of Handsome gains a point with 50% and then with 25% probability. If, on coming of age, a general has one or more levels of Handsome, they gain a point of Handsome with 50% probability. If they have two or more levels of Handsome, they gain a point with 50% probability. If they have three or more levels of Handsome, they gain a point with 50% probability. This trait rocks, and is easy to pass along. Get your handsome folks married, and they produce better princesses too. --- Plain (Ugly 1)- -1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of Ugly A Bit Rough (Ugly 2)- +1 Command, -2 Popularity, upgrade after 2 points of Ugly Ugly (Ugly 3)- +1 Command, -3 Popularity, -1 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of Ugly Repulsive to Behold (Ugly 4)- +1 Command, -4 Popularity, -2 Fertility, upgrade after 4 points of Ugly Cruelly Deformed (Ugly 5)- -5 Popularity, -3 Fertility, epithet "the Ugly", upgrade after 5 points of Ugly Ugly has Handsome as an antitrait and a NoGoingBack level of 1. A general offered for adoption gains a point of Ugly with 10% probability. A general offered for marriage gains a point with 5% probability. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Ugly with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Ugly gains a point with 50% and then 25% probability. A general whose father has two or more levels of Ugly gains a point with 50% and then with 25% probability. A general whose father has three or more levels of Ugly gains a point with 50% and then with 25% probability. A general born to England gains a point with 4% probability. If, on coming of age, a general has one or more levels of Ugly, they gain a point of Ugly with 50% probability. If they have two or more levels of Ugly, they gain a point with 50% probability. If they have three or more levels of Ugly, they gain a point with 50% probability. If they have four or more levels of Ugly, they gain a point with 50% probability. Don't let ugly people breed. --- Virile (Fertile 1)- +1 Fertility, gained after 1 point of Fertile Fertile (Fertile 2)- +2 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of Fertile Prolific (Fertile 3)- +3 Fertility, upgrade after 4 points of Fertile Fertile has Inbred and Infertile as antitraits and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Fertile with 4% probability. If he gains this point, he gains another point with 50% probability. If he gains this point, he gains another point with 50% probability. Note that this means it is impossible to naturally attain level 3 of Fertile. Probably their error. --- Effete (Infertile 1)- -1 Fertility, gained after 1 point of Infertile Infertile (Infertile 2)- -2 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of Infertile Lame of Loin (Infertile 3)- -3 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of Infertile Infertile has Fertile as an antitrait and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Infertile with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Infertile gains a point with 75% probability. A general whose father has two or more levels gains a point with 50% probability. Then, if the general has one or more levels of Infertile, he gains a point with 50% probability. Then, if he has two or more levels of Infertile, he gains a point with 50% probability. --- Good with Taxes (GoodTaxman 1)- +10% Tax Income, gained after 1 point of GoodTaxman Thorough Taxman (GoodTaxman 2)- +20% Tax Income, +1 Unrest, upgrade after 2 points of GoodTaxman Cruelly Exacting Taxman (GoodTaxman 3)- +30% Tax Income, +2 Unrest, upgrade after 3 points of GoodTaxman GoodTaxman has BadTaxman as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodTaxman with 4% probability. When a governor completes a building, if the tax level is greater than high and the loyalty level is disillusioned, he gains a point of GoodTaxman with 75% probability. --- Poor with Taxes (BadTaxman 1)- -10% Tax Income, gained after 1 point of BadTaxman Sloppy Taxman (BadTaxman 2)- -20% Tax Income, upgrade after 2 points of BadTaxman Tax Farmer (BadTaxman 3)- -30% Tax Income, upgrade after 3 points of BadTaxman BadTaxman has GoodTaxman as an antitrait. on coming of age, a general gains a point of BadTaxman with 4% probability. When a governor completes a building, if the tax level is less than high, the loyalty is better than disillusioned, and the settlement has a wooden wall or better (i.e. it is a city, not a castle), he gains a point of BadTaxman with 15% probability. --- Divorced (Divorced 1)- hidden trait; gained after 1 point of Divorce There is no trigger in the game documentation to add points to Divorced, nor explanation of its effects. Divorced has Cuckold as an antitrait. --- Bold Attacker (GoodRiskyAttacker 1)- +1 Troop Morale, +1 Command when attacking, gained after 2 points of GoodRiskyAttacker Risky Attacker (GoodRiskyAttacker 2)- +1 Troop Morale, +2 Command when attacking, upgrade after 4 points of GoodRiskyAttacker Suicidal Attacker (GoodRiskyAttacker 3)- -1 Troop Morale, +3 Command when attacking, epithet "the Lucky", upgrade after 6 points of GoodRiskyAttacker GoodRiskyAttacker has BadRiskyAttacker as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodRiskyAttacker with 3% probability. If a general wins a normal battle in which he was the attacker with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were greater than .16 but less than .5, he gains a point of GoodRiskyAttacker. If a general wins a normal battle in which he was the attacker with a success rating of crushing, and the odds were less than or equal to .16, he gains 2 points of GoodRiskyAttacker. --- Poor Risk Taker (BadRiskyAttacker 1)- -1 Command when attacking, gained after 2 points of BadRiskyAttacker Picks Fights Poorly (BadRiskyAttacker 2)- -1 Troop Morale, -2 Command when attacking, upgrade after 4 points of BadRiskyAttacker Utterly Foolhardy (BadRiskyAttacker 3)- -1 Troop Morale, -3 Command when attacking, upgrade after 8 points of BadRiskyAttacker BadRiskyAttacker has GoodRiskyAttacker as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadRiskyAttacker with 4% probability. If a general loses a normal battle in which he was the attacker with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were greater than .16 but less than .5, he gains a point of BadRiskyAttacker. If a general loses a normal battle in which he was the attacker with a success rating of crushing, and the odds were less than or equal to .16, he gains a point of BadRiskyAttacker with 50% probability. --- Calm When Outnumbered (GoodRiskyDefender 1)- +1 Command when defending, gained after 2 points of GoodRiskyDefender Determined in Defence (GoodRiskyDefender 2)- +1 Troop Morale, +2 Command when defending, upgrade after 2 points of GoodRiskyDefender Fears no Odds (GoodRiskyDefender 3)- +1 Troop Morale, +3 Command when defending, epithet "the Steadfast", upgrade after 6 points of GoodRiskyDefender GoodRiskyDefender has BadRiskyDefender as an antitrait. on coming of age, a general gains a point of GoodRiskyDefender with 3% probability. If a general wins a normal battle in which he was the defender with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were greater than .16 but less than .5, he gains a point of GoodRiskyDefender. If a general wins a normal battle in which he was the defender with a success rating of crushing, and the odds were less than or equal to .16, he gains 2 points in GoodRiskyDefender. --- Poor Against Numbers (BadRiskyDefender 1)- -1 Command when defending, gained after 3 points of BadRiskyDefender Beaten by Odds (BadRiskyDefender 2)- -2 Command when defending, upgrade after 6 points of BadRiskyDefender Doomed Defender (BadRiskyDefender 3)- -3 Command when defending, upgrade after 12 points of BadRiskyDefender BadRiskyDefender has GoodRiskyDefender as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of BadRiskyDefender with 4% probability. If a general loses a normal battle in which he was the defender with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were greater than .16 but less than .5, he gains a point of BadRiskyDefender. If a general loses a normal battle in which he was the defender with a success rating of crushing, and the odds were less than or equal to .16, he gains a point of BadRiskyDefender with 50% probability. --- Silly Beliefs (Superstitious 1)- -1 Piety, gained after 1 point of Superstitious Superstitious (Superstitious 2)- -1 Piety, -1 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of Superstitious Slave to Superstition (Superstitious 3)- -2 Piety, -1 Authority, -2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of Superstitious Superstitious has Pragmatic as an antitrait and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Superstitious with 3% probability. If his father has one or more levels of Superstitious, he gains a point with 20% probability. If a character is hurt by a disaster, the game takes a random percent. If that is greater than 96, he gains a point of Superstitious with 15% probability. Superstitious is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Superstitious gains a point with 4% probability. --- Mostly Rational (Pragmatic 1)- +1 Authority, gained after 1 point of Pragmatic No Nonsense (Pragmatic 2)- +2 Authority, +1 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of Pragmatic Utterly Pragmatic (Pragmatic 3)- +3 Authority, +2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of Pragmatic Pragmatic has Superstitious as an antitrait and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, if a general's father has one or more levels of Pragmatic, he gains a point with 20% probability. At the end of any turn, a general who ends his turn in enemy lands gains a point of Pragmatic with 2% probability. --- Extravagant (ExpensiveTastes 1)- +5% Construction Costs, -10% Tax Income, gained after 1 point of ExpensiveTastes Royally Extravagant (ExpensiveTastes 2)- +10% Construction Costs, -20% Tax Income, -1 Squalor, upgrade after 3 points of ExpensiveTastes Wildly Extravagant (ExpensiveTastes 3)- +15% Construction Costs, -30% Tax Income, -2 Squalor, upgrade after 6 points of ExpensiveTastes ExpensiveTastes has Cheapskate and Austere as antitraits and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of ExpensiveTastes with 4% probability. If his father has one or more levels of Cheapskate, he gains a point with 10% probability. If his father has one or more levels of ExpensiveTastes, he gains a point with 25% probability. When a general has a brother adopted, he gains a point of ExpensiveTastes with 5% probability. ExpensiveTastes is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of ExpensiveTastes gains a point with 4% probability. If a general ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with a coaching house, he gains a point with 3% probability. If the settlement has a theatre or better, with 5% probability. Public baths or better, 3% probability. Pleasure palace, 5% probability. Merchant's quarter or better, 5% probability. Artist's studio or better, 5% probability. If a general ends his turn in a settlement with the treasury greater than 50000, he gains a point of ExpensiveTastes with 3% probability. If the treasury is greater than 100000, with 3% probability. If greater than 150000, with 7% probability. --- Cheap (Cheapskate 1)- -5% Construction Costs, +5% Tax Income, +1 Squalor, gained after 1 point of Cheapskate Tight (Cheapskate 2)- -10% Construction Costs, +10% Tax Income, +2 Squalor, upgrade after 3 points of Cheapskate Total Cheapskate (Cheapskate 3)- -15% Construction Costs, +15% Tax Income, +3 Squalor, upgrade after 5 points of Cheapskate Cheapskate has ExpensiveTastes and Aesthetic as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Cheapskate with 2% probability. If his father has one or more levels of Cheapskate, he gains a point of Cheapskate with 20% probability. If his father has one or more levels of ExpensiveTastes, he gains a point of Cheapskate with 10% probability. Cheapskate is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Cheapskate gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, if the treasury is less than 0, a general gains a point of Cheapskate with 4% probability. --- Feeling Poorly (Hypochondriac 1)- -1 Command when attacking, -2 Hit Points, gained after 1 point of Hypochondriac Delusions of Illness (Hypochondriac 2)- -1 Troop Morale, -1 Command when attacking, -4 Hit Points, upgrade after 2 points of Hypochondriac Hypochondriac (Hypochondriac 3)- -2 Troop morale, -2 Command when attacking, -6 Hit Points, upgrade after 3 points of Hypochondriac Hypochondriac has HaleAndHearty and Sane as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Hypochondriac with 3% probability. Hypochondriac is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a character with one or more levels of Hypochondriac gains a point with 4% probability. --- Healthy (HaleAndHearty 1)- +2 Hit Points, gained after 1 point of HaleAndHearty In Good Health (HaleAndHearty 2)- +4 Hit Points, upgrade after 2 points of HaleAndHearty Bastion of Health (HaleAndHearty 3)- +1 Fertility, +6 Hit Points, upgrade after 3 points of HaleAndHearty HaleAndHearty has Hypochondriac as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general gains a point of HaleAndHearty with 4% probability. A Scottish, Sicilian, Hungarian, Byzantine, or Danish general gains a point with 4% probability. If the faction owns a public baths, he gains a point with 5% probability. If the faction owns an aqueduct, he gains a point with 10% probability. At the end of any turn, a general who ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with a bimaristan or better, or public baths or better, gains a point of HaleAndHearty with 3% probability. A general who ends his turn with 100% movement points but not in a settlement gains a point with 2% probability. --- Servant of Heaven (TouchedByTheGods 1)- +2 Piety, gained after 1 point of TouchedByTheGods Dramatic Visions (TouchedByTheGods 2)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of TouchedByTheGods Vision of Prophecy (TouchedByTheGods 3)- +4 Piety, upgrade after 3 points of TouchedByTheGods TouchedByTheGods has Sane and PublicAtheism as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of TouchedByTheGods with 4% probability. TouchedByTheGods is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels gains a point with 4% probability. --- Sane (Sane 1)- hidden trait; gained after 1 point of Sane Sane has TouchedByTheGods, Insane, and Deranged as antitraits. When a general marries or becomes a father, he gains a point of Sane with 10% probability. When a governor completes a building, if the settlement has a loyalty of disillusioned and a tax rate greater than high, he gains a point of Sane with 2% probability. When a governor completes an alchemist's lab or better or library or better, and has less than two levels of Intelligent, he gains a point of Sane with 50% probability. At the end of any turn, a general who ends his turn with 100% movement points in a settlement with a bimaristan or better gains a point of Sane with 5% probability. --- Dysfunctional (Insane 1)- -1 Authority, -1 Troop Morale, gained after 1 point of Insane Quite Mad (Insane 2)- -2 Authority, -2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of Insane Utterly Insane (Insane 3)- -4 Authority, -3 Troop Morale, epithet "the Mad", upgrade after 4 points of Insane Insane has Sane as an antitrait and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Insane with 4% probability. If a general's father has more than one level of arse, he gains a point of Insane with 5% probability. If a general with three or more levels of Paranoia suffers an assassination attempt, he gains a point of Insane with 30% probability. Insane is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Insane gains a point with 4% probability. --- Skewed View (Deranged 1)- -1 Command, -1 Authority, -2% Trade Income, gained after 1 point of Deranged Deranged (Deranged 2)- -2 Command, -2 Authority, -1 Troop Morale, -5% Trade Income, -2% Tax Income, upgrade after 2 points of Deranged Dangerously Mad (Deranged 3)- -3 Command, -3 Authority, -2 Troop Morale, -10% Trade Income, -5% Tax Income, epithet "the Mad", upgrade after 4 points of Deranged Deranged has Sane as an antitrait and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Deranged with 4% probability. When a general with three or more levels of Paranoia suffers an assassination attempt, he gains a point of Deranged with 10% probability. Deranged is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Deranged gains a point with 4% probability. --- Fine with Blood (Bloodthirsty 1)- +1 Dread, +1 Command, +1 Troop Morale, gained after 1 point of Bloodthirsty Sanguinary (Bloodthirsty 2)- +2 Dread, +1 Command, -1 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of Bloodthirsty Bloodthirsty (Bloodthirsty 3)- +3 Dread, -1 Command, -3 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of Bloodthirsty Bloodthirsty has Sane and Haemophobic as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Bloodthirsty with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Haemophobic gains a point of Bloodthirsty with 20% probability. If a family member with no levels in BattleChivalry gets more than 8 kills in a battle, he gains a point of Bloodthirsty with 10% probability. When a general exterminates the population, he gains a point of Bloodthirsty with 10% probability. --- Un-Manly (Haemophobic 1)- -1 Authority, -1 Troop Morale, gained after 1 point of Haemophobic Disgusted by Blood (Haemophobic 2)- -2 Authority, -2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of Haemophobic Fears Blood (Haemophobic 3)- -3 Authority, -3 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of Haemophobic Haemophobic has Bloodthirsty and Brave as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Haemophobic with 4% probability. When a family member fights a battle in which they withdraw without personally having killed any enemies, and the total number of enemies killed is 0%, they gain a point a Haemophobic with 5% probability. When a family member routs in battle, they gain a point with 5% probability. --- Easily Riled (Anger 1)- +1 Authority, gained after 1 point of Anger Seethes with Anger (Anger 2)- +1 Dread, +1 Command, -1 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of Anger Driven by Rage (Anger 3)- +2 Dread, +2 Command, -2 Troop Morale, epithet "the Wrathful", upgrade after 3 points of Anger On coming of age, a general gains a point of Anger with 4% probability. A Hungarian general gains a point with 10% probability. A Spanish general gains a point with 4% probability. When a general has a brother adopted, he gains a point of Anger with 5% probability. Anger is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Anger gains a point with 4% probability. --- Crude (Lewd 1)- -1 Authority, -20% Cost to Bribe, gained after 1 point of Lewd Lewd (Lewd 2)- -2 Authority, -30% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 2 points of Lewd Shamelessly Lewd (Lewd 3)- -3 Authority, -50% Cost to Bribe, epithet "the Lewd", upgrade after 3 points of Lewd Lewd has Prim as an antitrait and a NoGoingBack level of 3. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Lewd with 2% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Prim gains a point with 10% probability. Lewd is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general who has one or more levels of Lewd gains a point with 4% probability. --- Proper Morals (Prim 1)- +1 Authority, +20% Cost to Bribe, +1 Unrest, +1 Law, gained after 1 point of Prim Prim (Prim 2)- +2 Authority, +30% Cost to Bribe, +2 Unrest, +2 Law, upgrade after 3 points of Prim Holier than Thou (Prim 3)- -1 Command, +2 Authority, +40% Cost to Bribe, -1 Squalor, +3 Unrest, +3 Law, upgrade after 5 points of Prim Prim has Lewd, Feck, Perverted, Girls, and Arse as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. Get this. Please. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Prim with 4% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Arse gains a point with 20% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Cuckold gains a point with 20% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Girls gains a point with 10% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Prim gains a point with 20% probability. When a character marries or becomes a father, he gains a point of Prim with 5% probability. If he has one or more levels of Girls, he gains a point of Prim with 40% probability. If he has two or more levels, he gains 3 points with 60% probability. If he has three or more levels, he gains 6 points with 40% probability. If he has four or more levels, he gains 12 points with 20% probability. Prim is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Prim gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, a general with 100% of his movement points who is in a settlement with a church or better, or masjid or better, gains a point of Prim with 4% probability. --- Hesitant Attacker (IndecisiveAttacker 1)- -1 Command when attacking, gained after 6 points of IndecisiveAttacker Over-Cautious Attacker (IndecisiveAttacker 2)- -2 Command when attacking, upgrade after 12 points of IndecisiveAttacker Indecisive Attacker (IndecisiveAttacker 3)- -3 Command when attacking, epithet "the Unsure", upgrade after 24 points of IndecisiveAttacker IndecisiveAttacker has GoodCommander and GoodAttacker as antitraits. On coming of age, a general gains a point of IndecisiveAttacker with 3% probability, then 4% probability. If a general withdraws before commencing a battle, and the battle odds were greater than .8 but less than 1.5, he gains a point of IndecisiveAttacker. If the odds were greater than 3, he gains 3 points with 50% probability. If an army withdraws from a battle in which they were the attacker, all family members gain a point of IndecisiveAttacker. --- Smart (Intelligent 1)- +1 Command, +2% Trade Income, +2% Tax Income, gained after 1 point of Smart Intelligent (Intelligent 2)- +2 Command, +5% Trade Income, +5% Tax Income, upgrade after 2 points of Smart Genius (Intelligent 3)- +3 Command, +10% Trade Income, +10% Tax Income, upgrade after 4 points of Smart A general offered for adoption, lesser adoption or marriage gains a point of Intelligent with 8% probability. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Intelligent with 4% probability. If the faction has an alchemist's lab, they gain a point with 2% probability. If it has an alchemy school, with 5% probability. If it has a university, with 10% probability. Library, 5%. Academy, 10%. When a governor completes an alchemist's lab or better, or library or better, and has less than two levels of Intelligent, he gains a point with 33% probability. When a governor completes a university, he gains a point with 33% probability. At the end of any turn, a general with 100% movement points in a settlement with an alchemist's lab or better gains a point of Intelligent with 10% probability. --- Looter (Despoiler 1)- +10% Gains from Looting, gained after 3 points of Despoiler Pillager (Despoiler 2)- +20% Gains from Looting, upgrade after 6 points of Despoiler Sacker of Cities (Despoiler 3)- +30% Gains from Looting, upgrade after 9 points of Despoiler A faction leader who orders a sabotage mission gains a point of Despoiler. A governor who destroys a building while the treasury is greater than 10000 gains a point of Despoiler with 10% probability. A general who sacks a settlement gains a point of Despoiler with 20% probability. A general who devastates a tile gains a point with 4% probability. --- Brutal Conqueror (Genocide 1)- +1 Dread, +10% Gains from Looting, gained after 3 points of Genocide Exterminator (Genocide 2)- +2 Dread, 20% Gains from Looting, upgrade after 6 points of Genocide Butcher (Genocide 3)- +3 Dread, +30% Gains from Looting, epithet "the Butcher", upgrade after 9 points of Genocide A general who exterminates the population of a conquered city gains a point of Genocide. --- Talent for Command (NaturalMilitarySkill 1)- +1 Command, gained after 1 point of NaturalMilitarySkill Natural Commander (NaturalMilitarySkill 2)- +2 Command, upgrade after 2 points of NaturalMilitarySkill Born to Command (NaturalMilitarySkill 3)- +3 Command, upgrade after 3 points of NaturalMilitarySkill Born Conqueror (NaturalMilitarySkill 4)- +4 Command, upgrade after 4 points of NaturalMilitarySkill A general offered for adoption, lesser adoption or marriage gains a point of NaturalMilitarySkill with 8% probability. On coming of age, a character gains a point of NaturalMilitarySkill with 75% probability. If a character's father has one or more levels of NaturalMilitarySkill, he gains a point with 30% probability. Then, if he has one or more levels of NaturalMilitarySkill, he gains a point with 50% probability. If he has two or more levels, another point with 50% probability. If he has three or more, a point with 50% probability. --- Faction Leader (Factionleader 1)- +1 Command, +2 Authority, +3 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of FactionLeader Factionleader has Factionheir as an antitrait. A faction leader gains a point of Factionleader when they become faction leader. Duh. --- Heir Apparent (Factionheir 1)- +1 Command, +1 Authority, +2 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of Factionheir Factionheir has Exheir as an antitrait. A general gains a point of Factionheir when... well, you know. --- Former Successor (Exheir 1)- -3 Loyalty, gained after 1 point of Exheir Exheir has Factionheir as an antitrait. A general gains two points of Exheir (one to cancel faction heir, one to give them exheir 1) when they lose their inheritance right. They also gain a point of Exheir when they become faction leader, to lose the faction heir attribute then. --- Night Fighter (NightBattleCapable 1)- +1 Command when fighting at night, gained after 1 point of NightBattleCapable NightBattleCapable has Noctophobia as an antitrait. A general offered for adoption, lesser adoption, marriage, or on coming of age gains a point of NightBattleCapable with 10% probability. At the start of any turn, a general who has five or more command stars and no levels of NightBattleCapable gains six points of it. Any general who has one or more command stars and no levels of NightBattleCapable who wins a night battle gains six points of NightBattleCapable. --- Loyalty Starting Value (LoyaltyStarter 1)- +5 Loyalty, hidden trait; gained after 1 point of LoyaltyStarter All generals gain a point of LoyaltyStarter on creation. --- Conforming (ForcedReligious 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of ForcedReligious Reverant (ForcedReligious 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 3 points of ForcedReligious Godfearing (ForcedReligious 3)- +3 Piety, -1 Troop Morale, epithet "the Godfearer", upgrade after 5 points of ForcedReligious When a character is damaged by a disaster, the game takes a random percentage die. If it is greater than 96, the general gains a point of ForcedReligious with 10% probability. When a character suffers a denouncement attempt, he gains a point of ForcedReligious. --- Crusader (CrusaderHistory 1)- +1 Chivalry, +1 Piety, +1 Command when fighting Islamic factions, gained after 3 points of CrusaderHistory Great Crusader (CrusaderHistory 2)- +2 Chivalry, +2 Piety, +2 Command when fighting Islamic factions, upgrade after 6 points of CrusaderHistory Grand Crusader (CrusaderHistory 3)- +3 Chivalry, +3 Piety, +3 Command when fighting Islamic factions, epithet "the Crusader", upgrade after 9 points of CrusaderHistory A general who joins a crusade who has less than one level of CrusaderHistory gains 2 points. A general on crusade who arrives in the target region gains 2 points. A general who assaults the crusade target gains 2 points. A general who takes the crusade target gains 3 points. A general who abandons a crusade loses 3 points. A general who withdraws before a battle on the crusade target loses 2 points. --- Holy Soldier (JihadHistory 1)- +1 Chivalry, +1 Piety, +1 Command when fighting Catholic factions, gained after 3 points of JihadHistory Holy Defender (JihadHistory 2)- +2 Chivalry, +2 Piety, +2 Command when fighting Catholic factions, upgrade after 6 points of JihadHistory Holy Warrior (JihadHistory 3)- +3 Chivalry, +3 Piety, +3 Command when fighting Catholic factions, epithet "the Holy Warrior", upgrade after 9 points of JihadHistory A general who joins a jihad who has less than one level of JihadHistory gains 2 points. A general on jihad who arrives in the target region gains 2 points. A general who assaults the jihad target gains 2 points. A general who takes the jihad target gains 3 points. A general who abandons a jihad loses 3 points. A general who withdraws before a battle on the jihad target loses 2 points. --- Respected by Pope (AdoredByPope 1)- +1 Piety, +1 Command when fighting Islamic factions, gained after 1 point of AdoredByPope Adored by Pope (AdoredByPope 2)- +2 Piety, +2 Command when fighting Islamic factions, upgrade after 2 points of AdoredByPope Exhalted by Pope (AdoredByPope 3)- +3 piety, +3 Command when fighting Islamic factions, epithet "the Adored", upgrade after 3 points of AdoredByPope They misspelled "Exalted", not me. A faction leader gains a point of AdoredByPope when he returns the papal settlement specified on a mission (Rome). He also gains a point with 5% probability, another with 5% probability, and another with 5% probability if he completes a papal mission with a "major reward, minimum penalty"- i.e. a reward of 2000 florins and a penalty of a small papal standing penalty. --- Pope's Enforcer (PopesEnforcer 1)- +1 Dread, +1 Command when fighting Islamic factions, gained after 1 point of PopesEnforcer Pope's Executioner (PopesEnforcer 2)- +2 Dread, +2 Command when fighting Islamic factions, epithet "the Executioner", upgrade after 3 points of PopesEnforcer A faction leader gains a point of PopesEnforcer when he, on a mission from the pope, assassinates a cardinal. --- Winning First (BattleDread 1)- +1 Dread, gained after 1 point of BattleDread Cruel and Cunning (BattleDread 2)- +2 Dread, upgrade after 3 points of BattleDread Merciless Mauler (BattleDread 3)- +3 Dread, upgrade after 6 points of BattleDread Field Tyrant (BattleDread 4)- +4 Dread, +1 Authority, epithet "the Mauler", upgrade after 10 points of BattleDread Warlord of Terror (BattleDread 5)- +5 Dread, +2 Authority, epithet "the Lord of Terror", upgrade after 15 points of BattleDread Here comes complicated triggers. The way BattleChivalry and BattleDread work is that they are not antitraits, but instead, are handled by having each trigger for one check to make sure there are no points of the other. This means that sometimes the game favors one or the other, depending on which conditions it checks first. A general offered for adoption or lesser adoption gains a point of BattleDread with 50% probability if he does not have any levels of BattleChivalry. Note that this is called after the trigger to gain BattleChivalry on adoption, so it is more likely that he gets BattleChivalry than BattleDread on adoption. If he gains this point, he gains 2 more points with 33% probability. If a general with no levels of BattleChivalry kills eight or more enemies in a battle, he gains a point of BattleDread with 50% probability. If a general loses a battle in which the general did not kill any of the enemy, and the total number of enemy killed is less than 10%, he loses a point of BattleDread. If a general routs in battle and kills less than 8 enemies, and the total number of enemy killed is less than 33%, he loses 2 points of BattleDread. If a general routs in a battle with odds greater than .75, kills less than 8 enemies, and his army kills less than or equal to 66% but greater than or equal to 33% of the enemy, he loses a point of BattleDread. If a general with no levels of BattleChivalry attacks an enemy and kills more than 50% of them in a battle with odds greater than 1.5 he gains a point of BattleDread. If a general with no levels in BattleChivalry wins a normal battle in which he hit at least one enemy, the battle success was crushing or greater, the odds less than .95, and he killed more than 70% of the enemy, he gains 2 points of BattleDread. If a general with no levels in BattleChivalry wins a battle with a success rating of average or greater, the odds were less than .95, he did not fight in the combat, and killed less than 20% of the enemy, he loses a point of BattleDread. --- Fair Fighter (BattleChivalry 1)- +1 Chivalry, gained after 1 point of BattleChivalry Noble in Battle (BattleChivalry 2)- +2 Chivalry, upgrade after 3 points of BattleChivalry Bastion of Chivalry (BattleChivalry 3)- +3 Chivalry, upgrade after 6 points of BattleChivalry Champion of Honor (BattleChivalry 4)- +4 Chivalry, +1 Authority, epithet "the Chivalrous", upgrade after 10 points of BattleChivalry Saint of Battle (BattleChivalry 5)- +5 Chivalry, +2 Authority, epithet "the Champion", upgrade after 15 points of BattleChivalry The way BattleChivalry and BattleDread work is that they are not antitraits, but instead, are handled by having each trigger for one check to make sure there are no points of the other. This means that sometimes the game favors one or the other, depending on which conditions it checks first. A general offered for adoption, lesser adoption or marriage gains a point of BattleChivalry with 50% probability. If a general offered for adoption or lesser adoption gains this point, he gains two more points with 33% probability. Note that these options come before the triggers for gaining BattleDread on adoption or marriage, so it is far more likely a general will start with BattleChivalry. If a general with no levels of BattleDread kills eight or more enemies in a battle, he gains a point of BattleChivalry. Note that this trigger comes -after- the similar trigger for BattleDread, so it is far more likely a combative general will gain points of BattleDread unless you somehow acquire BattleChivalry otherwise. If a general loses a battle in which the general did not kill any of the enemy, and the total number of enemy killed is less than 10%, he loses a point of BattleChivalry. If a general routs in battle and kills less than 8 enemies, and the total number of enemy killed is less than 33%, he loses 2 points of BattleChivalry. If a general routs in a battle with odds greater than .75, kills less than 8 enemies, and his army kills less than or equal to 66% but greater than or equal to 33% of the enemy, he loses a point of BattleChivalry. If a general wins a battle with odds less than .8 in which he was not the attacker, he has no levels of BattleDread and he personally fought in combat, he gains a point of BattleChivalry. If a general wins any battle with odds less than or equal to .5, he personally fought in combat, and he does not have any levels in BattleDread, he gains a point of BattleChivalry with 66% probability. If a Catholic or Orthodox general with no levels of BattleDread attacks an Islamic general, he gains a point of BattleChivalry with 33% probability. If an Islamic general with no levels of BattleDread attacks a Catholic general, he gains a point of BattleChivalry with 66% probability. If a general with no levels of BattleDread wins a battle with success rating of average or better, kills less than 20% of the enemy, and the battle odds were less than .95, he gains a point of BattleChivalry with 33% probability. --- Mean Leader (StrategyDread 1)- +1 Dread, gained after 1 point of StrategyDread Cruel Leader (StrategyDread 2)- +2 Dread, upgrade after 2 points of StrategyDread Merciless Leader (StrategyDread 3)- +3 Dread, +1 Authority, upgrade after 4 points of StrategyDread Malevolent Leader (StrategyDread 4)- +4 Dread, +2 Authority, epithet "the Malevolent", upgrade after 8 points of StrategyDread Tyranical Leader (StrategyDread 5)- +5 Dread, +3 Authority, epithet "the Tyrant", upgrade after 16 points of StrategyDread Again, they misspelled "Tyrannical", not me. StrategyDread has StrategyChivalry as an antitrait. A faction leader gains a point of StrategyDread with 5% probability when they order a successful spying mission, with 50% probability when they order a successful assassin mission, with 25% probability when they order a failed assassination mission or a bribery. A general who has no levels of StrategyChivalry who accepts a bribe gains 4 points of StrategyDread. A general gains a point of StrategyDread when he exterminates the population. A governor who creates an assassin gains a point of StrategyDread. A governor who creates a spy gains a point with 33% probability. At the end of any turn, a governor who is in a settlement for more than three turns, a tax level of extortionate, and a loyalty less than happy with a treasury greater than 10000 gains a point of StrategyDread with 33% probability. At the end of any turn, if the treasury is over 50000, any general with no levels of StrategyChivalry gain a point of StrategyDread with 33% probability. --- Fair in Rule (StrategyChivalry 1)- +1 Chivalry, gained after 1 point of StrategyChivalry Noble in Rule (StrategyChivalry 2)- +2 Chivalry, upgrade after 2 points of StrategyChivalry Chivalrous in Rule (StrategyChivalry 3)- +3 Chivalry, +1 Authority, upgrade after 4 points of StrategyChivalry Honorable Ruler (StrategyChivalry 4)- +4 Chivalry, +2 Authority, epithet "the Honourable", upgrade after 8 points of StrategyChivalry Saintly Ruler (StrategyChivalry 5)- +5 Chivalry, +3 Authority, epithet "the Saint", upgrade after 16 points of StrategyChivalry StrategyChivalry has StrategyDread as an antitrait. A general with one or more levels of StrategyChivalry who refuses a bribe gains a point. A governor gains a point of StrategyChivalry when he builds a small church or better, small masjid or better, small chapel or better, or jousting lists or better. A general who occupies a settlement gains a point of StrategyChivalry. A general with less than one level of CrusaderHistory or JihadHistory who joins a crusade or jihad gains a point of StrategyChivalry. If a general takes a crusade target (but not a jihad target), he gains 2 points of StrategyChivalry. If a general abandons a crusade or jihad, they lose 2 points of StrategyChivalry. At the end of any turn, a governor who has been in a settlement more than 3 turns with a tax level of low and a loyalty of happy gains a point of StrategyChivalry with 25% probability. If the treasury is less than 0 and the loyalty is greater than disillusioned, he gains a point with 33% probability. --- Respects the Enemy (CaptorChivalry 1)- +1 Chivalry, gained after 1 point of CaptorChivalry Compassionate Victor (CaptorChivalry 2)- +2 Chivalry, upgrade after 2 points of CaptorChivalry Quite Merciful (CaptorChivalry 3)- +3 Chivalry, upgrade after 3 points of CaptorChivalry Merciful Champion (CaptorChivalry 4)- +4 Chivalry, epithet "the Merciful", upgrade after 4 points of CaptorChivalry CaptorChivalry has CaptorDread as an antitrait. A general gains a point of CaptorChivalry when he releases more than 80 soldiers captured in battle. --- Disrespects Prisoners (CaptorDread 1)- +1 Dread, gained after 1 point of CaptorDread Lacks Compassion (CaptorDread 2)- +2 Dread, upgrade after 2 points of CaptorDread Quite Merciless (CaptorDread 3)- +3 Dread, upgrade after 3 points of CaptorDread Merciless Conqueror (CaptorDread 4)- +4 Dread, epithet "the Merciless", upgrade after 4 points of CaptorDread CaptorDread has CaptorChivalry as an antitrait. A general gains a point of CaptorDread when he executes more than 80 soldiers captured in battle. --- Noble Commander (RansomChivalry 1)- +1 Chivalry, gained after 1 point of RansomChivalry Honourable Commander (RansomChivalry 2)- +2 Chivalry, +1 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of RansomChivalry Caring Commander (RansomChivalry 3)- +3 Chivalry, +2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of RansomChivalry Merciful Commander (RansomChivalry 4)- +4 Chivalry, +3 Troop Morale, epithet "the Merciful", upgrade after 4 points of RansomChivalry RansomChivalry has RansomDread as an antitrait. A general gains a point of RansomChivalry whenever he pays a ransom greater than 1000 for more than 80 soldiers. --- Grim Commander (RansomDread 1)- +1 Dread, gained after 1 point of RansomDread Cold Commander (RansomDread 2)- +2 Dread, -1 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of RansomDread Harsh Commander (RansomDread 3)- +3 Dread, -2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of RansomDread Merciless Commander (RansomDread 4)- +4 Dread, -3 Troop Morale, epithet "the Merciless", upgrade after 4 points of RansomDread RansomDread has RansomChivalry as an antitrait. A general gains a point of RansomDread when he does not pay a ransom of less than 5000 for more than 80 soldiers. --- Hexxed (Cursed 1)- -1 Command, -1 Troop Morale, gained after 1 point of Cursed Cursed (Cursed 2)- -2 Command, -2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of Cursed Blighted (Cursed 3)- -1 Piety, -3 Command, -1 Authority, -3 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of Cursed Damned (Cursed 4)- -3 Piety, -4 COmmand, -2 Authority, -4 Troop Morale, upgrade after 4 points of Cursed A general gains a point of Cursed with 50% probability if he begins his turn next to a witch who has a magic rating of four or greater. --- Warts (StrickenSilly 1)- -1 Command, -1 Troop Morale, gained after 1 point of StrickenSilly Flatulant (StrickenSilly 2)- -2 Command, -1 Authority, -2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of StrickenSilly Boil-ridden (StrickenSilly 3)- -1 Piety, -3 Command, -2 Authority, -3 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of StrickenSilly Flatulent. A general gains a point of StrickenSilly with 33% probability if he begins his turn next to a witch with a magic rating of greater than 0 but less than 4, with 15% probability if she has a magic rating greater than or equal to 4 but less than 7, with 5% probability if she has a magic rating of seven or greater. --- Wracking Cough (StrickenSerious 1)- -1 Command, -1 Troop Morale, gained after 1 point of StrickenSerious Evil Illness (StrickenSerious 2)- -2 Command, -2 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of StrickenSerious Stricken Down (StrickenSerious 3)- -1 Piety, -3 Command, -1 Authority, -3 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of StrickenSerious A general gains a point of StrickenSerious with 33% probability if he begins his turn next to a witch of 7 or higher magic rating. StrickenSerious is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of StrickenSerious gains a point with 4% probability. --- Quite Objective (Objective 1)- hidden trait; gained after 1 point of Objective No clue what this does, but it doesn't have a trigger. Objective has Subjective as an antitrait. --- Quite Subjective (Subjective 1)- hidden trait; gained after 1 point of Subjective Ditto Subjective has Objective as an antitrait. --- Sociable (Gregarious 1)- +1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of Gregarious Gregarious (Gregarious 2)- +1 Troop Morale, +2 Popularity, upgrade after 2 points of Gregarious Everyone's Friend (Gregarious 3)- +2 Troop Morale, +3 Popularity, upgrade after 4 points of Gregarious Gregarious has Introvert as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Gregarious with 20% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Gregarious gains a point with 25% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Introvert gains a point of Gregarious with 10% probability. Gregarious is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Gregarious gains a point with 4% probability. At the end of any turn, a general who ends his turn with 100% movement points outside of a settlement gains a point of Gregarious with 3% probability. --- Aloof (Introvert 1)- -1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of Introvert Introverted (Introvert 2)- -1 Troop Morale, -2 Popularity, upgrade after 2 points of Introvert Totally Closed (Introvert 3)- -2 Troop Morale, -3 Popularity, upgrade after 3 points of Introvert Introvert has Gregarious as an antitrait. On coming of age, a general gains a point of Introvert with 15% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Gregarious gains a point of Introvert with 10% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Introvert gains a point with 25% probability. A general gains a point of Introvert with 25% probability when he suffers an assassination attempt. Introvert is self-perpetuating. At the end of any turn, a general who has one or more levels of Introvert gains a point with 4% probability. --- Rebelled (ExRebel 1)- -1 Loyalty, gained after 1 point of ExRebel Rebelious (ExRebel 2)- -2 Loyalty, upgrade after 2 points of ExRebel Turncoat (ExRebel 3)- -3 Loyalty, epithet "the Turncoat", upgrade after 3 points of ExRebel Rebellious. ExRebel has Gregarious as an antitrait. A general gains a point of ExRebel when he accepts a bribe. --- Feels Appreciated (ContentGeneral 1)- +1 Loyalty, gained after 1 point of ContentGeneral Feels Respected (ContentGeneral 2)- +3 Loyalty, upgrade after 4 points of ContentGeneral Feels Honoured (ContentGeneral 3)- +5 Loyalty, upgrade after 8 points of ContentGeneral ContentGeneral has DiscontentGeneral as an antitrait. A general gains a point of ContentGeneral if he wins a normal battle with odds greater than or equal to 1.5. At the end of any turn, a general with command less than 6 who ends his turn in a settlement with a large stone wall or better or forgress or better gains a point of ContentGeneral with 10% probability. If a general has 3 or more chivalry at the end of the turn, and the faction leader also has 3 or more chivalry, he gains a point of ContentGeneral with 10% probability. --- Feels Unappreciated (DiscontentGeneral 1)- -1 Loyalty, gained after 1 point of DiscontentGeneral Feels Disrespected (DiscontentGeneral 2)- -3 Loyalty, upgrade after 4 points of DiscontentGeneral Feels Dishonoured (DiscontentGeneral 3)- -5 Loyalty, upgrade after 8 points of DiscontentGeneral DiscontentGeneral has ContentGeneral as an antitrait. A general gains a point of DiscontentGeneral if he loses a normal battle with a success rating of average or better with odds less than .5. If a general with chivalry of 4 or greater executes more than 80 soldiers after a battle or exterminates a captured population, he gains a point of DiscontentGeneral with 50% probability. If a general who is not the faction heir has a brother adopted, he gains a point of DiscontentGeneral with 50% probability. At the end of any turn, a general who is not the faction leader and whose piety is greater than 5 gains a point of DiscontentGeneral with 20% probability if his faction is excommunicated. A general with greater than 4 command who ends his turn in a settlement a distance greater than 50 from the capital that does not have a stone wall or better or castle or better gains a point of DiscontentGeneral with 10% probability. If a general has 3 or more chivalry at the end of the turn, and the faction leader has 3 or more dread, the general gains a point of DiscontentGeneral with 10% probability. --- Eastern Warlord (EasternWarlord 1)- +1 Dread, +2 Command, gained after 1 point of EasternWarlord Mighty Warlord (EasternWarlord 2)- +2 Dread, +4 Command, upgrade after 2 points of EasternWarlord Khan's Conqueror (EasternWarlord 3)- +3 Dread, +6 Command, upgrade after 3 points of EasternWarlord A Mongol or Timurid general gains a point of EasternWarlord on creation. If they gain this point, they gain another point with 50% probability. If they gain that point, they gain another point with 33% probability. --- Mighty Eagle (JaguarWarlord 1)- +1 Dread, +2 Command, gained after 1 point of JaguarWarlord Mighty Jaguar (JaguarWarlord 2)- +2 Dread, +4 Command, upgrade after 2 points of JaguarWarlord Grand Jaguar (JaguarWarlord 3)- +3 Dread, +6 Command, upgrade after 3 points of JaguarWarlord An Aztec general gains a point of JaguarWarlord on creation. If they gain this point, they gain another point with 50% probability. If they gain that point, they gain another point with 33% probability. --- Wife is Fair (WifeIsCharming 1)- +1 Fertility, gained after 1 point of WifeIsCharming Wife is Charming (WifeIsCharming 2)- +1 Popularity, +1 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of WifeIsCharming Wife is Lovely (WifeIsCharming 3)- +2 Popularity, +2 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of WifeIsCharming WifeIsCharming has WifeIsHorrid as an antitrait. A general gains one point of WifeIsCharming if he marries a princess with charm greater than 4. He gains another if it is greater than 6. He gains another if it is greater than 8. --- Wife lacks Charm (WifeIsHorrid 1)- -1 Fertility, gained after 1 point of WifeIsHorrid Wife is Undesirable (WifeIsHorrid 2)- -1 Popularity, -1 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of WifeIsHorrid Wife is a Wretch (WifeIsHorrid 3)- -2 Popularity, -2 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of WifeIsHorrid WifeIsHorrid has WifeIsCharming as an antitrait. A general gains one point of WifeIsHorrid if he marries a princess with charm less than 3. He gains another if it is less than 2, and another if less than 1. --- Wife is Fertile (WifeIsFertile 1)- +1 Fertility, gained after 1 point of WifeIsFertile Wife is Very Fertile (WifeIsFertile 2)- +2 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of WifeIsFertile Wife is Ripe (WifeIsFertile 3)- +3 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of WifeIsFertile WifeIsFertile has WifeIsBarren as an antitrait. A general gains one point of WifeIsFertile if he marries a princess with fertility greater than 1. He gains another point if it is greater than 2, and another if greater than 3. --- Wife is Barren (WifeIsBarren 1)- -1 Fertility, gained after 1 point of WifeIsBarren Wife is Infertile (WifeIsBarren 2)- -2 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of WifeIsBarren Wife is Cursed (WifeIsBarren 3)- -3 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of WifeIsBarren WifeIsBarren has WifeIsFertile as an antitrait. A general gains one point of WifeIsBarren if he marries a princess with fertility less than 0. He gains another if it is less than -1, and another if less than -2. --- Wife is Useful (WifeIsWise 1)- +5% Trade Income, +5% Tax Income, gained after 1 point of WifeisWise Wife is Smart (WifeIsWise 2)- +10% Trade Income, +10% Tax Income, upgrade after 2 points of WifeisWise Wife is Wise (WifeIsWise 3)- +15% Trade Income, +15% Tax Income, upgrade after 3 points of WifeisWise A general gains one point of WifeIsWise if he marries a princess with one or more levels of EducatedWoman. He gains another if she has two or more levels, and another point if she has three levels. --- Wife is Admirable (WifeIsNoble 1)- +1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of WifeIsNoble Wife is Noble (WifeIsNoble 2)- +2 Popularity, upgrade after 3 points of WifeIsNoble Wife is Revered (WifeIsNoble 3)- +1 Pulic Security, +3 Popularity, upgrade after 5 points of WifeIsNoble WifeIsNoble has WifeIsBitch as an antitrait. A general gains one point of WifeIsNoble if he marries a princess with one or more levels of FairWoman. He gains another if she has two or more levels, and another point if she has three levels. --- Wife is Unpleasant (WifeIsBitch 1)- -1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of WifeIsBitch Wife is Nasty (WifeIsBitch 2)- -2 Popularity, upgrade after 3 points of WifeIsBitch Wife is Deplorable (WifeIsBitch 3)- -1 Public Security, -3 Popularity, upgrade after 5 points of WifeIsBitch WifeIsBitch has WifeIsNoble as an antitrait. A general gains one point of WifeIsBitch if he marries a princess with one or more levels of PretentiousWoman. He gains another if she has two or more levels. He also gains a point if he marries a princess with one or more levels of HarshWoman. He gains another if she has two or more levels, and another point if she has three levels. --- Conqueror (FactionKiller 1)- +1 Authority, gained after 1 point of FactionKiller Great Conqueror (FactionKiller 2)- +2 Authority, epithet "the Conqueror", upgrade after 2 points of FactionKiller Legendary Conqueror (FactionKiller 3)- +3 Authority, epithet "the Great", upgrade after 3 points of FactionKiller All Conquering (FactionKiller 4)- +4 Authority, epithet "the Invincible", upgrade after 4 points of FactionKiller A faction leader gains a point of FactionKiller when he destroys a faction. --- Politically Wise (GoodDiplomacy 1)- +1 Authority, gained after 2 points of GoodDiplomacy Politically Strong (GoodDiplomacy 2)- +2 Authority, upgrade after 4 points of GoodDiplomacy Politically Powerful (GoodDiplomacy 3)- +3 Authority, upgrade after 8 points of GoodDiplomacy First Among Firsts (GoodDiplomacy 4)- +4 Authority, upgrade after 16 points of GoodDiplomacy They seem to have forgotten to put in triggers for this. --- Politically Poor (BadDiplomacy 1)- -1 Authority, gained after 2 points of BadDiplomacy Politically Weak (BadDiplomacy 2)- -2 Authority, upgrade after 4 points of BadDiplomacy Politically Powerless (BadDiplomacy 3)- -3 Authority, upgrade after 8 points of BadDiplomacy They seem to have forgotten to put in triggers for this. --- Proud Legacy (FathersLegacy 1)- +1 Authority, gained after 1 point of FathersLegacy Strong Legacy (FathersLegacy 2)- +2 Authority, upgrade after 2 points of FathersLegacy Mighty Legacy (FathersLegacy 3)- +3 Authority, upgrade after 3 points of FathersLegacy On coming of age, a general gains a point of FathersLegacy if his father has one or more points of FactionKiller. He gains another point if his father has two or more levels, and another if his father has three or more levels. --- Chivalrous Father (ChivalryLegacy 1)- +1 Chivalry, gained after 1 point of ChivalryLegacy Legacy of Chivalry (ChivalryLegacy 2)- +2 Chivalry, upgrade after 2 points of ChivalryLegacy On coming of age, a general gains a point of ChivalryLegacy if his father has four or more ranks of chivalry. He gains another point if his father has seven or more levels. --- Dreaded Father (DreadLegacy 1)- +1 Dread, gained after 1 point of DreadLegacy Legacy of Dread (DreadLegacy 2)- +2 Dread, upgrade after 2 points of DreadLegacy On coming of age, a general gains a point of DreadLegacy if his father has four or more ranks of dread. He gains another point if his father has seven or more ranks. --- Tourney Entrant (TourneyKnight 1)- +1 Chivalry, gained after 1 point of TourneyKnight Fair Jouster (TourneyKnight 2)- +1 Chivalry, +1 Command when commanding cavalry, upgrade after 3 points of TourneyKnight Good Jouster (TourneyKnight 3)- +2 Chivalry, +1 Command when commanding cavalry, upgrade after 6 points of TourneyKnight Knight of Renown (TourneyKnight 4)- +2 Chivalry, +1 Authority, +2 Command when commanding cavalry, upgrade after 12 points of TourneyKnight Tourney Champion (TourneyKnight 5)- +3 Chivalry, +2 Authority, +3 Command when commanding cavalry, upgrade after 18 points of TourneyKnight On coming of age, a general whose father has one or more levels of TourneyKnight gains a point with 20% probability. At the end of any turn, a general who has 100% of his movement points and is in a settlement with a jousting lists or better gains a point of TourneyKnight with 10% probability. --- Good Racer (HorseRacer 1)- +5% Movement Points, gained after 1 point of HorseRacer Great Racer (HorseRacer 2)- +5% Movement Points, +1 Command when commanding cavalry, upgrade after 2 points of HorseRacer Famous Racer (HorseRacer 3)- +1 Authority, +10% Movement Points, +1 Command when commanding cavalry, upgrade after 3 points of HorseRacer At the end of any turn, a general who has 100% of his movement points and is in a settlement with a racing track or better gains a point of HorseRacer with 10% probability. --- Academy Trained (AcademyTrained 1)- +1 Command, gained after 1 point of AcademyTrained Officer Training (AcademyTrained 2)- +2 Command, upgrade after 2 points of AcademyTrained At the end of any turn, a general who has 100% of his movement points and is in a settlement with a military academy or better gains a point of AcademyTrained with 10% probability. --- Religious (ReligiousActivity 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of ReligiousActivity Dutifully Religious (ReligiousActivity 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of ReligiousActivity Religiously Active (ReligiousActivity 3)- +1 Chivalry, +3 Piety, upgrade after 8 points of ReligiousActivity Devoutly Religious (ReligiousActivity 4)- +2 Chivalry, +4 Piety, upgrade after 12 points of ReligiousActivity ReligiousActivity has ReligiousInactivity as an antitrait. A general offered for adoption, lesser adoption or marriage gains a point of ReligiousActivity with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he gains another 3 points with 33% probability. If he gains those three, he gains another 4 points with 33% probability. A governor gains a point of ReligiousActivity when he creates a priest or finishes a small church or better, small chapel or better, or small masjid or better. --- Neglects Religion (ReligiousInactivity 1)- -1 Piety, gained after 2 points of ReligiousInactivity Religiously Ignorant (ReligiousInactivity 2)- -2 Piety, upgrade after 5 points of ReligiousInactivity ReligiousInactivity has ReligiousActivity as an antitrait. A general offered for adoption, lesser adoption or marriage who does not gain the initial point of ReligiousActivity gains a point of ReligiousInactivity with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he gains another point with 10% probability. Note that this means a general cannot attain level 2 of ReligiousInactivity, and he only has a 2.5% chance to start out at level 1. --- Royal Ties (MarriedAPrincess 1)- +3 Loyalty A general gains a point of MarriedAPrincess after boinking a princess. --- Unlucky Leader (GloriousFool 1)- -1 Command, +2 Troop Morale, gained after 1 point of GloriousFool Glory Hunter (GloriousFool 2)- -2 Command, +4 Troop Morale, upgrade after 2 points of GloriousFool Glorious Fool (GloriousFool 3)- -3 Command, +6 Troop Morale, upgrade after 3 points of GloriousFool GloriousFool has GoodAttacker, GoodDefender, GoodRiskyAttacker, and GoodRiskyDefender as antitraits. GloriousFool sadly has no triggers to increase it naturally, which is a shame because it looks like it would be horribly amusing. --- Beyond Battle (TooOldToFight 1)- gained after 1 point of TooOldToFight TooOldToFight does not seem to have any triggers for it, either- I've had generals fight into their 70s. --- Somewhat Senile (Senile 1)- -2 Command, -1 Authority, gained after 1 point of Senile Senile (Senile 2)- -4 Command, -2 Authority, upgrade after 2 points of Senile Totally Senile (Senile 3)- -6 Command, -3 Authority, upgrade after 3 points of Senile Senile does not seem to have any triggers for it. --- General Religion (ReligionStarter 1)- +3 Piety, hidden trait; gained after 1 point of ReligionStarter A general gains one point of ReligionStarter on creation. --- Cultured (Cultured 1)- +1 Popularity, gained after 1 point of Cultured Very Cultured (Cultured 2)- +1 Authority, +2 Popularity, upgrade after 2 points of Cultured On coming of age, a general gains a point of Cultured with 5% probability. A general whose father has one or more levels of Cultured gains a point of Cultured with 20% probability. An Islamic general gains a point with 5% probability. A governor gains a point of Cultured when he finishes an artist's studio or better or theatre or better. At the end of any turn, a general with 100% of his movement points gains a point of Cultured with 3% probability if the settlement has an ikoner studio or better or a university; 5% probability if printing press or better or artist's studio or better; 10% probability if theatre or better. --- MarriedWithLover (HasAdultress 1)- hidden trait; gained after 1 point of HasAdultress There does not seem to be a trigger to handle this. --- Character Is Pope (IAmPope 1)- hidden trait; gained after 1 point of IAmPope A general gains a point of IAmPope when becoming faction leader of the Papal States. --- Mindful of Risks (HighPersonalSecurity 1)- +1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of HighPersonalSecurity Healthy Caution (HighPersonalSecurity 2)- +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of HighPersonalSecurity Morbidly Mortal (HighPersonalSecurity 3)- +4 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of HighPersonalSecurity HighPersonalSecurity has LaxPersonalSecurity as an antitrait, and a NoGoingBack level of 2. A general gains a point of HighPersonalSecurity with 75% probability when he suffers an assassination attempt. --- Unconcerned (LaxPersonalSecurity 1)- -1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of LaxPersonalSecurity Lacks Caution (LaxPersonalSecurity 2)- -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of LaxPersonalSecurity No Sense of Mortality (LaxPersonalSecurity 3)- -4 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of LaxPersonalSecurity LaxPersonalSecurity has HighPersonalSecurity and Paranoia as antitraits, and a NoGoingBack level of 3. At the end of any turn, a general with one or more levels of Slothful gains a point of LaxPersonalSecurity with 4% probability. A general with one or more levels of Trusting also gains a point with 4% probability. --- These two classes of trait are all fairly well the same, so I will categorize them all together. Simply replace "Faction" with (aztec, byzantium, denmark, egypt, england, france, hre, hungary, milan, mongols, moors, papal_states, poland, portugal, russia, scotland, sicily, spain, timurids, turks, venice, catholic, orthodox, islam, pagan). I completely ignore "Hatesslave/Hatesheretic" and "Fearsslave/Fearsheretic" since there are no ways to get these naturally. Dislikes... (Hatesfaction 1)- +1 Command when fighting faction, gained after 1 point of HatesFaction Hates... (Hatesfaction 2)- +2 Command when fighting faction, upgrade after 2 points of HatesFaction Loathes... (Hatesfaction 3)- +3 Command when fighting faction, upgrade after 4 points of HatesFaction For (aztec, byzantium, denmark, egypt, england, france, hre), HatesFaction 2 carries a +1 Troop Morale. For all other factions, it does not, and instead HatesFaction 3 carries a -1 Troop Morale. This seems like they changed it and then only applied it to half of the alphabet. Wary of... (Fearsfaction 1)- -1 Command when fighting faction, gained after 1 point of FearsFaction Fears... (Fearsfaction 2)- -2 Command when fighting faction, upgrade after 2 points of FearsFaction Terrified of... (Fearsfaction 3)- -3 Command when fighting faction, upgrade after 4 points of FearsFaction For all factions, FearsFaction 2 carries a -1 Troop Morale. For (aztec, byzantium, denmark, egypt, england, france, hre), FearsFaction 3 carries a -1 Troop Morale as well, whereas FearsFaction 3 for all other factions carries a -2 Troop Morale. This seems like they changed it and then only applied it to half of the alphabet. Hatesfaction has Fearsfaction as an antitrait, and FearsFaction has HatesFaction as an antitrait. On coming of age, a character whose father has one or more levels of HatesFaction or FearsFaction gains one point of HatesFaction with 25% probability. Also, with 4% probability, an English general gains a point of Hatesscotland and/or Hatesfrance, and a Scottish or French general gains a point of Hatesengland. A Polish or Milanese general gains a point of Hateshre with 10% probability. A Milanese general gains a point of Hatesvenice and a Venetian general gains a point of Hatesmilan with 33% probability. A Byzantine general gains a point of Hatesturks with 20% probability. A Portuguese general gains a point of Hatesmoors with 10% probability. A Moorish general gains a point of Hatesspain and/or Hatesportugal with 15% probability. A general who loses a normal battle with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were greater than or equal to .5 but less than 1.5 gains a point of Hatesfaction (where the faction is the one they just fought, obviously) with 40% probability. A general who loses a normal battle with a success rating of clear or better, and the odds were greater than or equal to .9 gains a point of Fearsfaction. --- Admirals (mtgiv) --- Competent Sailor (Sailor 1)- +1 Naval Command, gained after 1 point of Sailor Fine Officer (Sailor 2)- +2 Naval Command, upgrade after 2 points of Sailor Worthy Admiral (Sailor 3)- +3 Naval Command, upgrade after 4 points of Sailor Great Admiral (Sailor 4)- +4 Naval Command, upgrade after 8 points of Sailor Legendary Admiral (Sailor 5)- +5 Naval Command, epithet "the Great", upgrade after 16 points of Sailor An admiral gains a point in Sailor when he wins a battle with odds less than 2.25. --- Poor Navigator (Landlubber 1)- -1 Naval Command, gained after 1 point of Landlubber No Naval Nouse (Landlubber 2)- -2 Naval Command, upgrade after 4 points of LandLubber Total Landlubber (Landlubber 3)- -3 Naval Command, upgrade after 6 points of LandLubber An admiral gains a point in Landlubber when he loses a battle with odds greater than 1.5. --- Dangerous Captain (FamousPirate 1)- -1 Loyalty, +1 Naval Command, gained after 1 point of FamousPirate Famous Pirate (FamousPirate 2)- -2 Loyalty, +2 Naval Command, upgrade after 2 points of FamousPirate Notorious Pirate (FamousPirate 3)- -3 Loyalty, +3 Naval Command, upgrade after 3 points of FamousPirate An admiral gains a point of FamousPirate with 33% probability on creation if they are in the slave/rebel faction. If he gains this point, he gains another point with 33% probability, and if he gains this point as well, he can gain yet another point with 33% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(22.1%), 2(7.3%), 3(3.6%). --- Merchants (mtgv) --- Bean Counter (GoodMerchant 1)- +1 Finance, gained after 1 point of GoodMerchant Bold Barterer (GoodMerchant 2)- +2 Finance, upgrade after 2 points of GoodMerchant Commercial Conqueror (GoodMerchant 3)- +3 Finance, upgrade after 4 points of GoodMerchant Robber Baron (GoodMerchant 4)- +4 Finance, upgrade after 8 points of GoodMerchant GoodMerchant has BadMerchant as an antitrait. A merchant gets a point in GoodMerchant each time he successfully acquires another merchant. --- Daft Dealer (BadMerchant 1)- -1 Finance, gained after 1 point of BadMerchant Easy Target (BadMerchant 2)- -2 Finance, upgrade after 3 points of BadMerchant Open Purse (BadMerchant 3)- -3 Finance, upgrade after 6 points of BadMerchant BadMerchant has GoodMerchant as an antitrait. A merchant gains a point in BadMerchant with 33% probability each time he fails to acquire another merchant. --- Capitalist (Monopolist 1)- +1 Finance, gained after 5 points of Monopolist Market Controller (Monopolist 2)- +2 Finance, upgrade after 10 points of Monopolist Monopolist (Monopolist 3)- +3 Finance, -1 Personal Security, upgrade after 20 points of Monopolist At the end of any turn, a merchant gains one point in Monopolist if he has a trading monopoly. A trading monopoly seems to be defined (thorough experimentation seems to agree) as- your merchant is trading a resource in a region that has two or more instances of that resource, and the other instance(s) of that resource are not being traded by any other faction's merchants (though yours can). You can test this by hovering over the resource with a merchant selected, and a trade monopoly will yield about twice as many florins as trading the resource regularly. --- Slight Indulgence (ExoticTastes 1)- -1 Finance, gained after 1 point of ExoticTastes Decadent (ExoticTastes 2)- -2 Finance, upgrade after 3 points of ExoticTastes Gaudy (ExoticTastes 3)- -2 Finance, -1 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of ExoticTastes I cannot seem to find any triggers that affect this, but I swear I have seen my merchants with "Slight Indulgence" before. --- Good with Money (NaturalMerchantSkill 1)- +1 Finance, 50% chance on creation Natural Born Merchant (NaturalMerchantSkill 2)- +2 Finance, 33% chance on creation Mercantile Genius (NaturalMerchantSkill 3)- +3 Finance, 17% chance on creation A merchant gains a point of NaturalMerchantSkill on creation. Then he gains a second point with 50% probability, and if he gains that point, he gains another point with 33% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(50%), 2(33.3%), 3(16.7%) --- A Few Enemies (MerchantEnemies 1)- -1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of MerchantEnemies Several Enemies (MerchantEnemies 2)- -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of MerchanEnemies A Marked Man (MerchantEnemies 3)- -4 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of MerchantEnemies A merchant gains a point of MerchantEnemies with 25% probability on a successful acquisition. --- Legal Nouse (LegalDealer 1)- +1 Finance, gained after 1 point of LegalDealer Legal Expert (LegalDealer 2)- +2 Finance, upgrade after 2 points of LegalDealer LegalDealer has ShadyDealer as antitraits. A merchant gains a point in LegalDealer on creation with 50% probability if he is created in a settlement with a town hall or better. If he gains this point, and the settlement has a city hall or better, he gains another point with 33% probability. --- Slightly Crooked (ShadyDealer 1)- -1 Finance, gained after 1 point of ShadyDealer Shady Dealer (ShadyDealer 2)- -2 Finance, upgrade after 3 points of ShadyDealer ShadyDealer has LegalDealer and ReligiousMerchant as antitraits. A merchant gains a point in ShadyDealer on creation with 50% probability if he is created in a settlement with no town hall or better. If he gains this point, he gains two more points with 33% probability. --- Secure Assets (SecureMerchant 1)- +1 Finance, gained after 1 point of SecureMerchant Protected Assets (SecureMerchant 2)- +2 Finance, upgrade after 3 points of SecureMerchant A merchant gains a point in SecureMerchant with 50% probability if he suffers an acquisition attempt. --- Hires Guards (SecurityMerchant 1)- +1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of SecurityMerchant Employs Security (SecurityMerchant 2)- -1 Finance, +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of SecurityMerchant A merchant gains a point in SecurityMerchant with 50% probability if he suffers an assassination attempt. --- Quite Religious (ReligiousMerchant 1)- -1 Finance, gained after 1 point of ReligiousMerchant Dogmatically Religious (ReligiousMerchant 2)- -2 Finance, upgrade after 3 points of ReligiousMerchant ReligiousMerchant has ShadyDealer as an antitrait. A merchant gains a point of ReligiousMerchant on creation with 50% probability if he is created in a settlement with a cathedral or better in a region that has more than 80% of the faction's religion. If he gains this point, he gains an additional two points with 33% probability. --- Knowledge of Customs (WorldlyMerchant 1)- +1 Finance, gained after 1 point of WorldlyMerchant Graceful Traveller (WorldlyMerchant 2)- +2 Finance, upgrade after 3 points of WorldlyMerchant At the end of any turn in which a merchant has a distance to capital greater than 40 and ends his turn on a resource, a merchant gains a point of WorldlyMerchant with 20% probability. --- Loyal to Coin (ServesSelfMerchant 1)- -1 Finance, gained after 1 point of ServesSelfMerchant Self Serving (ServesSelfMerchant 2)- -2 Finance, upgrade after 3 points of ServesSelfMerchant At the end of any turn in which a merchant has a distance to capital greater than 60 and ends his turn on a resource, he gains a point of ServesSelfMerchant with 3% probability. --- Merchant's Guild Apprentice (MerchantsGuildMember 1)- +1 Finance, gained after 1 point of MerchantsGuildMember Notably, it seems the game designers forgot to include "Merchant's Guild Journeyman" as the second level of this, if they wanted the agents to be consistent. A merchant gains a point in MerchantsGuildMember on creation if the faction has a Master Merchant's Guild or better, and another point if the faction has a Grandmaster Merchant's Guild. --- Financial Training (MerchantsGuildTrained 1)- +1 Finance, gained after 1 point of MerchantsGuildTrained A merchant gains a point in MerchantsGuildTrained on creation if he is trained in a settlement with a Merchant's Guild or better. --- Mindful of Risks (HighPersonalSecurity 1)- +1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of HighPersonalSecurity Healthy Caution (HighPersonalSecurity 2)- +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of HighPersonalSecurity Morbidly Mortal (HighPersonalSecurity 3)- +4 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of HighPersonalSecurity A merchant cannot naturally gain points in HighPersonalSecurity as the trigger to increase it requires the character be a general. --- Unconcerned (LaxPersonalSecurity 1)- -1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of LaxPersonalSecurity Lacks Caution (LaxPersonalSecurity 2)- -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of LaxPersonalSecurity No Sense of Mortality (LaxPersonalSecurity 3)- -4 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of LaxPersonalSecurity A merchant cannot naturally gain points in LaxPersonalSecurity because the triggers for this require the traits of "Slothful" or "Trusting", neither of which a merchant can have. --- AgentPiety (AgentPiety 1)- +10 Piety, hidden trait; gained after 1 point of AgentPiety A merchant gains 1 point in AgentPiety on creation. --- Priests (mtgvi) For simplicity's sake, I include imams under the all-encompassing term "priests". --- Bishop (PriestLevel 1)- +1 Piety, +1 Level(?), gained after 1 point of PriestLevel Cardinal (PriestLevel 2)- +1 Piety, +2 Level(?), Heresy Immunity, upgrade after 2 points of PriestLevel A priest gets one point in PriestLevel if the creating settlement has a cathedral, whether orthodox or catholic. When a priest is promoted to cardinal, the priest gains one point in PriestLevel if he already had one point, or two points in PriestLevel if he did not have any points (in other words, PriestLevel is set to 1 for a bishop and 2 for a cardinal). --- A Bishop (Bishop)- +1 Piety, +1 Level(?), hidden skill; gained after 1 point of Bishop There is no trigger to check for this event. This seems to be a failed implementation of the Priest-to-Bishop trigger. --- PriestToCardinal (Cardinal 1)- +1 Piety, +2 Level(?), Heresy Immunity, hidden skill BishopToCardinal (Cardinal 2)- +1 Piety, +1 Level(?), Heresy Immunity, hidden skill There is no trigger to check for this event. This seems to be another failed implementation. --- Blessed (NaturalPriestSkill 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of NaturalPriestSkill Divine Connection (NaturalPriestSkill 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of NaturalPriestSkill Chosen One (NaturalPriestSkill 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 3 points of NaturalPriestSkill A priest gains one point in NaturalPriestSkill on creation. He then gains another point with 50% probability, and if he gains that point, he gains another with 20% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(50%), 2(40%), 3(10%). --- Aggressive (Warmonger 1)- +1 Violence, gained after 1 point of Warmonger Warlike (Warmonger 2)- +2 Violence, upgrade after 2 points of Warmonger Violent (Warmonger 3)- +3 Violence, epithet "the Warmonger", upgrade after 3 points of Warmonger Warmonger has Peaceful as an antitrait. A priest gains one point in Warmonger on promotion to cardinal with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he may gain another point with 50% probability, and if he gains that point, he may gain yet another point with 50% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(25%), 2(12.5%), 3(12.5%). --- Placid (Peaceful 1)- -1 Violence, gained after 1 point of Peaceful Peaceful (Peaceful 2)- -2 Violence, upgrade after 2 points of Peaceful Abhors Violence (Peaceful 3)- -3 Violence, epithet "the Peaceful", upgrade after 3 points of Peaceful Peaceful has Warmonger as an antitrait. A priest gains one point in Peaceful on promotion to cardinal with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he may gain another point with 50% probability, and if he gains that point, he may gain yet another point with 50% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(25%), 2(12.5%), 3(12.5%). --- Upstanding (Righteous 1)- +1 Purity, gained after 1 point of Righteous Righteous (Righteous 2)- +2 Purity, upgrade after 2 points of Righteous Immaculately Pure (Righteous 3)- +3 Purity, epithet "the Righteous", upgrade after 3 points of Righteous Righteous has Corrupt as an antitrait. A priest gains one point in Righteous on promotion to cardinal with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he may gain another point with 50% probability, and if he gains that point, he may gain yet another point with 50% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(25%), 2(12.5%), 3(12.5%). --- Questionable (Corrupted 1)- -1 Purity, gained after 1 point of Corrupted Very Questionable (Corrupted 2)- -2 Purity, upgrade after 2 points of Corrupted Utterly Corrupt (Corrupted 3)- -3 Purity, epithet "the Corrupt", upgrade after 3 points of Corrupted Corrupt has Righteous as an antitrait. A priest gains one point in Corrupted on promotion to cardinal with 50% probability. If he gains that point, he may gain another point with 50% probability, and if he gains that point, he may gain yet another point with 50% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(25%), 2(12.5%), 3(12.5%). --- Growing Faith (StrongFaith 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of StrongFaith Strong Faith (StrongFaith 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of StrongFaith Shining Faith (StrongFaith 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 8 points of StrongFaith Unquestionable Faith (StrongFaith 4)- +4 Piety, upgrade after 12 points of StrongFaith StrongFaith has WaveringFaith as an antitrait. At the end of any turn, a priest gains a point in StrongFaith with three triggers: One, if he has been in the region for fewer than three turns, does not have a level of StrongFaith yet, and the region's religion shifts eight or more percent to his faction's religion in that turn, he gains a point of StrongFaith. Two, if he has been in the region for fewer than five turns, has one level of StrongFaith, and the region's religion shifts ten or more percent to his faction's religion in that turn, he gains a point of StrongFaith with 50% probability. Three, if he has been in the region for fewer than five turns, has two levels of StrongFaith, and the region's religion shifts ten or more percent to his faction's religion in that turn, he gains a point of StrongFaith with 50% probability. They apparently forgot to put in a trigger that could get a priest the fourth level of StrongFaith. --- Waning Faith (WaveringFaith 1)- -1 Piety, gained after 1 point of WaveringFaith Wavering Faith (WaveringFaith 2)- -2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of WaveringFaith Damaged Faith (WaveringFaith 3)- -3 Piety, upgrade after 3 points of WaveringFaith Lost Faith (WaveringFaith 4)- -4 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of WaveringFaith WaveringFaith has StrongFaith as an antitrait. At the end of any turn, a priest gains a point in WaveringFaith with 20% probability if he has been in the region five or more turns, the region is less than 60% his faction's religion, the region is 20% or greater heretic, and the shift to his faction's religion is eight percent or less. --- Secretly Female (SecretlyFemale 1)- +1 Piety, -1 Eligibility, +1 Purity, -1 Violence, gained after 1 point of SecretlyFemale A priest gains a point in SecretlyFemale on creation with 3% probability, excluding priests created by middle-eastern cultures. --- Orthodox (Dogmatic 1)- -1 Unorthodoxy, gained after 1 point of Dogmatic Dogmatic (Dogmatic 2)- -2 Unorthodoxy, upgrade after 3 points of Dogmatic Utterly Dogmatic (Dogmatic 3)- -3 Unorthodoxy, upgrade after 6 points of Dogmatic Dogmatic has OpenMinded as an antitrait. A priest gains a point in Dogmatic with 20% probability if he ends his turn in a settlement with a cathedral or greater, or with 50% probability if he has been in the region exactly three turns, the population is more than 85% his faction's religion, and the religion shift is less than ten percent. --- Odd Habits (OpenMinded 1)- +1 Unorthodoxy, gained after 1 point of OpenMinded Open-Minded (OpenMinded 2)- +2 Unorthodoxy, upgrade after 2 points of OpenMinded Quite Unorthodox (OpenMinded 3)- +3 Unorthodoxy, epithet "the Unorthodox", upgrade after 3 points of OpenMinded OpenMinded has Dogmatic as an antitrait. A priest gains a point in OpenMinded with 33% probability any time he is adjacent to a heretic, whether at the end of his turn or the heretic's turn. In addition, a priest can gain a point in OpenMinded with 20% probability at the end of any turn in which he is in a region with 40% or less of his own religion, and has been in that region for more than two turns. --- Blessedly Lucky (DivineProtection 1)- +1 Violence, gained after 1 point of DivineProtection Divine Protection (DivineProtection 2)- +1 Piety, +1 Violence, upgrade after 3 points of DivineProtection The Chosen One (DivineProtection 3)- +2 Piety, +2 Violence, epithet "the Chosen", upgrade after 6 points of DivineProtection DivineProtection has Doomsayer as an antitrait. A priest gains a point in DivineProtection any time he executes an assassin. --- Morbid (Doomsayer 1)- +1 Unorthodoxy, -1 Violence, gained after 1 point of Doomsayer Forsaken (Doomsayer 2)- +1 Unorthodoxy, -1 Violence, upgrade after 3 points of Doomsayer Doomsayer (Doomsayer 3)- +2 Unorthodoxy, -2 Violence, epithet "the Doomsayer", upgrade after 6 points of Doomsayer Doomsayer has DivineProtection as an antitrait. A priest gains a point in Doomsayer any time he suffers an assassination attempt. --- Battler of Heresy (Purifier 1)- +1 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +1 Purity, +1 Violence, gained after 1 point of Purifier Enemy of Heresy (Purifier 2)- +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, +2 Violence, upgrade after 3 points of Purifier Purger of Heresy (Purifier 3)- +3 Piety, +2 Eligibility, +3 Purity, +2 Violence, upgrade after 6 points of Purifier A priest gains a point in Purifier with one very complicated trigger. At the end of any turn in which he is in a region that he has been in for more than four turns, with a religion shift greater than 10%, a heretic population less than 5%, and the region has had more than 5% heresy for ten or more turns, he gains a point in Purifier. --- Missionary (Missionary 1)- +1 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +1 Purity, -1 Violence, gained after 1 point of Missionary Spreader of Faith (Missionary 2)- +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, -2 Violence, upgrade after 3 points of Missionary Beacon of Faith (Missionary 3)- +3 Piety, +2 Eligibility, +3 Purity, -2 Violence, epithet "the Missionary", upgrade after 6 points of Missionary A priest gains a point in Missionary with another fairly complex trigger. At the end of any turn in which he is in a region that he has been in for more than four turns, with a religion shift greater than 10%, a population of his own religion greater than 95%, and the region has had less than 95% of his population for ten or more turns, he gains a point in Missionary. --- Servant of God (GoodDenouncer 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of GoodDenouncer Enemy of Heretics (GoodDenouncer 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of GoodDenouncer Purger of Heretics (GoodDenouncer 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of GoodDenouncer Conqueror of Heretics (GoodDenouncer 4)- +4 Piety, upgrade after 8 points of GoodDenouncer Grand Inquisitor (GoodDenouncer 5)- +5 Piety, epithet "the Inquisitor", upgrade after 16 points of GoodDenouncer GoodDenouncer has BadDenouncer as an antitrait (which is useless since the one trigger already checks for that). A priest gains a point in GoodDenouncer when he succeeds on a denouncement if he does not have one or more levels of BadDenouncer. --- Poor Prosecutor (BadDenouncer 1)- -1 Piety, gaiend after 1 point of BadDenouncer Dubious Denouncer (BadDenouncer 2)- -2 Piety, upgrade after 3 points of BadDenouncer Pathetic Prosecutor (BadDenouncer 3)- -3 Piety, upgrade after 6 points of BadDenouncer BadDenouncer has GoodDenouncer as an antitrait (which is useless for the same reasons). A priest gains a point in BadDenouncer with 33% probability when he fails a denouncement if he does not have one or more levels of GoodDenouncer. --- Theologians Guild Apprentice (TheologiansGuildMember 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of TheologiansGuildMember Theologians Guild Journeyman (TheologiansGuildMember 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of TheologiansGuildMember A priest gains a point in TheologiansGuildMember on creation if the faction has a Master Theologians Guild or better, and another point on creation if the faction has a Grandmaster Theologians Guild. --- Orthodox Instruction (TheologiansGuildTrained 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of TheologiansGuildTrained A priest gains a point in TheologiansGuildTrained if the creating settlement has a Theologians Guild or better. --- Mindful of Risks (HighPersonalSecurity 1)- +1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of HighPersonalSecurity Healthy Caution (HighPersonalSecurity 2)- +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of HighPersonalSecurity Morbidly Mortal (HighPersonalSecurity 3)- +4 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of HighPersonalSecurity A priest cannot naturally gain points in HighPersonalSecurity as the trigger to increase it requires the character be a general. --- Unconcerned (LaxPersonalSecurity 1)- -1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of LaxPersonalSecurity Lacks Caution (LaxPersonalSecurity 2)- -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of LaxPersonalSecurity No Sense of Mortality (LaxPersonalSecurity 3)- -4 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of LaxPersonalSecurity A priest cannot naturally gain points in LaxPersonalSecurity because the triggers for this require the traits of "Slothful" or "Trusting", neither of which a priest can have. --- HeresyImmunityNC (HeresyImmunityNonCatholic 1)- Immune to becoming heretic, hidden trait; gained after 1 point of HeresyImmunityNonCatholic At the end of any turn, a priest gains a point in HeresyImmunityNonCatholic if they are not Catholic (duh.), have a piety of greater than 5, and do not have a level yet in HeresyImmunityNonCatholic. --- Spies (mtgvii) --- Inconspicuous (GoodSpy 1)- +1 Subterfuge, +1 Line of Sight, gained after 1 point of GoodSpy Adept Agent (GoodSpy 2)- +2 Subterfuge, +2 Line of Sight, upgrade after 2 points of GoodSpy Spy (GoodSpy 3)- +3 Subterfuge, +3 Line of Sight, upgrade after 4 points of GoodSpy Adept Spy (GoodSpy 4)- +4 Subterfuge, +4 Line of Sight, upgrade after 8 points of GoodSpy Master Spy (GoodSpy 5)- +5 Subterfuge, +5 Line of Sight, epithet "the Clever", upgrade after 16 points of GoodSpy A spy gains one point in GoodSpy on his first successful spy mission. A spy with one or more levels in GoodSpy gains a point in GoodSpy with 75% probability on completion of a spy mission. --- Conspicuous (BadSpy 1)- -1 Subterfuge, gained after 2 points of BadSpy Poor Spy (BadSpy 2)- -2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 4 points of BadSpy Devoid of Subtlety (BadSpy 3)- -3 Subterfuge, upgrade after 6 points of BadSpy A spy gains one point in BadSpy with 35% probability on a failed spy mission. --- Quietly Observant (NaturalSpySkill 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 1 point of NaturalSpySkill Spying Talent (NaturalSpySkill 2)- +2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 2 points of NaturalSpySkill Natural Spy (NaturalSpySkill 3)- +3 Subterfuge, upgrade after 3 points of NaturalSpySkill A spy gains one point in NaturalSpySkill on creation. He then gains one more point with 33% probability, and then if he gains that point, he gains another point with 20% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(67%), 2(26.4%), 3(6.6%) --- Plotter (GoodConspirator 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 2 points of GoodConspirator Schemer (GoodConspirator 2)- +2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 4 points of GoodConspirator Grand Conspirator (GoodConspirator 3)- +3 Subterfuge, upgrade after 8 points of GoodConspirator A spy gains one point in GoodConspirator with 20% probability on creation. He also gains a point with 20% probability each time a city he is in rebels. --- Poor Plotter (BadConspirator 1)- -1 Subterfuge, gained after 2 points of GoodConspirator Silly Schemes (BadConspirator 2)- -2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 4 points of GoodConspirator Lost the Plot (BadConspirator 3)- -3 Subterfuge, upgrade after 8 points of GoodConspirator A spy cannot naturally gain points in BadConspirator since the trigger requires a sabotage mission, of which the spy is not capable. --- Thieves' Guild Apprentice (ThievesGuildMember 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 1 point of ThievesGuildMember Thieves' Guild Journeyman (ThievesGuildMember 2)- +2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 2 points of ThievesGuildMember A spy gains a point in ThievesGuildMember on creation if the faction has a Master Thieves' Guild or better, and another point if the faction has a Grandmaster Thieves' Guild. --- Trained in Espionage (ThievesGuildTrained 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 1 point of ThievesGuildTrained A spy gains a point in ThievesGuildTrained if the city of their creation has a Thieves' Guild or better. --- AgentPiety (AgentPiety 1)- +10 Piety, hidden trait; gained after 1 point of AgentPiety A spy gains a point in AgentPiety on creation. --- Mindful of Risks (HighPersonalSecurity 1)- +1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of HighPersonalSecurity Healthy Caution (HighPersonalSecurity 2)- +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of HighPersonalSecurity Morbidly Mortal (HighPersonalSecurity 3)- +4 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of HighPersonalSecurity A spy cannot naturally gain points in HighPersonalSecurity as the trigger to increase it requires the character be a general. --- Unconcerned (LaxPersonalSecurity 1)- -1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of LaxPersonalSecurity Lacks Caution (LaxPersonalSecurity 2)- -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of LaxPersonalSecurity No Sense of Mortality (LaxPersonalSecurity 3)- -4 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of LaxPersonalSecurity A spy cannot naturally gain points in LaxPersonalSecurity because the triggers for this require the traits of "Slothful" or "Trusting", neither of which a spy can have. --- Assassins/Hashashin (mtgviii) For simplicity's sake, I will refer to both groups as assassins. --- Hired Blade (GoodAssassin 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 1 point of GoodAssassin Assassin (GoodAssassin 2)- +2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 2 points of GoodAssassin Murderer (GoodAssassin 3)- +3 Subterfuge, upgrade after 4 points of GoodAssassin Adept Assassin (GoodAssassin 4)- +4 Subterfuge, epithet "the Killer", upgrade after 8 points of GoodAssassin Master Assassin (GoodAssassin 5)- +5 Subterfuge, epithet "the Killer", upgrade after 16 points of GoodAssassin GoodAssassin has BadAssassin as an antitrait. An assassin gains a point in GoodAssassin when they succeed on an assassination mission. --- Killer on Edge (BadAssassin 1)- -1 Subterfuge, gained after 2 points of BadAssassin Not an Assassin (BadAssassin 2)- -2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 4 points of BadAssassin Not a Killer (BadAssassin 3)- -3 Subterfuge, upgrade after 6 points of BadAssassin BadAssassin has GoodAssassin as an antitrait. An assassin gains a point in BadAssassin with 50% probability when they fail an assassination mission. --- Plotter (GoodConspirator 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 2 points of GoodConspirator Schemer (GoodConspirator 2)- +2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 4 points of GoodConspirator Grand Conspirator (GoodConspirator 3)- +3 Subterfuge, upgrade after 8 points of GoodConspirator GoodConspirator has BadConspirator as an antitrait. An assassin gains a point in GoodConspirator with 20% probability when they succeed on a sabotage mission. --- Poor Plotter (BadConspirator 1)- -1 Subterfuge, gained after 2 points of GoodConspirator Silly Schemes (BadConspirator 2)- -2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 4 points of GoodConspirator Lost the Plot (BadConspirator 3)- -3 Subterfuge, upgrade after 8 points of GoodConspirator BadConspirator has GoodConspirator as an antitrait. An assassin gains a point in BadConspirator with 33% probability when they fail a sabotage mission. --- Cold Killer (NaturalAssassinSkill 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 1 point of NaturalAssassinSkill Talent for Murder (NaturalAssassinSkill 2)- +2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 2 points of NaturalAssassinSkill Born to Kill (NaturalAssassinSkill 3)- +3 Subterfuge, upgrade after 3 points of NaturalAssassinSkill An assassin gains one point of NaturalAssassinSkill on creation. He then gains another point with 33% probability, and if he gains that point, he gains one more point with 33% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(67%), 2(22%), 3(11%). --- Successful Saboteur (GoodSaboteur 1)- +1 Sabotage, gained after 1 point of GoodSaboteur Expert Saboteur (GoodSaboteur 2)- +2 Sabotage, upgrade after 4 points of GoodSaboteur Master Saboteur (GoodSaboteur 3)- +3 Sabotage, upgrade after 8 points of GoodSaboteur Note: somehow, BadSaboteur is -not- an antitrait for GoodSaboteur, so you can have both. An assassin gains a point in GoodSaboteur when they succeed on a sabotage mission. --- Unsuccessful Saboteur (BadSaboteur 1)- -1 Sabotage, gained after 1 point of BadSaboteur Inept Saboteur (BadSaboteur 2)- -2 Sabotage, upgrade after 4 points of BadSaboteur An assassin gains a point in BadSaboteur with 50% probability when they fail a sabotage mission. --- Assassins' Guild Apprentice (AssassinsGuildMember 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 1 point of AssassinsGuildMember Assassins' Guild Journeyman (AssassinsGuildMember 2)- +2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 2 points of AssassinsGuildMember An assassin gains a point of AssassinsGuildMember on creation if the faction has a Master Assassin's Guild or better, and one more point if the faction has a Grandmaster Assassin's Guild. --- Hashashins' Guild Apprentice (HashashinsGuildMember 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 1 point of HashashinsGuildMember Hashashins' Guild Journeyman (HashashinsGuildMember 2)- +2 Subterfuge, upgrade after 2 points of HashashinsGuildMember A hashashin gains a point of HashashinsGuildMember on creation if the faction has a Master Hashashin's Guild or better, and one more point if the faction has a Grandmaster Hashashin's Guild. --- Trained Killer (AssassinsGuildTrained 1)- +1 Subterfuge, gained after 1 point of AssassinsGuildTrained An assassin gains a point of AssassinsGuildTrained if the city in which he is created has an Assassins Guild or better. --- AgentPiety (AgentPiety 1)- +10 Piety, hidden trait; gained after 1 point of AgentPiety An assassin gains one point of AgentPiety on creation. --- Mindful of Risks (HighPersonalSecurity 1)- +1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of HighPersonalSecurity Healthy Caution (HighPersonalSecurity 2)- +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of HighPersonalSecurity Morbidly Mortal (HighPersonalSecurity 3)- +4 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of HighPersonalSecurity An assassin cannot naturally gain points in HighPersonalSecurity as the trigger to increase it requires the character be a general. --- Unconcerned (LaxPersonalSecurity 1)- -1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of LaxPersonalSecurity Lacks Caution (LaxPersonalSecurity 2)- -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of LaxPersonalSecurity No Sense of Mortality (LaxPersonalSecurity 3)- -4 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of LaxPersonalSecurity An assassin cannot naturally gain points in LaxPersonalSecurity because the triggers for this require the traits of "Slothful" or "Trusting", neither of which an assassin can have. --- Diplomats (mtgix) --- Promising Diplomat (GoodDiplomat 1)- +1 Influence, gained after 1 point of GoodDiplomat Good Diplomat (GoodDiplomat 2)- +2 Influence, upgrade after 2 points of GoodDiplomat Very Diplomatic (GoodDiplomat 3)- +3 Influence, upgrade after 4 points of GoodDiplomat Superb Diplomat (GoodDiplomat 4)- +4 Influence, upgrade after 8 points of GoodDiplomat Master of Diplomacy (GoodDiplomat 5)- +5 Influence, upgrade after 16 points of GoodDiplomat GoodDiplomat has BadDiplomat as an antitrait. A diplomat gains a point in GoodDiplomat on a successful bribery or diplomatic mission. --- Awkward Diplomat (BadDiplomat 1)- -1 Influence, gained after 2 points of BadDiplomat Poor Diplomat (BadDiplomat 2)- -2 Influence, upgrade after 4 points of BadDiplomat Undiplomatic (BadDiplomat 3)- -3 Influence, upgrade after 8 points of BadDiplomat BadDiplomat has GoodDiplomat as an antitrait A diplomat gains a point in BadDiplomat on an unsuccessful bribery mission with 66% probability, or on an unsuccessful diplomatic mission with 33% probability. --- Stretches Loyalties (SmoothTalker 1)- -10% Cost to Bribe, gained after 2 points of SmoothTalker Breaks Loyalties (SmoothTalker 2)- -20% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 4 points of SmoothTalker Changes Loyalties (SmoothTalker 3)- -30% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 6 points of SmoothTalker A diplomat gains two points of SmoothTalker on creation with 10% probability, and one point with 100% probability on a successful bribery mission. --- Talkative (Talkative 1)- -1 Influence, -5% Cost to Bribe, gained after 2 points of Talkative Gossips (Talkative 2)- -2 Influence, upgrade after 4 points of Talkative Utterly Indiscreet (Talkative 3)- -3 Influence, +5% Cost to Bribe, epithet "the Gossip", upgrade after 8 points of Talkative Talkative has Secretive as an antitrait. A diplomat gains a point of talkative on creation with 5% and 20% probability, and with 10% probability on an unsuccessful bribery mission. At the end of any turn, a diplomat with one or more levels in Talkative gains one point of Talkative with 4% probability. --- Discreet (Secretive 1)- +1 Influence, gained after 1 point of Secretive Secretive (Secretive 2)- +2 Influence, -5% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 2 points of Secretive Impossible to Read (Secretive 3)- +3 Influence, -10% Cost to Bribe, upgrade after 4 points of Secretive Secretive has Talkative as an antitrait. A diplomat gains a point of secretive on creation with 5% and 20% probability, and with 20% probability on a successful bribery mission. At the end of any turn, a diplomat with one or more levels in Secretive gains one point of Secretive with 4% probability. --- Diplomatic Nature (NaturalDiplomatSkill 1)- +1 Influence, gained after 1 point of NaturalDiplomatSkill Natural Mediator (NaturalDiplomatSkill 2)- +2 Influence, upgrade after 2 points of NaturalDiplomatSkill Diplomatic Genius (NaturalDiplomatSkill 3)- +3 Influence, upgrade after 3 points of NaturalDiplomatSkill A diplomat gains one point of NaturalDiplomatSkill on creation, another point with 33% probability, and then if he gains the second point, a third point with 33% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(67%), 2(22%), 3(11%). --- Bilingual (Multilingual 1)- +1 Influence, gained after 1 point of Multilingual Multilingual (Multilingual 2)- +2 Influence, upgrade after 2 points of Multilingual Translator (Multilingual 3)- +3 Influence, upgrade after 4 points of Multilingual A diplomat gains a point in Multilingual on creation with 33% probability if his town's distance to capital is greater than 40, and an additional point after that with 33% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(22%), 2(11%). At the end of any turn in which the diplomat has a distance to capital greater than 60, he gains one point of Multilingual with 10% probability. --- Not Dogmatic (ReligiousTolerance 1)- +1 Influence, gained after 1 point of ReligiousTolerance Respects other Religions (ReligiousTolerance 2)- +2 Influence, upgrade after 2 points of ReligiousTolerance Open to all Religions (ReligiousTolerance 3)- +3 Influence, upgrade after 3 points of ReligiousTolerance ReligiousTolerance has ReligiousIntolerance as an antitrait. A diplomat gains a point in ReligiousTolerance on creation with 50% probability if he is in a region with 70% or less of the population as the faction's religion. He gains an additional point with 25% probability if he gains that first point. This makes the probabilities 1(37.5%), 2(12.5%). At the end of any turn, a diplomat with one or more levels in ReligiousTolerance gains another point with 4% probability. --- Dogmatic Beliefs (ReligiousIntolerance 1)- -1 Influence, gained after 1 point of ReligiousIntolerance Religiously Intolerant (ReligiousIntolerance 2)- -2 Influence, upgrade after 2 points of ReligiousIntolerance Would-be-Inquisitor (ReligiousIntolerance 3)- -3 Influence, upgrade after 3 points of ReligiousIntolerance ReligiousIntolerance has ReligiousTolerance as an antitrait. A diplomat gains a point in ReligiousIntolerance on creation with 50% probability if he is in a region with 80% or greater of the population as the faction's religion. He gains an additional point with 25% probability if he gains the first point. This makes the probabilities 1(37.5%), 2(12.5%). At the end of any turn, a diplomat with one or more levels in ReligiousIntolerance gains another point with 4% probability. --- Calm (BraveDiplomat 1)- +1 Influence, gained after 1 point of BraveDiplomat Sworn to Duty (BraveDiplomat 2)- +2 Influence, upgrade after 2 points of BraveDiplomat Practically Dauntless (BraveDiplomat 3)- +3 Influence, -1 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of BraveDiplomat BraveDiplomat has CowardDiplomat as an antitrait. A diplomat gains a point of BraveDiplomat with 33% probability each time they execute an assassin. --- Somewhat Nervous (CowardDiplomat 1)- -1 Influence, gained after 1 point of CowardDiplomat Feeling the Risks (CowardDiplomat 2)- -2 Influence, +1 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of CowardDiplomat Trusts Nobody (CowardDiplomat 3)- -3 Influence, +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of CowardDiplomat CowardDiplomat has BraveDiplomat as an antitrait. A diplomat gains a point of CowardDiplomat with 33% probability each time they suffer an assassination attempt. --- AgentPiety (AgentPiety 1)- +10 Piety, hidden trait; gained after 1 point of AgentPiety A diplomat gains 1 point in AgentPiety on creation. --- Mindful of Risks (HighPersonalSecurity 1)- +1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of HighPersonalSecurity Healthy Caution (HighPersonalSecurity 2)- +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of HighPersonalSecurity Morbidly Mortal (HighPersonalSecurity 3)- +4 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of HighPersonalSecurity HighPersonalSecurity has LaxPersonalSecurity as an antitrait. A diplomat cannot naturally gain points in HighPersonalSecurity as the trigger to increase it requires the character be a general. --- Unconcerned (LaxPersonalSecurity 1)- -1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of LaxPersonalSecurity Lacks Caution (LaxPersonalSecurity 2)- -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of LaxPersonalSecurity No Sense of Mortality (LaxPersonalSecurity 3)- -4 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of LaxPersonalSecurity LaxPersonalSecurity has HighPersonalSecurity and Paranoia as antitraits. A diplomat cannot naturally gain points in LaxPersonalSecurity because the triggers for this require the traits of "Slothful" or "Trusting", neither of which a diplomat can have. --- Princesses (mtgx) --- Humble (HumbleWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of HumbleWoman Respectful (HumbleWoman 2)- +2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of HumbleWoman HumbleWoman has PretentiousWoman as an antitrait. A princess gets a point in HumbleWoman on creation with 25% chance if her father has one level in HarshRuler, with 50% chance if her dad has one level in KindRuler, with 25% chance if her das had more than one level in Cheapskate, and with 50% chance if the faction treasury is less than 10000 florins. At the end of any turn in which the treasury is less than 0, she has a 20% chance to gain another point, and at the end of any turn if she has one point or more in HumbleWoman, she has a 5% chance of gaining another point. --- Pretentious (PretentiousWoman 1)- -1 Charm, gained after 1 point of PretentiousWoman Utter Snob (PretentiousWoman 2)- -2 Charm, epithet "the Snob", upgrade after 2 points of PretentiousWoman PretentiousWoman has HumbleWoman as an antitrait, and NoGoingBack level 2. A princess gets a point in PretentiousWoman on creation, with 50% chance if her father has one level or more in HarshRuler, with 25% chance if her father has one level or more in KindRuler, with 50% chance if her father has one rank or more in ExpensiveTastes, and with 50% chance if the treasury is greater than 30000. At the end of any turn in which the treasury is more than 75000 florins, she has a 20% chance to gain a point, and if the treasury is more than 20000 florins and the princess has one or more points in PretentiousWoman, she gains another point with 4% probability. --- Attractive (PrettyWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of PrettyWoman Head Turner (PrettyWoman 2)- +2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of PrettyWoman Vision of Beauty (PrettyWoman 3)- +3 Charm, +1 Fertility, epithet "the Beautiful", upgrade after 3 points of PrettyWoman PrettyWoman has UglyWoman as an antitrait, and NoGoingBack level 1. A princess gets a point in PrettyWoman on creation with 25% chance, with 25% chance if her father has one or more points in WifeIsCharming, with 50% and then 25% chance if her father has one or more levels in Handsome, again with 50% and 25% chance if her father has two or more levels in Handsome, and yet again with 50% and 25% chance if her father has three or more levels in Handsome. --- Flawed Features (UglyWoman 1)- -1 Charm, gained after 1 point of UglyWoman Hideous (UglyWoman 2)- -2 Charm, -1 Fertility, epithet "the Gorgon", upgrade after 2 points of UglyWoman UglyWoman has PrettyWoman as an antitrait, and NoGoingBack level 1. A princess gets a point in UglyWoman on creation with 5% chance, with 25% chance if her father has one or more levels in WifeIsHorrid, another with 25% chance if her father has two or more levels in WifeIsHorrid, with 50% and then 25% chance if her father has one or more levels in Ugly, again with 50% and 25% chance if her father has two or more levels in Ugly, and yet again with 50% and 25% chance if her father has three or more levels in Ugly. --- Brave Woman (BraveWoman 1)- +1 Charm, +1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of BraveWoman Dauntless Woman (BraveWoman 2)- +2 Charm, +2 Personal Security, upgrade after 2 points of BraveWoman BraveWoman has TimidWoman as an antitrait. A princess gets a point in BraveWoman each time she executes an assassin. --- Timid (TimidWoman 1)- -1 Charm, gained after 2 points of TimidWoman Skittish (TimidWoman 2)- -2 Charm, -1 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of TimidWoman Nuerotic (TimidWoman 3)- -3 Charm, -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 4 points of TimidWoman Yes, "nuerotic", not "neurotic". TimidWoman has BraveWoman as an antitrait A princess gets a point in TimidWoman with 50% probability if she suffers an assassination attempt. --- Bruised Confidence (DesperateWoman 1)- -1 Charm, gained after 2 points of DesperateWoman Insecure (DesperateWoman 2)- -2 Charm, upgrade after 3 points of DesperateWoman Desperate (DesperateWoman 3)- -3 Charm, epithet "the Man Hunter", upgrade after 4 points of DesperateWoman DesperateWoman has SpiritedWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point of DesperateWoman at the end of every turn with 4% probability. --- Spirited (SpiritedWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of SpiritedWoman Engaging (SpiritedWoman 2)- +2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of SpiritedWoman Self-serving (SpiritedWoman 3)- -1 Charm, upgrade after 3 points of SpiritedWoman SpiritedWoman has DesperateWoman as an antitrait. A princess gets a point in SpiritedWoman on creation with 15% chance, and with 50% and 25% chance if her father has one or more levels of Rabblerouser. A princess gains a point in SpiritedWoman with 8% chance each time she succeeds at a diplomatic mission. --- Reliable (FaithfulWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of FaithfulWoman Faithful (FaithfulWoman 2)- +2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of FaithfulWoman Unquestionably Loyal (FaithfulWoman 3)- +1 Loyalty, +2 Charm, upgrade after 4 points of FaithfulWoman FaithfulWoman has UnchasteWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in FaithfulWoman on creation with 50% and 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in Prim. --- Suggestive (UnchasteWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of UnchasteWoman Scarlet Woman (UnchasteWoman 2)- +2 charm, upgrade after 2 points of UnchasteWoman Brazen Hussy (UnchasteWoman 3)- -2 Charm, upgrade after 3 points of UnchasteWoman UnchasteWoman has FaithfulWoman and PassionateWoman as antitraits. A princess gains a point in UnchasteWoman on creation with 50% probability if her father has one or more levels in Perverted, and with 50% and 25% chance if her father has one or more levels in Girls. --- Warm (PassionateWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of PassionateWoman Passionate (PassionateWoman 2)- +1 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of PassionateWoman Insatiable (PassionateWoman 3)- +2 Charm, +1 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of PassionateWoman PassionateWoman has ColdWoman and UnchasteWoman as antitraits. A princess gains a point in PassionateWoman on creation with 10% probability. The game designers probably meant for this trait to gain points with a small percent chance per turn, but that trigger does not seem to be in the game docs. --- Intelligent Lady (EducatedWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of EducatedWoman Educated (EducatedWoman 2)- +1 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of EducatedWoman Scholarly (EducatedWoman 3)- +2 Charm, upgrade after 3 points of EducatedWoman EducatedWoman has VapidWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in EducatedWoman on creation with 25% probability, with 25% probability if her father has 2 or more levels in Ignorance, with 50% and 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in Intelligent, and with 50% if her father has two or more levels in Intelligent. --- Simplistic (VapidWoman 1)- -1 Charm, gained after 1 point of VapidWoman Vapid (VapidWoman 2)- -1 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of VapidWoman Total Bimbo (VapidWoman 3)- -2 Charm, epithet "the Dense", upgrade after 3 points of VapidWoman VapidWoman has EducatedWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in VapidWoman on creation with 5% probability, with 50% and 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in Ignorance, with 50% probability if her father has two or more levels in Ignorance, and with 50% probability if her father has 2 or more levels in Intelligent. --- Prudish (ColdWoman 1)- -1 Charm, gained after 1 point of ColdWoman Cold (ColdWoman 2)- -1 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of ColdWoman Ice Queen (ColdWoman 3)- -2 Charm, -1 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of ColdWoman ColdWoman has PassionateWoman and UglyWoman as antitraits. A princess gains a point in ColdWoman on creation with 10% probability, and with 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in Perverted. --- Tolerant (TolerantWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of TolerantWoman Accepting (TolerantWoman 2)- +2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of TolerantWoman Incredibly Accepting (TolerantWoman 3)- +3 Charm, upgrade after 3 points of TolerantWoman TolerantWoman has BigotWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in TolerantWoman on creation with 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in Xenophobia, and with 50% probability if her father has one or more levels in Xenophilia. --- Snobbish (BigotWoman 1)- -1 Charm, gained after 1 point of BigotWoman Intolerant (BigotWoman 2)- -2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of BigotWoman Despises Foreigners (BigotWoman 3)- -3 Charm, upgrade after 3 points of BigotWoman BigotWoman has TolerantWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in BigotWoman on creation with 50% probability if her father has one or more levels in Xeniphobia, and with 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in Xenophilia. --- Potentially Confused (DykeWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of DykeWoman Prefers Women (DykeWoman 2)- -1 Charm, -5 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of DykeWoman DykeWoman has PassionateWoman as an antitrait, and NoGoingBack level 2. A princess gains a point in DykeWoman on creation with 5% probability. --- Fecund (FertileWoman 1)- +1 Fertility, gained after 1 point of FertileWoman Feracious (FertileWoman 2)- +2 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of FertileWoman Always Ripe (FertileWoman 3)- +3 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of FertileWoman FertileWoman has InfertileWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in FertileWoman with 50% and 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in Fertile. --- Infecund (InfertileWoman 1)- -1 Fertility, gained after 1 point of InfertileWoman Unprolific (InfertileWoman 2)- -2 Fertility, upgrade after 2 points of InfertileWoman Sterile (InfertileWoman 3)- -3 Fertility, upgrade after 3 points of InfertileWoman InfertileWoman has FertileWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in InfertileWoman with 50% and 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in Infertile, and with 50% and 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in WifeIsBarren. --- Just and Fair (FairWoman 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of FairWoman Publically Loved (FairWoman 2)- +2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of FairWoman People's Princess (FairWoman 3)- +3 Charm, upgrade after 3 points of FairWoman FairWoman has HarshWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in FairWoman on creation with 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in Authoritarian, and with 50% probability if her father has one or more levels of NonAuthoritarian. --- Hard But Fair (HarshWoman 1)- -1 Charm, gained after 1 point of HarshWoman Harsh Mistress (HarshWoman 2)- -2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of HarshWoman Cruel Mistress (HarshWoman 3)- -3 Charm, upgrade after 3 points of HarshWoman HarshWoman has FairWoman as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in HarshWoman on creation with 50% probability if her father has one or more levels in Authoritarian, and with 25% probability if her father has one or more levels in NonAuthoritarian. At the end of any turn, a princess has a 4% chance to gain a point in HarshWoman if she already has one or more levels in HarshWoman. --- Diplomatic Ability (GoodPrincess 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of GoodPrincess Delicate Diplomat (GoodPrincess 2)- +2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of GoodPrincess Diplomatic Weapon (GoodPrincess 3)- +3 Charm, upgrade after 4 points of GoodPrincess Misress of Negotiations (GoodPrincess 4)- +4 Charm, upgrade after 8 points of GoodPrincess GoodPrincess has BadPrincess as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in GoodPrincess each time she succeeds at a diplomatic mission. --- Lost in Conversation (BadPrincess 1)- -1 Charm, gained after 2 points of BadPrincess Not Diplomatic (BadPrincess 2)- -2 Charm, upgrade after 4 points of BadPrincess Royally Offensive (BadPrincess 3)- -3 Charm, upgrade after 6 points of BadPrincess BadPrincess has GoodPrincess as an antitrait. A princess gains a point in BadPrincess with 50% probability each time she fails a diplomatic mission. --- Charming Consul (NaturalPrincess 1)- +1 Charm, gained after 1 point of NaturalPrincess Natural Negotiator (NaturalPrincess 2)- +2 Charm, upgrade after 2 points of NaturalPrincess Born Mediator (NaturalPrincess 3)- +3 Charm, upgrade after 3 points of NaturalPrincess A princess gains a point in NaturalPrincess on creation. She gains an additional point with 50% probability, and if she gains that point, an additional point with 20% probability. This makes the probabilities 1(50%), 2(40%), 3(10%). --- AgentPiety (AgentPiety 1)- +10 Piety, hidden trait; gained after 1 point of AgentPiety A princess gains her point in AgentPiety on creation. --- Unconcerned (LaxPersonalSecurity 1)- -1 Personal Security, gained after 1 point of LaxPersonalSecurity Lacks Caution (LaxPersonalSecurity 2)- -2 Personal Security, upgrade after 3 points of LaxPersonalSecurity No Sense of Mortality (LaxPersonalSecurity 3)- -4 Personal Security, upgrade after 6 points of LaxPersonalSecurity LaxPersonalSecurity has HighPersonalSecurity as an antitrait. A princess cannot gain points naturally in LaxPersonalSecurity because the triggers for this require the traits of "Slothful" or "Trusting", neither of which a princess can have. --- Royal Princess (IAmPrincess 1)- +1 Level(?), hidden trait; gained after 1 point of IAmPrincess A princess gains a point in IAmPrincess on creation. No crap. --- Inquisitors (mtgxi) --- Intuitive Inquisitor (NaturalInquisitorSkill 1)- +2 Piety, gained after 1 point of NaturalInquisitorSkill Hunter of Heretics (NaturalInquisitorSkill 2)- +4 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of NaturalInquisitorSkill Born Inquisitor (NaturalInquisitorSkill 3)- +6 Piety, upgrade after 3 points of NaturalInquisitorSkill An inquisitor gets the first point in this for free on creation. The second point comes with 33% probability, and the third comes with 22% probability. Thus, the probabilities are 1(67%), 2(25.8%), 3(7.2%). --- Servant of God (GoodDenouncer 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of GoodDenouncer Enemy of Heretics (GoodDenouncer 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of GoodDenouncer Purger of Heretics (GoodDenouncer 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of GoodDenouncer Conqueror of Heretics (GoodDenouncer 4)- +4 Piety, upgrade after 8 points of GoodDenouncer Grand Inquisitor (GoodDenouncer 5)- +5 Piety, upgrade after 16 points of GoodDenouncer Like a priest, an inquisitor will gain 1 point in GoodDenouncer with each successful denouncement, if they do not have any points in BadDenouncer. --- Poor Prosecutor (BadDenouncer 1)- -1 Piety, gaiend after 1 point of BadDenouncer Dubious Denouncer (BadDenouncer 2)- -2 Piety, upgrade after 3 points of BadDenouncer Pathetic Prosecutor (BadDenouncer 3)- -3 Piety, upgrade after 6 points of BadDenouncer Also like a priest, an inquisitor will gain 1 point in BadDenouncer with 33% probability with each unsuccessful denouncement if they do not have any points in GoodDenouncer. --- Somewhat Fair (FairProsecutor 1)- -1 Piety, gained after 1 point of FairProsecutor Fair and Just (FairProsecutor 2)- -2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of FairProsecutor An inquisitor gets a point in FairProsecutor if the pope at the time of the agent's creation has a purity greater than 0. He also gets a point if the pope at the time of his creation has a violence less than 0. --- Somewhat Unjust (UnfairProsecutor 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of UnfairProsecutor unfair and Unjust (UnfairProsecutor 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of UnfairProsecutor An inquisitor gets a point in UnfairProsecutor if the pope at the time of his creation has a purity less than 0, and a point if the pope has a violence greater than 0. --- Growing Conviction (GrowingConviction 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of GrowingConviction Strengthened Resolve (GrowingConviction 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of GrowingConviction Feeling Invulnerable (GrowingConviction 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of GrowingConviction An inquisitor gains a point in GrowingConviction each time they execute an assassin. --- Waning Conviction (WaningConviction 1)- -1 Piety, gained after 1 point of WaningConviction Questioning Cause (WaningConviction 2)- -2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of WaningConviction Feeling Vulnerable (WaningConviction 3)- -3 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of WaningConviction An inquisitor gains a point in WaningConviction with 33% probability each time they suffer an assassination attempt. --- StrikeThree (InquisitorFailure 1)- -15 Piety, hidden trait; gained after 3 points of InquisitorFailure An inquisitor gains a point in InquisitorFailure each time they fail to denounce a character. --- Three Victims (InquisitorSuccess 1)- -15 Piety, hidden trait; upgrade after 3 points of InquisitorSuccess An inquisitor gains a point in InquisitorSuccess each time they succeed in denouncing a character. --- Heretics (mtgxii) --- Servant of God (GoodDenouncer 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of GoodDenouncer Enemy of Heretics (GoodDenouncer 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of GoodDenouncer Purger of Heretics (GoodDenouncer 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of GoodDenouncer Conqueror of Heretics (GoodDenouncer 4)- +4 Piety, upgrade after 8 points of GoodDenouncer Grand Inquisitor (GoodDenouncer 5)- +5 Piety, upgrade after 16 points of GoodDenouncer A heretic cannot naturally gain points in GoodDenouncer, but when a priest turns into a heretic, a trigger adds -200 points to GoodDenouncer if it was above 0. --- Poor Prosecutor (BadDenouncer 1)- -1 Piety, gaiend after 1 point of BadDenouncer Dubious Denouncer (BadDenouncer 2)- -2 Piety, upgrade after 3 points of BadDenouncer Pathetic Prosecutor (BadDenouncer 3)- -3 Piety, upgrade after 6 points of BadDenouncer Likewise, a heretic cannot naturally gain points in BadDenouncer, but when a priest turns into a heretic, a trigger adds -200 points to BadDenouncer if it was above 0. --- Growing Conviction (GrowingConviction 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of GrowingConviction Strengthened Resolve (GrowingConviction 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of GrowingConviction Feeling Invulnerable (GrowingConviction 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of GrowingConviction A heretic gains a point in GrowingConviction each time they execute an assassin. --- Waning Conviction (WaningConviction 1)- -1 Piety, gained after 1 point of WaningConviction Questioning Cause (WaningConviction 2)- -2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of WaningConviction Feeling Vulnerable (WaningConviction 3)- -3 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of WaningConviction A heretic gains a point in WaningConviction each time they suffer an assassination attempt. --- New Faith (NaturalHereticSkill 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of NaturalHereticSkill New Conviction (NaturalHereticSkill 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 2 points of NaturalHereticSkill Spiritually Reborn (NaturalHereticSkill 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 3 points of NaturalHereticSkill There is an error on the triggers for when a priest becomes a heretic. As it is, a heretic gains 1 point in NaturalHereticSkill if the priest's piety was less than 1. Then, it gains another point with 50% probability, and if it gained that point, it gains one final point at 20% probability. This leaves the probabilities at 1(50%), 2(40%), 3(10%). When a heretic is spawned, it gains 1 point in NaturalHereticSkill automatically. Points 2 and 3 are then gained with 33% probability. This leaves the probabilities at 1(66%), 2(22%), 3(11%). --- Growing Faith (StrongFaith 1)- +1 Piety, gained after 1 point of StrongFaith Strong Faith (StrongFaith 2)- +2 Piety, upgrade after 4 points of StrongFaith Shining Faith (StrongFaith 3)- +3 Piety, upgrade after 8 points of StrongFaith Unquestionable Faith (StrongFaith 4)- +4 Piety, upgrade after 12 points of StrongFaith A heretic cannot gain points naturally in StrongFaith, but upon conversion from a priest to heretic, a trigger adds -100 points to StrongFaith if it was above 0. --- Battler of Heresy (Purifier 1)- +1 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +1 Purity, +1 Violence, gained after 1 point of Purifier Enemy of Heresy (Purifier 2)- +2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, +2 Violence, upgrade after 3 points of Purifier Purger of Heresy (Purifier 3)- +3 Piety, +2 Eligibility, +3 Purity, +2 Violence, upgrade after 6 points of Purifier Likewise, a heretic cannot gain points naturally in Purifier, but upon conversation from priest to heretic, a trigger adds -200 points to Purifier if it was above 0. --- Witches (mtgxiii) --- Little Aptitude (NaturalWitchSkill 1)- +1 Magic, gained after 1 point of NaturalWitchSkill Some Aptitude (NaturalWitchSkill 2)- +2 Magic, upgrade after 2 points of NaturalWitchSkill Great Aptitude (NaturalWitchSkill3)- +3 Magic, upgrade after 3 points of NaturalWitchSkill Powerful Channeler (NaturalWitchSkill 4)- +4 Magic, upgrade after 4 points of NaturalWitchSkill Creature of Dark Arts (NaturalWitchSkill 5)- +5 Magic, upgrade after 5 points of NaturalWitchSkill There is an error in the triggers for NaturalWitchSkill that make it impossible for a witch to have more than 1 point in it at creation. A witch gains 1 point in NaturalWitchSkill for free, and then the triggers check- if a witch has 2 or more levels, it adds one point with 50% probability, then if 3 or greater, it adds one point with 33% probability, and then if 4 or greater, it adds one point with 33% probability. Presumably the intent was to add levels 2 and 3 with 50% probability (each) and levels 4 and 5 with 33% probability, making the final probabilities 1(50%), 2(25%), 3(16.8%), 4(5.5%), 5(2.7%), but as it is, the probability is 1(100%). --- Agitated (Wrath 1)- +2 Magic, gained after 1 point of Wrath Angry (Wrath 2)- +4 Magic, upgrade after 2 points of Wrath Seething with Rage (Wrath 3)- +6 Magic, upgrade after 3 points of Wrath A witch gains 1 point in Wrath each time she survives an assassination attempt. --- No Wrath (Unwrath 1)- -1 Command when commanding gunpowder units, hidden skill; gained after 20 points of Unwrath WHAT THE HELL?!? A witch gains 1 point in Unwrath each time she executes an assassin after a failed assassination attempt. But... WHAT THE HELL!? --- Version History (mtgxiv) --- Version 1.00- 09-13-07. Uploaded to gamefaqs. Copyright (mtgxv) --- Copyright 2007 Daniel Thompson This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders.